Ego & Irony on Twitter

I was just on Twitter doing what I do, and I noticed a Famous Musician (Who I will not Name because I don’t want to Deal with Bullshit)  I follow had Tweeted a Strangely Uncharacteristic Tweet. The Tweet said in summation that Her Followers Had “Disappointed” Her and Not just This time but Apparently a Few Times Before as Well. The Tweet was annoyingly Laden with the Angry Face, Thumbs Down, and Fire Emojis making the Tweet look Juvenile as fuck.

There was also a almost Minute Long  Video included in the Tweet where said Musician Directly Addresses the Issue at Hand. She again whines about How Her Followers Have and Current are Disappointing  Her. The Followers so called egregious Offense  apparently was Not Responding to Her Tweet(s) the Way She Wanted Them Too. And for this reason and this reason alone She is Leaving Twitter for Instagram because Twitter again some how Personally Let Her Down.


Granted She is Intensely Political and Hates The Current State of Affairs in America (as do Millions of Other My self Included), and wants to use Her Celebrity or Fame to Influence Her Fans/Followers into Taking Action. In Fact She refers to its as Her “Calls To Action” which where not Received as well as She would have Liked, and is the Primary Cause of this Self Serving Self Pity of Hers.

I see Her point though She utterly fucked it up with Her “Poor Me” Tweet. She wanted to Motivate People via Social Media and thinks Instagram is the Better Social Media Platform for Her, But the Tweet came off ALL KINDS OF WRONG. In Fact it was so fucked Up in My Opinion I’m No Longer a Fan of Her in any Aspect after Watching that Video.

What I got Out of the Video was This:

“People aren’t Doing What I Want When I Want!! They won’t feel and act just like Me on some shit, So fuck Them, Twitter Followers  are fucking Disappointments!  I’m taking My Toys and Going to Instagram!!! The Instagram Users  will Listen to Me and React The Way I WANT THEM TO!!!”


Talk about fucking Egotistical am I right?! How about She just being Happy with the fucking Fact She has Fans/Followers in the First fucking Place. This Feed My Ego, Feed My Fame Horseshit that She is wollowing in is Absolutely  CONTEMPTIBLE and DISGUSTING.

REMEMBER NO FANS NO FAME ASSHOLE. RESPECT Your Fans and Appreciate Them for Essentially making You Who You Are. Why would a Fan remain a Fan after Reading/Watching that bullshit Tweet? NOT ME FUCK THAT. For Everyone of Her “Poor Me”s I have a “Fuck You.”

The Ironic thing is as You may Imagine She HATES Trump (As do I) He’s the Vile Head of the GOP Beast, and like Many Others She has talked Shit about Donny’s Immature, Ignorant, Evil and Egotistical Behavior.


So it’s IRONIC that Her Departure from Twitter is EXACTLY HOW TRUMP WOULD HAVE DONE IT.

1. You See When The American People Don’t back Donny or Kiss His Traitorous Orange Ass He Sinks into a Sea of Self Pity, He then gets Angry as Hell, and Lastly He will Rage Tweet about It. Also

2. If Trump doesn’t like Something then Any and Everyone Associated with whatever it is He Dislikes are Automatically Idiots, Fake, Incompetent, Criminal etc.

3. And Finally Trump will have Such a Tremendous Tantrum that He will Completely Quite whatever He is Failing at (which is every fucking thing), and Walk away Head Down claiming He No Longer can be Bothered by this Newly Deemed Nonsense.


This was an Impromptu Lesson from The School of Don’t Meet Famous People You’re a Fan because They’re Human, and Thus are More than Likely Utter Assholes in Reality that will Totally Disappoint You.

Ignorance IS Bliss.

Thanks for Reading,

 Les Sober

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