Mediterranean Marijuana : Whats Going On In Italy

Recently My Wife and I had an outstanding opportunity to spend 9 days in a sprawling 6 bedroom Villa. The Villa was located atop one of the majestic Moutan’s of Tuscany.  The fact the Villa came with actual Million Euro View of the lush vineyard filled Valley was an unreal bonus.

The only reason I know that is the current owner told us he had decided to sell the Villa and retire to city of Siena and then informed me he sold it for 1 Million Euros.

Any who enough of that Hallmark Reminiscing. I’m not going to right about the entire trip not even close. I’m not writing my Biography nor am I a travel Guide Author. I will be writing about the 2 key points of interest (as far as I’m concerned) from the trip, and this is the First.

As a Pot Enthusiast and with the curiosity of a 1,000 cats decided that before we departed to investigate what the Marijuana Situation was currently in Italy in General. This is what I found out.

Italy in fact does sell recreational Marijuana that they have Labeled as “Light” and isn’t hard to find either for that matter. Now immediately I wondered what the fuck Their definition of “Marijuana Light” exactly was. Apparently “Marijuana Light” as defined by the Government of Italy is the following:

“Light Marijuana sold for recreational usage  can only contain a total THC content of 0.5% OR LESS.”


The Astronomically low THC content makes smoking it like smoking the shittiest Dirt Weed you’ve ever known, It’s absolutely NOTHING compared to the High Grade shit grown in America as well as other Legal Countries around the World.

Would you want to drink a Beer that had only 0.5% Alcohol in it. Hell No I’m guessing since it negates the point. Same here with Marijuana and its Perspective THC Levels.

According to those People who have actually smoked the Italian Light brand of Marijuana its harsh as hell, tastes like dirt or Barn Yard, You won’t catch a buzz BUT more than likely who will get a shitty headache.

This leads me to believe that Italian Light Marijuana isn’t even from a Female Plant. I think their smoking Males Plants (Who have THC in their small leaves, but do not produce the desirable buds of the Female Plant.


That is why traditionally Male Plants were converted into Hemp Products. I have also heard that if you smoke Hemp, even an entire football fucking field of it, all you’ll get is a wicked cough and nasty headache.

The next thing I found out through research and inquiry is that there were a few Tourist Trap Stores that were nothing but a complete fucking fake and utter rip off scattered around certain Cities.

People who had seen or visited these establishments warned to avoid at all costs. They main reason was simple theses stores where dealing in Bait & Switch Style False Advertising that prayed on peoples ignorance. The stores were pure bullshit hype, nothing more.

So where is the Marijuana tie in you may be wondering. Well here it is.I stumbled across one of these Stores in Florence ( a city that has become one big fucking shitty tourist trap) so I went in to scout it out.




This is important to point out as The Store from its Name CANNABIS Store Amsterdam (note Cannabis is in all Caps), to their products labels CanniPops, Cannabis Cookies, CannaGummy and so on were all designed to mislead the consumer into thinking their buying a legit THC product when in fact their purchasing a CBD Marijuana Derivative/Extract.

This is Shady as shit because while the Labels, Sales People, and Interior of the Store (which is like a Hot Topics of Marijuana) AREN’T LYING. Even though the entire Store and its designed to decieve CBD is in fact extracted from The Marijuana Plant so its Technically a Marijuana Product. They can simply claim its not Their fault the customer bought something under a ignorant assumption.

Its greedy scummy Scam/Con Artists like these fuckers at CANNABIS Store Amsterdam that really chaps my ass cashing in on their crap while corroding the legitimate. Their all Smoke and Mirrors. Their a preverbal Horse and Pony Show. THEY ARE BULLSHIT.

The last thing I discovered along the way was in the end Italy is like most places where Marijuana (or in this case Mainstream Marijuana) is still illegal its the same old You need to know a Guy or Find the Friend of a Guy to  purchase quality Marijuana.

Plenty of People advised that the best places to find Black Market Marijuana in Italy is in areas densely populated by Students. This is a no fucking brainer you ask me its just a matter of common sense.

I was also told that as long as you don’t smoke out in the open or in Touristy Areas then the Police really aren’t concerned, so if you smoke Weed in Italy just be respectful, Mindful, and Discreet.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

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