Out Sourcing Becomes In Sourcing

We all are well aware allowing Large Companies and Corporations to outsource jobs to other (lets be real 3rd world counties, I mean you never see them send jobs to Europe or Asia) foreign countries champions America’s capitalist beliefs bastardized back in the 1980’s. It subsequently  utterly destroyed the American Middle Class ironically rendering America closer to a Third World Country with a severe separation gap between the poor and the rich. Anyway you look at it America’s holding on to the antiquated belief system (once again) of decades past didn’t help the already massive financial and economic shiticane that was slowly forming over the American people.

So again we all know that the reason(s) Corporations and Large Companies wanted outsourcing for one reason alone MONEY. In Third World countries you can literally pay slave wages,  provide absolutely no benefits or 401 Ks etc. you can work  the people exhausting ours, and there are virtually no labor laws to restrict medieval practices (abuses is more accurate). They didn’t  have to worry either about complaints of any kind because the people of that country are so fucking desperate they’ll eat whatever shit sandwich you serve them.

Now as if that wasn’t a totally fucked up concept of capitalism IT GETS WORSE (remember it can ALWAYS be worse even if its shit to begin with.) See the endless appetite of glorious greed wasn’t satiated, the gluttonous desires of the Large Companies and Corporations still begged to be fed. The only issue with outsourcing was while the labor force was cheap and exploitable SHIPPING costs could get quite pricey for having the finished products shipped state side. Then one damnable day the Corporations and Large Companies realized that after several years of on going outsourcing the American people had become as desperate and expendable as those citizens in the Third World Countries. So they could bullshit the lemmings of the American public, receive some good PR, exploit a expendable work force, AND SAVE MONEY ON SHIPPING COSTS.

Armed with this new despicable  knowledge the Corporations and Large Companies under the bullshit banner of patriotism for “Bring Jobs Home” started exploiting the American work force almost identical (because America has enforceable labor laws) to those they employed in the Third World. American workers were now willing to do 3 times the amount of work for 1/2 the pay and no benefits so the Cooperations and Large Companies took full advantage of the fucking crisis they created. They didn’t have to worry about complaints or pressure for more money/better benefits because if any employee said shit you just remind them “There 100 people who are ready and willing to do your job.” With that a real life reality virtually NO EMPLOYEE would even THINK of saying SHIT again because they’re terrified of losing their job in such a fucked up part of American History.

Bottom Line here is:

Insourcing or Outsourcing ITS ALL EXPLOITATION. Capitalism run rampant will be the final blow that Murders America.

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