C Nobody “Brutal Honesty (Featuring Ali)

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday Post which We are Exceptionally Psyched About to Say the Least. You may or in all do Favor May Not have Noticed We have Mentioned a Musician Known as C Nobody. Though at the Same Time We haven’t Provided any Additional Information as it were (Especially  since We have an FYB Category called Music/Musician).

Well that Changes as of Right fucking Now.

C Nobody is an Extremely Talented Up and Coming Independent Rapper Based Out of Chicago Illinois Who’s Music is Authentic and Doesn’t Pull Any Punches. C Nobody wears His Heart on His Sleeve Unapologetically while He Writes and Rap’s about Personal Experiences instead of the Usual Drivel that People have become Accustomed to Nowadays. All The Mainstream Commercial Rappers all Sound and Look the fucking Same. It’s Almost as If They’re being Manufactured in a Hollywood Music Factory like So Many Clones.  It seems Individuality  has become Alien in a World were the Only Asinine Topics Mainstream Rapper’s Rap about is Limited to Cash, Women, Luxury Cars, Mansions with Pools filled with Models, and a “HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME! I’M THE GREATEST THING ON EARTH!” Mentality.  Meanwhile C Nobody uses His Music to Exorcise His Demons, Promote Education about Mental Health Issues, As Therapy in a Society that’s Gone Insane, and to Connect with His Growing Fan Base Letting Them Know They’re Not Alone in the World. C Nobody is Intensely Passionate about His Craft, and is Working Constantly to Improve it while Personally Interacting with His Audience.

Two Weeks Ago C Nobody Started the Promotion of His Latest Track BRUTAL HONESTY which He Planned to Release on Cinco De Mayo which of course was Yesterday (and had been an Unmitigated Success Out Preforming His Previous Tracks to Date). I listen to Brutal Honesty for the First Time (I can’t begin to tell You how many Times I have Listened to it Subsequently) Yesterday while I was Ironically Working on FYB. When Brutal Honesty started it I immediately Sat Up and Took Notice as The Creepy Intro reminds Me of something Out of a Horror Movie. Then C Nobody started Rapping and I Stopped what I was doing Dead in MyTracks, Logged Off FYB, and Shut Down My Laptop as I was completely Enthralled with the Song. To be Truthful I almost Exclusively Listen to Extreme Niche Musical Genres like Death/Black Metal, Grindcore, Underground Punk, Hardcore, Deathcore, and Horrorcore (More Over Brutal Australian Horrorcore such as Suicidal Rap Orgy, Passenger of Shit, and MC Cumblood to Name a Few). So the Fact I had the Same Musical Connection to a Rap Song surprised ME as Much as Anyone Else that’s sure as Shit. If I wasn’t a C Nobody Fan before after Listening to BRUTAL HONESTY I definitely a Full Blown Fan Lock, Stock, and Barrel.

 C Nobody On C Nobody In His Own Words:

“I’m a Chicago artist that goes by C Nobody making music primarily about depression, anxiety and ptsd which I suffer from in hopes it helps others find an outlet, and someone who truly understands and lives it. My Music and My craft is everything to Me, it’s My therapy and purpose in life. My scope of topics to make music about is endless and much much more is coming. Stay tuned.”

NOTE: C Nobody can be Found on Every Streaming Service (Apple, Spotify, Youtube etc.)


Thanks For Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Fast Human Industries

Welcome to a Tuesday post here at FYB featuring the cartoon FAST HUMAN INDUSTRIES By Obitus Creative Studios and Animated by Jack Dimaze.

It’s no secret that humans may be classified as omnivores, but humanity has a base primal desire to devour the flesh of dead animals to satisfy Humanity’s primordial blood lust. Humanity’s ravenous carnivorous desires has spawned the damnable practice of factory farming of the primary animals humans eat. The institutionalized animals are raised in endless rows of cramped cages in industrial sized warehouses with no fresh air or natural sunlight (they are subject to the same soul sucking florescent lights as say your average business office). The animals are then force fed a diet of artificial food, steroids, antibiotics, and god only knows what else.


Once the animals reach the size for human consumption they are liberated from their filthy over crowded  cages, and they are then transported to the dismal slaughterhouse to meet their untimely and unnatural demise. The abused animals that are shipped to the slaughterhouse are dispatched using barbaric techniques that  border on inhumane (and illegal).


Then their freshly killed carcasses are sent to the processing plant to be butchered, packaged, and shipped to your local grocery store. Apparently when Humanity evolved into the top predator in the fickle food chain is when Humans decided they could kill whatever they pleased with little to no justification on why or how (the only taboo being ironically is cannibalism).

PLOT: Humanity have become the fast food for a monstrous alien master race, and gone from predator to prey. Humans are raised and treated exactly the same as factory farmed animals we raise and slaughter on a massive daily basis for human consumption. What sets FAST HUMAN INDUSTRIES apart from other morality tales on the subject of industrial factory farming animals is the Ending which you think you will see coming only to have to hits you like a fucking ton of bricks.

Until We Meet Again,

   Otto Rageous  

Satan Panonski: The Man, The Myth, The Music

Welcome to FYB’s Friday Post Satan Panonski: The, Man, The Myth, The Music which is PART TWO of Yesterdays Satan Panonski: Croatia’s GG Allin. In Yesterday’s Post We covered Satan Panonski on a Biographical Level and Today We’re covering Satan Panonski’s Discography. I did My Best to Provide the Best Audio Sample Platter of Panonski’s Musical Menu if You Will.

Noteworthy Mentions:

  • SATANPANONSKI-Duro 6.6.1989 Part 3 and Part 4 are Both Footage of Live Performances.
  • Hard Blood Shock is in English
  • Ljuljamo ljbljeni ljubicasti lijuli is The Entire Ablum.
  • ja sam stoma tati AND Che Guevara are Spoken Word Pieces.
  • Misli Li stok is Recorded Live at a Satan Panonski Show.
  • SATAN PANONSKI Usijek Stuc 1990 is the Slideshow and Audio Recording of a Satan Panonski Live Show .
  • Kiss My Cock is in Yugoslavian/Croatian ACCEPT for the Phrase “Kiss My Cock”.

NOTE: The Live Shows are Copied from Old (Primitive) VHS Tapes that were Traded Underground and Pasted From Fan to Fan so there is No Subtitle Options.




Thanks For Watching/Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Satan Panonski Croatia’s GG Allin

Welcome to a Thursday  FYB Post which may be somewhat of a Surprise. I was tooling around Looking for a Music/Musician Piece since it Occurred to ME that We hadn’t Done One in Quite a While. I wasn’t having a Whole Hell of a lot of Luck until I noticed an Article Titled Satan Panonski: The Croatian GG Allin and was Instantly Intrigued. It’s No Secret at this juncture that We here at FYB are Diehard Fans of GG Allin so Obviously the Comparison mad Me sit Up and Take Notice. I spent the Next 48 Hours Scouring the Internet for Any and All Information on Satan Panonski the so called Croatian GG Allin. Now if Finding Information on a Notorious Underground Niche Musician like GG Allin was a Pain in the Ass it made Finding Info on His Croatian Counterpart Satan Panonski almost fucking Impossible. The Main reason for the Serious Lack of Information on Satan Panonski was Even MORE OBSCURE since the Limited Documentation. This was due to Satan Panonski’s EXTREMELY LIMITED Exposure Outside of His Native Croatia, and Small Parts of South Eastern Europe.


This Post was Originally Intended to Showcase the 1990 33 Minute Documentary Film by Serbian Director Milorad Milinkovic (which served as His Graduate Thesis for Film School) on Satan Panonski. The Problem with the Documentary while it is as Interesting as it is Entertaining it was Shot Over an 8 Hour Period. This explains the short Runtime of the Documentary, but it also Explains Why its Far from a Traditional Style Documentary. The Documentary Doesn’t have any Biographical Backstory Information, Musical Career Information (prior to the Filming of said Documentary), and it Didn’t Cover Satan Panonski’s Unusual and Untimely Death.

With so Many Holes if Missing or Lacking Proper Information I set Out to find Out More than just this One article Alone. It was Laborious but Rewarding and I’m Very Glad I did. Thus with all that Said I Tracked Down the Information on Satan Panonski that’s Not Included in the Documentary as Additional Information. No Worries for Anyone Wondering the Documentary  is Included at the End of this Post. So Now I give You the Story of Satan Panonski the Croatian GG Allin!


“A Punk By Nationality A Friend By Profession.” – Satan Panonski 

Born Ivica Culjak in 1960 in Cerici which is a Village close to Vinkovci Croatia although it was know as Yugoslavia during Virtually all of Culjak’s Life.  In the Early 1970’s CulCuljak dropped out of High School and Entered into the Punk Scene where He Garnered a Notorious Reputation for His Crude Music, Violent and Disturbing Live Performances, and Brutally Uncompromising Lyrics. Panonski’s Infamous Live Performance Antics Included, but Not Limited To Breaking Beer Bottles Over His Head, Self Mutilating using a Razor Blade of Piece of Broken Glass, Sticking Safety Pins through His Flesh, and Preforming Dangerous Stunts.

Towards the 1970’s Panonski sought out Psychiatric Help, but this was Allegedly Panonski’s Scheme to Avoid serving Mandatory Military Service in the Yugoslavian Army (Which was at the Time Required). It was during the Same Time Period that Panonski Started to Preform Under the Stage Name Kecer II. In 1979 Panonski became the Singer and Frontman for the Band Pogreb X which Translates to Funeral X. Panonski Claimed throughout His Brief Career that He wanted to “Shock the Audience” and Elaborated by Saying the Following in a 1991 Interview with the Croatian Magazine Globus. “I Shock People to Free Them. When I Shock Them with My Gaze, I know They’ll listen to Me, Then it’s Hypnosis, Madness…..In These Moments, I set Them Free, I Liberate Them from the Barricades that have been Built through Education.” For the Prolific Violence that Panonski Inflicted on Himself wasn’t to Fight or Lash Out Angrily at the Establishment, but as a Product of Culjak’s “Inability to Change Things for the Better” as He said Openly. Unlike GG Allin Panonski Didn’t Hate Life, Loath His Fans, Abuse His Audience, Desire to Destroy Anything, Rage Against Society, Shit on Stage, Bring the Fear Back to Rock’n Roll, or Hate Himself.


In Spite of His Reputation for being Outrageous Panonski had Yet to Reach the turning Point from Musician to Murder. In 1981 Panonski’s Band was Preforming in Vincoshee when a Fight Broke Out. It’s one of those Events where No One Truly knows the Series of Events and the Story variates depending on Who is Telling it. The Most Widely Accepted Explanation is the Fight Broke Out when a Local Low Level Criminal Thug and Degenerate Gambler took issue with Panonski’s Older Brother. Once the Fight Started Panonski intervened to Stand Up and Protect His Brother from this Unsavory Character. Panonski managed to deescalate the Fight/Argument telling the Man that Fighting was Pointless, and They should talk it Out Face to Face Man to Man. The Thug Agreed and He along with Panonski took a seat at a near by Table where the Thug Ordered Them a Couple of Beers.

At one Point Panonski saw something in His Peripheral Vision and Turned His head to see what the fuck it was. Once He turned back to Face the Thug the Thug hauled off and Punched Panonski in the Nose like a Motherfucker Temporarily Stunning Panonski. After a Moment or Two Culjak recovered from the Blow, and Immediately Attacked the Thug in Retaliation for the Sucker Punch. During Their Scuffle Panonski grabbed Hold of a Knife and Stabbed the Thug to Death right There in the Club.


Panonski stood Trial for Murder and Assault (The Assault Charge stemmed from the Fact Panonski had Accidentally Struck an Innocent Bystander during the May-lay). Panonski was Convicted on Both Counts and was Set to Serve Out His 12 Year Sentence in Prison when by Some Unseen Divine Intervention Negotiated that He Shouldn’t be Sent To Prison, But Remanded to a Mental Hospital Instead. The Ploy worked more than likely to the Combination of Panonski’s Claim it was Self Defense coupled with the Fact He sought Psychiatric Help in the 1970’s (even if it was a ruse to get Out of Mandatory Military Service. While Serving out His Sentence in the Metal Hospital Panonski spent His Time Writing Poetry, Making Music, Painting, and Drawing, AND He was even Permitted to Temporarily Leave the Hospital to Play with His Band (or a Live Performance or Press though there wasn’t much of that).

Panonski Adopted the Stage Name Satan Panonski around 1984 for His Solo Work. Panonski continued to Garner a Cult Following as Reputation Grew. Panonski’s Outlandish Live Performances, Unique Production Style, Manner of Dress, and Even His Sexuality (Many People Close to Panonski claimed He was Openly Gay or at Least Sexually Fluid. While this isn’t a Big Deal Today, But the Time Period Panonski Lived in 1960’s-Early 1990’s it definitely was). Less Then Two Years after the Filming of the Documentary Panonski Died under Quite Mysterious Circumstances.


In January 1991 while Serving in the Croatian Military during Croatia’s War for Independence Panonski had Voluntarily Enlisted in the Military  (Due to His Intense National Pride). Panonski was found Wearing His Military Uniform with a Single Gunshot Wound to His Head. Panonski was just 32 at the Time of His Death. Since the Exact Circumstances Surrounding Panonski’s Untimely Demise there have been Several Theories on the Subject in Circulation. The First Theory is Panonski Committed Suicide due to the Fact He had Sought Psychiatric Help in the 1970’s, Panonski had been Sentenced to 12 Years in a Mental Hospital, and His Unconventional Life Style as a Manic Musician/Poet/Artist/Writer. The Second Theory is Panonski crossed paths with an Enemy Soldier who then Shot and Killed Panonski which seems Viable as Hell since He was Serving in the Military during the Croatian War for Independence. The Most Common Theory (and seemingly Most Popular) is Panonski simply Accidentally Shot Himself which happens Far More than The Average Person is Aware of. All That Remains of Panonski’s Life and Art are Three Albums, Collection of Poetry, A Mysterious Death, and The Myth of Satan Panonski.

The Three Satan Panonski Albums :

  1. Ljuljajmo ljubljeni ijubicast (1989)
  2. Neklearne Olimpijske Igre (1990)
  3. Kako Je Panker Branie Hrvatsku (1992)

Documentary Synopsis:

SATAN PANONSKI: DOKUMENTARAC is a 1990 Serbian Student Film Directed by Milorad Milinkovic featuring the Best Footage of Panonski’s “Hard Blood Shock” Body Art Performance, a Mixture of Self-Mutilation, Chaotic Punk Rock, and Spoken Word. Also Captured in the Documentary is a Radio Interview (Recorded at 1 am After Panonski’s Performance Earlier that Evening) where Panonski Outlines His Dreams of Creating a Communal “Rock n’ Roll State”, and His Return to the Mental Asylum where He spent the Better Part of the 1980s for Murder.

Self-Identifying as “Punk by Nationality, Friend by Profession” We see His full Tragic Range of Emotions that lead to Comparisons with both Marina Abramovic and GG Allin. If Panonski was Yugoslavia’s/Croatia’s Equivalent to America’s GG, then this is Their HATED (The Infamous GG Allin Documentary by then Film Student Todd Phillips). Like His Albums and the Myths of Panonski’s Life and Death, it has up Until now Only Circulated Underground on VHS Tapes traded at Flea Markets across Eastern Europe, and has likely Never Before been Screened in America.


Documentary Content Rundown:

Part 1 : May 28, 1990 11pm-12am at the Students Cultural Centre

This is Footage From Panonski’s “Hard Blood Shock” Live Performance that includes Poetry, Spoken Word, Panonski Breaking a Beer Bottle Over His Head, Flailing Wildly on the Ground, Sticking Safety Pins into His Bicep, and Some of Panonski’s Songs (along with a Strange Audio Recordings of Panonski Yelling/Screaming/Screeching/Moaning) as a Backdrop to Parts of the Performance. Part One Concludes with Panonski Cleaning Himself Up and Tending to His Wounds in the Venue’s Restroom. During this Scene You can see the Extensive Scarring on Panonski’s Head, Chest, and Arms that’s reminiscent of a Hardcore Deathmatch Wrestling Veteran.


Part 2: May 29, 1990 1am-3am Panonski Does a Post Show Interview for a Local Radio Station. Again this isn’t a Traditional Interview as Panonski spends His Time there Fielding Phone Calls while the DJ acts as a Hype Man. Some of the More Interesting Aspects of Panonski’s so called Interview was the Fact a Couple of Caller did in fact Refer to Him as (The) Wrestler. There were Several Callers be They Fans or Curious Parties asking the Question (Pertaining to Panonski’s 1981 Murder Conviction) if He was in Prison or a Mental Hospital. For the Majority of the Phone Calls were Well Wishers hoping Panonski can Resolve His Mental Health Issues. NOW THE MOST INTERESTING PART of Panonski’s Radio Visit was When the Director was being Antagonistic and Baiting the Haters between Callers. While He is Ranting and Raving He Says “Yes, You, Who Promised Us a Bullet in the Head…” This is Note Worthy considering Panonski Died Mysteriously of a Gun Shot to the Head. Could Panonski have ACTUALLY BEEN KILLED by one of His Detractors?


Part 3: May 29, 1990 4am-5am at a Private Residence

This Ironically is a Real more In-depth Interview where Panonski looking/acting Relaxed for the First Time in the Documentary. Panonski delves into His Unorthodox Personality, Way of Thinking, Artistic Works, His Personal Beliefs, and Yes The Murder as Well.


Part 4: May 29, 1990 3pm-??? Hospital Popovaca

There is No Dialogue outside of Recordings of Panonski’s Poetry and Spoken Word that Accompanies the Scene of Panonski Walking to a Train Station. The Film then Cuts from the Train to the Hospital as the Camera makes Their way Around the Halls until They Reach Panonski’s Hospital Room. The Camera Cuts to Panonski who is Now Lounging Calmly in His Room on His Bed. The Camera moves from Panonski to the Window in His Room, and Does a Close Up of Sorts Out the Window and Ends There.

Enjoy. (Note: The Film is in Croatian with English Subtitles.)

Thanks For Reading/Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Weird Shit Wednesday With Otto: CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW

Welcome to weird shit Wednesday featuring CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW by Robert Morgan. Robert Morgan has spent the last two decades creating a body of work characterized by nightmarish stop motion, and described as a disorienting trip into the subconscious. Morgan has sited Francis Bacon, Edgar Allen Poe, and The Brothers Quay as some of his biggest influences.


CHANNEL X CARTOON SHOW is a David Lynch-esque trip down a schizophrenic rabbit hole of  unholy hallucinations, dire feelings of dread, sheer psychotic terror, and suicidal insanity.

Until We Meet Again,

  Presented By  Otto Rageous   

Uncovering The Purpose Behind A858

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post where We will be Discussing what is considered by Many to be the Most Mysterious Subreddit of All Time. Now while it is True FYB has Posted Numerous so called Internet Mysteries in the Past from Slightly Absurd to Absolutely fucking Insane. This Time Though when Examining A858 it Quickly becomes Apparent that this is the Internet Mystery that’s the Strangest of Them All. So with that Said let’s get Going.

A858DE45F5b098C9 (or A858 for Short) is an Extremely Mysterious Subreddit that Showed Up in 2011 Posting Strange and Complex Hexadecimal Sequences Multiple times Per Day. For the first Year after its inception A858 went completely Unnoticed by the Online/Reddit Community as it continued its Output of Daily Encrypted Messages. Finally a Small Handful of People ended up taking Notice of A858 and the Word of this Bizarre Subreddit began to spread across the Web. After a Short while A858 had built such a Significant following that Computer Students, Code Breakers, and Reddit Users decided to Join Forces in Large Part Due to the Intense Difficulty in just Attempting to Decode a Single A858 Message.

An Added Roadblock for the Collective of Internet Detectives was A858 Keep it’s Subreddit Private. This meant that You could only gain Access if You were Deemed Worth, and Subsequently Invited to Join. To Combat this Problem the Internet Detectives formed Their Own Sister Subreddit R/Solving A858. This way Any Information could be Shared with the Entire Group even if the Majority were Not Invited, and Thus Lacked Access to the A858’s Subreddit Posts. Now the Users had There a Preverbal Mountain Work ahead of Them (there were THOUSANDS of A858 Encrypted Posts) that would have Easily Overwhelmed the Average User. As the Detectives Work Diligently the Results were Virtually Nhill as A8585’s Encryption Proved to be Damn Near Impossible to Decipher.

As the Days turned into Weeks that became Months Only a Quite Small Handful of A858’s Posts had infant been Cracked. The Problem was NONE Provided any Actual Insight and Seemed to be almost as Random as A858’s Encrypted Coding. One of the Decoded Messages was a Basic “Thank You Gold” when a Subreddit User in A858’s Subreddit Purchased (and then Gifted) a Month of Gold Membership. Another was an Excerpt from the 1949 Book Title Actions and Passions By Max Lerner. The Excerpt was “Do Not Confuse Your Vested Interests with Ethics. Do Not Identify the Enemies of Humanity.”. The Last of the Decoded Posts was an Primitive Computer Image of Stonehenge with No Additional Information Attached to It.

Then in August of 2015 a User in the A858 Sister Subreddit noticed that all of a Sudden without Rhythm or Reason Someone was Posting Hexadecimal Chains that Matched those of the Original A8585 Message Board. The Sister Subreddit discovered that the Newly Appearing Hexadecimal Posts They were seeing being Posted there was in fact The Creator of A858 Who was conducting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) Session. The Users Quickly Launched into Action a created a Script that Automated the Code Breaking Process. This Allowed Users to Ask Questions/Interact with A858’s Creator Freely and Significantly Faster.

The Most Prevalent Question asked of A858’s Creator was Why had the Creator decided to Brake Their Prolonged Silence. The Five Word Answer given By A858’s Creator was “The Audience Was Getting Frustrated” which Meant the Creator was Keeping Active Tabs on the Participants Progress. When asked what the Purpose of the A858 Subreddit the creator Responded “We Cannot Disclose the Purpose. A858 will End when the Purpose is Disclosed or Discovered.” indicating that there was a More than One Person responsible for A858’s Creation/Content. The Most Significant part of the Interaction with A858’s Creator was when the Creator Disclosed that One of A858’s Messages HAD been PROPERLY Decoded, but that None of the Users Noticed Other than the Creator. Apparently a Woman from the United Kingdom (UK) had been the One who Managed the Proper Decoding, Yet She Deleted Her Account soon after She Cracked the Coded Message and Never Returned.


In Mid 2016 A858 Peeked in Popularity when Main Stream Media like Fox News and The Daily Dot began Covering the Mystery. Then Suddenly Out of Nowhere a Post by the Now Deleted User u/TeamWMod showed up on the Sister A858 Subreddit. TeamWMod Claimed in His Post that the A858 Project has Ended and Thank You to all Participants, and went on to say Any Further Decoding or Research into A858 would be Futile. TeamWMod claimed “The Information Available to the Public is NOT Sufficient to Solve all Outstanding Puzzles.” and “Again Any Further Efforts on Solving A858 will be In Vain.” A User Named Fragile confirmed TeamWMod’s Message as Legitimate since TeamWMod had Demonstrated Ownership over A858 by Temporarily making Fragile an Approved Submitter to the A858 Subreddit. The Last thing TeamWMod Posted before Deleting Their Account that “We will Not Respond to Any Questions in the Comments Noe by Direct Message.” After TeamWMods Announcement the A858 Subreddit was Locked.

Some Time Later a User Named Eathed wrote a Post Called “Some Closure” in which They Claimed that He (along with Fragglet) had been able to Contact the Person A858. Eathed went on to Reveal the Person They spoke with Claimed He was Paid (by an Unnamed Company) to Post Coded Puzzles using Encryption or Various Methods of Text Manipulation. The Company occasionally requested that a Post be Made to Draw Attention to the Project one of Which was the Previous Stonehenge Post. Eathed and Fraggley stated that They would Not Divulge ANY Information or Personal Information Pertaining to Who They talked with or The Unknown Company that Hired Him. The User Duo claimed They wouldn’t divulged such Information since They still Unsure of the Actual Purpose of the Project. They did however ask Why the Project Ended while there were so Many Unsolved Puzzles, and this is What They were Told by Their A858 Project Contact. The Contact Answered by Saying that the Company Paying Him No Longer Wanted to Fund the Project Any Longer, and They Shut it Down.

Eathed and Fragglet’s Contact went on to Explain most of the A858’s Posts were Randomly Generated Text with Extremely Difficult and Constantly Changing Encryption. So Even if a User did Manage to Decode One of the Encrypted Messages Virtually Every time the User would be Oblivious to Their Accomplishment. This had been the Reason the Puzzles where Damn Near Impossible to Crack, and the Cause for So Many Users Growing Aggravation/Frustration while attempting to Decode A858’s Encrypted Posts. Now for those Who May Not Be Aware the Difference Between a Encoded/Encrypted Message a Encoded Data is meant to be Read in a Different Format, and Encrypted Data is Meant to Remain a Secret. Eathed and Fragglet did however ask Why the Project Ended while there were so Many Unsolved Puzzles, and this is What They were Told by Their A858 Project Contact. The Contact Answered by Saying that the Company Paying Him No Longer Wanted to Fund the Project Any Longer, and They Shut it Down. He also said that He fully Believed the Project would Never be Rebooted.

That though Proved to Be Wrong as Wrong could be. After Two Years in 2018  a Post titled r/A858 is Back Open appareled in the Sister Subreddit. The Sister Subreddit had continued Their Attempts to Unravel the A858 Mystery in Spite of TeamWMods Post (Claiming doing so Would be Useless since the Project was Over). There were some Notable Changes that had been made such as the A858 Subreddit would No Longer Be Private, A858 was NOT the Moderator, and the Original A858 Appeared to have been Deleted. Just a Week Later the Reactivated A858 Project’s Subreddit was made Private and Remains so to This Day.

Thus in the End No One is Any closer to Solving the Mystery of A858, but that hasn’t Stopped Users from Formulating Theories. One of the Top Three Theories is A858 is an Alternate Reality Game, but Why would Someone create a Game that was so Insanely Difficult?  So Difficult in fact that the Creator would have to Break Their Silence After over a Year since the the Game Started, and to do a Q&A Session with the Players since “The Audience is Getting Frustrated.” Another of the Top Three Theories is A858 was in Reality a Number Station. Number Stations are Shortwave Radio Stations that Broadcast Encrypted Messages to Spies/Shady Organizations in Various Different Countries. It has been Documented that Terrorists use Ebay, Redditt, and Other Social Media/ Online Services to Pass Encrypted. This however Doesn’t match up with Eathed and Fragglet’s Contact who Claimed He was Hired by a Company, and that some Posts like the Stonehenge Post was to Draw Attention to the A858 Project.Moreover the Fact that some Messages had been Decoded (Properly or Not) Punches Holes in the Number Station Theory. The Last of the Top Three A858 Theories seems the Most Plausible at Least to Us here at FYB which is A858 was a Recruitment Tool. If A858 is/was indeed a Recruitment Tool then it would Most Likely be Run by Cryptography, Security Firm, or Government Organization (Military, CIA, NSA etc.). This would Explain Why A858’s Heavily Encrypted Messages and Similar Theories Surround the Mystery of Cicada.

In Summation while Many find the Fact that there NO VIABLE Answers pertaining to the Mystery of A858 rather Comforting. The Reason We say this is Because once You have all the Answers then the Investigation is Over and Done. The Mystery is Solved and the Illusion is Destroyed. Sometimes its better to be left Wondering What it was all about Rather than to have a Definitive Answer.

Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober  

The Town Where God Chose To Look The Other Way

The Nomadic Traveler stood like a weathered Tombstone just inches Outside of the Town Limit. Typically this would be the Point in the Nomad’s Journey where He’d Tidy Up His Appearance before making His presence Known to the Towns Folk. Normally He’d take the Time and Effort to Clean Himself Up as best He could (considering the Conditions) as Traveling through the Desert always left Him covered from Head to Toe in a Thick Coat of Dust, Grim, and Sand like Soil. He was accustomed to taking some Water from His Canteen to Wash His face and Hands as Thoroughly as Possible. Then He would precede to Wet His Bandana to Wipe off the Latest Wear and Tear of the Road From His Boots to seem more Civil than He actually was. The Last Part of the Process He’d remove His Duster and beat it with Palms of His gnarled Hands. This would send overlapping Billowy Clouds of Dirt and Dust into the Air. The Clouds were so Propionate One could see them wafting across the desolate landscape, and One might Misidentify  them as Smoke Signals from a Near By Tribe. With the Rising Prevalence of Cannibalism in this Barron Landscape One could never be too Cautious when Passing Through. The Unofficial Motto that the Area had garnered was “Better Safe Than Supper.” because Plenty of Wayward Travelers had Ended up on a Dinner Plate.


This time though He forwent His usual routine because He was about to Enter one of the Most Isolated, and Thus Depraved Towns with a Notorious Reputation that was well Warranted. The Town had been Named Desperation which summed up Life there to a Tee, and Why the Nomad  deemed His Clean Up Routine Unnecessary. Desperation was so Bad Off that He could have arrived walking down Main Street Buck Naked and Drenched in Blood, but Not garner a Single Glance from the Locals. The Nomad wasn’t sure what He’d find awaiting Him in such a Hellhole, and soon to Soon to be just another Ghost Town. The Only Thing the Nomad knew was whatever He found it Sure as Hell  wouldn’t be Pretty.


Figuring there was No Point in Delaying the Inevitable the Nomad started His Trek into the Infamous Town of Desperation. He paused for a Minute and Stood at the Top of Main Street so still Not even His Coat moved in the Steady Afternoon Breeze. The Reason was Not intended to be Standoffish Nor Intimidating He simply did this to Provide any Uppity Outlaws, Wannabe Badasses, or Perhaps a Corrupt Sheriff (That is if Desperation even had a Sheriff Currently) to Confront the Unknown Interloper.  If any such Person was willing to take Issue with the Nomad’s Arrival He would take them to Task with great Ease. Thus Establishing Himself  as Someone definitely Not to to fuck with unless You wanted to Tempt Death to come for You. This Point was especially Valid in a Town such as Desperation where No One Was Living They were barely Surviving.  The Last of the Residents were just trying to get from one dismal day to the next Trapped in a Hard and Hellish Existence. In the Nomad’s Extensive Travels He had learned through Observation that when Times are Tough the Nefarious Prosper, and the Lawless Thrive as Light can Not Live in Darkness.


Seeing that No One wished to Air a Grievance about His Presence the Nomad continued His walk down Main Street unobstructed. His Eyes Darted around Calculatingly as He took in His New Surroundings recording every Person, Face, Place, And Detail in His Mind for Future Reference. Desperation was the Failed Cliche of a Prosperous Mining Town Fallen on Hard Times. Originally some Hapless Hillbilly Prospector stumbled across some Gold Nuggets Solely by Chance Triggering The Gold Rush Reaction. As soon as word got around that Gold had been Found in the Area People started to arrive in Droves and causing Over Crowding in the Mining Camps. Finally the Population Grew to the Point that a Town was Built to accommodate the various needs of First the Prospectors followed in Time By the Miners. When the Mayor was asked Why He chose the Name Desperation The Mayor replied “I chose so because Everyone who comes here is Desperate for a Better way of Life, and Gold has the ability to lift someone from Poverty to Prosperity in a Single Day living in a Prosperous Mining Town.”


Once a Large Enough Handful of Prospector’s Hit it Rich the Commercial Mining Companies made Their way onto the Scene. The Mining Companies Ended Up Dominating the Gold Mining in the Area Forcing Out Independent Prospectors. As the things go Desperation was Transformed into a Boom Town Money making Machine until that is the Mines dried up. Once the Mines stopped producing Gold the Mining Companies Packed Up and Moved on to Their Next Mining Endeavor. While this was Obviously good for the Mining Companies it was Devastating to the Town and Decimate its Population. By The Nomad’s Calculations there appeared to only be a Small Group of Locals, and a Couple Struggling Businesses left behind to Fend for Themselves. The Farming Supply Company had Boarded Up its Windows and Left Town Long Ago, The Resident Hotel stood Abandoned and in a State of great State of Disrepair. The Clothing Shop Windows were Empty and almost Blacked Out by the Accumulation of Dust and Dead Bugs while The Bank had a Sun Bleached Closed Sign hanging on the Door. The once Busy Blacksmith Shop stood Vacant as a Testament to a Dying Town on its Last Wobbly Leg ,and the Sherif it turned out had Deemed it too Dangerous to Hang around and had Split along with almost Everyone Else. Even the Local Priest had Locked the Door to Desperation’s Small Church to go Seek His Salvation Elsewhere leaving Desperation a Godless Town.

What Remained Behind Clinging on by the Skin of Their Teeth were The Saloon, and The Brothel located above the Saloon. They were also the Only Places that showed Signs of Life. While the Hotel that severed the Wealthy Owners of the Mining Company (as well as Their Business Associates, Personal Friends, and Occasionally Their Family Members) had been Closed there was a Boarding House that remained Open for Business. This was likely Due to the Increasing Economic Troubles in Desperation had forced a Home Owner to Rent Rooms in an Attempt to make Ends Meat. The General Store appeared to be Limping along with a Meager Inventory that barely covered the Basics. The Last Viable Business in Desperation was a Grim Indicator that the Town was Running on Borrowed Time, and the Clock was Running Out was the Undertaker. The Rest of the Desperation appeared to made up of the Decaying Domiciles of Residents Past a Haunting Reminder of what had once been a Thriving Town.


Large Mangy looking Buzzards perched on Hitching Posts like Gruesome Gargoyles Luridly Leering at Him as if He were Their Next Meal. A Small Group of the Beastly Birds had Gathered at the Feet of a Corpse that was Hanging from a Decrepit Gallows. The Deseased had been left there to Mummify in the Relentless Sun and Unbearable Heat of the Desert Summer. The Sickly looking Scavengers were Squabbling with one another as They Pecked Mercilessly at the Corpses’s Withered and Brittle Toes Until They Successfully Snapped one Off like a Twig from a Bush. The Nomad made took special Notice when it came to the Corpse. The Deadman Hanging from the Gallows (based on the approximate Timeline it takes for a Human Cadaver to Mummify) had been the Work of the now Absent Sheriff, But the Nomad Knew You Didn’t Need a Sheriff to Hang Someone.

Piles of Horse Shit lined the Streets though the Horses had all gone with their Owners to Search Out a Better Quality of Life. The Pungent Stench of Stale Urine permeated the Air  making the Nomad’s Eyes Water something Furious. A Dwindling Pack of Stray Dogs rummaged in a Trash Pile rooting around for whatever meager Scraps of Sustenance They could Find. The Traveler thought to Himself the Scene with the Dogs was Rather Fitting since the Residents of the Town were Strays as Well.

To Be Continued…….

Thanks For Reading,

   By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post Belial’s Dream (2017) Directed By Robert Morgan who also Wrote the Screen Play. Belial’s Dream was Originally a Short Film Commissioned for Arrow Films’ Blu Ray Release of Frank Henenlotter’s  Movie Basket Case.


For Those Who May be Unaware Basket Case is the 1982 Cult Slasher Horror Classic Directed by Frank Henenlotter and Produced by Edgar Levins. To Sum Up Basket Case in a Nutshell Duane and His Extremely Deformed and Psychotic Conjoined Twin Be are Surgically Separated as Kids. Duane carries  Belial around NYC in a Locked Wicker Picnic Basket as the Twins seek Revenge on the Doctor’s that Separated Them. I HIGHLY Recommend You definitely should check out the movie Basket Case as it is in at Least My Humble Opinion a True Horror Classic.


So When I heard of this Video I was instantly interested because I love Fan Fiction Projects. It’s Insanely Entertaining seeing People’s Interpretations come to Life and become an Extenuation of the Movie Itself. Thusly when I saw the Title of the Video the first thing I thought to myself was that’s a Kickass Concept, and I wonder what a Creature as Demented and Deadly as Belial actually Dreams About? Could Belial dreaming of  Rainbows and Bunny Rabbits during His Psychotic Slumber? Yeah I don’t fucking Think So.


Thanks For Watching,

   Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: FINLEY

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring the Dark Comedy Horror Finley. The Film was Produced by Unplugged Films, Directed & Edited by J. Zachery Thurman, and Written by J. Zachary Thurman & Maddie Stroud. The Film went on to Win a Long List of Awards Since its Release and I could use some examples here, but I’m not going to Claim One Film Festival/Award is Any More Significant (Nor More Important) than Another.

Plot Summery:

Alexandra, her boyfriend Chris, and her friend Jennifer are Three College Students who move in Together. After finding a Ventriloquist Dummy Named Finley gagged and Bound in Chains, They learn to Coexist with Finley even as He Tries Desperately to Murder Them, One by One. Humiliated by His Failure in His Ability to Actually Kill Anyone Finley exiles Himself back into His Attic Crate. All is Not Lost for Poor Finley when Violent Intruders Target the House,  and Finley Finds a chance To Redeem Himself as a True Killer Doll!


Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober  

Sunrise (A Teletubbies Cartoon) by MEATCANYON!

Welcome to FYB’s Wednesday post showcasing SUNRISE ( A TELETUBBIE CARTOON) By Our Latest favorite Animator MeatCanyon! If anyone is thinking to themselves “Teletubbies are you fucking kidding me? Has FYB gone plum retarded on itself?” then you don’t know us very well at all.

MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by his online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, animator, voice actor, comedian, writer, and director who makes parody animations of popular characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s animations  have been described them in just one single word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that something normal or mundane gets you killed or possible worse.

For those fortunate enough to have no fucking idea who or what the fucking Teletubbies were here’s the deal. Teletubbies was a British children’s television show created for the British Broadcasting Company (BBS). The show focused one 4 differently colored alien looking creatures (Twinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po) known as “Teletubbies”, named after the tv screens implanted in their bellies. The Show’s colorful psychedelic setting and fact that the Teletubbies communicated in gibberish was designed SPECIFICALLY to appeal to the attention spans of infants. The only audio on the show consisted of the Teletubbies gibberish, Clips of babies laughing, a Clip(s) of a Babbling Brook, birds chirping and other odd selections.

The show seemed to be one seriously surreal acid trip for infants/toddlers especially considering some aspects of the show. There wasn’t any educational value to the show I mean come the fuck on it was designed for fucking infants, so I don’t give a fuck who alleges there was an educational component. Also there were no guests, songs, or life lessons like the kind of fare that you’d find on Sesame Street. Again this is due to the fucking fact that INFANTS brain’s are virtually undeveloped seriously their less than even 1 year old.

Anyway the point is this why the original television show was the bizarre equivalent of a psychedelic tv acid trip for infants then MeatCanyon’s SUNRISE (A TELETUBBIES CARTOON) has the same premise only his version is the equivalent of a VERY FUCKED UP BAD ACID TRIP FOR ADULTS!


   Justine Sane