The Conflict of Crucifixion

Admittedly I’m not the most religious person but I know enough of christianity to be a bit curious. Heres the issue at hand Jesus was crucified as depicted in the bible and their were 2 criminals who were also crucified at the same time. Its the 2 convicts that caught my interest because of the factual history of crucifixion and its relation to christianity. People have crucified people through out the annals of time be it for such reasons as politics, religion, money or war. Granted there were who only knows how many innocent people who became collateral damage, but with that said in spite of the brutality of humanity there were legitimately tons of criminals of all types murderers,rapists,thieves etc. who were caught and crucified. So considering that innocent victims as well as convicted criminals were executed by crucifixion as was Jesus isn’t using the sign of the cross as a christian icon a conflict of interest per say?!

Time to Criticize the Critics

Heres my question if they say art is subjective then why in the name of all things absurd do we need critics, and moreover why do people listen to these parasitical morons? Now ALL art is subjective its not limited to just painting/drawing its all inclusive painting,sculpture,writing,drawing,performance art etc. Now subjective means its up to the viewer/reader to determine for themselves what the said meaning of the piece is or was which means people may or may not agree. The question then becomes why do people believe what critics say, its just their fucking idea(s) so why not just formulate your own idea(s) Just because some critic thinks its good or bad is utterly indifferent because unless your thoughts are previously tainted by the influence of a review(s) chances are you wouldn’t agree. Thats what a critic really is just an over opinionated and some what egotistical person who believes their ideas/opinions are absolutely the end all be all on a said subject. To blindly comply to the point you think the critic is so invaluable that you believe what they say instead of finding out what you really think on your own.

The Damnedest Thing When It Comes To Doctors

Here is a short list of 3 things I have noticed about doctors that are rather fucked up to say the least.

  1. Doctors never admit money was part of the decision to become a doctor. I’m not saying by any means that it was the only or main reason but undoubtedly money, a lot of money, played a big role. No doctor I have asked  (its been approximately 6 doctors including specialists) have had the balls to admit the money factor. Instead they ramble fumbling and bumbling about they were interested in medicine, their father/mother are doctors or wanting to help patients. If doctors weren’t serious about their salaries and truly believed in benefiting humanity through medicine they wouldn’t refuse service to patients without insurance or donate a large chunk of their time to support free health services. But instead they hide behind the Hippocratic Oath which they took after passing the board exams and means as much as learning parallel parking for the drivers test, once you pass you never do it again.
  2. I fully understand that collage and medical school cost an ungodly fortune which is unfortunate. With that said I object to doctors padding their bill if you will in order to pay off their student loans which average around $100,000 plus. So while I am empathetic to doctors  having to endure such heavy financial student loan debt ITS NOT MY JOB TO REPAY THEIR STUDENT LOANS.
  3. If you want to chap a doctors ass in a big way call them by their first name . Now your totally entitled to do so yet people become subservient when it comes to doctors. The fact people fear illness and more over death that they wouldn’t even imagine calling their doctor by their first name. The was I see it if I’m paying you for your services then essentially I’m your fucking boss plain and simple.
  4. Lastly why is it Doctors damn near demand to be addressed as doctor. I don’t call any one else by their profession . I don’t call people mechanic Bukowski, Banker Lawson, lawyer Johnson or Cashier Newman. The sole reason I endorse is doctors are insanely egotistical to the point of narcissism, their so high and mighty because they can fix the injured and heal the sick they develop a borderline god complex.

Thats all for now Ladies and Gentlemen.

“Hack My Network and Die” the T-shirt incident

There was a period of time in my life where I relished randomness. One way I indulged was going to thrift stores and buying t-shirts that ranged from mundane to what the fuck? One such shirt was for a tech security company whose slogan “hack my network and die” across the chest. I was wearing said shirt yesterday when I went to pick up some grocery odds and ends and as I was getting into my car some random ass stranger woman asked my “If I hack your network you’ll murder me?” to which I replied “I believe I would be obligated to murder you, but I would sincerely apologize before I did.” then I shut the door and drove off leaving this woman standing even more confused then before in the parking lot. I live for shit like this.

Why Does Anyone Give A Shit About Tyler Perry??!

I for the life of me can’t figure how the hell Tyler Perry (whose initials match with the initials for toilet paper ironically) has made a career out of writing comedy/dramas for television and film. Perry is nothing more than a talentless hack. His tv shows where such blandly generic photocopies of old school, out dated cliche ( late 80’s early 90’s ) mass produced sappy family sitcom fodder. Perry’s writing is so lack luster that in spite of having multiple shows (for a while in the dying years of the WB network 90% of it shows where done by Tyler Perry) I honestly, even after trying like hell can’t remember the single name even one of his shows. I have the same issue/problem when it comes to his movies which are exactly the same poorly written, over acted and dick in any way of direction, they’re  just longer versions of his talentless tv shows with the same rehashed plot lines and generic characters. Perry seems utterly devoid of even a scrap of originality, he’d be better off writing mindless ads.

Obviously I have to address Perry’s biggest fucking claim to fame, the Madea movie franchise and even that is completely vacant of any original thought(s) or creativity. As far as I’m concerned the Madea movies are Tyler Perry’s answer to the crappy Ernest movies (i.e. Ernest Goes To Camp/Saves Christmas) I could tell you every plot of every goddamn motherfucking Madea movie ever made: Holy shit not tired of Perry in drag too bad, Madea has a loving family and friendly fucking neighbors, but hijinks in sue and then they issue is resolved as everyone learns a valuable life lesson that brings them even closer. The themes are interchangeable be it Madea Saves Christmas (where the fuck is Ernest I ask) or  Diary of a Mad Black Woman (The 1st Madea movie made) it doesn’t fucking matter because they all follow the same tired format.

Bottom Line: Tyler Perry The Man, The Myth, THE MORON.

Vegetarians Vs. Vegans

I have no issue with vegetarians there like the Buddhists of the food world. That is they do their vegetarian deal, you can do whatever you want    and everyone eats in peace.

Vegans are a totally different fucking story thats for sure. I absolutely hate the hell out of fucking vegans because they’re the Christians of the food world. That is they feel some ungodly reason to shove their way of eating in your face as they rant like fucking Adolf Hitler on meth about how their way is so much better for you. But thats not all they also feel compelled to lecture arrogantly with a false sense of superiority about how everything you are eating (and every other person on earth) is toxic and slowly killing you. The food you eat (according to them)is killing us by clogging up your colon until the shit literally causes toxic shock syndrome rotting your internal organs, and is compacting in the valves of your heart causing an inevitable shit induced heart attack.

Bottom line: Thank you vegetarians for not being persistent food/diet neo nazi assholes about our dietary differences. Vegans go eat a steak you emaciated, sunken eyed, grey skinned and egotistical assholes.

Right To Unrestricted Research

S.683-114th Congress


To extend the principle of federalism to State drug policy, provide access to medical marijuana, AND ENABLE RESEARCH into the MEDICINAL PROPERTIES of Marijuana.

Section 708 (21 U.S.C.903) (b) amended

“(b) COMPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW.-Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the provisions of this title relating to marijuana shall not apply to any person  acting in compliance with State law relating to the production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, LABORATORY TESTING, or delivery of medical marijuana.”