Dark Web Audio: The Old Tape

Welcome to Another Installment of Dark Wed Videos (or in this case Audio) know simply as  THE OLD TAPE.

Back Story:

In 1994-1995, Some Unknown Person or People Hijacked Colombia University’s WKCR Radio Signal and Proceeded to Play some Disturbing Noises. A Voice can be heard which seems to be Reading Obituaries, Including that of Robert Oppenheimer, Whois also Known as The Father of The Atomic Bomb.

This Broadcast has Perplexed Many for Years- the Source has been Debated/Argued to be Anything from a Secret Government Radio Transmission, Military Experiments, Supernatural Communication by Ghost, and even proof of Alien Contact.

The Following is what an Anonymous User Wrote in a Weird Page of 4chan.org:

“Around 1995, I was about 15. I used to Stay Up Late in My Room listening to the Radio on a Boombox with an Integrated Tape Recorder. I’d Dial through the Stations, and when I heard Something Interesting I’d Hit Record for a While, then Move On.

One Night, I came across this. I Don’t think this was the Beginning of the Broadcast, but I caught a lot of it. Right at The End, an Announcer says that the Station I was Tuned to was WKCR 89.9 New York. There a Bunch of Names and Dates in there, but…I’ve NEVER Run into Anything Else like This.”


Thanks for Reading/Listening

  Presented By Les Sober

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