Best Haul Video On The Internet (NOT What You Think)

Welcome to The FYB Monday Madness this Week featuring BEST HAUL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET. We wish in all Honesty that We could give the Talented Creator of this Video this Proper Credit They Deserve, but Unfortunately We were Unable to Locate the Creator’s Name.

Now for Those Who are Lucky Enough to be Unaware of what a Haul Video is allow Me to Enlighten You. Basically in a Nut Shell a Haul Video is Some Average Idiot consumed by Consumerism that after They Go Shopping They post a fucking Video to Show the Rest OF the World Their Purchases or Haul. I suppose this is the Evolution of the People who Post Every Single fucking Meal They Eat Online (like We give a fuck What You had for Lunch Today).


Now this Video Starts of Normally for one of these Vapidly Asinine Haul Videos, but it Doesn’t take Long before the Insanity begins Seeping in. While Many may just Dismiss this as a some sort of Odd Art Project I think They would be Remiss. I believe there is Quite a bit more Going On in/with this Video than there Appears at First. It is Reminiscent of a Video We posted in Strange and Disturbing Videos that was a Schizophrenia Simulator. The Simulation was a Camera POV Shot as a Young Man wakes up and Starts His Day. The Simulator was Designed in an Attempt to Actually Show People what it’s like to suffer from Schizophrenia, and what Suffering with Schizophrenia is like for a Schizophrenic Person. This will make More Sense in a Minute.



  • There is the Sound of Running Water almost like a Sink Running (though Some say it sounds more like a Flushing Toilet behind the Woman while She is Talking.
  • Every Photo and Lampshade in the Video is of the Same Exact Distressed Little Kid’s Crying Face.
  • A Voiceover int he Beginning of the Video asks “Is that a Chipmunk?” referring to the High Pitch of the Woman’s Voice.
  • In a Bizarre Remix the Woman’s Face is Slowly and Disturbingly Reanimated.
  • The Woman’s Starts to Move with the Beat of the Music.
  • The Woman’s Eyes start Blinking like Mad and itself is rather Unsettling.
  • Then all of a Sudden the Woman’s Face is Replaced with that of a Different Screaming/Hysterical Person’s Face.
  • Then the Background Starts to Distort as the WOman’s Eyes Multiply and are Redistributed All over Her Body.
  • The Woman’s Mouth is Doubled and Moved onto Her Forehead.
  • Music Continues as the Woman’s Face finally Returns to Normal.
  • The Woman’s Voice is Now Intentionally “Chipmunked” Which Matches the Earlier Voiceover in the Video.
  • The Video Ends with the Screen Going completely Black with a Male Voiceover that Simple Says or States “You Have Paranoid Schizophrenia.”


So in My Opinion this is a Mental Health Awareness Video, and is Very similar to Videos put out by an Mental Health Organization “You Have Schizophrenia”. Unfortunately Their PR department Sucks ass at Their Jobs since if You try any Number of Word Combinations all the Results pertain to Schizophrenia on a Medical Mental Health Level (Like “Symptoms of Schizophrenia” or “Treatment Resources for Schizophrenics. I see where They were coming from with Their Name, but They also should have Realized how fucking, if not impossible, it would be for People to Locate Them.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober   

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