Absurdia’s Menu : Meet Our Elite Staff of Culinary Masters Pt 1 (Owner & Maitre d’)

Meet Our Gracious Owner:

The Owner of Absurdia is Mr. Leviticus Van Trundle the Son of Thaddeus Van Trundle, and heir to the Von Trundle Fortune. Leviticus grew up running playfully around the grounds of the Van Trundle Family Estate Prabangus Manor.

Leviticus attended the prestigious Prep School Pengar Pasar Academy until he graduated with minimal honors. Leviticus went on to finish his education at the Well to do Ivy League Elitiste Collage where he in majored in International Culinary Arts, and Ev Ekonomi Bilimi.

After Graduation Leviticus took a Culinary Sabbatical, and embarked upon a Trip that led him to travel to the four corners of the Earth to each and every Country &  Nation on Earth.

This rather lofty idea came to Leviticus in a dream on a Summer’s Night in which the ghost of Winston Churchill, Caligula, Anton Lavey, and Leviticus were having diner together, and discussing Flavor Profiles from the four corners of the Earth.

Upon waking Leviticus decided he must sample every food imaginable in every country possible until he ran out of both in 1999 and opened Absurdia.


Meet Our World Class Maitre d’Restaurant:

Irei Yushu has become know through out the World as the absolute pinnacle of Perfection in Maitre d Profession as it is known today.

Ire started his training at age 4 under the strict tutelage of Gurandomasuta (Grand Master) Sabisu no Ryoshu  in the small city of Utashinai located in the Hokkaido Region of Japan.

Irei studied furiously for 22 hours a day 7 days a week for 6 years before even being allowed to look at a proper and professional place setting, but that didn’t phase Irei in the least.

At the tender age of 12 Irei was approved by Gurandomasuta Sabisu no Ryosho to advance to the Saiko No  Academy in the Village of Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture Japan.

At 30 Irei graduated the Saiko No Academy at the Top of his Class, and having earned ever award the Academy Offered was drafted by Shiko Collage of the Maitre d’ Arts in Sapporo City.

Irei Graduated Sabisu no Kotei from Shiko at just 42 years of age making him the youngest graduate by 18 entire years.

Eleven minutes after graduating Irei took the extensive, and brutally intense Fukano Board’s Maitre d’ Exam which is administered over a long, and exhausting 336 hours strait with a 3 minute break for every 24 hours of Testing.

Irei finished the Exam in just under 188 hours, without any breaks, and scored a record high of 999/1200 making Irei the most in demand Maitre d’ since French Maitre d’ Grosse Baise (1809-1918).

Irei’s first job was working the front of house for the Elite Swedish Restaurant Feta Katter before leaving for a job as Head Maitre d’ at the Superbly  Sublime Eatery Spise Pa Joes in Denmark. And finally before working with us at Absurdia (starting in 1999) was the Maitre d’ of Maitre d’s at the Exclusive Norwegian hot spot Spis Fettkake.

While working at Absurdia Irei won the coveted Italian Mangiare Cazzate Premio in 2002-Present, The Lithuanian Bepramiskas Prizas (1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2015, & 2018), The Polish Gownaine Maitr d’ Trofeum (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2018), and Portugal’s Highly Prestigious Fiho Da Puta in (2001-2016 and 2017- Present)

Irei’s Motto is “Perfection isn’t a Goal, Its a Way of Life.”


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

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