The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content (Videos 1-3)

Whoever MeatSleep is They Posted a Series of Videos that Begged the Viewers to Ask “Is This an Art Project of Some Kind OR are they Real Videos Shot by an Actual Serial Killer?!”. In MeatSleep’s Last Video Posted They Claim the Whole thing was Fake, a Hoax of Sorts Created to Deceive Viewers into Believing it’s Real. Well that’s fine, BUT WHY THEN did MeatSleep  Immediately Delete EVERY SINGLE VIDEO of Their Previous Content?! Is there something in Those Noe Deleted Videos MeatSleep Didn’t Want You to See or Figure Out? Was There a Clue or a Key Piece of Evidence that needed to be Deleted before Detection? Did MeatSleep Delete Their Video’s because the Art Project was Done or Were They simply covering Their Tracks by Deleting the Video Evidence of Their Misdeeds?


In Lou of MeatSleep Deleting Their Content Does anything on the Internet Actually Ever Die, and the Answer is No. Some People had Downloaded and Reposted a Handful of MeatSleep’s Videos which We unceremoniously Stumbled Over. We were Hooked, SO We Continued to Hunt and Compile as Many MeatSleep Videos We possibly Could. Now that We have a Sizable Stockpile of MeatSleep Videos On Hand We came up With the Following Idea. We decided to Showcase MeatSleep’s Video’s Here in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FROM THE FIRST TO THE LAST, and You Can See What You Think For Yourself. Enjoy.

Here Are The First Set of MeatSleep’s Videos: 1-3


Hope You All Enjoyed The Serial Killer Insanity as Much as We Did.

  Presented By Les Sober

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