We Bought a Clown Off The Dark Web (A Luxury Dark Double Feature)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring a WE BOUGHT A CLOWN OFF THE DARK WEB! and WE BOUGHT ANOTHER CLOWN OFF THE DARK WEB by the Content Creating Duo Channel Luxury Dark Inc. that are Oddly Entertaining in Our Opinion. Now Luxury Dark’s Formula is Pretty fucking Simplistic Two Teen Friends Chester and Parker who live Together Buy all kinds of Weird fucking shit Off the Dark Web. In this Installment Chester and Parker are Back in the Basement Surfing the Dark Web for Shits and Giggles. As these Video Go the Chester has Stumbled across Some Strange Dark Web Site in this case Buy-A-Clown Site, and as Always Parker is Vocally Against It. Though We all know by Now that No Matter how much Parker Protests Chester will get His Way.

Now as for the “Psycho Killer Clown” Genre of Horror You have everything from the Cheesy Killer Clowns From Outer Space to the Psychological Horror of Stephen King’s Killer Clown Classic IT to the Over the Top Bloody Gore of Art The Clown in the TERRIFIER Movies. As Far as Today’s 2 Videos are concerned the “Killer” Dark Web Clowns actually aren’t Too Shabby all things Considered. What I mean is these are a Couple of Short and Absurd YouTube Videos by a Couple of Teenage YouTubers (as Opposed to a Full Blown Feature Film Production). The Clowns definitely Keep it on the Creepier Side of Things, YET They manage, Barely at Times mind You, to Avoid Doing a Shitty Pennywise Impersonation. What is a Definite Plus is the Dark Web Clowns Dialogue is Kept to a Strict Minimum which Helps. The Last thing anyone wants to fucking watch is an Actors Slipping into a Cliche Evil Clown Impersonation which let’s Face It is Lame as fuck.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Shaye Saint John – Happy Presidents Day

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring Shaye Saint John – HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, and the Official Shaye Saint John Channel Quit Uploading Content in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Who is Miss Shaye St. John? :

The Character Shaye St. John is Described as a “Model”, and is Shown in Videos Wearing a Plastic Mask, a Series of Wigs and Dresses, and Manipulating a Pair of Wooden Hands Attached to Sticks, and the Character’s Legs are in Fact Mannequin Legs as Well. Tragically Saint John was Hit By a Train which Resulted in the Loss of Her Arms and Legs (as Well as Horribly Disfiguring Her Face). Instead of Using the Traditional Prosthetics, She Added Mannequin Parts to Her Face and Added the Wooden Hands so No One could See Her Severely Damaged and Deformed Hands. Saint John Wears a Series of Different Masks throughout Her Videos, Supposedly because She Doesn’t want the World to See What She Actually looks Like.  Creator Eric Fournier Explained “It’s Really Bad, that’s Why She wears the Mask.”


It had been quite a long fucking Long Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel, and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans. In addition to This We have been made Aware that a Couple of Previous Shaye Saint John Video’s have been Blocked or Taken Down by Other People/Groups so YouTube is Not Alone Here. What the fuck is with All These Selfish Assholes  Shitting all Over an Incredibly Creative Artist Eric Fournier Content Legacy by Removing His Content/Art. What are They So Afraid Of What the fuck do They think will Happen if They just Leave shit be?!

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? We’re Not trying to be fucking Dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or Ashes in an Urn so fucking What of It?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point/Reason for Youtube to Take Down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


We are Legally Responsible for letting You know all of the Possible Side Effects of Viewing FYB Content. Viewing FYB can/could Cause One or More of the Following:

  • Increased Risk of being Attacked by a Wild Animal.
  • Compulsion to Collect Stamps.
  • Delete Your Twitter/FB Account.
  • Intense Anger
  • Manic Laughter
  • SEVERE Diarrhea that could Cause Death by Dehydration in Under an Hour.
  • Violent Vomiting Resulting in the Regurgitation of Internal Organs.
  • Syphilis Induced Insanity.

  • Crotch Rot.
  • Rampant Genital Warts.
  • Being Raped by a Dolphin.
  • Spontaneous Combustion.
  • Occular Seizures.
  • Full Blown A.I.D.S
  • Rectal Irritation.
  • Contempt and Disgust for Asshole Elon and Mark Fuckerburg.
  • Absurdity Addiction
  • Spastic Colon Disorder.
  • Your Bones to Liquify.

  • Anarchistic Thoughts.
  • Craving for Canned Beets.
  • Stupidity Intolerance.
  • Your Teeth to Itch.
  • Olfactory Hallucinations.
  • Ringing in the Ears.
  • Prolonged Bouts of Insomnia.
  • Hoarding of Feminine Hygiene Products.
  • Compulsive Genital Piercing.
  • Raw/Chaffed Nipples.
  • Sex with Parasites.

  • Causes Your Entrails to become Your Outrails.
  • Time Distortion.
  • To Shit the Bed.
  • Desire to Pick Up Other People’s Dog’s Shit.
  • Licking a Toilet Seat.
  • Lutefisk Obesity.
  • To Ponder.
  • Being Assaulted by Bigfoot.
  • Emotional Outbursts.
  • Speaking in Tongues.
  • Chance of Falling in a Wormhole.
  • Chance of being Sucked into a Blackhole.
  • To Drink the Bong Water.

  • Walking Corpse Syndrome
  • Lactose Intolerence Intolerance
  • Cravings for Canned Meat
  • Fetalphobia (Fear of Fetuses)
  • Pickled Egg Consumption
  • Elephantiasis
  • Contempt for Society as a Whole
  • Octopus Molestation
  • Prolonged Sexual Relationships with Crustaceans
  • Disregard for Social Norms
  • Mental Prolapse
  • Coprophagia (Practice of Eating Actual Shit)
  • Middle Finger Spasms
  • Jungle Rot

  • Sudden Onset Tourettes
  • Racing Obsessive Thought Pattern
  • Inverted Mood Swings
  • Unpredictable Public Urination
  • Contempt for YouTube
  • Ambivalence
  • Inter Dimensional Distortion
  • Unnatural Anal Bleaching
  • Spontaneous Ejaculation
  • Fanatic Toe Nail Clipping
  • Love of Troma Movies
  • Synaptic Storms
  • Uncontrollable Flatulence
  • Neural Intoxication

  • Obscene Amounts of Alcohol Consumption
  • Occult Worship
  • Hysterical Hysteria
  • Schizophrenic Bowels
  • Mindfucking
  • Damning the Man
  • Impulse Control Issues
  • CGI Allergy
  • Hate of/for Hollywood
  • Motherfucking Mainstream
  • Kill Your Computer
  • Start a Riot
  • Erratic Bouts of Loudly Audible Sharting
  • Sniffing Spray PAint
  • Revolt Against Authority
  • Mathematical Malfunction
  • Reoccurring Rectal Prolapse
  • Profuse Bleeding from the Eyes

  • Hostility Towards Hipsters
  • Temporary Delusions of Grandeur
  • Intellectual Narcissism
  • Starfish Fortification Fetish
  • Out Right Rejection of Trends
  • Finance a Flea Circus
  • Paganism
  • Proprietary Delinquency
  • Daily Consumption of Raw Jellyfish Smoothies
  • Development of Irrational Behavior
  • Genetic Deconstruction
  • Commercial Sea Monkey Farming

Now You Know.

  The FYB Collective

FYB EDITOR’S NOTE: While The Cat’s Away The Mice Will Fuck Shit Up.

Greetings Les Sober here. I know I have virtually never directly addressed anyone who stumbles across this little slice of insanity in the past. You see when it comes to information or questions it’s best to go directly to the fucking source, and when it come to FYB that would be me. For verification purposes here is actual FYB status report to help hose off all the bullshit.

Why has FYB been far less active recently?

I believe in brutal honesty being a rip the band aid off minded motherfuckers so here’s the fucking truth. We have had several other projects that are going extremely well, and that led to FYB being treated like the preverbal red headed step child. I do regret that fact but it’s the bottomline so why bullshit around?!

What is the YT issue all about?

Never thought I would ever fucking say this but the answer simply is not a goddamn thing. The confusion was the result of a comedy of error made while I was on location for a collaboration for one of the aforementioned alternative projects. There was/is a rumor bouncing around Google claiming that YT was or was going to severely limit free YT in an attempt to force people to pay for YT premium. As of Today again this has proved to just be a rumor, but I can see why people might have gotten confused and thought that might be the case all in all.

In reality the rumor seems to be a combination of Twitter aka Shitter (X can eat my ass) dumbing down the free twitter accounts in an attempt to extort people into paying for Twitter Blue which was a complete and utter fucking flop. No one was nor is actually buying that shit aside from compliant attention whores. My point is Elon is a waste of ejaculate. Meanwhile YT has been steadily abandoning their content creators, and ultimately sold the fuck out to advertiser dollars thus crippling creator’s content and creativity.

What lies ahead?

Again in all honesty I have not a fucking clue what the future holds for FYB. The one thing from the previous post that was/is correct is we’re currently are reviewing our various options. You can interpret that as you will.

It is what it is,

 by Les Sober

So What The Fuck Is Up With The Videos???

To Whoever it Concerns,

You may have Noticed that the Videos on FYB are Currently Not Working and there is a fucking Reason for that. We here at FYB are Considering Our various Different Options Pertaining to the Immediate Future as of Now. The Reason for this Current Disruption is Simple Youtube are Corporate Whore Drunk on Greed and Allow Us to Explain. Youtube is Finally using the Last Money Grubbing Penny pinching fucking Bullshit Sales Tactic which is if People Won’t Pay for Your Service make the Free Version Suck Ass. We must take a moment to Acknowledge that there are a FEW Exceptions. We aren’t sure Why They haven’t been Content Cock Blocked by Youtube’s Pay for Our Premium Bullshit.

And If You make the Free Version Suck Ass until People inevitably give up and Pay Up They More than likely Will. The fucking Ego Youtube fucking has is outrageous. Considering They are getting Rich of the Back of Content Creators and Pay NOTHING for the Content Every fucking Penny They make is 100% Profit, YET They still Out Right Admitted that They are ONLY Catering to Advertisers and What THEY want. Well at Least Youtube has One thing going for it at Least They were fucking Honest about Their Profits over People Mantra.

So as of Now Unless Someone Pays the $9.99 Per Month for fucking Youtube Premium You can’t Share Youtube Videos/Content. While $9.99 isn’t going to Break the fucking Bank by Any Means it’s the fucking Principle. It’s basically Legalized Extortion at its Core Principle it’s Simply Pay Me or Else I’ll make Your Shittier because of it. Another Way fucking Big Business has found to Monetize EVERY FUCKING ASPECT OF AMERICAN LIFE TODAY. Capitalism is Running Rampantly Out of Control and it Needs to be Put Down like a fucking Rabid Dog.

Thanks For Those Bearing with Us as We adjust to this Corporate Cash Grab Exploitation Bump in the Road.


 The FYB Collective

Bringing The Devil To Alabama

The Other Night as it were I was doing what is Referred to in Certain Circles as a Little Drinking and Thinking while Mulling over My Life Past, Present, and Possible Future. At One point a Story I had Locked Away Many Years ago in the Library of Memories in My Mind made its way to the Forefront of My Thoughts. It was a Memory of a Best FriendI had in High School named Mike. Mike Shared the Same Sense of Absurdist Humor, Love of Extreme Music, and Lived just a Short Walking distance from My Parents House. Mike had moved Recently to the Area after the Unfortunate and Untimely Death of His Dad. Mike’s Father Sacrificed Everything (including His Life) to Help His Family when it was Imperative the Family Move. Due to the Expense of the More along with Arranging New Housing, and the Fact Mike’s Family didn’t have much Expendable Income the Man was Under Overwhelming Stress. To make things Worse to Afford the Move Mike’s Father had to forgo His Pricy Heart Medication which He needed for a Chronic Heart Condition and Subsequently Died because of the Lack of Medication. Since His Father’s Passing Mike, His Mom, Little Sister, and Little Brother had all Moved in with Mike’s Grandmother to Regroup and Plan the Next Phase of Their Lives.

For Starters as Far as Mike’s Mother was Concerned You see didn’t Conduct Herself like a Mother in the Traditional Sense as She seemed to Suffer from Some Asinine Arrested Development Issues. She was a rather Short Heavy Set Woman with a Loud Mouth with Little Regard for Anyone other than Herself, But that is Not All Not by a Long Shot. In all Due Favor Mike’s Mom was as Irresponsible as She was Immature which was a Great Deal. Mike’s Mom conducted Herself like a Spoiled, Bitchy, and Entitled High Schooler to Whom Responsibility wasn’t in Her Vocabulary. As a Result as You might Imagine Mike was the Member of the Family that Acted as the Glue keeping the Family in one fucking Piece as it were.

After a Couple of Years when Mike was Finishing His Sophomore Year of High School His Mother Started Dating Again. Now She didn’t Date Anyone in Her Area or Even making a fucking Effort to. Mike’s Mom wasn’t going through the Standard Dating Routine of the Time. She wasn’t Hitting Up Bars, Various Area Social Events, Grocery Stores, or even Bother Placing a Personal Ad in a Local Paper. To Clarify You see before there were Dating Sites like Cupid or Match.com even Existed People used to Place Personal Ads looking to Meet People/Someone Example Man Seeks Womanfollowed by things like Age Range, Religion, Hobbies, Activities and Shit like that) in Their Local Newspaper(s). Somehow Mike’s Mom Managed to Get the Phone Numbers or Mailing Address (Sometimes Both) of fucking Seriously Unusual Odd Balls, Basket Cases, and Assorted Losers of all Kinds. She treated these Men in Other States like Some kind of Hook Up Pen Pal. Mike’s Mom 99% of the Time Communicated Extensively but Never Actual Meet any of these Men in Person Sort of like the Internet Today. I have No Idea How or Where Mike’s Mom found out about These Fools or Acquired Their Phone Numbers but fuck me She did Time and Time Again. One of the Rare Times Mike’s Mom even went and Banged Some Random Guy She had been Writing to in Ohio. She referred to this Ohio Idiot as the Old Man, and not due to His Age.She referred to Him as Old Man because when They were Banging His Knee Went Out so that Earned Him the Nickname.

Finally Mike’s Mom started a Longer Ongoing “Relationship” with a Man Named Don who lived in a Tiny Town in Alabama No One has ever Heard of (and is even Difficult to Locate on a Map). The Town was Extremely Close to the Florida Boarder that I do remember still. I remember because Mike called Me One Day and Told Me that while Driving around that Part of Alabama He had made a Wrong Turn. All of a Sudden Mike had Noticed that His Particular Wrong Turn had landed Him Florida by Accident. Anyway Mike’s Mom and Don’s Relationship (if You could even call it a Relationship, More like Relationshit) Progressed and They Spent Hours on the Phone Talking Every Goddamn Day.

All the Incessant Phone Call  Inevitably resulted in Don Flying up from the Alabama Sticks to Visit. Don was a Character to say the fucking Least. He had a Southern Accent that was so fucking Pronounced it made Him hard to Understand Most of the Time (Especially the Faster He talked). He too was on the Shorter Side and was Essentially Borderline Obese by the Time I met Him. He also had this fucking Stereotypical Habit of wearing Nothing but Overalls like He was living on a fucking Farm in the fucking 1920’s or some shit. Don also just so Happened to be a Fanatical Born Again Bible Thumping Born Again Christian. Not to Mention Don was Dumber than a Box of Goddamn Rocks that was for Sure. I honestly don’t know shit about Don’s Education or Apparent Lack of It but Whatever Schooling He had it Sure wasn’t Much. My First Impression of Don was that He was Straight Up White Trailor Trash which as it Turned Out He was through and through. All I’m saying is Don’s Parents lived in a Beat Up Old ass Mobile Home where His Dad still Raised Hogs on the Property. Not Only that but Don’s Dad’s Favorite Hog had Bitten a Piece Out of His Ear one day like it was Mike Tyson. Don’s Parents also had a Police Scanner that was Left on 27/7 so They would Know if Don’s Delinquent Scumbag Brother was in Trouble with the fucking Police Again.

Eventually as these things go Mike’s Mom and Dipshit Don decided to get Married, and Mike’s Mom agreed to Move in with Don in Alabama. The way She Broke the News to Mike was a fucking Dick Move that’s for Sure as She simply Blindsided Him. Mike came Home from Wherever We had been Killing Time, and His Mom Announced the Engagement out of the fucking Blue, and that the Family was Moving to Alabama to live with Dickhead Don. She then went on to Inform Him that He had 2 Weeks to get His shit together since that was when They were Moving. For the First fucking Time in Her Life Mike’s Mom made a Commitment and Moved Faster than a fucking Tortoise. Needless to Say the 2 Weeks fucking Flew by and then Mike was Gone just like that.

Mike and I as You may Imagine in Spite of there being No Social Media, Email, Text, Dms, Ims, or Even there fucking Internet We managed to Stay in Regular Contact Via the Phone (Landline because Yup No Smart Phones, No Cell Phones Either at this Time). As the Time Past Mike and I started to Toss around the Idea of Me coming Down during the Summer to Visit Him in Alabama. The Only Problem was I was a fucking High School Student so I had No fucking Funds to Arrange Travel or Pay for fucking Anything for that Matter. Lucky for Me My Parents at one Point felt Bad enough for ME that They said They would Bankroll the Trip.

So with the Financial Aspect taken care of Mike and I set Up a Date and My Parents Purchased the Plane Tickets I was all set. It was the First Time I flew Alone, Yet it really wasn’t that Big a Deal whatsoever everything went Smoothly according to Plan. Though I had to take a Connecting Flight and when I showed Up and All the Passengers were assembled were Escorted Out of the Terminal onto the fucking Tarmac. It was then I was told on the fucking Spot that the Tiny Ass Town I was Visiting was So goddamn Small it Didn’t even have a fucking Airport. Since the Town Lacked an Actual Airport I, Along with My Fellow Travelers, would have to Board some fucking Small Puddle Jumper of a Plane that had fucking Propellers and shit. Can’t and Won’t Lie that shit was fucking Intense because it just Didn’t feel Safe worth a Damn, But alls well that Ends Well and I arrived without incident.

Now there was Another Issue Mike and I had to Deal with outside of the Trip’s Finances which was Essentially Don’s Religious Beliefs. As I mentioned Don was a Perfect Example of a Born Again, Bible Thumping, Christian fucking Fanatic with an Unhealthy Obsession for Jesus. The Conflict came from the Fact I was a Anti-Religion Pro-Atheist Delinquent who Loved Heavy Metal Music (NOT Hair/Glam Metal so Fuck Poison and Fuck Kiss), Loved Horror Movies (and still Do), and being a Defiant Teenager had a Fascination with the Shock Value of Satan and Satanism. All these Factors Combined made Me the Embodiment of of Don’s Christian Fears of Evil and did Not Hide the Fact He didn’t like Me in the Least. Don Didn’t Preach to Me or Try to Persecute or Convert Me He wasn’t one of those Aggressive Overbearing Christians Don was just an Extremely Out Spoken Christ Lover.

So about a Week or Two I was on the Phone with Mike and We were Excited about the Me coming to Visit when Mike Started Laughing His Ass Off. I asked Mike what was so fucking Funny and was Totally Unprepared for the Answer. Once Mike managed to get His Laughter under Control he let Me know Don wasn’t at all amused about My coming to Visit. In Fact Don was so Upset about Me coming Down He Actually Told to Mike “He’s Going to bring The Devil to Alabama!” which made Me laugh My ass off Too.

Of Course being Teenagers We Not Only Ignored and Mocked Don for His Irrational Satanic Fear, but We came to the Conclusion that We HAD to fuck with Don as Much as Possible during My Visit. So the Day Finally came and I made My way Down to No Where Alabama where Mike picked Me up from the Poor Exuse of a Dinky fucking Airport. We headed Directly to Mike’s House so I could Unload My Luggage, and We could figure out what the fuck to Do in the Tiny, No micro, Town is Backwoods Alabama. Of Course Don was Home because I failed to Mention Earlier was a Chronically Unemployed Parasitic Bum who lived off the fucking Disability (Yet No One knew what the fuck it was, and I doubt that it was legit) and Government Cheese. As soon as We walked into the Kitchen Don was Sitting at the Kitchen Table Feasting on Junk Food while watching Some Talk Show Trash. As soon as He realized We were there He looked up and made a Weird fucking Face somewhere between Disgust and Panic. Needless to Say He got up and Cleared Out of the Kitchen in a matter of fucking Seconds.

Don’s Hasty Exit only served to Encourage Us to fuck with Him as Much as We possibly Could. One thing that Worked in Our Favor being Teens Mike and I tending to Stay up until 4 or 5 in the Morning. This Proved to be a Great Advantage for Mindfucking Don since He believed in The Witching Hour (12:00 am) AND The Devil’s Hour (3:00 am). Honestly is Almost Too fucking Easy to the Point where at One Point Almost called Off Our Tiraid because it was again EXTREMELY EASY to Harass Don. During the Early Hours of the Morning Mike and I would Walk Aimlessly around the House making Random Banging, Rattling, and Thumping Various things like a Haunted House come to Life. We also Started Mumbling Either Incoherently Under Our Breath or Whispering in Made Up Imitation Latin trying to be Creepy as fuck. And it Worked by Day 3 of My Visit Don went Out and Bought this Cheap Door Security Alarm which was a Device Someone could Hang on a Door Knob. Once the Alarm was in Place and Armed if Anyone fucked with said Door it would Trigger the Alarm to Activate.

We proceeded to Ramp things Up by Leaving Pieces of Paper Laying around with Pentagrams, 666 (The Number of the Beast), and Doodles of Devils or Demons for Don to Find like a Morbid Easter Egg Hunt. We also repeatedly Left an Ouija Board with a List of Occult Based Questions along with Bullshit Spells/Incantations on them as if We were Practicing Demonology or some other Dark Art. The Ouija Board Utterly Terrified Don who Assumed that We were Conjuring Evil Spirits Against Him or Perhaps Casting Curses upon Him. After just a Few Days Our Antics had Don on the Verge of a Full Blown fucking Panic Attack. If He saw Us He made it Painfully Obvious He was Desperately Trying to Avoid Us at All Costs and His Mental Health was Waining. By the End of My Trip to visit Mike We had Utterly Destroyed Don’s Concept of Reality having Brought most things He feared right to His Doorstep. Apparently according to Mike at a Later Date told Me that in His Opinion Don Never Fully recovered from My Visit which Delighted Me to No End.

A Couple Years after My Visit Mike Informed Me He had one Day come Home from Work to find Don sitting in the Kitchen with a Loaded Rifle resting on the Table. Don was Blatently having some sort of Mental Break Down and was Babbling about Murdering Mike, Mike’s Family, and the Evils of the World that Stood Against Him. Mike being Either Incredibly Brave or Insanely Stupid Managed to Wrestle the Rifle from Don and Lock it in His Truck to Keep it Out of Don’s Demented Hands. Many Years Past and the Last I ever Heard of Don was that He been Diagnosed with a Severer Case of Adult Diabetes Type 2. In the End Don designed His Own Demise because He Out Right Refused to Follow ANY and ALL Dietary Restrictions that come with Diabetes. As a Result of Don Disregarding His Doctor’s Order Don’s Health went Down Hill Quite Quickly. Eventually Don’s Disastrous Diet led to His Eventual Down Fall. I had Vowed as a Teen that I would Not Piss but Shit on Don’s Grave something I have Yet to Do.

It is What it Is,

 By Les Sober

The Backrooms – Ladders

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – LADDERS Posted on the Async Research Channel. BACKROOM – LADDERS is the Latest Installment of a Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence as Well as Our Original Post on the Backrooms Creppypasta.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research? 

As it Turns Out there is a Second Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

So Then What The Fuck Is Our Point Pertaining To A-Sync Research?

The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There are Small Hard to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s for Each Respective Video.

Our Opinion On THE BACKROOMS Series/Videos/Channels:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that was Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast. Oddly Enough We seem to be in a Gray Area Impasse as far as the Continuation of the Series. The Last Backrooms (Backrooms – Betrayal) was apparently the Last of the Lost Cameraman Chris Footage it left Many wondering if the Series was indeed Over. Then there is this Additional Video and No One is certain what it may or May Not Signify going Forward, BUT for Now Apparently there are or will be several Additional Found Footage videos.

Backrooms – Ladders Synopsis:

  • This One starts off a Little Slow, But Picks Up Pretty Soon.
  • Official Description: 1/26/1990
  • Room 16A is Discussed between the Workers in the Backrooms and the Control Room.
  • Workers Set Up a Massive Ladder to Access a Secondary Floor.
  • The Leader of the Work Crew States that the Area They are going to Explore there is “No Recorded Measurements or Data Beyond this Point…”
  • In a Certain Room the Crew Counts 8 Pillars, and We Can’t Help wonder is there a Meaning Behind the Set Number of Pillars or is it Just Some Random Detail?!
  • Works find a Downed Floor Tile on the Floor along Their Exploration and Wonder How it was Dislodged.
  • Suddenly there is Human Screams Followed by a Loud Thump/Bang.
  • The Crew Investigates the Screams and Make a Gruesome Discovery and Question How it’s Even Possible.
  • Then there is Another Unknown Noise that Causes the Crew to Head Back to the Control Room, But They can’t make Contact on the Walkie Talkie.
  • There is a Finally Surprise when the Crew Returns to the Ladder They set up to Access the Secondary Floor.



It Is What It Is,

  Presented By Les Sober.


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the One, The Only, The Really fucking Odd Miss Shaye Saint John in STARBOARD. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, and the Official Shaye Saint John Channel Quit Uploading Content in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Who is Miss Shaye St. John? :

The Character Shaye St. John is Described as a “Model”, and is Shown in Videos Wearing a Plastic Mask, a Series of Wigs and Dresses, and Manipulating a Pair of Wooden Hands Attached to Sticks, and the Character’s Legs are in Fact Mannequin Legs as Well. Tragically Saint John was Hit By a Train which Resulted in the Loss of Her Arms and Legs (as Well as Horribly Disfiguring Her Face). Instead of Using the Traditional Prosthetics, She Added Mannequin Parts to Her Face and Added the Wooden Hands so No One could See Her Severely Damaged and Deformed Hands. Saint John Wears a Series of Different Masks throughout Her Videos, Supposedly because She Doesn’t want the World to See What She Actually looks Like.  Creator Eric Fournier Explained “It’s Really Bad, that’s Why She wears the Mask.”


It had been quite a long fucking Long Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? We’re Not trying to be fucking Dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or Ashes in an Urn so fucking What of It?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point/Reason for Youtube to Take Down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s Post from FYB featuring THE DAY OF THE SUBGENIUS by None Other than the Church Of The Subgenius. So who the fuck are/is the Church OF The Subgenious You might be Wondering and You wouldn’t be Alone. So here is a Brief Summation on the Church Of The Subgenius for Clarification Purposes. The Church OF The Subgenius (COTS) is Essentially a Parody Religion that Satirizes better known Mainstream Organized Religions and Belief Systems. COTS Teaches a rather Complex Philosophy that Focuses on J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, Who according to the Church is a Salesman from the 1950s, and Who is Revered as a/the Prophet by the Members of the COTS. Leaders of COTS Leaders have Developed Very Detailed Narratives Pertaining to Dobbs and His Relationship to Various Gods as Well as Conspiracies. The Central Deity of the COTS is known as Jehovah 1 is Accompanied by Other Gods drawn from Ancient Myth and Popular Fiction. COTS Literature describes the Grand Conspiracy that seeks to Brainwash the World and Oppress Dobb’s Followers. In the COTS’s Narratives Present a Blend of Cultural References in a Elaborate Mix of Various Sources.

Ivan Stang who Co-Founded the COTS back in the 1970s and He Serves as the Church’s Leader and Publistist. Stang has imitated Actions of Other Religious Leaders, using the Tactic of Culture Jamming in an Attempt to Parody better known Mainstream Faiths. Cultural Jamming also Known as Guerrilla Communication is a Form of Protest used by Many Anti-Consumerist Social Movements to Disrupt/Subvert Media Culture and its Mainstream Cultural Institutions, Including Corporate Advertising.It Attempts to “Expose the Methods of Domination” of Mass Society. COTS Leaders instruct Their Followers to Avoid Mainstream Commercialism and the Belief in Absolute Truths.

The COTS Believes and Preaches that the Quality of “Slack” in of UTMOST Importance, but it is Never Clearly Defined. The Number of COTS Followers is Unknown to this Very Day, Although the CHurch’s Message has been Welcomed by College Students, Artists, and Anti-Commsumerism Groups Across America. The COTS is Often Referred to Discordianism which is a Religion, Philosophy, or Paradigm Centered on Eris, also known as Discord, The Goddess of Strife and Discord. While Many Journalists consider the COTS as an Elaborate Joke, But Meanwhile some Academics have Defended it as a Real System of Deeply Held Beliefs.

Now that We’ve Covered the COTS the remaining Question is What the fuck is the Day of the Subgenious? Well it’s Actually Referred to as X-Day and is a Traditional Part of the COTS who again is a Religion that Parodies Cults, Religious Extremists, and Organized Religion as well as Their Literature and Claims. X-Day fell on July 5, 1988 the Day Scheduled for the End of the World, and has been Celebrated on July 5th Every Year since then. From it’s Beginning COTS has Prophesied that an Army of Alien Invaders (Known as the “X-ists” or “Men From Planet X) would Land on Earth and Utterly Destroyt the World of “Normals”, “Pinks”, and “Glorps” while the Members of the COTS) would be Rescued by the Aliens and taken into the Depths of Space. Chapters 10 and 11 of Revelation x: The “Bob” Apocryphon supply Additional Details as the Precise kinds of Fates which Await the “Pinks” and “Normals” (as Well as SubGeni Who have Not Paid Their Membership Fees) Left Behind when X-Day Comes. The COTS says among other things that Those Who are Not Immediately Killed by the Alien Invaders will be Enslaved by a Society of Evil Clowns known as the “Bozo Cult” until Eventually Their Souls are devoured by the Elder Gods. The Book also Informs Readers that if They would like or want More Information, They should send $1,000,000 to Ivan Stang so that He can Make His 1973 Film Let’s Visit The World Of The Future.


It is What it Is,

 Presented by Les Sober

Medieval Metal

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post where We are Talking about the Topic of Medieval Metal. We are Massive Music Fans Who truly believe that Life without Music Simply isn’t worth fucking Living. In addition to that We are Fanatically Devout Fans of Niche Musical Genres such as Horrorcore, Deathgrind, Grindcore, Powerviolence, Underground Hardcore/Punk, Brutal/Slamming Death Metal Etc., BUT this Medieval Metal is Something New to Us.

So What the fuck is Medieval Metal in the First fucking Place?! Medieval Metal came into it’s Own back in the Mid 90’s, and is Defined as a Subgenera of Heavy Metal that Blends Heavy Metal Music with Medieval Folk Music. Now one Reason (if not the Main reason) Medieval Metal is such a Niche Genre is that it is Mostly Restricted to Germany where it Know as Mittelalter-Metal or Mittelalter-Rock. On One Hand the Medieval Metal Musical Style is Characterized by the Prominent Use of a Wide Variety of Traditional Folk and Medieval Instruments, and Many Bands Dress in Stylized Medieval Era Costumes on Stage during Concerts/Live Shows. Many Medieval Metal Bands Adopt a Musical Styles from Various Medieval Era Source Material such as Viking Music, Celtic Music, Nordic Music, and in Addition from Fantasy Stories such as Lord of the Ring. On the Other Hand Some Medieval Metal Bands take a More Modern approach to Their Songwriting while Still Utilizing Traditional Medieval or Ancient Instruments.


This Actually makes Sense to Us since While Researching Medieval Metal Bands We Noticed there are Slight Variations among Them. What We mean by that is While All the Bands Retained the Key Elements of the Medieval Metal Genre Some Bands Seemed to Lean More Towards the Folk Metal Aspect. We felt Compelled to included 1 Example of this in the Videos Below (Cultus Ferox – Gotterdammerung)because Well We had To Yet really didn’t really want to. Meanwhile other Medieval Bands really Embraced the Heavy Metal Aspect which again makes Sense since Common Themes in Heavy Metal were/are Medieval Times, Devils and Demons, Dragons, Monsters, Death/Grim Reaper, Old Graveyards, Knights, Castles, and Mythical Creatures for Example. Also We found Medieval Metal Bands that Took Ques from Black Metal which was by Far Our Favorite Hands fucking Down.



  • Apocalypse Orchestra (First 2 Videos) – The Garden Of Earthly Delights and Theatre Of War
  • Wind Rose – Diggy Diggy Hole
  • Subway To Sally – Was Ihrwollt
  • Corvus Corax – Sverker
  • Cultus Ferox – Gotterdammerung
  • Tanzwut – Lügner
  • Ingrimm – Ingrimm
  • Ragnaroek – Gevadder
  • Haggefugg – Katzenjammer



It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober