The News That Hasn’t Happened Yet #4: NEWSPOCALYPSE

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring THE NEWS THAT HASN’T HAPPENED YET #4; NEWSPOCALYPSE by David Firth. For those Who are Unaware David Firth is an English Animator, Director, Writer, Musician, Actor, Voice Actor, Video Artist, Broadcaster, and Creator of the Now Legendary SALAD FINGERS. The Word “NIGHTMARE” is used most often to Describe Firth’s body of Work and Why We are such Diehard Fans of His work. Several of Firth’s works in Flash Animation, along with Multiple Music Videos and Works of Video Art, have garnered a Large (and Ever Growing) Followings Over the Years.

Tantalizing Headlines from NEWSPOCALYPSE:

  • Has the World Run Out of New News?
  • News Fatigue is a Increasing Trend!
  • Unnewsworthy is BANNED!
  • Man Balances Bread on Elbow for 14 Years!
  • King Charles Orders UK Citizens to “Look Out Their Windows…”
  • Has the News become Pointless?
  • News Networks Accusations Fly Accusing One Another of Withholding New News from the Public!
  • Famous Celebrity thought Dead for 40 Years Found ALIVE!
  • The Most Offensive Tweet in HISTORY Rocks the World!


It is What is Is,

 Presented By Les Loser


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post by the Seriously Surreal Animators Cool 3D World. And Who the fuck Exactly is Cool 3D World You may be Wondering to Yourself? Well when Brian and popcorn10 ( Their Youtube Handles) were introduced via Mutual Friends, They realized They shared an Interest in Exploring “Visual Art Inspired by Electronic Music” and so Cool 3D World was Born- as a Place where the Duo can Create “Art, Music, and More! All in 3D.”

Now Cool 3D World’s Videos were always Trippy as Fuck ranging from Absurd to Out Right fucking Insanity. We were Pleasantly Surprised by “Hygiene” because it’s by Far the Best Video by Cool 3D World in YEARS, and is Their Best Video since Their Video “Earth & Moon”. With “Hygiene” Cool 3D World delves back into Their Signature Strange and Creepy type Content in Full fucking Force to say the Least.

Video Notes: 

  • The Main Character is a rather Ugly and Average Joe who Apparently Who’s whole World consists of His fucking Bathroom.
  • There is a Lively Turd Goblin for Lack of a Better Term (Perhaps some May see it as a Turd Child.
  • Weird Online Video of Some Singing Tree Deity.
  • Strange Woman who Appears out of Thin Air.
  • The Guy shits Out a Living Humanoid Mutant the Size of a Large Fetus.
  • An Alter and Some Sort of Cult Religion.
  • An Alternate Reality inside a Ceiling Light.

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Something Absurd To Watch While Smoking Weed

Wlcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring Some Anime Induced Insanity (As You can see Obviously We don’t Read Any Asian Language). And Since this is Monday the Most Notorious Day of the Week for just Straight Up Sucking Ass it’s Monday Hands Down. So Since Monday’s are rather Pure Shit We decided it be Appropriate to Post Something that Feels the Way People Do at The End of a Monday. We stumbled across this Little Ditty on a VERY Small YouTube Channel going by Carrotcarp that has 19 Videos that are All Anime Based Subject Matter, but  there is at least One that is Different it’s a Short Video of a fucking Fish. Apparently Carrotcarp is based out of the UK as the UK is Referenced Several Times on the About Page (along with a Personalized Emoji and a Cryptic Message at the Bottom that reads “Better Start Running 9”).

