Ominous Sunday Night Cinema: CANNIBAL GIRLS

We are Quite Amused to bring You the 1973 Canadian Independent Grindhouse Horror Comedy Film CANNIBAL GIRLS Directed and Co-Written by Ivan Reitman, and Starring Mr. American Pie Himself Eugene Levy. CANNIBAL GIRLS was Filmed between 1971 and 1972, in Rural Areas Surrounding Toronto, Ontario, Canada such as Beaverton and Oak Ridges. Needless to Say The Movie was made with a Very Low Budget and Much of the Dialogue was Improvised.


Plot Summary:

While on the Road Clifford Sturges and His Girlfriend Gloria Wellaby are experiencing Car Trouble. Their Car manages to Last Until They Couple reach the Small and Secluded Town called Farnhamville, where it finally Shits the Bed once and For All. Stranded, Clifford and Gloria check into a Quaint Little Motel owned by an Old Lady named Mrs. Wainwright. While inside , The Old Lady tells the Young Couple about an URBAN LEGEND known as the ‘CANNIBAL GIRLS’!!!

The Legend is about Three Beautiful but PSYCHOTIC WOMEN named Anthea, Clarissa, and Leona, Who Lured Men with Their Seductive Charm to  Their Home Only to Feast Upon Their Flesh as THEY ATE THEIR VICTIMS ALIVE!! By Devouring Their Victims and Drinking Their Blood, the Girls maintained Their Youthfulness, Good Looks, and Immortality.


Later on in the Story Mrs. Wainwright takes CLifford and Gloria to a Cozy Bed and Breakfast where the CANNIBAL GIRLS supposedly Lived Years Before. They meet the Host Known Only as The Reverend Alex St. John. Unfortunately for Them the Couple Don’t Realize It, but Their Dinner is being Served by the Three CANNIBAL GIRLS THEMSELVES! Also Unbeknownst to the Couple The Reverend Alex St. John is the Diabolical Force  behind the CANNIBAL GIRLS activities, and Who Possesses a Creepily Charismatic Hold on the Entire Town.

The Couple try to Leave the Town, but a Severe Thunderstorm and a Grim Warning of  an Escaped Lunatic from the Reverend prompts the Couple to Spend the Night. GLoria Cannot Call Her Parents since the Phone Lines are Down, and She cannot Leave the Town because the Buses won’t be Leaving until the Next Morning. Meanwhile Clifford becomes Distant and Develops a Craving for the Food that is Served in the Town’s Diner which is in Fact HUMAN MEAT! The NExt thing They Know the Couples Lives Spin Out of Control into Complete and Utter CHAOS as things Go from Bad to Worse. Can the Couple Survive to Tell the Tale of Betrayal, Murder, Human Sacrifice, and Cannibalism without Ending Up on the Dinner Table Themselves??! You’ll have to Watch and See for Yourself.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By   Les Sober & FYB 

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