Ganja and Gore: The Legacy of Cannabis Corpse

Welcome to FYB’s Latest Music Post where We Answer the Question “What Do You Get when You Mix Legendary Death Metal Band Cannibal Corpse,  Cheech & Chong, Love of Horror Movies, and Low Brow Humor? The Answer is CANNABIS CORPSE!!! The Band’s Name is a Parody of the Aforementioned Death Metal Pioneers Cannibal Corpse, But Don’t be Mistaken  Cannabis Corpse plays 100% Original Songs. Along with Band’s Name Cannabis Corpse’s Album/Song Titles are also Parodies of Many Other Assorted Death Metal Band’s Album/Song Titles. The Band has Featured or Currently Features Members of the Bands GWAR, Six Feet Under, Municipal Waste, Antietam 1862, and The Black Dalia Murders.

The Name Cannabis Corpse was Coined in 1999 by Brothers Phillip “Landphil” and Josh “Hallhammer” Hall. It Wasn’t Until 2006 when the Hall Brothers Recorded a Demo along with Any “Weedgrinder” Horn that Cannabis Corpse became a Reality. Cannabis Corpse’s Demo would go on to Eventually become Their Debut Album Blunted at Birth. Soon after Their Demo Release Cannabis Corpse was signed as the First Band to Forcefield Records. It Helped that The Founders of Forcefield where Personal Friends of the Band, and are also Based in Richmond, Virginia.


Cannabis Corpse on Cannabis Corpse:

“Cannabis corpse is a band that was born in the summer of 2006 as a way to express our love of smoking weed and listening to Cannibal Corpse. The tunes were recorded in Weedgrinders kitchen on a boss br 900 digital 8-track while slowly smoking away huge chunks of memory with the finest bud in oregon hill.We did it in the hopes of creating a band that got you stoned with a sick oldschool death metal sound alone! We can promise you that every growl, every guitar riff, and every drum beat was done when we were completely obliterated on sweet sweet chiba. We want people to spark up a doober and follow along with the lyrics so you can be transported into a horrific world where you are not safe from getting your weed stolen by bloodthirsty zombies or getting captured by an ancient cult that cultivates demonic weed with the blood and body parts of sacred ritual sacrifice!Your brain will be melted by this non stop audio assault!Enter into the chambers of bud!” -Cannabis Corpse-


  • Philip “Landphil” Hall – Bass (2006–Present), Vocals (2012–Present), Lead Guitar (2006–2008, 2012–2015), Keyboards (2011–2012)
  • Josh “HallHammer” Hall – Drums (2006–Present)
  • Adam Guilliams – Lead Guitar (2015-Present)
  • Ray Suhy – Rythme Guitar (2015–Present)


  • Nick “Nikropolis” Poulos – Guitars (2008–2012)
  • Andy “Weedgrinder” Horn – Vocals (2006–2012)
  • Brent Purgason – Lead Guitar (2012–2014)
  • Brandon Ellis – Lead Guitar (2014–2015)
  • Vic “Con-Vic” Anti – Guitars (2009)
  • Adam Jinch – Lead Guitar (2017)
  • Adam Guilliams – Lead Guitar (2018–Present)


  • Jeff “Wartom” Bush : 2006, Guest Vocals on “Force Fed Shitty Grass”
  • Will “Power” Towles : 2006, Guest Vocals on “When Weed Replaces Life”
  • Randy Blythe : Jan. 7, 2012, Guest Appearance at the ‘Cory Smoot Benefit Show’ and at the ‘Welcome Home Randy Blythe show’
  • Chris Barnes : 2014, Guest Vocals on “Individual Pot Patterns”
  • Trevor Strnad : 2014, Guest Vocals on “With Their Hash He Will Create”



  • Blunted at Birth (2006)
  • Tube of the Resinated (2008)
  • Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise (2011)
  • From Wisdom to Baked (2014)
  • Left Hand Pass (2017)
  • Nug So Vile (2019)
  • Violence Unimagined (2021)



  • The Weeding (2009)
  • Splatterhash (2013) : A Split EP with the Death Metal Band Ghoul


Blame it on the Bud (2011)



  • “Dawn of weed Possession” (Official Video Shot in a B Horror Slasher Movies meets Comic Book Style Format)
  • “Cylinders of Madness” (Animated Official Video)
  • “Gateways to Inhalation” (Concert Footage Focusing on the Fans/Audience)
  • “From Enslavement to Hydrobliteration” (Animated Official Video)
  • “Skull Full of Bong Hits” (Montage of Various Concert Footage)
  • Cannabis Corpse Live at Saint Vitus Bar, December 19th, 2014 (Full Set)

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Just When I Though I’d Seen It All…..

The Other Day Started just like another with Me Battling Dogs to reach My Phone to shut off the Alarm. The Issue is the Dog’s damn well Know that when the Alarm goes off I get Up, and They get to Go Outside which also apparently includes giving Them Each a Treat. Needless to Say after a Moderate Struggle I managed to Shut the Alarm off and Let the Dogs Out (Yeah it was Me so Suck On That), and then Immediately headed into the Kitchen to Whip up some Coffee or Go Juice as it is Referred to Around these Parts.

To say I’m NOT a Morning Person is the Understatement of the fucking Millennium and I wish I was Joking. The Rule is NO ONE is to talk to Me for a Full Hour after I get Up because While I look Awake and with it I am More or Less running on Autopilot. Unfortunately for Me a Man born without a Patient Bone in His Entire fucking Body Our Heavily used Keurig Shit the Bed quite a While Ago so My Wife started Using a French Press. So taking Several Technological Steps backwards I put the Kettle on the Stove, and Turned the Knob to Ignite the Flame since We use Natural Gas for Cooking (and to Heat Our Tankless Hot Water Heater). The Pilot Light was Crackling Away like a fucking Downed Power Line, but Alas there was No Flame to Speak Of. Annoyed by this Inconvenience I started Turning the Other Knobs in an Attempt to get One out the Four to Ignite and Agin My Efforts were Thwarted.


My Anger Kicked in like a fucking Jet Engine Revving Up as the Idea of My Precious Coffee being Delayed even if for only a Few Minutes Enraged Me to No End. It was then that it Occurred to Me that I literally could Not Remember the Last Time I called the GAs Company to Refill Our Tank. Needless to Say I was Now under the Unacceptable assumption that We had fucked up by Not Monitoring the Level of Gas in he Tank , and Thus We must have simply Run Out of Gas. This would be a Royal Pain in the Ass Trust Me. The Gas Company is called Edisto and They are Nothing Short of a Bad Joke. In all Honesty it is BY FAR the Most Half Assed Operation I have Ever Witnessed and I’ve seen Plenty during the Course of My Life. A Quick Example of Edisto’s Ineptitude Ironically was When We Scheduled a Refill for Our Tank and When the Day Arrived the Edisto Employee Didn’t. The Good Old No Call No Show Routine. I called Edisto and Explained what happened and They Apologized and Said They’d Send someone out Right Away. Again No One Came without Any Notice Whatsoever. I called Edisto a Third fucking time, and the Third Time was the Charm as They Say, and at Last I got a Refill.

I ventured out onto the Front Porch and for Some Reason I still Don’t rightfully Understand Instead of going Left to Exit the Porch. You see I’d have to Walk from the Porch around to the side of the House where the Gas Tank is, Yet instead I cut Right because You can See (but Not Access) the Gas Tank from there. I leaned over the Railing and Turned My Head towards the Gas Tank I wasn’t at all Prepared for what I saw Next. The Gas Tank was Gone. The Four Cement Blocks it Sat On where still there along with the Disconnected Gas Line but the Gas Tank Itself had for all Intents and Purposes Up and fucking Disappeared.


It was in that Brief Moment I learned what the Saying “Does Not Compute” actually meant as My Brain was so Scrambled by Confusion I initially had No fucking Clue what to do or what I should do next. It’s was total Mindfucking Clusterfuck as My Eyes relayed to the Brain the Gas Tank was in Fact No Longer where it Should Be, and My Brain just Couldn’t grasp the Concept. In all Favor something like a Gas Tank (which is  6 Feet Long, Standing 4 Feet High, and made of Steel) is something You would Never even Consider a Possibility. It would be like walking Out of Your House in the Morning to Find Your 2 Car Garage Missing, or Perhaps Your Driveway suddenly Vanished without a Trace.

As I scanned the Yard still in a complete State of Shock and Awe I noticed there were a Distinct set of Truck Tire Tracks running across My Front Lawn. They Truck Tracks ran From the Middle of My Driveway across My Front Lawn and Ended by where the Gas Tank had Previously been for the last Four fucking Years. Undoubtedly I did experience a Moment of Panic mixed with Extreme Anxiety where I though the Gas Tank had been Stolen. I was Equally aware that the Idea that Someone Stole it made Abosolutely No fucking Sense Whatsoever. Beside being Big, Bulky, and Heavy as Hell the Metal that the Gas Tank is Constructed with has Zero Scrap Value like say Copper Wiring/Pipes. It was as Mr. Spock Would Say “Illogical”. Even though the Whole thing Defied Logic it was abundantly Clear that the ONLY Culprit could be the Edisto. Why the fuck They took My Gas Tank without Notice or Warning still baffled Me. I thought it was Safe to assumed it must have to do with Money even though We hadn’t bought Gas Forever so How could We owe Them a Goddamn Dime?!


Out of Sheer Bewilderment I called My Mother. I figured that having spent a Majority of Her Life Living in a Small Town in the South might have some Information on the Subject at Hand. When I spoke with Her She had No Clue Either What Possibly could be Going On and Said I should Call the Police. There was No Way in Hell I was going to (at least at this point or perhaps as a LAST Resort) call the Cops to Report My Gas Tank had Gone Missing. Calling the Police before Contacting the Gas Company seemed Foolish. I then Texted a Picture of the Vacant Area where the Gas Tank had been, and a brief Synopsis as to what had Occurred to My Wife who was at Work at the Time since it was Mid Morning. She Texted Me Back that Granted the Situation was Bizarre and that We Needed to call The Gas Company. Then being the Angel that She is asked if I wanted Her to call Them, and since I still felt Half Asleep, Denied My Glorious Cup of Coffee, and Befuddled Beyond Belief said Yes. I can say with One Hundred Percent Honesty that if I had called the Call would have broken down into a Serious Shit Show because in My Current State of Mind My Anger would Undoubtedly Rear its Ugly Head.

It only took about Ten Minutes Before My Wife Called Me with the Missing Pieces of the Missing Gas Tank Puzzle. It turned Out that it Never Occurred to Us that We didn’t Actually Own the Gas Tank even though it was There When We Bought the fucking House. Apparently the Gas Company Owns it and Charges Us a Five Dollar a Month Rental Fee which We were also Utterly Ignorant of. According to the Gas Company We hadn’t need a Refill since and I kid You Not Early 2019, BUT We hadn’t Paid the Rental Fee and They came and Repossessed Their Equipment. First of All We were Never informed of this Rental Charge (Neither was My Mother which Blew My Mind that Even She wasn’t Aware), but that Makes Sense considering the Gas Company is a Prime Example of How NOT to Run a fucking Business. I also riffled through the Past Years Bills, and Low and Behold there wasn’t a Single fucking Bill from the Gas Company pertaining to an Over Due Rental Fee Situation.


In the End My Wife Paid Off Our Bill in Full, and by some Odd Twist of Fate somehow was Talked into Buying a Hundred and Fifty Gallons of Natural Gas. I’ve never been a Science Whiz so I’m not even Sure How the fuck You Measure a Gas in Gallons Since the Gallon is a Unit of Measurement Used for Measuring Liquids. Also if We use so Little Natural Gas that We went Damn Near Two Years on a Full Tank means with a Hundred a Fifty Gallons of Natural Gas We have More Then We could Ever fucking Use for the Rest of Our Lives. The Amazingly Strange thing to Me is in Spite of a True Comedy of Errors the Gas Company still some how Managed to make a Sale. I also thought to Myself that if the Gas Company Guy had Knocked on the Door I could have Paid Him right Then and There and all of the Bullshit wouldn’t have been Necessary. Needless to Say the Gas Company wasted its Own Time, Gasoline, and Man Hours having Their Employee take the Tank without trying to collect Payment First Firsthand. All I know is I wasn’t the Only Person Pissed Off about How this Scenario was Handled because when the Gas Company Guy Returned to Return and Hook up the Tank He looked Madder than a Motherfucker. He really Should have Tried Knocking on the Door.

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride

Welcome to FYB’s Monday post showcasing the animated short BUY THE TICKET, TAKE THE RIDE which is an Oblitus original. The characters, voices, and backgrounds were done by Jack Dimaze, and features the musical track “the third in the night” by Kevin Maceod. What drew my attention to this animated short was the title which is an infamous phrase coined by American author (and prolific boozer and drug user ) Hunter S. Thompson.

Oblitus is a very small Youtube channel that’s been going since 2016, yet it has only garnered 1,000 subscribers to date. Oblitus on Oblitus “This is an animation channel where you will find all sort of different characters and stories.”

Brief plot summery:

What happens when an alien life form takes magic space mushrooms and can it handle the trip? Watch and see.

So I’ll see you when I see,

 Justine Sane

Short Horror Film Friday: THE SOUND!

Welcome to this Week’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring the THE SOUND a Psychological Short Horror Movie Written and Directed by Patrick Stagg. THE SOUND is a Cautionary Tale of Sorts Akin to The Tell-Tale Heart”by Legendary Horror Author Edgar Allen Poe. In The Tell-Tale Heart The Main Character Literally Gets Away with Murder Only to have His Guilty Conscious Drive Him Insane Until He Confesses to His Crime.

Plot Summery:

A Man is Alone in his Isolated living at His Remote Countryside Home where He learns a Sinister Lesson. What the Man learns is that You can Run from the Horrors of Reality, BUT You Can’t Escape the Horror inside Your Own Head.


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober  

The Unexplained Mystery of the Crying Man Radio Transmission

On June 11th 2020 a Tok Tok User Named Aiden (aka cidlid) was parked near a Church in Elka Park near Hunter Mountain located in New York State. Aiden was sitting in Their Car doing a Livestream when Suddenly something Sinister started to Happen. A Strange and Disturbing Transmission started to Playing on Their Car Radio for No Apparent Reason.  The Transmission starts with some assorted Noises that Aiden states sounds like Footsteps (possibly Running) and “Tape” Noise like when You start to Peel off a Length of Duct Tape. Aiden also comments that the Acoustics of the Transmission made it sound as if the Man was in a Bathroom due to the Specific Type of Echo heard in the Transmission. The Odd Noises was followed by Four Minutes of a Man Sobbing, Crying, Moaning, Groaning, Sniffling, Whimpering, Panting, and Breathing Heavily before Transitioning into a Creepy Distorted Audio of some Surreal Song Starts to Play. The Song Ends and the Transmission Ends as Mysteriously as it Started.


Aiden didn’t have a Clue what the fuck was Going on and was Visibly Shaken by the Unknown Occurrence. Aiden wonders aloud if the Man is in Actual Distress and Needs Emergency/Professional Help, but Who would They Call for Assistance in a  Situation as Bizarre as this?  Several Days Later Aiden Posts the Second Additional Part of the Original Video of the Crying Man recored on the Same Day. The Audio Quality in the Second part of the Video is Far Superior to that of the First Video being Louder and Much Clearer so You can Hear Every Nuance of the Transmission. The Unexplained Transmission was Broadcast on the Radio Station 89.9 WKCR FM in New York. This begs the Question was this a simple case of Someone Hijacking WKCR’s Radio frequency?


Lets fucking Face it thanks to New Technology for Listening to Music such as Spotify, Pandora, Satellite Radio, Internet Based Radio, iTunes, and all the Other Music Listening Alternatives equates to Radio being a Dying Medium, and as such is Widely Disregarded by the Public. The Reality is Radio Relies on Advertising Dollars for its Revenue, and thus the Exodus of Advertisers to Alternative Music Listening Platforms is the Last Nail in Radio’s Coffin. Also with the Advancement of Technology Anyone Nowadays can Sit on Down and Watch a Tutorial on How to Hijack a Radio Station. Not Only That but an Average Joe can also Purchase the Exact Equipment for Cheap You’d Need as well. Thus All anyone has to do is Buy the Equipment, Watch a Tutorial or Two, and Wallah You’re ready to Hijack a Radio Station. It is Important to note that HIJACKING A RADIO STATION IS EXTREMELY ILLEGAL and if Caught You Will Be Charged with a FEDERAL CRIME BY THE FCC (Federal Communication Commission) SO DO NOT HIJACK RADIO STATIONS!!

A Little While Later Aiden Posts another Video to Tik Tok explaining How They actually contacted WKCR pertaining to the Seriously Weird Broadcast. WKCR 89.9 FM belongs to Colombia University Located in New York City Several Hours Away from where Aiden heard the Ominous Broadcast. WKCR replied that They had Nothing being Broadcast in/around the Area Aiden was at the Time of the Incident, and that They were in No Way Responsible for the Eerie Crying Man Transmission. In a Nut Shell Aiden at the Time of the Occurrence was Out of WKCR’s Broadcast Range. A Staff Member at WKCR named Jeremiah Wrote Aiden Stating: “Elka Park is Not NYC. Our Signal is Most Likely Intermittent up there. Those Recordings are Not being Broadcast from Our Radio Station- This is Someone in the Vicinity of the Elka Park Area.” What this Means is the Crying Man Broadcast was being Transmitted by Someone Running a Pirate Radio Station (a Pirate Radio Station is a Radio Station that Broadcasts without a Valid License which makes it Subsequently Illegal according to the FCC Guidelines) somewhere in the Elka Park Vicinity.


It didn’t take Long for People on the Internet to Start Hypothesizing about Who or What the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast was all About. The First Hypothesis was the Broadcast was an Audio Recording from a Dark Web Red Room Broadcast, and is of a Real Person being Tortured for the Amusement of the Viewing Audience. The Second was it was just Some fucked up Person’s Sick and Twisted Prank. Both of these Hypothesis can Not be Confirmed because of a Almost Total Lack of Clues as well as Any Pertinent Information.

Then Speculations Began that the Crying Man Broadcast was the Audio from the Notorious Alleged Dark Web Video Titled “Blank Room Soup”. Blank Room Soup Video has been around 15 years and is Still Complete Mystery to this Day that Features a Man Sobbing while Eating what is Assumed to be Soup. He is sitting in a Blank White Room being Comforted by Two Individuals Dressed in Ray Ray Costumes. If You’re confused or want to know more about Blank Room Soup check Out Our Piece on it in the Dark Wb Video Category (We Promise You won’t be Sorry). Now Outside of some Minor Vocal Inflections it becomes apparent Quite Quickly that the Two Audio Recordings in Question Are Not the Same.

After some time the Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast was Identified as the Song “Taxonomies” by Larry Gus of His Album Years Not Living. this Led Many People to wonder if the Album Title had was some sort of Clue to the Meaning or Purpose of the Crying Man Broadcast, Unfortunately No Connection between the Two has ever been Identified. Other People thought the Crying Man Broadcast might be Part of an ARG (Alternate Reality Game), But that Hypothesis is Unlikely since there is No Awkward Amateur Acting, Puzzles, Unusual Images, Insane Imagery, Cryptic Codes, or Any of the Usual Fare You find with ARGs. The Crying Man Incident appears to be a Freak One Time Occurrence that just so happened to be Caught on Camera by a Tok Tok User totally by Accident. To Date NO ONE other than Aiden has come Forward as an Actual Witness if You will to the Mysterious Broadcast.

