Asshole Amy’s Rip Off Recommendation

As you all are readily aware we have moved our Home Offices and now I must sell our old Home Offices. The reason has yet to “relaunch and evolve” itself if you will is I’m having a shit time trying to unload the Offices. The following is a PRIME EXAMPLE of some of the inane to the insane shit I’ve been dealing with Every Day for 3 weeks or more.

Here’s the set up:

One of the easy fixes was a window in our office had a cracked pane of glass so we were going to replace it obviously before we had the property listed, and remember we are many state lines away. Our useless representation (earning the moniker Asshole) Amy recommended a window repair service called WINDOW DOCTOR.

Now its important at this to point out for the first time in’s brief history I have used a place/person/location/company by their REAL NAME, But after read the rest of this story I assure you will understand I wanted this piece to do double duty as a Warning to All Readers AND Consumers alike. Now back to the story.


Following the direction of our previous and shitty representative I scheduled WINDOW DOCTOR to come out to repair an easy fix. I should have realized how screwed up this situation is when WINDOW DOCTOR showed up to the job A DAY LATE. The Tech noticed a slight buldge at the bottom right corner of the window. He then informed our Rep.’s Personal Assistant.

We get our rep.’s PA’s report that evening that stated the Tech saw said buldge and being the Great Southern Swamp suspected there was some water damage issue (i.e. Window Leak issue), and couldn’t tell how bad the suspected water damage was.  He said he would report this finding to his employer WINDOW DOCTOR and then WINDOW DOCTOR would take it from there.

At the last possible minute on Friday 20 minutes before they close for the weekend WINDOW DOCTOR called my Wife at 4:40pm. Whoever the scumbag on the other end of the phone was claimed to definitively know the problem (again without doing a single diagnostic test) was and that they could fix it for us. The Scumbag went on to say that the entire exterior wall was rotted to hell and would have to be torn down, completely reframed and then rebuilt to the tune of $9,000.

IMEDDIATELY a HUGE Red Flag shot up on my never failing Bullshit Meter. So I did the practical and logical I called for a 2nd and even a 3rd estimates (Due to the fact I trust next to no one). I also called other Window/Home Construction Companies over the weekend, and explain the horrendous pile of Horse Shit I was told by WINDOW DOCTOR. To NO SURPRISE WHAT SO EVER They all unanimously agreed that was one of the stupidest (not to mention shadiest) things they had ever heard, and recommended NOT USING WINDOW DOCTOR.

The 2nd and 3rd estimates came back virtually the same, there was NO STRUCTURAL DAMGE as The Wall was intact and free from wood rot or water damage. The entire window and window frame would need to be replaced due to a leak. Right at the base of the window where the water had trickled in would need to be fixed BUT THAT WAS IT. I asked them both what they would charge me to fix the problem at hand. The answer was…..drum roll please………$2,300 four times LESS (thats over $6,500 less) than WINDOW DOCTOR because there was NO INTERIOR DAMAGE TO THE WALL, All Damage was deemed SUPERFICIAL.

Me being Me I couldn’t let it end there I was pissed off about the whole WINDOW DOCTOR estimate that had been proven to be absolutely BULLSHIT. If your thinking the next thing I did was call WINDOW DOCTOR Directly then Your Right.

See I had put a few things together. First WINDOW DOCTOR lied to me which was in fact an attempt to commit fraud. Second thing was the fact that WINDOW DOCTOR had called so close to closing on Friday especially when their closed on weekends. Based on the time of the call it was apparent they were using basic fear tactics, call last minute, report some serious shit, and then let them sit and stew about it all weekend. The desired affect is to have the Mark to panic, which they figured would work even better on an out of state owner. It Didn’t. In Fact as you can see their plan was failing as well as back firing.

I decided to use the “Hi! I’m Joe Public, I don’t know anything on the topic of window repair, So your saying” strategy to dupe the Scam Artist into thinking I was a viable target, and then trapping them in their own lies while playing The Fool. The first question I asked was how did they know so much about such extensive structural problem(s) without doing ANY diagnostics? The woman’s replay was “Because I’ve been in the Business 25 years” so I replied to her by stating the fact ANYONE could do ANYTHING for 25 years like say I was a Professional Bowler. I could bowl 25 years, BUT that doesn’t mean I’m on the Champion Circuit all decked out in Endorsements. After 25 years I could still suck and be struggling at the bottom of any ranking system.

The Woman then (like a truly guilty person) immediately got extremely defensive. She started feeding me equally idiotic company propaganda such as “We hire only the best tech/use the best products etc.” I then told her I had NEVER heard of WINDOW DOCTOR before, never done business with them (neither did anyone else I contacted on this subject) and in all honesty didn’t actually hire them (Asshole Amy did since WINDOW DOCTOR was HER recommendation that turned out to be a 3 ring shit show) At this point I had this woman so flustered because I wasn’t falling for her well rehearsed con artist line of crap, and was staying toe to toe with her until she was backed into a corner. The woman AGAIN like a VERY GUILTY PERSON does she handed the phone off to a Field Tech. It turned out the Tech Named ANDY was the same son of a bitch that did the wrote up the initial report.

This Sack of Shit tries to convince me of one of the most RIDICULOUS LIE I have heard in a long, long time. ANDY tells me the reason the estimate was $9,000 wasn’t so much the actual due to the cost of materials. ANDY continued telling me that they have to buy their supplies in bulk, and if their only doing one office then ALL their LEFTOVER BULK ORDERED MATERIALS would be useless as in they couldn’t use them for any other jobs.

Just then I suddenly figured the scam out, and it was time to go for the this jackass’s jugular.

I stopped ANDY in the middle of whatever drivel he was babbling about and addressed what he had told me. I told ANDY that it had become quite obvious ANDY and his employer WINDOW DOCTOR where attempting to get me to agree to a fake problem. That way WINDOW DOCTOR would bank the actually REAL REPAIR PRICE of $2,300 and then take the additional $6,500 Plus to buy supplies on MY DIME. I then proceeded to tell ANDY that his lie was AN OBVIOUS LIE, what am I supposed to believe? Am I supposed to believe that right after WINDOW DOCTOR finished the repair that what? The nails would instantly rust? The wood suddenly is ravaged by termites? The massive roll of tar paper would disintegrate? WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT. I ended the conversation at that point with a “Well Fuck You Andy and your Bullshit Employers for trying to exploit their customers.”

The Moral of this story is Don’t Blindly Trust anyone Especially a Large Company.

ALWAYS get a 2nd opinion.

Don’t Take Shit from Scam Artists.

Fight Back against Scumbag Scam Artists and Conartists.

Thanks For Reading

Les “Than” Sober


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