The Surreal Insanity of FAKE MISTRESS

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the 4 Videos from the German Content Creator, Musician, Singer, Photographer, and Sculptor Olivia Pils (Who Goes by the Moniker Fake Mistress). This One is Particularly Tricky to Decipher We can Attest to That. So Let’s Start with the General Information First Shall We, Yes We Shall:

  • The Channel came to be om March 9, 2010.
  • Between 2010 and 2011 Fake Mistress Posted 4 Videos.
  • Fake Mistress had Not Posted Anything New in 11 Years.
  • The Odd Audio was Thought at One Point to be German, BUT it turned out to be Utter fucking Gibberish.
  • The Channel has a Total of 749 Subscribers.
  • The Channel has Only the 4 aforementioned Videos.
  • The Channel has a Total of 35,488 Views to Date.
  • It has Been Confirmed that all 4 Videos are Art Installations from a Yearly Art Exhibit in Berlin, Germany.
  • The Channels Playlists, Community, Channels, and About Sections are Blank as Blank can be.
  • Pils Started as the Singer for the DaDa-Performance Group called Fake Masters.
  • Haus Schwarzenburg is a Extremely Popular Street Art Gallery Spot in Berlin, Germany.
  • Neurotitan is a Shop and Art Gallery in Berlin, Germany.

My Thoughts: At First When I Saw this I thought “Huh That’s fucking Weird.” and that would have been the End of It without a Second fucking thought. The fucking Weirder thing was I would cycle Back to Them Periodically Not really knowing why, but now I’m pretty fucking Positive I have figured it all out. To put it Simply every time I watched these Videos for the Next a Day or So it keep popping the fuck into My head here and there Randomly. That’s when it occurred to Me this shit is like Asian Horror. Not the Over the Top Extreme Gore shit (which is Utterly fucking awesome just to clarify) but the Creepy Haunting Kind that Slither into Your Skull and Set Up Shop. So in Summation The More You watch Over Time the More You start Plunging Down a RabbitHole of Your Own fucking Making.


Details: Installation Done 2008 in NEUROTITAN exhibition by Fake Mistress

Details: Multi-Media Installation, Exhibited in NEUROTITAN, Berlin, 2009

Details: interactive multi-media installation by Olivia Pils in the Exhibition: “15 Jahre Haus Schwarzenberg” in the gallery NEUROTITAN, Berlin in october 2010.

Details: An Interactive Multi-Media installation by Olivia Pils in the Exhibition: “15 Jahre Haus Schwarzenberg” in the Gallery NEUROTITAN, Berlin in october 2010.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Shits and Giggles: STATIC BEEF

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Original Version and the 10 Year High Quality Version of STATIC BEEF by Daniel Stetich. STATIC BEEF  is a Stop Motion Project by Stitch and a Couple of Friends  John LaMonica and Jeremiah Clark. Static Beef is Perfect for a Laugh granted You have a Rather Warped Sense of Humor. Static Beef is Short, Utterly fucking Absurd, and a Tad Violent which are all things We here at FYB are Fans Of.  In Summation The Theater of the Absurd is Open for Business and Full of STATIC BEEF.

Original Version:

10 Year Anniversary High Quality Version:

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Link’s Ultimate Girlfriend

So We were Poking Around Obscure YouTube Channels for Shits and Giggles. Now when We Say Obscure We mean these Channels are so Fucking Minuscule that if They were any Smaller They Simply wouldn’t fucking Exist in the First fucking Place. We Stumbled across One of these Micro Channels as We call them and Found the Following Video Titled : LINK’S ULTIMATE GIRLFRIEND. As an Example of What We consider a Micro Channel here’s the Channels Stats:

  • The Channel is called Toadsmiles.
  • The Channel has 146 Subscribers.
  • The Channel has a Total of 4 Videos
  • The Channel Joined in April 2007.
  • The Channel has a Total of 64,596 Views.
  • This Video racked up the Most Views at 39k of the 4 Videos.
  • The Other Video’s View Counts were 5k, 2.1k, and 17k.

The Other 3 Videos on Toadsmiles are Straight Up Retarded believe Us it’s just the Usual No Context Lame Shit You find on Channels like These. Thankfully there are Always Exceptions to the Rule which is Why We Torture Ourselves Scouring Bullshit Channels. LINK’S ULTIMATE GIRLFRIEND is One of these Exceptions because it’s Too fucking Weird Not to Watch.

Now for the Trilogy of Questions One Must Ask Oneself when watching Cryptic Uploads such as LINK’S ULTIMATE GIRLFRIEND which are Is it an ARG, Art Project, or Gorilla Marketing for say a Movie or Video Game? Well We think Gorilla Marketing and ARG are Both Out of the fucking Question since there is Only 1 Video. It’s Pretty fucking Hard to Promote something with One 2:07 minute Long Video Especially if its Some Bizarre shit. One the Same Note there’s No Point in Playing an ARG again if there is just One fucking Piddly fucking Video?!  So as Far as We are Concerned this Falls Under the Category of Art Project be it for School, a Art Show, or Just fucking Because Someone wanted to make it, and/or Since it’s Not Outside the Realm of Reason it could be the Tortured Vision(s) of an Insane Person.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

A Regrettable Pawn Stars Cartoon

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring A REGRETTABLE PAWN STARS CARTOON by One of Our Favorite Animators/Content Creators MeatCanyon. MEATCANYON: MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.

We get a Real Kick Out of this Particular MeatCanyon Cartoon for Several Reasons.One Being Reality TV is Utter fucking Mind Numbing, IQ Dropping fucking Drivel. There is Simply NOT A GODDAMN THING REAL ABOUT IT, It’s a Fucking Entertainment Whore Trend perpetrated by the Shitty Television Networks. All Reality TV Accomplishes is making Dumbfucks Famous for being NOTHING MORE than Ego Driven, Self Obsessed, Personality-less, Ignorant, and being a Complete and Total Fucktarded. So Fuck Pawn Stars Too it’s No Better than the Bullshit Bachelor. But We Digress at Least for Now.

Another Reason We Thoroughly Enjoy this MeatCanyon Animation is it’s Complete Mockery of Christianity. Especially in Today’s Climate with Republicunts Trying to Turn America BACK to 1700’s fucking England the Filthy Motherfucking Anal Cunts. Organized Religion is one of the WORST Things Humanity has ever fucking Created and Breeds fucked up Fanatics. FREEDOM OF RELIGION REPUBLICUNTS FREEDOM OF FUCKING RELIGION. Bottomline Fuck Jesus.


The Last Reason We get a Kick Out of this MeatCanyon Creation is it’s Utter fucking Absurdity and When it come to the Theater of the Absurd We have Season fucking Tickets. To Those Offended by the Cartoon or Our Comments GET FUCKING REAL IT’S FUCKING FICTION! If The Idea of Someone Attempting to Pawn/Sell an Actual Living and Breathing Crucified Christ You need to Slam Your Genitals Repeatedly in a Car Door because People Like You Shouldn’t be Breeding any Dumbfuck Kids. ALSO if You want to be all butt hurt about it Listen Here. At the End of the Movie OLD YELLER the Young Boy has to Shoot His Beloved Dog Old Yeller because He contracted Rabies. BUT THATS NOT ALL in the Disney Family Animated Classic Bambi Bambi’s Mom get Shot right in the Beginning of the fucking Movie. So if Fiction Offends You go be Offend by that Shit and Leave This and Us the fuck Alone.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS A-SYNC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/VIDEOS  as Part of the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

SOMETHING NEW: There has Been a New Development in the BACKROOMS Saga. Series Creator Kane Pixels has Started a Secondary BACKROOMS Channel with Additional Content Not Found on His Main Channel. The New Channel He Started is Named A-Sync Research after the Fictitious and Ominous Research Company from the Series that’s Responsible for Introducing the BACKROOMS to the World. This Development has Thrown Things a Bit Out of Whack Here So now We’re Doing Damage Control to Sort Out any and all confusion. We have Previously Posted Installments Backrooms – The Search and No Escape Previously, BUT We included them here Anyway to Preserve the Series in its Entirety.

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience.

Here Are the A-Sync Videos In Chronological Order:

  1. The Backrooms – Pillars (Found Footage)

CAPTION: January 2, 1998


2) The Backrooms – The Hole

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91

3) The Backrooms – Encounter

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/21/91


4) The Backrooms – The End

CAPTION: his is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


5) The Backrooms – Async

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91

6) The Backrooms – The Rope

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


7) The Backrooms – Telephone

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


8) The Backrooms – Library Entity

CAPTION: This is a small section of footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/22/91


9) The Backrooms – Lost and Found

CAPTION: This is all the footage that was able to be recovered from an unidentified camera found in the Complex (Hallways, Backrooms, etc.) by the A-Sync Research Development Team. 5/21/91


10) The Backrooms – No Escape

CAPTION: This tape was .—- recorded by civilian Christopher E. ******* -..-. who was reported missing .—- —– on January 30th, 1984.


11) The Backrooms – The Search

CAPTION: This is a continuation of the tape that was ..— recorded by civilian Christopher E. ******* -..-. on February .—- —– 1st, 1984.


12) The Backrooms – Lost

CAPTION:This is a continuation …– of the tape that was recorded by civilian Christopher -..-. E. ******* on February 1st, .—- —– 1984.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

FOR SHITS & GIGGLES: Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv

Welcome to Today’s Second FYB Post MEREANA MORDEGARD GLESGORV which is a Truly Unique Piece of Fuckery. You see this Video is Apparently a Online Urban Legend referred to as a Creepypasta. Allegedly if You Search this Video, Most of the Time You’ll find Jack Shit, BUT We were Lucky Enough that This Video just Fell into Our Laps Unexpectedly. If You did Mange to Find it You’d find a 34 Second Video of a Odd Looking Man Staring at You until He Says Something which We have No fucking Idea What the Language He is Speaking or if it’s Possibly English that has been Manipulated/Distorted.

However the 34 Second Video is Not in Fact the Entire Video which is 2 Minutes Long in its Entirety. As the Story Goes Youtube Took Down the Video after Allegedly 153 People Who Viewed the Video Not Only Gouged Out Their Own Eyes, BUT Then then Somehow Mailed Them to Youtube’s Main Office in San Bruno. There were also Reports of Alleged Viewers of the Video Committing Suicide in a Variety of Brutal and Gruesome Ways, and They Allegedly Carved a Cryptic Inscription on/into Their Forearms that has Not Yet been Deciphered.


Also Youtube will Periodically Post the First 20 Seconds of a Controversial Video to Hamper the Suspicion of Viewers, so this Way Hopefully No One Actually look for the Real Deal or Upload it Either. This Video was watched by a Single YouTube Employee who 45 Seconds( into the Original 2 Minute Video) Started Screaming Psychotically in a Intense Panic. Said Employee has been on a Heavy Course of Sedatives Ever Since Viewing the Video, and Claims He Doesn’t Actually Remember What the fuck it is He saw.

And Lastly the Person Who Originally Uploaded the Video was Never Found, The IP Address is Non-Existent, and the Man in the Video has Never Been Identified.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring KARLMAYER which is Yet Another Unknown Oddity that has Washed Up on Our Beach. No One seems to know a fucking thing about Who Posted It, Why They Posted It, Or What the fuck it’s Supposed to mean. So essentially its Insanity without Context.


  • The Video was Uploaded in May of 2008.
  • The Music is the Distorted High Pitch Child’s Laughter that Rapes Your Ear Drums Mercilessly so Heads the fuck up There.
  • The Only Real Piece of Actual Information lies in the Videos Description Which Simply Translates to the Name Karl Mayer. Karl Mayer was a German General Staff Officer who Introduced Hitler to Politics. And We all know How that Turned Out so Officially from FYB Fuck Him.

Video Run Down:

  • The Video Starts with the Illustration of Two Children that look Oddly Alien.
  • There Various Pictures of Flowers that Change Color, Distort, Morph, and Pulsate.
  • At the 46 Second Mark there is 2 Pictures of Pennywise from the Original TV Mini Series “IT” Not the Movie Remake/Reboot/Rewhatfuckingever You want to Call it.
  • More fucked up Flower Shit.
  • At the 1:13 Minute Mark there is a Close Up of What appears to be Some Child looking Doll Eyes.
  • Approximately at the 2:00 Mark the Video Takes a Dark Turn. The Video becomes More Distorted and Darker as the Abrasive Audio ramps Up Some.
  • Random Photos for Example a Thin John Wayne Gacy looking Clown and a Picture of the Actual Karl Mayer, and Then BACK TO THE FUCKING FLOWERS.
  • Then the Random Pictures and Flowers Mixed Together featuring such Random Images as An Old School Opera House, Pennywise again, some sort of Tunnel (possibly Subway), Ocean, and a Repeat of the Random Sky Shot from Earlier.


It is What It Is,

Presented By Les Sober

I Have The Body Of A Pig

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG Filmed by a Paranormal Research Group in England Several Years Ago. Now I’m NOT Saying I fucking Believe in Ghosts, Devils, Spirits, or Demons because I DON’T in My Opinion there is NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE of Their Existence.. On the Other Hand there is NO ACTUAL PROOF that They do Not Outside the Self Righteous Ignorance and Ego Driven Human fucking Being. You see ever since Man Climbed to the Top of the fucking Food Chain We suddenly Think that Means We Automatically know Everything about fucking Everything. I Refuse to Buy into that Bullshit. I’ll Stick with Socrates on the Subject of Humanity’s Self Righteous Ego Driven False Belief of Intellectual Superiority  when I say “I Don’t Know Shit.”

Description: Truly frightening EVP recorded in a secret location during my tenure as special guest and resident expert with a group that I cannot name. My association with the group ended due to reasons I cannot legally disclose.
But, as I am the bigger man, I wish them well.

My Thoughts: I already Covered the Paranormal Aspect above, BUT I still have Quite a Bit to Say About the fucking Description that’s fr Sure. I hate shit that starts “Truly Frighting” it’s a Bullshit Attention Grabber that Means Jack Diddly Shit. If Something is Frightening it’s Frightening there should be NO Need to Say Stupid Shit like “Truly Terrifying” because What Scares the Shit out of You may Not Scare Me in the fucking Least and all that. Second How the fuck can this Person be BOTH s Special Guest and a Resident Expert since Special Guests are Temporary per say and a Resident is a Long Term Group Member so that’s an Oxymoron.  Next What the fuck was this Person a so called “Expert” in Exactly Ghost Hunting, Camera Person, Tech Shit, Demonologist, Medium or What the Fuck?!

Why EXACTLY can’t this Person Mention that They Can’t Mention the Name of the Paranormal Group How About some fucking Details. Now Why the Fuck couldn’t this Person Say Why Their Association (I thought They were a Resident Expert in/of the group?!) with Said Paranormal Group? They Claim it’s for Legal Reasons well isn’t that fucking Conveenant since the Whole Description is Vague as it could Possibly be with Total Lack of Any Context or Details of Any Sort whatsofuckingever. Lastly Ironically is the Pompous fucking Last Line in/of the Description about being the Bigger Man. Adding that is a COMPLETE DICK MOVE. How do We know this Person isn’t a Fuck Up, Basket Case, Liar, Bullshit Artist, A Fake/Fraud, YouTube View Whore, A Totally fucking Moron, or just Plain making shit up?!!

Maybe that’s Why This Particular Person’s Association with the Group Ended was Due to the Fact The GROUP Ended the Association. In All Due Favor it could be due Possibility to this Person’s Possible Shitty Attitude or Perhaps They were just a Crappy Paranormal Hunter. If This Person actually  does “Wish Them Well” then Why the fuck did They Bother Turning the Entire Description into Personal Bitching?! The Description really has jack shit to do with the Video itself and is about The Group, The Person who Posted the Video’s Association or Lack there of with Said Group, and the Alleged Legal Bullshit Aspect is My Point. They could have Written the Decription WITHOUT MENTIONING any of that Happy Personal Horse Shit. Well that’s All I had to Say So I Digress (for Now anyways).

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober

Starvation of the Spirit

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring STARVATION OF THE SPIRIT by the Content Creator known as Burden.  Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.

Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.

DESCRIPTION ACCOMPANYING THE VIDEO:  No item will ever fulfill you. Self preservation is all. Shopping malls, super markets, and parking lots all traps. The material world is our greatest prison, atleast put your hands through the bars.

My Thoughts:

This is an Obvious Social Commentary about Consumerism and How it is Bring Society and Thus Humanity to a Slow, Dismal, and Mind Numbingly Pathetic Demise. Consumerism has come to Dominate every Aspect of Our Existence. Consumerism Sells False Faith in Their Products, Illusions of a Better Life, and All Out Lies because Corporations Don’t give a Rat’s Ass, Flying Fuck, Or a Shit about the Customers. Corporations Don’t See People They Only See Potential Profits. Consumerism Consumes and Corrodes People’s Thoughts until They’re simply A Rotting Mass in Their Skulls  turning Out an Endless Army of Drone Consumer Automatons Devoid of Thought or Personality. Capitalism is the Disease and Consumerism is the Tumor.

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Backrooms – Presentation

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring THE BACKROOMS – PRESENTATION  by the More than Talented Kane Pixels. THE BACKROOMS -PRESENTATION is the Latest Installment in the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience.

My Notes:

  • Description Accompanying Video: 05/08/90
  • Starts with the Beginning of Corporate Presentation Video.
  • The Video/Presentation is by Async Research Institute.
  • The Presentation pertains to Humanity, Populations Growth, Society, and Social Issue/Problems.
  • Async’s Solution to the above is: The Low-Proximity Magnetic Distortion System.
  • The Presentation Video is Cut with Black and White Security Camera Footage, Cameraman Footage, Photos of Staged Rooms, Doe Tape Archive (3283) Footage, and Still Shots (Photos).

It is What it Is,

  Presented BY Les Sober