FYB Saturday Night’s Gory Splatter Movie: SAMURAI PRINCESS!!!

Welcome to The FYB Saturday Night Gory Splatter Movie Featuring: “THE SAMURAI PRINCESS” directed by Kengo Kaji and special effects by Yoshihiro Nishimura (who directed and created the Effects for The another Popular Japanese Gory Splatter Movie Tokyo Gore Police).


Samurai Princess has been described as ERO GURO Action Film, and what is Ero Guro You ask?  Euro Guro is an Artistic Genre that putts Focus on Eroticism, Sexual Corruption, and Decadence. As a Term, it is used to Denote something that is BOTH EROTIC AND GROTESQUE. The Grotesqueness Implied in the Term refers to things that are MALFORMED, UNNATURAL, or HORRIFIC! Items that are Pornographic and Bloody are Not necessarily Ero Guro, and Visa Versa. The Term is often Used Incorrectly by Audiences to mean “Gore” which is the DEPICTIONS OF HORROR, BLOOD, and GUTS.


Brief Plot Summery: Samurai Princess takes Place sometime, somewhere in an Alternative Universe of Feudal Japan, where People live Together with Highly Developed Mechanical Dolls called “Mechas”. However, Excessively Developed Mechanical Dolls start Causing HARM to Human Society, leading to GHASTLY BLOODSHED ALL OVER THE PLACE! Under the Circumstances, Mad Scientist Kyroaku invents a Virtually Invincible Mechanized Female Ninja equipped with 11 Types of Built in Weapons. Thats Not all because The Ninja is also INFUSED WITH 11 SOULS of Her Fallen Sisters. She uses Their combined Power to take Down Anyone who Dares to Stand in Her Way in Her Quest to Save Humanity Pinning MACHINE AGAINST MUTANTS! Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed this Mechanical Murderama as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

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