3 Man Made Failures: Organized Religion, Politics, & Money

I’ve been told countless times that I’m a seriously Intense Person to Deal with or Even be around sometimes. I’m told is completely Draining. While I have been well aware (or accepted might be a better word oh well fuck it) of this for Several Years, BUT yesterday I found out Additional Information that I had NOT been privy to Previously.

Apparently even if I’m on Your Side fighting on Your behalf in a Debate, Argument, Or Conflict EVEN THEN it can still be Difficult to Deal with. That I suppose is because it can be extremely Uncomfortable to watch Anyone (for whatever Reason) utterly Tear into Another Human Being with total Abandon.


So this time Around I’m going to adapt a much more Zen like approach to this Post while leaving the Ranting, Raving, and Railing on the Back Burner for this One.

Now one of the BEST pieces of advice I ever received was NEVER talk about Politics or Religion with Anyone. I added Money as it Needs to be Included in this List of Human Social Failures as Money can Rile People up, and Cause as many Problems as Organized Religion or Politics.

Let’s start with Organized Religion shall We. which is also referred to as Institutional Religion.  I’m from the Spirituality School of Thought. What I mean by this is I am Religious Person, but I am most definitely a Spiritual Person. Spirituality differs from Organized Religion in  that Spirituality focuses on the Individual (example: Meditation or Spending Time Communing with Nature) as opposed to Converting Society as a Whole.


Now some People could argue that Religion like Spirituality has a element focusing on its Followers Self Betterment, BUT at the same time Organized Religion’s focus on the Big Picture. That is while it does allow a Follower Self Reflection and Self Improvement it dictates that EVER FOLLOWER Should conduct Themselves in the identical Way.

Organized Religion on the Other hand is a STRUCTURED System of Worship (Especially by or in LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE) which unlike Spirituality  has DEFINED BELIEFS, RITUALS, and GUIDELINES that are Systematically Arranged and Formerly Established.

These Defied Beliefs, Rituals, and Guidelines feed the “My God is Better than Your God” which has led to such Atrocities like The Spanish Inquisition,  The Crusades (Crusades are NOT LIMITED to Christianity Only)  , and all Other types of Religious Persecution including Torture and Murder in the Name of a Certain God. It also creates unnecessary infighting pitting Follower against His/Her Fellow Follower with the Negative Attitude of  “I’m more Devout than the Other Follower’s”.


I believe if You do choose to Follow a “Organized” Religion, and it works for You helping make You a more Positive, Productive, and Happy so be it. I’m for whatever works as long as it isn’t Hurting OR Harassing Anyone Else. What Anyone else believes is THEIR BUSINESS not Mine. I don’t understand when “Being Organized” turned the Religions of the World into a fucking competition over Who’s right and Who’s wrong when it comes to a God.

I mean NO ONE KNOWS if there is a Singular God or Possible Several Gods working together (like The Ancient Greeks believed) or Perhaps all the various Religions Gods/Deities work along side on another without Conflict of Religious Interest. The only People who know what lies beyond the Death are all DEAD, and Dead Men Tell NO Tales. Still without a shred of actual evidence People will still attack Others over Their different Religious Beliefs?!


Also Why do Organized Religions focus so much on Converting Others and Force Feeding Members of Society Their Particular Indoctrination?! Why is it that People can’t Worship as They Will in Private Free of Judgement, Condemnation, Demonization, Prejudice, Persecution, or Conflict from Other Religions or Their Followers?! Why do Men constantly and Bastardize the Religious Texts (I.E. Bible, Karon) for Their Personal Agendas, and why do People try time and time again to Weaponize Religious Texts to serve Their Personal Desires?!

Thats Why I favor Spirituality because it’s Me, About Me, and For My Well Being. With Organized Religion there are just Too Many motherfucking Priests in the Pulpit. More is NOT always Merrier in fact it can be Murder.


Enough about That lets move on to Money. Just the mere mention of Money is enough to put People on the Edge of Their Seat were They sit Perched Anxiously waiting for Whatever may come Next.. First off Yes People need Money to Live in Today’s Society, BUT after paying for Food, Healthcare, Clothing, and Lodging everything else is just Greed, Ego, Envy, and Social Status Bullshit. You need to Eat to fucking Live what you don’t NEED a 90″ LCD TV to Live You just WANT IT.

I fucking hate when assholes confuse Want with actual Need. You Need to Breathe You don’t need a fucking McMansion to survive Happily. Commercialization has consumed Society into trusting the Illusion that if You don’t Buy/Own all kinds of shit then it Sucks to Be You. Thats fucking Insane.


People were Happy and Productive for THOUSANDS OF YEARS without all this Tech Shit, Without the Internet, Social Media, Smart Phones, Smart TV’s, DVR’s, Streaming Services, Tablets/Ipads, Texting, Podcasts, and Uber weren’t  EVEN AN ABSTRACT THOUGHT.

I think the Invention of a Monetary System was Doomed from the Beginning as Human Nature twists Everything Humanity comes across. I believe We should reinstate a Barter Economy where Goods and Services are Traded without a need for Monetary Compensation.

A Barter Economy Eliminates all of the vast Myriad of Issues Money Causes People as well as Society. Remember some cliches are cliches because They’re True, and  “Money is The Root of All Evil.” is a perfect example of this. Also with a Barter Economy People are required to Learn actual Real Life Skills (ie Hunting, Fishing, Trapping) or Trades  (such as Blacksmith or Mechanic) to Barter with.

Alright Money be Damned Lets move on to Our last Topic Politics. Politics is a NO WIN situation. The Government was meant to be FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE which is no longer the case in Todays Political Climate. Politicians have been thoroughly corrupted by Personal Greed and the Appeal of Increased Power.

The real Point is debating.Talking/Arguing Politics with Others is ABSOLUTELY FUTILE. No One is going to convince Anyone Else that They are Wrong or Changed Their Political Allegiance in the end. Politics should be a PRIVATE and PERSONAL CHOICE it shouldn’t be a Talking Point of any fucking Kind.


The Only viable Government is a Stripped Down, Bare Bones, Back to Basics minimalistic Government to avoid all the issue with MONEY (which We Just Discussed) and Thirst for Fame along with More Personal Power over Others and Issues. Politics is EGO DRIVEN just like People with Their Sports Teams where it becomes less and less about the ACTUAL SPORT/GAME and More and More WE ARE THE BEST & ALL OTHERS ARE SHIT SO FUCK THEM.

I’ll wrap it up with this Quote by GEORGE WASHINGTON Himself:

“A Two Party Political System will be the DEATH OF AMERICA.”

Thanks for Reading,

  Les Sober

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