
Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring AVARYA Written, Directed and Created by Turkish Director and Cinematographer Gokalp Gonen and Showcased by Omeleto. AVARYA is Considered to be a Visionary Short Animation By Fans and Critics Alike.

Plot Summery:

AVARYA opens with Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics:

  • Robots Must NOT allow Humans to come to Harm.
  • Robots Must Protect Human Existence.
  • Robots DO NOT have to Follow Orders that would Conflict the Previous Directives.

An Elderly Man Drifts throughout the Galaxy, with a Robot as His Only Companion. The Spaceship is Designed just like Elderly Man’s Favorite Room back on Earth, even down to the Minutest Detail such as a Particle of Dust, according to the Robot. But the Elderly Man is anxious to Leave the Ship in Search of a Better Quality of Life. Together, They Duo Travel Throughout the Endless Expanse of Space as They search for a New Habitable Planet, since Earth has become Uninhabitable.

The Robot, however, is Sworn to keep Humans from coming to Harm. Every Alternative Planet discovered is Not Good Enough for the Elderly Man to Live on, according to the Robot. But the Man is Tired of being Stuck on the Ship, NO matter how Comfortable it may be. As the Elderly Man becomes Increasingly Desperate to Leave the He Reaches His Breaking Point and finally Rebels Against His Overbearing Robotic Overseer.  It’s Only Then does the Elderly Man Discover just how Seriously the Robot takes its Duty to Protect the Elderly Man, even if it’s from Himself.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented by Les Sober

For Shits and Giggles: “The Text Read Around The World”

Today I received by far the fucking funniest text I’ve received in an eternity from C Nobody, and one I believe rivals Les and Spacedog’s TEXTPOCOLYPSE Posts. In fact this one singular text, in my opinion anyways, not only rivals but has outdone all Les and Spacedog’s texts combined. Yeah I’m that fucking sure of my self I said it and I’m not apologizing for it either.

This text standoff needs some explaining so here is a bit of the backstory in a nutshell. C Nobody enjoys spending time with his father, but what he doesn’t like is the fact his father is a Fox News junkie. You got it that means if and when C Nobody hangs out with his Father he is subjected to Fox News which like all of us at FYB think is complete fascist fucking bullshit republican propaganda more now than fucking ever. Anyways as you may imagine from time to time while visiting with his father C Nobody needs to vent, and thanks to technology he has the ability to text in these situations.

Anyway at 7:28 pm I received such a text from C Nobody, yet this wasn’t the typical type of text I get like “I’m losing my mind fox is so full of shit” or “I can’t stand having to see this bullshit” for example. This text was something special unto itself a true one of a fucking kind, and that is why I felt the need to share said text here on FYB.

C Nobody’s text to Justin Sane 7:28 pm on Wednesday:

“Motha fuckin shit…and fucking bullshit. Stupid fuckin fucks. Simple touched in the head fuck-a-roos. Momma said he was a “special” fuck. A unique fuck. So many stupid fucks I’m on the search for a smart fuck. Smart phone for a smart fuck. Stupid fucks make little stupid fucks that create other stupid fucks…Stupid fucks. Fucking retarded sir fuckingtons on tv. Only you can prevent fuckery approved and paid for by Joe Biden. Stupid fucking fucks from fox news. Stupid fox fuckers. Only stupid fucks fucks with fox. Fox fucking fuckers. Can’t deal with a left fuck, middle fuck or right fucks…All fucks have been revoked. Feel free to fucking call as I don’t almost ever fucking reject your calls….Should you feel the fucking need to call. Fucking fuckity fuck fuck. Yeah fox brought that out of me….Can’t believe my dad likes this bullshit lmao. America fuck yeah.”


There are SO many reasons that I love this goddamn text to such a great extent. First I absolutely get a kick out of it’s rather absurd nature by which I mean who are all these people exactly of whom he is speaking since the actual context comes at the end of the text. I also get a kick out of how at several points the text seems almost poetic in its aggressive madness. It also comes off as a some what bizarre social commentary on the state of the fucking world today. Of course it goes without saying I enjoy the Over the top use of and obscene variations of the word “fuck”. The last thing I like about this text is it earnestness it doesn’t in all actuality come of like a psychotic rage filled rant. The emotional tone of the text doesn’t feel anger, but mental exhaustion combined with frequent frustration over a prolonged period of time. Anyway we will have to sit back and see if C Nobody ever tops his own text.