Video Description:

An Anime Character Nitori Kawashiro and that’s All We have to say on that Subject (The Character is We suppose from a Child Themed Anime) Who at the :22 Mark Appears to have some sort of Psychotic Break as Her World Transforms into What could be Called One Hell of a Bad Acid Trip. Enjoy.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

“We Bought A CLONE Off The Dark Web!” (Luxury Dark)

Welcome to Today’s Video a Horror Comedy Short “WE BOUGHT A CLONE OFF THE DARK EB” by Channel Luxury Dark Inc. that is Absurdly Awesome in Our Opinion. Now Luxury Dark’s Formula is Pretty fucking Simplistic Two Teen Friends Chester and Parker who live Together Buy all kinds of Weird fucking shit Off the Dark Web. Now We have watched all 19 Videos by Luxury Dark Inc. and There 3 Videos We though were Worth a Damn So Why Not Start with Our Favorite of the 3, But Here’s Some Details/Observation/Information  about “We Bought A CLONE Off The Dark Web” to Begin with.

Video Synopsis:

Chester and Parker are back in the Basement checking out Websites on the Dark Web, and this Time it’s a Site that Allegedly Sells Clones. While Chester is all for it Parker is Dead Set against it, but Chester decides to Aquire the Clone regardless of Parker’s Protesting. Once the Clone Arrives the Shoe is on the Other fucking foot as Chester wants the Clone Gone ASAP, BUT Parker becomes Unnaturally Obsessed with the Clone being “Family”, a “Brother”, and “His Son.”. So in Summation “We Bought A CLONE Off The Dark Web” is Pretty fucking Entertaining, a Little Tacky, Little Absurd, and has Far Above Average Special Effects.

Absurd Shit in the Video:

  • The Box literally fucking says CLONE that’s Hand written on it in Black Marker.
  • Who or Why the fuck would Anyone put a Large Chain as Security on a fucking Cardboard Box?!
  • If Your looking for a Mutant Clone in Your Home Why wouldn’t You Turn on Every fucking Light in the House On (the Only Light source is the Camera’s Light)?!
  • Why the fuck Does Chester wear Sunglasses that seem to be Permeantly Attached to His fucking Face at Inside at Night in a Completely Dark House?!
  • Where the fuck are the Parents?!
  • The Large House that Chester and Parker almost Entirely Empty, We mean there aren’t even a Cheap Set of Curtains?! We mean there’s just Plain White Bed Sheets over the Windows like White Trash Methheads.
  • And While We are at it the Premise of the Video is Essentially Identical to the Plot of the Sci Fi Horror Classic Movie The Fly.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Backrooms – Found Footage

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS -FOUND FOOTAGE  Posted on A-Sync Research Channel. BACKROOMS -FOUND FOOTAGE is the Latest Installment of a Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence as Well as Our Original Post on the Backrooms Creppypasta.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research? 

As it Turns Out there is a Secondary Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

So Then What The Fuck Is Our Point Pertaining To A-Sync Research?

The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There are Small Harder to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s for Each Respective Video.

Our Opinion On THE BACKROOMS Series/Videos/Channels:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that was Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast. Oddly Enough We seem to be in a Gray Area Impasse as far as the Continuation of the Series. The Last Backrooms (Backrooms – Betrayal) was apparently the Last of the Lost Cameraman Chris Footage it left Many wondering if the Series was indeed Over. Then there is this Additional Video and No One is certain what it may or May Not Signify going Forward.


Backrooms – Found Footage Synopsis:

First it is Important to Note a Couple of Key Points as it were that Set this Video apart from the Previous Episodes. First this Video has Absolutely Nothing to do with the Previous Episodes as it Doesn’t have dick to do with Async Research Employees or the Company. The Video begins with Two Teen Boys Shooting Hoops at a Presumably Local Basketball Court when things Suddenly go Awry as it were. Second while there is No Description Provided One of the Two Teens States the Date is in fact January 26, 1990. Third and Lastly this Video is a Mix of Live Action and Computer Animation with the Cameraman Providing Commentary so to Speak.

What Backrooms – Found Footage for all Intents and Purposes seems to be an Homage to the Original Kane Pixel’s Backrooms Short Film that went on to Become the Series, and the Original Online Backrooms Creepypasta. The Premise of Backrooms – Found Footage is Starts off Much like the Short Film with Teens being Teens when Suddenly and Unexplainably the One group Member Filming No Glitches into the Backrooms. The Teen who Now finds Himself Stranded in the Ominously Creepy Backrooms Starts Off by Wondering Around Confused. As He is Exploring the Backrooms He is Talking Out Loud making Observations about His Surroundings, Asking Questions Aloud such as “Is This a Joke?” or “Who would Build this for No Reason”, and Other General Comments. In the Vein of No Spoilers We can Say the Following:

  • There is a Scene with the Basketball and a Pitch Black Hallway.
  • The Teen finds a Room where Someone has been Living where there is a Mattress, Clothes, and Apple Cores all Over the Floor.
  • The Teen makes a Gruesome Discovery in the Room.
  • The Teen at One Point enters a Section of the Backrooms that consists of Rooms Painted Blue with White Baseboards and Doorframes along with a Variety of Differently Sized Hallways. Could this be the Second Level of the Backrooms?
  • It DOES NOT End well for the Lost Teen.



It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  

Indigestion (An Animation Not Actually Related To Actual Indigestion)

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring INDIGESTION by Cyriak. For Those Who may Not Know Cyriak is a Legendary British Animator whose Real Name is Cyriak Harris. Harris is Known as Mononymously, cyriak and His B3ta Username Mutated Monty (Harris has been a Regular Contributor to the British Website B3ta since 2004), is a British Freelance Animator and Composer. He is known for His Surreal, Creepy, and Bizarre Short Web Animations with the Frequent Use of the Droste Effect, and Features Original Dance/Electronic Music By Harris as Well.

This Video According to cyriak is a Collection of Animation Experiments that “congealed into a video”. This Video is, in Our Opinion, Best Viewed Either Stoned or While Getting Stoned (We Recommend a Bong for the Latter). INDIGESTION obviously has No Meaning Nor Point to it or to make which is fucking Fine by Us. We for one are Sick of Idiots Acting like Viable Content Creators/Artist which is an Increasingly Plagued Social Media. Social Media as it were Opened the Preverbal Pandora’s Box of Human Bullshit Behaviors but We Digress for Now. The Visuals in INDIGESTION appeal to Us because it Reminds Us of the Absurdly Surreal Animations of the Monty Python and the Flying Circus British TV Show. That and We simply like Creepy fucking Content because Normal is Boring and Boring is Bullshit so fuck the Bullshit Basically. So enough of this Babbling Bullshit let’s get on with it…


It is What It Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

What The Fuck Is nasajim108 About

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring the Videos of nasajim108 who Allegedly worked at NASA and has a Library of Top Secret Government Secrets pertaining to the Existence of Actual Aliens. The issue at hand is Jim is Dying and He doesn’t want to Die taking Such Secrets to the Grave with Him. The Channel Description Reads “These are a series of videos that my client requested to be released after his death.” which would give the Impression the Message was Posted by Jim’s Attorney. Now this Series never Garnered the Attention of Other Fringe Video Series which We think is fucking Strange. We say Strange because while it’s a Short Series (14 Videos all Under 5 Minutes Apiece) it is Still One of the Better Fringe Type Video Series We have seen to Date. So We decided Well Hell fuck it Let’s do a Piece on it Ourselves and We did. Below is the Complete nasajim108 Series in Chronological Order with Significant Bullet Points Pertaining to Each Video just Below each Individual Video for Anyone is Interested.



  • Jim was an Aeronautics Engineer at NASA from 1989 – 2004.
  • Jim quite Due to Health Problems Pertaining to His Terminal Bone Cancer Diagnosis.
  • Jim was given just a mere 5 Months to Live Due to His Diagnosis.
  • Jim wants to Reveal all of this Government Secrets and plans to Bare His Soul in a Series of Videos.
  • Jim claims that He has Personal Knowledge of the Actual Existence of Aliens and Their Capabilities.



  • Jim Teases the Viewers Stating He MAY play a Recording on an Actual Alien.
  • Jim begins Elaborating on the Various Capabilities/Powers such as Reproduction for Example.



  • This Video is a Monologue by Jim as He Rambles and Rants about Possible Threats to Earth.
  • The Video’s Music has had Several Hauntingly Creepy Audio Clips.



  • Jim Claims the Graphic in the Video was Created/Designed by a Fellow Scientist named Bill (Last Name was Inaudible as it was Mumbled like a Motherfucker).
  • Jim also Claims Bill worked Closely with the Aliens.



  • This Video was Not Created By Jim but rather Jim’s Attorney.
  • The Message pertains to Jim’s Family instating Restraining Order blocking Additional Video Releases.



  • Jim Shows what He claims is Actual Footage of a Supposedly Alien (Gray) and Provides and Explanation on the Subject.



  • The Audio and Visuals in the Video are meant to Allow Inter Dimensional Beings to Emerge.
  • The Graphic of a Baby with an Eyeball for a Head is Meant to Summon or Bring a Being called NEFF



  • Jim states that as Humans We can Open Ourselves to Open Frequencies.
  • The Video is to Provide Example/Proof of an Alleged Transmission on a Open Frequencies



  • This Video is NOT Jim’s usual Rhetoric.
  • The Videos Mainly a Minute Long Voicemail sent either to Jim OR His Attorney, More than likely it’s Jim’s Attorney as Jim is Assumed to have Died at this Point.
  • The Video Contains Odd Imagery of Jesus holding a Lamb that has the Head of Infamous Serial Killer Charles Manson.
  • The Video’s Description is Different then Usual as it Reads “We are not afraid.’



  • In this Video a New Character is Introduced named Little Hobo (who is a Ventriloquist Dummy) who seems Completely Out of Place in this Series.
  • Jim launches into a Monologue claiming We have all been Hit with a Plague and are in the Final Stages.
  • Jim appears to Imply that Killing All Infected/Sick People would Solve the Problem of this Unspecified Plague.
  • The Interesting thing is a Picture of Alister Crowley is Located at the Top of the Little Hobo Recording Graphic.



  • Jim states that after the Alien Apocalypse on Earth the Human Survivors will Leave on a Mothership destined for a New Planet to Inhabit.
  • Jim Describes how the Mothership is Built/Constructed in Detail.
  • There seems to be a Good Deal Parallels in the Video to Religion (Example: The New Planet equates to Heaven).
  • Jim Warns that when the Mothership became Corrupt People became Greedy and Egotistical falling into the Identically same Pattern(s) as Those who in fact caused the Apocalypse.



  • The Video features a Person in a Goat Mask and a Woman Tied to a Chair.
  • The Masked Person Displays a Large Fan which Consists the Statement “You are Sleeping”,  Part of the Fibonacci Sequence, Various Shapes and Dates, Bible Versus, 4 Individuals Names, and a Picture of a Snake.
  • The Video Ends with the Coordinates and 2 Additional Bible Verses (Psalm 38:7 and Luke 22:57.
  • One of the Names on the Fan is David Kelly who is a Well Known Scientist with Expert Knowledge of Biological Warfare and He Committed Suicide in 2003.
  • We looked but We couldn’t find a fucking thing on the Other 3 Names Steve Moston, Ian Langford, and Robert Shape.
  • the Bible Versus on the Fan Genesis 3:1 and Revelation 20:2 refer to The Serpent and The Devil, and Revelation 6:9 refers to Souls being Slain.
  • The Coordinates at the End of the Video is Either 1. Located in the Middle of the Yellow Sea off the Coast of North Korea, OR a Random House in Concord, Connecticut.
  • the Bible Versus at the End of the Video Psalm 38:7 reads “For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh.”, and Luke 22:57 “But he denied it. ‘woman I don’t know him,’he said”



  • For some fucking Reason this Video is No Longer Publicly Available from the nasajim108 channel, but Luckily Someone had Downloaded it Prior and that Allowed Us to Find it.
  • The Story of the Goat and the Bee Hive goes as follows. The Goat King who agrees to Help a Bee rid its Hive of Evil Spirits in Exchange for Honey in Return.
  • The Strange thing is the Story/Video is Cut with a Clip(s) of a Man either in Pain or Enraged.



  • Jim Realizes the Universe is a Tuning Fork and, a Tuning Fork is a 2 Pronged Metal Fork that can be used to Tune Musical Instruments.
  • After this Video was Originally Posted the Channel took a 5 Year Hiatus and Returned in 2016.


OMEGA PHASE (The Final Video in the Series):

  • This Video is Extremely Different from the Others as it is Essentially a Singular Shot of a Clock.
  • There is an Interesting Close Up of Jesus with Blood on His Face in addition to the Clock itself.
  • The Clock Represents the Actual Doomsday Clock.
  • The Real Life Doomsday Clock represents the Likelihood of a Man Made Global Catastrophe.
  • The Doomsday Clock was Started in 1947 at the Start of the Cold War.
  • The Doomsday Clock is Maintained by a Group of Atomic Scientists who have been Inching the Hands of the Doomsday Clock Closer to Midnight.
  • Midnight on the Doomsday Clock Signals the End of World at the Hands of Humanity.
  • in Early 2023 the Doomsday Clock Hands were moved to 90 Seconds before Midnight which is the Closest the Clock has ever been Since its Creation.



In The End nasajim108 turned out to be a Creative and Well Thought Out Alternate Reality Game (ARG) but Who was Behind it and Why did They Create the nasajim108 Channel/Series? The Key to Unlocking both Answers lies in the Character Little Hobo. If You search Little/Lil Hobo on YouTube there PLENTY of fucking Videos, BUT None have anything to do with or Pertain to nasajim108. So the Question Now is Who is or is Behind the Little Hobo Characterand the Answer is a Man Named Duncan Trussel. Trussel is Quite a Character unto Himself as He is a Regular on Joe “What a Cunt” Rogan’s Shitty Piece of Shit Podcast Rambling On and On about all Types of Alien Topics. Yet there has to be More Connections than just Jackoff Joe Rogen to Tie Trussel to nasajim108 and there are in fact Two Other People.

The First is Pendleton Word who is the Creator of “Adventure Time” and it just so Happens Trussel plays the Character Ron James on the Show. Trussel also plays Clancy Gilroy on Ward’s Other Show “Midnight Gospel”. The Second Person is Stand Up Comedian and Actress Natasha Leggero who Trussel Dated between 2011-2012. Many People Speculate that Leggero played the Part of Jim’s Attorney from the 5th Video Titled  DYING NASA SCIENTIST REVEALS TRUTH ABOUT LIFE ON MARS. It is Undeniable that if You Compare Audio of Leggero to the Voicemail from Jim’s Attorney They do sound Eerily Similar to the Point it’s Uncanny.

Now that We know Who Created nasajim108 the Next Question is Why did Trussel start the nasajim108 Channel to Showcase what amounts to His/Jim’s Video Confession Series? Here We have NO Definitive Answer, But there is a Popular Hypothesis as to Why Trussel came up with nasajim108. There is another Similarity between Trussel and Jim which is Trussel  was Diagnosed with Caner. Though Trussel was Diagnosed with Testicular Caner (where in Jim’s case it was Bone Cancer) back in 2012. Also Jim has Openly Admitted to having Mental Health issues and Conspiracy Theories (Mainly about Aliens) along with Little Hobo are a Regular Part of Trussel’s Stand Up Comedy Acts. Taking all this into Consideration Little Hobo, Famous Girlfriend, Successful Animator, Cancer Diagnosis, Mental Health Issues, Obsession with Alien Conspiracies, and His Appearances on Jackbag Joe Rogan’s Putrid Podcast it could be that nasajim108 was a Coping Mechanism for Trussel who was Facing a Life Changing or Ending Cancer Diagnosis? We more than likely will Never have a Viable Answer to the Question Why did Trussel come up with and Create nasajim108, but Ultimately Does that even fucking Matter We think Not as the Series Speaks for Itself.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – BETRAYAL Posted on A-Sync Research Channel. BACKROOMS – BETRAYAL is the Latest Installment of a Psychological Horror Series “Inspired” by the Original BACKROOMS Content Creator Kane Pixels. Some Explanation may be Needed. The Backrooms is a Creepypasta that was inspired by a Comment Left on a Picture of an “Unsettling Room” on 4Chan’s/x/board. The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic. The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series has been Posted over the Course of the Many Months. All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence.

Well Then What The Fuck IS The Deal With The A-Sync Research? 

As it Turns Out there is a Secondary Channel called  A-Sync Research which We thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance Plot Line, But We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or are They Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. And fucking TRUST US there is No fucking Shortage of Backroom Videos being Pumped Out Currently. Granted though at this Point in the BACKROOMS Trend there are More and More Convincing Copy Cat Videos being Posted. Everyone and their fucking Grandmother are jumping on the Backrooms Popularity  in a Classic Overkill Scenario of the “I wanna get in on that and be YouTube Famous Too!” Mentality.

So Then What The Fuck Is Our Point Pertaining To A-Sync Research?

The Person/People behind the Async Research Channel We Honestly Believe are Collaborating Virtually Side by Side with Kane Pixels. We Believe so since the Video Theme, Quality, Production Value, Scenery/Sets, Costumes, and Feel of the Perspective Content Creator’s Videos Coincide with One Another. In All the Other Backrooms Videos We have seen There are Small Harder to See to Glaringly Obvious Differences from Kane and Async’s Videos. The Backrooms Installment from Kane Titled “Presentation” and the Subsequent A-Syncs Video “Exit” have a Good bit in Common.  A Prime Example is the Miniature Models of the Backrooms Layout in “Presentation” is also Part of the “Exit” Video as well. Again that Doesn’t Negate the Fact there are Seriously SHIT TON of Videos About/Based on The Backrooms which Really Fucking Muddies the Waters. SO to Keep shit Somewhat fucking Organized We will Note Which Channel Kane’s or A-Sync’s for Each Respective Video

Our Opinion On THE BACKROOMS Series/Videos/Channels:

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We Seriously fucking Enjoy that this Incredible Series’s Vibe/Feeling of Utter and Total Isolation (that Essentially Drives the Series) that is Picking Up Its Pace and Picking It Up Fast.


This is the on going Continuation of the Footage Shot by an A-Sync Research Employee/Camera Man named Chris who disappeared in the Bowels of the Backrooms. In this Installment Chris is with Fellow Employee named Rob as They discover and Navigate a Yet Unexplored or Even Know Section of the Backrooms. The Landscape is a Labyrinth of White Tiled Hallways, Rooms, Empty Pools, and what Appear to be Bottomless Pits. Now the Entire Video Rob is undoubtedly Acting Suspect as Fuck from His Body Language, Tone of Voice, and the Fact He seems to be Luring Chris into some Dire Situation. What is Most Notable as You will see in the Video Description is in fact the Last of Chris’s Found Footage which as been the Focal Point of the Series for a Long While. So it will be Interesting to See where the fuck the Series goes from Here and We’ll be Ready and Waiting.


This is the final continuation of the tape that was recorded by civilian Christopher E. This footage was recorded on February 4th, 1984.



It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

Shaye Saint John – Strange Dolly

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SHAYE SAINT JOHN – STRANGE DOLLY by Shaye Saint John. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, and the Official Shaye Saint John Channel Quit Uploading Content in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Relevant Note Pertaining to Shaye Saint John:

It had been quite a long fucking Long Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? We’re Not trying to be fucking Dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or Ashes in an Urn so fucking What of It?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point/Reason for Youtube to Take Down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

Shaye Saint John – Strange Dolly Synopsis: The Video is Filmed like a Throwback to the Old School 1970’s B Horror Movies, Previews, and Advertisements which We just so Happen to have an Affinity for. The Video surrounds a Self Loathing Severely Burned Doll named KiKi that Shaye Saint John has Recently Purchased. Now for One Reason or Another KiKi is either Possessed, Cursed, or just Plain fucking Evil for Evil’s Sake but Who Knows. KiKi’s Blood Thirst will Only be Quenched once She has Slaughtered  EVERYONE while Repeating Her Morbid Motto “I Must Kill. My Name is KiKi. Call Me KiKi.”


  • ©1999 Empty Socket Productions
  • ©1999 Shytown Productions

It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

The Obscene Extreme Festival

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post on The Obscene Extreme Festival or Commonly referred to as OEF. OEF is a Yearly Extreme Music Festival Held in the Czech Republic Held at Trutnov Battlefield. OEF was the Brain Child of founder Miloslav “Curby” Urbanec’s who Started OEF in 1999. Curby considers Obscene Extreme to be Primarily a Grindcore Festival at Heart, BUT there’re Other Extreme Music Genres/Subgenres such as Death Metal, Hardcore Punk, Gringcore, Extreme Metal, and Goregrind.

OEF has become such Success Over the Years that OEF started Holding International OEF Festivals in Asia, Europe, South America, Mexico, Australia, America, and Indonesia. Since the First OEF in 1999 over 1,081 Bands have Played Obscene Extreme Festival(s) including Napalm Death, Obituary, Exhumed, EyeHateGod, SCAT, Cripple Bastards, Gutalax, SCAT, Putrid Pile, Terrorizer, Municipal Waste, Brujeria, and Cannibal Corpse. The Most interesting Factor of OEF is that Since the Beginning the Festival has Exclusively Offered Vegetarian/Vegan Food and All Other Types of Food are Strictly Prohibited on the Premises. In Addition to the Bands and Vegetarian/Vegan Food OEF also Offers Body Piercing, Photo Gallery, OEF Merchandise, Tons of Press doing Interviews, Vendors at the Obscene Market, a Show of Studio Hell, Beer, and a Stage Diver’s Manual. The Last Aspect of OEF that Most People would find Surprising is In Spite of it’s Name OEF is Known for being a Positive Environment. Believe it or Not Czech Radio said that OEF is “Exceptionally Tolerant and Friendly Atmosphere.”

Now that We have Covered the Usual Basic Information Pertaining to OEF We thought it be Interesting to Hear about OEF from its Founder Curby in His Own Words. So We Assembled a Series of Quotes from Curby on the Subject of OEF. Hey if You want fucking Answers then it’s Best to go Directly to the fucking Source. It is Worth Mentioning English is Curby’s Second Language so Sometimes the Wording is rather fucked up. And Without Further Ado here are the Quotes We Compiled from Various Places.

Curby: “OE was Born like answer to such a great German event FUCK THE COMMERCE…I visited this fest back in 98 for first time..I wanted to do some bigger festival in Czech for extreme music because a festival of this type was missing in Czech and whole of Europe I guess…”

Curby: “But to be honest I wanted to do just one festival and stop it, but reactions of fans, bands, and all were simply amazing and that’s why I continued with this work till today…”

Curby: “People are still going crazy for grind core and I can see many, many satisfied die-hard grind freaks that really love this event and it just power to continue and do it better next year. ”

Curby: “Anyway it’s still the same as the first fest, fest made by fans for fans, nothing else.”

Curby: “So every year I’m doing a list of bands I want to see live personally, then I’m adding some new kick ass bands and of course some bands are asking me to play. But every year I’m trying to give some chances to newcomers in the scene as they have no more support from other and mainly bigger festivals as they don’t care that much about them.”

Curby: “OEF always will be a grind core event for the most most extreme musical styles of the planet trying to destroy your ears thru one weekend.”

Below You will find just a Tiny, No Micro Sampling of the Acts and Types of Music that are or Have Been Showcased at OEF. The Playlist of Bands featured below is as Follows:

  • 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses
  • Cartlilaged
  • Putrid Pile
  • Enema Shower
  • Self Deconstruction
  • Hate
  • Puruten Spermcanal
  • Napalm Death
  • Urtikaria Anal
  • Doom
  • Abortion
  • Suffocation
  • Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition
  • S.C.A.T
  • Repulsion
  • Nunslaughter

It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober