The Wonderful World Of CANCER CHRIST

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring Los Angeles based DIY Reptilian Themed Grindcore Infused Hardcore Punk Metal Band CANCER CHRIST. As with Virtually Unknown Obscure/Niche Bands collecting information is a Bitch beyond Belief Believe You Me. The Mastermind and Frontman for CANCER CHRIST is the Notoriously Manic Anthony Mehlaff , and is Based on or Around His Rather Twisted Interpretation of Religion, Society, Jesus, and Satan Himself. The Band’s Musicians all adorn Snake Masks  and go by the General Moniker “The Snakeboys” although each Band Member has His own Specific Name (Example: Apocalypse Snake). That is it as far as the Standard Band info is Concerned as 99% of information pertaining to the Band are Interviews Mainly with Mehlaff and the Band’s Official Website.

Photo: Raz Azraai

Cancer Christ’s Origin Story According To Melhaff:

“Cancer Christ has seen the ailing not too distant future of this godless world. Our bleak existence needs a new, stronger word of God. Cancer Christ is the imperfect vessel to wage a holy war against those who wish to profit from a dying prophet’s words. Cancer Christ understands evil must be fought with true words and even truer actions; fire must be met with fire, darkness must be met with searing and powerful holy light. The Lords work takes some heavy lifting at times and major balancing skill. I was at Church—as I do every Sunday—and I began to get really fucking bored—as I do every Sunday at Church—and I began to snoop. I was looking for snacks or some of those good latex nun porn mags when I heard a faint shriek from deep inside the bellow of the church.

I followed the sound until I ended up in the basement. It was dank, dark, and hotter than hell. The shrieks were almost unbeatable. My heart was beating like a drum. I moved toward the sound. Flipped my phone light on and was shocked when I saw this creature: human body, snake head—he looked scared. He was also chained by his neck to the floor. As I moved closer, I noticed another Snakeboy, and another, and another. I think they were as scared of me as I was of them. I searched around the church, found a sledgehammer, and broke them free. We fled out the back door and after many months of rehab and prayers. I was able to start to understand the Snakeboys, they were as loving as they were vicious with sexual appetites like teenage boys. They ate all day, smelled foul, loved heavy metal, and ’80s horror and action violence. I had to channel their endless need to fight, fuck, and kill. It turned out they all played music.”


Mehlaff on The Subject of the Band Starting Their Own Church/Religion:

“We intent to open The Holy Church of Cancer Christ in 2023 and break ground in 2022. Follow the smoke and sure enough there will be the almighty fire of God and Cancer Christ along with The Serpents of Jesus. The Snakeboys will surely be there. Praise his mercy, praise his brutal power, and praise this soon to be over—great and tragic existence! The Church is driven by the word of God. We are excited for this world to end and for the new one to begin. Endless blood, rivers, oceans, even of the blood of the non-believers. Especially the false prophets and prosperity preachers. Watching them melt as we ride with JESUS is gonna be hard for me not to be hard.

What they forget is the love and that Jesus died for your sins. That shits paid for in full with blood. So, go out and fucking sin or what did the dude fucking get tortured for? I’m talking with God about this shit all the time and honestly, he’s always changing his mind. This idea that all sins are created equal is bullshit too. And no pedophiles, serial killers, cops, rapists. racists, bigots, or murders in the name of country get in. His rules, not mine. The Kingdom of heaven doesn’t need that bullshit vibe.”

Photo: Chad KelcoMelhoff On the Subject Of The Band’s Name:
“We addressed a problem, a cancer, mankind and provided an answer to that cancer, Christ. God wants this world to be inhabitable again when he figures out a solution to its major flaws and mankind’s major flaws. People confuse fire being that it’s made by the devil, God makes fire, that’s where he stuck that bitch Lucifer after he dropped his evil ass out of heaven and Lucifer tried a name change to help his own ego—Satan.

What a bitch name if ya ask me. Satan works in fire but works with rot. He has been trying to rot the world from the inside out with corporations, big lobby firms, politicians, judges, cops, bigots, racists, and homophobes.

The rot, the cancer was happening underground and has finally reared its ugly, weak, face and has gotten completely out of control. The solution? GOD’s light. God’s fire. God’s wrath. It’s then, his faithful soldiers will help re-create this world anew.”

Photo: Aaron Story


The Band’s Inclusive Message:

“The mission of Cancer Christ is to find lost souls to take up arms in this new and uncertain heavenly body. We accept all: black, white, gay, straight, trans and all others that wish to fight evil wherever it spews its putrid and vile wickedness.”

Photo: Cameron Acosta

Melhaff’s Motto:

“I stand for all the would-be scum that never considered Jesus an option,” says the musician, adding, “For the millions of demon worshippers that think Satan is tough or sick or down. I stand to let all those bitches know that God bitch slapped Lucifer out of heaven and only then did that punk-bitch become Satan. God fucks the hardest and he’s ready to fuck the world, whether you believe or not.”



Caner Christ’s Mission Statement:

“Christ is dying. A venomous cancer consumes his body and weakens his mind. As each day passes, his light dims to a faint whimper and the darkness of evil shrieks with a toxic vigor as its foul and unholy power collapses the human race.

In Christ’s absence, Lucifer has begun testing their Dark Trinities supreme and destructive potency upon our weak and divided planet. The world heats up, disease consumes all and the old passive and fragile word of God falls upon deaf ears.

Cancer Christ has seen the ailing not too distant future of this godless world. Our bleak existence needs a new, stronger word of God.

Cancer Christ is the imperfect vessel to wage a holy war against those who wish to profit from a dying prophet’s words.

Cancer Christ understands evil must be fought with true words and even truer actions; fire must be met with fire, darkness must be met with searing and powerful holy light.

The mission of Cancer Christ is to find lost souls to take up arms in this new and uncertain heavenly body. We accept all: black, white, gay, straight, trans and all others that wish to fight evil wherever it spews its putrid and vile wickedness.

This undertaking will cause many casualties. The most extreme pain and torture will be experienced but we will not falter in our divine mission to secure a New God, (N.G).

Join us.”

Photo: Dillon Vaughn

Melhaff on the Band’s Newest Album “God Is Violence” (2024)

“There was a call to arms, and there’s this real profound connection we have to this brutal motherfucker known as Jesus,” Anthony Mehlaff about their most recent album. “We were seeing the decline of the planet and where shit was going, and we decided to make songs to release those bad feelings so we didn’t participate in all the satanic activity that’s been going on since the pandemic.”

Photo: Geoffrey Nicholson



  • Anthony Mehlaff aka Saint Anthony – Lead Vocals/ Flamethrower
  • Snake Bossnoise – Guitars/Vocals/Samples/Slime
  • Piss Snake – Bass/Vocals/ Urine
  • Diesel Snake – Shred Guitars/Sleaze
  • Apocalypse Snake – Drums/Cums
Photo: Raz Azraai
  • Chain Snake: Noise, Vocals, Chains
  • Candy Snake: Sweets
  • Snake Momma: Juggs, Christ Whistles, Confetti
  • Snake Babe: Sex, Pain
  • Missing Snake: Additional Live Drums
  • Rusty Snake: Bass on “SAINT ANTHONY’S SERMON”
  • Snake Girl : Hype Snake
Photo: Raz Azraai

Video List:

  1. “The Blood Of Jesus” (7″ Version)
  2. “Do You Wanna Go To Heaven” (Demo Version)
  3. “Prosperity Preacher” (7″ version)




It Is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

NO ESCAPE (A Backrooms Film)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring “NO ESCAPE (A BACKROOMS FILM) Posted on the Async Research Channel. “NO ESCAPE” is the Latest Backrooms Project in the Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence as Well as Our Original Post on the Backrooms Creppypasta. The Last Backrooms (Backrooms – Betrayal) was apparently the Last of the Lost Cameraman Chris Footage which left Many wondering if the Series was indeed Over. Then there is this Additional Video and No One is certain what it may or May Not Signify going Forward, BUT for Now Apparently the Async Channel has Compiled the ENTIRE Backrooms Series into a So Called Movie.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research? 

As it Turns Out there is a Second Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

So Then What The Fuck Is Our Point Pertaining To A-Sync Research?

The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There Hard to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s for Each Respective Video.

Our Opinion On THE BACKROOMS Series/Videos/Channels:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that was Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast. Oddly Enough We seem to be in a Gray Area Impasse as far as the Continuation of the Series.



It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

MAC SABBATH Takes Tribute Band To New Level

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Novelty Act MAC SABBATH a Macdonald’s Parody Themed Black Sabbath Tribute Band. Now many of People are Apt to assume Musical Novelty Acts are a Niche Market. When People think about a Niche Musical Acts They think that “Oh so that’s some Weird ass bullshit Band an insanely small number of People actually for some reason find it Entertaining.”, and A Lot of the Time that is the Case but Not Always Mind You. There have been or Currently are Some World Famous Novelty Bands/Acts Starting with the Godfather Weird Al Yankovic then there’s KISS, Gwar, Daft Punk, Slipknot, King Diamond, Alice Cooper, Dead Mouse, Ghost, and Lordi for Example. While MAC SABBTH is No Where that Level of Fame and Fortune They have the Talent and Creativity to do so, Yet being Rich and Famous is Not always the End Goal and Damn Well may not be as Far as MAC SABBATH is Concerned.

First off here’s all the Usual Bullshit. MAC SABBATH was formed in 2014 and is Based Out of Los Angeles, California. MAC SABBATH has Almost Exclusively Toured within the California for almost Their Entire Career. The Band’s MacDonald’s Parody was Aesthetically inspired by Macdonald’s Characters from the Fictional MacDonaldland. The Cast of Characters (such as Mayor McCheese, Hamburger, Ronald MacDonald, and More) were used by the Fast Food Chain for Advertising Campaigns back in the Day when MacDonald’s Catered to Children. I mean let’s fucking face it since MacDonald’s switched Their Target Demographic from Kids to Adults every MacDonald’s looks like a fucking Generic Drab Coffee House bathed in Black and Beige, and Now back to the Post at Hand. The Band Debuted Online with Their Demo Recording “Chicken For The Slaves” which is the Parody of the Song “Children Of The Grave” on March 26, 2014 referring to Their Musial Style as “Drive Thru Metal”.

The Band makes Extreme Attempt to Retain Totally Anonymity behind Their Characters much like the Band Ghost for Example (though Unfortunately some Asshole discovered and Leaked the Lead Singer of Ghost’s Name like a fucktard). The Band Also Refuses to do Any Interviews or Press opting to Use Their Manager Mike Odd (Who is also the Lead Singer of L.A. Hard Rock Band Rosemary’s Goat) as the Band’s Official Spokesperson. Odd for His part continues to Spread/Back MAC SABBATH’s assorted Outlandish Claims pertaining to the Band’s Origin. One such claim made by the Lead Singer Ronald Osbourne is that He is Comes from a Enchanted Forrest in the 1970s where Hamburgers grow on Trees, and that He traveled through the Time-Space Continuum to War the General Public of the Government’s Control in the Food Market. It all started for Odd with a Random Phone Call back in 2013 from a Complete Stranger inviting Odd to meet Them  at a Fast Food Restaurant in the Area. When Odd showed up He was met by Ronald Osbourne in Full Costume and in Character. One of Odd’s Claims is that Since that Initial Meeting has NEVER seen the Band out of Character or Costume which is Serious Dedication in My fucking Opinion. Anyway after a Lengthy Conversation Ronald managed to Convince Odd to become the Band’s Manager based on Odd’s Reputation with Odd’s Band Rosemary’s Billygoat (what the fuck that means exactly beats Me).

In the Early Days of MAC SABBATH exclusively played Secret Shows in Various Restaurant Basements. As I mentioned earlier MAC SABBATH played Extensively and Exclusively in California that was Until June of 2015. In June of 2015 MAC SABBATH were invited to Play the DOWNLOAD Festival in Leicestershire, England along with Several Additional Shows while Across the Pond. The Band dubbed the Shows in England as “British Royals With Cheese Tour” since a Royal With Cheese is the Common name for MacDonald’s Quarter Pounder Hamburger in Countries that unlike America use the Metric System (Anyone Who has seen the Movie Pulp Fiction knows what I’m talking about). MAC SABBATH’s Live Concerts have been described as Multimedia Shows with Video, Various Theatrics, Audience Participation, Sing-a-Longs, Features Fast Food Themed Props consisting of Inflatable Cheeseburgers, Oversized Ketchup and Mustard, BBQ Grill, A Frying Pan, A Demonic Red Eyed Clown Statue, and a Visual Overload of Radiant Primary Colors.

FOOTNOTE: For those Who may be Wondering Yes Ozzy is Well Aware of the Band as His Son Jack Booked Them to Play during the Filming of the Infamous Reality T.V. Show Series The Osbourne’s. Ozzy’s Official Opinion on MAC SABBATH is that He is Mainly Impressed by the “Clownery” and said the Band was “Fun” and “Funny as Fuck”, and even went as Far as to add on the Subject of Fame “If you can’t stand (being Parodied) Don’t fucking do it.”


  • Vocals: Ronald Osbourne
  • Guitar: Slayer McCheeze
  • Bass: Grimlice,  aka “I can’t believe it’s not Butler”
  • Drums: The Catburgler, aka The Glamburger, aka “Peter Chris Cut Fries”


  • Employee Of The Month
  • The Lizard
  • Fry Guy
  • Mac Tomorrow Morning


  • More Ribs
  • Pair-a-Buns
  • Sweet Beef
  • Frying Pan
  • Organic Funeral
  • chicken MORC







It Is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Harvard And The Real Life Necronomicon

When it comes to the Saying “Art imitates Life and Life imitates Art” there couldn’t be a fucking better fucking Example than The Book Bound in Human Skin and the Prestigious Ivy League Harvard University. This Particular Story at the same time is also a Prime Example that Fact can indeed be Stranger than Fiction.

Now for Those who aren’t Familiar and are Pondering what the fuck The Necronomicon is Exactly allow Me to Explain. The Originator of the Myth of the Necronomicon, also Referred to as The Book Of The Dead, was Fiction Author Howard Phillips Lovecraft (H.P. Lovecraft) who was Known for Writing Surreal Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction Stories. The Necronomicon According to Lovecraft is/was a Cursed of Magic Textbook whose Works contain an Account of The Old Ones (Also known as Dark Gods Who are usually Depicted as Insanely Powerful, and Absolutely Indifferent when it comes to Humans), Their History, Forbidden Knowledge of Dark Gods, and the Perverted Incantations used to Summon Them. The Necronomicon First Appeared in Lovecraft’s Short Story The Hound Written in 1922 and Published in 1924 Two Year Later. Lastly as Lovecraft is Concerned Wrote a Short Pseudo History Of The Necronomicon in 1927 which was Published after Lovecraft’s Death in 1938. Lovecraft wrote the necronomicon was Originally called Al Azif  which He defined as “That Nocturnal Sound (made by Insects) Supposed to be the Howling of Demons.”

The Necronomicon made into Mainstream Conscience in the 1981 Horror Comedy Movie called “Evil Dead” by Director Sam Raimi the First in the Trilogy. In the Movie Version the Necronomicon is referred to as The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis which is also referred to as Natural Demonto and Book Of The Dead. The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis in “Evil Dead” is an Ominous Ancient Book of Prophecies, Funerary Incantations (aka Necromancy), and Demonology Resurrection Passages compiled by an Ancient Race of Beings known only as The Dark Ones. The Basic Plot of “Evil Dead” is the Main Character Ash visits an Isolated Cabin along with His Girlfriends and 3 Friends for a Night of Partying. They stumble across an Old Book that’s Written in Human Blood and Bound with Human Skin (the Necronomicon) that when Read Aloud Reawakens an Ancient Evil. Then Ash and Friends fight for Survival as They are Possessed by Malevolent Demons called Deaditees one by one Until Ash is the Lone Survivor after the Night of Terror.

Now that We have covered the Fiction let’s get back to the Facts at hand. The Book in Question is Not the Mythical Necronomicon but it’s Still pretty fucking Weird. The Book is Called Des Destinees de l’ame which Translates to Destinies Of The Soul and was Written by French Author Arsene Houssaye and Published in 1879. The Last known Owner of the Book was a Man named Ludovic Bouland who was a Close Personal Friend of Houssaye who Gifted Bouland Des Destinees de l’ame upon its Completion. It’s Imperative that You Understand that when Houssaye gave the Book to His Friend Bouland it WAS NOT BOUND IN HUMAN SKIN as of Yet. Once Bouland Acquired Des Destinees de l’ame He was the One who decided, and is Personally Responsible for, the Book being REBOUND in Human Skin.

Apparently Bouland truly believed that and I Quote “A Book about the Human Soul desevered to have a Human (Skin) Covering.” which Seems Oddly Appropriate. What I mean is the Victorian Period of American History is Grim, Dark, and Dwelled on Death from the Human Hair of the Deceased to save/preserve in a Piece of Jewelry (example A Locket), Posing and Photographing Loved Ones Corpses, and Having Funeral Wakes Hosted in a Family Member’s Home for Days on End to Name a Few. Bouland Acquired the Skin in Question from a Dead Female Patient at a French Mental Asylum were He was a Student. Once Bouland Up and Died in 1934 and Des Destinees de l’ame was Donated to the Stewardship of Harvard University. The Book was Entered in Harvard’s Literary Collection along side a Note that Detailed the Book’s Origin, AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOW T PRESERVE HUMAN SKIN (Talk about Foreshadowing I am Right or What).

As You might Imagine there were People from Day One that had at Least Suspicion that Something was Seriously Off about the Book’s Binding. Unfortunately it took Researches until 2014 to Develop a Diagnostic Test called PEPTIDE MASS FINGERPRINTING that was capable of Distinguish Human Skin from Other Skins used to Bind Books from the Time Period such as Sheepskin for Example. Harvard Released a Press Statement on the Subject of the Book Bound with Human Skin that Stated “Its Good News for Fans of Anthropodermic  Bibliography Bibliomaniacs and Cannibals Alike…”  (Seriously What the Fuck Harvard Cannibals? Really Fucking Modern Day Cannibals that Keep Tabs on Harvard’s Literary Collection? Fucking Right). In 2023 prompted by a Report from 2022 on the Subject of Human Remains in the University’s Possession Harvard conducted an Ethical Review of Items/Materials in its Collection. in Conclusion the 2022 Report found that Harvard had Failed in its Stewardship Responsibilities, and thus in 2024 Harvard Removed the Skin Placing it Temporarily in Storage (Due to Ethical Consideration) while Deciding a Method of Disposal.

Well that is where the Story is at Currently and there a Two things that Stick Out. Did Bouland in fact Steal the Skin of the Dead Female Mental Patient because even in 1879 it seems a bit Late in the Game for Creepy shit in spite of the Victorian Era. I mean how the fuck would or could Bouland have obtained the Skin Legitimately How would He justify it to His Professors or the Mental Asylum Administration?! The Second thing is Why the fuck did Harvard wait a fucking DECADE after learning the Binding WAS Human Skin to Actually Remedy the Situation? So Some Cliches are Cliches for a fucking Reason and that’s because They’re fucking True. Inevitably I’m afraid We will never really Know if Fact is in Fact Stranger than Fiction

It Is What It Is,

By Les Sober

WTF Is Up With Worldsatcom.1

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring the Collection of Video Content by  Worldsatcom.1, and Their fucking Insanely Obscure (actually Unknown is a Far fucking Better Word) Youtube Channel. I stumbled across Worldsatcom.1 in the Usual Manner when it comes to the Weirder shit. Once I was on YT I simply Started by Utilizing YT’s Search Bar and Filtered the Results by “Uploaded Date”. This shows Me the Most Recently Uploaded Videos, Which More than Likely have ZERO fucking Views. After rambling around Worldsatcom.1 caught My Eye so I decided to take a Closer Look. What I found was Rather Interesting like the Channel was Started on March 3, 2023 but Hasn’t Uploaded anything in Over a Year. That Combined with the Fact Worldsatcom.1 has a Total of 11 Videos garnering a Measly 380 Views Total which all had 0-2 Comments at Best. I guess that shouldn’t be Surprising considering the Channel has an even Measlier Number of Subscribers at an Unimpressive Total of just 17 (I’m the 17th Sub).


Now the Titles are all over the fucking Place from USA and NATO should Forget about starting a war with China to Katbitch, Gotham City or Happy Vampire Evening. The Video’s Running Times are also Chaotic with the Shortest Video clocking in at 8 Seconds, and the Longest Tops Out at 10 Minutes 24 Seconds. Also every one of the Videos on Worldsatcom.1 are Minimally Lit and that’s putting it Lightly. What I find more Entertaining than the Bizarre Videos is the Central Character of all the Videos. The Person staring in these Videos is the Epitome of the Definition of Androgynous while Some Viewers may be of the School of Thought that the Person is Trans. In My Opinion the Person is Not Trans and would Only think so if the Person said So Themselves as I assume Nothing. Also for the Record I have Absolutely Nothing Against Trans People and Wish Them All the Best since Life ain’t Easy being Trans in Todays Social Environment.

The Person featured in the Videos has a Quite Interesting Look that’s for fucking Sure. This Person Appears to be Tall perhaps around 6’1″ to 6’3″ and to be rather Thin and Lanky. This Person wears a Small Amount of Black Eyeliner paired with a Matching Black Lipstick which is Pretty fucking Goth You ask Me. Now what Intrigues Me is this Person’s Skin Color because I seriously have to Wonder if the Gray Sickly looking Skin. To Achieve a Ghoulish Aesthetic this Person is Either using a Base of Gray Make Up They bought at The Spirit of Halloween or some shit. If it is in Fact Not Make Up then This Person hasn’t been Exposed to Actual Sunlight in Decades and in a Desperate need of Vitamin fucking D.

The Only time this Person’s Skin Color almost resembles a Normal fucking Human is in the 2 Videos Happy Vampire Evening and Women’s Rights in Afghanistan. It’s important to Note that More than Likely Both Previously Mention Videos were Filmed the Same Day and Probably back to back. The Person in the Videos has an Insanely Calming Voice to the Point it’s almost the Equivalent of Audio Ambien. Their Speech Pattern is Somewhat Unique as the Person has a Great Vocabulary and Purposely takes “Dramatic” Pauses while discussing a Subject. All in All the General Feel of Worldsatcom.1’s Videos feel like as the Viewer that You’ve walked Smack Dab into the Middle of a Conversation and without a Conclusion. So Lastly I included a Generalized Intro in an Attempt to Clarify what the fuck these Assorted Videos are/may be About.

USA cannot win a war with China Anywhere:

What’s interesting is while the first Minute or Two the Monologue is very vague and Repetitive references to the U.S., China, and Taiwan. Then the Video changes Gears and becomes a Personal Commentary on Religion. It’s Blatantly Obvious the Person in the Video is EXTREMELY Anti-Religion to Say the Least. They aren’t Biased against just One Religion but Every and All Religions around the World Entirely. Next comes some Commentary on The Afterlife which Science (and This Person is a MAJOR Fan of Science) has according to Them already Proven to Exist. Then there is more Anti Religious Content that touches on the Subject of Churches, The Wealthy, Evangelicals, and Gods. After that the Video just Abruptly Ends which makes the Viewer feel like They are Missing the Ending and thus the Point.

Gotham City:

This is a Short One so Here some Valid Points. One the Person in the Video is Wearing more Eye Make Up in Addition to Their trademark Minimal Black Eyeliner and Matching Black Lipstick. The Dialogue is a Scant 3 Words “Gotham City Kiddies” which One would Suppose its an Obvious Batman Reference (and I’m not Arguing that Point just Mentioning it). During the Video the Person in it is Staring Wide Eyed or what is more commonly called “Crazy Eyes” that remind Me of a Serial fucking Killer.

Katbitch, Gotham City:

This is another Short but Strange Video. The Comma after Katbitch would indicate Katbitch is a Part/Section of the Batman Based Gotham City. Now for Some Details starting with the Person in the Video is Shirtless and Wearing Bonoesque Sun Glasses. The room the Video is Set in is Pitch Black with the Acceptation of a Single Small Lamp on a Stand. The Aesthetic seriously fucking Reminds Me of the Band Marilyn Manson’s Videos from the Early 90’s. Anyway the Video Ends with the Person Saying 2 Words which I have No Idea if they too are a Batman Reference.

USA and NATO should Forget about starting a war with China:

The Most Entertaining part of this Video is the Opening Line which is as Strange as the Video itself. The Person in the Video Claims to have had multiple Previous Meeting with the Chinese Military in China. This Feels like a Sequel to the Video USA cannot win a war with China ANYWHERE Minus the Religious Commentary.

HAPPY Vampire Evening:

Essentially this Video consists of The Person in it Leering and Contorting in front of the Camera and Says the Title of the Video. I do have to Admit the Person’s Eyes are Pretty fucking Cringe.

Woman’s Rights in Afghanistan:

For the Best I can Guess the Person in the Video is Alluding to a Military Occupation in Afghanistan which They believe is Intricate Part of Upholding Women’s Rights in the Country.


The Video starts with the Previously Odd Opening Line as the Video USA and NATO should Forget about starting a war with China. The Person in the Video refers to the Ongoing Issue of China wanting to Take Control of Taiwan and Incorporate it as Part of China. One thing has become Apparent at this Point and that is This Person is Pretty fucking Obsessed with China and a Wide Variety of China Related Topics. I don’t know if its because this Person Served in the Military or Traveled Extensively for Work or if it’s a just an Odd Obsession.

Need new governments in Canada and USA 2023:

Starts off by Stating that “Results are Everything” and then Goes on to Shit Talk the Short Comings of the Canadian Government. The Video almost solely References Canada where there is Only One Mention of the USA at the Very End of the Video. Next the Person in the Video uses a Few Hockey Metaphors which I Believe along with the Numerous references to Canada means this Person is a Canadian Citizen. Then the Person talks on the Subject of the Prime Minister of Canada Not being Cut Out for the Job due to an Outdated 1970s State of Mind, and that Close Mindedness actually applies to the Entire Canadian Government Not just the Prime Minister. The Video Ends. on the Subject of Talent and that Talent is also Everything. What I noticed is this Video contains the Most Dialogue of Any of the Other Worldsatcom.1 Video.

Benjamin Netanyahu, how about you try this:

This Video gets Straight to the fucking Point which is the Person in the Video believes Netanyahu should Outlaw Islam in Israel. This isn’t actually that Surprising since by this Point it Undeniable that this Person Detests Religion in ANY Shape or Form.


This Video is the Preverbal Odd Man Out when it comes to this Series of Videos as it’s the Person in the Video playing a Melodic Tune on a Aquestic Guitar. I have to Say this Person is rather Talented and I honestly wish They had done more Videos like this One.

SocioPolitics, Languages:

The First Couple of Things I noticed was the Person in the Video is Wearing a Different Pair of Sunglasses. These Sunglasses look like Your Garden Variety of Sunglasses One could Buy at a fucking Gas Station. The Person in the Video is also Sporting a Patch made from Different Colored Bars reminiscent of a Military Jacket adorned with Medals. The Person then Claims they can Speak Several Languages which are English, Hindi, Cantonese, Russian, Arabic, and Mandarin. And of Course the Video has More References to Canada, The U.S., and of Course the Ever Present China. I also caught that the Person in the Video mentions They’re on TikTok which a such a fucking Shitty fucking Shitty Platform, BUT this Person is so Intriguing I think I just might Check it Out.


It Is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Man Or Beast Both Have Nipples: A Tale Of The Stupidity Of Humanity

There Countless times a Day I wonder How the fuck some People can/are so fucking Stupid that They’re the reason the Saying “Too Stupid to Live” exists in the First fucking Place. This particular Saying Pertains to People so Horribly fucking Stupid it’s Amazing They haven’t inadvertently Done Themselves in by Simple Being so fucking Stupid. This is a Story about One of these Monumentally Moronic People and Sad to Say it’s Not only True, But the Client Depicted in the Story is an  Actual fucking Person.

Allow Me to Set the fucking Stage. I had been working as a Vet Tech (a Vet Tech is to a Veterinarian as a Nurse is to a Human Doctor) for 16 Years before I started working for a Notoriously Unconventional Vet. I should have known what the fuck I was getting into Since My Wife had worked for this Vet Previously. After Several Years along with some a SERIOUSLY Insane Situation (which is a Whole Different Story for another Day) My Wife Ended up Quitting, and taking a Job at a Local Animal Shelter’s Veterinary Clinic. Now being an Unconventional Person Myself I got along quite well with this Veterinarian Who We will call Dr. Rich for all intents and purposes. Basically I don’t want the Guy to find out about this Post and taking Legal Action Against Me. Trust Me Stranger shit has Happened in Life, and He is a Strange Guy.


Lastly the Shittiest Part of being a Vet Tech isn’t Dealing with Patients which is rather Complicated from the Get Go. What I mean is Animal Patients obviously Can’t Talk (Parrots Excluded of Course for Vets who Treat Exotic Animals as Most Don’t) so They can’t Explain What Hurst or Where it Hurts or Any Symptoms Period. In All Honesty the Worst fucking Part of Working in a Veterinary Clinic/Hospital like I said isn’t the 4 Legged Patients it’s Their 2 Legged Owners. In General Not only are Owners various Levels of Problematic They can also be Outright Assholes. Here is a Quick Example for You. A Man came in and Signed Off on His Dog’s Neutering as well as all the Bells and Whistles.

It’s Important to Point Out that Dr. Rich being Unconventional didn’t Require such things as Pre Surgical X-rays for Dentals for Example though He stated His Opinion that it could never Hurt to do Pre Surgical Shit such as Pre Surgical Bloodwork. After that He left it up to the Owner’s Digression Especially since Money is a Major Factor as is Anything fucking Medical. Now when the Time came for this Dumb Son of a Bitch to Pick Up His Dog and Pay His Bill He proceeded to have a Full Blown Shit Fit about it. The thing is the Client had NO REASON to Complain because the Dumbfuck never ASKED how Much it would Cost before He went ahead and Authorized  Everything. On Top of the Shithead arguing Over His goddamn Bill Dr. Rick worked in a VERY Wealthy Area which made things Even More Aggravating as fuck.

You see 90% of the Clients were Empty Headed, Day Drinking, Plastic Surgery Enhanced, Botox Junkie Trophy Wives Devoid of Intelligence and Personality alike.  I’m not fucking Joking when I say there was a Neighborhood where if You bought a House for $750,000 Your Neighbors would think/say shit like “Poor You, You can only afford to buy a House for $750,000.” behind Your back. That and I’ll NEVER forget this Bratty Wealth Flaunting for Clout Stupid Bitch Who came in to Pick Up Flea and Tick shit for Her Dog. After Paying She lingered around like a fucking Stank Ass Fart so She could Talk about How Rich She Was (which is a fucking Joke since Eery last goddamn Dollar She Spent wasn’t Earned by Her but Her Husband again These are Trophy Wives or Eye Candy for Cash). Anyway She’s Bitching that Her Husband wanted the Credit Card Company American Express to give Her one of Their Elitest of the Elite Black AmEx. If You Don’t know about the Mysterious AmEx Black Card You’re Not the Only one by Far. Simply put You can’t Apply for One AmEx has to give You One since to get One You have to Spend a MINIMUM of $250,000 a Year using it.

Lastly on the Subject of Exceptional Assholes was a Woman who was buying Dog Food who was standing behind another woman who was paying Her Bill. The Entire Time the Woman in front is Paying the Lady standing behind Her started gawking at the Woman’s Obscene Wedding Ring sporting a Grotesque Diamond. Long Story short the Two Women started a Heated Clout Debate over Who’s Ring was Better and what Their Rings were Worth. This was an utterly Pointless Situation started by One Rich Asshole just to Talk shit to Another Rich Asshole. Finally it’s worth Noting that the Sickeningly Extravagant Diamonds in those (and Other) Rings are Worth so Much that Rich Assholes have Them removed and Store Them in a Bank Safety Deposit Box. The Actual Real Diamonds are Replaced with Usually High End Crystal.

I think its Safe to Say that We all Know Wealthy People are Monumental Motherfuckers.They think because They have Money Everyone Else should give Them whatever the fuck They Want Whenever They want it. Money may be the Root of All Evil, but it Also the Great Stupefier of Humanity since as Soon as Someone gets Rich Their IQ’s Lower and They increasingly Act like Total Entitled Asshole that We have All come to Hate. These are the Kind of Assholes that Recoil at the word “No” because They’re so used to People kissing Their Asses enabling Them to act like They have No Idea that No is an Actual Word. Lastly I’ll add that when it comes to Difficult Clients the Veterinary Clinics/Hospitals have a Code  for them which is PIA. PIA is Reserved for Habitual Crappy Clients, and Stands for “Pain In The Ass” so if You happen to see this written on the inside of Your Pet’s File best to Reevaluate Your fucking Life.


On this Particular Day one of Our PIA Clients called Frantic about Her Dog. She wasn’t an Outright Asshole She was just so God Awful Stupid that it made Dealing with Her feel like Pulling fucking Teeth. I will simply Refer to Her as Moronic Mary for the Rest of this Post. I asked Her what the Problem with Her Dog was and She said the Following. “I was watching Talkshows while I was Petting My Dog. I rubbed His Belly and I felt a Bunch of Little Lumps, and I Don’t Know if Their Insect Bites or Tumors Do You think My Dog has Cancer?” At this Point I had to Remind Her that I wasn’t the Actual Vet and even if I was I can’t Diagnosis Her Dog over the fucking Phone. This only served to get Her more fucking manic then She already was. I informed Her that luckily We had a Cancelation for an Afternoon Appointment and I would gladly Pencil Her In. She then damn well Demanded to have Her Dog seen IMMEDIATELY! She Fully Expected Us to Drop whatever We were Doing, and Clear the Vet’s Schedule for the Day to Dedicate 100% of Everyone’s Attention on Her Dog and Her Dog Alone. Moronic Mary Tried Again and Again Futilely to Force Me Somehow giving Her what She wanted. It was just Another Rich Asshole Preaching from the The Billionaire’s Big Book of Bullshit.

Well Finally the Time came for Moronic Mary’s Afternoon Appointment which She was around 20-25 minutes late for. Now I’m going to take a Moment to Vent here so Hold On. You see I don’t fucking Understand how a Pet Owner can be SO Concerned about Their Pet that They Demand to be Seen IMMEDIATELY (in a Non Emergency Situations), and After the Nonsensical Drama They then Show the fuck Up Late. You just want to get in Their fucking Face and and Scream “SERIOUSLY YOU ASSHOLE I THOUGHT YOU WERE SO FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT YOUR PET EARLIER THAT YOU PITCHED A FULL ON FIT, AND NOW YOU STROLE IN HERE LATE LIKE IT’S NO BIG DEAL? FUCK YOU BUDDY.” Talk about being a Self Centered Self Serving Piece of Shit with Absolutely No regard for Anyone Else but Now I will Digress.

I escorted Moronic Mary and Her Dog into an Exam Room and let the Dr. Rick everything was Set. Dr. Rick entered the Exam room Dressed in in a Ugly Cliche Hawaiian Themed Scrub Top (without a Shirt underneath mind You as is the Practice) Worn Jeans, and clunky old brown Work Boots, and Trade Mark Sunglasses. He came in with a Smirk which was an Indicator He wasn’t looking forward to Dealing with this Particular Client, and 10 to 1 He was going to Talk a Little Shit/Malevolently Fuck with Them  to make it worth His While. Also in All Honestly  it was always Extremely Entertaining when He opted to fuck with Difficult or Dumbass Clients making the Whole Ordeal somewhat Tolerable.

I lifted the Dog which by the Way was a King Charles Spaniel which was one of the More Popular Breeds in the Area. I guess Someone/Something has to Keep the Drunken Trophy Wives Company since the Husbands were Workaholics and 99% of Them sure as Hell didn’t have Kids Either. So I do the Whole Restraining or Preemptive Restraining to be More Exact. The Preemptive Restraining is like a Hug where You Place one Arm Under the Dogs Belly in front of the Back Legs like a Seatbelt. Your Other Arm you put Around the Dogs Neck like a Canine Version of a Headlock, and the Reason for this is if the Dog Acts Out be it due to Pain/Discomfort or Aggression You again Act like a Seat Belt and Tighten Your Grip Accordingly (Just in case Anyone was fucking Wondering). Moronic Mary was all Flustered and was acting as if She was on the fucking Brink of a fucking Panic Attack, or in My Personal Opinion She was Acting like a Tweeked Out Meth Addict. Dr. Rich started His Physical Exam where He ran His hands Over the Dog from Head to Tail feeling For Injuries/Pain/Abnormalities/Joint and Spine Issues etc.

After letting Moronic Mary simmer in Her own Insanity for a minute or two Dr. Rich at last asked Her what the Reason was that She had brought Her Dog in. Well being fucking True to Form Moronic Mary starts to Retell the Story She Told Me Only this Version was Longer, More Detailed, More Dramatic than the Previous Telling. The Entire time Moronic Mary is ranting away like a Possessed Woman Dr. Rich just Stood There Examining the Dog with a Shit Eating Grim plastered across His Face. Once Moronic Mary literally ran out of Breath Dr. Rich informed Her that during His Cursory Exam had Not Felt any Abnormal Lumps. He then Asked Moronic Mary to Please Show Him exactly what the fuck She was Talking About.

We then Proceeded t get the Dog to Lay Down on its Side so Dr. Rich could Checkout these Mysteriously Non Present Lumps when Moronic Mary located Them to Show Him. This is when the STUPID SHIT HIT THE FUCKING FAN. Moronic Mary proceeded to Show Dr. Rich the Unknown Lumps which in Reality were the Dog’s Nipples, BUT That’s Not All! Dr. Rich with a look of Disbelief informs Moronic Mary that the Lumps She was concerned with are in fact just regular old Nipples. What Moronic Mary Said Next I will remember to the fucking Day I Die “But…He’s a Boy Dog???” at which Point Dr. Rich looking a little Unsure of How to Handle Someone so Painfully Ignorant. Lucky for Him Dr. Rich was Quick on His Feet and Calmly and as Politely as Possible all things Considered that Yes Her Boy Dog has Nipples just like Her Husband is a Boy and He Too has Nipples.

So in Summation an Adult Woman felt Lumps on Her Dog’s Belly, Freaked Out, Called The Vet in a Panic, Acts Demanding and Belligerent. She then precedes to Show the fuck Up around 20-25 Minutes Late Only to Diagnosis Her Boy Dog with Nipples. This Dumbfounded the Moronic Client Who for some fucking reason Though Men of the 2 or 4 Legged Didn’t have Nipples since They Don’t Nurse Babies. Then a Highly Educated Veterinarian had o Explain the whole fucking “Men have Nipples Too” impromptu Anatomy Lesson pertaining to Humans and Animals. Now after Reading this when I say the VAST MAJORITY of People Today are fucking Fucktarded Idiots I dare Someone to Argue with Me (Only Partially Joking).

It is What it Is,

  By les Sober

Salad Fingers 20th Anniversary Special

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Salad Fingers 20th Anniversary Special by David Firth with Music by Locust Toybox and Boards Of Canada and Locust Toybox. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years. Now We weren’t Salad Fingers Fans from the Very Beginning because well fucking Hell I’m not that fucking Old. The Fact remains that Salad Fingers is Celebrating its 20th fucking Anniversary is fucking Wild in My opinion.


To Those who may Not Know Boards of Canada are a Scottish Electronic Duo consisting of Brothers Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin. The Band formed initially as a Group in 1986 before becoming a Duo in the 1990s.  Boards Of Canada Signed First to SKAM Records and then They were signed by Warp Records Back in the 1990s. The Duo received Recognition After Releasing Their Debut Album Music Has The Right Children in 1998. They followed Their Debut Album with the Critically Acclaimed Albums Geogaddi (2002), The Campfire Headphone (2005) and Tomorrow’s Harvest  (2013). “One of the Best Known and Loved Electronic  Musical Acts of the Last Two Decades.” by Music Critics.


The Duo’s work is Largely Influenced by Outdated Media and the Electronic Music of the 1970s which Incorporates Vintage Synthesizers,Sampling, Hip Hop inspired Beats, and Analog Equipment. Analog Equipment is a Combination of Both Analog Machine and Analog Media that can together Measure, Record, Reproduce, Receive or Broadcast Continuous Information.  Their Music has been Described as Exploring Themes related to Nostalgia as well as Childhood Memories, Science, Environmentalism, and Esoteric Subjects. Esoteric Subjects pertain to Extremely Unusual and Understood, or liked by Only a Small Number of People Especially those with Special Knowledge.


When it comes to Locus Toybox the Artist says it Best in Their Own Words: “My name is David Firth, I make all sorts of things like cartoons and pictures and music. This is my main solo music project. I start up different projects all the time, but this is one I keep coming back to. It’s a mixture of real instruments, samples and synth. I try and keep it as organic sounding as possible. I don’t know if you can dance to Locust Toybox, but you’re welcome to try.”

Description by David Firth: Salad Fingers is 20 years old so here is a special episode revisiting where it all began. In the original 2004 style.

It is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Grindcore, Goregrind, & Pornogrind It’s All Good

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Pertaining to Generes Gridcore, Goregrind, & Pornogrind Music. One of the Most Entertaining Factor’s of these Niche  Genres is that the Music/Album Art/Lyrics are an Unofficial Ongoing Competition. The Competition amongst the Type of Bands is to be MORE Obscene, Violent, Gory, Shocking, Repulsive, and Offensive than Their Contemporaries. For Those Who May Not be aware Here is a Very Brief Description of Each of the Aforementioned Musical Genres.

GRINDCORE: Grindcore is a More Noise Filled Style of Hardcore Punk while using Hardcore’s Trademark Characteristics like Heavily Distorted, Down Tuned Guitars, Grinding Overdriven Bass, High Speed Tempo, Blast Beats, and Unique Vocal Style that Consists of Growls, Grunts, Screaming, High Pitched Shrieks, and Guttural.

GOREGRIND: Goregrind (a Sub Genre of Grindcore) is Defined by Detuned Guitars, Blasting Drums (Sometimes with a High Tuned, Clanging ‘Biscuit Tin’ Snare Drum Sound), Sickening Lyrics, and Utilize EXTREMELY LOW or Pitch Shifted Vocals Often sounding like Pig Grunts and Squeals.

PORNOGRIND: Pornogrind is Related to the Goregrind Subgenre  that’s General Themes are Centered Around Sexual Themes. Common Pornorgrind Reoccurring Themes are Porno, Fetishes, Fucking, Girls, Murder, and Gore. Pornogrind also uses Revolting Sound Effects to add an Additional Gross Out Factor/ Offensive Factor including, BUT Not limited to Fart Sound Effects, Explosive Diarrhea, Projectile Vomiting, Porno or Horror Movie Clips, and Violence.


So with all that shit when I get Bored or have some Time to Kill I do dumb shit like Coming Up with Either Or Grindcore/Goregrind/Pornogrind Band Names or Album Titles. Now Here is the List I have Created and Compiled over Time.

1. Queen Face   2. Smeghead   3. Rotting Cunt  

4. Cavernous Cunt   5. Rectal Discharge   6. Assface  

7. Vaginal Invasion  8. Cock Rot  9. Eat Shit   

10. Rotten Pecker 11. Full Blow Aides To The Face

12. Point Blank Buttfuck  13. The Kings Of Bukkake   14.Shit Out Of Luck

15. Bloody Feces  16. Brutal Bukkake  17. Parasitic Pussy  18. Vaggash

19. Vaginal Jesus  20. Decomposing Clit  21.Decaying Genital

22. 10″ Taint  23. Rectal Birth  24. Vaginal Enema. 25. Sex Piss

26. Rotting Vag  27. Decomposing Cunts  28. Pussy Pie  29. Fuck Stick

30. STD (Sex Torture Death)  31. Mangled Genitals  32. Crotch Rot

33. Vaginal Vomit  34. Rectal Vaginitis  35. Rectal Prolapse  36. Ass Meat

37. Oozing Cunt  38. Cannibalistic Syphilis  39. Vaginal Discourse

40. Ejaculation Feces  41. Cuntfuck  42. Cuntfucker  43. Cunt Fucked

44. Up To The Nuts In Guts  45. Gash Slasher  46. Kick In The Cunt

47. Nipple Clamp Execution  48. Asseaters  49. Eater Of Ass

50. Castrate Christ  51. Piss Christ  52. Anal Abortion

53. Anal Alien Invaders  54. Rectal Invasion  55. AssFuck. 56. Assfucked

57. AssFucker  58. Anal Impalement 59. Cockrockers

60. Vaginal Defication  61. Anal Fisher  62. Rectum Stretcher

63. Necrosexual  64. Severed Genitals  65. Sodomized By Satan

66. Shitty Shitty Gangbang  67. Fletch  68. Cum Here

69. The Young Cocksmen  70. The Salty Yogurt Slingers  71. 3 Whole Whore

72. Menstruation Massacre 73. Autopsy Sodomy  74. Fuck The Dead

75. Defiling Corpse  76. Whoremonger  77. Analocolypse

78. Buttmeat Penis  79. Diarrhea Sluts  80. Fucked With Feces

81. Fuckacide  82. Hate Fuck. 83. Ragerrection  84. Rage Shit

85. Drunk As Fuck  86. Anal Gape  87. Skullfucker  88.Skullfucked

89. Whorebitch  90. Flesh Peddler  91. Smut  92. Bull Dyke

93. Smut Peddler  94. Venomous Vaginas  95. Cunt Full Of Teeth

96. Rectum Ripper  97. Analize  98. Analecotmy  99. Muff Diver


100. Muff Divers  101. Lusting Lipstick Lesbians  102. Hair Pie

103. The Rimjobs  104. Jerk Off Jerry And The Wankers  105. Fuck You Phil

106. Jack Off Jack  107. The Jerk Offs  108. The Motherfuckers

109. Fuck The Fetus  110. Gangrenous Genitals  111. Ass Splatter

112. Cum Guzzler  113. Cum Gargler  114. Cumsplat  115. Cum Stain


116. Shit Stain  117. SuckaFuck  118. Fuckass  119. Monster Cunt

120. Mung  121. Clitlicker  122. Bloody Stool  123. Anal Seepage 

124. Septic Semen  125. Toxic Shock Syndrome  126. Sloppy Snatch

127. Beef Curtains  128. Beefy Cunt  129. Cuntasaurous Sex. 130. Cock Snot

131. Death Shart  132.Blood Shart. 133. Jack MeOff


134. Dirty Fucking Junkie  135. Let’s Hump  136. Milkshake Shits

137. Gas Station Sushi Shits  138. Shit Soup  139. Bowling For Feces

140. Shitting Soup  141. Starting On My Balls  142. The Squirters

143. Shitting On Seinfeld  144. Tumbleweed Toilet Paper  145. Poopatorium

146. Shitting My Ass Off  147. Hey You Shitter  148. Public Toilet Terrorist

149. The Carp Trap  150. The Creepy Crapper  151. The Shittening 

152. Shitocolypse  153. Shiatacane Season 154. The Shit Abyss

155. Shit Sandwich  156. Tall Glass Of Shut The Fuck Up  157. What A Turd

158. Bullshitter  159. Bullshiting a Bullshitter  160. Home Of Halitosis 

161. Outhouse Whore  162. Praying To The Porcelain God  163. Craptacular

164. Vomiting Out My Ass  165. ABS (Always BE Shitting)  

166. The Colonic King  167. Eatable Enema  168. Punks Proctologist

169. Itchy Asshole Issues  170. Diarrhea Downpour  171.Shitting Skies

172. The Terrible Turd  173. Ass Eating Asshole  174. Don’t Give A Shit

175. Go Shit Yourself  176. Taking A Dump At The Dump  177. Shiticide

178. The Poop Deck Problem  179. Fun With Feces  180. Smells Like Shit

181. Scatological Studies  182. Institute of Scatology  183. I Be Shitting (IBS)

184. I Gotta Take A Shit  185. The Gay Buday   186. Rectum Ripper

187. This Restroom Is A Shithole  188. I Can’t Stop Shitting  189. Blumpkin

190. I Shit Blood  191. Bongs And Dongs  192. Poop Porn  193. Shitty Tits


194. Titty Fucking Fool  195. Fucked With Feces  196. Shit On You

197. From Pooping To Prolapse  198. Surgically Reconstructed Asshole

199. Who’s This Asshole?!  200. Scummy Shit  201. Shady As Shit

202. Sleazy Shit  203. Hot As Shit  204. Hot Shit  205. In The Shit

206. WHat’s This Shit?!  207. Knew Deep In Shit 208. Stupid Shit

209. Up Shit Creek Without A Paddle  210. Doomsday Dildos

211. Toilet Seat Sluts  212. Gas Pump Pimps  213. Urinal Euphoria

214. Who gives A Shit?  215. Fuck My Life  216. Well Shit On Me

217. Take This Happy Horseshit And Shove It Up Your Ass

218. I Call Bullshit  219. Pure Manure  220. Uncut Cocaine  221. Piss’n Shit

222. Nutting Narcotics  223. Puking On My Cock While Taking A Shit

224. I’m Having A Shit  225. Fecal Float  226. Rim Job Jerk Offs

227. Looking For Dummies  228. Tube Steak Sizzler  229. Shit Stew

230. There’s A Shitstorm Brewing In My Bowels

231. King Of The Crapper  232. Seriously Sinister Shit  233. Old School Shit


234. Old School Shit  235. Being A Total Dick  236. Shitting On Your Parade

237. Shitwich  238. Legend Of The 2 Pound Turd  239. Talking Shit

238. Sometime You Gotta Eat Shit  239. Sneaky Little Shit  

240. Rectum Stretching Shit  241. Butt Plugged  242. Shit Happens

243. The Story Of Shitty Bill  244. The Asshole Anthem  245. Shit Talker

246. Talking Shit While Taking A Shit  247. Shit Talking Assholes

248. Bullshit Artist  249. Bullshitters Anonymous  250. Asswipe Arron

251. The Butthole Blues  252. The Butt Trumpet Orchestra  253. Tough Shit

254. All Ass Instrumental  255. Sodomized With Shit  256. Shit For Brains

257. Teddy The Talking Turd  258. Bruised Buttholes  259. Shit Shake

260. Teaing Off Heads And Shitting Down Necks  261. Suck Shit

262. You Butt Hurt About it Bro?!  263. Anal Armageddon 263. Shitcile

264. Empire Of Assholes  265. Mr. Brown Eye  266. A World Of Shit

268. Crap Covered Cornhole  269. Cornholing Drunks 

270. The Mangina Monologues  271. Mangled Mangina

272. Shit On A Shingle  273. Donkey Punched In The Fart Box

274. Starring In The Eyes Of My Ass  275. Shitty Shit 276. Craptacular

277. Opinons And Assholes  278. I’m Going To Shit On Your Grave

279. Shit Your Shorts  280. Welcome To The Shitshow

281. I Shit On Squatty Potties  282. Port-A-Potty Poet


283. Public Restroom Retards  284. Fucktarded  285. Turd Polish

286. Your Shit DOES STINK  287. Shit Stink  288. Stank Breath

289. Crap On A Cracker  290.Holy Shit  291. Happy As A Pig In Shit

292. I See Shitty People  293. The Constipation Conundrum 

294. Are Farts Supposed To Be Lumpy?!  295. Fire In The Hole

296. Hairy Hump Hole  297. Tastes Like Ass  298. Smells Like Shit In Here

299. Up Your Ass And To The Left  300. Fistfucker  301. Fistfucked

302. The Shocker  303. Backdoor Bitches  304. Bitches & Bastards

305. Up The Shitter (UTS)  306. Nice Ass Can I Eat Breakfast Off It?!

307. Hershey Squirts  308. Accidentally Crapping On The Carpet

309. Shit City  310. Shitty City  311. City Of Shit  312. Front To Back

313. Shitting Out Of Control  314. Shite Ain’t Right 

315. Flatulence The Pre Poop Warning  316. There’s A Turd On My Taint

317. Assembly Of Assholes  318. Shitty Like An Asshole  

319. Songs To Shit To  320. Assclown Circus  321. Hemorrhoid Hell

322. Straining To Shit  323. Getting Shitfaced Again  324. The Brown Note

325. Friendly Ass Biter  326. Colostomy Bag Boy  327. Assgasm

328. The Butthole Loophole  329. Skinny Chicks With Boney Butts

330. Shitting Yourself Insane  331. Life In A World Of Shit

332. Get To Shitting  333. Stop Being A Dick  334.Septic Tank Sayings

335. Shitbag  336. Coffee Makes Me Crap  337. WTF Is Anal Leakage?!

338. Ass Cancer  339. Booty Bombs  340. Booty Bandit  341. Shit Sale

342. Toilet Tunes  343. Filling The Turd Bucket 344. Sleep Fart Syndrome

345. Human Pooper Scooper  346. Cum Dumpster Fire  

347. Watch My Back While I Take A Shit  348. Shit People Say

349. You Don’t Know Shit  350. Steaming Pile Of Poop  

351. Steaming Pile of Shit  352. 3 Flush Floater  353. It’s The Season Of Shit

354. Toilet Plunger Possibilities  355. Shitting Like A Savage

356. Drain-O A GoGo  357. Shitheads Vs. Dickheads  358. Shitface

359. Sick As Shit  360. Can’t Bullshit A Bullshitter  361. Shit The Bed

362. Flush That Turd Down The Drain  363. She Seriously Shits The Sheets

364. Elbows And Assholes  365. Piss Pot Princess  366. Shat Splatter

367. Shat Is Where It Is At  368. 2 Ply Or Goodbye  369. Rid-Ex Sex

370. The Difference Between Assholes And Holes In The Ground

371. I Can’t Find My Ass With Both Hands  372. Bed Pan Splash Back

373. Pay To Poop  374.Shake It More Then Twice You’re Playing With It

374. Mondo Duke  375. Papa Starts  376. MC Bubble Guts  

377. Outrageous Asshole  378. Vile Vagina  379. Clusterfucked

380. Cannibalizing Cunts  381. Rectal Vomit  382. Puke Porn

383. Malevolent Masturbation  384. Oily Fart  385.  Sweaty Under Boob

386. Corroded Clit  387. Pussy Fart. 388. Necrophalic  

389. Triple X Sex  390. Fuck Films  391. Porn Shop Prostitutes

392. Making Asshole Get Angry (MAGA)  393. Long Pig Penis 

394. Hell If I Know  395. Cock Knocker  396. Spermicidal Jellyfish

397.  Nut Sack Sinners  398. FuckSlut  399. Cunt Fart  400.The Manginas

401. The Fuck Me Pumps  402. The Gash  403. The Furious Fist Fucking 5

404. To The Tits  405. Poor Drunk Bastards  406. Manwhore

407. Hungry Hungry Hookers  408. Homocide  409. Crusty Clam

410. Harry Taco And The One Eyed Worms  411. Fight Anal Retention

412. Humphole  413. The DPs  414. Force Fed Feces  415. Puking Piss

416. Shit Smear  417. Glory Hole Gods  418. Urinal Utopia 

419. The Bellends  420. Fucked For Life  421. GOPieces Of Shit

422. Republicunts  423. The Slutty Whores  424. Whorish

425. Motherhumping Christ  426. Christ’s Cunt  427. Jesus Fucking Christ

428. Here Comes The Fuck  429. The Anal Allstars  430. Jerk Off Jamboree 

431. Pissfuck  432. Dick Weed And The Awful Orifices  433. The Punters

434. The Pedos  435. Scumfuck  436. Scumfucker  

437. The Bastard Brigade  438. Shorty Waffles  439. Get Fucked  

440. Get Fucked  441. Screw You  442. Furious Finger Fucking

443. Pungent Pussy  444. Repugnant Penis  445. Wad Blower

446. Johnny Wad Rides Again  447. Hung Like Hell  448. Monster Cock

449.  General Genitorture  450. Compound Of Cunt  451. Sexorrist

452. Maxi Pad And The Heavy Flow  453. Ponder This Shit 

454. Sweaty Slit  455. United States Of Anal  456. Fuck The World

457. So Fucking What (SFW)  458. Pussy Popping Priests

459. Slamming Ass  460. Bumping Uglies  461. The Beast With 2 Backs

462.  Colostomy Bag Copulation  463. Dick Docking Dilemma 

464. Anal Orgies  465. Sir Fuck-A-Lot  466. Grab Ass Gangsters

467. The Stench Of Sex  468. Sex On A Slip’n Slide  

469. Just The Tip  470. Gobs Of Gash  471. The Mad Twatter

472. Snatchology  473. Fuckology. 474. Fuck 101  475. Facefucked Fools

478. Lusting Lucifer  479. Long Dong Silver Away  480. Wonderfuck

481. Gash Basher  482. Pounding Pussy  483. Fugly  484. Sexual Sadist

485. John Wayne Gacy Is Gay  486. Porn Shop Prostitutes

485. Johnny Wad Was Right  486. Addicted To Dick  487. Scrotal Tuck


488. Labia Loving Lesbians  489. Sex Toy Slaughter  490. Mung Mouth

491. Colonics Make Me Horny  492. Who Gives A Flying Fuck

493. Dildos Of The Dammned  494. Kick In The Crotch

 495.A Forest Of  Morning Wood  

496. Spanking Monkeys And Choking Chickens  497. The Bearded Clam


498. The Cock Ring King  499. Pussy Full Of Puss  

500. Friends Of A Sex Fiend


It Is What It Is,

 By Les Sober

Scammer Tried Scamming And Got His Ass Handed To Him

So since the dawn of fucking Humanity there have been piece of shit Scammers. One of the Biggest Types of Scams as We are All Aware is Counterfeiting. Counterfeiting has gone hand in hand with Humanity.  People have been creating Fake Products and Money since the fucking Dawn of Time. A Few Examples Counterfeiting from Throughout History such as the Invention of Colored Glass at the Time of the Roman Empire. Surprisingly this fucking led to a Sudden Massive Increase in Fake Gems Stones such as Rubys and shit.

Then Back in the fucking 1800’s the Country was fucking Infested with Medical Bullshitters Known as fucking Snake Oil Salesmen. Snake Oil Salesmen sold Phony Medical Elixirs/Medicines that were Billed as Miracle Cures for fucking Any and All Medical Diseases, Problems, or Afflictions Whatever the fuck that Means) that You had. “Do You Suffer from Mind fucking Migraines, Stage fucking 4 Brain Cancer, Syphilis (Apparently everyone back then was a Slut so Damn Near every motherfucker had an STD Syphilis was in particularly Popular, Arthritis, Cold/Flu, Pain of any Kind, Digestive Issues (Ex. IBS), and Menstruation Issues? Have No Fear Ladies and fucking Gentlemen all You have to do is just DRINK THIS SHIT! Once the Medicine/Elixir starts to fucking Work You’ll become Symptom Free You will Actually Feel better than You have Ever Before in Your Entire Life! You’ll be Stronger, Taller, and Healthier than You could even IMAGINE!!” Not to fucking Mention at the time these So Called Medicines were Primarily a Harmless Liquid combined with a Variety of fucking Hardcore Narcotics like fucking Morphine, Alcohol, Cocaine, Heroin, or at Least fucking Alcohol (Ex. Whiskey). Obviously these Bullshit Remedies didn’t Cure a fucking thing. All these Concoctions accomplished to do is Seriously fuck Customers Up. They fucked Customers so Much that They didn’t care anymore about Their Health Problems (or Anything fucking Else for that Matter). I mean Seriously the Primary fucking reason People Drink or Do Drugs is to Stop Giving a Flying Fuck about all the Bullshit They have to Deal with.


Then in the Early 1900’s Snake Oil Salesmen became a New Type of Assholes when They ditched the Fake Fucking Medicines in Favor of Quack Medical Devices. Once again None of these Alleged Treatments did a goddamn thing to Help Anyone in the fucking Least. These absurd fucking Treatments didn’t even get You fucking High usually They were Uncomfortable as Fuck or Outright fucking Painful. Not only were these Treatments a complete fucking Fraud They could fuck up the patient even Worse. The reason all these Scumfuck Scammers could Peddle these Fraudulent Medical Devices or Treatments is that the Government didn’t Require any fucking  Medical Proof that a Treatment Worked. This led to allowing Anyone to Claim Anything did Everything under the fucking Sun. Fast Forward to the Rampant Greed when Cash was fucking King of the 1980’s. In the 80’s it became fucking Common Place (and Considered just the Price of Doing Business) for Stock Brokers to Promote any Stock regardless if it was Worth a Damn. So Stock Brokers started hawking All kinds of Shit Stocks to Their Clients because They didn’t give a Shit about Their Clients. It became All about  was the Stock Broker’s Commission, and getting Obscenely Rich off Bullshitting Their Clients into Buying Worthless fucking Stocks.

With the Invention of the Internet Scamming was taken to a Whole New fucking Level. From the Earliest Days of their Internet with the Nigerian Prince Email Scams. This Type of Scam is Seriously Fucktarded I mean the Premise  Alone is utterly fucking Unbelievable, and to be Honest I really have No fucking Clue HOW Anyone could Fall for Such Blatant Bullshit. The Scam Basically claims a Prince or Diplomat is Stuck in Africa by No Fault of Their Own. Then the Scammer would Claim that on Top of being Stranded that for Some Vague and Ridiculous Reason They ALSO had Their Bank Accounts Frozen. Then the Scammer would ask or flat out or even resort to Pleading/Begging the Victim to Help Them out. To Help the Scammer makes Absolutely Insane Proposition which is if the Victim Sends the Several Thousands of fucking Dollars to Unfreeze Their Finances, and in Return for the Help They will Repay the Victim with Millions of Dollars.

Now I could go on All fucking Day about this Scam, but I’ll just sum it the fuck up like this. Even if You Play Devil’s Advocate the Scam is Absurd because WHY the fuck would a African Prince/Diplomat/Royalty Who was in Such a Dire Situation reach out to COMPLETE FUCKING STRANGER(S) in a Different Country across the fucking Ocean?! What the fuck is that about Don’t They have Friends or Family They could Contact or a Government Office or Authority for Help?! Once You ask Yourself that Basic Question You See Immediately that the African Prince’s Email Plea for Help is a Rather Pathetically Planned Scam.

A Few Examples of Current ongoing Scams includes, but is Not Limited to the The IRS Scam, Romance Scam, Pop Up Scam, PayPal Scam, Refund Scam, Amazon Scam, Crypto Scams, Netflix Scam, Roku Scam, Extended Warranty Scam, or Social Security Number Scam. With the Addition of Social Media it Provided a Breeding Ground for Scammers to Scam, Communicate, Exchange People’s Personal Information, and Coordinate Scams. All You have to do to see this for Yourself is to Spend a Couple Minutes on Telegram the Dark Wed Equivalent of Social Media Platforms. Telegram is Nothing but a Criminal Platform for Scammers, Pedophiles, Racist Groups, Terrorist Groups, and Extremists, BUT that’s an Another Post unto itself. Let’s fucking Face It People as a Whole are Egotistical Animals that because We have Thumbs, and Walk Upright We that makes Us the Center of the fucking Universe.


So just the Other Day a New Mom and Pop Coffee Shop Opened in a Near by Town from where I Live, and I fully Believe in Supporting Both Local and Small Businesses. Fuck Big Box Bullshit Store like Walmart or fucking Target. I believe in Financially Crippling Corporations while Simultaneously Bankrupting Billionaires. Bottomline Riot Against the Rich and Eat the Elite. With that said the Coffee Shop in question is a fucking Poor Excuse for a Coffee Shop believe You Me. Just imagine Someone created a Cheap and Even Worse Version of Starbucks Run by a Bunch of Unpleasant Cunts.

Seriously These fucking Employees acted as if They were in a fucking Prison Cafeteria or some shit like that. They were Cold as fuck with Eat Shit Scowls  plastered Across Their Faces that made Resting bitch Face look like an Ear to fucking Ear Smile. It wouldn’t have Surprised Me if a fucking Full Blown Riot Broke Out where Customers (and the Staff Alike) Started Shiving the shit Out of Each Other. All this should have served as fucking Foreshadowing for the Events to Come that’s fucking for sure.

As soon as I got My Coffee I exited the Shop post fucking Haste as all I had thought about since Entering was Exiting. Granted I Drive what most People would Refer to as a Big Ass Truck complete with Big Nasty Trailer Hitch. Being that the Coffee Shop is in a rather Small Town there was More than Ample Parking. There was so much fucking Available Parking it was like a fucking Zombie Apocalypse had Occurred. Honestly there fucking wasn’t a Single fucking Car that I could fucking See Parked ANYWHERE. In Spite of this the Only Asshole Who came to the Coffee Shop while I was There Parked Directly Behind Me. I mean the Asshole parked so fucking Close that They were Literally Bumper Fucking My Truck is All I’m saying. I admit I was still Contemplating How Crappy the Coffee Shop was and Forgot to Look Behind Me when I was Leaving. It didn’t even fucking Occur to Me that A) There was Anyone Else doing Anything in Town other then Me, and B) with all the Aforementioned Parking I never Though an Asshole would Park Behind Me (Not to Mention so fucking Insanely Close to Boot).

Well Needless to Say when I Put the truck in Reverse, Took My foot off the Brake and the Truck INSANELY SLOWLY Rolled Back. As Soon as I took My fucking Foot off the fucking Brake I felt a Small Bump and Immediately Pulled My Truck Forward. I then Turned the fucking Truck Off so I could Get Out and See if there was Any Damage. I really didn’t fucking think there would be Any since My Trailer Hitch Barely touched the Other Car’s Bumper. Now there was a TINY fucking Dent the Size of a fucking Quarter that could be Fixed by just Using a Toilet Plunger to Undo the Dent it’s Simple as fuck to do. I proceeded to reenter the Crappy Coffee Shop and inquired to Who the Owner of Said Vehicle Was. As it Turned Out it was the ONLY other fucking Customer to Show Up Other than This Guy the Place was a fucking Ghost Town. The Man was a Heavy Set and on the Short Side and was Dressed like a 1970’s Pimp. I’m not even Joking He was wearing a Vibrantly Purple 3 Piece Suit complete with a Wide Brimmed Hat and a Cane for Aesthetics. I couldn’t Help Wonder even with the Addition of the Internet WHERE did this fucking Guy Buy such a Suit in the First Place. Once the Shock of the Man’s Outrageously Ugly Suit I informed Him of what the fuck Happened, and We ventured Outside so He could See the “Damage” for Himself.


  • So when We get to this Man’s Car He took a Glance at His Bumper and States “We can this Handle Ourselves”. Instantly I fucking knew I had a Lowly Scammer on My Hands. The Protocol is if You’re in ANY kind of Automobile Altercation You call the fucking Cops who take a Report to be Submitted to the Insurance Companies. It took only a matter of a Few fucking Seconds for the Man to Insist I Owed Him $50 for the Damage which was Absolutely fucking Fucktarded. Now I’m sure this Motherfucker thought He had an Easy Mark in a Supposedly Nervous White Kid, BUT Boy Oh fucking Boy was He wrong as Fuck. I immediately Stated that I wasn’t giving Him a Goddamn Dime Not Now Not Ever.

The Man ignored Me and Continued Pushing His Scam. It’s Significant to Mention this Happened in the Middle of the Day in a Small Rural Farming Community on Main Street, and the Obscenity Laden Language I was using is Utterly Uncommon for the fucking Bible Belt. Seriously these are the Type of People that freaked the fuck out when an Actor in the Movie in Gone With The Wind said “Frankly Scarlett I Don’t give a Damn.” Also I stuck out like a Sore fucking Numb as Well because I don’t look like the fucking Locals. The Locals have an Unofficial Uniform consisting of Generic Blue Jeans, T-Shirt with some fucking Animal on it, and a Baseball Cap which makes Everyone look like a Redneck Clone of Each Other. I on the Other Hand Wear Death Metal/Goregrind Band T-Shirts, Black Jeans, Sunglasses, and a Hat that Reads “G_ F_ck Y__rs_lf and Under that “Want to Buy a Vowel?” Not to mention I have Long ass Hair, Prominent Tattoos, a Righteous Wild Man Goatee, and Do Not give a Flying Fuck about Social Norms.


This Standoff if You will Continued like this for about half a fucking Hour as He demanded Cash and Me telling Him Not a Chance in Hell. Then an Epiphany Hit Me like a Ton of fucking Bricks and I knew right then and there I had this Scammer backed into a fucking Corner. You See the Fact this Scammer Shithead was so fucking Insistent when it came to NOT contacting the Cops let Me know I had the Advantage. That’s when I switched up My Strategy and gave the Scammer an Ultimatum. Either He could Shut the Fuck Up, Walk Away, and We’d Hopefully never see Each other Again. And if He was that fucking Bent Out of Shape about His fucking Bumper then I’d Gladly Call the Cops. As You might Imagine the Scammer recoiled at the Idea of the Cops like a fucking Vampire from a Cross. I cut the Scammer Off because I was fucking sick and tired of going in Circles and getting fucking No Where. I laid into the Scammer Repeating Louder and More Aggressive as I went Repeating My Ultimatum. This threw the Scammer off His Game, BUT He sure as Hell wasn’t letting this shit go as He started Babbling like a Tongue Tied Village Idiot. At this Point I was Extremely Pissed Off which Prompted Me to Tell the Scammer that My Drivers License and Insurance were Clean, I didn’t have Contraband (anything You wouldn’t want a Cop to fucking Find) on Me or In My truck, and I didn’t have any Outstanding Legal Issues like a Warrant for Example.


See My Epiphany I mentioned Earlier was that Last Thing the Low Life Scumfuck Scammer wanted was to have the Cops Come. This is Quite Obviously because Unlike Me He DID have something to Hide that He sure as Hell didn’t want the Cops to Discover. Knowing this Meant I had the Upper Hand since like I said I was Free and Clear of any Issue/Problem with the Cops. At this Point I pulled My Phone Out and Pulled Up the Local Police Phone Number from My Contacts (I have Friends/Family that live in that Area so that’s Why I had the Cops in My Contacts) and Held the Phone Up so the Scammer Could See It. Once again the Scammer tried to Bullshit about the Situation which caused Me to Shove My Phone in the Scammers Face to make My fucking Point. Believe it Or Not the Scammer Switched Gears from Stand Offish to Trying to Win Me over with be Ungodly Friendly as if We’d known Each other Since Childhood. I informed Him We weren’t Friends and never fucking would be So let’s stay on Point and deal the Bumper Bumping Issue. The Scammer was Struggling as He hadn’t Expected to Encounter a Foul Mouthed, Aggressive, and Head Strong Individual that wasn’t about to take Shit from any-fucking-one. Perhaps around this Point the Scammer FINALLY started to Realize He couldn’t Win though He Kept trying for awhile Longer.

The Scammer started to Haggle over the Price He wanted for the “Damage” to His Bumper (Though His Car was a Beater Piece of Shit that looked like He was Living in It), and Tried to Start a Negotiation. He First reduced His Price by Knocking $20 off and said He’d settle for $30 instead. This Strategy Failed as Badly as His Previous Strategies and I Told Him Once again that I wasn’t giving Him one Red fucking Cent. Then the Scammer reduced His Price again to $20 as if He thought He was Haggling in a fucking Pawn Shop. I was fucking Dumbfounded when the Scammer Shitfuck still kept up His Fucktarded Price Brokering. The Scammer once again Cut the Price in Half to $10 and I Utterly Lost My Shit and then Some. I Damn Near Yelled Directly in the Scammers Face that ONCE AGAIN I Wasn’t Giving Him Shit No Matter How Low He Went, and Then I Shoved My Phone Back in His Face but This Time I Hit the Dial Button.

That Move caused the Shitty Scammer to Panic as He had Figured Out that Not Only was He not getting a goddamn Dollar, But if the Cops came He’d have a real fucking Bad Day by Ending Up on the Wrong Side of the Law. The Scummy Scammer’s Eyes were as Wide as fucking Dinner Plates, He started Waving His Arms Frantically, and was Trying to Talk so Fast He just Talked Over Himself. I Hung Up before the Cops Answered as the Scammer was fucking Done and My Mission was a Success. As Soon as I hung Up I glared at the Shitsplat Scammer and told Him for the Last Time I’m NOT fucking Around which He now well Aware Of by Now. I then reiterated My Ultimatum for the Last fucking Time Walk the fuck Away or I’m calling the Cops. The Scammer at Last Admitted Total Defeat and Started Spouting bullshit about How He gets Along with Everyone. I immediately responded by Telling Him I’m Someone who is Part of Everyone and We weren’t getting Along just to be a Dick.

Thus in the End the Scammer fucked Off and I’ve never seen the Scumfuck again which is a Good Thing as if I do See the Motherfucker it’s going to be Round 2. The Moral to the fucking Story is Don’t take shit from Scammer Pieces of Shit. If Anyone try to Exploit You like this Tell’em to Get Fucked and Threaten to Call the Cops and You’ll be just fucking fine. In the End I did receive Several Phone calls that Evening from Friends who Reported How the Science on the Street had Apparently caught the Attention of every Driver on the Road. Now I have the reputation as the Local Psychopath that’s Best to Be Avoided, But Fuck It it Doesn’t Bother Me it Keeps Asshats the fuck Away from Me GREAT.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober

Get Up

We are Well Aware that due to Our Last Post this seems rather Contradictory which isn’t Exactly the Case. Granted this is the Old FYB Style Post and there is No Denying it and We Wouldn’t any-fucking-way. So what the fuck is Going On One might be Wondering so allow Us to Briefly Explain. We are Not so Much Pivoting to a New Style, but are in fact Returning to FYB’s Original Concept. The Original FYB Concept was Solely a Creative Writing Blog which is Fun as Fuck to Do there’s No Question of That. BUT the Problem with Writing is it’s a Process that can take an Unknown amount of Time to Complete. This isn’t the Optimal since in this Day and Age People have the fucking Attention Spans of fucking Goldfish (3 Seconds) and Demand Constant Unending Content. With that said Nothing is going to Change Overnight as the Transition will take some Time to Establish a Viable Writing Only Format.

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Featuring the Video GET UP by the Legendary Animator Lee Hardcastle. If You Don’t Know Lee Hardcastle he is an Insanely fucking Prolific British Animator/Film Maker who Specializes in All Types of Stop-Motion Techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty Film Making!

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-


It Is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober