FYB’s Wicked Wednesday Horror Movie: BLEED-Eat or Be Eaten

FYB is Happy to Present for Tonights Wicked Wednesday 2009 Horror Movie featuring BLEED-Eaten or Be Eaten Written by Bo Buckley and Directed by Gary King.


Brief Plot Summery: Average Student Dana has a problem She is Failing Biology. If She wants to Pass She must attend an Extra Credit Assignment with Several Classmates that leas them into a Remote Region of THE GREAT DISMAL SWAMP, a Place Teeming with Life…..and DEATH! While the Group of Students keeps One Eye Open for Hungry Bears, Deadly Snakes, and Lurking Alligators, They are Unaware of The Real Danger. For the Top of the Food Chain lives in a Delapitated Cabin Not too Far from Their Campsite, and He has an Appetite FOR HUMAN FLESH!

Described as: “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre with a bit of The Hills Have Eyes.”

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober

Tidbits For Shits and Giggles: Cigarette Warning

This Intriguing 27 Second Slice of Real World Insanity does Exactly what the Title Says its a Warning Against Smoking Cigarettes/Cigars/Pipes as well as Chewing Tobacco and Dipping.

We all are Aware by Now Cigarettes Don’t Contain Vitamins in Fact They Contain Carcinogens (among other Toxic Shit) that are Agents that Cause a Myriad of Cancers. Cigarettes contain Benzene, Formaldehyde (the shit the Embalm Dead Bodies With), Vinyl Chloride, and Arsenic (Yes the Well Known Poison) just to Name a Few.

This Ad is a Prime Example of Simple Shock Tactics. The Entire Video consists of a Single Shot Zooming in on a Head Thats Engulfed in Cigarette Smoke. As the Camera gets Closer and Closer the Viewer can Hear it ‘s Strained Raspy Breathing as it Apparently Gasps for Oxygen. Once the Head comes into Clear View it is Revealed that the Head has been Decimated by Cancerous Tumors. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

Abominable Animations: A SHORT VISION (BFI 1956)

In this Installment of Abominable Animations FYB is Delighted to Bring You  Controversial, Gory, and Disturbing Anti Nuclear Animated British Film A Short Vision. The Film was Written and Directed by Joan and Peter Foldes in 1956, and was Inspired by one of Peter’s Poems. A Short Vision Depicts the Destruction of the Earth, and  the Brutal Demise of Humanity at the Hands of a Menacing Nuclear Bomb (Referred Only as It in the Film).

It all started when in 1952, the First Successful Detonation of a Hydrogen Bomb that was over 450 times as Powerful as the Bomb America Dropped on Nagasaki in World War 2. This Horrific Potential for Destruction Terrified Peter and They Two began working on a Short Cartoon in Their Kitchen, and in 1956 A Short Vision was Aired on the Popular American Television Talk Show The Ed Sullivan Show.


To His Credit Sullivan tried to Prepare the Audience for the Horror of the Film, But His Introduction Fell Short of Warning Viewers that They were about to watch an Interpretation of a Nuclear Holocaust, complete with Bloody, Melting Faces:

“Just last week you read about the H-bomb being dropped. Now two great English Writers, two very imaginative writers-I’m gonna tell you if you have youngsters in the living room tell them not to be alarmed at this ’cause it’s a fantasy, the whole thing is animated-but two English writers, Joan and Peter Foldes, wrote a thing which they called A Short Vision in which they wondered what might happen to the animal population of the world if an H-Bamb were dropped. It’s produced by George K. Authur and I’d like you to see it. It is grim, but I think we can all stand it to realize that in war there is no winner.”

A Short Vision garnered a great deal of Praise from Audiences and Critics, many were Angry and Disturbed by such Graphic Depictions of the Nuclear Apocalypse. Undeterred by the Backlash, Foldes continued Producing Groundbreaking, Socially Conscious Animation throughout His Career.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

Passenger Of Shit: StapleTapeWormsOnMyPenis

Passenger of Shit is Australian Musician and Visual Artist  Swift Treweeke currently based in The Blue Mountains, Australia.

Swift’s also gos by Other Alias’s Including: Doodleinacacoon, Dungnob, MC Bushpig, MC Poodick, Scortch1, Swift loannou Treweeke, POS, SCATBUTCHER, and Stapledpenisgolum.


Swift has been in or is in the Following Bands: Anal Compost, Colonic Meat Theater, Rancid Shit Wank, Vomit Junction, Fiesta Grande, Odiusembowl, Suicidal Rap Orgy, Butchers Harem, and Corpse Penis Eaten By Rectum.

Swift has been making Music for Over 15 Years since the Late 1990’s, and is One of the Most Propionate Members of the Australian Underground. Swift is One of Several Local Australian Musicians Specializing in Horrorcore, Hardcore, and Noise. He was also a Founder of the Now Defunct Suicidal Rap Orgy collective, and the Owner of Shitwank Records and BUTCHERS HAREM PRODUCTIONS. Swift is also a Painter, Dealing in Surrealistic Landscapes where Bodily Harm, Genitalia, Bodily Fluids, and Feces are Recurring Themes in Nearly all of His Art.


Swift Plays and Produces Extreme Speedcore, Breakcore, Electrogrind, Hardcore, Grindcore, Noise, Terrorcore, Pornogrind, Shitcore, Horror Rap, Snuffcore, Horrorcore, Electronic, and Sadcore Music.


Thanks for Listening,

  Brought to You by Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (58/365)

“We at least it doesn’t smell half bad just kind of sweet musty Smell.” commented Lee before taking a Huge Swig of His Beer.

It just so happened that right then All Hell Broke Loose on the Bus and Spiraled Out of Control Quickly. It all Started with the Businessman Meth Head, and the Bus Bunny who was Bouncing Up and Down on His Lap like His dick was a Pogo Stick. They were banging away as They had been for the last 15 minutes or so when all of a Sudden the Businessman’s Eye’s (which had previously been Bulging out of His fucking Skull) Returned to Their Sockets, and then Promptly Rolled back into His Head so all You could see was the White of HIs Eyes. He then began Convulsing as if He was being Electrocuted by a High Power Line as His Mouth fell Open and His Body then went Ridged as a Steel Beam.

At this point the Bus Bunny realized something seriously fucked up was Happening as by now half the Bus was looking in Her Direction. Just as She started to turn Her head to Peer at the Horror Show behind Her She was Launched into the Standing Position Massive Torrent of Jizz. The Comatose Businessman’s Muscles had tightened to the Point of Cramping, and Jizz was Gushing like a inverted Waterfall from the Eye of His Cock. The Bus Bunny was only on her Feet for a Split Second before being Catapulted (with a Great Force) Up and Over the Seat Back in front of Her. The Poor Woman  went tumbling through the Air Flailing like Mad as She went Upside Down Ass over Elbows, and finally She came Crashing Down into the Seat in Front of Her.


The Middle Aged Lady who was sitting in front of the Businessman and the Bus Bunny had enough common sense (combined with a Heavy Dose of Shock and Awe) to get the fuck out of the Way before it was too late. She was a Rather Tall and Thin Lady who Lee thought was a bit Over Dressed for the Bus was Standing in the Bus Isle looking utterly Revolted. Unfortunately for Her the Day was about to get any fucking Better that was for sure. As She stood scowling like an Enraged Buzzard at the Sloppy Homeless Drunk Power Vomited on the Floor Point Blank. The Sheer Puking Power sent a Large Collateral Spray as it Slammed against the Bus Floor. Some of the Extraneous Vomitus splashed onto the Dignified Lady’s Pair of New Heal Breaking Six Inch Heels. This sent the Lady who could barely handle the Various Bodily Fluids She found Herself being Bombarded with into a Homicidal Bling Rage.

The Lady whipped off Her Vomit Soaked High Heel and swung it like a Professional Baseball Player into the Side of the Drunks Head. The Six Inch Spike of a High Heel lodged Solidly Five Inches into the Drunk’s Ear Canal obliterating His Ear Drum and Piercing His Alcohol Soaked Occipital Lobe. She then Tore Her High Heel free from the Drunk Man’s Head sending a Stream of Dark Red Blood to Cascading Down onto the Priest Sitting Next to the Drunk. The Poor Priest had been attempting to counsel the Intoxicated Man about the Evils of Alcohol and the Teachings of the Bible before being Bathed in The Man’s Blood.


The Priest left to His Feet and immediately threw one Hell of a Hay Maker punching the Well Dressed Lady square in Her Right breast. This sent the Lady stumbling Backward until She collided with the Asian Gamblers sitting in the Back of the Bus which sent them into s Cursing Frenzy in some sort of Asian Dialect. The Priest Then Out Stretched His Arms into Christ on the Cross Pose, and began Ranting and Raving about The End of Days while Randomly Quoting Revelations. Lee had No Idea What about the Priest pissed Dizzy Off so Severely, But Dizzy Lunged up and out of His Seat, charged the Priest like a fucking Linebacker and Broke His Forty Ounce Beer Bottle over the Priest Holy Head. As Dizzy Physically Assaulted the Priest he Yelled “Eat Shit You Apocalyptic Asshole”. The Priest collapsed crumpling to the Floor like a Blood Covered Rag Doll. Dizzy’s Beer Bottle had Busted the Priest Wide Who was Bleeding Profusely, and Sporting what is Referred to in Hardcore Wrestling as “The Crimson Mask”.

The Screaming Gang of Asian Gamblers Upset a Young Man sitting Near by who was Huddled Over His Fiancee to Protect and Shield Her from the Increasing Violence. It didn’t take long before the Young Man got so Angry He felt the Need to Retaliate, and He did so by Releasing several Fighting Roosters He had Stashed in a Small Chicken Wire Makeshift Cage by His Feet. The Roosters came fluttering out in an Agitated Storm of Feathers, Beaks, and Talons ready to do what They Do which is Fight to the Death. The only issue was the Rooster weren’t in a Ring so instead of Attacking Each other They Attacked anyone they came in Contact with on the Bus. The Bus at this Point had Evolved from a Bar Room Bus Brawl into a Raging Riot as the Passengers kept escalating the Violence as They fought Tooth and Nail.


The Bus Driver desperately searched for any place He could pull the Bus Over and Escape the Confined Brutality that had Broken out on His Bus. The Driver frantically changed Lanes causing the Fighting Passengers sliding from one side of the Bus to the Other like an Out of Control Cattle Car. At Last the Terrified Bus Driver saw His Opportunity, and banked a Hard Right that damn well could have caused the Bus to Tip Over onto its Side into a Abandoned Strip Mall Parking Lot.

Stay Tuned for the Next Mentally Unbalanced Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Friday Splatter Cinema Movie: THE BURNING MOON

FYB is Truly Psyched to Present One of the Goriest Splatter Movies EVER MADE Uncut, Uncensored, and Unconscionable as Ever. It’s None the then the Shot on VHS Notorious 1992 the German Cult Classic THE BURNING MOON Directed by Olaf Ittenbach!!!


Briefest of Plot Summaries:

The Burning Moon depicts a Junkie and Juvenile Delinquent, Named Peter, reading to HIGHLY GRUESOME Bedtime Stories To His Younger Sister (Which are Extremely Inappropriate for Children and Adults Alike) to His Kid Sister. In the First Story Titled “Julia’s Love” a Young Woman is out on a Blind Date who just so Happens to be a SERIAL KILLER! The Second Story Tilted “The Purity” follows a MURDERING PSYCHOTIC PRIEST and the MURDER of the Suspected Killer by an Enraged Villager, who is then SENT TO HELL and is TORTURED!


What Can Be Said about Such a Film? Here are Just a Few Peoples Thoughts on the Subject.

“Believe the hype! One of the goriest, nastiest, ad angriest horror films ever shot.” -Twitch Films

“The most lethally fucked up dose of depravity you will ever experience.”       -Severin Films

“The cinematic equivalent of humping gravestones after midnight on meth.” – Vice

“as much a splatter as humanly Possible in just over an hour and a half”  Mondo Digital

“If Peckinpah and Fulci ever has a crack baby that picked up a camcorder, this would be the result.” -Oh, The Horror!

“It will rip your dick off and shit on it.” – AGFA HQ


“German film Olaf Ittenbach didn’t just make The Burning Moon, he got away with it. It’s the sort of film that makes you want to call the Police. Detailing detestable murders…(Ittenbach’s Opus) concludes with a shocking decent into one of the most gruesome movie depictions of Hell Ever conceived.” -William Babbiani CraveOnline

Note to Viewers: We couldn’t locate an Original  Copy in German of The Burning Moon that had Subtitle/Closed Caption Options, BUT Fear Not! Funny Enough We found an Original Copy Below Dubbed in Spanish that DID OFFER SUBTITLE/CLOSED CAPTION OPTION. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed this Piece of Hellish Horror as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Max Headroom Pirating Incident

One Late Night in November 1987, Two Chicago Television Stations had Their Broadcast Signal Hijacked in a Legendary Act of Video Piracy. The First Incident was just a Brief Intrusion without Audio during the Sports Segment on WGN’s 9:00 pm Nightly News. The Second more Significant of the Hacks occurred 2 Hours Later  on a Channel 11 WTTW (an PBS Affiliate) Broadcast of the British Science Fiction Cult Classic Doctor Who. The Episode was titled “Horror of Fang Rock” was interrupted by a Man wearing a Max Heardroom Mask, and this time there was Actual Audio.

The Manic Acting Individual who Initially a calls out “All the Greatest World Newspaper Nerds which was a Reference to WGN’s Call Letters, which stand for “World’s Greatest Newspaper.  The Masked Individual then proceeded to  Babble a good bit of incoherent Gibberish, Slammed the Chicago Tribune (and its Subsidiaries one of them being WGN), and Insulted WGN Sports Anchor Chuck Swirski. The Individual also Referenced Max Headroom’s Endorsement of Coca-Cola and  The Early 1960’s Children’s TV Cartoon Series Clutch Cargo. At the End of the Hijacking the Masked Individual Drops His Pants, and is/was Spanked by an Unknown Woman Wielding a Fly Swatter. The Entire Incident Lasted 90 Seconds from Beginning to End  before the Doctor Who Program was Returned to Normal.


For those who may Not Be Old Enough to Remember Max Headroom is/was a Fictional Artificial (AI) Intelligence Character, Known for His Wit and Incessant Stuttering, Distorted, Electronically Sampled Voice, and was dubbed “The First Computer Generated Television Personality. In Reality the Alleged Computer Generated Appearance was achieved utilizing Prosthetic Make-Up and Hand-Drawn Backgrounds. Max Headroom is most remembered for being the Spokes Person for the Soft Drink Company Coca-Cola. In Spite of the FCC launching a Massive Investigation The People Responsible for the Max Headroom Incident have Remained Free and at Large for over 30 Years.

Hypothesis and Suspected Suspects:

  • One of the Alleged Possible Suspects was/is a Musician and Artist Eric Fournier. Fournier had a Youtube Series featuring a Main Character Named Shaye Saint John that had a very Similar Aesthetic to the Max Headroom Video. Unfortunately this was in the Early Days of Youtube so Sad to Say Youtube took the Channel down and Deleted all of Fournier’s Content. Now this really isn’t a whole hell of a lot to go on as it seems like Grabbing at Straws to Me. What DOES seem much more Probable is the Following Scenario also involving Fournier as the Prime Suspect. Apparently at the Time of the Incident Fournier was playing in a Punk Band called The Blood Farmers and was looking for ways to Promote the Band and Expand Exposure of the Band’s Music Videos.

The Story goes that right before Hijacking the Broadcast to Play His Bands Videos Fournier became Insanely Paranoid out of the Fear of Being Caught, and The Consequences that would come with it. So in a Blind Panic Fournier sticking to the Motto “The Show Must Go On” Decided to Improvise the Performance instead of using His Band’s Videos. Years Later a Fellow Band Member of Fournier’s from The Blood Farmers went on the Record stating The Band new Nothing about the Incident, Fournier never said anything about it, and that the Blood Farmers didn’t even have any Music Videos Recored at the Time. In the End if Fournier was behind or Involved in the Max Headroom Incident He took the Secret to the Grave as Fournier died in 2010.

  • Another Hypothesis is the Most Obvious of Them All which is the Max Headroom Incident was perpetrated by a Broadcasting Professional thus making it an Inside Job. Perhaps it was a Disgruntled Employee or a Pissed Off Ex-Employee, or Someone with some sort of Grudge. The Basis for this Hypothesis is The Masked Individual Specifically talked shit about Channel 11- WTTW , WGN’s Call Letters, The Chicago Tribune, and Chuck Sworski would be a Key Factor in the Motivation of the People behind the Incident. No Evidence of this has ever been Found or Documented to Prove this Hypothesis in any way Whatsoever.

The Most Likely of all of the Hypothesis is one posed by a Reddit user Named B-Pole who claimed to know who was behind the Incident. B-Pole went on to tell the Story of Two Brothers He knew while living in Chicago who were Both Heavily into the Phreaking Scene, Radio, and Television Technology in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The Brothers who B-Pole referred to simply as J and K to protect the Brother’s True Identity lived together in an Apartment alone with K’s Girlfriend M. The Apparent was Filled to the Gills with Heavy Duty AV Equipment We’re talk Hoarder Level Here, and that No One knew what all the Equipment was Actually For.

B-Pole went on to write that He believes J who is Extremely Autistic was the Unknown Individual wearing the Infamous Max Headroom Mask who perpetrated the Broadcast Signal Hijacking along with K on Camera, and K’s Girlfriend Who did the Spanking with the Fly Swatter. B-Pole bases His Assumption on several of J’s Personal Characteristics such as His Sense of Humor which was damn Near Identical to that of the Max Headroom Character being Deviant and Sexual in Nature. Also B-Pole noted the Distinct Speech Pattern  shared by Both J and the Masked Individual in that They both almost Frantically jumped from one Topic to the Other with No Continuity, and that Both J and the Max Headroom Individual reverted to saying “Ooooooohhh” when thinking of Something to Say. In addition B-Pole noted the Cartoon Show Clutch Cargo theme song that the Max Headroom Individual Hums/”Sings” was a Popular 1960’s TV Show during the Same time J was growing up so He’d have been Familiar with it.

The Most Condemning Piece of Evidence supporting B-Pole’s Claim was the Tale He told where He attended a Party at the Brothers Apartment. While at the Party B-Pole heard that J was going to do Something Big that Weekend, and B-Pole felt compelled to ask what this Big Thing was. All K would say is that B-Pole should watch Channel 11 Later that Night under the guise of an Off Handed Suggestion. Another Different Reddit User Posted saying They grew up in Chicago, was big in the Phreak Scene, and actually knew J and K since They all of Them moved in the Same Social Circles. Most Importantly the Second Reddit User collaborated a good deal of the Details B-Pole had talked about.

In a Strangely Odd Twist B-Pole posted again on the Subject of the Max Headroom Pirating Incident in 2015, but this Time He had completely Changed His Original Story. B-Pole now argued that in 1987 the Professional Equipment needed to pull off such a Pirating Stunt by an Amateur simply did Not Exist. Based on this B-Pole claims the Brother’s J and K were completely Innocent and couldn’t possible have been Responsible. The only Person B-Pole Concluded that whoever it was with  the Knowledge and Equipment to pull of such a Pirating Incident Could only have been an  Broadcasting Industry Professional.

In the End We more than Likely will Never Know Who Indeed was Behind the Max Headroom Pirating Incident, and Those Guilty will Never be Held Accountable. Below You will find the Original Video of the Max Headroom Incident as it was Seen by Viewers at the Time that it Occurred. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics Captain Midnight Hacks HBO

On April 27, 1986 a Little after Midnight a Person calling Themselves Captain Midnight Overrode HBO’s Signal. The Signal was Interrupted  during the Opening Credit to the Movie The Falcon and The Snowman with a Message Warning Cable Customers (Specifically Satellite Subscribers) against HBO and Showtime’s Billing Practices. The question is Why would someone go to such Lengths and Risk getting in Serious Trouble to Protest Rising Cost of Cable Rates?! It turned out it was a 25 Year Old Young Man Named John MacDougall, and This is The Story Behind the Captain Midnight HBO Signal Hack.

In America before 1972 all Television was Absolutely and Completely FREE as The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) had Determined that the Airwaves are in fact Owned by the Public. The FFC set up Basic Censorship Guidelines to Preserve the Decency of the Airwaves. That all changed in 1972 with the Creation of CABLE TV which required Viewers to have a Cable Hook up in Their Home to be able to View Programming. The Benefit of Cable was there were NO FCC Guidelines so Cable Shows could have Cursing, Intense Violence, and Nudity and one of the First Cable Companies was The Home Box Office (HBO).


At this Time HBO used Satellite Technology to Transmit Information from Main Offices to the Various Cable Companies. Satellite Owner’s learned how to Tap into those Transmissions and were able to get FREE CABLE which believe it or Not wasn’t Considered Illegal! Obviously this Seriously Pissed off HBO who came up with the Solution to Scramble the Signal at the Transmission End and Unscramble it at the Receiving End starting on January 15, 1986. Now Satellite Owners could watch HBO if They opted for HBO’s Satellite Package that required the Purchase of a $395 Descrambler and Then a Monthly Subscription Fee of $12.95 per Month. Needless to Say this caused the Satellite Industry to freak the fuck out and Protest to No End.

Meanwhile a 25 year old Young Man from Ocala Florida named John A. MacDougall who had owned MacDougall Electronics for the Past 2 Years with a Good Bit of Success. Unfortunately John suddenly started to Tank Big fucking Time as the Incentive of Free Cable No Longer Existed, and Satellite Dishes were Big, Ugly, and Took Up a Great Deal of Space. Even with Sales Slipping Down the Shitter John didn’t object to HBO charging for Their Service He just had an Issue with How Much They were Charging. You see on Top of a the Monthly Service Fee Satellite Owner’s paid More than HBO Home Subscribers.


John being a Electronics Engineer managed to get Work as an Operations Engineer at Central Florida Teleport which was an Uplink Service to/for Satellites. On April 27, 1986 from Central Florida Teleport John preceded to Override HBO’s Signal with a Message that remained on Screen for Approximately 4 Minutes Straight before HBO regained Control. The FCC Immediately launched an Investigation, and  John starts to Freaking Out More and More as He soon becomes One of Three Prime Suspects in the Investigation. Eventually John is Arrested and Charged in the Incident and then Plead Guilty as Advised by His Attorney. In the End John got off with a Slap on the Wrist with a $5,000 Fine, One Year Unsupervised Prohibition, and a One Year Suspension of His Radio License.

Below is the Original Captain Midnight Hack Footage along with a ABC News Report on the Incident. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented by Les Sober

Movies On My Mind: Us Is Not For Me

I think it’s Safe to Say We’ve all seen a Movie and be it Good, Bad or Indifferent We have thought to Ourselves that We if We had had the Chance We Could or Would have Done a Better Job. Regardless of the Fact I’m a Cinaphile I think We have all experienced this Phenomenon First Hand. Normally the Thoughts or Feelings One has about such a Movie no matter what they may be at the Immediately Following the Film They Simply Fade Away in No Time and Life Goes On. This is the same for Me, but with One Exception and the Exception is the Horror Movie US that was Written, Produced, and Directed by Jordan Peele.

This Movie has some how Lodged itself inside of My Skull due to the fact I have so Many fucking Issues with the Movie’s Plot/Script it’s not even fucking Funny. Its not just the Fact the Movie could have been something quite accessional if it was for all of the Problems with the Plot its also that some how in spite of all of the Issues Us was legitimately a Critical and Commercial Success above all. For the Record fuck the Critics who are all Fickle as Fuck, and Pretentious as Hell so I could give a Rat’s Ass what the So-Called Self Proclaimed Critics Think. On that Note as for Commercial Success well that one is Easy People are Sheep and Most will just Fall in Line with the Critics, and as for the Rest well there’s No Accounting for Taste as They Say.


The Set Up is Decent enough if Not Cliche for the Horror Genre with a Mother Adelaide who is Haunted by a Childhood Trauma when She was confronted in a Seaside Funhouse by Her Twin. Adelaide’s Family consisting of her Husband Gabe, Daughter Zora, and Son Jason)  headed out on Vacation to Their House in Santa Cruz. The Family is Upbeat upon arrival and set out Settling in for Their Family Vacation. Then Four Masked Strangers Show up Lurking int he Shadows while Standing at the end of the Drive Way. Gabe verbally confronts the Ominous Strangers who seem totally oblivious to Gabe and His Threats. The Strangers then Attack the Family and Manage to Break in and Take the Family Hostage. It is then Revealed the Masked Strangers are in fact the Family’s Evil Doppelgängers (Twins).

A Reveal this Big would Normally be saved for the End of the Movie as Apposed to the Beginning so if You’re gonna pull a Major Reveal that Soon You better damn well Believe You can Back the Rest of the Film. Unfortunately for US this couldn’t be Farther from the Case as the Movie starts to Shit the Bed right after the Doppelgänger Reveal. I have summarized  My Issues with the Movie US into a List if You Will which is as Follows.


  • If the Evil Doppelgängers are Supposed to be EXACTLY IDENTICAL in Every Way to Their Counterpart then why the fuck does Jason’s Doppelgänger Act like a Feral Animal scurrying around on all Fours when None of the Other Doppelgängers behave in such a Manner?!
  • Again if the Evil Doppelgängers are Truly Identical to Their Counterparts why does Jason’s Doppelgänger Pluto continue wearing a Mask once all the Other Doppelgänger Remove Theirs. The Audience finds out from Adelaide’s Doppelgänger Red that Pluto was “Born of the Fire” whatever the fuck that means and has been Horribly Disfigured by Burns.
  • Its all fine and fucking Dandy that Red is the Only Doppelgänger that is capable of Speech in Raspy Voice speaking in a Stunted Manner, BUT why the hell do all the Other Doppelgänger Grunt, Screech, Hoot, Howl, Growl, and make use of Other Guttural Sounds I mean what the fuck is the Point?! Traditionally in Horror if Your going to Kick Up The Creepy Factor You’d have the Other Doppelgängers remain Completely Silent. So it’s an Odd choice all in all.


  • Red tells a Tale of a Happy Girl who was Loved while Her “Shadow” remained Suffering in the Dark. Red then Explains the Doppelgängers refer to Themselves as The Tethered who Share a Soul with Their Counterparts. Then it could also be the Tethered Possibly Don’t have a Soul at All, but its Not made Abundantly Clear as to which.
  • Later towards the End of the Movie in a Secret Tunnel Red explains further that Tethered are Clones created by The Government, The Military, or Evil Corporation (Again its Not made Clear as to which it was) to Control Their Counterparts on the Surface. The Experiment Failed and the Tethered were Abandoned by Their Creators/Handlers to Fend for Themselves for Generations. The Tethered existence was Mindlessly Imitating Their Counterparts like something out of Jacob’s Ladder until Red unified Them and They Escaped to Seek Revenge. Now thats all Fine and Dandy accept WHY DIDN’T RED EXPLAIN ALL THIS IN THE BEGINNING after the Girl and Her “Shadow” Story as it would have helped the Continuity of the Film more Fluid.
  • What the Fuck are the Rabbits About?! Why the fuck Where Illegal Human Clone Creators Breeding or Housing an Army of Rabbits in Scientific Laboratory Cages/Conditions?! The Rabbits are used for some sort of Shock Tactic that Falls Far Short of its Intention.


  • The Fact the Tethered Look Identical to Their Counterparts and Act Independently in the Movie then Why is it Once or Twice in the Movie the Tethered would Mimic  Their Counterparts Movements precisely , but most of the time They act Totally Independent from Their Counterparts?! It’s an All or Nothing Type Situation in Either the Tethered Mimic Their Counterparts or They Don’t Scenario. Not to Mention it’s Only Pluto Jason’s Doppelgänger who Exhibits this type of Behavior while the Other Tethered Do Not.
  • The Family should have Fought and Definitively Killed Their Tethered Doppelgängers at Their House instead of Running around Aimlessly towards the Neighbor’s House. Gabe Kills His Doppelgänger Abraham while crossing a Lake or Pond in a Recreational Boat. The Kill was fucking Lame, in Fact it was so fucking Lame it took the Audience a While Before Realizing Abraham is actually Dead as opposed to Injured, Unconscious, or in some Other way Inhibited. I mean have We learned Nothing from Horror Movies? If Your fighting on the Boat and You fall off the Back You Utilize the Motor to Mangle and Mutilate the Bad Guy.
  • As Far as the Neighbors there was No Need for Them in the Film. The Family could have Killed Their Doppelgängers and Turned on Their own fucking TV they didn’t need all that Time Wasting Bullshit running to the Neighbor’s House. The Neighbors are Nothing but Excessive to the Plot. Also the Kills were LAME in the Fact this Time They are Filmed Far Back form the Actual Action.


  • The Final fucking Issue I have with this Talented Turd of a Movie is the Totally Botched Final Twist right before the Credits. It’s when Adelaide remembers and realizes She is Her Own Doppelgänger which seems like thats the sort of Reveal I was talking about earlier, BUT this one sounds cool  Yet it makes No fucking Sense I mean is She on a 20 year fucking Delay or something?! She can Remember every fucking disturbing Detail of that Traumatic Childhood Run in accept for the Fact She’s the Evil Twin. Thats the Evil Doppelgänger  who knowingly Switched Places with Her Counterpart?! Also if Adelaide is Her Doppelgänger then Who the Fuck is Red supposed to be a Third Clone?!

All in All Like I said it could have been a Really Good Movie if the Time had been Taken to Smooth Out all the Inconsistencies as it were, But in the End it was just a fucking Waste of Film.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

A Monday Night of Sickening Cinema: The City Of The Living Dead!!!

THE CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD is a 1980 Italian Zombie Splatter Horror Movie Directed by Lucio Fulci who also Wrote the the Screenplay, and plays Pathologist Dr. Joe Thompson in the Film. Although Fulci worked in a Wide Array of Genres as a Director, Screen Writer, Producer, and Actor over His nearly 50 Career in the Film Industry. Fulci garnered an International Cult Following for His Giallo (in the Movie Context, for Italian Audiences Giallo has come to refer to Any Kind of Murder Mystery or Horror Thriller) and Horror Movies. Due to the High Level of Visceral and Graphic Violence that present in Many of Fulci’s Films that He is Frequently Referred to as “The Godfather of Gore”, A Title Given to American Splatter Movie Gore Master Herschell Gordon Lewis.


The Movie was released in Italy in 1980 under the Title Paura fella cotta dei Mortifications Vivrnti  in Italy which translates to ‘Fear in the City of the Living Dead’, and was Released in the United State in 1983 the Title Twilight of the Dead, which Resulted in a Cease and Desist Order from United Film Distribution Company due to the Title’s similarity to Their Own Film, George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. Thus the Distributer, Motion Picture Marketing, withdrew the Film and Re-Released it under the New Title The Gates of Hell.

Brief Plot Summery:

The Movie is set in the Shunned Village of Dunwich (a Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror), where the Priest Father Thomas commits SUICIDE by Hanging Himself which Results in a GATEWAY TO HELL Opening, and Turning loose a Ravenous Pack of ZOMBIES OF THE DAMNED! Meanwhile during a Seance in New York, Mary Woodhouse sees Morbid and Horrific Visions of the Priest’s Suicide, and its Dire Consequences leading up to a ZOMBIE ONSLAUGHT on All Saints Day. Mary then suddenly Collapses to the Floor and Convulses then She appears to Die, Only to be Rescued from Premature Burial by the Journalist Peter Bell. The Two Travel to Dunwich to DESTROY THE GRAVE of Father Thomas in order to Stop the MASS ZOMBIE INVASION!


  • An Italian Newspaper La Stampa’s review of the Film “Not recommended for easily impressionable viewers.”, with a Story that grew Progressively into a “Expressive Nightmarish Atmosphere”
  • Jay Carr of the Boston Globe said “A Film Only a Diehard Necrophile could Love”
  • Dick Fleming of The Daily Times “Scenes Purely for the Sake of Shock Value”
  • Ringle wrote”Idiotic Sleaze Fest with Nothing to Offer but an Abundance of Filmed Animal Innards.”
  • AllMovie “City of the Living Dead benefits from Fulci’s ability to Create and Sustain an Intensely Creepy Atmosphere…. the Blending of Graphic Shocks and Surrealistic Atmosphere .”

Movie Quote: Mary Woodhouse “The City of the Dead. The Living Dead. A Cursed City where the Gates of Hell have been Opened.” Enjoy.

We Hope You Enjoyed this Italian Supernatural Splatter Film’s  Flesh Eating Zombie Fiasco as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober