Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (43/365)

“Aw Goddamnit! The Electric in this Building is TOTALLY SHITTY!” announced Dizzy loudly with a great deal of Aggravation. “This Building is so damn Old and The Owner is such a Cheap Bastard the Wiring is beyond Faulty. Honestly I don’t know how the Crooked fucker gets away with it I mean He has to be bribing the Housing Authority or some Shady shit.”

Lee paused in the Doorway feeling rather awkward as He listened to Dizzy Banging into or Bouncing Off whatever there was Hidden in the Veritable Blackhole of Dizzy’s Apartment. Finally there was a Ray of Sunshine that cut  through the Shadowy Interior Gloom, and Lee at last Entered into Dizzy’s Apartment.

As Lee’s eyes Adjusted to the Introduction of Day light after Navigating through the Dimly Lit Cave of a Building that Dizzy called Home. Dizzy’s Apartment gave the Impression that a Hard Partying Heavy Metal Band from the fucking 1980’s was residing there, and Currently reliving the Fame of a Career that had be Dead and Buried Decades Ago.


There was a Cloud of Dust almost as Thick as Smoke hanging in the Air like a Lingering Ghost. Dizzy’s Apartment smelled like a Moldy Basement filled with forgotten and Decaying Boxes which was masked by the Intense Stench of Cigarettes, Gallons of Cheap Stale Beer, and a Mild Hint of Ammonia reminiscent of a Cat Box that Needed Changing.

Lee Maneuvered careful over to Dizzy’s Couch which looked like it had been Salvaged from the Curb several times over before reaching Dizzy instead of the City Dump. The Couch had one of the Ugliest Patterns from the Nightmare of Style know as The 70’s. The Pattern was of Large Cartoonish looking Daisys in Mustard Yellow, Vomit Green, Ugly Ass Orange, and Accented with Shit Stain Brown. The Couch was so fucking Repulsive Lee could imagine it  making People Nauseous enough to actually Puke, and even if They Threw Up on the Couch  No One would be the Wiser as it would just Blend into the Eye Sore Collage  that was Dizzy’s so called Couch.


Lee checked to make sure the Couch Cushion was Dry and devoid of any Suspicious Stains of Unknown Origin before sitting on what Lee considered a fucking Diseased Soaked Monstrosity. In front of the Couch was a Coffee Table which did look like it had come Directly from the Dump. One Leg was held on with a copious amount of Well Worn Duct Tape, and was Littered with Empty Booze Bottles, Several Overflowing Ashtrays with Cigarette Butts cascading down the side like a Cancerous Avalanches, and a couple Foreign Eastern Block Porno Mags. . The Couch was Bookended by a Pair of Beaten to Hell Mismatching Television Trays Each with a Cluster of Heavily Used Half Melted Candles and assorted other Items such as a Well Used Bong, a TV Remote that was so fucking Old the Numbers had worn off with Use and quite a few Buttons were by this point in time were Missing


Lee gazed across the Room to the Far Wall were a Lone disheveled Chest of Drawers with 9 Drawers. One of the Drawers had gone missing and the other 8 Drawers were in Various Stages of Hanging Open. Some were barely Open while Others were hanging all the fucking way Out. There weren’t any Cloths visible as the Drawers looked to have been filled with all kinds of useless Junk. On Top of the Dresser was a Seriously Outdated TV that had a Pair of Rabbit Ears on Top, and “Property of Princetonian Hotel” stenciled in white on the Side. Lee wondered to Himself if The Pricetonian was the Name of Dizzy’s Dwelling or the Name of Where it was Stolen From. After a Moment of Contemplation Lee decided it must be the Later.

Be Sure To Tune In For Next Weeks Inside Out Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober (12:22 am)

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