WTF Am I Watching: My Sister

Well another Wednesday is upon us and today’s post MY SISTER is a true fucking internet oddity unto itself. There was NO INFORMATION provided so without a fucking crumb of context MY SISTER just kept getting fucking odder by the minute. To put it simply I was not even anywhere close to fucking prepared to research this shit.

I hit up the usual platforms like Youtube (including the fucking comment section) and Reddit but I found jack diddly shit. So I went a little farther and checked 4Chan which was big for me because I personally fucking think 4 Chan is a fucking cyber shithole. Anyway the 4Chan sacrifice I made turned up dick.


The first fact I found was basic as fuck and was MY SISTER was uploaded in May 2011 on an Old Youtube Channel called Raider Dawg. The fucked up thing is MY SISTER stuck out like a sore fucking thumb because all the other content on Raider Dawg was purely either gamer shit or straight up trolling shit. To sum it up outside of MY SISTER Raider Dawg’s content was just a bunch of fucking immature fucking punk ass bullshit.

Bottomline here is shit didn’t add up.


Well it turned out that Raider Dawg wasn’t the channel’s original name was DeeznutsFYC  until the name switch sometime in 2014. Since Raider Dawg apparently appeared to be a gaming enthusiast who wasn’t above fucking trolling someone told me to check something called LurkerFAQS. If you don’t know (and I didn’t either until this fucking post) is a ongoing continuous archive of posts from the GameFAQS message board.

So I started doing my own math and since the MY SISTER was originally posted in 2011 it made sense to me to search around using Raider Dawg’s old name DeeznutsFYC. What I found was that DeeznutsFYC posted 3 separate posts over the course of a year (2011-2012) about MY SISTER. I also noticed that he bumped the MY SISTER video several times which essentially means the old shit gets reposted at the top on the list. As you can imagine DeeznutsFYC was ask REPEATEDLY NUMEROUS TIMES about the Video and responded like a real fucking douchbag about it divulging nothing at all about the video.


The trail ended there so it was time to ask the usual questions like:

  • Is this a prank?
  • Is it a performance art piece?
  • Is it the work of a mentally disturbed individual?
  • Is this a gorilla promotion for a video game or movie?
  • Is this a promotional video since there is a fetish where people like to dress up like dolls and use high end silicone masks (since this fetish mainly applies to men who assume female form when “all dolled up”)?

Honestly this time around I don’t think any of those apply. The one hypothesis that I think honestly the most logical I have heard is that DeeznutsFYC/Raider Dawg created it, but it didn’t get the attention he wanted. So he resorted to posting the video several times while periodically bumping it to gain exposure by keeping it relevant to some fucking degree. Just like with his Youtube gaming channel the video MY SISTER posted on a gaming message board seems completely fucking out of place.


Now considering Deeznuts/Raider Dawg is obviously a gamer it sort of makes sense in the oddest fucking way that a gamer who created a video to freak people out (and failed to do so) on Youtube would post his creation on gaming message boards. This would not only serve to generate attention for MY SISTER, but it served as a way to get people from the gaming message boards to check out his gaming channel.

Anyway you fucking slice it this unsettlingly unnatural video is a fucking classic insane oddity, and who’s origins/creator/purpose will remain a fucking mystery from now until the fucking end of time.

See you when I see you,

  Justine Sane

Creeptoons Episodes 1 Through 4

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CREEPTOONS EP. 1-4 Created by Matt Duncan and Gus Fink. In addition to being the Creators of  CREEPTOONS Duncan was also the Animator, and Fink served as Producer. CREEPTOONS is a Fun Little Psychotic Series that Chronicles a Brief Period of Time in a Little Girls Life beginning with Her Rescuing a Stray Cat from a Seedy Back Ally. The Little Girl and the Cat become Best Friends and Go Everywhere Together and Everything is just fucking Peachy, BUT there is a Ominously Sinister Character from the Past Lurking around Every Corner. This Disturbed Individual is Hell Bent on Exacting Revenge upon the Little Girl, and will Stop at Nothing Until They Satisfy Their Thirst for Violence.


Synopsis Episode 1: A Mangy Stray Cat is Rescued from a Psychopath by a Kind Little Girl who gives it a Home. Unfortunately for the New Friends the Psychopath is far from Dead, and Now has Murderous Revenge on His Mind!

Synopsis For Episode 2: The Title Girl and Her New Feline Friend visit a Carnival Freak Show Staring Acts like The Arachnid Kid and ” Master of the Mustache” Hairy Larry, and HEADLESS JOE the Psychopath from Episode 1!

Synopsis for Episode 3:  A News Broadcast Reports Headless Joe has Escaped from the Carnival Freak Show! The News Announcer states that Authorities say Joe is Not Dangerous that in Unless You the Little Girl. The Announcer continues by stating that if You’re this Specific Little Girl How will Find Her, Skin Her Alive, and Feast on Her Corpse! Joe finds the Little Girl at Her Home and Kidnapped Her before turning Her over to a Group of Creepy Clowns!

Synopsis For Episode 4: The Little Girl is Acclimating to Life with the Creepy Clowns while Her Feline Companion goes Searching for Her. The Cat stumbles across a Clown Parade which the Little Girl is a Participant in, and to the Cat’s Dismay appears to want Nothing to Do with it. Then the Shit hits the fan when the Little Girl’s “Clown Dad” demands She Prove Her Loyalty to Her New Found Clown Family by Killing Her Past…….

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

I Traded In My Dog For Twice The Rice

Welcome to some serious mid-week MADNESS with I TRADED IN  MY DOG FOR TWICE THE RICE by  Creator, Director, and Musician Jordan Diniz. Diniz is the creator of the mind boggling bizarre  Youtube channel Treatsforbeasts as well other earlier video/musical projects. NOT a whole fucking lot is really known about Diniz like for example when researching I found shit like this “It is possible he is from Massachusetts.” which was IN-FUCKING-FURIATING! You damn well know fining information is gonna be a REAL son of a bitch if no one even knows where Diniz is from. I did manage to find SOME goddamn additional information which you will find below.


Additional Information:

  • Diniz has preformed in several bands such as Thang City and The Liquid Flow.
  • Diniz was the keyboardist in Holding Steady The Heartbeat of Hell.
  • Currently music wise Diniz is making music under the name Sanguinarious.
  • Diniz’s music genre of choice could be considered a mix of Gothic rock, Heavy Metal, and quite possibly Post-Punk.
  • Some say he looks like Jesus.
  • Diniz has what has been described as “ridiculously expandable jaw” (an example of this is Diniz singing in the video “I me you love god “
  • From Diniz’s work it’s apparent he doesn’t think favorably about Christianity/Catholicism.
  • Diniz created Treatsforbeats on September 26, 2009.
  • Diniz has gone YEARS before posting new content on his Treatsforbeasts Youtube channel.

See you when I see you,

  Justin Sane


Welcome to another madness inducing Monday post here at FYB featuring the Stop Animation video game parody  Claycat’s DOOM ETERNAL by Lee Hardcastle. DOOM ETERNAL (2020)  is a fucking BLOOD SOAKED GOREFEST first person shooter video game, and the 5th main game in the DOOM series and the Sequel to 2016’s DOOM.  Set some time after the events of DOOM, the story follows Doomguy once again, on a mission to END HELL’S CONSUMPTION OF THE EARTH, and foil the alien Maykr’s plans to EXTERMINATE HUMANITY!


If you don’t know Lee Hardcastle he is an insanely fucking prolific British Animator/Film Maker who specializes in all types of stop-motion techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty film Making.

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

See you when I see you,

   Justin Sane   

Short Horror Film Friday: VAGABOND

Welcome to this Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring the Award Winning Slasher Film VAGABOND Directed By Bryan Metzger and Written By Bryan and Angela Metzger. Vagabond was Inspired by a Real Life Vagabond who Roamed the Hills of Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York back in the Mid to Late 1800’s.

   The Real Leatherman   

Plot Summery: A Group of Friends head to a Cabin in the Woods where One Young Man plans on making the Perfect Wedding Proposal when Asking  His Girlfriends if She’d Marry Him. There is just One Problem Standing in His Way and it is The Legendary and Homicidal Vagabond LEATHERMAN!!! Will Love Prevail or will Leatherman add to His Blood Soaked Bodycount? You”ll Have To Watch And See For Yourself.


Notable Mentions: 

  • Vagabond was Filmed in its Entirety on a Budget less than a $1000.
  • While The Leatherman as He was Known (His Actual Identity Remains Unknown and Controversial) was a Real Person There is NO RECORD of Him Murdering Anyone.  He was Famous for His Handmade Leather Suit of Clothes He Wore which earned Him the Nickname Leatherman.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Broadcast Interruptions: Australia’s Channel 7 Mayday Incident

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday Post featuring Australia’s Channel 7 Mayday Incident which is One of Several Broadcast Interruptions (More commonly known as Television/Radio Piracy) Posted here at FYB. If You’re interested They are Posted in the Strange and Disturbing Video Section. A Hijacking of a Broadcast Signal is Officially Know as a Broadcast Signal Intrusion (BSI) is as Follows. A Broadcast Signal Intrusion is the Hijacking of Broadcast Signals of Radio, Television Stations, Cable Television Broadcast Feeds or Satellite signals Without Permission Nor License. Hijacking incidents have involved local Television and Radio Stations as well as Cable and National Networks.


What Happened:

On January 3, 2007, in Australia, during a Broadcast of an Episode of the Canadian Television Series Mayday (known in Australia as Air Crash Investigation) on the Channel 7, an Audio Signal unexpectedly started playing, clearly saying in an Southern American Accent, “Jesus Christ, Help Us All, Lord.” It’s Important to Note Some People Believe the Voice Message Actually Says “Jesus Christ, Help Us All Lord, Fuck.” This same Voice Message continued to Repeat Itself over and over during the Show for a Total of Six Minutes. A Spokesman for Channel 7 later Denied that the Transmission was a Prank or a Security Breach and Claimed that the Repeated Line was part of the Original Broadcast and said, “Jesus Christ, one of the Nazarenes”, although there is Hardly any Similarity between the Two Phrases. A Subsequent Investigation by Independent Researchers revealed that the Invading Transmission was actually from a Videotaped News Broadcast of a Civilian Truck being Ambushed in the Iraq War. It Remains Unknown whether or not this was an Intentional Act of Television Piracy or a Genuine Glitch of Some Sort.


 Eye Witness Account:

” In Melbourne, Australia, on 3rd Jan 07, channel 7 aired a program about a plane wreck “Mayday”. From the start of the program the audio is a loop of a voice seeming to say “jesus christ help us all lord fuck”. It looped for maybe 10 minutes. I was watching at the time and shot part of it with my phone video. According to very reliable sources, there are many unsatisfied employees at channel 7. I have since been contacted by Preston Wheeler who is the man who actually shot the original video , and I have no reason to doubt him.” -User nedler-


Thanks For Reading/Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Best Haul Video On The Internet (NOT What You Think)

Welcome to The FYB Monday Madness this Week featuring BEST HAUL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET. We wish in all Honesty that We could give the Talented Creator of this Video this Proper Credit They Deserve, but Unfortunately We were Unable to Locate the Creator’s Name.

Now for Those Who are Lucky Enough to be Unaware of what a Haul Video is allow Me to Enlighten You. Basically in a Nut Shell a Haul Video is Some Average Idiot consumed by Consumerism that after They Go Shopping They post a fucking Video to Show the Rest OF the World Their Purchases or Haul. I suppose this is the Evolution of the People who Post Every Single fucking Meal They Eat Online (like We give a fuck What You had for Lunch Today).


Now this Video Starts of Normally for one of these Vapidly Asinine Haul Videos, but it Doesn’t take Long before the Insanity begins Seeping in. While Many may just Dismiss this as a some sort of Odd Art Project I think They would be Remiss. I believe there is Quite a bit more Going On in/with this Video than there Appears at First. It is Reminiscent of a Video We posted in Strange and Disturbing Videos that was a Schizophrenia Simulator. The Simulation was a Camera POV Shot as a Young Man wakes up and Starts His Day. The Simulator was Designed in an Attempt to Actually Show People what it’s like to suffer from Schizophrenia, and what Suffering with Schizophrenia is like for a Schizophrenic Person. This will make More Sense in a Minute.



  • There is the Sound of Running Water almost like a Sink Running (though Some say it sounds more like a Flushing Toilet behind the Woman while She is Talking.
  • Every Photo and Lampshade in the Video is of the Same Exact Distressed Little Kid’s Crying Face.
  • A Voiceover int he Beginning of the Video asks “Is that a Chipmunk?” referring to the High Pitch of the Woman’s Voice.
  • In a Bizarre Remix the Woman’s Face is Slowly and Disturbingly Reanimated.
  • The Woman’s Starts to Move with the Beat of the Music.
  • The Woman’s Eyes start Blinking like Mad and itself is rather Unsettling.
  • Then all of a Sudden the Woman’s Face is Replaced with that of a Different Screaming/Hysterical Person’s Face.
  • Then the Background Starts to Distort as the WOman’s Eyes Multiply and are Redistributed All over Her Body.
  • The Woman’s Mouth is Doubled and Moved onto Her Forehead.
  • Music Continues as the Woman’s Face finally Returns to Normal.
  • The Woman’s Voice is Now Intentionally “Chipmunked” Which Matches the Earlier Voiceover in the Video.
  • The Video Ends with the Screen Going completely Black with a Male Voiceover that Simple Says or States “You Have Paranoid Schizophrenia.”


So in My Opinion this is a Mental Health Awareness Video, and is Very similar to Videos put out by an Mental Health Organization “You Have Schizophrenia”. Unfortunately Their PR department Sucks ass at Their Jobs since if You try any Number of Word Combinations all the Results pertain to Schizophrenia on a Medical Mental Health Level (Like “Symptoms of Schizophrenia” or “Treatment Resources for Schizophrenics. I see where They were coming from with Their Name, but They also should have Realized how fucking, if not impossible, it would be for People to Locate Them.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober   

Short Horror Film Friday: BAKEMONO

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring BAKEMONO by  by Sumire Takamatsu and Jorge Lucas who Wrote as well as Directed the Film.

What I found Interesting is the Evil Spirits in BAKEMONO are in fact Based on Hungry Ghosts.Hungry Ghosts is a Concept in Chinese Buddhism, Chinese Traditional Religion, Vietnamese Buddhism, Vietnamese Traditional Religion, Japanese Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism, Representing Beings Who are Driven by Intense Emotional needs in an Animalistic Way. Since the Family in the Film is Japanese I’m going to quickly Touch on Hungry Ghosts in Japanese Buddhism.


In Japanese Buddhism, Hungry Ghosts are considered to have Two Variants: the Gaki and the Jikininki. Gaki are the Spirits of Jealous or Greedy People, Who as Punishment for Their Mortal Vices. The Gaki have been Curses with an Insatiable Undying Hunger for a Particular Substance or a Specific Object. Traditionally, this is Something Revolting or Humiliating like Decaying Human Corpses or Feces, but in Recent Years it can Virtually be Anything No Matter how Bizarre it may be. Meanwhile Jikininki (People Eating Ghosts) are the Spirits of Greedy, Selfish or Impious Individuals who are Cursed After Death to seek out and Eat Human Corpses. They Feed at Night Scavenging for Recently Deceased Human Bodies, and the Food Offerings Left for the Dead. Jikininki Lament Their Curse and Hate Their Vile Craving for Feasting on the Flesh of the Dead.


Plot Summery: The Date is February 3rd, known in Japan as Setsubun, and is Supposed to be the Celebration of the Beginning of Spring. Families Celebrate by Casting out Evil Spirits from Their Homes.  Although at Ayumi’s House things have become so stressful You could Cut the Tension with a Knife. This is Due to Rebellious Ayumi who once again like so many Children is Refusing to Finish Her Dinner. In an Attempt to Remedy the Problem Ayumi’s Mother Tries to Scare Her into Compliance with a Terrifying Tale. As the Story goes if Ayumi Doesn’t Finish Her Dinner then an Evil Spirit will Enter the House and Eat it instead, But Ayumi is not Convinced that All Spirits are Evil. So Ayumi decides to test Her assumption by Inviting One in for a Midnight Snack, and Learns You should Never Feed a Hungry Ghost the Hard Way.



  • Ayumi – Claudia Fabella
  • Oka-san – Shio Muramatsu
  • Oto-san – Daisuke Suzuki
  • Bakemono – Sherry Q, Erin Yuqi Yang

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Shits and Giggles: I Am Your Grandma

Welcome to a little midweek madness featuring I Am Your Grandma by  multimedia artist and filmmaker Julian Mayer. I Am YOUR Grandma is an manic autobiographical video diary if you will that Mayer recorded for her unborn grandchildren. By posting the video on YouTube, she conducts a sociological  study of why people feel compelled to share their personal lives with a entire world made up of anonymous strangers, and whether this sharing affects the actual emotional significance of the video itself. I Am Your Grandma challenges notions of one’s self-perception of mortality, social media, and  one’s legacy after they succumb to death. This video is a grim reminder we never live as long as we’d like.

See you on the other side,

  Otto Rageous  

Dread The Slammer

Welcome to today’s FYB Post featuring the Animation DREAD THE SLAMMER By Umami. For those unaware Umami (aka Justin Tomchukis a Canadian artist, composer, and content creator who makes surrealist animated videos. The title track for the video is the song “Fourth of the Earth” by Hexsystem which is the alias under which Justin Tomchuk composes and publishes music. Tomchuk’s musical genres include downtempo electronic music, particularly industrial and ambient music. Many of his Songs serve as the score to his videos while others are independent releases.

Mondays are despised for being the flag ship of the five day work week where we toil our lives away 8 hours a day for 40 hours a week for our entire adult lives. With that said when people say “Life’s Short” I interpret the meaning of this phrase differently than most. Most people believe the phrase is a commentary on how when it comes to the big picture our average human lifespan is just an insignificant blip in an eternal timeline. I believe the meaning is that life isn’t short due to the limitations pertaining to our lifespan, but rather that we waste the majority of our time on Earth working. As we labor laboriously we dream of the freedom provided by retirement, and once we obtain our cherished retirement we realize two sad facts.


First we are too old to do a lot of things we would like to have done. At the age of retirement We are  limited by our physical decline as our anatomy slowly and inevitably decays. Thus we must come to the grips with the fact there was a myriad of things we wanted to do, but no longer have the physical ability to do. Those wishes, plans, and desires fall to the wayside and the windows of opportunity slip away. The second is we realize we haven’t actual lived our lives and enjoyed our time here.  Rather we wasted it working in the pursuit of a paycheck, and ended up just simply existing. Existing to earn money the very money that deprived us of a Pandora’s box worth of joy and pleasure that life has to offer us. The only reason this egregious waste of one’s life continues to exist in denying us the life we want to live is we as a society accept it. By accepting it we then tolerate it and even end up enabling a system of labor that erodes our lives until there is virtually nothing left but the scraps. In my opinion DREAD THE SLAMMER embodies this unfortunate fact in a stark and grim manner.


DIALOGUE FROM DREAD THE SLAMMER : Combined, we are. Perfect lines. Harmony. We share a mind. A Synchronicity. From dilution cost, hopes and dreams are lost. Fear does remain. Our enemy we blame. Above all else. We dread of the slammer. For if he were to striketh us. We flip. Then, the wake that follows may change us all.

See you on the other side,

  Otto Rageous