This is what happened in a nut shell. Some readers left comments saying they were experiencing some issue such as the Weblog not loading properly. I contacted my security provider and informed them there seemed to be an issue and they said they’d look into it.

Turns out some asshole designer named Mark C. sent some spam that not only contained MalWare but also managed to slip through a crack in my security. I then informed them that this was unacceptable and I would no longer be using their less then impressive services.

I immediately started researching web security companies until I found one that met my standards. I have hired a NEW SECURITY COMPANY and signed up for their Premium Package (which has aggressive protection software.) Now nothing is 100 but in all do favors they guarantee they can block 98.7% of the sleazy spam or bitch ass bots etc.

An unfortunate side effect is I apparently lost all previous comments that were left in the comments section. I am aware their are a good number of reader’s I had yet to respond to, and for that I am truly sorry. I will respond to comments from now on  in a much more timely manner.

I sincerely apologize for ANY and ALL inconvenience experienced by Readers and I assure you I will diligently keeping up with security as to avoid any/all future issues/problems/concerns.

Thank you for standing by as I weathered the storm.

Yours Truly,

Less Sober

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