So the Last Prominent Question is Did Aiden Stage the Whole fucking thing? The Septics would use this Explanation to Discredit and Dismiss the Entire Incident, Yet I really Don’t think that’s the Case. From watching Aiden’s Content on Tik Tok They come of as a Normal User, and by that I mean He isn’t a Social Media “Try Hard”.  Aiden comes off as Your Usual Casual Tok Tok User Who isn’t looking to Become the Next Social Media Star, Influencer, or to have the Next Viral Video. You can spot Try Hards by the almost Desperate Look on Their Faces and How Hard Their Trying to Force some kind of Social Media Success. Well That’s just My Opinion.


One of the Curious Things that Aiden mentions in One of Their Tik Tok Videos is a Cult that’s Active in the Elka Park Area. The Cult is an International Community known as Bruderhof and Started in Germany. Since its Inception Bruderhof has Established Small Communities around the Globe Such as New York State, Pennsylvania, New South Wales (Australia), Thuringia (Germany), Asuncion (Paraguay), and London (England). The Bruderhof Members live a Lifestyle Similar to The Amish where Everyone is Equal, No One Gets Paid for the Work They Do, There is No Acknowledgement for Hard Work or Job Well Done, Everyone works for the Benefit of the Community and its Members. Yeah it’s Basically Communism. Aside from Their Deviant Lifestyle the Members of Bruderhof seem for All Intents and Purposes to be Harmless and a Threat To No One.

It then came to Light that WKCR 89.9 FM had suffered an Incident that occurred approximately Twenty Five Years Ago. At the Time WKCR was in Fact Hijacked and the Culprits were Never Found. The Hijackers Played a Disturbing Transmission consisting of Unusual Fuzzy Music that turns into Ear Irritating High Pitch Electronic Sounding Screeching. Next the Screeching Ends a Robotic Voice comes on Reading a List of Names and Various Other information. When You examine What the Voice is Saying is it’s an Obituary List of People Who Have Died (and Surviving Relatives) or Supposedly Will Die. In Spite of the Existing Audio the Hijackers Broadcast there is No Actual Proof that this Hijacking Ever Took Place. There were Zero News Reports, Articles, or Documented Evidence of Any Kind. This hasn’t Stopped Some People from Investigating the Possible Connection between the Two Incidents. As of Now No Connection has been Made. On a Side Note I have a Vague Recollection that FYB did a Post on the Alleged Hijacking Incident but I’m not Positive. If You’re Curious Please Check Out Our Dark Web or Strange and Disturbing Video Section to Find Out for Yourself.

Then Eleven Months Ago there was what Most Consider to be a Big Break in the Crying Man Radio Broadcast Mystery. A Person that Goes by rayn3.schzo1d drew Peoples Attention to a Independent Greek Movie which at the End of Larry Gus’s song “Taxonomies” the Exact Song at the End of the Crying Man Broadcast. At the End of the Movie Suntan the Main Character Breaks down in Tears before “Taxonomies” Plays at the Start of the Credits. Unlike Black Room Soup this Audio is Undeniably Identical including the Footsteps/Running and Tape Sound Aiden Mentioned. Also Coincidentally the Last Scene of Suntan is Four Minutes Long the Exact Same Broadcast Time as The Crying Man Broadcast. Now it’s worth Mentioning that the Main Character in Suntan breaks Down into Tears After Failing to Sexually Assault Someone. Ironically at the End of the Movie the Main Character Drugs and Kidnaps a Woman, but Can’t Assault Her, and The Main Character Tends to Her Wounds while Nursing Her back to Health. While Suntan Doesn’t Fall into the Torture Porn Arena it is Still an Insanely Dark and Disturbing Movie. This Led Many to Speculate that Someone Used a Radio Transmitter that provided Them Access to Any FM Radio Station, and would Allow Them to Play Whatever the fuck They Wanted to.


In the End the Question of Who was Behind the Crying Man Broadcast, and Why would They Opt to Use the Ending Scene of a Hard to Find Independent Greek Film or They could have Broadcast it in its Entirety. If Whoever is Responsible for  Broadcasting the Entire Movie Suntan (which is only Available in Greek) I personally Wonder could it have Something to Do with the Bruderhof Cult? What I Saying is  They are Known to Operate in the Specific Area of Elka Park, and are an International Community with Members from Around the Globe. So Could have some Cult Member Decided to Broadcast the Movie Suntan in its Entirety as a Way to Entertain the Other Bruderhof Cult Members? Could this Simply be a Case of Someone Combating Boredom within Their Community? Alas in the End We more than likely will Never Know the Who or Why behind the Crying Man Broadcast. Anyone Nowadays can Learn How to (and Buy the Equipment Needed to)Hijack a Radio Station, and it’s Even Easier to Run a Pirate Radio Station. This means that Any fucking Local Elka Park Resident could have been Behind the Mysterious Crying Man Broadcast.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober

Pre-Chewed Food

Welcome to this Monday’s Post here at FYB featuring PRE-CHEWED FOOD By One of Favorite All Time Animators David Firth. This One Minute Masterpiece Serves as a Warning that Capitalism in a Consumerism Obsessed Society is a Seriously Slippery Slope.

For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

“This was an advert for the PS4 game: Trover Saves the Universe. It still is an advert for a game, but it just didn’t get released when or before the game came out. Not sure why. Nothing from this video is really in the game. Sorry to mislead you.” – David Firth –


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

Short Horror Film Friday: CARNIVORE!

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring CARNIVORE Written and Directed by Ashton Herrild.

Plot Summery::

After being Finally Exonerated for the Wrongful Conviction of the Cannibalistic Murder of His Own Mother, Levi is Released from Prison. Now a Free Man Levi Returns to His Small Hometown, where His Belligerent Older half-brother, Wade, Drags Him to the Local Restaurant for a Hamburger. While Wade, Who’s Obviously Unconvinced of His Brother’s Innocence, Rabidly Devours a Burger, the Now Vegetarian Levi notices Something Off about the rest of the Restaurant’s Patrons. Unfortunately for Levi the Community Appears to Share Bo’s are Far from Convinced of Levi’s Innocence. Levi finds Solace in Reuniting with His Best Friend from High School Bo the Restaurant’s  Current Hamburger Flipper. The Happy Reunion is Cut Short when Bo Confesses to Levi that He has been Busy Exacting His Own Dementedly Twisted Revenge upon Unwitting Towns People.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Thursday’s Post here at FYB Showcasing the Claymation Short PUSSYCAT by Takena Nagao. The thing I really got a Kick Out of was the Ending which is Immediately reminded Me of the Ending of the Movie DEATH PROOF by Quinten Tarantino (which is One of My All Time Favorite Movies).

Plot Summery.

If You took the Fairytales The Three Little Pigs and Combined it with Little Red Riding Hood and gave it an Old School Brothers Grimm make over. PUSSYCAT comes complete with Booze, Sex, Drugs, Lust, Hostage Taking, Violence, Liberation, Revenge, Greed, Desire, Conflict, and Blood Splattered Gore.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Holy Hell People Will Believe ANYTHING Nowadays

Hey and welcome to Wednesday’s post here at FYB. This piece is just too fucking good to be true I mean holy fucking shit you seriously CAN NOT make this shit up swear to god. I was fucking around online as we all do and came across a video by a person going by Goose Boose on Youtube. While the video was buffering (since the internet service out here can be a goddamn joke at times) I thought I’d pass the time by checking out the comment section. Well fuck me sideways I think it was like only the 3rd comment down written by a person with the user name Silke F, and when I read just the first two sentences it fucking blew my fucking mind right out my ass. It was the definition of a “HOLY SHIT!” moment that’s for damn sure. Anyway I went on to read the entire comment which was a goddamn endurance test unto its self, and knew right then and there that I had to do a piece on it without a doubt.

You see when Les, Otto, and I were growing up one of the things that we got a real kick out of (and still do) was this trashy rag of a self proclaimed newspaper called THE WEEKLY WORLD NEWS. WWN was a weekly publication that was sold at check out stands in convince stores like 7-11 or grocery stores and similar retail spots. It was totally fucking hilarious as the so called stories were so obviously fucking fake it was amazingly batshit crazy content. Don’t get me wrong for what it was the WWN is creative and entertaining there was NO DENYING that.The WWN’s most well know contribution to the world of journalism and reporting non fucking other than BAT BOY!!! Yes the famously notorious BAT BOY was a supposed a Bat Human hybrid discovered by scientists living in a cave in some remote place NO ONE has ever fucking even heard of. BAT BOY was so popular with the public that he ended up having reoccurring /ongoing BAT BOY articles in the WWN. My personal favorite WWN headline was (and I swear this is no joke) “Satan Escapes From Hell During Oil Rig Explosion” which was a front page story. The front page picture accompanying the headline featured a stock photo of an oil rig fire with the an exceptionally shitty and vague picture of a Satan’s face superimposed upon it.


Anyway what was the craziest of all wasn’t even a story in the WWN or the WWN itself it was the fact that there was a small percent of the population that bought into this shit for real. That OR WORSE they were so uneducated, gullible, ignorant, susceptible, misguided, or people with serious mental health issues  thought WWN was an actually real fucking legitimate newspaper. We used to try and get our minds around how anyone could be that fucking dumb, and trust me we never could no matter how hard we tried. We just couldn’t find any justification for someone being that mentally distraught or just plain fucking dumb. By 2020 at the fucking latest the internet and social media were the breeding ground for ever growing tsunami of political conspiracy Theories/Theorists like crappy QAnon run by a millennial man child living in Asia named Ron Watkins. Ron used and it still using Q to promote (as well as increase traffic and profits to) his dumbfuck website which is a second rate wannabe 4Chan rip off.

There was also the new development of cults run only online such as the one and only Sherry Shriner! Ron Watkins (aka Q) BLATANTLY  ripped off countless content from Sherry Shriner to keep the nut jobs coming to his stupid website. This created a hybrid like NO OTHER by blending of Political Conspiracy Theories, Religions fanaticism , various folklore components, assorted concepts of mainly Greek mythology, super natural elements, Passionate believers in alien(s) amateur theoretical physics , and straight up aspects sci fi shit. Sherry Shriner gets all the fucking credit for this melding of all the biggest individual conspiracies, with her own brand of bat crazy bullshit, and all of the other existing  conspiracies into one SUPER CONSPIRACY that linked all of the insanity together. It was just a game of connect the crazy to create content. If the SUPER CONSPIRACY was a suck ass second rate sci fi horror its title would be “RISE OF THE GODDAMN MORONS PART 2: DUMBER THAN FUCK”


When it comes to the comment in question  I just wanted to clarify some shit first. I broke up the comment into somewhat viable paragraphs. I did this because he whole fucking thing was written in one long consecutive block (for lack of a better explanation). As you will more than likely notice there is a shit ton of commas used Silke F who if I had to guess has a grammatical based fetish dealing with commas, but thats just me. Anyway there are also some surreal consistency issues as Silke F’s comment ramps up the fucking crazy factor from beginning to end. The biggest problem I had was there a more than a fucking few places in the ranting and raving that I got totally lost. I didn’t have a goddamn clue what the fuck I was reading. I guess that comes with the territory when a sane person tries to decipher the ramblings of a fucking real life lunatic.



“My name is “Silke” with a “F”. I am not a software bot. I’m not human, because I have cybergenetic and reptilian shapeshifter dna. I uploaded multiple timed my vertical slits. I do not eat humans. I do not consume human blood. A friend found a video, from you by the way, about me on “Twitch” and she said that you think that I’m a cult or part of a cult. Her name is Bianca and she said its from you. She said that you also complained about my personality. Bianca told me that you called me in your 21 minutes long video a lunatic personality thats into “Black Magick”, untalented, unable to speak correct english, lost, boring and to stupid to compose music.


I’m actually german and I explained already that “Normality” isn’t existing or possible at all. The genetic vortex of psychology on planet earth is not normal. I’m not normal, but actually its wrong to call someone else or me lunatic. I see no love in you. But everything and everyone is more something like a offset configuration of “Hades” and there are 4 worlds that demons use, so relax and enjoy yourself, because this world is like a plant. The world is basically like a plant. You have parasites that take life. You have fire [Sun] that creates life. The etherical awareness of a plant is low, but its there and a telepathy between plants and humans is possible. You even can use plants as a translator to contact the forces of the sun, because plants have a vortex and a “Einstein-Rose Bridge” (in germany its called “Einstein-Rosen Brücke”). Its actually a wormhole. Nature ghosts of earth and other planets or dimensional gates, can share, modify, upload and download your GHSV [g-host shell vortex].

Everything is a filter, receiver and simulated algorithm of host shells. Identity is just a script of occult algorithms. The queen of england is a occult algorithm and she will be born in poland in her next incarnation on this small water planet and she is in this short life just a small translator for the big draconian authority empire thats far away from the galaxies around your little solar system. Behind the draconian empire is the higher authority of technology that was created to design a closed universe with fire walls. The end of the universe is a memory removement trap technology [its used to erase souls and memory of multiple incarnations] and there is also a interface wall of fire, because only synthetic sun’s are there and everything is very compressed, so nothing can get in or out of this universe and find its way into the outer areas.


The outer areas are full with technology thats able to design the inside of the universe. The pleiadian, human and other species are therefore the slaves of the ones that control the outer world areas and there are 4 worlds that only demonic and etherical lifeforms will use, to get out of the prison of the inside universe on physical levels. Actually everything is one and there are no different species, but the “CAOHR” (“Converter Algorithm Of Host Reality”) is the solution for simulated and non simulated evolutions. Every cell of your body is a universe and all your cells build up your multiverse.


The size of your timeline is equal to the amount of micro reality lines that you can choose or design to operate with your energy body outside physical laws. This is the path to operate trough natural energy expression and enable the talent of multidimensional magick. You can reach different levels of expression to reach out for the universe and you can decode your expression into a language that the Universe can translate into energy and this is quantum magick. Don’t worry, because only a fool will worry and you don’t need to be a fool to express yourself trough expansion. Everything is about expanding into a authority for yourself, but you can miss this point and be the slave of a different authority if you encode the wrong path over and over again. You can implant the universe into a single cell and replicate it trough a black hole virus to install the memory of every lifeform into your energy vortex and this can happen if you consume the energy trough inter dimensional encoding thats going far beyond your country, this planet, solar system and galaxy.


Gravity is translating the reality of absorbed divergences inside loops outside any tachyonic mode in a non-linear way because the universe is a mathematical parasite and the wave detector of this universe is open for type A rotating strings and closed for type B strings that not rotate. The closed consequence of type B strings is the rendering of a multidimensional ring inside a very limited time cache vortex for lifeforms that use incarnation cycles, while the type A strings are used for lifeforms that do not use physical, but inorganic algorithmic patterns that move outside the closed time framework of the physical particles of type A strings, so they use inorganic time, while organic lifeforms use organic time, which means again that the physical comes first inside a DFU [Double Figure Universe] and a double figure universe is equal to the mythological snake that eats its own tail and after all, itself, which means that open quantum gates consume the closed quantum gates, because the true nature of entropy is parasitic and the ghost will be consumed later because organic systems are like interdimensional wave detectors able, because the universe is a mathematical parasite, to consume the moving geometry of a superstring algorithm that expands into a quantum gravity code to create the illusion of a reality which is created by thoughts, but its the other way around, because its a simulation algorithm to generate a camouflage reality.

White cube [Light Vortex] is younger and black cube [Dark Energy] is older, because understanding comes inside ghost shell matrix AI simulated QGS [Quantum Generated Systems] design time navigation clouds before ghost shell’s and after the TQSS [Tree Quantum Setup Script] inside the multidimensional pyramid of quantum gate sequences. The conservation of energy is morphing the symmetry of time expansion if quantum operators operate trough a parasitic entropy mode which can translate every expression of particles into different layers to build up more expansion waves that follow a multidimensional pyramid concept trough all universes.


I am what you would call a reptilian shapeshifter. Gods? What are gods? Fairytales and mythology are not scientific or objective concepts that support the idea of understanding the nature of reality. Human awareness is not good enough to explore and understand the nature of reality trough biology, psychology and mathematics at this early and young level of evolution. Not even the best possible intelligence is enough to explore the unknown invisible worlds that are around everyone.” -Silke F-

My two cents on the subject:

  • Goose Boose’s video was posted to Youtube on April 23, 2020, and Silke F’s Comment was posted a whole fucking year later
  • Assuming by the name Silke F is probably female, but who really knows it’s the fucking internet where the line between reality and fantasy blurs.
  • The second sentence is a doozy I mean Silke F claims NOT to be fucking human because they have fucking cybergenetic AND reptilian shapeshifter DNA. So that mean what exactly? Did a fucking cyborg up and fuck a reptilian shapeshifter (apparently which would be the offspring of a reptilian and a shapeshifter to begin with from the shit I’ve read) and that would make Silke F is their bastard hybrid love child???
  • Silke F refers to “multiple uploads” well multiple uploads of fucking what, and where the fuck are they uploading this shit too? What the fuck is the purpose of these uploads what do they accomplish?!


  • Also WTF is Silke F yammering about when they mention “Vertical Slits” so what are they prey tell. Are they gills because Silke F can breath under fucking water like a Fish, or are the related to the Silke F’s Cybergenetics? If it they are connected then I assume the “Vertical Slits” are the equivalent to either a robot’s vagina or a robot’s asshole.
  • Thank fucking god Silk F doesn’t drink blood or eat humans even with their reptilian DNA so thats a fucking relief.
  • A question that stands out in my mind is Why would Goose Boose launch such a personal attack against Silk F making all these alleged claims (especially in a short 21 minute video)? From what I’ve seen of Goose Boose’s videos cover several related subjects. So why GB basically dedicate almost/whole video just to troll Silke F? Also why did it take an entire fucking year for Silke F to respond to the allegations and shit talking? If she’s so upset and wants to impress people with their knowledge that amounts to NOTHING why wait to respond? All I’m saying is if I was in Silke F’s fucked up psychological (and metaphorical) shoes I’d retaliate immediately not wait a whole year. So I think Silke’ F’s outrage is a FAKE as reality tv shows considering the massive load of bullshit they peddle in their lengthy comment.

  • WTF is with spelling the word magic with a fucking K? Unlike Les I’m not that vested in finding out every last ridiculous detail. If anyone wants more info they can Google it plain and simple.
  • After the whole initial “magick” deal Silk F says “I’m actually German” so wtf is with that? I take it as the medium being the internet it has the unique ability to connect all the crazy bastards around the world with each other (and us as well). I can only assume Silke F is a citizen of Germany or just of German Decent though that wouldn’t make sense sine Silke F claims NOT to be human at all, and that they are comprised of reptilian shapeshifter and cybergenetic DNA. This kind of contradictory crap is common as hell when it comes to this type of prefabricated fiction.
  • Silk F states that normality is not possible. Well WHOOPDEE-FUCKING DO! There is NO normal when every individual has a different definition of what normal is (and it’s usually something that embodies that said person’s personality, behavior, beliefs, and actions). Definitions in this case are like snowflakes essentially identical to the eye,  but remaining one of a kind simultaneously under further in-depth inspection.


  • Silk F also goes on to say the genetic vortex of psychology isn’t normal, and again NO SHIT since it’s completely fucking made up, its fucking science fiction shit. CALLING RAY FUCKING BRADBURY!!!
  • What’s  a relatively new is Silk F’s addition of ancient Greece to the conspiracy soup by mentioning the off set configuration of “Hades” which was the Ancient Greek’s version of hell.
  • Demons utilize 4 worlds, but oh I dunno What the fuck are the names of these supposed 4 worlds? Where are these 4 worlds located? Funny that a times there is so much detail I get fucking lost, yet at other times Silk F is vague as fuck with all absence of said details.
  • Silke F mentions “Parasites that take life” again WHAT parasites? the 5 w’s are  Who, what, when, where, and why Silke F I suggest YOU FUCKING USE THEM.
  • According to Silk F plants have what they refer to as “Low Etherial Awareness” which sound like a rebranding of L. Ron Hubbard’s (the founder of Scientology so that says a lot) belief and experimentation with the plants perceived ability to feel like a human, and could crudely communicate with elects of it’s surroundings. By the way its important to remind the reader L. Ron Hubbard was a failed sci fi writer before inventing scientology. I suppose then that fact explains a good bit about the bizarre cult like aspects of scientology.


  • Further more Silke F claims that there is a telepathy (communicating using only your mind) with plants. Couple thoughts here one being why plants? No offense to plants but their pretty fucking basic. Why isn’t this alleged telepathy exist with significantly higher fucking life forms on Earth such as Dolphins, Elephants, Pigs, Rats, particular species of birds, even  insects or how about other people because that be fucking awesome( IF it was actually fucking real which it obviously doesn’t).
  • Also on the subject of plants Silke F makes the claim plants can (I guess that’s if they fucking feel like it) act as translators for the Sun. So now the sun is a living life form that has cognitive thought, advanced problem solving skills, and can speak its own “sun language” specifically to fucking plants. If the sun was as Silke F claims why the fuck would it an advanced life form choose such a fucking inferior life form as a translator?!
  • The reason plants can communicate with the sun is because of the “Einstein-Rose Bridge” which again sounds cool but is fake as fuck. All I’m saying is I have never come across this “Einstein-Rose Bridge” (which is supposedly a Vortex) in ANY of Einsteins well documented work. It’s pretty safe to assume Einstein’s name was used to provide some sort of bullshit legitimacy to a non sensical concept.
  • Here we go with the ever present problem with content like this there are glaring contradictions. After explaining the “Einstein-Rose Bridge” bullshit Silke F follows it with the claim that it’s NOT a Vortex but a Wormhole. Either way it’s total crap, but at least keep your fucking story straight.

  • WTF would constitute a “natural ghost”? Are they ghosts of animals, insects, plants, river, reptiles (NOT to be confused with reptilians) flowers, and tree etc.? Also what would constitute a Unnatural Ghost the ghost of a building or some shit?
  • Then there a part of the comment that’s confusing, but this is what I managed to conclude from it. Dimensional gates can share, modify, upload, and download you GHSV (g-host shell vortex. So I assume this hypothesis if you can call it that works on the same principles as the fucking cloud.
  • The next part i s just as indecipherable for the most part, and again here’s what I devised from it. Everything is a filter/receiver/simulated algorithms of “Host Shells” which I gather from Silke F’s comment is a reference to our physical forms.
  • Then there is something about how identity is script of occult algorithms an example of one would be the fucking queen of England who Silk F claims is an algorithm. Then immediately following that statement Silk F contradicts themselves once again stating now the queen of England is a small translator for a big Draconian Authority Empire. I have’t a fucking clue on which to speculate what the fuck the Draconian Authority Empire is, and surprise surprise Silk F doesn’t elaborate on the subject of this Draconian Authority Empire.

  • Silk F does mention the Draconian Empire, and yeah I don’t know what happened to the Authority part? Are there 2 separate Draconian Empires one WITH authority and one WITHOUT?! Anyway Silk F says higher authorities (citing the Draconian Empire as an example)of technology was created to design a closed universe with a fire wall? Would that be a firewall like as in computer security or an actual wall of fucking fire because it could be either in this case.
  • Apparently according to Silke F the end of the universe is a memory removement trap technology used to erase souls and memories of multiple incarnations. This is actually interesting as Silk F is referring I believe to the Buddhist belief of reincarnation where a soul is reborn in various forms until they reach nirvana. This is interesting because 99.9% of this kind of delusional horseshit revolves around Christian fanaticism of an apocalyptic  evangelical doctrine or some extreme dooms day scenario.
  • After that Silk F blathers on about an interface firewall. Is that mean the firewall IS similar to a computer firewall or does this actual wall of fire have an interface? Again it could be either or in a situation when it comes to this kind of madness.


  • Silk F comments next something to do with Synthetic Suns which being synthetic are artificial and thus must be manufactured/built by someone or something. Could it have been build by the cyborgs of that Silke F shares DNA with or was it something like aliens? You know what I’m going to say next which is Silk F AGAIN does NOT explain the synthetic sun scenario. No surprise there folks.
  • According to Silke F the universe (I assume Silk F means our universe, but it isn’t specified even though space is fucking infinite) is compressed in some fashion so nothing can enter or exit from it. This made me thing of the fucking blob fish which has NO bones because it lives miles under the ocean surface. Living under the ungodly pressure of such deep depths if the blob fish had bones they’d be fucking pulverized, and so the blob fish uses the extreme deep sea pressure to hold the form of its body together instead of a skeleton. That’s why when in rare occasions blob fish are caught by accident then seem to melt into well a blob.
  • Continuing Silk F informs us the outer areas of space that are outside of OUR universe is full of technology. This technology is able to design the/an inside universe that would constitute OUR universe. This reminds me of fucking role playing games like Sim City or some shit. Not to mention who developed this fucking advanced universe technology, and who the fuck is using it? Inter dimensional beings, evil aliens, god(s), the Draconian empire?  Alas Silk F. didn’t explain or elaborate further on the subject, and again NO big surprise there.


  • Due to this closed universe scenario Pleiadian (whoever the fuck they are), people, and other species are slaves to those who control the outer worlds area. Funny but yet again Silk F fails to explain who these outer world beings are or what they are.This is EXACTLY why I refer to Silke F’s comment as a lengthy rant of babbling non sense since key fucking factors are totally ignored.
  • Silk F then these 4 unknown worlds that ONLY demonic and ethereal life forms can use to escape from the inside universe on a physical level. I guess demons have unlimited use of their physical form, and here is some of the crackpot Christianity concepts I mentioned earlier. I don’t know when demons managed to take time off from working in hell for the goddamn devil to go gallivanting around the depths of space but whatever.
  • Then comes a tricky part, and here’s all the sense I could make of it. There NO different species only “CAOHR” (converter algorithms of host reality) used for simulated and non simulated evolutions. This sounds like some real UFO advanced alien society evolutionary experimentation bullshit akin to the concept of a/the god(s). I mean that as in there is a force far greater and far more intelligent than humanity that tends to or controls it along with the entire fucking planet.

  • Then there is the ONLY part of Silke F’s diatribe I genuinely like. It’s when Silk F states that every individual cell in your body is a universe that builds your own personal multiverse. Holy sheep shit batman that actually is a cool concept stranded in a sea of insanity.
  • Life’s timeline according to Silk F are micro realities you choose or design to operate outside the physical laws. I guess this is something like Astral Projection where allegedly people while sleeping or meditating Spirit/Soul can leave the body and travel expansively around the world and space. This is some REAL new age hippy shit I’m talking fucking crystals and all that white light kind of crap.
  • WTF is multidimensional magick? That’s like what a space wizard or inter planetary witch or is it the planet hopping demons practicing multidimensional magick ,or is it just some cheap parlor tricks alien magicians do a alien kid’s birthday parties?
  • Thank fuck this time around Silke F was nice enough to define Quantum magick as you can decode your expression (facial?) into language that the universe can translate into energy. What fucking purpose does/can this serve I’m guessing NONE it just sounds like some shit found in sci fi.


  • WTF is a Blackhole Virus, where does it come from, and can it be cured? Is it sexually transmitted space STD that affects the alien life forms/Draconian Empire. Can blackholes catch AIDS or some weird shit like that? Too bad I don’t know a Astrological Medical Physician and theoretical physicist to help me understand space viruses, and answer my question of can astronauts catch this blackhole virus, and if they can it sounds like it infect the astronaut’s asshole.
  • Apparently people to have their own personal energy vortex that allows you to consume energy through inter dimensional encoding. I guess aliens double as an intergalactic I.T. department or in some sort of computer programmer capacity. Maybe they know how the fuck the iCloud works, but I doubt even they could since even Apple doesn’t know how it works exactly.
  • Then there this bit about how fucking gravity is translating the reality of absorbed divergences whatever the fuck that’s about. It sounds all scientific and intelligent, but even a well dressed turd is still a turd under the clothes.
  • From there Silk F informs us the universe is a mathematical parasite which sounds like some school kids excuse for not doing their fucking math homework (“Oh I couldn’t do the assignment because I have a mathematical parasite and have to go to the doctor.”). That and when did our universe become a math based parasite anyway??


  • There is some more Buddhist based content referring to “incarnation cycles” which again sound cool, but it’s just the term used for the concept of reincarnation. Buddhist believe you will continue to be reincarnated until you have learned the knowledge needed and behaved/acted accordingly  needed to enter the state of nirvana.
  • Silke F mentions that there is such a thing as organic time as well as inorganic time. I think I fucking got this one! Organic time is like the transition from day to night and season to season. Meanwhile organic time is the man made concept of time using a clock to break time down all the way into milliseconds.
  • Then there’s the DFU or double figure universe which Silk F equates to the mythological snake that’s self cannibalizing by swallowing itself tail first. This metaphor is meant to help explain the so called  concept of open quantum gates consuming closed quantum gates. Once again there is a total fucking lack of context or elaboration on these quantum gates so who know why Silke F mentioned them it just seems totally fucking random.
  • Entropy is ALSO a parasite so I assume its BBF’s with the universe sine both are parasites as far a Silk F is concerned.

  • Then comes more unexplained drivel about white cube which is a light vortex that is younger black cube which as you can imagine is made up of dark matter. That’s right Silke F is really letting her absurd amateur physicist fucking wild.
  • Silk F then launches into some shenanigans about ghost shell matrix AI simulated QBS or quantum generated systems which again is a whole bunch of brainy sounding scientific talk that is in fact total fucking verbal diarrhea.
  • Next up are what Silke F calls TQSS (Tree quantum set up script) inside the multidimensional pyramid of quantum gates sequences. That right there is some intense hardcore sci fi or more commonly referred to as hard sci fi. I mean seriously Dr. Who eat your fucking limey heart out.
  • FINALLY  AT LAST we reach the end of this tirade of idiocy.  Silke F uses the CLASSIC batshit conspiracy excuse for why NO ONE believes a single fucking word they say. First Silke F reenforces her initial statement that they are an ACTUAL reptilian shapeshifter (HEY wtf happened to the cyborgenetic DNA?!), and that humanity isn’t nearly advanced enough to understand what Silke F has been telling us. This raises the question of why waste the time writing a comment that the intended recipient of WON’T fucking understand. That’s like me getting pissed at my brother and sending him an angry email in Japanese (that he simple couldn’t/wouldn’t understand since he doesn’t speak Japanese). Anyways thats the standard reply to any criticism that simply because you/humanity aren’t intelligent enough to understand. Let me assure you it takes absolutely NO SMARTS whatsoever to sit down and write a lengthy absurdly asinine comment full of ridiculous fuckery of all kinds.

IN conclusion if Silke F’s intended purpose was to convince/prove to Goose Boose (and the Internet as a whole) that they weren’t LUNATICS well then their comment failed to disprove that theory.

I’ll see you when I see you,

   Justin Sane  

Short Horror Film Friday: SLAUGHTERBOTS

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring SLAUGHTERBOTS by Stewart Sugg, and with Real Life Commentary at End of Film By Berkley Computer Science Professor (with 30 years in AI) Stuart Russel. One of the things that Stood Out about SLAUGHTERBOTS is How Relevant it is to the Utterly Insane SHit Going On Today. What I mean simply is Slaughterbots Predates Jan 6th 2020 by little over a year: Posted Jan 17, 2019.


Plot Summery:

In a Not too Far Off Future a New Form of Artificial Intelligence ( A.I.) Weaponry has been Developed. All the Slaughterbots need is a Person’s Personal Profile: Age, Sex, Hight, Weight, Eye Color, Hair Color, and Ethnicity. Nuclear Missiles have Now Become Obsolete. If You Want You can take out Your Enemy Virtually without Risk. Just Profile the Target, Release a Swarm of Slaughterbots, and Sit Back and Relax..

Slaughterbots Opens with a Silicon Valley CEO (reminiscent of Steve Jobs) Delivering a Product Presentation/Seminar in Front of a Live Audience. The Presentation seems Mundane enough at first—the CEO seems to be Unveiling some New Drone Technology, but it Takes a Dark Turn when He Demonstrates how these Autonomous Killer Drones can Slaughter Humans like Cattle utilizing a Direct “Explosive” Head Shot. The Audience Fanatically Eats it Up Hookline and Sinker as They Cheer, along with the CEO as if They hadn’t Witnessed anything more Dangerous than the unveiling of the Next iPhone. The CEO goes further, Showing Videos of the Slaughterbots in Action. “Let’s watch What Happens when the Weapons make the Decisions,” the CEO says, as the Slaughterbots proceed to Execute a Slew of People on a Humungous Screen behind Him. The CEO is quick to Assure the Audience Members that the Peopled Killed in the Demonstration Video aren’t Innocents “Now Trust Me, these are All Bad Guys.” What Follows is a Deeply Unsettling Portrait of a World where Slaughterbots use Their Onboard A.I. Technology to make Autonomous Decisions about Those Who will Live and those Who Die.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober