FYB EDITOR’S NOTE: While The Cat’s Away The Mice Will Fuck Shit Up.

Greetings Les Sober here. I know I have virtually never directly addressed anyone who stumbles across this little slice of insanity in the past. You see when it comes to information or questions it’s best to go directly to the fucking source, and when it come to FYB that would be me. For verification purposes here is actual FYB status report to help hose off all the bullshit.

Why has FYB been far less active recently?

I believe in brutal honesty being a rip the band aid off minded motherfuckers so here’s the fucking truth. We have had several other projects that are going extremely well, and that led to FYB being treated like the preverbal red headed step child. I do regret that fact but it’s the bottomline so why bullshit around?!

What is the YT issue all about?

Never thought I would ever fucking say this but the answer simply is not a goddamn thing. The confusion was the result of a comedy of error made while I was on location for a collaboration for one of the aforementioned alternative projects. There was/is a rumor bouncing around Google claiming that YT was or was going to severely limit free YT in an attempt to force people to pay for YT premium. As of Today again this has proved to just be a rumor, but I can see why people might have gotten confused and thought that might be the case all in all.

In reality the rumor seems to be a combination of Twitter aka Shitter (X can eat my ass) dumbing down the free twitter accounts in an attempt to extort people into paying for Twitter Blue which was a complete and utter fucking flop. No one was nor is actually buying that shit aside from compliant attention whores. My point is Elon is a waste of ejaculate. Meanwhile YT has been steadily abandoning their content creators, and ultimately sold the fuck out to advertiser dollars thus crippling creator’s content and creativity.

What lies ahead?

Again in all honesty I have not a fucking clue what the future holds for FYB. The one thing from the previous post that was/is correct is we’re currently are reviewing our various options. You can interpret that as you will.

It is what it is,

 by Les Sober

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