Animation Abominations: I AM THE EGG MAN

For this Installment of Animation Abominations FYB is Happy to Present The Surreal Stop motion Horror by Sam Barnett who also served as Director.

The Plot is rather simple as it centers around Nondescript Man who is Isolated in a White Room with some Odd Black Lines that make a vague symbol of some kind. The Man Tears Himself apart Piece by Piece as each Piece rolls itself into an “Egg” that rolls into an Adjacent Room. In the Alternate Room there is a Mutant Creature who Devours the Eggs Enthusiastically, and then produces Blood that is collected in a small Pool that has a couple of Tubes extending out from the Wall above it.


As the Isolated Man sacrifices His Feet, Shins, and Thighs He opens a Cupboard where a Fetal Being is Lying Motionless. The Man Connects a Tube via a Huge Needle to the Fetal Being where the Tube pumps Blood into the Fetal Being. In an Unforeseen Twist the Man Rips off His Head Off (having already having used BOTH his legs) and pinches His Neck assumably to keep from Bleeding Out. The Man’s severed head rolls into the Adjacent room, BUT instead of being Eaten by the Mysterious Egg Eating Mutant Creature it ends up Impaled on a Microphone Stand which is sitting in the Middle of a Stage. A single Spot light shines down to illuminate the Head and Mic Stand as the Sound of Static (or Dead Air as its called sometimes) before an Unknot Person removes the Head and exits the Stage. The Camera lingers for a few additional seconds before adding too Black.


So what the fuck is going on Here, What’s the Point Really? Our Best Guess is it’s an Artistic Representation of Life and Death. The Old Sacrifice Their Actual Lives Physically/Emotionally/Mentally to Help Raise, Educate, and Bolster the Next Generation coming after it. Think of how much Parents personally Sacrifice for the Betterment of Their Offspring. In the End the Parent(s) have dedicated (or given) Their entire existence to the Child from its Birth until The Parent’s inevitable Death. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

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