FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Anton LaVey on The Joe Pyne Show

In this Installment of FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics We Feature The One and Only Anton Szandor LaVey was an American Author, Musician, Paranormal Researcher ,and Occultist. LaVey is most Notoriously Known as The Founder and the Original High Priest of The Church Of Satan and The Religion of LaVeyan Satanism (and Author of the Infamous Satanic Bible).

This is NOT a LaVey Biography or In-depth Look at the Church of Satan Those will be coming Later. We decided to Post This First.

This is a Rare  1967 Television Appearance LaVay did on The Joe Pyne Show so You could Hear DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE That of Course Being Non Other Than LAVEY HIMSELF.


The Host Is Joe Pyne Who reminds Us an Earlier Prototype of Morton Downey Jr. who Pioneered  the “Trash TV” (Just Ask Jerry Springer) Format with His Talk Show The Morton Downey Jr. Show. Downey was known for Berating His Quests with a Verbal Assault of Insults, Derogatory Remarks, Extreme and Controversial Personal Opinion, and Personal Jabs. Downey would Yell and Scream at His gets (sometimes inches from the Quests face) while He Stormed around the Set like Maniac and Chain Smoked like His Life Depended on it.

Joe Pyne Employs many of these Talk Show Host Tactics in an attempt to intentional Anger Their Guest into Acting up/Out in Hope Their Wild Antics Boost Ratings. Pyne is Nothing if Not Antagonistic from the Very Start of the Interview attempting to Bait LaVey in Vain. Pyne called LaVay a “Nut” and a “DingBat”, Attacks Lavays Appearance from His Shaved Head and “Shifty” Eyes, Clothes, Necklace, and even Finger Nails). Pyne also Mocks LaVey by saying corny shit like “I’d tell You where to go, But I think You’d Like it, and Insulting LaVeys With and Children by referring to Them as “Ms. Devil/ Mrs. Beelzebub”  and “The Little Devils”.


LaVey for His Part is the Exact Opposite and Remains Cool, Calm and Collective while Ignoring Pyne’s Various Antics and Personal Attacks. LaVay conveys His point and Answers Questions Intelligently and to the Point. LaVey definitely Proved to Be the Bigger Man.

In a Rather Interesting (and Bizarre) Note The Host Joe Pyne Died a few Months after this Interview.

Hope You Enjoyed This Historical Segment of the Ongoing Story of Satan as Much as We did.

 Presented By Les Sober

Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids: The Bad Egg and Molton Light

We start this Installment of Cartoons That Aren’t For Kids with the Award Winning Cartoon “The Bad Egg” Directed by Bala Vikram Veturi. “The Bad Egg” is a Fable of Sorts if You Will, a Cautionary Tale that warns One against  the Consequences of Choosing Greed Over Need. That is to Say Choosing What You Want OVER What You Actually Need. Humanity has always, and especially in Today’s Times confused “Want” with “Need”.

A Prime Example of this is When the Wife of a Good Friend of Mine called Me up one Night Engulfed in Frustration. He Told Me that His Wife WANTED to Buy a New 90 inch TV to replace Their 60 Inch TV for NO OTHER REASON than She simply WANTED a Bigger TV in Reality.

When I asked My Friend about His Wife’s Reaction to Him stating the 90 inch TV was a Unnecessary (and bit impulsive) Purchase at the Time He told Me that once He started to Object She told Him that “They NEEDED the New TV.”, and Honestly thats Exactly what She Believed to be True. The Cliche that “Your Possessions End Up Owning You” could Never be Truer.

The Second Cartoon is Chad Van Gaalen’s “Molten Light” by Chad VanGaalen Who did The Animation as well as Providing the Music Accompaniment. “Molton Light” which also Serves as a Cautionary Tale of Revenge Warning One That Their are Consequences for One’s Actions. That and Some of Those Consequences can Hunt You Down and Kill You.

Hope You Enjoyed These Cartoon’s Cautionary Tales of Greed, Jealousy, Murder, Cannibalism, The Supernatural, and Revenge as Much as We Did.

 Presented By Les Sober

The Hell In Holidays

So We at the Peak aka the Worst time of the Holiday Season being Post Thanksgiving Pre Christmas. Especially this Year since the Calendar Up and Decided to fuck Us out of a Week, and subsequently Additional Paycheck by Scheduling  Christmas 3 (Not the Standard 4) Weeks from Thanksgiving. This took the Hellacious Holliday Rigamarole up a Serious Notch or Two I Didn’t Honestly think it would matter, but I was Wrong. Very Wrong.

We Apologize that New Content has been Sporadic as of Late due to The Hectic Holiday Season. We will do Our Best to Post what We can When We can between Now and The New Year. Holidays here Equal a good bit of Traveling which Only Adds to the Christmas Chaos. Posting will Resume it’s Consistency and an Increase in  Content at The Beginning of the New Year on January 2nd (since We will all be Hungover like a Motherfucker New Years Day) Thank You for Baring with Us through the Horrific Holidays.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Stress Kills (0.01)

Smeldy pulled into the Last Parking Space in the entire Parking Lot Not by choice mind you, but because there simply wasn’t anywhere else He could have possibly Park. To say Smelly detested Shopping would be the understatement of the Millennium as Smedly HATED IT. He Hated it with every fucking fiber of His being. It was the actual act of Shopping that enraged Him so it was all the Other Shoppers that were the source of Smedly’s Anti-Shopping Hate.

This was a ongoing Theme in Smedly’s Life. Smedly for all intents and purposes Despised People and the Humanity in General. This was why Smedley didn’t Drive unless He had to He loved Driving itself, But again it was all the Other Drivers that sucked the fun out for Him. Also and for the same Reason Smedly avoided Sports Bars which tended to be Crowded, Loud, and Full of Personality Types He found despicable (The Sports Fanatic the one’s who refer to their favorite Team as “Our Team” or the Overly Macho Frat Boy Types that use Sports as a Reason to Binge Drink. Lastly Smedly hated Eat in Public as He had a serious and extreme aversion to People looking or Staring at Him especially when He was Eating.


The Trend of 24 Hour Big Box Stores such as Walmart for example were a Godsend for Smedly as it alleviated the Other Shoppers Issue. He could walk right in and move freely around the Store collecting His purchases in relative Peace. The Only other living Souls in the Entire Place where a COuple of Cashiers, and the Overnight Stocking Crew. Smedly found this pleasing as He could conduct His entire shopping trip without seeing a single other Human Being it was almost like He was the Last Man On Earth (the idea of which suited Smedly just fine).

Unfortunately Today Smedly was in Dire need of Assorted Odds and Ends, and it just so happened to be the Weekend which meant everyone and Their fucking Mothers were Off work and Running Errands all damn Day Long. Smedly sighed as He walked briskly towards the Glutton’s Grocery Store in anticipation of the Fresh Hell lying in wait for Him inside. Smedly was a Typical Commando Shopper. This in part was what made the act of Shopping during Normal Business Hours so Miserable for Smedly. A Commando Shopper has a short and concise list of a Handful of Purchases that They need to make, and They retrieve them quickly as humanly possible. Once the Purchase have been collected the Commando Shopper makes a Direct B-line towards the Nearest Cashier with Payment Method in Hand enabling them to Check out Quickly as They Can.


Smelly hit the Front Door like a fucking out of control Battering Ram and was immediately met with a Variable Sea of Shoppers. As Smedly scanned the Store just after entering in Contempt as The Shopping Scene He was about to Enter into was definitely as Big a Pain in the Ass as He had thought it would be. It appeared the Entire Population of the State was out doing Their Weekly Shopping Smedly thought to Himself angrily. Smedly set off delving into the Ocean of Consumers as He devised an optimal Shopping Strategy to Assist in making this Shopping Trip Less Hellish than it had to be.

Smedly decided to Start in the Dairy department since He needed some Milk and then He would work His way across the Store to the Other side picking up what He needed on the Way. Smedly was having trouble navigating through the Herd of Shoppers as They wondered aimlessly around the Store utterly oblivious to Their surroundings. The Principle for success was the same in Auto Racing Smedly thought to Himself Angrily. Like in Auto Racing the Key to getting a Head is locating an opening in-between Your Opponent that You can squeeze through to get ahead.


Smedly reached the Dairy case only to find the Part of the Dairy case that Housed the Milk was currently being blocked by a Self Absorbed Soccer Mom with a Full Cart and Several unruly Children Running amok as She idols chatted on Her Cell Phone. Patience was a Virtue that Smedly was sadly Born without so it took only a brief moment before Smedly lost His temper succumbing to His Growing Frustration. Smedly announced Loudly to No One in particular that it was truly Amazing  how Self Centered People became when They were on Their goddamn Cell Phones. The Woman then annoyingly told whoever She was talking to to Hold on a minute, shot Smedly a Aggressive Stare that clearly read as “Eat Shit” before rounding up Her Children, and Finally getting the fuck out of the Way already.

Smedly snatched up a Gallon of Milk like a Hawk snatching it Prey right out of Thin Air. Next Smedly needed Eggs so He walked down to the Egg section of the Dairy Area where He was accosted by a Little Old Man who looked to be over a Hundred Years Old. As Smedly was inspecting Cartons of Eggs to insure none where cracked or in any other way Damaged The Little Old Man who was a complete Stranger moseyed over and stood right next to Smedly. The Old Man launched into a diatribe about how to properly select eggs, and that He grew up on a Farm, and that His father was a Farmer and His Father before Him. Smedly honestly didn’t want to be Rude as He felt guilty snapping at Senior Citizens inspect of Showing Them the Respect They Deserved. Smedly metaphorically almost Bit His Tongue in two Trying to keep His shit together. At last Smedly couldn’t stand the inane babbling of the Old Man and promptly told Him thank you for the helpful hints, and God Bless the Farmers before making a hasty exit.


Smedly circumvented the Store amassing His Purchases as best He could having to deal with Slow Old Ladys pushing over loaded Shopping carts full of canned Cat food, the Swarms of Aggitated Children Who’s Parents didn’t seem to give a fuck about how their kids acted especially in Public, the Idle Shoppers who stand periodically in front of the Selves staring intently at the Products as if They are expecting to Learn the meaning of Life, the Young Couples that wasted time and clogged up isles with Their over abundant displays of Affection, the Loners who walk down the isles like a Death Row Prisoner as They head to Execution, the cell phone shoppers that had to price compare every single item them purchase, the Cell Phone Zombies who come to complete standstill wherever They are and post up like a fucking a Volunteer Tree, and the Indecisive Shoppers that spend Their time taking items off the shelves only to look at it, and place it back on the shelf before removing yet another item over and over like their trapped in a fucking Loop.

The Line was occupationally long reminding Smedly of the Line at a Theme Park one of the Ones that You stand in for an Hour and a Half for a 3 minute ride. The Line inched along at a painfully slow pace which only served to irritate Smedly further. When Smedly felt He had reached full bullshit saturation (and was in real risk of creating a sense that would inevitable get Him banned for Life from the Store) He smartly asked the Young Man behind Him who was purchasing a 12 pack of PBR and a Frozen Pizza if He would hold His place in Line since He inconveniently had to Use the Bathroom which wasn’t an lie entirely. While Smedly didn’t actually need to Use the Bathroom He was headed there none the Less as the Bathroom was the only place Smedly could get a modicum of Silence and a small dose of Privacy.


As Smedly entered the Bathroom He became aware of some Hipster Business Man standing at the Urinal emptying His bladder while talking loudly on His Blue Tooth Ear Piece. Smedly had a special hate in His heart for Blue Tooth Ear Pieces which did serve a purpose when it came to Driver Safety outside of a Car though a Blue Tooth Ear Piece was Unnecessary and Asinine. Not only was this Guy jabbering away while using the Facilities He was waving His right arm around like a Air Traffic Controller with Wild abandon which almost lead to Him inadvertently smacking a few Shoppers as They made Their way to the Bathroom sinks. Smedly instantly judged then Man was an all around asshole, and Someone should fucking do something since this Guy obviously needed to be felt with. Smedly then accepted the fact that the person He was thinking of would have to be Him as No One else seemed to be Volunteering to do so.

Once the Bathroom was empty accept for the Two of Them Smedly slid up behind the Blue Tooth Guy and applied a chock hold that would make a Boa Constrictor Jealous. Smedly then dragged the shocked Blue Tooth Guy backwards into the Handicapped Stall. Once in the Stall Smedly frantically fidgeted with one hand to engage the Door Latch which He finally accomplished by almost breaking His wrist in the Process. Once the Door was Latched Smedly swung the Man around so He was facing the Toilet, and then pushed the Man down to His Knees still applying the Choke Hold like His life depended on it.  Then Smedly released the Choke Hold and using all of His strength and with His full weight behind it Shoved The Man’s face directly into the Toilet. The Man attempted to use His arms to keep from being slammed face first into the toilet bowl, but Smedly used His feet to stomp on the Man’s hands forcing Him to let go of the Toilet Seat.


To add insult to injury the Toilet had been apparently been used several times without being flushed so Once the Man’s face was submerged and He was struggling with all His Might Smedly decided to keep the MAn’s head pinned in the Toilet with His Foot to avoid the disgusting Mess. As Smedly stood there with His foot firmly planted on the back of the Man’s Head Smedly thought to Himself that the Drowning was taking longer than Usual, and that this Guy must have the Lung capacity of an Olympic Swimmer or some shit. Smedly was aware that His window of opportunity was closing as the Guy was making a great deal of noise and it was just a matter of time before another Shopper came in to vacate Their Bowels.

Smedly who had always been able to think on His feet realized what He had to do and do it fast. Smedly took His foot off on the back of the Man’s head for a split millisecond before bringing it down like a Sledge Hammer down at the Base of the Man’s Skull. The Man’s neck snapped with a loud Pop as if a Giant was cracking its knuckles, and the Mans arms dropped like a bad transmission as His body went limp. At last the Job was done and there was one less asshole in the world, well that’s how Smedly felt about in anyways. Smedly calmly Hoisted the Dead Man’s Lifeless Body up into the Seated position on the Toilet. He then pulled down the Man’s pants to sell the look that He wasn’t Dead, but using the Bathroom like any living Person. Smedly peaked out of the Stall to insure that coast os clear before exiting swiftly without making a sound like a Demon’s Whisper.


Smedly made His way back to His Cashier in the nick of time as He was Next in line. Smedly Thanked the Young Man for being cool enough to save His place for Him while He went to the Bathroom. The Young Man said it was no problem since it happens to everyone at least once in Their Lives. Smedly happily agreed as He paid the Cashier. With His purchases bagged up and in His Cart Smedly calmly left the Grocery Store, loaded the Groceries into His car, carefully shut the Trunk of His Car, hopped in, and Drove Off with a Smile on His Face feeling completely Stress Free.

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober

FYB’s Sinister Saturday Night Cinema: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST!

FYB is Proud to Present Tonight’s Sinister Saturday Night Cinema’s 1980 Italian Cannibal Horror Film Directed by Ruggero Deodato and written By Gianfranco Clerici: CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST!!

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST consists of a Documentary Crew’s Lost Footage, the Presentation of which Pioneered and Innovated the Lost Footage Genre which was Popularized later in THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST Achieved Notoriety as its GRAPHIC VIOLENCE aroused a Great Deal of CONTROVERSY! After its Premier in Italy, it was SIEZED by the Local Magistrate, and Deodato was ARRESTED on OBSCENITY CHARGES. Deodato was later Charged with MULTIPLE COUNTS OF MURDER due to Rumors that Alleged Several Actors were actually KILLED ON CAMERA!


Ultimately Deodato was Cleared of All Charges, the Film was BANNED in Italy, Australia, and Several Other Countries due to is GRAPHIC CONTENT, including Sexual Assault, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mutilation, Decapitation, Cannibalism, Murder, Nudity, Alleged Exploitation of Indigenous Tribes, and Genuine Violence Toward Animals

Some Nations have since Revoked Their Ban, it is Still Upheld in Several Other Countries. In Retrospective Analysis, the Film’s EXTREMELY VIOLENT CONTENT has been Noted as Commentary on Ethic is Journalism, Exploitation of Developing Countries, and the Nature of Modern Society, but These Interpretations have been highly Criticized.


Plot Summery: Harold Monroe an Anthropologist from New York University  leads a Rescue Team Deep into the Amazon Rainforest to Locate a Missing Crew of Film Makers. The Crew had gone Missing while Filming a Documentary on LOCAL CANNIBAL TRIBES. When the Rescue Team is ONLY able to RECOVER the Crew’s Lost Footage, Yet an American Television Station wants to Broadcast the Found Footage as a Sensationalized Special. Upon reviewing the Lost Footage Monroe is APPALLED by the Team’s Actions and Objects to The Station’s Intent on Airing the Documentary. The Only thing Monroe can do to possible Stop the Television Broadcast is to Show The Station’s Management the FINAL 2 ROLES OF FILM.


CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST is 1 of the Top Ten Most CONTROVERSIAL movies ever to be Made in fact We Honestly believe this Movie is one of those Rare tings in Life that has to be SEEN to be BELIEVED. With that said…


We Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Cannibalistic Slaughterfest as Much as We Did,

Presented by Les Sober

The Serpentine Cemetery

Today fucking Sucks. Earlier this Year My 14 year Old Colombian Boa Constrictor Adabeese Died of Old Age leaving Me rather Devastated. The Silver Lining was I still had My Ball Python Named Monty (an Ode to The British Comedy Troupe Monty Python) to Focus My Time and Attention which Helped Me to deal with Adabeese’s Unfortunate but Unavoidable Demise.

Tragically enough I found Monty Dead in His Cage presumably also due to Old Age. And to Add Insult to Injury Monty looked Happy, Healthy, and Bright Eyed Yesterday, just to End Up Dead Today. That’s the One Problem with Owning Snakes (and Reptiles in General) is Being Utterly Undomesticated They have the Natural Instinct of the Wild which dictates One Hide all Illness. In the Wild a Sick Animal is an instant Bullseye on its back as far as Predators are concerned (Example Wolves in Alaska will Target the Feeble and Elderly or the Sick/Injured Members in a Herd of Elk)

This simply mean Bottom Line You Won’t Know There is Something Wrong Until it’s too Late if Disease is a Factor. In this case as I said earlier Monty’s demise was Age Related One would assume since Upon inspection Monty didn’t display any of the Usual Characteristics of Disease, but then again I have No Idea what was going on Inside of Monty. I can only do an exterior inspection and use only Visual Observations, But I know enough about Reptiles having Owned Quite a Few Through Out My Life time (A Couple of Iguana’s, Ball Python, Blue Tongued Skink, Anoles, Colombian Python, and Bearded Dragon. Plus working for Veterinarians who worked with treated Exotics was a BIG PLUS).

I Don’t expect Anyone but Other Snake/Reptile Owners to be able to Empathize with the Passing of a Pet Reptile such as My Snake(s). Reptile Owner’s are the Only Ones Who actually and Truly understand the Profound Bond that Forms between a Pet Reptile and Its Owner. I’m a Man of a Thousand words That has real trouble keeping His opinions to Himself and His Mouth Shut. And Still I Can’t Explain it, its hard to put Feelings into Words Sometimes (unless its one of the Major Ones like Love, Anger, Happy, Hateful)

Anyway I didn’t finish the Post I planned on Posting Today as I am at a Loss since Discovering Monty’s Passing Earlier Today, YET Life Goes on and So Do I. So Until Tomorrow I bid You A-due.

Thanks for Understanding,

 By Les Sober

What Are You Thinking?

The Backstory is Simple a Man named Issac posted the Following Video Years Ago. Issac claimed that while Working at the Local Trash Dump one Day He came across an Old Discarded IBM Computer Tower, and Issac decided to take Home just for Shits and Giggles. Once He got the Tower Home He was Not only Surprised to See it Still worked, BUT that it also contained a Great Number of Files on It. Isaac opened the First Video Listed which was Titled “What Are You Thinking?”, and after watching it Posted it to Youtube. Before Issac had a chance to Post Any Additional Videos Allegedly the Computer Tower was Stolen. And Since Issac Didn’t have Any of the Tower’s Content Backed Up it will have to Remain a Mystery.

When I happened to hear about this Video I obviously Hit Up Youtube to See the Video for Myself since I was quite Curious. A Bit to My Surprise I found a Disclaimer from Youtube that said and I Quote “This Video has been Removed for Violating Youtube’s Policy on Violent or Graphic Content.” Needless to Say after a Little Hunting I found the Video, Watched it, and Then My Mind was Spinning at a Million Miles Per Hour from There.


Some of the Speculations as to What in fact “What Are You Thinking” is are as Follows in No Particular Order: Proof that Red Rooms DO Exist, and This is a Pre Execution Torment and Torture Session to Increase Profits as it Amps up The Gore Factor Considerably. There is the Usual assumption that the Video was made by a Mentally Unbalanced Person in Need of Professional Treatment who may be experiencing Mania or a Psychotic Break. Yet Other’s believe it’s some sort Cult Recruiting Tool or Promotional Video designed to Find Possible New Members.

Others seem to think it’s Supernatural and is partial Footage of an Exorcism Ritual of Some Sort. More than just a Few People Thought it might be a Bizarre, But Real life Suicide or Perhaps it is Some Serious Side Effects from Human Experimentation  (More than Likely Hallucinogens). There is Also the Tried and True School of Thought that Thinks its related to the American Military, Governmental Agency, or New World Order Shadow Government Conspiracy type Shit. It also very well may be Some Drug Addict fucking around while They’re Intoxicated (more than likely Hallucinogens in this Case or Perhaps Bath Salts/Flakka), Yet NO ONE ACTUALLY KNOWS.


Then Again isn’t that the Thrill of the Dark Web?! Its the Embodiment of a World without Laws, Rules, Judgment or Order the Dark Web is a Treacherous Place Fraught with Danger, Devils, and The Damned Alike. It’s an Entire World Existing in a Digital Void where it Hides the Depravity of Society and Humanity from the Unsuspecting Masses. The Morbid Curiosity   of The Dark Web Promising You’ll see things You never thought Existed, Things You Can Not Forget, Things You Can’t Unsee, and that along with the Sickest, Most Twisted, Violent, Revolting, Evil, and all Manner of Horrible Atrocities committed by The Human Race.

Though You may Never Visit the Dark Web Yourself because It’s too Dangerous, Scary, or too Fucked Up. Perhaps You tell People You have No Interest in Exploring the Dark Web, or That the Dark Web is Only for Illegal/Illicit Transactions. None the Less there will Always be a Small Part of You that Longs to Dive into the Pitch Black of the Dark Web to See What You can Find. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching,

  Les Sober (1:07am)

Los Angeles Nuclear Attack: Emergency Alert System Activation.

For All Intents and Purposes  : THE FOLLOWING IS FAKE.

What Would You Do if You’d be DEAD IN A MATTER OF MERE MINUTES???

 Brought to You by Les Sober

FYB’s Friday Midnight Movie By Troma Entertainment : The Toxic Avenger!

FYB could be any More Thrilled than We are to Present Troma Entertainment’s Cult Classic Superhero Black Comedy Splatter Horror Film THE TOXIC AVENGER!!!

The Toxic Avenger was Directed by Troma Founders Micheal Herz and Lloyd Kaufman and Released by Troma Entertainment in 1984. Troma has since  Built it’s Legendary Reputation as The Kings of Independent Cinema, and Cult Following of Fans Producing LOW BUDGET B-MOVIES with CAMPY CONCEPTS, JUVENILE HUMOR, and OUTRAGEOUSLY GRUESOME VIOLENCE!


Plot Summery:

Melvin Ferd is a Stereotypical 98 pound Nerd weakling who works as a Janitor at a Local Gym in the Fictional Town of Tromaville, New Jersey, where the Gym Rat Jocks-particular Bozo, Slug, Wanda, and Julie- Harass Him Relentlessly.  Melvin’s Tormentors get increasingly More and More Violent, even DELIBERATELY KILLING a YOUNG BOY on a Bike as Part of a Game while Driving around Town Getting Wasted. After The Gang hits the Young Boy They Stop to take Pictures of The CARNAGE as They Laugh at The DEAD BOY’S MANGLED AND LIFELESS CORPSE!

One Day Melvin is tricked during a Prank into wearing a Pink Tutu and Kissing a Sheep before being chased around by a Crowd of Laughing Gym Goers. Melvin Ends up Jumping through a Second Story Window and Landing Head First into a Drum of TOXIC WASTE! Melvin covered in Toxic Waste Residue BURSTS INTO FLAMES sending Him Screaming Down the Street IN HORROR. Melvin runs Home and seeks Refuge and Relief in His Bathtub, BUT the Toxic Chemicals TRANSFORM Melvin into s HIDEOUSLY DEFORMED MONSTER OF HUMAN SIZE AND STRENGTH!


A Gang of Drug Dealers, led by the Criminal Cigar Face, are harassing a Police Officer by the Name of O’Clancy, Trying to Buy Him Off, But O’Clancy Refuses Their Bride. Suddenly The Toxic Avenger appears Out of Nowhere and VIOLENTLY KILLS THE CRIMINALS! Only Cigar Face manages to Escape with His Life and Swears Revenge on The Toxic Avenger No Matter What.

Melvin returns Home, but His Mother is Terrified by His Appearance, and Refuses to let Melvin in the House. So Melvin- Publicly Dubbed “THE MONSTER HERO”(also know as Toxic Avenger or Toxie for Short.) and is Hailed as a Hero. Toxie retreats to the Tromaville Junkyard and Builds a Makeshift Home to Live In.

Elsewhere in Tromaville, a Street Gang are Holding Up a Mexican Restaurant and ATTACK a Blind Woman Named Sarah. They Gang KILLS SARAH’S GUIDE DOG, But Before Things get Worse for Sarah The Toxic Avenger Arrives. The Toxic Avenger precedes to WREAK BLOODY VENGEANCE on the Gang of Street Thugs. The Toxic Avenger continues to Fight Crime, including DRUG DEALERS, PEDOPHILE PIMPS, and He Also Takes His REVENGE on the Four Tormentors who caused His Transformation.


As The Toxic Avenger Gives Aid Helping the People of Tromaville, Mayor Belgoody, the Leader of Tromaville’s Extensive Crime Ring, Fearing being Caught Belgoody sends a Goon Squad lead by Cigar Face to Kill Toxie, But They Fail Miserably, and End Up Accidentally Killing Each other.

When The Toxic Avenger is Accused of MURDERING a Seemingly Innocent Old Lady in a Dry Cleaning Store (Who just so happens to be the Leader of an UNDERGROUND HUMAN TRAFFICKING RING), Belgoody uses the Opportunity to Call in The National Guard. The Toxic Avenger goes into Hiding afraid of what He has Become that is Until The Mayor and National Guard Hunt Toxie Down Trapping Him. As The National Guard prepares to Open Fire On Toxie the Citizens of Tromaville unite to Defend Their Beloved Monster. The MAyor’s Evil ways are Revealed, and The Toxic Avenger RIPS OUT BELGOODY’S ORGANS to see if He has “Any Guts”. The Toxic Avenger Then reassures the Citizens that He will Continue to Fight Crime, and Protect Tromaville from Evil.

Hope You Enjoyed Troma’s Toxic Tale of Terror as  Much as We Did/Do.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober