Dipshit Donnie Is Far Too Dumb To Debate

Today’s Regularly Scheduled Post has Been Postponed Until Tomorrow Due to the Presidential Debate. To be Clear I have NEVER watched a Single Presidential Debate in My Life and I’ve been around since the fucking Dinosaurs. Though I don’t imagine this will be much of a Debate as Trump is SO Fucking Stupid He couldn’t Debate a fucking Toddler.

1. I Predict 1 of 2 Things will Happen Tonight at the Presidential Debate, and I think this is the More Likely of the Two in All Honesty. Trump being SO Goddamn Dumb will Get Angry Fast (because Stupid People Anger Quickly), and the Whole Fucking Debate will Turn Into One Giant Trump Temper Tantrum. If Trump Can’t Lie which He does Every fucking Time He Opens His fucking Moronic Mouth will Also Cause Him to Anger Easily.  Trump Hates to be Corrected because it Shows What a Total Dumbfuck He is, and Biden will Call Trump Out on His Bullshit Every fucking Time.


2.  Trump will get Angry at Being Called Out on His Non Stop Lies, and again being Such an Ignorant Asshole will Simply Walk Out. Lets Face it Trump has made a bit of a Reputation for being a a Big Old Punks Bitch when it comes to Walking Out. How many fucking Press Conferences did He Have where when Asked a Question He couldn’t/t Answer or Didn’t like Scowels like a fucking Child and Walks Out without saying a Word like a Scared, Spineless, Gutless motherfucking Coward.

Either Way Trump will Show America Once Again What an Asinine Orange Asshole He is, and Fuck Trump, Fuck Pence, and Fuck MAGAssholes.

Thanks For Reading,

Les Sober   

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