Creepy Shit From The Dark Web: MOM.avi

This Little Bit of Creepy Footage was Allegedly Found Lurking Somewhere on The Dark Web.

The Video Starts with Someone Switching Off a Light Switch, and then the Viewer Can See a Humanoid Creature Barely Visible sitting in Almost Pitch Blackness. There is Absolutely No fucking Context Here so What is Going On and What it May Be are Limited Only by Your Own Imagination. Was The Creature a Ghoul, Ghost, Mutant, Monster, Alien, Devil, Demon, Inter Dimensional Being,  or a Person  Person Who the Hell Knows.


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By Les Sober   

Tidbits for Shits and Giggles: Let Me Hear Your War Cry (Animation)

This Wonderful Little Bit of Absurd Insanity is a Doctored Clip from the the 1987 Vietnam War Movie Blockbuster Full Metal Jacket where the Actor’s Faces have been Replaced with Japanese Mannequin Faces. The Audio of Distorted Screams that Steadily Increase in Pitch is Equally Absurd and Equally Insane. Unfortunately Though there isn’t any Information Available about the Creator of this Audacious Art, and Thus We Can’t give Them the Credit They Damn Well Deserve.


Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


2012’s Hamster Hell is by the Talented Claymation Creator Lee Hardcastle and Features the Music of Shit The Bed. Hamster Hell follows a Young Kid who Secretly Hides His Pet Hamsters from His Parents Under His Bed. Along the Way the Naiver  Kid Learns some Grim Life Lessons the Hard Way While He tries to make Sense of it All.

  • Chapter 1 Arrival
  • Chapter 2 Wife
  • Chapter 3 Fun World
  • Chapter 4 Escape
  • Chapter 5 Disorder
  • Chapter 6 Mother
  • Chapter 7 Punishment
  • Chapter 8 Death


Hamster Hell 2 (Which Premiered on Sept 1st 2020) Follows a Young Hipster  who Attempts to get Rich Quick by Posting Pictures and Videos of His Pet Hamster on Social Media. The Young Man’s Girlfriend isn’t at all Happy about His the so called Business Venture Until She sees the Money Making Potential. This is a Tale of Exploitation Personified in the Age of the Internet where Social Media is King.

  • Chapter 1 Ms. Cupcake
  • Chapter 2 The Accident
  • Chapter 3 Deformed
  • Chapter 4 Play Dead
  • Chapter 5 Fortune
  • Chapter 6 Heaven



Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  


An FYB Favorite: Stephen Crane’s “In The Desert”

In The Desert                                                              I Saw a Creature, Naked, Beastial,                    Who, Squatting Upon the Ground                  Held His Heart in His Hands,                              And Ate of It.                                                              I said,”Is it Good, Friend?”                                “It is Bitter Bitter,” He Answered                    “But I like It                                                                Because it is Bitter,                                                  And Because it is My Heart.”                                                                                                                        By Stephen Crane (1871-1900)

“In the Desert” is the Name given to the Poem Above by American Author Stephen Crane Published in 1895 (by Copeland & Day) as a Part of His Collection, The Black Riders and Other Lines. “In The Desert” is the Third of Fifty-Six Short Poems (all of Which Simply go by Number without actual Titles) that comprise ‘The Black Riders’. Crane is Most Recognized as the Author of the Famous American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.

When Crane’s Poems were Published, He was Harshly Criticized for the Unusual Form of His Poems, and that He had  Some Nerve in Presenting these “Disjointed Effusions” and Daring to call them Poetry. The First Brutal Reviews Denounced Crane’s The Black Riders as Nothing Short of “Artless and Barbaric.”

In His Correspondence with a Particular Editor of Leslie’s Weekly in 1895, Crane professed that He Preferred The Black Riders to His Iconic American Novel The Red Badge of Courage.  Crane Wrote “I, suppose I ought to be Thankful to ‘The Red Badge,’ but I am much Fonder of My little book of poems, ‘The Black Riders’. My Aim was to Comprehend in it the thoughts I have had about Life in General, while ‘The Red Badge’ is a mere Episode in Life, an Amplification.”

Thanks for Reading,

Brought To You By Les Sober  (Pt1245Am)


FYB is Dementedly Delighted to Present Tonights Slasher Film the 1982 Cult Horror Classic THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE Written By Actor/Screenwriter Rita Mae Brown and Directed by Amy Holden Jones. The Film was Originally written by Brown as a Parody of the Slasher Genre but was Shit as a Straightforward Horror Film Instead. As a Result, it Contains more Humor, bot Intended and Unintended, than Usual for the Slasher Genre at the Time.


Brief Plot Summary: Well it’s Pretty Simple Considering this is a Classic 80’s Slasher Film. The Slumber Party Massacre follows a High School Senior Girl’s Basket Ball Team where a Group of Teammates Decide to have a Slumber Party, the Teens though are Unaware  that the PSYCHOTIC MASS MURDERER Russ Thorn (With a Propensity for Power Tools and Who’s currently Wielding a Nasty Power Drill) has Escaped from Confinement and is At LARGE IN THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD!! The Slumber Party is turned into a Bloodbath as the Trapped Teens are Slaughtered One By One MAYHEM AND CARNAGE Ensues. As The Body Count Begins to Rise will Anyone Survive the Sinister Slumber Party or are They all Destined to Die at the Hands of Russ the POWER DRILL KILLER?! You’ll just have to watch and see for Yourself.


Critics Critique:

“A good-natured film, even if a majority of the cast meet their deaths by being on the wrong end of a giant power drill.” Paul Freitag-Fey (Daily Grindhouse)

“The strain between content and tone leaves it feeling like no other slasher film of that period, and while it also leaves it more frustrating….it stands out.” Tim Brayton (Antagony & Ecstasy)

“Slumber Party Massacre is not a great film- the plot is thin and the performances occasionally a little awkward-but there’s No Doubt that it maintains its shock value.” Mike McGranaghan (Aisle Seat)

“[Director Amy Holden] Jones tries the more effective tack of playing the slasher stuff straight and inserting clever visual jokes when she has the opportunity” Scott Tobias (The Dissolve)


We Hope You Enjoyed this Power Drill Killer Movie as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (60/365)

The Bus Load of Passengers Panicked, Anxious, Traumatized, and some what Bloody were running amok in the Parking Lot as The Police and EMTS tried to make sense of the Increasingly Chaotic Situation. The Cops were running around trying to find out what the fuck happened and if They had due cause to Arrest Anyone. For Their part the EMTs were also running around in a Blind Frenzy Assessing Injuries and Dealing with the General Pandemonium created by the Freaked Out Cast of Characters from the Bus.

It was the Preverbal Three Ring Shit Show as Drama Reigned Supreme as all sense of Order had been Abandoned as the Strip Mall. Lee and Dizzy agreed that They didn’t feel the need to be around Cops since They both shared an Equal amount of Distain and Contempt for The Boys in Blue. Also Dizzy had stated that They had far better things to do with Their Time than Spending the Remainder of the Afternoon Sobering Up in the Police Station’s Drunk Tank. So in Onslaught of Insanity that Ensued from the Bus Fiasco Lee and Dizzy made an Easy Exit (as Fast as They Possibly Could without calling Attention to Themselves). They turned the first Corner They came to and then the Next before taking a short cut through the Park to avoid being seen on the Street. Once They exited the Park on the Opposite side They figured at that Point They had successfully  made Their Getaway Unnoticed.


“Well Thank God We managed to avoided getting trapped in all that Craziness with the Cops there and all,” said Lee being Honestly Relieved at Not Being Detained, “What the fuck are We going to do Now?!”

“I’ll tell you this We need to Hit up a Liquor Store ASAP since all that Bullshit with the Bus seriously Killed My Buzz.Nothing Sobers You Up like when the Police Show the fuck Up” replied Dizzy rather Irritated.

“If We keep walking We’ll come across a Corner Liquor Store in No Time especially when We are headed into a Poorer Neighborhood. Not a Slum or Ghetto Mind You, but a Economically Depressed Neighborhood.” said Lee as He figured remaining Practical was the Best Strategy as Dizzy was Obviously Agitated.

“Yeah You got that Right,” signed Dizzy growing Weary of the Day’s Ordeals, “I don’t know about YouI need a Sincerely Strong Drink and a Big one at That. I can’t stand People and All the Stupid shit They do and the Cops fuck Cops.”


It occurred to Lee just then at that Moment that He was growing Tired of Dizzy’s company more by the Minute. First Off Dizzy was extremely emotionally volatile Who Feelings could change Drastically on a Dime. One Minute He was Witty, Sarcastic, and Easy Going without a single care in the World. Then Suddenly and without warning in the Middle of a Laugh He could become Pissed and Aggressive or Down right Deeply Depressed. There didn’t seem to be any Rhyme or Reason behind the Sudden Trading off of Emotions. It wasn’t all Bad mind You as Dizzy’s Unpredictability and Unorthodoxly Outlandish Behavior is what made Him Appealing as You never knew what to expect Next. Dizzy definitely kept Other People on Their Toes, and it was the Emotional Intensity provided the Sitting on the edge of Your Seat Feeling You got every time You were with Him. Although at the Same Time the Unpredictability Factor was too Draining even if He was in a Good Mood the Whole Time You hung out You still felt Exhausted just being around someone who’s Intensity can be Overwhelming to the Senses.

Lee thought to Himself as They Duo lazy strolled down the Sparsely Littered Street. Lee mulled over His relationship with Dizzy, and after a good bit of Deliberation He came a Conclusion. Lee Concluded that He had to Distance Himself from Dizzy for a Long While if They were to remain Friends. The Trick was Dizzy in Small Doses that way You could circumvent the Unpleasant Side Effects of Dizzy’s Intensity. Lee wasn’t upset with Dizzy it just seemed that aside from His Overpowering Personality Dizzy seemed to be a Magnet for Madness. Eccentrics of all Sorts The Mentally Unbalanced, The Damaged, The Defective Misfits and Outcast Naturally gravitated to Dizzy a Perfect Example being the Bus Scenario. Lee wanted a Break and Needed to Rid Himself of Dizzy even if again only temporarily.


Lee decided to to Temporarily Tune Out the World and Observe the Various types of Graffiti Plastered across Store Fronts, Lining the Walls of the Allies, and in less Traditional and more Random Places (such a Mailboxes or Public Garbage Cans for Example). The Contrast between the Eclectic Mix of Street Art as Lee liked to Refer to it as since Graffiti had a Negative Stigma attached to it. There were Basic Artist Tags scrawled Hastily in Passing to Full Sized Murals that Encompassed an Entire Side of a Building. Lee chalked up the Variations to the Artists Time (How Much Time Did They Have to Paint Their Piece), and of Course the Raw Talent of the Particular Artist. Graffiti Artists tended to be Self Taught since the Academics Don’t Teach Graffiti in Art School. Lee’s Train of Thought was quickly Derailed by Dizzy’s Shitty Demeanor.

“Can I borrow a couple buck for a Bottle?” Asked Dizzy Demandingly

“Wha Yeah Sure thing.” Lee answered a little caught off guard since he had been Day dreaming at the time.

Dizzy snatched the wadded up Bills from Lee’s hand like a Wild animal snatching Food from a Person’s Hand. This irritated the living shit out of Lee as He felt Dizzy was being a major dick since Lee was the one doing Him the Favor. Dizzy Barged into the Liquor Store like a Bull in a fucking China Shop Flinging the Door Open to the Point to Strained on it Hinges emitting a Sickly Squeaking Sound. Dizzy sorted up and down the Small Row of Isles whipping His he’d Back in Forth which reminded Lee of a Shark in a Feeding Frenzy. At Last Dizzy grabbed a Bottle of Winkler’s Whisky off the Shelf aggressively as if He was taking back some Stolen Property of His.


Dizzy proceeded to then March determinately up to the Store Counter and plained the Bottle down with a thud indicating His currently Abominable Attitude. The Lanky Store Clerk grimaced at Dizzy with a look of Disgust, and made a snide comment about how Dizzy didn’t need to be banging Bottles on His Counter. Dizzy totally disregarded the Clerk and Threw down the Handful of Crinkled Cash Unceremoniously onto the Counter as if making a point to the Clerk that He could be as Disagreeable as He fucking damn well Pleased. The Clerk picked up the Money and Started to unfold it as He counted it out, and after seeing the Money was Sufficient grumbled something about Dizzy Not Hurrying Back anytime soon. Dizzy Exited the Liquor Store in the Same Fashion as HE had Entered in another subtle fuck you to the Clerk.

Stay Tuned for the Next Life Confirming Installment of………


Thanks For Reading,

  By Les Sober

Earth & Moon (Claymation/Animation)

The Following Claymation/Animation Hybrid  Earth & Moon is by Cool 3D World and Who Exactly are They You may be Wondering. Well when Brian and popcorn10 (as Their Youtube Handles Title them) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

The Video Features:

  • Planetary Beings (Perhaps Deities?!) meeting up in a Blood Lake.
  • Moon Vomiting Blood in Earth’s Mouth.
  • The Blood travels to a Universal Womb where it Nourishes Earth and Moon’s ‘Offspring.
  • We Venture into the Offsprings Mind.
  • There’s a Computer Generated Landscape Circa 1988.
  • Theres a Naked Man Acting as a Ceiling Fan.
  • The Naked Man Plunges Through a Mattress into a Alternate Dimension.
  • A Giant Spider Arrives and Attacks the Naked Man Impaling Him in the Stomach with its Front Legs.
  • The Naked Man Screams as there is a Transition bringing Us back to Blood Lake.
  • Offspring Surfaces from Blood Lake to witness Earth & Moon locked in Their Blood Vomit Exchange Ritual.
  • Offspring rides Off on a Prehistoric Dino Bird (Like some sort of  Paleozoic Toucan or some shit) towards Shore.


We Hope You Enjoyed this Perfect Blend of Absurdity, Insanity, Creativity, and Surrealism as Much as We Did.

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

The Struggle Is Real

So I planned on Posting the Next installment of Lee Joints: Professional People Watcher Today, but to be quite frank I’m fucking worn out. There is some good News, well For Me anyways that I am happy to Report. Now You may have seen Me Ranting and Raving about the Fucked Up System of Highway Robbery Know as the American Healthcare System. That and You might have seen Me Enraged Railing Against the Outrageous fucking Scam the Healthcare System Truly Is. Hospitals are By Far are the Worst fucking Offenders of them all I assure You.

To Recap I have Raged against How its utterly insane that People sign up for  Surgery or a Medical Procedure, have it done, and then wait to see what They Owe. Then when the fucking Bills come People just Shrug and Blindly pay them Without Question. Thats fucking Retarded. Before You get Your Car Repaired or Sign up for say Internet/cable Service You know Before hand what You’re going to be Charged, and What You will be receiving for said Payment. This is the way business is conducted unless You’re a Hospital in which case You do Your Damndest to Prevent Patients from being able to receive/View Their Itemized Bill.

Again People blindly Pay Medical Bills WHICH ARE NOT ITEMIZED and My Point is for the Massive Amount of Money involved wouldn’t You want to know what the fuck You paid for? If Your Mechanic or A/C Repair Guy  did a Job for You and then handed You a Bill that stated only “You Owe Me this Sum of Money.”  would You say Alrighty and fork over Your hard earned Cash No Questions asked? Without an Itemized Bill You’re allowing Whoever You’re dealing with to Exploit the shit out of the Situation by taking You for all Your fucking worth.


Now since the Dawn of Hospitals They have been seriously going out of Their way to give Patients the Royal Runaround Routine until You get Too Tired, To Exhausted, Too Pissed Off, or Plain just give the fuck up. The Question is Why? You paid a Handsome amount of Money so why would Hospitals make it insanely Difficult to get an itemized Copy of the Services You have Already fucking Paid For? The Reason is its No Secret that Hospital Charges are Outrageous, but They are so fucking Outrageous They don’t want You to Know How Much They Ripped You Off for. I think its safe to say Most of Us have seen one of the Countless Stories online posted by Patients chronicling and exposing Unbelievably Expensive Charges on Their Hospital Bill (Example: A Patient in NJ finally received his itemized Hospital Bill and saw They Changed Him $230 for a fucking 25 centToothbrush).

In the Age of the Internet Where Social Media is King making the Power of Word of Mouth even more Pivotal No One likes Bad Press. Especially Big Businesses who rely heavily on the Public for Their Income and let’s NOT FORGET Hospitals are BIG BUSINESSES Owned by LARGE CORPORATIONS. They damn well fucking Know if You see Your Itemized Bill then You’ll actually be able to see How Excessive and Greed Driven Their Charges really are. Their solution then is to give any Patient who requests an Itemized Bill the Run Around as Long as it takes for them to finally fuck off at last without EVER receiving the Itemized Bill. They Bounce You around from Department to Department, Tell You a  Supervisor will call You Back with Clarifications (Big Surprise They NEVER call You), They will Mail it to You (Again They hangup and Simply Don’t Mail a Damn fucking Thing. Basically if They can’t frustrate You into giving Up, They try and Placate the Shit Out of You knowing that They have Absolutely No fucking Intention of Actually Helping You. They Tell You what You want to hear, hang up, and immediately forget about You.


I’ve been locked in this Battle with My Local Hospital for and I kid You Not OVER A FUCKING YEAR trying relentlessly but in vain to get a fucking Itemized Copy of My Bill. I have been Run Around like a motherfucker, Bullshitted, Placated, Apologized to, and Assured I would in fact receive My Bill which for the Record was a BOLD FACED LIE. I made 7 requests to have My records mailed to me (Hospitals intentional do not use the Internet for Billing just everything fucking else but Conveniently for them Not Billing), and was told Numerous Times that a Supervisor would call me back in 10-14 fucking days. Thats right I had to wait 2 motherfucking weeks, and like I said earlier They never fucking called and never intended too.

The Only Other Option to receive a Bill is By Fax like its 1986 or some shit can You say Outdated Tech?!! I because its fucking 2020 do not own or have direct access to a Fax Machine (Honestly I was surprised They still made fucking Fax Machines since I figured No One Used Them Nowadays), but I refused to Give Up and Let These Greedy fucking Bastards Win by wearing Me Out into Submission. Usually the People You’re referred to in Your quest for an itemized Bill are in fact Suborn, Abrasive, Standoffish, Aggressive, and Down Right Total Assholes. This I’m sure is Part of the Hospital’s Ongoing Scam because who wants to deal with a total dick? No fucking One thats goddamn Who.


Today I hit the Preverbal One in a Million and had a Woman Who actually Attempted to Help Me though She couldn’t actually get Me My Bill. She said as I stated Earlier that Mailing Doesn’t Work and I told Her I was Well fucking aware and that the whole thing is a fucking Scam from the Get Go. She also Admitted Supervisors don’t do a goddamn thing as Far as Customer Service of Any Kind as they Spend Their Days Holed Up in their fucking Offices Cowering Behind Their fucking Desks like a Bunch of Bureaucratic Paper Pushing Sons of Bitches. She went on to inform Me if I wanted a chance in Hell of actually getting an Itemized Bill I’d have to use the Fax Option. I then informed Her I lack the Time Machine I’d need to travel back in time to 1986 to get a Fax Machine and transport it back 34 years into the fucking Present.

She said I could go to a Store like Office Max or fucking Staples OR I could go to the Physical Hospital Itself and use Their Fax Machine. I was confused by the Receiving a Fax of My Bill when if I am at the Hospital they have a fucking Billing Department and ask what the fuck that was about. Apparently the Actual Hospital’s Billing Department Doesn’t have My Bill an operate Billing Department in another fucking state are the ones who are in possession of My Bill. My Question then is what the fuck are the cocksuckers in the Hospital’s Billing Department do all fucking Day Long if They don’t seem to do any actual do anything Billing related?!


I told the Woman while I appreciated Her so called Help and Information pertaining to My Bill that I simply didn’t Trust a fucking word out of Anyone who Works Directly for or  a Third Party Employed by said Hospital fucking said. I went on to explain that I had a sneaking suspicion that if I went to a Store like Office Max then The Hospital would suddenly come up with a reason why they aren’t allowed to send faxes to Public Places of Business. That or if I went to Directly to the Hospital that They would either Tell Me No right Out or Worse Have ME wait for Someone who isn’t coming until I get tired of sitting in the lobby and go the fuck Home. At that Point We had reached an Impass since I still had No Personal Fax Machine, No Faith in the Hospital what so fucking ever, and She couldn’t send Me a copy of My bill without a Fax Number.

I then spent the next several minutes pacing like a Caged Animal on the Verge of a Psychotic Break and talked the situation over with My Awesome Wife. Luckily 2020 Technology it turns out provided a Back Door Option, as I should have Guessed. You see its 2020 so if You need a Fax Machine for some reason Theres an App for that and I downloaded it. After I installed it and it was up and running I called the Hospital back repeated My Ongoing request for an Itemized Bill, and That I had a Private Fax Number to send it to. The Second Lady I talked to tried to end the call by telling Me that She would put in a Mailing Request (Yeah My Ass) and I stopped Her in Her Tracks. I informed Her I had a Fax Number and would be using the Fax My Bill Option, but Not only that I wanted to be on the Phone as She Faxed it. I wasn’t about to have Them Yes ME to Death and Like the Phone Calls or Mail where They promise They’ll take care of it only then to play the “What do you mean You didn’t get it, We totally sent it.” run around bullshit. I wanted Confirmation that She faxed My Bill on the fucking Spot as I wasn’t about to give these slippery sacks of shit a chance to fuck me over again.


So after 15 Months I received My Copy of My Itemized Bill, mind You I haven’t looked at it yet as I’ve had enough Blood Pressure Aggravating shit for one fucking Day. I wouldn’t’ be surprised that there is a “Look at this Bullshit” post in the Immediate Future once I actually Lay Eyes on the Information.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober



Today was really lame. I thought I would be accomplishing a good deal but it turns out that is not what fate had in the cards.

I mean I did happen to take a walk outside for the first time in about a year and did some HIIT for a full 8 minutes. However sadly both were cut short due to wardrobe malfunctions.

The first malfunction was 100% my fault. I did complete 80% of my planned walk. My pants only completed about 50%. Everything is too big. I’m a poor judge of clothing size everything looks elephant like but then it still falls off my fat hippo ass.

The other malfunction, while partially my fault, I can handle easily. Bad battery in heart rate monitor. It felt weird that my HR was 91 the entire workout and then I tried fixing things and it bungled up more than before. Thank god for amazon.l, battery probably just dead.

I ended up smoking again but have a plan for this weekend. Straight up leaving my car at my parents house, doing 3 days of a nicotine patch and then going cold turkey. The coffee while it sometimes makes me sick will be tapered down at that point.


There was going to be a story about a former therapist however after further review I will not get into it. Instant replay has confirmed that she is/was a Karen.

Ugh…. wasted day. It’s about to be the second night of buttered herbal tea. At least it tastes amazing.

By Spacedog

“Being Pretty”| Dystopian Animated Short Films Series

FYB is Thrilled to bring You the 2017 Animated Short Film “Being Pretty” that was Created by David James Armsby and takes place in the Fictional Town of Autodale. “Being Pretty” is the First Short Film in Armsby’s Autodale Series, and You better believe We will be Posting the ENTIRE Series Periodically in the Near Future.

Plot Summary: The Film Starts with an Average Nuclear Autodale Family (Mother, Father, Daughter, and Son) in Their Home where the Children are watching a Public Service Announcement on TV. The PSA has been created by the Mysterious Powers That Be Who Run Autodale and Dictate Daily Life to its Citizens. Autodale is a Picture Perfect Place to Live where the Residents Champion Beauty to the Point of Obsession and Persecution of Those Who Fail to Fit the Autodale Mold.


The PSA Starts stating “Hello, Citizens of Autodale! You are Pretty. Your Neighbors, Friends, and Family are also Pretty. But Sadly, Not Everyone is Pretty. Some are Ugly…We, here at Autodale, Do Not want Uglies.” Thusly Anyone Deemed Ugly which constitutes more than Physical Appearance as in Autodale Ugly appears to Include Anyone Considered Undesirable or Defective (examples Ugly, Fat, Old, Deaf, Blind, Gay Etc.)

Armsby had the Following to Say About Being Pretty:

“This animation was extremely fun to work on. I definitely enjoy doing my own original stuff over Overwatch/Rick and Morty Stuff. I hope that this (Like Redone) does well so I can continue doing original animations. It’s so much more fun to explore my own personal creativity. Building this world from the ground up was awesome and I’m quite proud of the final results. This Short explores themes of individualism, innocence, and brainwashing which were very fun to play with; something I don’t think I could do with the restrictive nature of a fan-film. Really hope yo guys enjoy it!”


Thanks For Watching,

Presented By  Les Sober & FYB