See you when I see you,

  Justin Sane  

I’d Like To Be…

The thing that swayed me into giving Les a helping hand with FYB was the Strange and Disturbing Videos especially the Dark Web Videos. There is something about the intoxicating insanity of Dark Web videos that make them particularly appealing. Be it the Grim and Gritty Footage, Schizophrenic visuals, unnervingly sinister content, troubling subject matter, over all feeling of dread, and the almost sickening sound tracks that make your ears damn near bleed. Dark Web videos grab a hold of you with gleeful abandon, and happily skip with you hand in hand down the prim rose path straight to the deepest depths of hell. It sounds like torture I know, but I find it blissfully beautiful like the dreams of insane children.

That is why I am pleased to present I’d Like To Be… by David Firth one of FYB’s favorite artists.


For those who are unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to describe Firth’s body of work and why we are such diehard fans of his. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings over the years.

The Artist in His Own Words:

“Back in 2005 I tried to make a stop-frame short with a narrative and voices and stuff but grew bored after shooting about 80% of it, and so left it to get mouldy. Looking at it recently, I was still quite unhappy, so I jumbled it up with some other stopframe bits I’d similarly discarded, mangled up the voices and edited it to some lovely music.” -David Firth-

Sweet Dreams and Bitter Nightmares,

Otto Rageous 

Monday Make Up For Last Week’s Short Horror Film Friday: HOME EDUCATION

Welcome to FYB’s Make Up Monday Post Featuring the British Short Horror Film HOME EDUCATION Written and Directed by Andrea Niada. One thing I Noticed in this Film are the Following Three Reoccurring Topics: An Unhealthy obsession with Dust, Rot/Rotting, and Taxidermy. Well I don’t know about You, but that Definitely Peeks My Curiosity.

Plot: An Inquisitive Girl is Indoctrinated by Her Controlling Fanatic of a Mother that Her Recently Deceased Father will Resurrect Himself if They are able to Show how much They Love, Cherish, and Miss Him. The Daughter Dutifully follows Her Mother’s Lead that is, until Her Father Begins to Rot.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Indonesian Black Metal

Welcome to Today’s Late FYB Post which I am Glad to Say is Another Music Post Which I always find More than Interesting to Do. This Story Starts when a Couple of Days Ago I was fucking around Online as I’m known to do, and I was browsing Different Kinds of gifs for a Current Project. I came across One that Caught My Eye and Upon Further Inspection I noticed it was Tagged at the Bottom where it simply read “Indonesian Black Metal”.  This instantly Perked My Interest as I am a Big fucking Fan of the Black Metal Genre, but for the Life of Me the Fact there was a Black Metal Scene in Indonesia was a complete Mindfucker. Black Metal was created in Scandinavia where it then Seeped into Europe and Eventually found its way to America so Indonesia is a bit off the Beaten Path as it were.

Thus Started My Journey into Indonesian Black Metal. The Most Infuriatingly Frustrating Problem is when I’m researching a Niche and/or Obscure Band Information can be Hard to Locate. Now Add to the Equation that the Band(s)/Musician is from a Foreign Country it makes it that much Harder (Example: The Satan Panonski Post). With that Said in All Honesty Collecting Information for this Post was the Most fucking Difficult out of ANY Music Post I’ve Done thus Far. First Off there was the Obvious Problem with Translations since Any Information was Either in or Translated from Indonesian (Referred to Locally as Bahasa Indonesian). As for the Information I hunted down that had been Translated had be Translated Badly, and were the Shittiest of Shitty Translations I have ever Experienced. There were the Usual Problems like the Information was Wrought with Spelling and Grammatical Mistakes, and the Translations looked as if They were Written by an Actual Lunatic. The Basic Sentence Structure wasn’t Written in Broken English it was Written in Totally Butchered English that was almost Beyond Belief. The Other Odd Factor was the Band I selected to Showcase had Unlike America (Or Other Countries) The Band had Done Next to NO PRESS Whatsoever I tried to Locate Interviews be They Print, Online, Radio, Television Etc. and Came Up with Virtually Nothing to Speak of.

So All This Considered I Decided to Go with the Most Prominent and  Well Known Indonesian Black Metal called SANTET. The Following is All the Pertinent Information I managed to Scrounge Up So Here We Go.


  • Was Formed in Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.
  • In 1993 the Band (Under a Different Band Name) became a Force to be Reckoned with in the Underground Music Scene for Preforming Death Metal.
  • On May 5, 1997 The Band Changed Their Name to SANTET when They Decided to change Their Death Metal Concept to Straight Up Black Metal.
  • The Name SANTET Means: Inhuman Spiritual Black Magic From Java Ethics, a Kind of Killing Helped by Spells and a Demon’s Flame.
  • Frontman Budi Blackustadz formed the Band with Original and Former Member Rudi Hailstorm.
  • SANTET’s Form of Black Metal is Called Javanese Black Metal.
  • SANTET Tours Heavily in Java and Other Parts of Indonesia.
  • SANTET Released Their Debut Album “Creatures of the Darkness” in January of 1998.
  • SANTET did a Split Album with the Gothic Doom Band Drosophila From Yogyakerta that was a Massive Hit. The Album Sold Out in Indonesia as well as Other Countries and Continues to Gain Popularity to this Day.
  • SANTET has Taken Part in a Vast Number of Compilation Albums In or Outside of Indonesia like Their Track “Roh Roworhonteck” off the Black Metal Compilation Album Metalik Klinik Vol. 3.


Current Members:

  • Budi Santet (Formerly Budi Blackustadz) – Vocals (1993-Present)
  • Deddy – Keyboards (2002-Present)
  • Rudy Hailstorm – Guitars (1993-Present)
  • Ucox – Bass (2002-Present)
  • Sihan – Drums (2001-Present)

Past Members:

  • Adi – Bass (1998)
  • Sulihs – Drums (1998)
  • Jurik – Guitars (1998)
  • Fajar – Keyboards (1998)
  • Noengkid Lichoy – Drums (1999)
  • Wow – Keyboards (1999)
  • Dani Buto – Bass (2000)
  • Hoellos – Drums (2000)



  • Creature of Darkness (1998)
  • Mahar Hutan Laragan (1999)
  • Enthroned The Black Domain (2000)
  • Babad Kultus Sihir (2003)
  • Pendulum Neraka Jahanam (2003)
  • Tumbal 666 (2013)
  • Ritual of Horror (2016)
  • Iblis Bergamis (2019)
  • Religion Lost (2021)



  • Kidding Wahyu Kolosebo
  • Amuk Samudo (Live Concert Footage Splice with Some Insane Animation)
  • Iblis Bergamis
  • SANTET Live December 19, 2014 at the Jogja National Museum
  • Rok Roworhontek
  • SANTET Live in Singapore September 28, 2019 at The Morbid Music Festival)

Thanks For Reading/Watching/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Spiders From Hell

It’s been a long time since we showcased something that’s just fucking seriously strange that walks the borderline between genius and madness. That is why I am would like to Present SPIDERS FROM HELL By David Firth.

For those of you who do not know or may not be aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of whom we are a big fans of of here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a large followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“I decided to make the most of the fact that my room was crawling with insects last summer and filmed them all close up.” – David Firth –

Until our paths cross again,

 Otto Rageous


Welcome To Another FYB Anti-Monday Post featuring JUST BEYOND THE GOLDEN ARCHES by None Other than One of Our Favorite Creative Talents and Animators MeatCanyon. JUST BEYOND THE GOLDEN ARCHES puts a Whole New Perspective Spin on the Fast Food Industry, and a Classic American Icon.

Who IS MeatCanyon You Ask: MeatCanyon’s Real Name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his Online User name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been Described Them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A Common on going Gag in Hancock’s Video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets you killed or Possibly Even Worse.

Synopsis: An Unnervingly and Troubling Ronald McDonald Who’s Seems to be Part Serial Killer, Sociopath, Kidnapper, and Sex Offender Luridly Insists You Try The Big Mac.


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober 

Lunch At The Greasy Spoon

Lloyd came Stumbling through the Door of the Greasy Spoon Diner like a Drunken Silver Back Gorilla causing the Customers Waiting to be Seated to Part like the Red Sea. Lloyd was Unusually Disheveled His Shirt Half Untucked, Tie Loose and Askew, His hair looked like Someone’s Grandfather had just Ruffled it in Passing, and He was Sweating like a Jehovah Witness at a Birthday Party at a Porn Theater.  After Scanning the Diner from One End to the Other Lloyd finally Saw His Colleague Stoically waiting with the Patience of a Saint for Lloyd to Turn Up. Lloyd Mumbled a Slew of Pardon/Excuse Me’s as He shuffled Through the Crowded and Narrow Diner Towards His Co-Worker.

“Hey You been Waiting Long?” asked Lloyd Out of Habit and Not Concern for the Fact He had Yet Once Again Kept a Fellow Employee Needlessly Waiting for Him.

“I have but I have come to Realize Time Management is an Utterly Alien Concept to You,” Replied Emmet Starkly, “It wouldn’t be such an Inconvenience accept for the fact Your Preferred Lunch Spot just so happens to have Third World Interest Service at Best. I have a Sneaking Suspicion that the Owner’s of this Establishment are Also the Last People on the fucking Planet Using AOL Dial Up. It’s like Eating in the Technological Stone Age around Here.”


“Look I know I have a Bad Habit of Chronically Running Late, BUT I swear to God After the Motherfucker of a Morning I just Had You’d be fucking Flabbergasted,” Snapped Lloyd Defensively, “When did the Entire World Up and Go Retarded on itself?”

“Well then You’ll be Glad to Hear that You’re Not the Only Person on the Planet that’s have a Shitty Day at the Office as it were.” replied Emmet His words Dripping with Angst.

“Who Crapped in Your Cornflakes?” Lloyd Inquired with Genuine Interest and a Good Degree of Disgust as Misery Loves Company, and the More Miserable the fucking Better.

“I had a Younger Couple as Clients that were Your Classic 50/50 when it comes to Buying a House. The Guy couldn’t have cared Less about a goddamn thing, and was Obviously just Along for the Ride as They Say,” Explained Emmet, “The Lady on the Other Hand Hates the Hell Out of Everything Under the goddamn Sun. I Mean She just went Over the Entire Properties with a Fine Tooth Comb Knit Picking the Holy Hell Out of Every Single Detail. There simply was No Satisfying Her.”

“So When You got Hired at House&Home Reality and They Added You to My Sales Team I told You straight up about Days with Difficult Clients. I distinctly told You that Indecisive and Difficult Clients would be Hell. Not Only that but it be a Hell You’d have to Learn to Deal with.” said Lloyd in His Best I Told You So Tone of Voice.


“I remember and for the Record I requested to be put on Your Team. I didn’t want to be Assigned to a Younger Team Leader with Only Limited Experience. I have Nothing to Learn from a Team Leader who has Only been in the Game for a Couple Years They lack the Connections, Resources, and Knowledge of the Older Agents,” explained Emmet, “Thats Why I chose You even though You’re 16 Years My Senior, and In Spite of What I had been told about Your Personality Quirks.”

“Quirks? What fucking Quirks? Stop talking like some Asshole on a Reality TV Show and just Tell Me what the Hell You’re Going on About.” demanded Lloyd Gruffly as He downed half of His Glass of Water in One Giant Gulp.

“The best way I can sum it up is that You are generally a Disagreeable Person who Doesn’t Cross the Line, But is Willing to Walk Up to said Line and Scream Bloody Murder in its Face. You can be cantankerous as You want because Regardless You’re one of the Biggest Agents Out There.” Emmet said as He Stared at the Waitress to See If He could get Her Attention by Sheer Will Alone.

“Enough of the Bullshit and Flattery if there was a Point to Your Story then What the fuck is it Exactly?” asked Lloyd finding Himself getting rather Irritated with the Perceived Indecisiveness of Emmet.


“I met up with the Couple First thing this Morning at the Office and Spent Hour after Hour looking at Numerous Properties that as I said earlier are all Unsatisfactory as Far as the Lady is Concerned,” continued Emmet, ” The Low and fucking Behold right as We were about to Call it a Day I remembered that Slick Starter House located on Viver Street in that little Neighborhood by the High School. So I figure between being First Time Home Owners and being a Young Couple They’d likely be looking to have Kids relatively Soon. So Putting Two and Two Together I thought that it be the Perfect Property for Them hands Down.”

“So what are You complaining About Sounds like You made the Sale granted it was by the kin of Your Teeth.” Quipped Lloyd who’s irritation was Growing as He wished Emmet would hurry the hell up and get to the Point.

“Ok The Lady fell in Love almost Instantly I mean She just started Gushing with Glee She absolutely loved every Aspect of the Property Lawn and All. She even spent 15 fucking Minutes Babbling On about the fucking Light Switch Covers, that’s right the fucking Light Switch Covers.” answered Emmet who found His Own Irritability rising as He recounted the Tale of His Miserable Morning.

“You hit the Jackpot.” said Lloyd in His Typical Sarcastic Tone.

“Not Quite,” griped Emmet through Clenched Teeth, “While the Impossible to Please Lady is Acting like She just Won the fucking Home Buyer Lottery I notice the Guy isn’t saying Shit, and He’s looking around on the Tour like a Casual Shopper at a Big Box Store. So I decided to lean on the Kid probability by Mentioning that the District Schools all have an A Ranking, and the High School was right around the Corner adjacent to the Middle School,” said Emmet pausing to Again glare at the Waitress with a Great Deal of Contempt,”Finally We finish the Tour and I figure with the Lady being more than Delighted the Sale was a Virtually Done Deal. That’s when the Guy asks a Unusual Question inquiring if the Schools or at Least One of Them 1,000 Feet from the House.”

“Huh that’s a New one to Me and I’ve spent the Last 22 years of My Life Peddling Properties to all kinds of fucking Characters,” recounted Lloyd with an Odd air of Nostalgia,”I have Heard more than My fair share of Questions from the Asinine to Outrageous along the Way, But yeah that Question takes the Cake.”

“The funny thing about it is I know exactly Why He asked the Precise and Specific Question,” Emmet said with Great Confidence,”I also know that the Sale was Deader than the Dinosaurs.”

“What? Why would that be the Case?” Lloyd asked Honestly Perplexed by this unexpected Twist to Emmet’s previously Boring Story.

“He’s a fucking Drug Dealer that’s How I knew the Deal was a Definite Bust,” proclaimed Emmet so Loudly that it Turned several Heads and garnered several Disgusted Stares, “Granted there some Ethical and Moral issues, Yet I pretty sure I don’t feel very fucking comfortable Knowing I’m selling a House to a fucking Drug Dealer. Ignorance is Truly Bliss as They Say.”

“How can You be so fucking Sure the Guy was in reality a Drug Dealer by Profession?” asked Lloyd though it was more of a Demand than a Question.

“The Criminal Penalties for Drug Dealing are Tripled as Per the Drug Free School Zone Laws that are Ironically aimed at Keeping Drugs as Far away from School Property as fucking possible,” said Emmet, “So if You’re a Dug Dealer You run the Risk of getting Caught. Thus it would be in the Drug Dealers interest to Avoid such things as Drug Free School Zones which only Serve to Increase the Severity of possible Punishment in Court.”

” I dunno about all that,”Lloyd announced in what was Painfully Obvious to Emmet as Complete Dismissal,”I used to live in a small Neighborhood with My Second Wife in Illinois, and Our street was Directly Next to the School I could see it from My Front fucking Lawn. I can say in all confidence it was the shittiest place I have ever Lived by a long Shot. The High School Kids would Flood Our Neighborhood at 3 pm Five Days a fucking week, and let Me tell You they were fucking Savages. They Stole Our Mail, fucked up Our Flower Beds, and Pissed in Our Bushes for starters. Maybe this Guy could see the inevitable writing on the Wall, and made the Smart Call Not Live in close Proximity to a School because Kids are Assholes Who You Can’t Hit.”

It was at this moment the Haggard Looking Waitress made Her way over to the Table with the Speed of a Galapagos Tortoise. The Waitress looked just Shy of 100 years Old with the Bent Knees, Back Back, and Hunched Shoulders of a Lifetime in the Service Industry. As She reached for Her Pad to Write Down Their Order She nonchalantly took Her withered Liver Spotted Hand, and Moved one of Her Pendulous Breasts out of Her Way. Emmet shifted His weight from one Butt Cheek to the Other in Exasperation as Lloyd took Forever and a Day placing His Order. Lloyd was a Creature of Habit if there ever was one.  He would  predictably Order the same thing He had been Ordering since He first set Foot in the Greasy over a Decade Ago. What chapped Emmet’s ass was Instead of just saying that He’d have His Usual Lloyd felt compelled to Place His Full Order in its Entirety. Lloyd Ordered His Usual Lunch consisting of a Cup of Black Coffee, Rare Steak, 6 Sunny Side Up Eggs, Two Sides of Bacon, and Three Fingers of Johny Walker Red Label Neat. Emmet then promptly ordered a Hamburger and a Beer which was His go to Order when He found Himself at what He considered a Less than Desirable Eatery. The Waitress paused long enough to let out an Exhausted Sigh before plodding off to Place Their Order Only Infuriating Emmet even more.


“That was My most Shitty of a Mornings so Pray Tell What Happened to You?” Emmet inquired wondering if Lloyd’s Morning could have Possible been any worse than His but Doubted it.

“My Morning started as it Normally does with a Quick Shit, Shower, and a Shave before Heading Out for the Office,” barked Lloyd Angrily as if Emmet had just called His Mother a Silly Little Slut,”Then during My Commute is when Everything went straight to Hell. I was stuck in a serious bumper fucker of a Slow Down on I-96 like I usually Do, and as I’m trying to Kill the Time without going fucking Insane I started checking out the Cars and shit around me.”

“I’m sorry but a Sue-do Traffic Jam is Nothing Compared to Chauffeuring around a Spoiled Brat of a Woman and Her scumbag Drug Dealing Boyfriend.” proclaimed Emmet Coldly as He watched the Waitress Intently as She returned with Their Food.

“I didn’t say it was, and that was just the fucking beginning of the Story so You don’t even know what the hell happened yet! Hold the Hell On and Let ME FINISH for Christ’s Sake will You?!” blurted Lloyd His agitation reaching New Heights, “So I look over in the Next Lane over to My Left and I notice the Team Bus for the Chupacabras You know the Community Collage Baseball Team and Shit. All a sudden one of the Bus Windows Slides down and Some Young Punk Sticks His Bare Ass Out the goddamn Window to Moon a Car Next to Them.”


“A Baseball Players Bare Ass is Nothing Noteworthy I mean You went to Collage People do the stupidest shit of Their Lives in fucking Collage,” quipped Emmet matter of factly,” God only knows what the Little Shits are Up to Shenanigans Wise so You probably got lucky it was just an old school Mooning.”

“It wasn’t the Bare ass Bullshit that was the fucking Problem its what Happened Next that’s the fucked up Part,” said Lloyd glancing up from His Plate to see if Emmet was going to add His Two Cents Worth which He Didn’t,”Now I’m curious because I’m wondering who the hell the Kid is Mooning and Why You Know. You see if you stick Your Naked Ass Out of a Window of a Moving Bus there Must be a Reason for such Jackassery. So I turn My Attention to the Car that’s the subject of said Mooning, and low and behold it’s Dickie Doo the Head Coach of the Wankers the Chupacabra’s Ultimate Rival.”

Lloyd took a moment to shovel a whopping Fork Full of Eggs into his Mouth before Downing the Johny Walker Red in one single Swallow. Emmet sat Sipping on His Beer while poking at His Hamburger disapprovingly. Lloyd signaled the Waitress and Ordered a Refill of Johny Walker before continuing His Story. It took Him a moment to collect His thoughts since the Disgruntled Waitress had apparently unknowingly farted prior to Shuffling Off to fetch Lloyd’s Refill. It was so pungent that it reminded Lloyd of working on His Uncle’s Cattle Ranch in the Middle of a Texas Summer Heat Spell. The Stench Lingered in the Air Stinging His Nose and Making His Eyes Tear Up. Dear God Lloyd thought to Himself Not only does She look like Death She smells like it too if the Fart was Indicative of anything it was the Waitress was Rotting from the Inside Out.

“Well As We start Creeping down the fucking Highway The Chupacabra’s Bus remains almost side by side with Dickie’s Car, and He is fucking Livid He’s yelling, cursing, and waving His arms around Enraged as Enraged can be. So I watching this ordeal unfold Delighted that I’m not bored damn near to Death since I’m stuck in this god awful Traffic,” recounted Lloyd in a Low and Aggressive tone of Voice,”Then it Happened.”


“What Happened? For Someone who is perpetually impatient You take a while to get to the Point too.” commented Emmet as He debated if He should Order a Second Beer.

“You interrupt My Story to make that Sorry and Unnecessary Statement?” Growled Lloyd gruffly as He light Up a Smoke to the Great Displeasure of Emmet who thought Smoking was an Antiquated Vice.

“I just wanted to make sure You were aware of the Fact since You’re overtly critical of Other People’s Story Telling.” said Emmet the way a Parent would explain the situation to a Child.

“ANYWAY back to My story before I was so rudely interrupted,” griped Lloyd, “All a Sudden the Little Snot Nosed Punk Mooning Dickie Decides to take it Up a Notch to send Dickie Over the fucking Edge, AND what the fuck does He do? He takes a goddamn bonafide Shit. That’s right the little son of a bitch just unloaded like a fucking Dump Truck, I swear to God the Kid shit like a Grizzly Bear. Then right as this Little Bastard Unleashes His Shit Bomb the Traffic Starts to make some actual progress which would have been a fucking relief. Unfortunately for Me Dickie Drives up to the Head of the Bus, and the Shit Missile completely misses its intended Target. Instead of Landing on the Hood of Dickie’s Car as Initial Intended it Soars Backwards and Splatters across MY GODDAMN WINDSHIELD!!!”

“Like You I didn’t see that coming. When you said You had a Crappy Morning I didn’t think You meant Metaphorically Not Literally.” said Emmet Coyly, “At least My Clients didn’t cop a squat and shit on the Kitchen Floor. What the hell did You do after Your Windshield became covered in Shit?”

“I’ll fucking tell You what I did I got fucking Even with the Punks Kid thats what the fuck I did,” announced Lloyd almost Triumphantly, “I muscled My way up towards the front of the Bus which wasn’t easy due to the Fact Dickie was still in the middle of His fucking Tirade even though He didn’t get shit on. Finally I managed to work My way Up to the Front of the Bus and I start wildly Signaling the goddamn Bus Driver to Pull the Hell Over Immediately,” Lloyd said getting caught up in His Retelling, “The Bus Driver was stubborn as shit and I had to damn near side Swipe the Bus to get Him to do so. Once the Asshole of a Bus Driver pulled the goddamn Bus over into the Shoulder of the Road I pulled up and jump out of My Car with a Quickness. I marched right over to that fucker and wrenched the Door Open with such Force the Bus Driver Flinched when I did. Once the goddamn Door was Open I barged into the Bus and started looking for the guilty little fucker.”

Lloyd wolfed down the Remainder of His Lunch and Once again Drained His Drink in one Giant Gulp like a Blue Whale swallowing a School of Plankton. Emmet for His Part decided another Beer would be a Necessity and went to work trying to Flag Down the Wayward Waitress to No Avail. The Diner was beginning to clear out as the Customers filed out in small groups to return to work. This fact riled Emmet since even with the Decreased Customer Base  the Waitress was still operating maddeningly Slow. Emmet began to think  the Waitress had actually Died Standing on Her feet and Simply No One had Noticed. Emmet raised His Empty Beer and Waved it back and Forth as if His Liver was Surrendering. At Last the Waitress took Notice and Nodded Slightly at Emmet before slowly pacing behind the Diner Counter to retrieve Emmet’s Beer from the Cooler. At last Lloyd launched into the remainder of His Story.


“So I Eyeball the Shit out of the Entire Bus Until I find the Guilty Little Shit because He’s the One that Looks the Most Scared by My Presence. When I spot the Little Ratfuck I march right over to Him and Order Him to fork Over His Backpack which He Nervously Did. When He Handed it to Me I opened it to see what the Little Dickhead had inside. He had a bunch of Books and School Supplies along with His Laptop and one of those Go Pro Camera Deals,” Said Lloyd Feverishly, “So I told the Little Shit Stain to pt His Cell Phone, Wallet, and His fancy fucking Fitness Watch into the Backpack to boot. The I set it down on the Floor of the Bus Upright and Wide Open, and I drop Trow right then and there and Shit in His Backpack like My ass was a Malfunctioning Soft Serve Ice Cream Machine. During the Whole fucking thing I never Broke Eye Contact with the Little Bitch to let Him Know Its Not Smart Fucking Around with People He Doesn’t Know. Engaging in That kind of Behavior will only Achieve on Thing and That’s a Guy like Me Shitting in Your Backpack and all Over Your Personal fucking Property.”

“Holy Shit No Pun Intended,” sputtered Emmet through a Flurry of Hysterical Manic Laughter, “That’s one for the fucking History Books I kid You Not That’s nothing short of Legendary.”

“I suppose the Moral of the Story is Shit Happens,” added Lloyd Dryly, “Well I don’t know about You, but I’m about ready to get the Hell Out of this Dive.”

“Fine by Me,” responded Emmet only Half paying Attention as Hs mind Drifted back to Work and He found Himself Wondering if His Afternoon would be anything as Egregious as His Morning had Been.

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  

Official Video: BUDDY

To Help Combat the shitty stigma of Mondays for FYB’s Post Today We have a Little Something to Lighten the Mood. BUDDY is the Animated Comedy Short for the Third Track of Adam Sandler’s 1993 Comedy Album “There All Going To Laugh At you.”  that Visualized the Skit on MTV. The Skit was Written By Adam Sandler and Rob Schnider about Two Buddies, Two Dudes, and Two Homies meet Each other and End Up Hanging Out Together on a Train While Enjoying Various Alcoholic Beverages.


For Those Who May Not be Aware Comedy Albums were the Equivalent of The Modern Day Stand Up Comedy Special. The First Album Considered the First Modern Comedy was the 1958 Comedy Album The Future Lies Ahead by Mort Sahl. The Album was a Recording of Sahl preforming His Routine in front of a Live Audience.  In the 1960’s saw a Comedy Album Phenomenon with such Comedians as Redd Foxx, Lenny Bruce, Bill Cosby, Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks to Name a Few. Then in the 1970’s, Comedy Albums gained the Reputation for being Targeted Towards College Students, being Countercultural and NOT being Allowed on TV. This Included Comedians like Cheech and Chong, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Steve Martin, and National Lampoon.  There were also what were Termed BLUE COMEDY Albums (or Party Records) existed from the 1950′, 60’s, and 70’s were Known for Their Raunchy Adult Content and Often Featured African American Comedians. Due to the Obscenity Laws Over Time, Party Records were NOT Displayed on the Record Store Shelves and were Kept Hidden Under the Counter. These Controversial Albums were Only Sold Upon the Request of the Customer (Meaning if You wanted it You had to SPECIFICALLY Ask For It), and were Promoted by Word of Mouth.

You see back in the Pre Internet/HBO/Comedy Central/YouTube/Streaming Services etc. Stand Up Comics had to Tour just like The Bands of Yesteryear. This meant a Merciless Unending Grind on the Road Doing Show after Show wherever the fuck You could manage to get Booked and Living out of a fucking Suitcase. Thus Comedy Albums were a Vital Tool used by Up and Coming as well as Established Stand Up Comedians to Stay Relevant, Gain More Exposure and Popularity, and Hopefully Paying Off by Garnering the Attention of a Big Time Hollywood Agent. It also Served as a some what Lucrative Money Making Endeavor for the Comedians because as We all Know when Starting Out in Anything the Pay Sucks.



  • Adam Sandler: As Buddy #2
  • David Spade: Buddy #1
  • Rob Schneider: Dude #1
  • Tim Herlihy: Dude#2
  • Tim Meadows: Homie #1
  • Robert Smigel: Homie #2/ Conductor (Voice)

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

  Presented By Justin Sane  

Short Horror Film Friday: COMING TO LIGHT

Welcome to FYB’s Short Horror Film Friday featuring COMING TO LIGHT Written and Directed by Hector Bell.

Plot Summery:

Coming To Light is a Story about Aaron Who was a Victim of Sexual Abuse when He was Growing Up as a Child, and has Lived for more than Half His Life with the Burden and Torment of being Abused as a Child. As a Result of this He has had to Adjust to a Life where the Physical Manifestation of His Past Trauma in the Form of a Horrific Demon is with Him Everywhere He Goes Relentlessly Torturing by Reminding Him of His Devastating Past.  When the Authorities begin an into an Investigation into His past Abuser,  Aaron becomes Conflicted between Carrying on with Life Socially Imprisoned by the Literal Demon or coming Forward about what happened to Him AND  Subsequently Confronting the His Demon head on.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober