ALIENS PUT BABY IN A MICROWAVE [an alien claymation]

Dad invites Aliens into His Home for a “Cuppa”, and gives the Alien Visitors a Brief Tour of His House. After One of the Aliens grabs the Man’s Baby and sticks it in the Microwave The Man Rescues the Baby from the Confines of the Microwave, and this  leads to a Game of Keep Away between the Various Aliens and The Man. Enraged by the Alien Bullshit the Man starts Kicking the Holy Hell Out of the Aliens outside of the House using Martial Arts.

The Man then runs into His House and Retrieves an M-16 Military Rifle, and Starts filling the Asshole Aliens Full of fucking Lead like there’s No Tomorrow. The Man finds an Alien in the Bedroom who has possession of the Baby who is Now stuck in the Microwave Once Again. The Man Brutally Butchers the Alien with a Machete hacking it into Bloody Pieces before and Rescuing the Baby.


Unfortunately for the Man and His Baby the Alien Attack isn’t Over as a Giant Alien (Possibly the Leader) arrives Outside, and Immediately Starts trying to Grab the Man and Baby through the Windows. The Man snatches up the Machete and Severs the Giant Aliens Hand causing it to Collapse. The Man runs downstairs and Grabs His Gun, but the M-16 is Either needs to be Reloaded or it Simply Jammed after being Bathed in Alien Blood. The Man in a Moment of Panic throws a Shit Filled Diaper at the Giant Injured Alien sousing it to Vomit Profusely.

The Man is sept into the Hallway by the Barrage of Alien Barf where He locates a Power Tool with a Large Rotating Blade (like a Helicopter Propeller). The man then marches Outside and uses the Power Tool to Liquidate the Giant Aliens Head. A Moment later His Wife returns from Shopping and the Man explains exactly what the fuck Happened to which His Wife Simply Replies “AGAIN?”


ALIENS PUT BABY IN THE MICROWAVE [an alien claymation] Cast:

  • Music by Dave Andrews
  • Audo By Tim Atkins
  • Voices By Jordan Ramoth
  • Everything Else by Lee Hardcastle

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

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