A Short Sunday Horror Movie: The Facts in the Case of Mister Hollow

THE FACTS IN THE CASE OF MISTER HOLLOW is a Multiple Award Winning Short Horror Film Written by Rodrigo Gudino who also Directed the Film along with Vincent Marcone.

The Movie Focuses on a Single Photograph from the 1930’s that Tells an Entire Tale of KIDNAPPING, MURDER, and SACRIFICE captured in a Single Haunting Moment!! As the Movie starts to Scratch the Surface of the Picture it Reveals a Tapestry of HIDDEN AND SINISTER SECRETS in the Details Proving Nothing is as it Appears.


At the Beginning of the Movie starts the Audience is Shown a News Clipping with the Head Line that a Child has Disappeared, and is Believed to be One of an Estimated 100 Victims. A by-line shown in the same Clipping mentions PAGANISM is Alive and Flourishing in Northern Ontario. Along with the News Clippings is a Note that says Enclosed with the Clippings is a Photograph, and that the Reader should Look More Closely at It.

From there the Movie is Off and Running challenging the View to find the Preverbal Pieces of the Puzzle and Ensemble them to Reveal the Conclusion. Some of the Details are More Obvious such as One of the Men beginning to Light a Fire made upon Several Crucifixes for example. Other Details are Points of Interest that can be Easily Overlooked for example the Markings on the Hands of All Three Adult Males, The Car Mirror Showing BLOOD SPLATTER, The Crosses Nailed to Trees, and The BODY in the Backseat of the Car.


Eventually the Photograph reveals Two Additional People in the Background who are Both PRIESTS, and Apparently Holding a Shotgun Menacingly on the Group in the Forefront. This raises the immediate Question of Why do Priest have a Shot Gun in the first fucking place, and Why do They have it Turned on the Group is such an Aggressively Hostile manner?! In the End the Audience is left with the Biggest Question of them all and that Question is as Follows.  WHO is the Cloaked and Menacing FINAL PERSON in the Photograph Reflected in the Sunglasses worn by One of the Men, and How does this Most Mysterious Figure Fit into the Story Trapped within the Photograph? Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Dark Tale of Mystery and Murder as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Brought To You By Les Sober

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