A Muslim Exorcism

I’m sure Many of Our Reader’s read the Title of this post and Immediately wondered “What the Fuck?!”. That is Due to the belief Exorcisms are assumed to be a Solely a Catholic Issue. As if Catholicism has Monopoly or Lock on the Subject of Exorcism.  That couldn’t be Farther from the Truth. All Races, Religions, and Societies have Their own Rites of Exorcism since the Dawn of Organized Religion.

This includes Muslims who’s Religious Text is the Q’arran that is Full of Stories and Tales of Spirits and Ghosts of All Kinds such as The Jinn. The Jinn is believed to be Either a Malevolent Spirit or a Kind Spirit it works both ways. This in part is what makes a Muslim Exorcism different from a Catholic Exorcism.


Now in the Video the Muslim Exorcist references  Jinn’s Several Times through the Ordeal. The First significant difference between the Catholic and Muslim beliefs is in Evil.  The Catholics believe the Demon/Devil is Possessing The Victim’s Body Dominating it to do its Vile Will, and that its Ultimate Goal is to Kill the Host and Thus Aquire Their Eternal Soul.

In this specific Muslim Exorcism the Demon/Devil while generally Resisting the Exorcism Repeatedly States that it is there Possessing The Young Woman in an Attempt to Protect Her. Secondly the Key to a Successful Exorcism in the Catholic Belief is getting the Demon/Devil to State its Name which makes it possible to Vanquish It. Here The Demon/Devil Names Itself Voluntarily claiming it is a Demon/Devil Named Izul, Yet the Muslim Exorcist Doesn’t Use that to His/Victim’s Advantage.


The Other Oddly Different aspect is in the Muslim Exorcism Unlike in a Catholic Exorcism the Exorcist is the One in Control. In Catholic Exorcisms the Priest must Battle The Demon to Dominate It before He/She can Drive The Demon/Devil Out. The Muslim Exorcist seems to treat the Demon/Devil like a Bratty Child in spite of the Dramatic Theatrics of the Situation making Statement to the affect of “If You Don’t do What I Say I’ll Punish You for It.” Attitude/Mentality

The Exchange between the Exorcist and the Demon/Devil in the Muslim Version of Exorcism the Muslim Exorcist is much more Conversational as opposed to Confrontational when dealing with the Demon/Devil. Where in a Catholic Exorcism again the Priest must Command and Demand the Demon/Devil to do His/Her bidding.


The Last Difference between a Catholic and a Muslim Exorcism is Instead of like the Catholic Priest who must Drive the Demon/Devil out by Sheer Force the Muslim Exorcist again very much in control actually Permits the Demon/Devil to In The End in Fact Leave Though it Fought to Stay the Entire Time.


Hope You Enjoyed This Little Piece of Holy Hell as Much as We did.

  Presented By Les Sober

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