Fame, Fortune & Fuck All

W.H. Auden once said “The interests of a writer and the interests of his readers are never the same and if, on occasion, they happen to coincide, this is a lucky accident.” I believe Auden was commenting on two different points derived from the same statement. First Auden is simply explaining that what a writer finds interesting, and thusly writes about, in no way guarantees that potential reader’s will be interested in what the writer had written. Second I believe Auden was stating that even when reader’s read a written piece it doesn’t mean they will get the same meaning as other readers or even the author. People’s perceptions are as unique to the reader as their views and opinions, so no two readers will interpret one piece in the same way.
I completely, totally, and absolutely agree with Auden’s statement. If I’m not interested in a subject then I won’t ever write about it. I don’t pander in anyway, shape, or form to or for possible readers I write for an audience of one, and that one is me. I am also fully aware that not everyone will read, enjoy, or like what I have written and I welcome it all good, bad and indifferent. I know as a writer that my so called demographic will be a niche market appealing to only a few select people, but with the assistance of the internet a writer’s audience has gone global which helps niche writers find their following.

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