WTF IS With Robert De Niro And Interviews?!!

It Simply doesn’t matter if You’re a Fan or Not Robert De Niro at this Point in Time De Niro is a World Wide American fucking Acting Icon. Seriously the Infamous Line “You Talking To Me?” said by De Niro in the 1976 Cult Classic Movie “Taxi Driver” has been Referenced in Both Film and Television Countlessly over the Years.De Niro got His start in Acting in the Early 1970’s and has had a Prolific Career that is still goin strong Today. De Niro is Proficient in a Range of Genres from Comedy to Action To Drama He can do Them All Masterfully. Over the Decades De Niro has racked up a Slew of Awards including 2 Oscars, and Garnered a Worldwide Acclaim from  Loyal Fans and Critics alike. De Niro is also Known for Cinematic  Collaborations with Renowned Director Martin Scorsese starting with 1973’s Film “Mean Streets”. Well Enough of this Acting crap this isn’t Intended to be a Biography of De Niro’s Acting Career. There’s already Endless Volumes of Information on De Niro as far as His Work in the World of Acting, but this Isn’t About De Niro’s Movies/Acting Career it’s about His Interviews.


Now a Little know Fact about De Niro outside of the Talk Show World is that He is damn near impossible to Interview. In Fact De Niro during Interviews is the Absolute Antithesis of the Saying “It’s like Pulling Teeth”. Apparently De Niro absolutely fucking HATES having to do Interviews and We do Mean HATE. Obviously De Niro Realizes that doing Interviews is a Necessary Evil when Your a Famous World Wide Acclaimed Actor. This as You may imagine is a total fucking Nightmare for the Talk Show Hosts when it came to Interviewing De Niro. On one Hand its fucking De Niro so getting the Rare Opportunity to Actually Interview someone of De Niro’s Caliber is Exciting as Hell (Not to mention a Real Career Booster). The Problem is an Interviewer’s Only Job is to get Their Guest to Open Up about Their Private Lives, Friends, Hollywood Stories/Experiences, Current Projects, Awards Etc.  which when it comes to De Niro it’s Almost Utterly Futile.

So One is left wondering exactly What the fuck is Going on and Here’s how We see it. First Off De Niro doesn’t Volunteer Jack Shit as He will Never Initiate a Conversation on His Own Volition, but that’s just the fucking Tip of the Iceberg as it were. During Interviews De Niro’s Body language often seems to be Rather Aggressive. He sits slightly Angled and Sort of Slumped down in the Seat which conveys a feeling of Disgust and Contempt for the Whole Affair. Not to Mention 90% of the Time while being Interviewed De Niro’s Face is Blank, Cold, and Emotionless (thought Once in a Blue Moon it does appear that He has a Slight Smirk). The Worst Part for the Host is De Niro answers the Simplest to the Most Profound Questions an Interviewer can think of with in One or Two Word Answers. This must fucking Terrifying for the Host Who is on Live Television with an Insanely Famous Actor that People fucking Love to Death and He Refuses to Open Up. If lets say a Host about Something that Happened on a Movie Set, and instead of Elaborating on the Subject De Niro responds with a Answer like “Yup”, “Sure”, or “That’s Right”.


So what the fuck is the Bottomline Here? Why is De Niro for all Intents and Purposes being such a fucking Dick over being Interview? Well We believe We have stumbled upon the Answer and the Answer is Simple as They come. You see since De Niro Hates Interviews but He Ultimately has to do Them from Time to Time SO He’s just Amusing Himself by fucking with the Host. De Niro is well aware of the Situation so Instead of Participating De Niro acts Standoffish and Stubborn. De Niro knows the Host is Freaking the fuck Out on the Inside and at Some Point more than likely Believes (Since the Interview is so Shitty) that They probably will get fucking fired. So what the fuck are We basing this Answer Upon Exactly and that’s a Great Question So We’ll tell you. We came to Our Conclusion that De Niro Amuses Himself by seriously fucking with the Host/interviewer by Observing De Niro’s Eyes.

We don’t know if it’s True that the Eyes are the Window to the Soul, But We do Know that Eyes are the fucking Narc of Human Body. If You’ve been Drinking, Getting High as a fucking Kite, or Lying Your ass off Your Eyes will Narc You out in a fucking Heartbeat. People’s Eyes also convey Their Emotions, Personality Traits, and General Health as well as Reveal a Person’s Level of Interest and Engagement. The Last thing We will say on the Topic of Biology and Eyes is that (even though We have 5 Separate Senses) We get 90% of Our information about the World Around Us Via Our Eyes. Thus De Niro’s Eyes contradict His Aggressive Body Language, Hostile Standoffishness, and Expressionless Face. During Interviews De Niro’s Eyes are the Most Active Part of His Body as  They Dart around as He Assess the Situation, and the Mental State of the Host due to Him being so fucking Uncooperative. If You watch De Niro’s Eyes during an Interview You start to Notice that He in fact Seems Delighted by the Havoc He is Creating. So win Summation De Niro hates Interviews so His Unusual Behavior is Nothing More than De Niro Entertaining Himself to get Through the Interview.

It is What it Is,

  By Les Sober

Electric Wizard

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring The Animated Series  THE ELECTRIC WIZARD by Eoin O’ Kane (Aka eoin O kane Which is not the Most Original User Name). Now it was fucking Fustrating as a True Motherfucker Attempting to find ANY fucking Information on Eoin O’ Kane. The Main Problem is when We Searched for Eoin O’ Kane We got Bombarded by Bullshit for Some Shrink named fucking Owen O’Kane. Almost EVERYTHING on Eoin Directs You Directly to Their Youtube Channel, But No Other fucking Social Media Platform. Now We did Locate a Linkedlen for a Person named Eoin O’Kane which just Simply didn’t Add up Compared to the Youtube Channel.

Now on the Topic of the eoin O kane Youtube Channel the Channel’s Stats are as Follows. The Channel has a Minuscule 1.48k Subscribers,, a Total of 13 Videos, has 46,625 Views, and Joined Youtube on November 5, 2018.

Plot: The Animated Short featuring THE ELECTRIC WIZARD and THE COSMIC SHREDDER as They Venture Forward to Their New Favorite Drinking Hole, “THE LAIR OF THE GOLDEN KING”, Only to Find that They have been Banned for Their previous Shenanigans.

Plot: THE ELECTRIC WIZARD and the COSMIC SHREDDER decide to have a Relaxing Day Out at Their local Theme Park, “THRASHWORLD”. The WIZARD immediately falls in Love with the Sheer Brutality and Pure Metalness of the Park. However, Their Fun is spoiled when the Owner of the Theme Park, THE GOD OF THRASH, is informed that He has Lost His Title as the MOST BRUTAL BEING IN ALL THE LAND. Thrown into a Fit of Rage THE GOD OF THRASH is Out for THE ELECTRIC WIZARD’S Head.

Plot: Upon returning the Prism of Insight to its Rightful Owner, Zeflon, the Most Intelligent Being in all the Universe, THE WIZARD and THE COSMIC SHREDDER ask for Directions to the Nearest Pub. Zeflon obliges, However , Things Don’t Go as Planned.

THE ELECTRIC WIZARD – Episode 4 Plot: THE ELECTRIC WIZARD and THE COSMIC SHREDDER encounter an Evil Cult on the Infamous Doom Mountain. THE ELECTRIC WIZARD decides to put a Stop to the Cult’s Nefarious Plan of pulling in a Meteor from Deep Space and Smashing it into the Planet when He realizes His Beloved Whisky Factory is in the Firing Line.

It Is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Mark Zuckerberg’s Acid Bucket Challenge

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring MARK ZUCKERBERG’S ACID BUCKET CHALLENGE by Lee Hardcastle.

Why? Because Fuck Facebook, Fuck Threads, Fuck Instagram, Fuck Meta, and Most of All FUCK MARK ZUCKERBERG.

If You Don’t Know Lee Hardcastle he is an Insanely fucking Prolific British Animator/Film Maker who Specializes in All Types of Stop-Motion Techniques, and has VOWED NEVER TO INSULT HIS AUDIENCE with shitty Film Making!

Lee Hardcastle in His Own Words:

“My name’s Lee Hardcastle, a claymation degenerate from the UK who started a YouTube channel after graduating Film School. I make claymations that are not for children’s eyes, I specialize in claymation for mature audiences. If you’re under 18, you should leave.”  -Lee Hardcastle-

It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Grifter (Original Raw Footage)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Video featuring the Insane and Original THE GRIFTER. This is one of those Videos that some People would Label  “Nightmare Fuel”, and with is Unnerving Audio, Bizarre Imagery, and Ominous Feel it’s Easy to See Why Some People would say that. THE GRIFTER is one of those Almost Mythical pseudo Creepypasta that has Garnered a Great Deal of Attention, Speculation, and Tons of Wannabe Explanation Videos over the Years.


As the Story goes Perspective Viewers are Severely Warned NOT to watch THE GRIFTER because the Images in the Video will Linger in Their Minds for the Rest of Their fucking Lives. Some Alleged Side Effects can include Loss of Appetite, Insomnia, Alienate Yourself from Friends/Family, Vivid Nightmares that Boarded on Full Blown Night Terrors, Hallucinations, and Psychological Trauma among Other Things. That’s Not all as One Person claimed that Their Friend watched THE GRIFTER and Ultimately Committed Suicide by Slitting His Wrists. While Another Person claimed that All Previous Viewers of THE GRIFTER have been Murdered in Their Homes.


It’s Alleged that THE GRIFTER video Depicts a Horrendous Murder, Brutal Torture, Demonology, Cryptic Cult, and Human Sacrifices consisting of Babies. Well all We can say on this is We Watched THE GRIFTER Numerous Times and that’s one Hell of a List of Sick Shit in a Video with a Total Run Time of 68 Seconds. Now While all these Twisted Topics provide the Viewers with a Morbid Curiosity are They Actually Real?! We think it is Far Beyond Safe to assume these Ideas are/were Derived from People’s Imagination After Watching and Nothing Else.

It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation “The Price Of Ecstasy Is Pain”

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Song “The Price Of Ecstasy Is Pain” by Yonder Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory. Now this is One of Those Posts where due to the fact YCRF is in an Extreme Music Niche there isn’t much Information Out there on Them. YCRF is part of a Sub Genre of Grindcore Known as Animegrind so Information is Scarce. For those Who may be Unaware of the Genre here is a Brief Synopsis of Animegrind. Common Animegrind Themes are a Preoccupation with Pitch-Shifted or Extreme Low Guttural Vocals, Murder,  Gore Galore, Intense Violence, Mutilation, Anime/Anime Themed Art, Death, Bodily Fluids, Sexual Fetishes, Hentai inspired Lyrics, Destruction, Forensic Pathology, and Blisteringly Fast Tempos. While Other Grindcore Sub Genre like Goregrind or Pornogrind utilize Grotesque, Nauseating, Sexually Violent, Gore Driven, and Often Misogynistic illistrations Animegrind utilizes Various Variants of Disemboweled Anime School Girls (like Those see in Pro Guro or Erotic Gore Mangas, and Japanese Hentai Films often Combine Sex and Violence are used as a Backdrop). With that Said here is All the Information on YCRF that We were able to Scrap Together from Our Notes.


Yandere Chainsaw Regurgitation Factory:

  • Real Name Andrew Gonzales
  • YCRF is a One Man Project like Putrid Pile for Example (We have a Putrid Pile in Concert in Our Obscene Extreme Post in Our Music Section).
  • Based in Tehachapi, Kern County, California.
  • Years Active 2001-Present
  • Label: Impaled Ximena Records
  • Themes: Sadism, Gore, Extreme Violence, Sick Humor, and Anime.
  • Musical Aspects: Brutally Guttural Vocals, Explosive Down Tuned Riffs, and Anime Themes.
  • Though YCRF is in Fact a Animegrind Act but YCRF has also been mistaken for Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, and Slamming Brutal Death Metal.
  • YCRF define Themselves Specifically as a “Weeb Slamming Animegrind”
  • Weeb is a Slang Term used to refer to Someone who is Obsessed with Japanese Culture, Particularly Anime and Manga. Weeb is a Term used in a Mocking or Derogatory manner.


It is What it IS,

  Presented By Les Sober  

And This Fucking Guy

When it comes to Neighbors the one thing I have Learned over the years is They are more fucking Trouble then they are Worth. There are Exceptions to the Rule that is True, but as a General Rule of Thumb is Neighbors are a Necessary Evil. Don’t get Me Wrong here I’m not an Out and Out asshole or anything like that. I’ll through up a Cursory Wave Hello when I see My Neighbors to be Polite and all that, YET I’m intentionally trying Not to get to know Them. The Primary reason Neighbors are fucking Dicks is if You give Them an Inch They’ll take a motherfucking Mile. Neighbors Request for Favors quickly becomes Completely fucking Unrealistic and overly Demanding of Your Time. It can Start with something as Little like Your Neighbor Borrowing something Small like a Rake or Some Other benign Bullshit. Then the Next thing You know They’re asking You to Help Them Move, Take Them to the Airport, Babysit Their Crappy Kids, House Sit while They’re on Vacation Etc.

I have an Advantage when its comes to Annoying Neighbors since Where I live currently 80% of the Houses in My Neighborhood are Empty almost all Year Long. This is because the Majority of Homes Here are Vacation Homes so the Owners Actually live Farther away in more Populated Areas. There are however a Handful of Residents that do in fact Live Here Full Time. I recently met One of these Full Timers just the Other Day and it was Nothing Short of a Supreme Shitshow.  Let’s Start at the Beginning for Clarity Purposes if Nothing Else. So this is the Story of My Dumbfuck Neighbor Named Anthony Who I Dubbed Anthony The Asshole, and You’ll see Why but he End of the Story.


It all fucking Started on a fucking Friday when Anthony decided that Moving into a Wooded Area wasn’t to His liking Anymore. Thus Anthony Hired a LARGE Tree Maintenance Crew to Cut Down EVERY fucking Tree on His 2 Plus Acre Lot. Now these weren’t just Typical Trees these fuckers were Old as fuck. I mention the Age of the Trees because the Older the Tree the Bigger, and Anthony’s Trees were No Joke 60-100 Feet Tall. Due to the Number and Size of the fucking Trees the Crew started at 7:00am and Worked Until it got to Dark which was about 8-8:30 pm since it was Summer at the Time. So All fucking Weekend at the Asscrack of Dawn the Crew would Start. Once They Started the Rest of the Day was Dominated by Extremely fucking Loud Mechanical Noises (Example: Wood Chippers, Chainsaws, Yelling at Each other because They couldn’t Hear over Their Own fucking Noise and More).

Now the thing is that while They did Throw a ton of Branches and shit into the Giant Wood Chipper, and as is the Habit around here They piled up the Small Twigs/Branches and Burned Them. When it came to the Huge ass Stripped Tree Trunks They cut Them into 20 plus foot Segments so that They could be Transported via Log Truck to the Near by Lumber Mill. Accept that Didn’t happen since legitimately Trucking out the Trunks would Cost a Pretty fucking Penny that’s for Sure. So Asshole Anthony had a Very Different fucking Idea about how He would Deal with the Situation and Save Money.

At this Point I’m going to take a Brief Pause because there is an Important fucking Detail Pertaining to the Story. Behind My House is an Old Dirt Road that was Built in Anticipation of a Multiple Home Building Project. For whatever Reason 30 some odd Years ago the Housing Construction Project Failed (and it Failed Massively) yet the Dirt Road Remained. On the Other Side of the Dirt Road in a Large Section of Woods that is Owned by the County. The Point being that I, Nor do Any of My Neighbors, Own that Section of Woods so there is Nothing We can do about what Happens on that certain Piece of Property. The issue with the Woods is that People are Lazy as fuck so They just Dump Their Yard Trash (and sometimes Leftover Construction Supplies like Nails, Broken Windows, Scraps of Wood etc) into the aforementioned Woods. Well Anthony decided that instead of Paying to have the Tree Trunks Transported Off/Away He opted to Line the Dirt Road with Them.


Normally I wouldn’t give a Good goddamn what the fuck Anthony was doing, BUT I don’t want to Sit on My fucking Back Porch and Stare at the Rotting Tree Trunks. I went about contacting Several Other Neighbors Who’s Houses also have the Dirt Road running behind Them Too. They all were Pissed Off because No One wants to look at Decaying Tree Trunks, and it’s Also a fucking Disrespectful (Not to mention Insulting) thing to do. By Dumping the Tree Trunks in such a Manner Anthony was Effectively saying “FUCK YOU ALL I’LL DO WHAT I WANT REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU THINK!” which was the Core Reason that Everyone was Insanely Pissed Off. We all agreed this was a bullshit Situation, and that We would Contact the Appropriate County Office to come out and Deal with it since it was Their Land. The issue We faced was when We called No Actual Person ever Answered and We were Directed to leave a Message. As You May have Guessed No One ever gave Us a Call back regardless of How many time We called or Messages We Left.

At fucking Last My Next Door Neighbor actually ran into a County Employee named Will while at the Grocery Store of all Places. Once Will learned what was going on He replied there was Nothing He could do since the County doesn’t give a shit. He explained there were a shit load of Various Parcels of Land around the Entire County that the County Owned, and that They Didn’t care about Any of it or Maintain. Will did throw Us a Bone by giving Us the number to Some Higher Up that We could Contact. Though Will warned Us  that it Most likely wouldn’t Accomplish jack shit. We called anyway and Will was absolutely right it was Utterly Useless. Whoever the Higher Up was essentially repeated Exactly what Will had Said. Thus left with No recourse Everyone got  even more Bent about the Situation and That was That. Well Not Exactly as Far as I was Concerned and Not by a Long Shot.


I admit I have a a Seriously Bad fucking Temper combined with a Love of Revenge which is a Volatile Combination. My problem was I couldn’t Handle this Issue the way(s) I Normally would because BOTH Anthony and I are full time Residents. Not to mention I can see the motherfucker’s House down the way from My fucking Front Porch. So I knew it would be Best not to Start a Lengthy Fight that could Evolve into a fucking Feud which is Still a thing around Here. Not to Mention that it would Inevitably make Both Anthony and My Lives Miserable and would End Badly. Now What I wanted to do was Storm on Down to Anthony’s House, Knock on His Door, and When He Answered Stab Him in the fucking Face with a Rusty Fork. Now Obviously Violent Rage Fueled Impulsive Behavior can Only lead to One being either Arrested, as well as Possibly Injured or Killed, which is/are Detrimentally Counterproductive.

Still I couldn’t just Sit on My ass and Not do a Goddamn thing about this Ridiculous Bullshit. First I took a look in My Garage Diligently poking around until I found what I was Searching for a Can of Bright Red Spray Paint. Once I had Acquired the Spray Paint I then Proceeded to Tag Every fucking Tree Trunk that Anthony Lined Up along the Side of the fucking Road with “<—–262 WTF” (262 is Anthony’s House Number). I did this so Any and Everyone would know Who the Asshole was responsible for this Shit Show. You see with My fucking Luck some Santee County Clerk would actually give enough of a shit to Check the Land, and then get in My fucking Face about it like it’s My Fault.

Then I decided to go the Public Shaming Route which was a New Tactic for Me as I prefer to Run in Head First with Guns fucking Blazing. Needless to say I had a Great Deal of Homework to do on the Subject of Public Shamming and Not wanting to Waste Any Time got right to it. I found out rather Quickly that My Small Town utilizes Social Media with a Facebook Page as well as Using the NextDoor App. I then took to My Laptop and Posted the Entire Story on Both Platforms Calling Anthony Out by Name. It is important to Inform Readers that I used My Real Name on Both Posts. I didn’t Use a Fictitious Username and I didn’t Opt to use an “Anonymous” Option I have No Reason to Lie or Hide behind a Screen. If I call someone out on Their bullshit then I Always use My Real Name as Well since it’s Only Fair.

In a Matter of just a Few fucking Minutes Other Neighbors as well as Town Residents Chimed in. They were All in Agreement that Anthony was a Dick and What He did was an Asshole Move no doubt about it. At this Point I was Glad that I had Used the Spray Paint since I had No fucking Idea if Anthony Used Facebook or NextDoor in the First Place. 48 Hours Passed after the Spray Paint and Social Media Public Shaming when it Produced Real Results. It started with Anthony showing up in Person while I was Working on My Front Porch enjoying the Favorable Weather.

Now My Porch is Elevated so it has a Stair Case leading up from the Driveway with a Gate at the Top. Once Anthony got Out of His Car (I don’t know why the Lazy Bastard didn’t just fucking Walk Over) and Approached the Stairs I instructed Him to Stop in His Tracks. I then Announced that Anthony could Stay exactly where the fuck He Stood as I wanted to take Immediate Control of the in suing Conversation. To His credit Anthony Obliged and Remained were He was for the Duration of Our Encounter. Anthony then Stated that He did in fact see the Spray Painted Tree Trunks and Realized He had Pissed Someone Off. As Soon as He was Done with His Initial Statement I informed Him He was Correct and that Person He pissed off was Me.


Once Anthony knew it was Me He pissed off He launched into this Babbling Rant ironically about what a fucking Great Neighbor He is. He told Me that He does Favors for His/Our Neighbors all the Time like Cutting Their Lawn for Example, and that the Neighborhood Loved Him as a Whole. At this Point I was thinking to Myself what a Load of Happy Horseshit that Part of the Rant was. I have Lived here 7 Plus Years and I have NEVER seen Anthony lift a fucking Finger to Help Anyone but Himself. I continued to Listen to Anthony’s unending Line of Bullshit as He Claimed that He did indeed Talk to all the Neighbors about His Plans to Line the Road behind Our Houses. Anthony then mad the Claim that All of the Other Neighbors all Signed off on it with No Problem.

When Anthony allegedly came to Talk to Me about His Shitty Plan that I wasn’t Home at the Time. Now My Problem with Anthony’s Claims started with the Fact that more than Half the Houses in Question are Vacation Homes. That means they are Empty at least 90% of the Year basically anytime Outside of Summer. So how the fuck did Anthony discuss a damn thing with the Owners since the Houses are fucking Vacant?! The Second Problem with Anthonys Lame Claims is if I wasn’t Home when He stopped by then Why the fuck didn’t He come Back at a Later Date when I was Home. Not to Mention He could have Left a Note stating He would like to Talk to Me about His Landscaping Plan. Also Anthony could have jumped on Social Media Himself to Contact any of the Neighbors in Question. The Fact is according to His Story Anthony came by Once, I wasn’t there, and Anthony decided to fuck off without Notice and Chose Not to Double Back to Inform Me of anything.

The Next thing Anthony said was One of the Dumbest fucking things I have ever heard someone Say. While it is True that People illegally Dump shit in the Woods Anthony’s Plan to Combat the Problem was Straight up Stupid. Anthony told Me that to Help Cut down on illegal Dumping was to Create a Barrier along the Side of the Road. This New Barrier was/is Supposed to Help Deter Trash Dumping Dipshits. Now it is Painfully fucking Obvious even to a Blind Man that Creating Anthony’s Tree Truck Barrier was Utterly Useless. Did Anthony actually Believe that Excuse would Work I’ll never be sure.

I listened to Anthony’s Self Serving Speech with an Expressionless Face (which You would think would Tip Anthony off)since I obviously wasn’t buying His Bullshit. Anthony went on and on about How Allegedly He was a fucking Superstar going Above and Beyond to Help the Neighborhood (in Any and Every way He possibly could). Anthony babbled on about how much He loves and Supports the Neighborhood Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, and More Bullshit. When He was Finished Anthony was Smiling like a Scammer who thinks He’s got a Mark on the Hook. I deliberately took a Moment before I replied solely to throw Anthony off His Game. Apparently this Worked like a fucking Charm as Anthony’s Body Language indicated that He was Unsure of the Situation. You see Fear of the Unknown is a Powerful fucking Thing and Anthony was Obviously trying to Figure Out what I might Say/Do. I damn well knew Anthony was getting Rather Anxious because He kept shifting His Weight from Foot to Foot like a Nervous Child who just got Caught. Now it was My fucking Turn to State My Opinion pertaining to the Situation at Hand. I made sure to Stare Anthony directly in Eyes even though He was Wearing some Cheap Oakley Knockoff Sunglasses. I wanted to Convey to Anthony that even if He hid His Eyes it wasn’t Intimidating  Me in the fucking Least.


Let Me take a Brief Moment to Explain the Sunglass Comment I just made. As Humans (Who are Social Animals) We are Greatly Unaware that We take a Shit Ton of Social Cues from watching People’s Eyes. Thus when You are Conversing/Interacting with a Person whose Eyes are Hidden, again Aware of it or Not, it makes Your Primal Brain quite Anxious as it is Deprived of a Prime Source of Information. Have You ever Wonder Why a lot of Cops (Especially State Troopers) utilize Wearing Sunglasses for Example? Well It’s simply because it puts People on Edge which may Help Them Narc Themselves Out if They have actually Broken the Law. The Bottomline is wearing Sunglasses in the Case of Anthony or the Police is an Intimidation Tactic, and like I fucking said I wasn’t Intimidated by Anthony by any means. So let’s get back to the fucking Story.

I coldly in a Low Controlled Almost Emotionless Tone (invoking My Best controlled Rage Technique which is indeed Creepy) let Anthony Know where I stood. It is an Unnerving Technique to say the fucking Least. This is due to the Fact While the a Person is Acting Civil it gives the impression that at Any Moment They might Suddenly Attack. This is a Tactic I use Frequently to Convey a “Don’t Fuck With Me” Attitude during any type of possible Confrontation. I also use an Unyielding Stare Sun Glasses or Not, and Keep a Straight Face so Facial Expressions are put on the Back Burner.

The first thing I addressed in was the Fact (as I said Previously) I nor My Wife, or Our Neighbors had Never seen Anthony do anything for Anyone in the Neighborhood. I then Bluntly pointed out the Fact that if We weren’t Home when He Stopped by Why didn’t He try to Reach Us at a Later Date?  The Fact was He was the one who didn’t do Jack Shit about it and I don’t Believe for a Second Anthony even Stopped by in the First fucking Place Anyway.

After that I went on to State that I was damn well Aware that Anthony didn’t have Permission to do Shit on the County’s Land. I told Anthony I knew He did this simply to Avoid Paying to have the Trunks Cut up and Hauled away, and that Instead He dumped His Yard Trash along the Side of the Road. You see Anthony was well fucking aware as well that the County didn’t give a Flying Fuck so They wouldn’t get up in His face. I assume Anthony also thought None of His Neighbors would take Acceptation to His Plan/Actions so He could get Away with it. Anthony cut in Suggesting that if I was Angry about the Tree Trunks that He would go ahead and Move them. I replied that there was Not a Chance in Hell that I believed for a fucking Second that Anthony would Dispose of the Logs Elsewhere. If there was a better Alternative Place Anthony could have Dumped His Yard Trash then WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T HE DUMP HIS SHIT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!! That Statement Floored Anthony as He realized on the Spot that He had fucked over His Own Argument. I stood Silently for a Moment or Two watching this Realization Sink in as Anthony was Desperately attempting to come up with a Valid Reply which there wasn’t. I finished what I had to Say with the Fact that what Anthony did was Insulting, Disrespectful, Self Centered, Self Serving, His Story was Pathetic, and He is a Bad Bullshit Artist.

Since Anthony wasn’t going to Convince Me of Anything and I was going to Keep Anthony Squirming on the Hook over Possible Consequences for His Actions I decided enough was enough. As Anthony continued to look as Uncomfortable as a Pregnant Nun in Church I told Him I had Heard His side of the Story and He had Heard Mine. I went on to Say Obviously there was No fucking Point in having this Conversation anymore as We were at an Impossible Impasse, and that I had Other shit to Do. I then stood on My Porch rather Awkwardly as Anthony Accepted Defeat and fucked off Home which He did but He Dragged His ass doing it. Is this the End of the Story? More than likely Not as I just need to Find the Most ViablePath of Recourse that will Settle their Score, Keep Me out of Trouble, and Not lead to a Prolonged Feud with the fucking Neighbors. Once I do Anthony and I will See Each other again Face to Face and I will Reap the Closure I so Rightfully fucking Deserve.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Absurdly Awesome Horror Short SPOON vs. SPOON by Richard Gale. SPOON vs. SPOON serves as the sequel to Gale’s 2008 10 Minute Horror Short titled The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon. Now You hear this a lot and Most People just Shrug it Off, but if You haven’t seen HSMEI You should definitely Go Watch it First (HSMEI is Conveniently Posted Here on FYB) before watching SPOON vs. SPOON.

In SPOON vs. SPOON We catch up with the Main Character a Forensic Pathologist named Jack Cucchiaio who is still being Mercilessly Preyed Upon every moment of His Life by Ginosaji. Ginosaji, meaning Silver Spoon is Japanese, is an Immortal, Invincible, and Relentless Supernatural Fiend who is Hell Bent on Beating Jack to Death with a Common Spoon. Attempting to Free Himself from Ginosaji Jack takes the Advice of a Viewer and Arms Himself with a Spoon to Combat Gonosaji. Unfortunately for Jack things Do Not go according to Plan resulting in Ginosaji becoming even Stronger then Before!



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Backrooms Found Footage #2

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS FOUND FOOTAGE #2 which was/is Been Posted to the Async Channel Yesterday Afternoon. BACKROOMS FOUND FOOTAGE #2 is the Latest Installment of a Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence as Well as Our Original Post on the Backrooms Creppypasta.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research?

As it Turns Out there is a Second Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

So Then What The Fuck Is Our Point Pertaining To A-Sync Research?

The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There are Small Harder to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s for Each Respective Video.

Our Opinion On THE BACKROOMS Series/Videos/Channels:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that was Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast. Oddly Enough We seem to be in a Gray Area Impasse as far as the Continuation of the Series. The Last Backrooms (Backrooms – Betrayal) was apparently the Last of the Lost Cameraman Chris Footage it left Many wondering if the Series was indeed Over. Then there is this Additional Video and No One is certain what it may or May Not Signify going Forward, BUT for Now Apparently there are or will be several Additional Found Footage Videos.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Salad Fingers 13: Harvest

Welcome To Today’s FYB Post featuring Salad Fingers 13: Harvest the Latest Installment (Uploaded on September 27th) of the Salad Fingers Series By David Firth. For those Who May be Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom we are a Hugh Fans of of here at FYB. The Word NIGHTMARE is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Synopsis: Harvest begins with Salad Fingers preparing for what He calls “The Grand Feast” which He is Hosting, and Hopes that He can Move Up the Social Latter. Salad Fingers Crops are Virtually Nonexistent so He Ends Up Praying to Grandma Growth for Help. A While Later Salad Fingers develops a Parasitic Face on His back that can Talk, and Starts to Evolve Over Time into Mini Fingers. Salad Fingers starts to Train and Educate Mini Fingers but Mini Fingers has a Grim Hidden Agenda of His Own.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober

Enough Of The Fucking Surfing The Dark Web Videos.

As We are all aware in the YouTube Universe there are a Myriad of Different Genres so Basically if You Name it and You can Find it. Ever since the General Public was made Aware of the Existence of the Dark Web People have become fucking Obsessed about it. And Why Not it’s in Our Nature to be Drawn to things that Mystify, Alarm Us, Scare Us, or is Dangerous/Forbidden/Taboo. At this Point in Time the Dark Web has a Reputation that’s Almost an Urban Legend unto Itself. Now the Dark Web Genre has remained Pretty fucking Popular and which has its Own Subgenres.

For Example the Dark Web Mystery Box Videos where a YouTuber Orders a Box Off the Dark Web with Unknown Contents. Then when it Arrives They Open it on Camera/Live Stream and Reveal the Contents of Said Box. There Also there are Cautionary Tales from of Dark Web in the form of Horror Stories, and These Stories have a rather fucking generic Template. These Stories are about Someone who went on the Dark Web, Fucked Around, and Subsequently Something Seriously fucked up Happened to Them. They’re Dark Web Educational Videos where a YouTuber Breaks Down the Levels of the Internet from the Surface Web to the Dark Web. They then Usual finish the Video Warning Against Ever accessing the Dark Web and that its Insanely Dangerous to fuck around with Period.

Today the Dark Web Subgenre We will be Addressing are the Plentiful Surfing the Dark Web Videos. These Type of Videos are Simplistic to make and Unfortunately They’re Basically fucking Identical to One Another. The Videos start with the YouTuber Hyping the Dangers of all the Crazy Shit found on the Dark Web. The YouTuber then talks about Security (VPN) and Software (Tor) You need or should have if You plan on Venturing onto the Dark Web. After that the YouTuber typically says some Corny shit like “So We’re going to Surf the Dark Web so You Don’t have to” and Off We go. The YouTuber Logs onto the Dark Web and Immediately Hits up Hidden Wiki and Explains that its like Wiki, but for Demented Dark Web Sites. Next thing after Hitting Up Hidden Wiki said YouTuber Scrolls around Listing the Usual Sick and Twisted Dark Web Sites or Topics that People are Fascinated with.

Here are the Aforementioned Popular Dark Web Topics/Sites/Subjects:

Let’s just Address the fucking Elephant in the Room First and Foremost. It’s fucking Revolting that the Largest Group of Scumfucks on the Dark Web are fucking Sleezy fucking Pedophiles. Due to the Utterly Insane Concentration of Pedophiles inhabiting the Dark Web means unfortunately the Largest Category on the Dark Web is Child Pornography (CP). In Our Opinion these Vile Motherfucking Pieces of Shit should be Hunted Down, Dragged Out into the Street, Exposed to the World/Community, Beaten Mercilessly, and then Publicly Executed with it being Streamed Live on the Internet, Shown in Real Time on TV, and Announced Play by Play on the Radio.

Another Big Time Dark Web Category is Drugs because People love Drugs. People love taking Drugs, Talking About Drugs, and Inventing/Finding New Drugs to Experiment with. As far as We are Concerned While it is Tempting to Attempt to Score Drugs Off the Dark Web from the Anonymity of Home, yet it’s an Absolutely Retarded thing to Do. With that Said We Believe Wholeheartedly that if You try to Score Drugs from the Dark Web 1 of 3 Things will Happen. First You get Ripped Off when You send the Funds and the Recipient Grabs the Cash and Vanishes. Second if You actually do Order Drugs off the Dark Web and Receive it in the Mail there is a HUGE chance that whatever the fuck was Sent is Fake or Contaminated (Example:The Addition of Fentanyl especially in Heroin). The Last Option is the Acceptation to The Rule Personifiedwhich would be if You order Drugs, Receive Them, and They are Real and Uncontaminated.

Now the Only Acceptation to the Rule when it came to Scoring Drugs Off the Dark Web was the Dark Web Site Known as Silk Road. Silk Road had a Unique insurance Policy when it came to Protecting the Customer as well as Their Cash. The Policy was Simple but Incredibly Effective as it Manifested in just One Singular Rule: Don’t Rip Off Silk Road’s Customers! To Enforce this Policy if a Dealer Stole Someones Cash or Sent Them Fake Shit or Total Garbage the Dealer in Question would be Banned from the Site Permanently. So why the fuck did the Various Drug Dealers Comply with this Policy? Well its an Easy Answer Silk Road was so Successful and Profitable Dealers Didn’t want to get Banned because They would lose a Major Source of Income.

Another sought after Dark Web Category is Guns because like Drugs People have an Intense Affinity for Firearms. The Odd thing about the Firearms Category is that in Reality it’s much Smaller than You would Think. Most of the Weapons Advertised for Sale are mainly Hand Guns, but once in a Blue Moon You can come Across Something Unusual and Completely Unrealistic such as an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). Once again in Our Opinion if You Order a Gun off the Dark Web Chances are You’re going to get Ripped Off and That’s it. The Other Possibility is if You Buy a Gun off the Dark Web and it Arrives there is a Very Good Chance that it’s been Used in a Crime or Worse used in a Murder. If the Gun You Purchased has in fact been Used in a Crime or Homicide and the Authorities get involved that Crime/Murder You’ll be Held Responsible. It’s Extremely Hard to Claim Your Innocence if You’re in Possession of the Gun in Question.

There is Yet Another Hot Dark Web Topic which are the Hitman For Hire Sites. Now it’s Pretty fucking Safe to Assume that (even though it isn’t Out of the Realm of Possibility) these Sites are 100% Unadulterated Horseshit. As Far as We are Concerned these Sites are a Total fucking Scam. This is the Easiest fucking Way to Steal some Gullible Dipshit’s Money because all You have to do is Create the Site. Then You just List a Bunch of Sinister Services that are Complete Bullshit that’s made the fuck up or Stolen Straight out of a Shitty B Action Movie. These Sites make the Owners feel like Dark Web Badasses when in Reality They’re the People who got Picked On in High School. Not to Mention there is a Very Good Chance that the alleged Hitman besides being a Thief could be a Cop or Government Agent. The Authorities have been Known to Lurk on the Dark Web Posing as Hitmen to Entrap an Unknowing Idiot.

Speaking of People for Hire Off the Dark Web the Other Category besides Hitmen For Hire are the Hackers For Hire. This may seem More Tangible than trying to Hire a Real Life Hitman, but it is None the Less 99% Bullshit. Again More than Likely Your Money will be Stolen and that’s the End of That. There is also the Threat that a Hacker You communicate with or Hire could be a Shitbag Criminal who would end up Hacking You and Your Shit. Just like with the Hitmen For Hire the Hackers For Hire could Very Well be a Police Officer posing as a Hacker in which case Your getting Your ass Arrested. Now there is a SLIGHT Possibility that there are indeed Actual Real Hackers For Hire on the Dark Web, but They are damn near impossible to Locate in a Dark Web Sea of Scummy Shit filled with Fakes, Fraudsters, Thieves, and Scammers.

If there is a Number One Category that Contributes to the Urban Legend Reputation is the Mythical and Mysterious RED ROOMS. Red Rooms are something Straight Out of a Torture Porn Horror Movie where an Unknown Victim is Kidnapped and Held Captive. Then at a Predesignated Date and Time the Victim is Tortured and Killed in Real Time on a Dark Wed Livestream. No Matter What Red Rooms are Pay-Per-View, but that’s Not the Darkest Part of Red Rooms. Allegedly those who are into Red Rooms are able to Pay more then the Basic Viewing Fee for Certain Perks such as Being able to Instruct the Torturer to Preform Particular Acts (Example: Cut Off Nose, Break Legs, Kneecap Etc.). For all Their Ominous Show Boating and in spite that they are a Morbid Curiosity Not a Single fucking Real Red Room is Real, and there is Absolutely No proof or Evidence of any Actual Red Room EVER Existing. In Our Opinion the Bottomline is Red Rooms are just Horror Themed Nightmare Fuel for the Masses and are Fictitious as Unicorns.

The Point of it All is that Yes while there Plenty of Fake Shit run by Thieves on the Dark Web there are Serious fucked up Sites and even More fucked up Users. Bottomline if You wouldn’t Walk through a Shitty Neighborhood in the Middle of the Night without a Phone or Weapon then Stay the fuck Off the Dark Web.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober