Welcome to this Weeks addition of Short Horror Film FridayThis Week We are Thrilled to Present and the Two In One Animated Feature THE UMBRELLA FACTORY and JACK THE RIPPER! Both Stories in the Video were Directed by Nick and Lexie Trivundza, Written by Nick Trivundza, and Produced by Lexie Trivundza.

The Umbrella Factory: Is Based on the Horror Short Story The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs, and is a Cautionary Tale Warning People to be Careful what You Wish (for Because You Might Just Get It).

Jack The Ripper: Is a Modern Day Homage to the Historical Murders of The Legendary Serial Killer Known as Jack The Ripper.


We Hope You Enjoyed these Tales of Bloody Terror as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Francine Dancer

Its been a Long While since We had a Proper Candidate for FYB’S Salute to Eccentrics so We are Thrilled to have Finally found Another Exemplary Eccentric to Showcase. You see it takes a Great Deal of Effort to Locate an Authentic Eccentric especially Now a Days with all the Dumbfucks on Social Media, and the YouTube View Whores Out there while Pumping out Crappy Content like Their fucking Lives Depend on it. With the Field Flooded with all These People that are  Desperately Seeking to Achieve the Title of “The Next Big Internet Sensation” (Not to mention the Fame and Potential for Endorsements and Other Money Making Ventures).

There is a Vastly Drastic Difference Between the Two Perspective Groups that all comes down to One Succinct Distinguishing Variable. Anyone can Decide to make Videos of say Themselves Wearing a Gas Mask and riding a Hippy Hop in Random Places (Such as a Fast Food Restaurant, Walmart, Library, Mall, or Supermarket for Example). Sure People would think it was a Very Odd thing to Do, and that The Person in Question is a Weirdo, Freak, or Crazy. The Point is Any Average Person can make up and Film some Bizarre Premeditated Video(s) in Hopes that it Goes fucking Viral, BUT that DOES NOT make Them even Close to being Eccentric.


Authentic Eccentrics are Quirky from Birth as if Odd is part of Their DNA which is Why Most Eccentrics have No Idea (or Interest) in the Fact that They are Eccentric. The Eccentrics that are aware that They have been Labeled as So, and thus are Perceived as Eccentric by the Public are only aware because Other fucking People have Told them So (Throughout Their Entire Lives No Doubt). Essentially it is an Aggressive Form of Forced Self Awareness. It’s Constantly Accosting Someone to Remind Them that the Rest of the World Sees Them in a Rather Unfavorable Light, and No One like being called Crazy without Provocation. People just do Shitty stuff like this because People are inherently Shitty but I digress.

The Eccentric We would like to Salute in this Installment is a Woman Known as Francine Dancer Who made Her own Unique Mark on The World Wide Web.  Below are Four Videos by Francine Dancer followed by The Facts and The Fiction Surrounding this Eccentric Person and Personality.


So What is it All About?

  • Francine Dancer posted a Small Handful of Musical Themed Videos (Seven in Total).
  • Four of the Seven Videos featured Francine interacting with a Tall Lanky and Quiet Creepy looking Doll of Some Sort.
  • The Doll Appears to be Homemade being more than likely Constructed by Francine Herself.
  • The Doll looks like Dr. Frankenstein built it in His Lab using Parts from a Mannequin, a Sex Doll, and then Hired Marilyn Mansons Make Up Artist to do the Make Up.
  • What makes the Doll Unnerving is its Distinctive Personification (The Attribution of a Personal Nature or Human Characteristics to Something Non-Human, or the Representation of an Abstract Quality in Human Form).
  • It Didn’t take Long for Francine’s Video’s to Fizzle Out and Francine was all but Forgotten and Her Online Presence Vanished.
  • Francine’s Videos were Resurrected Many Years Later when They Resurfaced on TIK TOK creating quite a Buzz Online.
  • Viewers were Freaked the fuck out by the Doll and the Fact They couldn’t Figure Out what the hell was Going on or What the Point of Francine’s Videos Actually was Since there is Zero Context Provided. As We Know when People can’t Understand Something Their Imaginations Run fucking Wild and with Francine there was No Acceptation.


Francine’s Alleged Backstory:

  • Francine was a TV Star before Her Partner She Preformed with Unfortunately Died (Reasons Unknown). This Effectively Ended the “Act” as it were thus Killing Francines’s Dreams of Being a Hollywood Actress.
  • After being Forced out of the Limelight by Circumstances beyond Her Control Francine had a Severe Mental Breakdown (Nothing Short of a Psychotic Break) Unable to Cope with Her New Found Reality.
  • Francine in a Completely Delusional State of Mind Broke into the Funeral Home, and Stole the Body of Her Dearly Departed Partner before Burial.
  • Francine then Proceeded to Hide the Dead Body of Her Partner in Her Home.
  • Francine Recorded the Four Videos in Question to Relive Her Glory Days on TV Desperate to be a Star Once Again.
  • Eventually the Authorities are made Aware of the Situation by an Anonymous Tip and Intervene. The Police Reclaimed the Corpse and Arrested Francine on the Spot.
  • Francine is Subsequently Tried for Breaking and Entering, Destruction of Private Property, Theft of a Corpse, and Desecration of a Corpse.
  • Francine was inevitably found Guilty on All Charges and was Sentenced to Live Out the Remainder of Her Days on Earth at The Snyder Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

The Big Question: Is This a Hoax?

  • Back in 2007 a Link Posted Online Titled “Best Weirdest Show EVER! Totally INSANE AND TRIPPY” was Discovered.
  • The Video appeared to be Footage from a Cable Access Show (This was Later Confirmed to be Correct) called Steve Beacon on Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour” .
  • In the Footage Francine Dances with an Extremely Tall and Extremely Thin and Lanky Man apparently Named Steve Beacon. The Two Dance like Small Children in impromptu and Ransom Movements with No Choreography whatsoever. This is Definitely Not So You Think You Can Dance or Dancing with the Starts Not By a Long Shot. This Footage would make much more sense if this was done by Actual Children as Opposed to Fully Grown Adults.
  • The Glaringly Apparent Likeness of Steve Beacon’s Physique to that of the Demented looking Doll is Uncanny without Doubt. This Fueled the Flames of the Internet Rumor Mills  surrounding Francine’s Backstory.

Since There is Nothing like Seeing for Yourself so Below is the Video “Best Weirdest Show EVER! Totally INSANE AND TRIPPY” Featuring the Footage of Steve Beacon and Francine on the Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour.


In Reality: The Facts

  • Francine’s Backstory while Entertaining and Morbid is Total Bullshit.
  • There is No Record of Francine having a Mainstream Network TV Star.
  • There is No Record of Francine’s Arrest or Conviction on Public Record.
  • The Snyder Asylum for the Criminally Insane Simply Does Not Exist.
  • Even though there is the Public Access TV Show Footage with Steve Beacon there is Absolutely No Indication that He could be or Was Francine’s Dead Performance Partner. The Title of the Show is Steve Beacon on the Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour as Opposed to The Seven and Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour or even The Steve and Francine Dancer Variety Half Hour.
  • Francine is Now a Senior Citizen Who is back on Public Access and Still Preforming with the Demented Looking Doll.
  • On One Episode of Her New(er) Cable Access Show Francine in fact Introduces the Doll to the Viewing Audience as Stary Dancer.
  • There is a Surprising Amount of Videos Posted to YouTube Pertaining to Francine such as Interviews and Biographical Pieces a Plenty.

Thanks For Reading,

Presented By Les Sober  

Insane Animation: THE HYPE IS REAL

Mondays are Not Only Known for Being Mind Numbingly Mundane, but Mondays also have the Innate Ability to be Maddeningly Manic. To Combat the Mania (that Some Mondays Bring) We decided Our Post This Particular Monday should Mimic that Frantic Lunacy Factor. For that Reason We will be Featuring THE HYPE IS REAL!

This Little Slice of Real Life Absolute Absurdity is By Animator, Director, and Writer Jake Lava. Now as Our Fans are more than likely Aware We at FYB Pride Ourselves in Providing the Most Information on the Subject at Hand. Unfortunately there is VIRTUALLY NO Personal Information about Jake Lava Online (Even Though He has a Twitter Account and YouTube Channel. We were Unable to Locate Him On Facebook though there Several People with Profiles with the Same Name) which in this Day and Age is Utterly Unheard Of (Unless Your a Legit Hermit). What We were able to Unearth were One Quote By Jake Lava Describing Himself/His Work which are as Follows:

Who is Jake Lava:
“I’m just a guy that sometimes animates, and sometimes draws comics too. I use Adobe Flash (it doesn’t really matter what version) for the animation side of things, and Photoshop for backgrounds, and Manga Studio for some other stuff. I sometimes mix this up and draw some stuff traditionally from time to time (like ‘The Sadman’)”  -Jake Lava-



Thanks For Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday Double Header: TUCK ME IN

Welcome to the Official Return of Short Horror Film Friday featuring Tuck Me In Double Feature. First We have the Original 2014 Version of Tuck Me In Directed by Ignacio Rodo followed by the Remake Tribute Tuck Me In By Homemade Horror. Now there is a Reason for This Double Billing if You Will which is Both Versions have a Minuscule Running time of just 60 Seconds. With such an Extremely Exceptional One Minute running Time Tuck Me In may very well be the First Micro Horror Movie ever made.

The Term Micro Horror is a Nod to one of the Unique Aspects of the Grindcore Music Genre: the Micro Song. There’re Songs by Grindcore Bands (Such as Anal Cunt, Insect Warfare, SCAT, Pig Destroyer, Brutal Truth, and Nuclear Assault for example) that are Only Seconds in Length. In Fact the British Grindcore/Death Metal Band Napalm Death hold the Guinness World Record for the Shortest Song ever Recorded with the Their One Second “You Suffer”.

Tuck Me In reminds Me of the The World’s Shortest Horror Story ever written by Fredric Brown Titled Knock that consists of only Two Sentences:

“The Shortest Horror Story:

The Last an On Earth sat Alone in a Room. There was a Knock o the Door.”

You See Fredric Brown’s Knock, Grindcore’s Micro Songs, and Micro Horror Films (and Traditional Short Films) are Proof beyond All that You Don’t need to Write a 300 Page Book, Record an Album of 12 Minute Songs, or Film a 6 Hour Movie to produce Viable Product. Artists have the Newer found Freedom to Essentially tell the Audience “Here is My Art and I’m going to keep it Short, Simple, Focused, and to the Point.”

Now On with the Show. Enjoy.

The 2014 Original Version of Tuck Me in Directed By Ignacio Rodo.

The Remake Tribute to Tuck Me In By Homemade Horror 

Homemade Horror had this to Say about Their take on Tuck Me In:

“Bedtime doesn’t go as planned in this short horror film with a twist. This is a remake and tribute to Tuck Me In, one of the best short horror films I’ve ever seen. We put a little twist in the end to make it our own. It was done in a day with an iPhone, iMovie, and simple original score using a keyboard. Lots of fun. Cheers!”


We Hope You Enjoyed This One Minute of Madness as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Two Different Perspectives For The Same Situation

While Humans have Five different senses (Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, and Hearing) Yet Ninety Percent of all of the Information We learn/observe  from the World Around Us comes Solely from Sight. Considering this it’s Safe to Say Life is all a Matter of Perspective. The Definition of Perspective is as Follows: Perspective: A Particular Attitude Towards or Way of Regarding Something; A Point of View. What People believe to be Good, Bad, or Indifferent is just a matter of Their personal perspective pertaining to the Subject at Hand.

For all Intents and Purposes We will use the Subject of “Tipping” to serve as Our Example on the Subject of Perspective. A Tip is Defined as : A Tip of Gratuity is an Extra Sum of Money Paid to Certain Services Workers for a Provided Service. Tip Amounts, as well as Acceptance, Vary in Different Parts of the World. In Some Countries in East Asia such as Japan, Tips are seen as Insulting and can Sometimes be Interpreted as a Bribe.


As We can see Even the Definition or the Concept of Tipping is a Matter of Perspective. In Countries like America Gratuity is taken for Granted as being just a part of Utilizing certain Services (Example: Tipping a Waiter, Uber Driver, or Pizza Delivery Man Etc). Meanwhile in Japan Tips aren’t considered Compensation for a Job Well Done by the Employee. In Japan Gratuity is in fact Perceived Negatively as a Bribe so Straight away We have a Prime Example of a Difference in Perspectives.

Many People Perceive Tipping as a Positive Incentive for Employees in the Service Industry to Provide Acceptional Service to and for Their Customers. An Extremely Similar Positive Perspective is Tipping is a way of Rewarding Someone as a Sign of Appreciation for a Job Well Done. An Incentive is Defined as: Incentive: A Thing that Motivates or Encourages One to do Something. Also People who are in Favor of the Tipping System tend to Tip more than Average as a Way of Attempting to Secure Exceptional Service in the Future. It’s simply Applying the Pavlovian Conditioning (See Pavlov’s Dog) to Human Beings instead of Canines. What We Mean is by Repeatedly Tipping People Well the Consumer is trying to Illicit a Conditioned Response from the Employee. The Consumer wants the Employee to Realize that They Tip Well so that the Employee providing Them Service will Automatically do a Superior Job, and this is because the Workers Know You’re a Big Tipper thus providing an Incentive for Them to Provide Good Service. This is Absolutely No Different than Your Basic Reward System for Positively Reenforcing a Certain Desired Behavior (Example Toilet Training a Child, When They Use the Toilet Properly They are Rewarded, Same Tactics are used in Training Dogs as well).

Meanwhile on the Other End of the Perspective Spectrum a Tipping it is Perceived as a Negative System based on Bribery. First the Word Bribe is Defined as: Bribe: Persuade (Someone) to Act in one’s Favor, Typically Illegally or Dishonestly, bu a Gift of Money or Other Inducement. The Opposite Perspective is a Tip is Not an incentive for Someone to Perform Their Job Duties, but a Self Centered Bribe You offer Someone to Insure Good Service for Yourself Alone. It’s the Old Cliche of a Person getting into a Taxi and Saying “I’m in a real rush so if You can Hurry (aka if You Speed and possibly Violate some Traffic Laws) and Get Me to My Destination as Fast as You Possibly can Theres a Big Tip in it For You.” This is an Incentive its just a Negative Incentive. Its Financial Motivation for an Employee to Bend or Break Company Rules, Certain Applicable Laws, or in Some other Nefariously Way  Insure the Employee disregards Protocol to Provide the Specific Service a Particular Customer Desires. Bottomline its the Age Old Adage “IF You scratch My Back THEN I’ll scratch Yours.”  or Simply Put “IF You Do Something For ME, and I’ll do Something for You in Return” which is the Definition of a Bribe.


So in the End We can See that Our Lives Our Likes, Dislikes, Loves, Hates, Opinions, and Judgments are all Based on Our own Personal Perspectives. How We see the Situation dictates How We respond to it or How You Think about a particular Subject be it Positive or Negative in Nature. Your Perspective whatever it may be Dictates Your Perceptions of The World and People Around You at any given Time in Your Life. Having a Vast Variety of Varying Perspectives Not only Challenges, but Demands that We think for Ourselves and Ignore Outside Influences for Once. While We are a Society as a Whole Our Society is made up of Millions of Different People and They’re Different Perspectives We are Not a Collective comprised of Mindless Clones.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober  

Jones Town Death Tape (Audio)

First and Foremost this is NOT a Chronicling of Jim Jones or Jonestown. This Post serves as a Focus on just One of the Multitude of Facts, People, and Events surrounding Jonestown Massacre. If You’re Curious to Know/Learn more on the Subject We suggest Hitting up Ye Old Google for all the Gritty Details.

Here is the Most Basic of Backstories:

Jim Jones started a Cult in America called The People’s Temple that promoted Global Peace and Unity among all of Humanity. To Escape the Probing Eye of the American Government, Concerned Family Members Outside of the Cult, and Other Various Detractors Jones moved the Cult to Guyana (a Country on South America’s North Atlantic Coast). Once in Guyana Jones and His Followers commenced Building Jonestown which would be a Earthly Utopia Free from the Malevolent Evils of the War. Just like Drugs Jonestown was a Beautiful Place to Live and All was right with the World. As time passed things in Jonestown took a Dark and Ultimately Deadly Turn.

As Time Passed the Cults Detractors stayed Diligent in Their Attempt to either Rescue Members of the Cult and take them to Safety or to Shut Down Jonestown and take Jones into Police Custody. A Group consisting of Concerned Family of Cult Members, Cult Defectors, and Congressman Ryan Lee calling Themselves ‘Concerned Relatives” started Petitioning Politicians and Actively Engaging the Press for Help and Assistance in Their Mission. Finally the Group flew to Guyana to Visit Jonestown in Person to asses the Allegations of Sub Standard Living Conditions, Mental and Physical Abuse of Cult Members, and Accusations of Human Rights Violations by Reverend James Warren Jones.

The Trip was Tense and Ended with Jones Men Ambushing Ryan, the “Concerned Relatives”, and More Defectors from The People’s Temple at an Airstrip Killing Ryan along with NBC Cameraman Bob Brown, Temple Defector Patrica Parks, and Examiner Photographer Greg Robinson. In Addition to the Four Murders Nine other Members of the Group were Injured. The Attack would End Up being the Final Nail in the Jonestown Coffin.


THE DEATH TAPE: Is a 44 Minute Cassette Tape known as the “Death Tape”. It’s a Recording made on November 18, 1978, at The People’s Temple Compound in Jonestown, Guyana, Immediately Preceding and During the Mass Suicide or Murder of  The People’s Temple Followers. When it was All Said and Done 918 Cult Members Men, Women, and Children Died either by by Poisoning or Gunshot. On the Tape You Hear Jones urge Cult Members to Commit what He refers to as Revolutionary Suicide:

“You can Go Down in History Saying You Chose Your Own Way to Go, and it’s Your Commitment to Refuse Capitalism and in Support of Socialism.” 


The Poison was the Primary Method used in the Mass Suicide served to the Cult Members in a Flavored Beverage. The Beverage was Laced with Potassium Cyanide. The People’s Temple received 1/2 Pound Shipments of Cyanide every Month since 1976 when Jones acquired  a Jeweler’s License (Cyanide is Reportedly cleans Gold). The Crowd was Surrounded by Armed Guards, Offering the Cult Members the Basic Dilemma of Dying by Poison or being Shot by the Guards. As it were Not All Cult Members Drank the Poison willingly as Some were Forced to Drink it at Gun Point, and Some Unknowingly such as the Children. The Poison took Five Minutes to Kill the Children, Less than Five Minutes for Babies, and Twenty to Thirty Minutes for Adults. As for Jones Himself He committed Suicide via a Gunshot to His Right Temple.

Escaped People’s Temple member Odell Rhodes was there that Fateful Day Described the Scene of Both Hysteria and Confusion as Parents watched Their Children Die from the Poison (Jones says on the Tape “Don’t let Your Children Know They are Dying”). Rhodes also Stated the most Present Cult Members “Quietly waited Their Own Turn to Die.” and  that many of the Cult Members “Walked Around like They were in a Trance.”


Reasons For Jones Ordering the Mass Suicide:

  • Jones’s Mental Health was Declining.
  • Jones was becoming increasing Paranoid about the American Government (as well as Others) Conspiring /Plotting on How to Personally Destroy Him.
  • Jones had become Convinced the CIA and Other Government Intelligence Agencies were Conspiring with “Capitalist Pigs” to Destroy Jonestown and Harm Him and His Followers.
  • Jones was supposedly Suffering from Insomnia sometimes going Three to Four Days without Sleeping.
  • Jones Believed All Was Lost as His Mission to Build a Perfect Society Free from all Negativity was an Utter Failure.
  • Jones had just Ordered the Deadly Attack on Congressman Ryan and His Delegates earlier that Day leaving Several Dead and Injured. He Knew Retaliation for the Murders was be Inevitable since Sooner or Later someone would come Looking for Ryan and the Others.
  • Jones believed that the Children of Jonestown were going to be Captured by The American Government, and Extradited back to America where They would be Turned into Fascists.
  • Jones was at this Point was a Full Blown Drug Addict addicted to Injectable Valium, Quaaludes, Stimulants, and Barbiturates (Any Class of Sedative or Sleep Inducing Drug).


In Response to Seeing the Poison Take Effect Jones Counseled His Members Saying:

“Die with a Degree of Dignity; Don’t Lay Down with Tears and Agony.”

(Note: The Cries and Screams of Children and Adults are easily heard on the Tape Recording.)


“I Tell You, I Don’t Care how many Screams You Hear I Don’t Care how many Anguished Cries…Death is a Million times Preferable to Ten More Days of This Life. If You Knew what was ahead of You- If You Knew what was ahead of You, You’d be Glad to be Stepping Over Tonight.”

Thanks For Reading/Listening,

Presented By Les Sober  

Immortal Machine | Dystopian Animated Film (2021)

We are Thrilled to bring You “Immortal Machine”the Third of Three NEW EPISODES (that was Posted just 13 hours prior to this Post) in the Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series (which Ended in 2018 and was Revived in 2020) takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


In The Artist’s Own Words:

“You think you understand? All the lies? All the needless atrocities?… No. There is reason, and I want to show you…” Deep in the heart of Autodale lives their Mayor. As old as the town itself, a once great inventor, now a gangly and decaying but undying thing which the townsfolk have long forgotten, but continue to echo his machine-obsessed beliefs. This film follows Autodale’s Exceptional Woman as she journey’s deep down the rabbit hole of the Mayor’s Immortal Machine.


This film was one of the most challenging and taxing projects of my life. The film covers a subject matter that is extremely difficult to pull off from an artistic and technical standpoint. Nothing about the setting, characters or structure of this film was easy to do. That’s actually the reason I’ve put off tackling the heart of Autodale and the Matriarch for so long. I knew to pull it off successfully would require a tremendous amount of time, effort and artistic know-how which I didn’t feel confident I could do. It wasn’t until after finishing my previous and longest animated short film, “Friendly Shadow”, that I finally felt that I was at the skill level required for this gigantic project. I’m not in love with all of it, but overall I think it definitely succeeded. This film is extremely ambitious and grand and I’m extremely proud of the result. I really hope you guys like it too! :D”

-David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

The Morbidly Bizarre Story of leathersmokemi

There are many types of strange and disturbing things lurking from here to the four corners of the Earth. While I am a fan of Horror I am especially fond of Asian Horror in particular, and while the gory Asian movies with all the over the top geysers  of spurting blood, decapitations, mutilations , and severed limbs are good for a laugh I prefer the creepier fair. I perter the more psychological of the Asian horror genre. I like the movies that really   lingers inside your head like a dense fog that refuses to dissipate.

This is why one of the less popular pieces we did called Permanent Trip is a personal favorite of mine because it has that underlying uneasiness to it. The other day while I was wondering like a lost soul around the digital void of the internet.I was hunting for a intriguing rabbit hole to jump into with reckless abandon when something dark and extremely morbid. What I found was a gentleman named Dave who went by the user name Leathersmokemi.

The first thing that caught my immediate attention was the Dave’s manner of dress which reminded me of the heavy metal band of yesteryear Judas Priest. The second thing I noticed was Dave prolifically posted a total of 229 videos in a five year time span without taking any time off. The theme of  of Dave’s Videos showcase Dave smoking cigarettes/cigars/Both at the same. Dave also demonstrates his new and inventive ways to smoke tobacco products (for example he concocted and created a modified gas mask so that he could smoke half a pack of cigarettes all at once).

As I waded through Leathersmokemi’s library of videos it started to go from strange too disturbing. Though he is amply aware of the toxic and deadly effects of smoking tobacco he chooses to gladly and defiantly disregard the health consequences know full well what grim fate lays in store for him. As you can imagine watching Dave’s health steady decline over the course of the videos is like watching a prolonged five year suicide. Its brutally unforgiving as Dave’s body is ravaged by his extreme smoking obsession. You follow a man who in the beginning looks like a big burly biker and ends as  a withered, sickly, and skeletal looking slouched down in a wheel chair.


I selected five of Leathersmokemi’s videos for comparison purposes. Two of the videos are from the beginning of the series when Dave is at his healthiest considering he’s a avid smoking enthusiast of epic proportions. The Third video is from the around the midway point approximately two and a half years in. The fourth video is from the final leg of Dave’s imitate demise. The fifth video is the last video Leathersmoki ever posted before his death due to the cancer caused by his obsessive and chronic love of tobacco.

The painfully obvious question is why would someone chronicle last five years of their life as a smoker? What could be the possible motivation? Is this just an eccentric man in love with the art of self destruction?


Video 189.wmv Description: My return after cancer surgery.

Video title- still here still smoking (Last Video Posted before Death).

The Answer can be found in the comment sections of Leathersmokemi’s videos. Leathersmokemi’s Videos are a  extremely hardcore version of a more traditional smoking fetish. While a smoking fetish is far from anything new this version is takes it to a very dark and unspeakable place. The usual smoking fetish fair is a person dressed provocatively slowly smoking a single cigarette while flirting with the camera, and is quite innocent in nature (much like burlesque shows for example).

When I started perusing deeper into the comments section of Lethersmokemi’s videos something sinister suddenly became horribly clear. All of the comments from his fans were hyper sexualizing the detrimental effects of smoking. Their fetish wasn’t focused on a person smoking a cigarette it was solely based on the detrimental health effects from the person smoking cigarettes/cigars. They seemed to enjoy and request to hear Leathersmokemi Cough, wheeze, and his progressively strained raspy breathing. Leathersmokemi to his credit did indulge his fans and recored certain videos dedicated to certain fans.

Leathersmokemi’s small but fanatical followers were getting sexual aroused by the sound(s) of Leathersmokmi’s progressing respiratory distress. His Fans enjoyed Leathersmokimi’s physical deterioration as it was being consumed by Cancer with increasing dire delight as Leathersmokemi’s health declined. The closer he  progressed  towards his inevitable death the more frenzied his fans became. The sickly sounds appeared to Heighten their level of arousal. Their unofficial motto it seemed to be “The sicker the sexier”. Leathersmokemi’s fans dedicated to his deadly and prolonged process got heightened sexual simulation from hyper sexualizing the illnesses associated with smoking tobacco. They reveled without remorse in the detromental health effects upon a the human body. As far as I am concerned this is vast collection of Fetishized snuff videos.


You don’t have to believe us because directly below are two separate testimonial videos where Dave addresses what kind of person he is, what he like, sexual preference, His various Jobs, and his extremely obsessive smoking fetish.


Thats It.

 By Otto Rageous

News From The FYB Front

Hello Everyone,

Justin here and as you may imagine we here at the FYB  have been hyper focused like surgical fucking laser on the current states of affaires here in America. I for one am so sick of this shit I really, really fucking am. We had to wait 4 way to long years to vote out dictator wannabe and world class dipshit dumbfuck trump (if your wondering I am not capitalizing his name as a sign of the utmost disrespect). Then we had to wait several days each seeming to last for fucking EVER to get confirmation. We stupidly thought we could take 5 and catch our collective breath, but hell fucking no dickhead donnie won’t get the fuck out of the Whitehouse like a psychotic squatter.

Then on the January 6th all hell broke loose like a record setting shitquake that would snap the Richter scale like a chickens neck and we are still  suffering the aftershocks now. We now have a virtual 5 day eternity until January 20th when We will have a chance to sort this category 5 shitnado out. For that reason  you have probably noticed posting has been erratic as fuck recently. We appreciate you hanging in there with us through these growing pains.

Anyway I didn’t want to show up to the party empty handed so here’s some info from behind the FYB curtain. As part of restructuring for here at good old FYB in 2021 Les decided to delegate some of the writing for FYB’s long neglected ongoing pieces. So here’s a list of who is doing what now.

Les will continue writing Malice: the band the almost killed us all and Another Day Down At The Cock’n Balls. Basically these are all Les’s babies so in the custody battle we let him keep two.

Otto will now be responsible for writing The Deviant Detective and The Boy and The Bridge. Heads up folks with Otto at helm of DD it is going to get dark as hell fast as fuck that’s for sure. As for BTB Otto’s insane obsession with the occult, demons, devils, supernatural, and all that crazy shit will give it a whole new perspective (I’m also convinced that Otto’s version of The Boy and The Bridge is his fucking autobiography).

As for myself I will be in charge of writing Lollypop Chainsaw and Lee Johnitis: Professional People Watcher. As for my plans for these 2 pieces is to crank up the crazy factor to fucking 5,000 and let the stories run wild. You all now have front fucking tickets front row and center at the Theater of the Absurd. You’re welcome.

We collectively will continue to work together on the so called miscellaneous shit like TV Shows, Animation, Tidbits For Shits and Giggles, Cartoons, Musical shit, and Salute To Eccentrics, Strange and Disturbing Videos, Movies, and Dark Web Videos etc. etc.

We plan on reviving Short Horror Film Friday and Saturday Slasher Cinema in the near future. We also be posting additional movies as too so there that too.

Anyways that’s all that’s worth writing about so,

See you around,

Justin Sane  

Pentagram -Last Days Here

I’m a massive fan of the early Ozzy led Black Sabbath, but when I heard the Heavy/ Doom Metal band Pentagram I was awe struck. In my honest and vastly unpopular opinion that Pentagram exceeds Black Sabbath not in lyrical content but in Advanced Musical Techniques/Style of the Doom Metal. Pentagram’s music was more evolved than Black Sabbath even if both bands got their start around the same time. Based on my opinion I fully believe Pentagram and not Black Sabbath should receive the dubious honor of being the first pioneers of Heavy Metal (because without the precursor of Doom Metal then the Heavy Metal genre wouldn’t have come to be).

Last Days Here is the 2011 Documentary film featuring Bobby Liebling, lead singer of the American heavy metal band Pentagram Directed by Don Argott and Demian Fenton.


Pentagram- Last Days Here Synopsis:

Co-Director Fenton first became familiar with Liebling after listening to Pentagram’s 1970s recordings on cassette tape and the 2001 compilation First Daze Here, and enjoying the early Pentagram material. He had heard the rumors surrounding Liebling, including him living in the basement of his parent’s house and spending all day and night heavily ingesting illegal drugs.

Last Days Here follows Bobby Liebling, lead singer of Pentagram, an Alexandria, Virgina-based heavy metal group founded in 1971 and active sporadically throughout the following four decades. At the film’s beginning , Liebling is in his 50s, living in Squalor in his parents’ basement, and addicted to various drugs (Pills, Heroin, and Crack). After Pentagram’s music is rediscovered by the heavy metal underground scene, Liebling begins to recover from his lifestyle. His friend and manager Sean “Pellet” Pelletier attempts to help Liebling overcome his drug addiction and escape his old life. The film ends in 2010 with Liebling and Pentagram returning to the stage and Liebling sober, married and his new wife expecting their first child.



Heavy Metal NEVER Dies!

Presented BY Otto Rageous