A Maniac Monday Micro Horror Movie: THE ANIMOJI KILLER!!

In 1986 the pop music group The Bangles wrote a song as a tribute to the madness of Mondays called “Manic Monday”, and today FYB brings you MANIC MONDAY! Today’s post features the MICRO SLASHER horror movie THE ANIMOJI KILLER by the one, the only, the wild Ryan Godoy!

Plot: What would you do if late one night you received a random emoji telling you repeatedly over and over that YOU’RE GOING TO DIE? I mean how fucked up is that, and it only gets worse when the sender of the ominous anonymous sender shows up in the flesh? Well you’ll to have  watch and see this 1 minute 30 second long MICRO SLASHER HORROR  MOVIE  known as THE ANIMOJI KILLER!

See you sooner or later,

   Justine Sane  


Welcome to this Wednesday’s post TELLING SCARY STORIES IN THE DARK by Oddest of the Odd (featuring Rackaracka and Laugh over Life) who describe themselves as  ” Just some filmmakers from Michigan buttfucking Los Angeles.”

Inspired by the Incredibly  Creepy and Ungodly Surreal Children’s Story Series Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark by Alvin Schwartz. The Scary Series is One of the Most Banned Books for Over 30 Years in America according to The American Library Association. The Series was Banned because the Books were Deemed Extremely Inappropriate for Children due to their Depictions of Violence, Negativity, and the Nightmarishly Horrific Drawings from Original Illustrator Stephen Gammell.  So it may Not be Surprising that Down the Line the Series Evolved from being Banned Book(s) into an Actual Hollywood 2019 Horror Movie of the Same Name Produced by Guillermo del Toro.

Plot Summery: In this Horror Movie like Tribute a Group of Friends Gather one Evening to Enjoy a Scare or Two, but Little do They Know Dark Forces Aplenty Closing in All Around Them. Will Anyone Escape from the Night of Terror with Their Lives Or is this the Friendships Final Chapter?


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

And Now A Broadcast Interruption From Outerspace: Vrillion

Hey there, hi, there, hello there everyone it is I the one and only Justin Sane here. Apparently Otto is being the CLASSIC moody motherfucker that he is so I’m gonna jump on in here for today’s post. I fucking love broadcast interruptions where a television or radio station signal/broadcast gets fucking HIJACKED by an unknown individual(s). The whole fuck the system theme behind the many MASKS OF MADNESS by these individuals is nothing less than fucking BRILLIANT! It’s never clear what the fuck there message and motivation is, but goddamn does it make for some seriously fucking entertaining shit!


Well when I found this little nugget of nonsensical insanity I knew I had to use it I mean its so fucking unhinged its spectacular. I mean this shit is right up there with all the conspiracy Qanon batshit bullshit with all the evil alien ghost-reptile alien illuminati new world fucking order of satan worshiping blood drinking, baby eating cannibal elitist Hollywood Super Duper powerful inter dimensional drug addicts whack out on the urban legend adrenal chrome. What fucking IDIOTS believe this fucking horseshit anyway? I remember when people heard shit like that at laughed their fucking asses off at the sheer fucking stupidity. Now every asshole with the fucking internet can connect with every other mentally unbalanced asshole on the fucking planet to exchange their various bullshit theories.




Here’s What Went Down:

Local News Bulletins DON’T often become the News Generally. A little after 5pm on Saturday 26th November 1977, the Transmission of the Local UK Television Station Southern News Bulletin made WORLDWIDE HEADLINES when it was OVERRIDDEN by an External Broadcast from an Individual Claiming to represent the ASHTAR GALACTIC COMMAND, and delivered the following ominous message!

Audio Transcript of the Vrillion Message:

“This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. All your weapons of evil must be removed. The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating in your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the plane of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.”

Check this Shit Out!

See you on the other side,

   Justin Sane  

Hauntingly Ominous Lost Japanese Public Service Announcements (PSA)

To Whom it may concern,

It is I Otto here as Les and Justin took off on a impromptu road trip which I opted out of. I enjoy my own company to that of any other so being stuck in a hellishly small RV with Les and Justin is something I sincerely want nothing to do with. My idea of a vacation is alienation in isolation removed far from the confining shackles of a sick society. Last time Les called he wasn’t pleased that I had in all due favor neglected my FYB Responsibilities in their absence so here we are.

