Micheal Jackson’s Catchy Pop Song About a Violent Murder

I fully believe that a Life without Music isn’t a Life worth Living. Now Growing up when I did You could walk 5 feet without hearing or seeing something relating to Micheal Jackson.
Now I have nothing against Micheal Jackson in the least I just want to be clear so there is no confusion. I don’t want some Dullard thinking  I’m shit talking Jackson’s Music in Anyway Way Whatsoever.
I have just made several Personal OBSERVATIONS pertaining to Jackson’s Smooth Criminal , and its rather Grim Lyrics.
I like who knows how many Million other People Globally am a fan of Jackson’s Smooth Criminal, BUT it also has ALWAYS intrigued Me. Over the Years every time I heard Micheal Jackson’s Smooth Criminal it just INCREASED My Interest that much more. On the surface it was a catchy tune, YET the Lyrics seemed to convey a MUCH DARKER MESSAGE.
What I can’t get My head around is Micheal Jackson was one of the Greatest POP STARS in History, and his Song Smooth Criminal was a commercial success. I mean it’s still being Played on the Radio to this very Day, BUT the Lyrics are Very Disturbing indeed.
Now I’m pretty assured that if I asked ANY Person on the Street that They would know the Song or at least familiar with it . I am also pretty fucking assured that if I asked the SAME PEOPLE what the Song is Actually About No One would be able to come up with an answer.
That brings Us to Today when I decided to Officially Go On Record, and grabbed a copy of the Lyrics for Smooth Criminal off Google.
I cut and pasted the Lyrics here and will Simply address My rather Dark (or Morbid might be a better word) Observations periodically as We go.
SMOOTH CRIMINAL by Micheal Jackson:
“As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On
The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was
Her Doom”
Alright well thats just the BEGINNING of the Song. Here the Listener can deduce that a STRANGE MAN smashed a window loudly and Enters  Annie’s Apartment. I think it’s safe to assume this is a Breaking and Entering, and Not one of Annie’s FaceBook Friends popping by to say Hi.
It doesn’t end there it only gets more Gruesome for Poor Annie. Next The Intruder leaves BLOOD STAINS on Annie’s Carpet. Where the fuck is the BLOOD from? Was the Intruder already covered in Blood? Is it a reference to Annie’s Blood? Did the Intruder cut Himself breaking the Window?
Then We find out a panicked Annie hides under a table at which point the Intruder realizes theres NOTHNG ANNIE can do, She poses NO Threat to Him. Finally Annie bolts for the Bedroom in Sheer Terror, BUT apparently The Intruder followed Annie, STRUCK HER (aka Hit), and “It Was Her DOOM” so obviously The Intruder MURDERED ANNIE or FATALLY WOUNDED HER and She’s laying on the Floor Dying.

“Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie”

This incessant questioning repeated over and over is reminiscent of a HYSTERICAL PERSON stumbling upon this Horror Show, and finding Annie’s Body Unconscious on the floor, Bloody Dying or Dead. You can imagine someone bent over Annie’s Body frantically asking Her if She is Ok though its quite apparent that she is fucking far from OK.


“(Annie Are You Ok)
(Will You Tell Us That You’re
(There’s A Sign In The
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your
(He Left The Bloodstains On
The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)”

This is a bit repetitive BUT IT CONFIRMS the Above in that A Intruder smashed a Window to Annie’s Apartment, Enter, Chased Her, Hit Her, and Killed Her. THIS TIME the deal is sealed as they say When the last 2 lines are DIRECTLY Referring To ANNIE SPECIFICALLY  “YOU were struck down” and “It was YOUR doom”


“Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
You’ve Been Hit By
You’ve Been Hit By
A Smooth Criminal”

Again We have the Frantic Questioning of Annie, but this time with the ADDED “You’ve been hit by” and “A Smooth Criminal” What The Fuck?! Smooth Criminal?! More like Violent Murderer/Serial Killer/Serial Rapist and Murderer/Stalker.


“So They Came Into The
It Was Sunday-What A Black
Mouth To Mouth Resus
Sounding Heartbeats

This is a tab confusing. The aforementioned Intruder goes from a “He” to a Them OR is They being used in an Official Capacity like when a Cop is recounting the Events of a Crime for example “They broke in….They Stole….They set fire to the House.” which is due to the fact the Cops don’t know if the Attacker was Male, Female or Possible More than One Person.


Anyway Annie’s evening gets worse as We see someone I assume a Paramedic is administering Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation confirming Annie is at least for the moment in fact DEAD. “Sounding Heartbeats” could be part of CPR or the Anxiousness of Those involved in the Crime/Crime Scene again NOT to sure. As for Intimidations well Saving a Victim of a Violent Crime’s Life because perhaps the Paramedic can bring Annie back after all, But NOT LIKELY.

“Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie”


More PLEADING, HOPEING, and BEGGING That the Horror is NOT REAL.

“(Annie Are You Ok)
(Will You Tell Us That You’re
(There’s A Sign In The
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)”

Here AGAIN the Details of the Crime are recounted.

“(Annie Are You Ok)
(So, Annie Are You Ok)
(Are You Ok Annie)
(You’ve Been Hit By)
(You’ve Been Struck By-
A Smooth Criminal)”

This time the Last 2 Lines combine Annie being HIT and being STRUCK (say with a Blunt Weapon)

“Okay, I Want Everybody To
Clear The Area Right Now!”

Now for some reason, Myself included never noticed this KEY AND PERTINENT Piece of Information. Its at this point in the Song the Listener can hear a split second sound bite of a Police Car Siren followed by the Lyric being SPOKEN (not sung), and Its sounds like the Person Presumably a Cop is talking on a Police Car’s PA or possibly a Bullhorn. POINT IS THE POLICE ARE THERE CLEARING THE AREA (AKA CRIME SCENE).


(Annie Are You Ok)
I Don’t Know!
(Will You Tell Us, That
You’re Ok)
I Don’t Know!
(There’s A Sign In The
I Don’t Know!
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
I Don’t Know!
(He Came Into Your
I Don’t Know!
(Left Bloodstains On The
I Don’t Know Why Baby!
(Then You Ran Into The
I Don’t Know!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom-Annie! )”

Here again is the accounting of the CRIME spliced with the NEW LINE “I Don’t Know” as if being asked What Happened by The Police. Also the Exclamation Points indicate the person talking is EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL.

“(Annie Are You Ok)
Dad Gone It-Baby!
(Will You Tell Us, That
You’re Ok)
Dad Gone It-Baby!
(There’s A Sign In The
Dad Gone It-Baby!
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
Hoo! Hoo!


Once again Here I’m a bit befuddled. Now the line “Dad Gone It-Baby” has been added in. All I can make of this bizarrely cartoonish statement pertaining to a Violent HOMICIDE is Micheal Jackson’s Manager/Reps didn’t want him saying “Goddamnit” which would make far more sense considering the situation, and emotional state of the Singer. This was before POP STARS were allowed to Publicly Curse.

Well there You have it. Now just sit back, Relax, and let the Insanity of it All Shit Sink In.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

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