Short Horror Film Friday: THE DOLLMAKER

Welcome to this Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring THE DOLLMAKER” Directed by Al Lougher which is a Cautionary Tale Pertaining to Death, Mourning, and Grief. Let’s Face it People have been trying/Longing to Cheat Death Indefinitely Clinging onto Life with every Fiber of Their Being.


From Juan Ponce de Leon searching Endlessly for the Mythical Fountain of Youth to The Infamous Countess Elizabeth Bathory (Who served as the ACTUAL inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Not Vlad the Impaler. Legend has it Bathory bathed in the Blood of 650 Servant Girls She had Tortured and Killed because She believed the Blood of Young Girls had Age Defying Powers). Death is the Fact of Life We all Know to be True, but Still Never Rightfully Accept.

Plot Summery: A Grieving Mother latches on to a Mystical Surrogate for Her Deceased Little Boy, but Small Miracles come with Big Consequences. “The Dollmaker Serves as a Warning  Be careful What You Wish For because You might Just Get It.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Textpocalypse 2021: SQUATTERS

I’ve said it once and I shall say it again I am a Life Long Fan of Absurdity. I suppose that’s Why I love Shows like Trigger Happy T.V., The Eric Andre Show, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, and Little Britton. I appreciate the Fact that not Only its Absurdity Wildly Entertaining in My Opinion but it’s Also Flexible. There is the More Commonly Embraced Out Right Absurdity, and as an Example I will Use a Text I sent on Our Family Text Chain on Friday September 17th at 3:02 pm:

“Fun Fact Friday: Neanderthals discovered Time Travel. It’s a Tragedy that They do Not receive the Immense Amount of Credit They Deserve for Their Amazing Discoveries in Time-Space Travel. The Root of Reason for this is Neanderthals were Considered to be “Primitive Man” by Archeologists when that couldn’t be Farther from the Truth. This lead to Their Dismissal of the Neanderthals’s Cave Paintings Chronicling Their Research as “Just more Cave Doodles”. Now a Consideration that One must take into Account is that in all Due Favor ironically the aforementioned Archeologists were a Tad Distracted. They were rather Preoccupied with Practicing Their Bullwhip Skills, and Not Being Crushed by Large Dislodged Boulders.”


This by Anyone’s Standards is Quite Obviously Not even Close to being True and that Fact is Blatantly Obvious to All. Now Absurdity Doesn’t have to be Cartoonish, Over the Top Gonzo, In Your Face, or Manic in its Approach. Absurdity can be Subtle as Hell. The Best way I can Explain it is I Wholeheartedly Believe that You can Say Anything (I mean the Craziest Shit You can Possibly Think of to Say), and as Long as You can Say it with a Straight Face and Conviction You create a Reasonable Doubt. That’s to Say the Person will tell Themselves that You were so Obviously Joking because No Way could Anyone be Serious about such an Absurd Statement. That’s when the Reasonable Doubt Starts to set in, and They Start to Subtly Second Guess Themselves. The More They Doubt the More They can’t Write the Whole Conversation Off as a Joke or One’s Odd Sense of Humor.


A Real Life Example of this Type of Subtle Absurdity that Rails through the Halls of Reason happened to Me the Other Day. It was 10:20 pm and I had a Free moment and found Myself thinking of Weird, Yet Unoffensive Shit to Post on My Family’s Ongoing Text Chain, and Finally decided to go with an Absurd Meme. What Happened Next was a Humorously Confused Text Exchange between Myself, My Mom, and My Aunt. Now At First I assume My Aunt Knew I was Kidding Around, but once My Mom entered the Conversation My Aunt seemed to get Confused as to what is Actually going on. As You will See even though I kept the Whole thing Going I did Start Responding with Absurder Shit Each Time. I was thinking that at Some unseen Level of Absurdity They’d Understand I was just fucking around, and the Outcome was Not what I Expected.

Here is the Aforementioned  Text Exchange:


My Aunt: Uh oh!

Me: Dang Squatters got in the Walls Again.

My Aunt: Oops!!

My Mother: Mice! But I am getting them with the Green Bait Balls!!

Me: Excellent what works on Wall Squatters living in One’s Walls? I called Terminex, but when it comes to Pests They don’t cover Wall Dwelling Squatters. I’m going to check Reddit for possible solutions.

  (8 Minutes Later)  

Me: Well Reddit is a Total Bust. All I found was Information Pertaining to One’s Walls being inhabited by Wayward Hobos.

My Mom: If you get rid of pests in the house, you  are likely you are likely to handle those in the walls, also at the same time. Also a good pest control company should be able to check your house over thoroughly and close any openings that might be allowing entrance to birds, mice, squirrels, or other varmints…

Me: That’s Good Advice the thing that Baffles me is I may Not be the Most Observant Person, I’d like to Think I could Spot an Opening the Size of an Devious Adult Squatter. I have a Sneaking suspicion the Specific Wall Squatters are in fact Tunneling in like Mole People. Does anyone know a Good Company that can check House Foundations since if the Conniving Squatters are in fact Tunneling in to Access the Walls the Foundation Integrity may be Compromised. Also on a similar Note I’m pretty sure My Home Insurance Doesn’t cover this sort of Thing.


My Aunt: No, Les, I am sure that insurance will not cover it and you are correct, they will most definitely have an impact on the integrity of the foundation if not treated…We have that problem here in Atlanta…Let me see if I can find the thread from the area and see if I can tell you who they called and what they did.

My Mom: I use Terminex, Les. I have a contract with them. They treat all pests and insects, not just termites, but you might want to check if you call to make sure they cover exclusion of squirrels, mice, bats, etc. I have had good experience with the local one. In the meantime, Les, go to the Farm Center and get some of those green balls- Ramik baits. Put a couple in a bottle lid or something under the kitchen sink in a cabinet that stays shut so your pets don’t have access. If they disappear overnight that means mice are getting them- and they go out out of the house and died. I find them very effective.

My Aunt: Crocodile Dave seems to be the one that they love here, but it seems that most of the termite companies now treat wildlife intrusion also..and try what your mom suggested, too, because according to the thread, it can be expensive..Good luck!



Me: To Whom It May Concern: Last Night I had a couple of Beers and was boded so I scrolled through My Pictures on my Phone. When I saw the Absurd Meme I thought it would be funny to post here. Then I decided it be far funnier if I claimed ACTUAL Homeless People were Squatting in the Walls, thus following the Theme of the Meme. Apparently Some became confused and under the impression and thought I was eloquently describing Mice. There are No Mice or Other Pests. We have been using Terminex for 4 years and still do.

My Aunt: Well, thank goodness. I just have real estate brain, so any mention of foundation issues and my antenna goes up..glad it’s not for real!!

My Mom: Yes, you did confuse us, LES! Good to get your reassurance!


Thanks For Reading,

 By Les Sober 

The Insanity That Is Alantutorual The Final Installment

Welcome to the Last 17 Videos in the Series Alantutorials by American Comedian Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself in the Series. Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.

Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter.


  1. I have Watched this Fucking More times than I can Count, and I still Fail to see What about its Content/Subject Matter Violates YouRube’s (YouTube) Terms of Service etc.
















Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Salad Finger – Market

Welcome to this Week’s Cure for Monday featuring SALAD FINGERS – MARKET By the One and Only David Firth. This is the Latest Installment in the Ongoing SALAD FINGERS Saga (The Entire Series is Posted Here for Your Connivence).

Six Months ago Firth Posted “SALAD FINGERS AND THE LOCAL TEACUP” which was a Deviation from SALAD FINGERS Animated Format, and was instead Stop Motion Using a Plush Salad Fingers Doll.  Now with SALAD FINGERS – Market it feels Nostalgic in many ways to the Early Days of  the Classic SALAD FINGERS with Short Run Time, The Absence of Overarching Storyline, and Choppier Animation. To put it Simply SALAD FINGERS – MARKET returns the Series to its Original Nature as a Creepily Disturbing land Simple Animated Series. The Cherry onto of this Surreal Sunday is the Return of the Character HUBERT CUMBERLAND!

Plot: Salad Fingers runs His own Market Stall but has some Issues with a Thirsty Local and the Surrounding Wildlife.

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Insanity That Is Alantutorial Installment #3

Welcome to Rare Sunday here at FYB featuring the Third of Four Sets of 16 Videos in the Alantutorial Web Series by by American Comedian Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself in the Series. Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.

Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter.

Aforementioned Pertinent Videos:

  • Video #3: “reveal slats of wood and dust a bed part 2” This is the Video which may Provide the Reason Alan get’s Locked Out of His Room and Ends Up Homeless and Living in the Woods.
  • Video #4: “Locked out of room tutorial (what to do)” This is a Major Turning Point in the Series as from this Video Forward Alan starts Slipping into Insanity and Squaller.
  • Video #7: “
  • Video #9: “How to do Spanish hair braids” Features the Infamous/Ominous Blue Chair.
  • Video #10: “DIY weatherize a hole Tutorial”
  • Video #11: “disk tutorial” This is Yet Another Pivotal Turning Point in the Series as Alan has been Abducted and Thrown in the back of a Delivery Truck covered in Blood.


















Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: DUAL

Welcome to This Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring DUEL (2018) by Writer, Producer, Filmmaker, Visual Storyteller, Art Director Justin Staggs. Staggs Before forging a Career as a Writer and Director of Films and Television He Created Several Dozen Music Videos for such Bands as The Foo Fighters, NOFX, and Against Me! just to Name a Few.


Plot Summery: A Child Psychologist attempts to Breakthrough to a Troubled Little Boy, BUT Unknowingly She Unleashes the Homicidal Rage of His Imaginary Friends Who Protect the Boy at All Costs.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By

   Les Sober  

BELKO Experiment: Safety Tips

Here is FYB’s post for this humble hump day to serve as a mid week pallet cleanser. Today’s post is the Stop Motion Horror BELKO EXPERIMENT: Safety Tips by none other than one of our FAVORITE animators By Lee Hardcastle. Most of us are familiar with this old school employer throw back the safety training video(s) which explain common sense tips on how to maintain a safe work environment. These videos fucking SUCK the budget is minimal at best, the acting is shitty since They tend to save money by using actual employees instead of actual actors, are outdated as fuck since the company has likely been using the same fucking safety video since 1990, and the Videos are condescending as shit as they address the viewer as if the viewer is a child who just so happens to be a complete fucking idiot. WELL that’s NOT the case here as the BELKO EXPERIMENT work place safety video. The BELKO EXPERIMENT: Safety Tips is full of what We here at FYB love EXTREME VIOLENCE, BLOOD SHED BY THE BUCKET FULL, and GORE GALORE!


If you aren’t familiar with Lee Hardcastle he is an insanely prolific British Animator/Film Maker who specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. Lee Hardcastle describing his work in his own words: “I Make Claymations that are Not for Children’s Eyes.”, and has vowed to never insult his audience with Shitty Film Making.

PLOT SUMMERY :The BELKO Tips are the following:

  • Use any means necessary.
  • Kill your friends before they kill you.
  • DO NOT attempt to contact the outside world.
  • DO NOT remove the bomb in your head.

See when I see you,

  Justin Sane

The Insanity That Is Alantutorial 2nd Installment

Here are the Next 16 Alantutorial Videos By by American Comedian Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself in the Series. With this Post We Have reached the Half Way Point in the Series.


  • #7 How To Pick Up A Blue Chair Off The Ground
  • #8 How To Pick Up A Huge Amount Of Pencils
  • #9 Advanced Yoga (tutorial)
  • #12 How To Eat A Bag Of Chips

DISCLAIMER: Video #13 is Age Restricted Due To The Subject Matter of the Tutorial Dealing with Starting a Fire. I Know it’s No Big Fucking Whoop to Others, But it Pisses Me Off.  It’s Honestly just a Way to Herd People back to Their Platform. This is Simply because Youtube Profits  Nine ways till Sunday off the Content Creators Who Use Their Platform.

DO NOT GET US WRONG FYB has and always will FULLY SUPPORT Content Creators, and are Psyched They have a Platform to Showcase Their Work. We’re also Grateful that being a Third Party Site We can Access the Content on Youtube’s Platform.

WE DO DISAGREE with The way Youtube conducts Themselves as a Business. Youtube are Greedy Hypocritical Corporate Whores who Nickel and Dime the Shit Out of the Actual Content Creators. Youtube  is Greedy as Fuck as They DO NOT SHARE ADVERTISING PROFITS from the Ad’s They run on Youtube Channels. To make shit WORSE Youtube also Taxes Content Creators THIRTY CENTS OF EVERY DOLLAR!! All this and Youtube gets ALL THE CONTENT on Their Platform FOR FUCKING FREE!!


















Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

The Insanity That Is AlanTutorial

Welcome to this Monday’s FYB Post where We’re going to do Something Different than the Past Several Mondays. Today’s Post features and Pertains to Alantutorial a tutorial based Youtube Channel that follows tutorial videos of a Mild Mannered Adult Man Named Alan. However We can tell there is Something Not Quite Right with Alan and His Mental State begins to go from Bad to Worse. The Viewer can see Alan’s Sanity Slipping Farther and Farther Away.  Alan’s Tutorial Videos start to become increasingly more Disturbing with every Passing Day and Every New Video.


Alan Tutorials are Nothing Less than Absurd, and aren’t Practical for Anything. The Production Value is utterly Shitty with Wobbly Camera, Total Lack of any sort of Editing, and Half the Time Alan doesn’t seems to even grasp the concept of His own Subject Matter. There are also several Hypothesizes surrounding Alan’s rather Odd Behavior, Speech, and Videos as Well. Here They are in Random Order:

  • Alan is Experiencing some sort of Arrested Development.
  • Alan possibly has a Mental Disorder (example Multiple Personality Disorder).
  • Alan is Mentally Handicapped.
  • Alan has suffered some Horrible Trauma that He can’t come to Grips With Which In Spite of being a Adult Talks like a Little Child.
  • Alan has Asperger’s Syndrom/Autism.

Now the One Hypothesis suggesting Alan has a Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome  seems to be the Most Likely but Why is that? In one of the Early Videos Alan has a Tab on His Web Browser that Notes that it is Autism Awareness Month. Now of course some say that its just a Coincidence, but I hold favor with Those Who believe it’s a Very Subtle Clue. Although I wouldn’t Rule Out All of the Other Hypothesis as I do think some apply here and There through out the Series.


Also as the Series Progresses Alan’s Life starts to Drastically Change. In the Beginning Videos Alan is simply doing His Weird Tutorials in what appears to be the Bedroom of a Small Apartment. Then there is a Significant Turning Point Where Alan is apparently been Locked out of His Room/Apartment and all of His Possessions have been Packed up for Him. Alan then spends a good amount of Time Homeless and Living in some Near By Woods where He still makes Tutorial Videos as Best He Can. There is One Thing that is Troubling from this Time Period and that is Alan is Heavily Splattered with Blood (and then cumulative Dirt and Grim) that He doesn’t seem to fell the need to Wash Off of Himself.

Then all of a Sudden Alan is Abducted by a Unknown Assailant(s) and Transported to an Unknown Location in the back of for all Intents and Purposes appears to be a Uhaul Type Truck. In the Abduction Video It is also a Disturbing Aspect that is Alan being covered in Blood like He just walked off the Set of a B Horror Movie. Alan ends up being Held Captive for a Duration during which the Captor(s) Provide Alan Supplies for His Tutorials which even in Captivity Alan continues to make. What’s interesting here isn’t just that the Captor(s) provide Alan Supplies, but when Alan is Finished a New Video a One Dollar Bill is Slid to Him under the Door.


Over an Undisclosed amount of Time things slowly start to Deteriorate. The Room Alan is being Held in becomes more and more Filthy with Trash all over the Floor and at one Point the Electricity is Cut Off. We know this by the fact Alan has to use a Flashlight in the Final Videos of the Series. At Last Alan discovers a Hole in the Wall, Crawls Enthusiastically through it existing the room and Freeing Himself.

What happens Ultimately to Alan in the End is a Mystery since His Escape Video was the Last Video Posted to His Youtube Channel. Did Alan set out embarking on Starting a Life of His Own? Did He reunite with His Brother? Did Alan’s Captor’s Catch Him as He made His Get Away once Free from Captivity, or Did His Captor(s) Discover Alan’s Escape and Hunted Him down at which Point They Murdered Him? Sucks to say but these are Questions that will More Likely than Not Never be Answered.


Reoccurring Themes:

  • The Color Blue is a Constant throughout the Series. Examples Include The Blue Mat in the Yoga Tutorial, The Actual Blue Chair, The Red Table Alan Paints Blue while in Captivity, and a Small Hand Painted Picture of the Blue Chair on one of the Walls in the Room Alan is being Held in (“The Story Of T3 Balls Video).
  • The Blue Chair appears in Several Videos, but it First appears in “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair Off The Ground”.  The Blue Chair is also featured in “How To Do Spanish Hair Braids”, “How To Eat A Bag Of Chips”, “How to Pick Up A Huge Amount Of Pencils, and “Do It Yourself Weatherized Hole”
  • Slats of Wood
  • Water (Not Actually Water but a Strange Hair Gel Looking Substance).
  • The Money Man Alan creates in Captivity that He ends up having a Conversation With.
  • The Mysterious Woman who is in Only Two Videos and is only Seen in One. (“How To Escape A Dark Room” and “How To Find A Lake”)

Note Worthy Shit: 

  • In the Video Hard Drive Video Alan mentions that He Lives with His Brother.
  • When it comes to the Mysterious Woman Alan says “Ut-Oh” Extremely Nervously as if He is Afraid of Her and Immediate returns to His Bedroom.. Is She Alan’s Mother or  Alan mentions Early on that He lives with His Brother so His Brother’s Girlfriend? Was She the One that Locked Alan in the Closet (aka Dark Room)? That would at least Explain Why Alan is Afraid of Her. Could the Woman be Alan’s Mother? The Video before Alan is Locked Out He Severely Damages the Bedrooms Ceiling while look for Wooden Slats, and is this Why perhaps He was Locked Out/ Evicted?
  • In the Video “Locked Out of Room” Tutorial Alan can be Heard Whispering future Tutorial Subjects to Himself (while awaiting Help), and one of the Subjects is “How To Kill”. This is Significant because in the Video where Alan is being Abducted in the back of a Shipping Truck He’s Covered in Blood.


  • The Room Alan is kept Captive in doesn’t seem to upset Alan say like being Stuck in a Jail Cell for Example. In fact Alan appears to be quite Content with/in His Surroundings.
  • Alan mentions (Sometimes Several Times in a Single Video) to Subscribe, Like, and Add His Youtube Channel as a Favorite.
  • In the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video Alan approaches the fallen Chair as if it were an Actual Person who may be in need of Emergency Medical Help or The way Someone would Act Upon finding an Unconscious and Possibly Dead. Alan appears to be Distressed as He Whimpers and His Voice Keeps Wavering as well as Cracking with Emotion. The Alan Discovering His Dead Mother is Backed by the Video’s Description “If Your Chair is on the Floor here is How to get it Back, and Pick Up all the Pieces of Something Broken and Unfair.”


  • It’s Speculated by Some that Alan’s Captor(s) are Forcing Alan to make Tutorial Videos in Captivity to make Them Money (or Moreover They’re Stealing Alan’s Financial Returns from His Youtube Channel.
  • In the Video “How To Fill A Tiny Bin With Dirt” Alan says at one point “The Military Time Watch You Borrowed from Dad.” This is odd because the Only People Other than Alan in the Series are His Brother (Who We Never See or Hear From), The Unknown Woman (Seen Only Once and Not Heard From), and Alan’s Unknown Captor(s). This is the One and Only Mention of Anyone Else, and it just so Happens to be Alan’s Father.



  • There Many Hypothesis on What the the Origins of the Blood Covered Alan. Some Think it’s because  Alan Kill His Mom/Brother/Brother’s Girlfriend or Possibly Someone Else. The Other Possibility is Whoever Abducted Alan either Beat Him or They could have Killed Alan’s Family and it’s Their Blood all over Alan.
  • There a Couple Different Hypothesis on the Actual Room Alan is held Captive in. One it’s some Room for Holding Someone Hostage and the Other is Far More Intriguing. The Second Hypothesis is tied Directly to the Topic of the Blood in Some Believe Alan Murdered Someone and has been Taken into Custody by the Authorities or Mental Health Professionals. That would make the Room Alan Alan is a Patient’s Room in a Mental Hospital or Possibly a Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane if He in Fact Did Kill Someone. Then Again Perhaps after Destroying His Bedroom (and Living in the Woods Homeless)  Alan’s Brother/Mother had Him Institutionalized for Help with His Mental Disorder.


  • There also Two Hypothesis on Why Alan’s Room plunges into complete Squaller during the Last Videos. One is the Captors decided to Leave and Left Alan there to Die. The Other is that the Asylum was Shut Down and Alan was simply Forgotten About.
  • Now when it comes to the Blue Chair there a Variety of Hypothesis on what it Represents. Some believe it Represents Alan’s Deceased Mother who’s Body was Discovered by Alan (Remember the Distress and Emotional Angst in the “How To Pick Up A Blue Chair…” Video. It could also Represent Alan’s Failures as Far as Failing to become a Famous YouTuber or Other Life Failures. Then Some think the Blue Chair Represents Alan’s Lost Childhood. The Blue Chair might also Represent Trouble? By this I mean was Alan a Trouble Maker as a Child and Thus was put on a “Time Out” sitting on said Blue Chair.



The Obvious Question on Everyone’s Mind is This Series Real or What and Heres the Answer. It’s Fictional Series it’s actually an Experimental Performance Art Project by American Comedian, Visual Artist, and Film Maker Alan Resnick Who plays a Fictional Version of Himself. Resnick created the Series as YouTube Satire since He was Frustrated (and Disgusted) with/by all the Pointless Vlogs, Poorly Filmed, Poorly Edited if at All, Monetization, Crappy Videos with No Though or Creativity (Content for Contents sake or a Quantity over Quality Scenario), and Unexplained Tutorial on Youtube. Resnick Deemed all of it a Trash/Trashy Content and Decided to Create His Own YouTube Trash Channel Showcasing all the Shit He Hated about the Platform. Resnick created the Storyline of the Fictional Alan being a Dark and Deeply Troubled Individual Who ends up on a Nightmarish Decent into Sheer Madness.

VIDEOS: Here are the First 16 Videos from the Series, and Don’t freak the fuck Out about the Number of Videos (Their Short running from 8 Seconds to Three Minutes and Change)


Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Micro Horror Movie (Sequel Edition) : SMILING WOMAN 6

Welcome to this Weeks Short Horror Film Friday featuring SMILING WOMAN 6 Written and Directed by Alex Magaña, and Co-Produced by Dawn Church. You can Find All Five Previous SMILING WOMAN Films here at FYB in the Movies Category. Each Installment of the SMILING WOMAN Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Five Minutes (Flat) or Under.

PLOT: One Late Night at an Empty Laundromat, a Young Woman is Tormented by a Menacing Smiling Woman.


  • Smiling Woman – Teru Hara
  • Young Lady – Michelle Twarowska
  • Coroner – Alex Crawford
  • Detective – Raymond Ko
  • Young Lady Voice – Mandy O’shaughnessy & Lindsey Caldwell

Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober