FYB’s Saturday Sing-A-Long Cinema Presents: CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL

FYB is Elated to Present the 1993 Musical Black Comedy Cult Classic CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL  By None Other Than South Park Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Long Before Success on Comedy Central with South Park there was only Cannibal! The Musical!!!


Cannibal! The Musical is the True (Historical) Story of Alfred Packer the Only Person CONVICTED OF CANNIBALISM in America.

Set in 1873, Cannibal! The Musical Focuses on Alfred Packer who has been Accused of CANNIBALIZING Members of His Own Traveling Party headed to the Colorado Territory.  Packer tells His side of the DESPERATE, GRUESOME, and BLOODY Tale of Survival To News Reporter Polly Prye as He awaits His EXECUTION being Convicted MURDER AND CANNIBALISM!!!

Packer’s Story is as Follows while searching for Gold and Love in the Colorado Territory, He and His Companions Lost Their Way and were Forced to Resort to UNTHINKABLE HORRORS to Stay Alive Stranded in the Desolate Dead of Winter. Was Packer telling the Truth or Was he The COLD BLOODED CANNIBAL KILLER that Many Believed Him to Be???

Cannibal! The Musical Equates to the Classic American Musical OKLAHOMA on Bath Salts Colliding Head On with The Gory Cult Splatter Classic BLOODSUCKING FREAKS! The Carnage and Insanity Abound in Cannibal! The Musical as Japanese People pretend to be Native American Indians, A Cyclops’s Eye Spurts Puss, and Alfred Packard has a FULL BLOWN KUNG-FU FIGHT with a Fur Trapper by the Name of Frenchy. Enjoy.

We hope You enjoyed this Musical Tale of Murder and Mayhem as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

NINGEN ISU: Heavy Metal From The Land of the Rising Sun

It Occurred to US here at FYB that We haven’t done a Musical Post since “The Goddamn Gallows” Piece so it’s About Time We did Another. This Time We decided to Cover Our Favorite Japanese Heavy Metal Band NINGEN ISU!!

Ningen Isu Musical Style yields The Band a True Unique Sound. The Band often writes about Classic Japanese Literature by Authors like Rampo Edogwa, Osamu Dazai, and Yukio Mishima. The Band’s other Literary Influences include the Word by Edgar Allen Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche.

Ningen Isu often take on Topics such as Hell, Buddism, The Universe, Samurai, and Gambling.

Wajima and Suzuki have a Local Accent called “Tsugaru Dialect” which adds to the Unique and Heavy Atmosphere as well as the Rhythm to Their Songs.

Wajima often uses Difficult and Old Japanese words (used in the Edo Period to the Showa Period) that are often Hard to Understand even by Japanese Standards which adds a to the Solom and Powerful feel of Their Music.

Ningen Isu’s Musical Genres Include But are Not Limited to: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Doom Metal, and Progressive Rock.

How It All Started:

In the Early 1980’s Suzuki met Wajima at a Music Salon, and Suzuki was impressed by Wajima’s creative talent for Composing Songs. In 1983 They joined a The Band SHINE SHINE DAN (Translation: The Dead Dead Group) and played Hard Rock Songs at Music Festivals around Japan.

In 1985 after attending Different Collages (Suzuki went to Sophia University to Study Russian Literature, and Wajima went to Komazawa University to Study Buddhism) The Two Friends formed a Band Who’s name was changed in 1987 to Ningen Isu when Drummer Norriyoshi Kamidate joins the Band.

Ningen Isu gained a great deal of Popularity in 1989 playing Their Song Injuries (Strange Beast) on a Japanese Televison Show called Ikasu Band Tengoku (Translation: Cool Band Heaven). The Band’s Heavy Sound, Lyrics full of Literary References/Influences, and Musical Techniques Surprised the Show’s Judges.

Ningen Isu Consists of the Following Members:

Shinji Wajma- Guitars, Vocals, Theremin, Lead Singer, Main Lyric Writer, and Composer.

Ken-ichi Suzuki: Bass, Vocals, Lyrics, Composer.

Nobu Nakajima- Drums, Vocals, Lyrics, Composer (2004-Present)

Thanks for Reading/Viewing/Listening,

  By Les Sober

FYB Matinee Movie – Zombie Ass: The Toilet Of The Dead!

It’s True that We here at FYB can be what some would call Immature or Juvenile, and here’s Some Proof as We Present  the 2011 Japanese Comedy Horror Movie ZOMBIE ASS: TOILET OF THE DEAD Directed by Noboru Ignuchi.


The Plot is Simple: Talented Young Karate Student Megumi is Trying to Deal with The Emotional Fallout from Her Bullied Sister’s Suicide.  Megumi Joins Her Friends Aya The Smart Girl (and Her Drugged Out Loser Boyfriend), Maki the Full Figured Model, and Lastly Naoi The Nerd on a Trip Deep into the Woods. During Their Day in the Woods the Group of Friends Encounter the NEFARIOUS DR. TANAKA Who spends His time Conducting GRUESOME EXPERIMENTS on the LIVING DEAD!!

Things start to Go Awry when Maki discovers a PARASITIC WORM inside a Fish and Eats it without Hesitation hoping it will Help Keep Her Thin. A Little Later Maki’s stomach starts to fell Horribly Upset and She takes an Explosively Violent Diarrhea Dump in an Outhouse. Soon After Maki’s Epic Crap The Gang is ATTACKED by a Horde of FECES-COVERED UNDEAD Emerging from the Outhouse. The Gang Escapes the Attack and Seeks Refuge in the INFAMOUS Dr. Tanaka’s Home where He attempts to Turn the Gang into His Latest Experimental Test Subjects! Will Karate and Flatulence be Enough to Stop the Living Undead and Stop Dr. Tanaka once and For ALL? Find Out in ZOMBIE ASS: TOILET OF THE DEAD!


NOTE TO VIEWERS: The Version of ZOMBIE ASS: OILET OF THE DEAD was Overdubbed in French so Unless You speak French (and more power to You if You do) You will need to Adjust the Closed Captioning Subtitles to Your Linguistic Needs.

Well We Hope You Enjoyed The Scatological Zombie Stampede as Much as We did.

Thanks for Watching,

 Presented By Les Sober

FYB’s Short Horror Movie Showcase: THE SMILING MAN & DON’T MOVE

Welcome to another Installment in the FYB Short Horror Movie Showcase featuring THE SMILING MAN and DON’T MOVE!!!

THE SMILING MAN By A.J. Briones in Association with ALTER (a Company that Traffics in Short Horror Movies) is a SINISTER little Endeavor. In The Smiling Man an Innocent Young Girl watching Cartoons starts to Follow a Trail of Balloons throughout Her House. At the End of the Trail the Little Girl comes FACE TO FACE WITH PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL!! The Smiling Man’s has an Overall “The Devil’s come for Your Daughter” Tone makes it Even more Unnerving. It lends itself to the You feeling You’re watching a Powerful and Vicious Predator Luring its unsuspecting Prey into Striking Distance.

What We particularly Enjoy about The Smiling Man is it reminds Us a Great Deal of Asian Horror. Asian Horror for the Most Part Deals in Disturbingly Demented Psychological Creepiness as Opposed to an All Out Gorefest. It’s a Truly Unique Stylistic Form of Creepy that irks You to the Bone. The Smiling Man is the Kind of Creepy “Cat in Mouse” Horror Movie that leaves You feeling Uneasy, and it tends to Linger Hauntingly in Your Mind for Days after Watching. Enjoy.

DON’T MOVE By Bloody Cuts and Directed by Anthony Melton is a Throw Back to the Devious Demon Centric Horror Movie Classics from the 80’s Ouija Board and All. One of the Impressive Facts about Don’t Move is though it was made on a Very Small Budget the Movie yields High Production Value Effects and That’s No Exaggeration We Assure You. The Other Amazing thing about the Film is the Acting is Exceptionably Good. Since Acting Terrified is One of those Things that People think is Easy When that couldn’t be Farther from the Truth the Actors really Bring it Home.

The Other Aspect of Don’t Move that We particularly got a Real Kick Out Of was if Don’t Move was a Roller Coaster it Starts with/on that First Massive Plunge Down sending You straight into the Heart of the Action. From the BLOOD SPLATTERED Opening Scene Don’t Move’s Backstory has Been Told, The Deed is Done, and The Demon has Come So DON’T MOVE!

We Hope You Enjoyed Coming Eye to Eye with The Vilest Evils as Much as We Did.

Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (54 /365)

The intoxicated twosome reached the Deli Door and Dizzy opted to be the One who went in to get the Change They needed for the upcoming Bus Venture. A Couple of Minutes Later Dizzy emerged from the Deli with a Pocket full of Silver and two 40 Ounces of Natty Ice.

“What the fuck are the 40s for?!” asked Lee some what baffled by the Alcohol He had already ingested thus far.

“There for US to Drink on the Bus because fucking trust Me You DO NOT want to be fucking Sober when Your on the Bus,” responded Dizzy matter of factly much like a Museum Tour Guide, “The shit Your about to See, Smell and Touch is much more bearable if You have Beer to back You Up.”


The Two continued words the Bus Stop in Silence as Lee wondered if the Public Transportation System seriously suck as Bad as Dizzy claimed it was?! Slowly Lee’s mind began to Spiral Out of Control with Increasingly Horrible Mental Images of the Possible Horrors that awaited Him on the Dastardly Bus. Paranoia began to set in Dominating Lee’s Emotions as Lee strained to keep Himself from having a fucking Full Blown Panic Attack. The Growing feeling of Dread started welling up inside of Lee as He suddenly found Himself beginning to Question Everything He had done that Day. The Rapid Secession of Thoughts which only lead Lee to feel even more Completely Overwhelmed.

Why did He walk into that fucking Theater only to Witness the World’s most Perturbing Performance Art Ever created? Why did He talk to Dizzy in the First Place None the Less decide to Hang Out with Him?!  Lee felt trapped as if He had been backed into a corner with No Way to Escape. Life was fucking with Lee he thought to Himself and fucking with Him Hard. This Train of Toxic Thought was Aiding in Lee’s attempt to subdue His Acute Anxiety. Lee desperate but Determined blocked everything out and focused solely on His Breathing. As The Two approached the Bus Stop Lee was still fighting to Maintain to a Good Degree.


They sat down side by side on the Small incredibly uncomfortable Plastic Bench that had these pathetic Alleged Arm Rests that were there to Provide a sort of ‘Personal Space” Barrier between Strangers waiting for the Bus. In Reality The “Arm Rest/ Dividers” were a recent addition by the Department of Transportation simply so Homeless People Couldn’t/Wouldn’t Sleep on them as The General Public found such behavior Distasteful. Thats Humanity for You it occurred to Lee instead of Helping the Homeless Society decides to go with the Basic “Out f Sight, Out of Mind” Principle, and thus Persecute the Homeless in Lou of Help. God People are Shitty.

“Your gonna want to get about a Third of that Beer in You before We board the Bus,” said Dizzy staring vacantly into Space, “That way You can Fortify Your Buzz in Preparation for the World of Shit that is the Bus. Seriously it’s its Own fucked up Self Contained Ecosystem and shit. There People Riding on the Bus that I swear to God You’ll NEVER see fucking Elsewhere. They’re the Galapagos Tortoises of the Human fucking Race.”


It was Just Then that Lee looked up from His Beer to See the Bus pulling Up to Their Stop.

Stay Tuned for the Next Physics Defying Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

The Deviant Detective #5: The Dawn of Another Day

Rock pulled into His Classic 1976 Cadillac into a Parking Spot directly in front of His Favorite Drinking Hole Old McCoy’s Pub. As He Parked Rock couldn’t for the Life of Himself shake Himself free from the Haunting Images He had witnessed just moments ago. The Mental Image of Ivy Savage going to Town on Her then Boy Friend Justin Sane’s Man Meat like a Starving Hobo chowing Down on a Hoagie. The Chunks of Bloody Genital Flesh flying through the Air as Blood Coated the Entire Room as Justin Screamed like a Banshee that had been Kicked in the Balls.

Well Rock thought to Himself as He exited His Caddie the Ivy Case was a complete Financial Loss because Not only did the Job last a Whopping 3 Hours, But His Client Ivy was clearly Mentally Deranged. Lunatics Don’t have any Money to Speak of so Rock’s Pay Day was a Big Bust. Goddamnit Rock that as He was already living in His Office Sleeping on an Old Military Cot He kept folded up in the Closet during Business Hours. Rock had to make some Quick Cash before He Ended up Homeless and living in a Refrigerator Box in some Dank Back Alley.

Rock entered Old McCoy’s which was a Close Knit Blue Collar Neighborhood Bar where Everyone Body Knew Each other and Looked Out for One Another. Their surrounding Neighborhood was More like an Extended Family than a Neighborhood. Rock liked that because it kept out the Frat Boys, Annoyingly Vocal Sports Fans, and Sloppy Drunkards.


Rock sauntered up to the Seat at the Bar that was directly between The Small black and White TV and The Bar Tender so that way He could easily keep an Eye on Both. Today The Old McCoy was being Tended to by Manny McCoy the Great Grandson of the Original Founder and Owner of Mccoy’s His Grandfather Bartholomew K.  McCoy. Manny’s Father Mick’s health had been Failing as of Recent had taken a Back Seat as far as the Bar was Concerned. Mick was a well respected and revered Member of the Community who had been Slinging Drinks since he was 16. Unfortunately Mick being the Tragic Hero that He was had been a Big Time Drinker and now His Liver was Paying the Price.

Manny was the Next Generation in the Family’s Bar Business, and was preparing for the Transition from Bar Tender to Bar Owner. Manny was a cheerful young Man in His Mid Twenties with a Long and Lanky Build with a Smile that Could cheer up even a Suicidally Drunk Sailor. Manny had practically grown up in Old McCoy’s as His Parents had brought Him to Work starting when Manny was 2 years Old. Manny tended to Dress like James Dean in Blue Jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Manny’s attire was a direct reflection of His laid back attitude towards Life’s Trial and Tribulations.

“Hey Rock what are You Having?” asked Manny in His usual up beat tone.


“It’s been one of those Day’s Manny just one of those Day’s where Life seems Hell Bent of Kicking You in the Ribs while You’re Down,” replied Rock sounding Beaten Down and Exhausted, “What do You recommend for a Day like This?”

“Hmm Well I think if I had to Match the Drink to the Day, and that Day is Today I’d say O’Vladdy’s Vodka the Finest Irish Vodka in the Entire World I assure You.” answered Manny earnestly not making light of the Question.

“Alright then Let Me get 4 fingers of O’Vladdy straight.” said Rock unenthusiastically as He opened His Vintage 1920’s Cigarette (or Coffin Nails as Rock preferred to refer to them as) case, removed one of the Camel Unfiltered Cigarettes that where lined up like Soldiers at Attention. Rock ran the Cigarette under His nose Inhaling Deeply. Rock thoroughly enjoyed the Sweet Smell of the Tobacco Savoring it before Finally Lighting it. Rock took a long slow drag of His cigarette before Exhaling a billowing Cloud Of Smoke with a prolonged exasperated sigh. Manny brought Rock his Drink leaving the Bottle sitting on the Bar next to Rock’s Cigarette case.

After a while of sitting in Silence drinking and thinking a Tall Lean Man who appeared to be somewhere near 60 entered the Bar. He was extremely well dressed in an expensive designer 3 piece grey pin stripped Suit, a full length dark blue trench coat, and a Grey Fedora giving Him a Very European vibe. The Man’s hair was as White as a Polar Bears Fur, and the deep Lines in His face Didn’t make Him look Old, but Rather Distinguished instead. He stood just inside of the Door motionless for a minute before approaching the Bar. Once the Man reached the Bar He flagged down Manny immediately.


“I’m here to see  if a Mr. Rock Hard is currently here in Your Drinking Establishment.” inquired the Man in a Low and controlled tone.

Manny shot Rock a quick glance on the Sly before he answered the Man’s question to see if Rock gave a Nod of Consent which He did. “Yeah He’s Here,” replied Manny gesturing towards Rock, “I’d be careful though He’s not in the Mood to be Trifled with.”

The Man approached Rock walking stiffly and with Purpose utterly oblivious as to the Rest of the Bar. He stood next to Rock without saying a word, pulled out a Bar Stool, and Sat Down looking Stoically Profound. The Man moved the bowl of Peanuts resting on the Bar in front of Him out of His way before placing His elbows on the Bar with His Fingers locked together. It was only then that the Man spoke.

“You are indeed Rock Hard,” questioned the Man in a Auoritative tone of voice,”You’re not an Easy Man to Find, but I assume thats because You want it that way.”


“I don’t have time for bullshit so let’s skip the pleasantries and get to the Point.” gripped Rock without looking at the Man seated beside him.

“Direct and to the Point I can appreciate that,” stated the Man in return, “I have been actively searching for a Unconventional Detective to help Me resolve a particular Problem,” said the Man cryptically not batting an eyelash.

“Alright what the fuck did I just say? Cut the Crap and get on with it already so I can go back to Drinking Myself into a Stupor,” snapped Rock agitatedly as He poured Himself another 4 Fingers of O’Vladdy, “What prey tell is Your problem just tell Me so We can end this conversation quickly.”

“Right so be it. My Name is Otto Van de Berg, and I’m an International Venture Capitalist of Moderate Fame and Vast Fortune,” said the Man as He waved Rock’s cigarette smoke out of His face,”I recently entered into a joint venture with a Man named Cyrus Bogdan who I had know for quite some time. We started the Investment Banking Firm Berg&Bogdan.”


“Doesn’t sound like must of a goddamn problem to Me.” said Rock rudely interrupting the Man as His Impatience was growing in Leaps and Bounds.

“AS I was Saying,” Otto retorted snidely, “Our Business was a Bonified Success and We were expanding the Business at an Incredible Rate. The problem arose when I returned from My Vacation in Malaysia you see. Upon My return I was informed Cyrus in fact Bankrupted the Company in a Fly By Night scenario. He emptied all 5 of the Firm’s Bank Account to the Tune of $76 Million, Drained the Employee Retirement Fund stealing $7.6 Million, and had proceeded to Robbed Our Top Their Clients for $176 Million. Thats aGrand Total of $259.6 Million which as I said Utterly Bankrupted the Firm not to mention landing Me in a great deal of Legal Trouble due to Cyrus’s  Indiscretions.”


“I’m not going to Pull Your leg here Otto Old Boy a Man with $260 million in His Pocket has virtually No Chance in Ever being Found more or less be held accountable for Their Crimes,” said Rock in all sincerity not wanting to waste anymore of His Drinking time “So the Bottom line here is this Otto what the fuck do You want? You want Me to tracked this scumbag Cyrus down and bring Him back for Legal Prosecution because it sounds like He can Afford the Sleaziest Criminal Defense Attorneys there are. Also if your trying to Recoup Your cash good fucking luck as it’s more than likely already been spent, and a Convict making $.76 cents a Day making License Plates is paying Anyone Back worth a Damn. So I ask You Otto what the fuck do You Need Me For?!”

“In a Word,” said Otto in a Malevolent Whisper, “Revenge.”

Stay Tuned for the Next Installment of The Deviant Detective #6: The Plot Thickens COMING SOON.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Animated Abominations: Operator Episodes 1 and 2

Welcome to Another Installment in the FYB Series ANIMATED ABOMINATIONS! We have a Special Treat in the Two Episode of Stop Motion Sci Fi Horror Madness of OPERATOR by Sam Barnett.

In the First Episode Our Nameless Main Character reports to Work at the Corporation InfoCorp.  He Toils alone in a Utility Room of Sorts with a Robot on a Loud Speaker Barking Commands at Him constantly. During the Course of the Work Day Our Main Character tinkers with some sort of Ports. All of a Sudden one of the Ports starts to Leak BLOOD, and Then from the POOL OF BLOOD  a PARASITIC MUTANT Emerges. The Creature Attacks the Main Character, and Temporarily Gains Control of His Body.

Luckily The Main Character manages at one point to Unplug the Creature and thus Regaining Control of His Faculties. Unfortunately while He is Apparently Hallucinating the Main Character is ATTACKED AGAIN! This Time He Loses causing Him to start Mutating . Next the Main Character Exits The Utility type Closet and…Well Hell We aren’t going to Tell You. We will say this though Episode One sets You Up, and It’s Episode Two that Knocks You Down. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed The Animated Sci Fi Insanity of Sam Barnett’s OPERATOR as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Salvation in Sundays.

Alright it’s Time for Another FYB Update so here We go.  As We get Our shit together More and More and prepare the Serious Rule 2020 some Changes Obviously had to be Made and some still Do in All Honesty. The Current Change is FYB will be Posting a Minimum of  One (if Not more which is Our Goal in the “Getting Our shit together” Department. Since We have rather Drastically Expanded and Increased Our Content adding a Whole Dimension to FYB which We sincerely Hope Everyone Enjoys as Much as We do.

Now Why We increase Our Posts FYB will Post 6 Days a Week and, FYB will NOT be Posting on Sundays. The reason is My Friends, Family and Doctor have Suggested, Encouraged, and Damn Near Demand I take a Day Off. I don’t like the Idea in the Least, BUT I do realize How beneficial it would be for Everyone Involved Myself Included. Not only would a Day off (from ALL Work or Work Related Projects) would seriously Aid in Preserving what’s left of My Sanity and Health as well as My Wife’s, Friend’s, Family, and the Few Full Time FYB Contributors turning around Here.


So I’m willing to try and Abandon My workaholic Tendencies for 24 hours once a week for Now. I know its Not just about Me and that a Change, even if it’s an Extremely Shitty One like this One in The End it’s about the Greater Good. Thank You to ALL THOSE who have stuck with Us through Our initial Issues, Evolution, and Growing Pains We really and truly Appreciate it more than You will EVER Know.

P.S. FYB Up Dates like This One are NOT considered Content so This isn’t Today’s Minimum Post.


  Les Sober

The Mystery of MeatSleep’s Deleted Content Installment 2 (Videos 4-8)

Welcome to Part Two of MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content where We will be Showcasing MeatSleep’s Videos 4-8. If You haven’t Watched MeatSleeps First 3 Video’s in Our Previous Post “MeatSleep’s Deleted Video Content” We highly recommend You Watch It before Viewing this Post. The Primary Reason is The Video’s are being Posted in Chronological Order. Now for a Brief Recap for Those Who may as of Yet still be Unaware.

MeatSleeps in/was an Individual Who Posted a Slew of Strange Videos that caught  Some People’s Attention as it were. After viewing MeatSleep’s Content Viewer’s found Themselves facing a rather Unconventional Question. The Question became was MeatSleep’s Video’s a Bizarre Art Project/Some kind Weird Promotion OR were They in Fact a POV Vlog belonging to an Actual Real Life Serial Killer??!


After Posting the “Final Video” MeatSleep announced that The Video’s were indeed Fake and was Designed as Part of an Online Art Project. The ODD THING IS if the Videos were Part of an Art Project, AND Supposedly Fake Why then did MeatSleep Immediately Delete ALL Their Content? Why would MeatSleep go to so much fucking Trouble spending God Knows How much Time and Effort Creating and Posting said Video’s Only to Suddenly and Unexplainably Delete Them? Were there Clues Concealed within the Video’s pertaining to MeatSleeps Actual Identity ? Perhaps was there Incriminating Evidence embedded in the Unorthodox Videos? What was it MeatSleep All of a Sudden Didn’t want People to See?

All in All it seems to be rather Abnormal Behavior to come out of Internet Void, and make a Surprise Announcement that Your Content is Fake and Part of a Project followed by the Deletion of all said Content? It’s not Logical in the Least it’s more Indicative of a Panicked Knee Jerk Reaction to Cover One’s Ass by Erasing All Alleged Evidence.


Whoever MeatSleep is Disappeared from the Internet without Posting Anything else (Video or Otherwise) OR making any Further Comment. And that leaves the Question of are the Videos Creative Content Vs. A Serial Killer’s Confession Unanswered to this Very Day. In The End We may Never Know.

So Once Agin Think For Yourself and Draw Your Own Conclusions. Enjoy.

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

Number 7

Number 8

Stay Tuned as The Mystery of MeatSleep Continues with Installment 3 (Videos 9-14)

Thanks For Watching,

  By Les Sober

FYB’s Friday Night GoreFest Film: DEAD -ALIVE!

Well after Posting Peter Jackson’s Man Eating Alien Cult Classic BAD TASTE last Week it started a rather Heated Debate around these parts which resulted in making the Natives Restless. The Issue at Hand is a Simple Disagreement. Some Here Believe Peter Jackson’s Second Feature Film DEAD-ALIVE (aka BRAINDEAD) to be Far Superior Compared to BAD TASTE. While Others Hold Their Ground that Peter Jackson’s First Film BAD TASTE is in fact the Superior of the Two Movies. So to Satiate the Scandal We decided in all Fairness that We should Also Showcase DEAD-ALIVE and Here We are.

FYB couldn’t be Happier to Present Peter Jackson’s Slapstick Splatter Zombie Horror Comedy Film  DEAD-ALIVE!!!


Brief Plot Summery: In 1957, Explorer Stewart McAlden and His Team Smuggle a Sumatran RAT MONKEY They have Captured on SKULL ISLAND. Monkey Rats are a HYBRID CRYPTO CREATURE thats Mean as Hell with The Bite to Match! Monkey Rats came to be when PLAUGE CARRYING WHARF RATS  from Passing Ships Invaded Skull Island and Raped The Indigenous Monkey Population resulting in the MUTANT MONSTER Known as the more than Infamous Rat Monkey.

During McAlden and His Team’s Escape from Skull Island’s WARRIOR NATIVES who Demand the return of the Captive Rat Monkey, Stewart is BITTEN by the Shanghaied Rat Monkey. This Results in Stewart being DISMEMBERED AND MURDERED by His Own Crew, Who are Terrified of the Effects of the Rat Monkey Bite. The Captured Rat Monkey is then Shipped to Wellington Zoo in New Zealand.


Lionel Cosgrove lives in a Large Victorian Mansion in Wellington with His Domineering Mother Vera.  To Vera’s Dismay and Disapproval Lionel falls head over heels in Love with a Lovely Spanish Romani Shopkeeper’s Daughter named Paquita Maria Sanchez. Maria is Convinced beyond reasonable doubt that Lionel and Her are Destined to be Together. When the Young Couple visit the Wellington Zoo together on a Date, Vera follows them and is BITTEN BY THE RAT MONKEY!

Although Vera seems fine Initially after being Bitten over the Next Few following Days Vera starts to become Sicker and Sicker even EATING HER OWN EAR (and Later Paquita’s Pet Dog) while having Lunch. Some After Vera DIES Only to be REANIMATED as a BLOOD THIRSTY FLESH EATING ZOMBIE, and KILLS Her Attending Nurse Mrs. McTavish Who also Turns into a Fiendish Flesh Eating Zombie. Lionel manages to Lock His Zombified Mother and Mrs. McTavish in the Basement where He keeps them Sedated with ANIMAL TRANQUILIZERS! Unfortunately for Lionel things Don’t Always Go as Planned and Vera is able to Escape from the Confines of the Basement, and ALL ZOMBIE HELL BREAKS LOOSE from there!


Can Lionel save Wellington before its Entire Populous is DEVOURED or Worse Transformed into MAN EATING ZOMBIES??? Find Out in Peter Jackson’s Cult Classic DEAD-ALIVE!!!

We Hope You Enjoyed This New Zealand Zombie Splatter Cinema Gem as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching,

Presented By Les Sober