As what to post I was left up to my own dark devices having carte blanche to choose the topic and content of said post. Needless to say I was intrigued with this newly found freedom. You see my main function since I started assisting Les here in the haunted hallowed halls of FYB is research which I am quite fond of. I like being on my own to plunge  head first down any and every rabbit hole I wish with reckless abandon. Being that this was all unplanned and very last minute I didn’t have anything in particular in mind initially as it were. I pulled out a volume of notes I had compiled a few months ago and started parozing it to see if anything caught my eye. I then just so happened locate notes I had collected on Isamu Saburo Tadashi.


Isamu Saburo Tadashi had dedicated his life and his career to Japan’s Ministry of land, infrastructure, transportation, and tourism (MLIT). Tadashi married young at the age of 16 to his beloved wife Emiko, and just a year later Emiko gave birth to the couple’s first child a boy they named Masao. At a 18 Tadashi started his life long career at the MLIT, and as luck would have it the couple welcomed their second child a girl named Hiroko that same year. Time marched on and Tadashi’s career at the MLIT was taking off. Early on in his career Tadashi had received promotion after promotion along with a slew of various awards, and received the highest of Accolades from his superiors. Then one sunny summer day tragedy struck when Tadashi’s wife Emiko was struck an killed by an absent minded motorist. Tadashi lapsed into a alcohol fueled depression, but thanks to his loving and devoted children managed to fight through his inner demons.

Life rolled on and the family recovered from the loss until tragedy struck once again. One day on the way home from school Tadashi’s Son Masao then 14 years old and his 12 year old sister Hiroko decided to take a short cut home. Unfortunately for the siblings the short cut required them to cross several sets of train tracks which proved to be a fatal flaw. While crossing the tracks Masao one of his feet stuck in-between a set of rail road tracks, and it wasn’t long before Masao had a Tokyo commuter train barring down the tracks right at him. The panic boy fought furiously to free his foot before meeting a gruesome and untimely death. Hiroko refused her brothers pleas for her to escape to safety, and remained by his side trying in vane to save her brother until the very and deadly end. The commuter train wasn’t scheduled to stop at this particular station and was speeding along the rails at a top speed and hit the children dead on killing them both and obliterating their small fragile bodies.


Tadashi who was now battling PTSD as well as clinical depression started to experiment with unconventional hallucinogens developing a profound fondness for smoking the venom of the poisonous Bufo Alvarious Toad (a rare species of toad native to the Sonoran Desert). The Bufo toad’s is known as 5-MeO-DMT: an extremely potent natural psychedelic. 5-MeO-DMT is about 4 to 6 times more powerful than its better-known cousin DMT (dimethytrptamine). As one can imagine Tadashi’s unorthodox drug use quickly began to affect his work at MLIT where he was finally demoted to developing MLIT public service announcements (PSA). Right before his death at 81 from a massive stroke Tadashi set about creating his most dementedly disturbing series of PSA’s majority of which focus on train/train tracks safety.

The Gritty and some what distorted series not only was hyper focused on train safety but also feature 2 eerie characters both of which appear to be young children, and one if obviously male and his counterpart female. Due to the horrific deaths  of Tadashi’s son and daughter on the train tracks people became to speculate that Tadashi had gone mad with grief (and died of a broken heart) having lost his cherished children and adoring wife. The story began to take on a life of its own as it evolved into urban legend status particularly in the paranormal communities. The current version of the story is Tadashi consumed with sorrow at the loss of his family that he began to practice necromancy (the supernatural concept of actually raising/channeling the dead). At some point Tadashi employed the use of an Ouija board in his desperate attempts to reunite with his deceased loved ones, and it resulted in Tadashi accidentally trapping the ghosts of his dead children in the PSA’s where they remain to this very day. Due to Tadashi’s mental deterioration his final series of PSA was locked away and was never intended to see the light of day ever again. Then in 2013 while the MLIT was undergoing a massive revamping the lost Tadashi PSA where discovered stashed in a rusty old filing cabinet that was jammed into a dark corner of the basement.


So are Tadashi’s final PSAs in fact haunted by the ghosts of his deceased children? Are they cursed in some way? Will watching them induce insanity in the viewer? Probably not but that doesn’t make them any less creepy as fuck.

Sweet dreams & Bitter nightmares,

   Otto Rageous  

Crazy People, Campgrounds, and A Crappy Concert

Now I had mentioned in a Recent Post that My Wife and I are in the Habit of Frequenting Our Local Bar called Timeout Tavern. Over Time as One might Imagine We started to meet some of the Local Characters from Our Town as well as the Neighboring Town. One of those Characters is a Man of Few Words who goes by Dee Dee who’ve We seen at the Bar Numerous times before. Well on this particular Thursday (Normally We head to Timeout on Fridays, but this Thursday was My Wife’s Birthday) We just so Happened to Sit at an Open Spot at the Bar that was next to Dee Dee who had been there for some time already.

Dee Dee as far as Dee Dee is concerned was in His Version of a Talkative Mood. This meant We would sit Next to One Another drinking in Silence until periodically Dee Dee would Lean over slightly in Our direction, and then proceed to have talk about whatever topic was on His Mind. These Mini conversations lasted just a few Sentences before Dee Dee would fall Silent once again. At one Point later in the Evening Dee Dee had Invited Us to Join Him on Saturday for Some Event or What Not. Finally Dee Dee decided He was Drunk Enough (and I’m not Talking Shit since He was Visibly Intoxicated, and in all Due Favor so was My Wife and I) and Decided to Head Out. Not Long after Dee Dee’s Departure My Wife and I also Opted to Call it a Night and went Home to Hangout with Our Pack of Dogs.


Friday came and went uneventfully and come Saturday Morning My Wife and I had a Bit of an Issue. The Issue was Due to the Fact all Three of Us (Dee Dee included) were so Drunk that My Wife and I couldn’t Remember what the fuck We had agreed to Thursday Night. So We started Playing the Drunken Memory Puzzle Game slowly Remembering Detail after Detail as We tried to Piece it all together. By 1:30 in the Afternoon We had managed though it was quite a Struggle to Assemble the Pieces of the Puzzle in a Coherent Narrative. What We Deduced was Dee Dee, who Actually lives in the Previously Mentioned Neighboring Town, had Rented a RV Site at Cooper’s Campground which was an Extremely Large local Campground. Dee Dee had invited Us to Stop by His Campsite around 4pm to Tailgate before a Local Band Played a Show at the Campground.

Even After We recounted Thursday Nights Conversation We still had a Number of Problems. First being the Most Obvious was Dee Dee never told Us what the Actual Number of His Campsite was. He Only mentioned that We should Enter the Camp Ground, make a Left, and keep Driving until We saw the Campground Laundry Building. Apparently His Campsite was in the Vicinity of said Laundry. Also Around Here its a Bit Old School because when I asked Dee Dee for His Cell Number so We could Orchestrate Saturday’s Plan He simple Replied “Why? If You come then I’ll just See You There.” which is about as Useful as a Car without an Engine. Also We had No Idea where in the Massive RV Park/Campground the Concert Venue was since We had Never been there Before. I decided the Best Idea was to say fuck 4 O’clock since the Concert was the Main Focus of the Nights Events, and again We had No Real Information on How to Locate Dee Dee or Call or Text Him either. I thought We should Head to the Campsite to get a Literals Lay of the Land so We’d know what the fuck We were getting Ourselves into.


We headed over to the Campground around 5pm or so and Once We arrived We drove through a Small Neighborhoods Worth of RV’s, RV Parking Sites, and Actual Campers in Tents. Then We reached the Main Campground Gate where there were to Humongous Signs Posted Relaying the Basic Rules and Policies of the Park which were Extensive to say the Least. What Pissed ME off at that Moment was the Fact the Campground Charged People who weren’t Current Campers (aka Customers) $5 Per Person to Enter. I though how if I was a Friend or Family Member Visiting How I’d be even More Pissed Off I’d be about the Gate Toll. All I’m saying is You visit someone in a Hotel, Motel, or Air B&B You don’t have to Pay some Bizarre and Bullshit Cover Charge just for Visiting. Anyway We made a U Turn and went back Home considering We didn’t really want to Hangout in a fucking RV Park/ Campground for several Hours Before the Show.

Once We arrived Home My Wife Hit Up the Campground Website for Details since We had Not been able to Scout Out the Location. My Wife confirmed First and Foremost that there was indeed a Concert that Night, and pulled up Some Picture of Where the Show would be Held. The Picture was unassuming as fuck as it was just a Picture of a Large Field on the Water Front. My Wife and I figured that because the Venue was a Campground that They would Erect a Small Stage for the Band to Play on. We assumed then that People Who came Would Bring Blankets or Beach Chairs to Sit On while the Band was On Stage Preforming. We figured We would need some Show Supplies so We went Out and Bought a couple of Cheap Beach Chairs, 3 Bags of Ice, A Cooler, and of Course a Case of Budweiser. Outside the Store We Filled the Cooler with the Ice and Stocked it with the Budweiser before departing. We Drove on Over to the Campsite since it was Now Quarter to Seven and the Show was Billed to Start at 8pm.


Once We Arrived We discovered the Gate Attendant had Left so We were Referred by a Shitty Handwritten Note (Scrawled on a Scrap Piece of Paper Taped to the Window of the Camp Connivence Store which Doubled as the Gate House) to the Two Monolithic Signs Posted on Either Side of the Gate. We ended up having to Fill Out this Basic Form with Our Name, Address, and Vehicle License Plate Number. We then Drove Through the Gate then there was a Beat Up Old Metal Lock Box on Passenger Side which We deposited the Form along with the $10 Entrance Fee. This Pissed ME off because its a fucking Campground so Why the fuck are They charging $5 per Person just to Enter? Who or What the fuck do They think They Are some Trendy fucking Nightclub or Some Shit? I dunno but I digress.

20 Feet into the Park and I’m already Stressed Out by the Absolute Clustfuck Labyrinth Arrangement of the RVs/Campsites. Instead of using the Traditional Tried and True Lay Out in a Grid Pattern with Neat Rows of RVs/Campsites with Adequate Streets running Between the Rows. This Campground looked as if the Owner had Squeezed every last Camper/RV/Campsite They could onto the Property to Maximize Their Profits. This created a Chaotically Disorganized Landscape of Oddly Angled Cramped RVs/Campsites that were packed so Close Together that if You stepped out Your Door You’d be a approximately 2 Feet From Your Neighbor. Privacy seemed to be Totally Non Existent, and that would Definitely Drive Me fucking Insane as I relish My Privacy.


To make Shit even More Nerve Racking there was a Main Road and I use that word Loosely that ran Around the Entire Perimeter of the Park. If You actually wanted to Access Anything in the Park You had to Navigate a the Maze of Haphazardly Placed RVs/Campsites using a Cramped Network of Streets that in Reality were Glorified Dirt Paths wide Enough for a Single Golf Cart to Drive on. One Thing We noted was to further Aggravate Me and the Situation Itself was There was the Utter and Total Lack of Signage so We had No fucking Clue where We were or Where We were fucking going. Meanwhile as We drove at a Whopping 3 Miles an Hour since I Drive A Half Ton Dodge Ram 1500 Pick Up Truck, and since Whoever Designed the Campground had Miserable Concept of Spacial Recognition ever Where We went was the Definition of a Tight fucking Fit. The Campground Layout was Completely fucking Random, but there were Other Exacerbating Factors We had to Content with.

The First Issue was there was a Ton fuck of People there were Walkers, Joggers, Men, Women, Kids, Senior Citizens, and Pets Milling around. Now with all of the Randomly Placed RVs/Campsites all I could think was “Holy Shit this is a fucking reciepy for a fucking Disaster. The Whole Time at any Second I expected Someone or Something to Walkout into the Street without even considering They could be Hit/Run Over by My Big Ass Truck. Then there were the goddamn Golf Carts that were all over the Place, and Who’s Occupants were Annoyed They were Forced to Pull off to the Side of the “Road” to make Room for My Big Goddamn Truck. That and Every Golf Cart seemed to be Driven by an Oblivious Idiot (Most were Deep into a Day Drinking Drunk as at Least 1 of Every 3 People I saw were Holding Beers) who had the Attention Span of a fucking Goldfish. The Day Drinking Drunks weren’t just Idly Driving around in Golf Carts They seemed to make Up a Majority of the People Staying at the Campground. Again All I could think is that One of These Dipshit Drunks would Stumble or Fall Flat on Their Face in the Road and End Up being Run the fuck Over (and more than Likely Killed).


There was one thing Though that I did find Fascinating and that was that the Campground was Over Run with Rabbits. I’m Not talking the Normal Wild American Rabbit Species You’re accustomed to seeing Oh No these were Some Breed of Domesticated Rabbits. They came in a Variety of Colors, Pure Black, Black and White, Tan, Brown, Tan with Brown Markings Etc., and these fuckers were so goddamn Big You could have Picked One Up and Cradled it like a fucking Baby. No One in the Park in the Campground even Acknowledged the Rabbits Presence Though They were Everywhere. The Rabbits were Laying in the Road, Running Between or Under RVs, Hanging Out in Small Groups on Spontaneous Grassy Plots located around the Park.

The Other Weird thing was I had never Heard about the Campground Rabbits and I’m a Local. Usually when Places have an Unusual Oddity such as these Rabbits the Business uses it as a Promotional Tool to Cash in on the Eccentricity, but Apparently Not in this Case. I even Hit Up Ye Old Internet the Next Day to see if I could find any Information on these Mysterious Rabbits. While there were Slews of Reviews that all Mentioned or at Least Alluded to the Rabbits but that was All. I posted on one of the sites asking if Anyone Knew the Origin Story behind the Rabbits, Yet Unfortunately I fucking Forgot the Specific Website (and was Unable to Locate it at a Later Date). I figure Especially being in the Country that these Rabbits had been Kept for as Show Rabbits, Raised as Farm Rabbits, Raised for Food, or Possible as Pets. As these things Go I believe some of the Rabbits Escaped and spawned a Full Blown Breeding Rabbit Population. I still am curious as fuck to Know the Exact Details and will Keep Seeking Out Any and All Information Pertaining to the Campground Rabbits.


After Roaming around this Campsite Hellscape We rather quickly came to the Conclusion that We would just Head to the Show Venue (wherever the hell it was) because Meeting Up with Dee Dee was a Virtual Impossibility. We continued to Drive meandering to and fro until Thank fucking Christ We found the Venue sheerly by Chance. We pulled into the Grass Parking Lot, and I immediately Noticed things were Not as We had Anticipated Not in the Least. When We Pulled into the Lot We saw a Large Cinder Block Building Painted a Nauseating Shade of Pink. I assume the Building originally was a Garage for Maintenance/Groundkeepers Lawn Mowers and other Tools of the Trade. I thought this because there was a rather Large Garage Door that was wide Open and We could See (and Hear) the Band doing Their Soundcheck. Now it was 7:40 pm and the Show was set to Start at 8pm on the Dot, But the One thing We didn’t See was Anyone Else. The Parking Lot with the Acceptation of My Wife and I was Completely Empty there wasn’t a Single Person to be Seen.

Eventually a Small Handful of Campground Campers trickled in on Their Golf Carts. We Spoke with a Man familiar with the Campground and asked what the fuck was the Deal since We had Obviously made the wrong assumption with the whole Tail Gating thing. He informed Us that there wasn’t any Tail Gating and the Campground Owners would Toss You out and Ban You for Life if They Caught You. I’ll be fucking Damned if I get thrown out of a fucking Campground that’s for Sure. Then He informs Us that They do Sell Beer there accept its Cheap Shitty Beer in Clear Plastic BBQ Cups all White Trash and shit. I am a Beer Lover but after already Buying a Case of Good Beer sure as Hell didn’t want to have to Sell Out more Cash especially for Horse Piss Beer. Lastly the Man Mentioned there was a goddamn Cover Charge in Addition to the $10 Park Admittance Fee. This Seriously Chapped My Ass I mean I paid $10 already just to get into this Hellhole 3 Ring Shit Show of a Campground, and the Idea of having to Pay a Cover well Fuck and That.


At 8:15 pm I decided it was time to Re-Evaluate the Situation. Since I tend to be Anti Social and Standoffish so I felt I had to Lawyer My Point. I pointed out that Perhaps making Plans Late at Night at the Bar while Drunk wasn’t the Optimal Scenario for making Plans. Also We didn’t have Dee Dee’s Phone Number or Campsite Number and We didn’t even have a Clue where the Laundry was (which if You remember was Our one and only Reference Point). I then Proceeded to Point Out the Fact it was a Lame Local Bar Band so it wasn’t Worth it Literally and Figuratively. I added to that its a really bad sign when You show up for a Concert Twenty Minutes before the Show Starts and there is No One There. I made sure to point out that the Few People who Finally Showed Were Campers Not Locals, and if We wanted to get to Know More People talking to Vacationing Campers was a Waste of fucking Time. My Wife being the Optimist suggested We wait a Little Longer before Leaving just to See if Things Picked Up and being the Pessimist I reluctantly Agreed. At 8:30 pm My Wife Agreed with Me that it was Time to Throw in the Towel and Call it Quits.

In the End We left the Campground and Drove over to Our Favorite Watering Whole Timeout Tavern and Proceeded to have a Ultimately Awesome Evening. I have yet to see Dee Dee again but I’m sure I will in Time, and When I do I can’t wait to ask Him What The Fuck the Whole Ordeal was About. Until then it was a Intensely Bizarre Adventure and at Least it makes for an Interesting fucking Story.

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

FYB’s First Official Endorsement: LT.LICKME

Let ME Start By Saying when it comes to bringing the Bad Guys to “Justice” the Police at Best are Incompetent, and at worst as Criminal as the Bad Guys. So it’s No Wonder Why I have a Special Fondness for Vigilante Justice be it Movies, Video Games, TV, and Best of All (and Not Often Enough) in Real Life. That brings Me to FYB’s First Official Endorsement being Awarded to Australian Content Creator/YouTuber Lt. LICKME!

Now After achieving Mass Appeal a Year Ago LT.LICKME Stoped Posting and seemed to have Utterly Disappeared. At one Point LT.LICKME Tweeted that He was leaving for a while, He couldn’t actually say Why He was Leaving, and that He would be Returning sometime in the Future. Not Only that LT.LICKME also announced in the Tweet “I cannot tell you when I will return, I cannot truly tell you why I left. But know when I do return, I will not return the same.” Following that Tweet LT.LICKME changed all Their Profiles on Social Media to a Black Profile Picture. Then a Month ago the LT. announced in a Teaser Video that He’d Be Returning Sometime in July. Yesterday (August 1st 2021) LT.LICKME released the Hands Down the Best Comeback Video I have Ever Seen No Bullshit.


Before We get Started First Things First. I am Not LT. LICKME’s Biographer I’m just a Huge fucking Fan of His Work. I won’t be giving You an Insanely Detailed Account of Everything LT.LICKME, But I will Provide all of what I deem to be the Most Relevant and Informative Information. If You like what You Read/Watch here and have some Questions that were Not Addressed here then By All Means Please Research Further for Yourself. Like I said I’m a Fan, and as a Fan I will Not (And Never have Nor Will) Tell You what to Think. I believe You’re Intelligent Enough and Creative Enough to make Your Own Conclusions. Below You will find Pertinent Information about LT.LICKME and Below That there is LT.LICKME’s Return Video. If Your Interested in LT.LICKME We also included Another Video that I feel Properly Showcases LT.LICKME’s Work.


Let Us Get Started.

  • Channel Description:
    “We divide the line between reality and nightmare for the “bad ones” in order to create content for your entertainment.” #LTARMY


  • LT.LICKME has been Active Since 2013.
  • LT.LICKME Youtube Channel Videos have a Combined  307,076,974 Total Views.
  • LT.LICKME has 3.62 Million Subs.
  • LT.LICKME has Over 99+ Videos Posted Currently.
  • LT.LICKME’s Discord has 100,000 Members
  • LT.LICKME started as a Member of Anonymous.
  • Over Time LT.LICKME Debuted a Unique Character of His Own called The Stalker.
  • In the End Anonymous and LT.LICKME went Their Parted Ways due to Anonymous taking Issue with LT.LICKME’s Techniques and Intent. Anonymous did Not Approve of LT.LICKME’s Methods, and for LT.LICKME’s part the LT. Railed Against Anonymous as Old, Out Dated, and Ineffective.

  • LT.LICKME Objective is to make the Target Suffer the Way Their Victims Suffered basically Turning the Predators (Bullies, Wife Beaters, Racists, Pedophiles, Groomers, Rapists, and Other fucked up Assholes) into Prey and Without Mercy or Apology. A Fight Fire with Fire Mentality.
  • LT.LICKME Trolling Videos: Anonymous Trolling, Stalker Trolling, Missed Call Trolling, Mr. Steal Your Girl, and Watcher Trolling.
  • LT.LICKME isn’t Afraid to Operate Well Outside the Law to accomplish the Mission.
  • LT.LICKME isn’t a One Man Show by Far having amassed a Global Network of like Minded Individuals who became Active Members in the LT. ARMY.
  • LT.LICKME utilizes People called Watchers who collect information on Targets.
  • Lt.LICKME also has what I refer to as Foot Soldiers who Operate in the Physical World doing whatever Task They are Assigned.

  • When LT.LICKME Abandoned Anonymous the LT. Created a New Character from previous Stalker to The Watcher.
  • The Most Controversial and Popular Video Series done by LT.LICKME and the LT. ARMY are the Watchers Series which are The Extremest and Most Intensely Insane (and Enjoyable) Videos to Date.
  • There are Two Watcher Videos that End with the Statement “For Deniability Reasons the Rest of the Footage can Not Be Shown Here.”


  • In The Video We Learn LT.LICKME No Longer stands for a Person, but a Concept/Idea which Ironically enough mirrors Anonymous.
  • LT.LICKME Rages against YouTube for becoming a Greed Driven Platform and its Monetization Agenda.
  • LT.LICK also Rails against YouTube View Whores, 3rd Rate Copycats, Uncreative YouTube Hacks and More.
  • LT.LICK ME Trashes the New School YouTubers who Don’t give a shit about Content They only care about Pursuing Fame and Fortune (Basically the “I’ll BE Rich and Famous I’m Going to be a YouTuber.” Mentality).
  • LT.LICKME introduces a New Character .
  • LT.LICKME Debuts a New Logo.
  • The Channel has Evolved into its Best Incarnation Yet.

  • The Announced at the Beginning of the Video States the Channel is “Under New Management.” whatever the fuck that means, Well have to wait and see I suppose.
  • There have been Plenty of Theories as to Why LT.LICKME left for a Year including but Not Limited to LT.LICKME was Arrested by the Australian Police, LT.LICKME’s House was Raided by the FBI, and Even that LT.LICKME had gone to Fight in the War in Afghanistan though None of these have been Verified, its all Pure Speculation.
  • The Police/FBI Theory comes from the Narrator at the Beginning of the Video making a Statement along the Lines that LT.LICKME is just a Person and a Person can be Stopped, They can be Arrested….”


We Honestly and Most Sincerely Hope You Enjoyed The LT.LICKME Videos and will Check Out More of This Creator’s Marvelous Content.

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Stop- Motion Sci Fi Horror Web Series: OPERATOR – EPISODE 3

Welcome to this Wednesday’s FYB Post featuring  the Sci Fi Stop-Motion Web Series Directed by Sam Barnett OPERATOR – EPISODE 3! If You Haven’t seen the First to Episodes We Highly Suggest You Check them Out, and Just Your Luck Operator Episodes 1 and 2 have Already Been Posted to FYB.

When Asked about the Operator Series Barnett was Quoted as Saying the Following:

“I released Operator as a standalone short in 2013 and got much more recognition than I ever anticipated. I got inspired to make more and spent the next two years (between working other jobs) writing 14 new episodes. I got interest from a major studio to make it as a feature but it didn’t pan out. I considered working with a smaller horror production company that wanted to make it as a webseries but it wasn’t as good fit. After two years developing the series I decided to stop waiting for permission from studios and launched a successful kickstarter campaign to make Episode 2 which We released in 2017.”


Plot Summery: The Faceless Company Info Corp is Trying to Sustain Profits while Attempting the Ability to Control All Possible Futures. In Doing So Info Corp’s Workers who have been Afflicted with the Unknown Parasitic Predator Creature are Subjected to Cognitive Ability Assessment. If the Infected Worker Passes a Short Series of Tests They are Returned to a Work Room, But if They Fail the Cognitive Ability Test They are Forced to Euthanize Themselves via Lethal Injection. While the Test Administrators Argue over Policies and Protocol one of the Infected Workers doesn’t Self Terminate, and instead Escapes Through an Air Duct. To find Out what Happens Next You’ll just have to Watch and See for Yourself.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented by Les Sober  

Shits And Giggles: EAT YOUR VEGGIES!

Motherfucking Mondays I’m I right? Of course I damn well am. Thats why I’m delighted to present this demented little dish called EAT YOUR VEGGIES! This 16 seconds of sheer insanity by one of our favorite members of the theater of the absurd Oddest of the Odd. If this doesn’t make your Monday suck less you must be fucking dead.

Plot: When it comes to getting kids to eat their veggies it can be a hell all its own, but this fed up father takes the issue to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of gore soaked insanity!!!

Who Is Oddest of the Odd in Their Own Words: ” (We’re) Just some Filmmakers from Michigan Buttfucking Los Angeles!” #STAYODD

Have a fucking blast,

 Justine Sane


Welcome to this Wednesday’s Post featuring the Official Music Video by Lee Hardcastle for the Song “NIGHTMARE” by the Band Love Automatic.

Lee Hardcastle is a British Animator Who Specializes in Stop-Motion Techniques. He is Famous for His Handmade Independent Animations. His Work includes Original Remakes of Emblematic 1980’s Action and Horror Movies, as well as Parodies of Animated Series and Video Clips. His Work is Known for its Violent and Gory Content. He has worked with Many Companies including Momentum Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Adult Swim, and has Also Worked with Notable Artists such as Sufjan Stevens. Besides Being a Kick Ass Animator Lee Hardcastle was a Member of the Band Shit The Bed. Hardcastle once explained His Work as “I make Claymation that is Not for Children.”


All the Information I was able to Wrangle about the Band Love Automatic is the Following. Love Automatic is a New York band made up of ex-members from Senses Fail & Armor for Sleep. Their EP debut ‘Organ Donor’ is now available for download from major retailers.

PLOT: A Paranormal Research Team conducts a Seance (A Meeting where People Attempt to make Contact with the Dead) when Things Go Horribly Wrong the Team Ends Up Meeting Their DOOM!

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Micro Horror Movie (Sequel Edition) :SMILING WOMAN 5

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SMILING WOMAN 5 Written, Directed, Edited, and Executively Produced by Alex Magna and Starring Felissa Rose as the Smiling Woman. All Installments Start when a Digital Clock Display clicks over from 1:00 am to 1:01 am. The Premiss Remains the Same Throughout the SMILING WOMAN Series each Unique Installment Brings Us Closer to Discovering Who or What the Smiling Woman Is. When it comes to The SMILING WOMAN Series it Doesn’t take Long to Find its Legs and Take Off Running.


I as Far as I am Aware I coined the Term “Micro Horror Movie” when I posted the One Minute Long “Tuck Me In” by Ignacio Rodo on 1/29/21 (as Part of FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday). The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, and Pig Destroyer) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British  Deathcore (Grindcore+Death Metal) Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer. So I figure the Micro Horror Movie would Translate to a Short Horror Film that’s Under Five Minutes.

For those Who May Not Be Aware Felissa Rose Esposito, better Known as Felissa Rose, is an American Actress and Producer. She made Her Film Debut as Angela Baker in Robert Hilzik’s Infamous Cult Horror Movie Sleepaway Camp, a Role Reprised in the 2008 sequel Retuen to Sleepaway Camp. 

NOTE: We Highly Suggest You Watch the First 4 SMILING WOMEN Movies before Watching Number 5. You can Find the First Four Installments in the SMILING WOMAN Series in Our Movie Section.

Plot: While in Her Hospital Bed, a Patient is terrified  by a Eerie  Smiling Woman.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented BY Les Sober