A Drunken Case Of Mistaken Identity

For those of Us that Drink Alcoholic Beverages like Myself We all have had Drunken Mishaps Along the Way. Everything from Drunken Phone Calls professing Undying Love to an Irritated Ex to Vomiting to a Full Blown Bar Room Brawl We’ve all been there at Least Once when Alcohol is Involved. This is one of those Not so Proud Moments during a Night Out Drinking like there was No Tomorrow a Few Years Back.

It all Started with a New Job, New Office, and of course New Co-Workers. I’m not what one would call a Social Butterfly by Any Means, but over the First Few Weeks I slowly became Friends with a Coworker Named Zander. Zander and I worked in the Same Small Department which made it Easier for ME to Socialize Comfortably. So as Time Rolled On I reached that Pivotal Point in a Work Friendship where You ask said Friend if They in fact would like to Hangout Outside of Work. Now I new Zander had Three Young Kids all Under the Age of Ten so Free Time was Something He had in Extremely Short Supply. Thats One Life Lesson We all Eventually Learn, and that is When Your Friends have Kids They Disappear. It’s like They go into some Parenting Witness Protection Program.


What even First Time Parents Don’t Fully fucking Realize is that When You have a Kid Your Entire Life becomes dedicated to one Sole Purpose and that’s Raising the Child/Children. Also it’s Not its Not just in the Physical World that Their Absence is Notable either. They Stop returning Texts, Answering Emails, Taking Phone Calls, and They Abandon Their Social Media Accounts. If By Chance Do Keep a Social Media Account Active it turns into the “HEY LOOK AT MY KID EVERYBODY” as if the Entire Rest of the World has a fucking Vested Interest in the Daily Life of Your Child. Anyway back to the Story.

One Day I finally asked Zander if He wanted to go get a Beer or Something After Work since it was Friday, and the beginning of the Weekend Plus it was Pay Day. Zander thought about it the Way Parents Do by Pausing, Getting Quit, and Starring off like They’re going into a Trance. I mean its Not like You asked Them an Advanced Calculous Question, but again a Child is a Dominating Force to be Reckoned with. I waited patiently watching the Gears in Danders Head start Spinning as He did a Mental Checklist of Kid Shit He may or may Not have to Do (as Well as Responsibilities like Feeding the Kids and all that Maintenance Shit). At Last Zander returned to the Adult World Outside of His Head, and Said He was pretty sure He could come Out, BUT He had to Run Home Directly afterwork to Clear it with His Wife. It made sense to Me since No One like getting Shafted with having to Handle the Kids/Kid Shit by One’s Self as Raising a Child is a Tag Team Activity. The way We left it was Once I got to the Bar I would call Zander at Home and He would come on Down.


I decided on a Local Old Man Dive Bar in the Area since called Maloney’s because I hate Sports Bars or Any Loud, Packed, and Obnoxious Bar for that matter. I also figured it was an Ideal Spot because the Drinks Were Strong and Cheap since being a Parent of Three Money as well as Time always seems to be an Issue. Now You must Understand a Few Things about Maloney’s to Understand some of the Reasons for the Confusion. First Off this was Back in the when People could Smoke in Bars allowing Them to get Cancer while becoming an Alcoholic. Maloney’s being a Old Man Dive Bar was full of Not Just Smokers, But Old School Smokers from Back in the Days when Doctor’s Did TV Ads for Cigarette Companies.

These were the Hardcore Smokers Who Woke Up ever Morning and the First thing They did was Light up a Smoke, and Use it to light the Next Smoke, and The Next, and the Next. They’d Chain-smoke all Day and Night Long just Lighting One Smoke off of the Previous One No Need for a Lighter or Match. Considering Maloney’s is/was a Small Hole in the Wall that at Most was around 500 Square Feet the Cloud of Smoke inside was Constant and Thick. Another thing about Maloney’s is the Lighting is Virtually Non Existent. It was so goddamn Dark that when You entered You had to Stand in the Door for Several Minutes while Your eyes did Their Best to Adjust to the Bare Minimum Lighting.


When I got there with My Wife We Noticed a Handful of Regulars that We were Friendly with were Sitting at the Bar. We said Hey to the People We Knew and I started Drinking. It wasn’t until the 4th beer or So that I remembered I was supposed to call Zander. Well after 2-3 more Beers I actually called Him. Zander said His Wife was Cool with taking care of  the Kid Shit for the Evening. Zander then said  He’d be Down in about Half an Hour since He was Driving from His In-Laws Who lived a Town or Two Over. Since I had honored My Obligations I simply went back to Drinking. I had lost Track of Time and the Number of Beer/Shots I was consuming when My Wife Leaned Over and asked Me if That Was My Friend Who had Just Walked In. We Were in a Far Corner table Since I have to Sit where I can See Everything and Everyone due to being rather Paranoid. I strained My Eyes battling the Lower than Low Lighting, and Peering intently through the Heavy Cloud of Smoking hanging in the Room. The Man who had just Arrived was approximately the same age and Height as Zander so based on those Observations alone decided it was in deed Zander.


As I walked across the Room the Man walked over and took a Seat at the Bar where He immediately started fucking with His Phone. I get one to the Bar and take a Seat on the Empty Stool Next to the Man still under the Assumption that I He’s My New Friend Zander. The Man doesn’t Acknowledge My Presence, in fact He didn’t bat single fucking Eye Lash He remained Face Down in His Phone utterly Oblivious. While I was approached the Bar I had heard the Man order a Vodka and Cranberry, and Not Knowing Zander’s Drink of Choice I used this to Break the Ice. I said “Vodka and Cranberry Huh?” to which the Man Ever so Slightly and I mean almost imperceivable to the Human Eye turned His Head in My Direction and Grunted something Obviously Not giving a Flying fuck about what I had to Say. I Sat there in a Confused Drunken Stupor trying to Figure Out what the fuck was going on with Zander. Had He had a Fight with His Wife on the way out the Door, Gotten a phone call with some Bad News on the Way Over, Or Perhaps He was just an Introverted Dick when He was Off The Clock.


Before I can contemplate what to do in this Bizarre Situation My Wife comes Up Behind Me and Leans Over to Talk to Me. Ironically My Wife (the One Who had Pointed the Man to Me in the First fucking Place) informs Me that I am have Mistaken a Complete fucking Stranger for My Friend Zander, and She knew this since while I was Sitting at the Bar the Real Zander had Arrived. Luckily Zander had been able to Identify My Wife and had come over to the Table to say Hello and Properly Introduce Himself. Granted due to being Overtly Intoxicated (aka Drunk as Drunk can Be) I was Not at all Subtle in My Processing of this New Information courtesy of My Wife. I Jumped Off the Stool and Demanded to know, even though I was the Confused One, to know Who the Fuck was I Sitting Next Too, and What the fuck was He doing Here Exactly. I treated the Situation as if This Unknown Asshole was at Fault for the Mistake, as if He had Purposefully planned to Confuse the Hell Out of Me. This Obviously of Course was Not the Case at All.

My Wife Escorted Me back to Our Table where I greeted Zander and Proceeded to have an Extremely Enjoyable Night. In Fact God knows How Long its been Since I left that Job, but Zander and I still get out once in a while for a couple of Beers.

Thanks For Reading,

By Les Sober   

Saturday Slasher Cinema: PROM NIGHT (1980 Original)

Welcome to this Week’s Saturday Slasher Cinema featuring the Original 1980 Canadian Slasher Cult Classic Prom Night Directed by Paul Lynch, Written by William Gray and Starring Jamie Lee Curtis Leslie Nielsen. Over the Year Prom Night has Gained a Substantial Cult Following, and is Not Only for its Horror Content but also for its Disco Heavy Soundtrack. Additional Some Film Scholars have Cited Prom Night as one of the Most Influential Slasher Films of the Period.



Six Years Ago, when Young Robin Hammond was being Teased and Bullied by Four of Her Classmates when She Accidentally falls out of a Second Story Window to Her Death. Her Classmates Vow to Keep Their Involvement in the Tragedy a Secret that No One would Ever Know About. Unbeknownst to them at the Time there was Someone Else there that Fateful Day Observing the Classmates Who Saw it All. Now High School Students the Teens are Preparing for Their Prom and a Night of Wild Parting. Unfortunately for the Teens the Unknown Observer has Returned, and is a Blood Thirsty Psychotic Serial Killer Out for a Violent Revenge. Can the Teens Keep Their Dark Secret and Survive or is the Prom Destined to be Their Last Dance?


We Hope You Enjoyed this Slasher Scream Queen Classic as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: NO THROUGH ROAD 2

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday featuring  the Found Footage Short Horror Film NO THROUGH ROAD 2! We have already Posted the Original NO THROUGH ROAD in a Previous Installment of Short Horror Film Friday, and were Thrilled to Learn that a Sequel had in fact been Made. We Highly recommend You Go watch NO THROUGH ROAD  First before Watching the Sequel so that You’re Not Confused as to what the Hell is Happening in NO THROUGH ROAD 2.


James and the New Cameraman Dave go to put Flowers on Steven’s “Grave” which is Actually a Spot on the Side of the Road where Steven was Murdered.  While at the Gravesite Dave and James reference the First Movie with James Stating that He has No Recollection of that Night’s Events, and hasn’t Spoken about that Night Since.  While Driving Back from Steven’s Grave the Duo gets Completely Turned Around, and find Themselves Lost in the Middle of Nowhere without Cell Service.

That is Until James Notices a Road Sign for Bennington as They Drive, and Realizes that They’ve been Driving in Circles. As things go from Bad to Worse James and Dave Realize They’re Trapped in an Endless Loop from which They can’t Escape No Matter how Hard They Try. Growing more Frantic James and Dave pull over to try and gather Their Thoughts and Devise a Game Plan. Then all of a Sudden Steven appears Outside the Car Window His face Covered in Blood, but Very Much Still Alive.

Steven is in a Severely Disoriented State, and Rambling a Mile a Minute Incoherently as the Three of Them try to Get a Grip on the Reality of the Situation. James explains to Steven that He’s been Missing for Three Years, and that He has been Presumed Dead at this Point and Time.  James Comforts Steven as He is sitting in the Middle of a Dirt Road having a Minor Mental Breakdown before the Film Cuts to Black.

A Moment after the Movie goes Black the Following Words appear on the Screen:

“The Tape Ends Here. It was found in a camera case along with a camera. The Camera was Broken, but Another Tape was found Inside it. While severely damaged efforts are currently being made to retrieve the Data on the tape.”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to this Installment on Tidbits For Shits And Giggles Featuring the Animated Music Video Dinner is Not Over by the One and Only Mr. Jack Strauber.

Jack Stauber is a Singer, Songwriter, and Animator from clean, Pennsylvania. Jack also Publishes under the Name Jack Stauber’s Micropop, in which He releases Hist Short Songs from His Social Media or Extended Versions of His Short YouTube Songs. So Far, there are Six Micropop EP’s One Compilation Album, and One Soundtrack Album. Jack Stauber’s Music is often Described as Avantgarde, or Indie Alternative. His Music is a Blend of Pop, Electronic, and Folk.

Strauber’s Videos typically include MS-Paint Animation, 3D Animation, and Other Mixed Media. Nearly all of His Content is Recorded onto a VHS Tape, giving it an Old-Timer Aesthetic. Themes within the Videos may be that of a Typical Song or Something More Cryptic in Nature. Strauber also makes Animated Cartoon Shorts using Microsoft Paint, but more Recently His Videos have been appearing in Different or More Unique Styles of Art. He has also Gained Attention on the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, and has Aired One of His Videos on an Episode of “Off the Air”,  made an “Adult Swim Smalls”, Created a Whole Mini-Series called SHOP: A Pop Opera, and made the a Short Film Titled OPAL.


As Any Child Knows Dinner is Not Over (and You May Not Have Dessert) until You’ve Cleaned Your Plate especially when it comes to Vegetables, But Have You Ever Tasted Death?


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

“Model Citizen”| Dystopian Animated Short Film

We are Thrilled to bring You “Model Citizen”the First NEW EPISODE in the Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series By Scottish Writer, Director, Sculpture, Painter,  Artist, and Animator David James Armsby. The Short Film Series takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town Known as Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


From The Creator In Their Own Words:

“What is a Model Citizen? A Model Citizen is a providing father. A Model Citizen is a caring mother, all in service of a scrappy, young boy or girl. A Model Child raised by a Model Family, to become a Model Citizen of their own!” This brand-spanking-new installment of the Autodale series follows the lives of the Robinson family; Autodale’s perfect citizens. I’ve wanted to make an animated short film based around the life-cycle of an Autodale citizen/family for a very long time. We’ve only ever seen Autodale through the eyes of children. All of the other short films in the series focus on skeptical children being successfully brainwashed/indoctrinated into complacency with Autodale’s dystopian ways. This short film doesn’t have that arc. This short film is about the parents. These characters have NO DOUBTS about how this system works anymore…”  -David James Armsby-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

“Autodale is BACK!”| Announcement Video

We couldn’t be More Psyched that After Two Very Long Years one of Our Favorite Animator’s David James Armsby has Revived His Apocalyptic Dystopian Animated Short Film Series that takes place in the Sci Fi Post Apocalyptic Town of Autodale where the Citizens are Anything but Normal.


In The Creator’s Own Words:

“Hello, citizens of Autodale! It has been a long time…”

“This video is an announcement of what I’ve been working on for the past few months. I have three new Autodale-themed animated short films in the works. The first being an idea I’ve wanted to explore for a while; a look into the lives of the average Autodale citizen. The life-cycle of someone who’s essentially just another cog in the machine. This short is almost completely finished. The second, a detective-noir short film. Autodale’s infamous vigilante, “The Friendly Shadow” investigates a particularly gruesome incident after a monster manages to breach Autodale’s walls. The third will be a continuation of “Don’t Feed the Freaks”. This short film is the one I’m most excited about but it’s also the most subject to change. It’s the only one that I don’t have a finished script for yet and haven’t started animating. At the moment it follows the same character, traveling farther than he ever has before, likely focussing more on the Monarchs than the Freaks this time around.”   -David James Armsby-

See You Soon,

Les Sober  

The All Consuming Sadness (Cartoon)

Alas another Monotonous Monday is upon Us Once Again. As We are all Aware Mondays are Infamous for Being the Shittiest Day of the Week  (as They are Mind Numbingly  Mundane).  Since Mondays seem to Literally Drain the Life Out of You We decided to Post The All Consuming Sadness by One of Our Favorite Animators Jake Lave.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober 

Saturday Slasher Cinema: THE DRILLER KILLER

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Saturday Slasher Cinema featuring the 1979 Black Comedy Slasher Film Directed by Abel Ferrara and Starring Ferrara credited as Jimmy Laine. Ferrara  is an American Filmmaker , known for the PROVOCATIVE and often CONTROVERSIAL Content in His Movies, His use of Neo-Noir Imagery and Gritty Urban Settings.


The Plot concerns Reno Miller, a Struggling Artist in New York City, being Driven Insane from Stress and Killing Derelicts with a Power Drill. When the Movie was Released on Video Cassette in 1982, its Graphic Packaging drew Complaints which landed the Release on a List of “Video Nasties” that were BANNED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM under the Video Recording Act.

Video Nasty is a Colloquial Term in the United Kingdom to Refer to a Number of Movies, Typically Low Budget Horror and Exploitation Films, distributed on Video Cassette that were Criticized for Their Violent Content by the Press/Media, Social Commentators, and Various Religious Organizations.


Synopsis: Starving New York Artist Reno Miller is  Struggling to Pay His Bills, while Obsessed with Painting His Masterpiece (which He hopes to Sell to Art Dealer and Gallery Owner Dalton for Rent Money), and Caring for His two Roommates Carol the Divorced BiSexual and Her Drug Addicted Girlfriend Pamela. When the New Wave Punk Band Tony Coca-Cola and The Roosters move into Reno’s Building Playing Music Nonstop Day and Night, Reno can’t Sleep and is Slowly Driven Insane. As Reno Descends into Madness He takes to Stalking  the Streets of the City after Dark, and Gruesomely Killing Homeless Derelicts with a Power Drill.


We Hope You enjoyed this Tale of Insanity and Homicidal Tendencies  as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

Short Horror Film Friday: There Are Monsters

Welcome to this Week’s Installment of Short Horror Film Friday Featuring There Are Monsters the 2008 Canadian Phycological Horror Short Directed by Jay Dahl. There Are Monsters is Based on the Apocalyptic Concept that the World is being Slowly, Quietly, and Efficiently being Taken Over by Creatures from an Alternate Dimension that Look Just Like Us. Dahl turned the Concept of There Are Monsters into a Feature Film of the Same Name in 2013.

Synopsis :

Garth and Maddie are about to Host a Dinner Party when They see a Strange Little Girl in Their Backyard. She is the First Sign that the World has Suddenly and Inexplicably Changed. Now, There Are Monsters.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober  

The News Hasn’t Happened Yet: Andrew Tolvern Is Dead

With all of the Chaotic Bullshit in the Mass Media and Social Media with Lies, Misinformation, and just Plain Fake News getting accurate Information has become increasingly Hard to Find. So We decided Everyone needed a Break from the Psychotic News Cycle, and Here is Some News We All Can Enjoy. This is The News Hasn’t Happened Yet: Andrew Tolvern is Dead by One of Our Absolute Favorite Animators of All Time Mr. David Firth.

For those of You Who do Not Know or May Not Be Aware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, and Broadcaster of Whom We are a Big Fan of Here at FYB. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have Garnered a Large Followings.

In The Artist’s Own Words:

“Trying to make sense of the news. The news won’t happen. The rotting newscorpse. We make the news. The news exploded. Big bits in a bag of newspiss. Bits of buggery newsy shit that nobody news about. When no one news. No one could nevernews spilling the news it’s a factbomb or truthbomb not lying news newsergate newsbomb often called the dogsmack news witnessing the great news crash clickbait cracknews makes a stink news from the dogpipe. Nothing is happening anywhere ever. There is no news. The news hasn’t happened yet. The news didn’t happen, did it? The news won’t happen, but you’ll forget about old news that never happened as the promise of new news will replace it. Exploding newspiss. This was just my thought process for the title. I thought I’d leave it here. Otherwise it’s just a hidden compost heap in a file on my PC that will never again be accessed.” -David Firth-


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober