Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (52/365)

“Relax it’s a Cliche Cop Tactic. While He runs Our names for outstanding Warrants and the Like He is also watching Us intently.” said Lee breaking His self imposed Silence.

“Why is He watching Us He already pulled Us over. What need would there be for Him to watch Us?” asked the Driver Nervously His voice wavering slightly with Anxiety and a little Angst.

“He’s watching Us and Intentionally taking His Time. He’s doing it to make Us Tense, I mean that’s the Point. If We get Nervous because say We have Something to Hide or Especially if We’re Guilty of Something We would undoubtedly Crack under the Pressure. And When We cracked We’d fuck up Some How You know like Give Something Away. We could Panic and make a Run for it, We could Nervously glance over at the Car or Something Similar. That’s the Guilty Mentality Our beloved Cop Friend is Currently Searching for.” chimed in Dizzy His Voice Flat and Monotone having been greatly Sobered by the Run in with the Law.


The Trio returned to quietly Sitting on the Curb as They waited for the Cop to Return with His Verdict on If/ Who could possible be in Legal Trouble as a Result of the Situation. As Lee sat He couldn’t help thinking to Himself this, THIS was the Part of being Pulled Over He Hated the Most of All. The Public Shaming that Occurs when You’re Pulled Over is what Lee found to be Utterly Embarrassing. Sitting in Your Car or Worse in this Case on the fucking Curb as an Onslaught of Other People as They Drive by Rubber Necking like the Motherfuckers They Are.

The fucking Hypocrisy of it struck a Nerve in Lee like a 12 Pound Sledge Hammer. All These People Driving by with look of Condemnation or Vague Disgust as if They had never been Pulled Over before at some fucking Point in Their Lives. How quickly They forgot the Humiliation of being Treated like a fucking Idiot by a Callous Uncaring Cop aside from the Parade of Pretentious Pricks Driving by Leering Away. People are Shit Lee summized once Again when The Cop Finally came Striding back Over walking Heavily so His Boots made a Deep, but Audible Thumping sound as He Clomped Across the Asphalt like an asshole.


“Alright Listen Up as I’m saying this Once and Once Only. Benny (which was the Driver’s Name if Dizzy or Lee had actually asked Him) if there is a Victim in this Scenario then it’s You. Obviously theses to Gentlemen are Obviously Intoxicated, and They’re Bigger than You so They just Bullied You into this Idiocy to begin with. My Point is I have No doubt You didn’t participate willingly.”said the Cop matter of Factly without Blinking an Eye.

The Cop then Dismissed Benny who got in His Car and drove off as Fast as He dared. The Cop then told Dizzy and Lee They could Stand if They wished. Lee was instantly Irritated by the Cop’s Statement. What the fuck was the Point OF COURSE They rather Stand like Men then be Assigned to Sit on the Curb like a Misbehaving Kid.

“As for You Two I’m going to Let You Off with a Stern Warning. I really don’t have the Time to Attend to Juvenile Bullshit when there is REAL Crimes being Committed. So I suggest You do One of Two things Gentlemen You either Go Home and Sleep it Off, Or if You insist on Going Out there is a Bus Stop right around the Corner. And let ME make this ABUNDANTLY CLEAR if I have to Deal with You Two Again I will Arrest You I Guarantee You That.” said The Cop in a seriously Authoritative Tone as He stared at Dizzy and Lee unflinchingly.


Stay Tuned For The Next Volatile Installment Of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober.

Behind The Scenes And In Front of The Insanity…..

Tonights Post Has Been Postponed Due To The Fact I am Burned The Hell Out from Doing a Load of FYB Behind the Scenes Bullshit.

I spent the Day trudging through a Back Log of Posts that need to be Categorized and Tagged. I’m Stubborn, Belligerent, and Stand Offish. I have No One else to Blame but Myself.

I Ignorantly Ignored Organization. Now I have the Unpleasant Pleasure of doing Damage Control. There  Hundreds of FYB Posts that Languish in the Infinite Uncategorized Digital Purgatory where Past Posts Linger Lost in Limbo That need Rescuing.

FYB Started to Get its shit Together Merely a Year ago, and there is Now an Increased Need for New Content. FYB is Primarily to Showcase My Writing along with a Couple Others, but FYB is Evolving None the Less. It’s Morphing into My Own Personal Online Oddities Shop of Sorts. A Way to Elaborate on My Other Interests Outside of Writing Alone.

My Shoulders are Cramped. My Eyes feel like to TVs stuck on Static. My Brain is Failing Me. Thinking Straight is becoming Increasingly Difficult. I’m well worn Out and fucking Exhausted. I must Rest and Regroup for Tomorrow’s Harrowing Adventures Toiling Away Burning the FYB Candle at Both Ends.

10-4 Over and Out,

  Les Sober (12:57 am)

FYB Presents Animated Abominations: Sebastian’s VooDoo and Doll Face

Welcome to Another Installment of Animated Abominations Featuring SEBASTIAN’S VOODOO and DOLL FACE!

Sebastian’s Voodoo which was Directed and Animated by Joaquin Baldwin is a Short and Tragic Tale of Self Sacrifice to Serve the Greater Good. Sebastian’s Voodoo takes place in a Voodoo Doll Makers Work Shop where Numerous VooDoo Dolls hang on Miniature Meat Hooks. The Voodoo Dolls Who possess some form of Conciseness are subjected to The Doll Maker’s Sadistic Torture at the Hands of The Dll Maker Who repeatedly Impales the Dolls periodically causing Them a Great Deal of Pain and Torment.

One Voodoo Doll manages to wriggle off its Meat Hook and makes a brief escape. The Doll Maker Returns and The Doll realizes that It must Save It’s Fellow Voodoo Dolls from the Cruel Clutches of The Doll Maker. The Doll then becomes aware of it’s own VooDoo Powers, and uses Itself to Target the Doll Maker. The Doll Maker who had Another Voodoo Doll in His grasp retaliates Using His Voodoo Doll to Attack the Escaped Doll. A Brutal Duel ensues with Each Combatant wielding Their Iron Will Unyieldingly.

Finally The Escaped Doll comes to the grim Conclusion that it can Kill the Malicious Doll Maker by Stabbing Itself in it’s Own Heart which in Turn would Kill it as Well in Some sort of a Bizarre Hybrid Murder-Suicide. The Doll Accepts Its fate and Plunges the Needle deep into its Chest puncturing Its Heart as it the Falls to its Knees and Dies. Meanwhile the Malevolent Doll Maker Freezes and then Collapses to the Floor Dead as Well. The Remaining Voodoo Dolls Free Themselves from Their Hooks, and Surround the Martyred Dolls Deceased Body. Enjoy.

Doll Face is a Haunting Cautionary Tale of the Entrapments of Vanity and The Pursuit of Perfection by Andy Huang. Doll Face is a Mechanical Robotic Mechanism with a Female Human Face. Doll Face becomes Obsessed with the Images of Beauty Personified in a Make Up Model on a Television that is Suspended from the Ceiling. Each Time the Image changes Doll Face immediately replicates the Image though each time the Image Changes the Television Retracts back towards the Ceiling. This forces Doll Face to Strain Harder and Harder each time to See The Next Image. Finally Doll Face is incapable of Seeing the images on the Television, and Doll Face Strains So Intently to See the Television that She inevitably Self Destructs. The Video Ends with Doll Face Laying Broken on the Floor done in by Her Own Desire to Emulate The Endless Images of Perceived Beauty within Society. Enjoy.

Thanks for Watching/Viewing,

Presented By Les Sober

Millennials, a Bistro, and a Whole Lot of Bullshit.

This Weekend My Wife and I went to see Her Cousin Ave compete in that Weekend’s Auto Races since Ave had become an Adamant Racer several years ago, but this was the First time My Wife and I were able to Attend. After the Race We got the pleasure of meeting His Pit Crew so to Speak as They were Working Their Asses off at the Time, and We were Afforded an Up Close and Personal look at His Race Car. Ave’s Parents Kay and Jay along with Ave’s Wife Steph were there though They didn’t attend a great deal of Ave’s races. This was simply because Watching Ave Race was/is Nerve Wracking to Say the Least for His Mother and His Wife.

After Hanging out for awhile Behind The Scenes We left the Race Track and headed for Our Dinning Destination for the Evening just a short 15 minutes Away called Pompous Bistro and Beer Garden. Since Ave was the one who made the Reservation (and I trust Ave), AND with Beer Garden in the Name I was Highly Optimistic.

You see I rather Eat in than Eat Out honestly since Restaurants can be a Huge fucking Hassle especially if You’re Not a Trend Chasing Hipster Lemming or a fucking Foodie. In Addition I am NOT a Fine Dining Person fucking Period.  I am Reviled by the so called Luxurious Fine Dinning Experience I find it Disgusting all Around and on All Levels. The Whole Arrogant Elitist Pomp and Circumstance feeling, nay believing They are Superior to Others based on Their fucking Bank Accounts. They can Administer Fas Gras Enema’s to Each other for all I fucking Care, but as For Now on the Subject of Alleged Fine Dining I Digress.


We pulled up outside and parked on the Street My Wife’s Family had already arrived, and We walked Through a Gate into a Maze like Garden that really was kind of cool. As We walked around a winding trail through the Garden making Our way to the Hostess there were Little outlets a few with Fire Pits, a Couple Lounge Areas, and several Tables Intertwined throughout.  There was so much Vegetation along with an Abundant amount of Flora and Fauna that the Garden had an underlying Jungle feel to it.

At last We reached The Hostess station which was located Outside of the Main Building as it were. I say Building because it was a Mediterranean Style Outside Dinning area where there No Actual Walls there’s just Shades hanging in-between Pillars to Keep the Sun out of Dinners Eyes. I’ve seen this Concept in the Islands of The Great Southern Swamp, and what I have always wondered, and still do is How the hell Do You Keep People from Robbing/Vandalizing the Your Establishment if THERE NO FUCKING WALLS?!

Anyway We meet up with My Wife’s Family Who were Seated already when a Overtly Dramatic Millennial Euro Trash Waitress sauntered lazily up to Our Table. She was Wearing a Sun Dress with a Plunging Neck Line so there was plenty of Opportunities to Show Off Her Collection of Pretentious Tattoos. She had every fucking Cliche in the Book of Hipster Tattoos there was the Traditional Ying Yang, OM Sign, Buddha Statue, Lotus Flower, The Joshua Tree, A Japanese Coy Fish, a Fairy, The Symbol for the Female Sex, an Elaborately Done Peace Sign, and at Least 3 Asian Characters that Adorned Her Arms, Shoulders, and Neck.


She Talked as if She was Bored as Fuck and could care facing Less about Us or any Other Customers. As She stood at the head of Or Table with Her head Slightly Tilted to one side, and a Vacant Stare into the Horizon informed Us of the Following. Apparently the Bistro had recently Implemented a New Policy Our Food Would NOT be coming out all Together BUT rather randomly when ever it is or isn’t ready. This concept of Theirs goes against  fucking Common Sense as it Utterly fucking Transforms the Dinning Experience into One Drawn Out 3 Ring Bullshit Culinary Circus.

Going Out to Eat is at the Heart about Spending time and converting with Friends and Family over Food. That is why Real Restaurants rely on Timing as one of the Key Principles/Factors of Service in The Food MUST GO OUT TOGETHER NEVER SEPARATELY. This Provides for the Meal and Social Gatherings Cohesiveness and Efficiency on All Fronts. Bottom Line: No One Likes or Wants to be The Person at the Table that Doesn’t have Their Food Point Blank.

We gave The Euro Trash Hipster Our drink Order and though the Sign claimed this was a Beer Garden it was unlike any fucking Beer Garden I’ve been to Before. Usually a Beer Garden is a Large Banquet Hall lined with Rows of Tables and Benches, and They have a Very Distinct Bavarian (German) Theme to It. There is also Large crowds of Happy Beer Loving Binge Drinkers Hooting and Howling with Laughter in Total Abandon. I say this because when I looked on the Menu There was No Beer List. There was a Wine List and a Cocktail Menu, but again Not a single piece of Literature on the Table pertained to Beer. As I was annoyingly glaring around I noticed a Floor to Ceiling Black Board with the Title “NO CRAP ON TAP” at the Top. Under the Header was a short list of 8 to 10 Craft Beers I was Unfamiliar with, and that was it that was Their Beer Garden Concept.


We got Our drinks and about 25 minutes or so a Stereotypical Portland/Seattle/Colorado Millennial Girl sporting a Bright Plad Flannel Shirt, Jeans, and Sneakers arrived at Our table. She gave Us the Specials which I didn’t pay attention to. She then goes into a LONGER DISCLAIMER that Due to the New Policy Our Food would NOT be coming out Together but rather whenever the fuck its ready. I ordered a Bowl of Lobster Mac and Cheese, My Wife Had one of those European Meat and Cheese Samplers, Ave and Steph ordered Tacos, and Kay Ordered the Lobster Mac and Cheese with an additional House Salad, and Jay ordered two Hot dishes I forget what they were.

40 minutes Later the First couple Dishes come out and, Ironically All the Dishes were Hot Dishes while the Salad and Cold Meat and Cheese Plate did Not. Again this makes No fucking sense since Obviously a fucking House Salad and Cold Meat and Cheese Plate should have been first since They were the Easiest to Fix. About half an Hour passes as the next few Items came in a On going Bizarre Fashion. My Wife’s Aunt Kay was Served Her Mac and Cheese 20 Minutes BEFORE Her House Salad was served. Also why the fuck You wouldn’t prepare the Two Orders of Mac and Cheese since I had order it as well at the same Time and serve them accordingly, But I was left in the Lurch as it were.


Finally everyone But My Wife and I had not only been Served They had completely finished. And since We had to kill so much fucking time waiting on Our Food that was slowly trickling out of the Kitchen We had exhausted virtually every topic of Conversation. Everyone was Tired from the Days Affairs and having Eaten where Now Succumbing to the Tiredness that comes with Digestion. Then My Wife’s food came to the Table directly followed by Mine. Now My Wife’s Family was being as cool as shit about it it was still apparent They were ready to Head on Home. It didn’t matter unfortunately even though They were being cool You can’t get Your food last and NOT feel fucking rushed, and that sucks since You go out to Enjoy your food and not feel like You have to Eat it fast as fuck since it came out so goddamn late.

The Worst Part was the Perky Flannel Millennial Girl kept popping by Our table periodically, and was trying to be all uplifting and positive TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS to the fact that the Entire Table was slowing becoming fed up with Their Food Service. Honestly if We weren’t having Dinner with My Wife’s Family I would have walked the fuck out as soon as the Euro Trash Millennial made the Initial New Service Policy Statement. And of course I’m trying like a Motherfucker to bite My Tongue and play it cool since I’m with My In laws and Not absolutely Loose My Shit since You couldn’t designed a Restaurant I could have Hated any More Than I fucking Hated Pompous Bistro I fucking assure You. I just kept envisioning snapping and Choke Slamming The Millennial Food Server wearing 1950’s Librarian Black Rim Glasses, and a Wool Knit Hat (so He looked like the Lost Member of Cold Play or some shit) through a fucking Table.


At last the Painfully Drawn Out Affair was done accept Now (and I don’t have a fucking clue WHY) Some People at Our Table wanted Dessert. Mind You had some unfinished Business that I had to attend to later that Evening, and it was a 90 minute Drive back to where I needed to be to do so. My Wife saw Me cringe with Contempt and the mention of Dessert reassured Me it was just Ice Cream with a Pastry or something similar So it should be that Bad. I responded by saying that We were dealing with complete culinary idiocy being felt out by a Cliche Cast of Mind Numbing Millennial Trendy Hipster Sons of Bitches.

Seriously it Took an HOUR before a House Salad that had been ordered actually made it to the Table not to Mention Her Cold Meat and Cheese Deal that essentially came out Dead Last. My Point being I had No Faith in these fucking Fools, and Any Possible Good Will had Faded Away Long, Long Ago. I wanted just One thing and one thing Only. I wanted to Leave Immediately at that Point in the Evening. Just under Half an Hour later The 3 Ice Cream Desserts Arrived, We ate Then quickly, Paid, and Left Never to Return.


I still Can’t wrap My head around such a Obviously Outrageously Idiotic Service, and No One I have asked Plenty of Whom Have Experience be it Past or Present in the Restaurant Service Industry. All I have come up with is Pompous Bistro was Built as a Monument to The Mundane Millennial Lifestyle where No One makes Plans, Shit Just Happens, and Where People can Lounge Around all Day with No Concerns or Responsibilities. Who cares when Their food comes When They have No Where To Be and Nothing To Do other than Obsess about Social Media, Play Moronic Games on Their Smart Phones, Stream Netflix for 12 Hours StraightBinge Watching Bullshit, Idly fucking around with Apps, and Sitting Around Working on Their Never Going to Happen Screen Play.

Thanks for Reading,

by Les Sober

FYB Presents a Thanksgiving Movie Terror: THANKSKILLING!

FYB is Ecstatic to Present The Black Comedy Horror Film “THANKSKILLING” Written and Directed by Jordan Downey, and Co-written by Brad Schulz, Tony Wilson, Grant Yaffee, and Kevin Stewart.


Plot Summery: Centuries after the Original Thanksgiving in 1621 Five Collage Students Kristen The Good Girl, Johnny The Jock, Ali the Ditz, Redneck Billy, and Nerdy Darren head Home to Spend Thanksgiving with Their Families. Unfortunately for the Students Their Car Overheats stranding Them for the Night so They decide to Camp Out till Morning. While Sitting Around the Camp Fire Darren tells the Historic Folktale of Feathercloud, A Native American SHAMAN who was Dishonored by HEDONISTIC PILGRIM Chuck Langton, One of Billy’s Ancestors. The Enraged Featherclaoud used NECROMANCY to Create TURKIE, Who is said to appear Very Five Hundred and Five Years to SLAUGHTER ALL CAUCASIANS He Encounters.


Meanwhile Oscar the Hermit’s Dog desecrates a Miniature Totem Pole by Urinating on it, and prematurely Releasing Turkie who He also Urinates On. An ENRAGED Turkie KILLS THE DOG which prompting Ocar to Seek REVENGE on Turkie No Matter What. By Nightfall The Students reach Their perspective Homes Johnny tries to reconnect with His Estranged Father when Turkey Attacks KILLING JOHNNY’S PARENTS, But luckily Johnny manages to Escape the SLAUGHTER. Johnny rejoins His fiends with the Exception of Ali who is off having Sex with Her Boyfriend Greg when Turkie Shows Up and MURDERS THEM IN COLD BLOOD.

After They find Ali’s Remains, the Students decide to high tale it to Kristen’s House to see if Her Father Has Any Books in His Library That Might Help Defeat Turkie. Unfortunately for Them Turkie beats them There and after Share an Awkward Snack before Turkie Slay’s Kristen’s Dad mistakes Him for a Duck.  In the Library Darren finds a Book about Turkie , and it says He CAN BE KILLED if His Magic Talisman is Removed, Yet the Rest of the passage is Written in Code. The Students try in vane to Snatch Turkie’s Talisman from Him only to Have Turkie Escape into the Night.

Darren cracks the Code of The Book Discovering that Turkie must be BURNED AT THE STAKE after a DEMONIC PRAYER is said BACKWARDS! Billy is possessed By Turkie who enters Billy’s Body only to SHOOT HIS WAY OUT. Billy dies in Darrens Arms remembering all the Good Times They had. Then Darren, Kristen, and Johnny track Turkie back to His Tipi and Say Prayer, But as They Prepare to BURN TURKIE ALIVE Turkie comes bursting Out, and is Promptly SHOT IN THE HEAD by Oscar. Oscar leaves, and the Others go to Kristen’s House UNAWARE that the Dumpster Turkies Body is in contains RADIOACTIVE WASTE which REANIMATES TURKIE!


Believing that Turkie is DEAD, the Surviving Teens return to Kristen’s House. When Darren ventures into the Kitchen for a Bite to Eat He runs into Turkie who RIPS Darren’s TOUNGE AND HEART OUT, and STABS Johnny with an ELECTRIC KNIFE. A Paniced Kristen Slaps Turkie before running into a House like Shack. Turkie chases Them but Kristen sets Turkie ON FIRE with an AEROSOL FLAMETHROWER, and Oscar Congratulates Her as She EATS TURKIE’S LEGS. At The End , During a Family Thanksgiving Dinner, the Cooked Turkey Springs to Life, and in Turkie’s Voice Yells,    “DO I SMELL SEQUEL, BIOTCH?!!!”

To Our Readers Have A Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

Hope You Enjoyed This Turkey Filled Thanksgiving Terror THANKSKILLING as Much as We Did.

Thanks for Watching/Viewing,

  Presented By Les Sober

FYB Presents: Gwar’s Skulhedface

So What The Hell is Skulheadface Exactly?!

Well Skulheadface, a Formerly a Beautiful Queen of a Peaceful, Vegetarian Planet, who was TRANSFORMED into a FOUL CREATURE during a Raid on Her Planet by Gwar’s Nemesis The Sinister Cardinal Syn. Skulhedface then travels to Earth, where She is instructed to collect a sufficient amount of Jizmoglobin which is a BLUE BODILY FLUID that is responsible for the Creativity, Rebellion, and Decadence of All Creature.

Meanwhile Gwar is Hosting a Telethon on Their Pirate Television Station SLAVE PIT TV. The Grisly Goal of the Telethon: Offer enough HUMAN SACRIFICES to UniteThem with The WORLD MAGGOT, which lies Dormant in the Earth’s Molten Core. Gwar are having a great deal of success, which get the Attention of GlomCo, An Evil Media Conglomerate.

GlomCo’s CEO Boss Glom summons Gwar’s Loyal Manager Sleazy P. Martini, in the Hopes that Sleazy will Sell Gear Out,Reduce Gwar to Generic Commodities, and Ultimately KILL GWAR to Prevent Any Interference. Sleazy repeatedly Refuses, that is Until He is Offered More Money than He has Ever Seen in His Miserable Life. At this Point, Gwar Smashes Through the Ceiling, and Boss Glom immediately Summons His ARMED GUARDS. Gwar non the less makes Short Work of the Guards and the Other Board Members too boot, But Boss Glom Escapes utilizing His Private Elevator. After the SLAUGHTER Slave Pit TV is Broadcast to the General Public, since Gwar had taken over The Equipment as well as the Evil Corporation.


On the Way to a SECRET LABORATORY, Boss Glom reveals He is Actually SKULHEDFACE! In Skulheadface’s Laboratory her Assistant Flopsy assists Her over to a Large Jizmoglobin Extraction Device. Rocker SEBASTIAN BACH is placed into the Dastardly Device, His Jizmoglobin is Removed, and Bach Emerges a Business Man Type with Absolutely NO PERSONALITY. Skulheadface starts Drinking the Jizmoglobin when a Transmission from Cardinal Syn comes in. Cardinal Syn announces He will “Be Arriving in the Next Movie” (which to His credit He does) to Collect Jizmoglobin and Subjugate Earth (Which He attempts to Do, only to Fail).


Meanwhile, The Telethon is still going Well, and Gwar Celebrates Their Imminent Departure from the Planet Via The World Maggot. Beefcake The Mighty, however Spots Flopsy, Who has come to Lure Him into a Trap. Skulheadface removes Beefcake’s Face, and dons it Herself, and Tells Gwar there are Midgets in the Basement with which Gwar could indulge Their Excessive Sexual Appetite one Last Time before Leaving the Planet. When Gwar reach the Basement, They discover Beefcake, who is Tied Up and Faceless. Flopsy in the End returns Beefcake’s Face to Him only to Be VIOLENTLY MURDERED By Him.


Skulhedface Reveals Her GREATEST WEAPON- The FLESH COLUMN, which is Composed of the FOULEST OF HUMAN BODY PARTS. The Combined efforts of Gwar aren’t Enough and They are Subjected to The Jizmoglobin Extraction Device which Overloads with Gwar’s Combined Jizmoglobin. Skulhedface is reverted back to Her Old Self, and Gwar are Transformed back into Infants. With Her Benevolence Restored Skulhedface returns Gwar’s Jizmoglobin to Them, and Life Returns to Normal. That is Until The Entire Band Fuck Skulhedface to DEATH, and Them Promptly return to The World Maggot. As Gwar reach the Earth’s Surface, They See The World Maggot Flying Off into the Depths of Space without Them. Sleazy tries His best to Console Gwar and Concludes the Broadcast Day.

Hope You Enjoyed This Gore Filled Gwar Film as Much as We did.

 Presented By Les Sober

A Tale of Two Dogs

My Wife and I were Driving Down a Desolate Road that runs through the Wooded Countryside about an Hour away. We saw the Car which was a ways down the Road in front of Us Pump its Brake Lights before pulling over and Parking on the side of the Road. Once the Car was parked what appeared to be a Soccer Mom Hopped out looking a bit Rattled. My Wife wondered Aloud what was going on with the Whole Soccer Mom thing was about. It was then I informed My Wife that I saw something Running around in the Road. It appeared to an Animal (that I safely assumed was a Dog considering our Location and Surrounding) about 40 Feet In Front of the Soccer Mom who was Now Standing on the Side of the Road watching Whatever was in the Road intently.

We pulled over and Parked to see what was Exactly going on, and to see if We might be of Service in some way which was the Case. We walked up to the Soccer Mom who was still standing motionless in the same spot on the Side of the Road. As We were walking up to the Woman We noticed that it was in fact a Dog that looked Friendly enough, but at the same Time a Bit Leary of Strangers. The Soccer Mom told US that the Reason She had stoped was She had seen the Dog wondering in the Road, and when She got nearer to the Dog it started Nervously Zig Zagging back and forth across the Road.


Now while this was a what most would call a “Back Road” there was virtually No traffic to Speak of. That didn’t mean the Dog was Safe from being Struck and more than likely Killed by a Car You see on These lone Roads People use Speed Limits as fucking Suggestions. Suggestions They promptly Ignore and Speed like Sons of Bitches sometimes Crashing Their Vehicles and Accidentally Killing Themselves. The point being if Someone came Speeding down the Road and the Dog was in the Road there Sadly wouldn’t be jack shit Anyone could have done about it.

My Wife and I both Worked in the Veterinary Field for over 10 Years, are Pet People, and Avid Animal Lovers (Yes I’m one those Cliche Anti Social Stereotypes that Prefers the Company of Animals over that of His fellow Man) which definitely worked in Our Favor here. The Dog looked to be a Tan Hound or Hound Mix of Some Sort which made Perfect Sense for the Area where almost Everyone Hunts, and that makes Hunting Dogs a Extremely Valuable Commodity in the Community.

We knelt down and The Dog came to Us with No Objection or Fear and then We could get a better look at it. It was a Light Tan Female Hound Mix that was Lean as could be with a Solid Gray Muzzle that showed off Her advanced Age. Luckily for Us in this Case the Dog had a Not Only a Collar, but It had a Tag with Pertinent Information like Name and Owner’s Phone Number. Now I say Luckily because out in the Woods People have a Very Old School Attitude when it comes to Pet Dogs/ Farm Dogs/Country Dogs, but I’ll circle around back to that a Little later on.


The Next Issue We had to Combat was the that We were on such a Lonely Stretch of Highway Not one of the Three of Us could get a fucking Signal worth a Damn. Not only that but None of Us was from the Area as We were just like everyone else Driving Through on Their way Somewhere else. At last the Soccer Mom prevailed and got a Sketchy Signal and Called the Number on the Dog’s Collar while trying hard as hell not to more a single inch as to Not lose the Shaky Cell Signal. After a couple of Rings a Gruff and Unfriendly Man answered who took damn near 5 fucking Minutes to be able to Figure Out why the Soccer Mom was bothering Him with the Phone Call. The Man sounded like one of those Miserable Bastards that hates His Life and Has given Up all Hope so They spend the Remainder of His Days being a Deliberate Dick about it.

The Douchebag on the Phone tells Us (since the Phone was on Speaker) He lives 2 Hours away somewhere, It’s actually His Dad’s Dog, and since His Dad lived “In the Area” He suggested We turn the Dog loose, and She’d use Her instincts to get back Home. The Soccer Mom though to Her credit DID NOT and WAS NOT going to Leave the Dog alone on the Side of the Road No Matter What since She thought the Dog was at Risk of Being Hit By a Car.

I couldn’t figure out if the Douchebag Son was being Difficult just for the sake of it (Though in all due fairness Out in those parts of the Woods People aren’t accustomed to Visitors, and are generally weary of Strangers/Outsiders) or if He simply couldn’t care less or What His deal was, BUT He simply ignored the Soccer Mom’s request for His Father’s Phone Number or Since He lived “In the Area” His address and She’d even drive the Dog back Home.


It was like I said all in vain as The Son just kept bitching about not Bothering to do shit, and just turning the Dog loose back on the Road where it was Found. Finally the Son begrudgingly told the Soccer Mom he’d Text Her His Father’s address, But His Father was currently at Work so Obviously He wouldn’t be Home. We waited trying to figure out if the Text was taking a while since reception was almost non existent out where We were OR if the Son being the Dickbag that He was had No Intention of sending said Text, and said so just to get the fuck off the Phone.

As We waited killing the Time by talking shit about what an asshole the Son was We suddenly noticed Not One but Two Other Additional Dogs wonder Out of the Woods and directly into the Road. They were a Pair of Labs One Yellow that seemed Skittish even from a far, and a Big Old Husky Chocolate Lab who turned out to be a Male crossed the Road to the side We were on, and lumbered on Down to see Us. As for His less than trusting Partner He/She opted to return into the Woods rather than come and see what We were about. And as Luck would have it the Chocolate Lab had a Collar and Tag too which in these parts was literally like Lighting Striking Twice I assure You. So again We proceeded to locate a Shady signal and call the Number on the Dog’s Collar and got Very Different Results to say the Least.

The Young Man on the Phone was Surprised His Dog had gotten out of the Yard, and even made the comment The Dog had never done so before. He said thank You for holding onto His Dog and Letting Him Know He was loose, and said He lived Near by and Was on His Way to Retrieve His Dog. About Ten Minutes Later or So a Large Jacked Up Pick Up Truck with Mud Caked Tires, and Hunting Dog Kennels/Cages in the occupying the Bed of the Truck came driving down the Road. The Chocolate Lab became more and more excited as the Truck Approached as He was well aware it was His Master Coming. The Truck pulled up and Stopped right next to Us before a Young Man looking to be in His Mid too Late Twenties climbed Out of the Cab dressed in Camouflage Pants, Neon Orange T-Shirt, John Dear Baseball Cap, and Beat Up Shit Kicker Boots.


He thanked Us again before letting US know That the Lab Named Pooh (I assume after Winnie-The-Pooh, but it could have been a Fecal Reference) was the Ripe Old Age of 10 though He didn’t seem to Know it, and had due to His age and Age oriented Hip Issues had recently been Retired from Hunting. The Young Man said it sucks because He honestly misses having Pooh with Him after a Decade Hunting together, but HE didn’t want to be the asshole who Runs His Dog all Day Hunting only to have the Dog’s Hips go to shit at the end of the Day. Unfortunately for Pooh He didn’t feel the same way about His Age because all Pooh Knew was the Thrill of the Hunt proving You can take the Dog out of the Hunt, But You can’t take the Hunt out of the Dog. The Young Man Attempted to get Pooh to load up into one of the Kennels/Cages in the Back of the Truck, which He did half assed being Pooh preferred to Ride in the Cab along with His Master. The Young Man joked that Pooh may not enjoy the Perks of Retirement as of Yet He has asserted that if He was in fact Retired then Why should He ride in the Back where the Current Hunting Dogs Rode. And with That the Young Man and Pooh Drove off towards Home.

While We were happy to get Pooh back where He belonged My Wife, Soccer Mom, Tan Dog, and Myself were still stuck in Our Original Dilemma. It Turned out that the Douchebag Son had texted His Father’s Address , and the Text had come in sometime while We were talking with Pooh’s Dad.As I said earlier None of Us knew where the hell We were, and We couldn’t GPS the Address since the Cell Reception was Abysmal. My Wife and I decided (due to the fact We had more Animal Experience along with a better Understanding of such things as Lost Pets) We would take the Dog Home thus relieving the Distressed Soccer Mom to Go on with Her Day. The Soccer Mom was quite thankful to be relieved of Duty at it were. The Soccer Mom thanked Us for stopping and Helping, and to have a Great Day before She drove off to wherever it was She was initially Headed.


Then We loaded Up the Dog who seemed comfortable with Cars into the Backseat, and proceeded to Drive for 6-7 minutes until We had decent Cell reception. Once We had reception We entered the Address into Google Maps and off We Went. It turned out The Tan Dog Lived a ways down a Dirt Road that if You didn’t know was there You’d miss it. After several minutes of getting the World’s Shittiest Message thanks to the uneven terrain arrived at the Dog’s House. The House was a Double Wide Mobile Home that was Set  around 3 Blocks or so Back from the Dirt Road, and Had a Tall and Foreboding Fence Topped with Barbwire. There were signs plastered all over the Place From No Trespassing to Warning Cameras in Use making the Place seem even More Unwelcoming. It felt to Me like I was Standing On the Property line of some Mentally Ill, Severely Paranoid, Doomsday Preppier Conspiracy Theorist in a Tin Foil Hat holding a Shotgun.

We couldn’t hoist the Dog over the Fence so We located a Large Iron Cattle Gate that was being used to Block Access to the Driveway that had a Rusty Old Tow Chain wrapped around it to keep it closed. My Wife messed with the Chain and Realized there was No Pad Lock so all She had to do was uncoil the Chain and let the Dog back into the Yard. So We did just That accept as soon as We got the Dog back in the Yard it immediately Slipped Under the Cattle Gate since it was a Dirt Driveway the Dog had dug under it to get Free. This was a huge kick in the metaphorical Balls. We had at last gotten the Dog out of Harms way and Home only to be fucked over by a Shitty Gate Issue.


It was then I saw the Neighbor down the way arriving Home so I figured He might be useful in some manner. My Wife and I made the short trek down the Road to the Neighbors House, and walked up just as a Old Man was headed towards the Front Door. We called out and got His attention, and He came down the Drive to meet Us. He was a Very British Man who was a Nice as could possibly Be who informed Us He had seen the Dog running the Neighborhood several times before, but He hadn’t seen hide nor hair of The Dog in 6 weeks. Now I said I’d come back around to this and here We are as The British Gentlemen said there wasn’t a lot anyone could do in General since the “People around here have a very Country Attitude about Dogs”. This is why I said previously in this post that a Dog with a Collar was Uncommon and Tags are unheard of. In these Parts People put their Dogs out in the Morning, let them Run Amok, and Then the Dog(s) return Home for Dinner at Night.  We chatted with the British Gentlemen a while longer and then started to make Our way back to Our car that was parked outside the Main Gate of The Dog’s House.

My Wife figured at least the Dog was back on familiar turf, and We had done al that We could have to Help, and I meanwhile was afraid as Soon as We started to Drive Off the Dog would Run After Us thus leaving the Issue Ultimately Unresolved. Thats when a Large White Pick Up Truck drove past us, Stopped, and Drove back to where We were in reverse. There was a pleasant Middle Aged Couple in the Truck that were the Neighbors that lived on the Opposite side of the Dog Owner’s Property, and were well acquainted with the Dog. We told them the Story and as We did the Dog hopped up into the Back of the Couple’s Pick Up. The Couple said they has seen Us and wanted to see if We needed Help because Our Car took a Shit on Us, and Not to Worry about the Dog. I felt a bit better that at least now there was someone else who could and was willing to keep an Eye on the Dog until Her idiotic owner returned Home from Work. As The Couple Drove Off the Dog gave Chase and I assume followed Them back to Their House which also made Me feel Better about things.


Now with BOTH Dogs back where They Belonged more or Less My Wife and I got into Our Car and went on Our Way.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

FYB’s Salute To Eccentrics: Goddess Bunny Part 1 The Forgotten Story of Hollywood Icon Goddess Bunny

In this Installment of FYB’s Salute to Eccentrics We Showcase Entertainer/Singer/ Actress/ Model/ American Drag Icon Sandy Crisp AKA The Goddess Bunny.

We first came across The Goddess Bunny when We posted The Video “Obey The Walrus” which was predominately Footage of The Goddess Bunny Tap Dancing. We were so Enamored We HAD to Learn More since What We had Found Out We felt was rather Insufficient.

To Recap The Goddess Bunny is Johnnie Biama who Identifies as Transgender, and is a Testament to Overcoming the Brutal Hardships of Life Itself. Biama contracted Polio as an Infant and was later Abandoned by His Mother who Turned him over to the Foster Care System as a Young Boy, and Biama grew up in Various Foster Homes for Disabled Children

While growing up Biama was both Physically and Emotionally Abused at the Hands of Countless Foster Family members. Not only did Biama suffer horribly at the Hands of Several Foster Families, BUT She was also the Subject to the Malpractice of a Slew of Doctor’s as a Child who’s “Treatments” bordered on Human Experimentation and Torture. As a result of the Botched Hack Treatments Biama endured further Pain and Disfigurement of Her Body.


Biama’s Primary Passion is Tap Dancing which She hopes She can Use to make the World a Better Place for All. She was Married to Rocky Dale Wilson Her Devoted Husband until His Untimely Death due to Aids. Biama over the Years has assembled a Handful of Younger Men She Refers to as “Sons” who are Delighted to Daunt Over Her. One of Her so called Sons (Who goes by Daze) made a Video Dedication to His adopted Mother’s extraordinary Life and Being. We came Stumbling across while Surfing the Internet one Day and were instantly Entranced.


Daze uses the Video to Regale the Tale of Trials, Tribulations, and Ultimate Triumph over Severe Adversity in a Very Fairytale Manner. Daze’s Devotion is Unquestionable as His Love for The Goddess Bunny Herself. Daze Narrates the Video in a Surreal Zen Like Calmness even when recalling Tragedies that befell His Beloved Mother.


Heads Up You Might want to Smoke some Marijuana before Viewing as it takes the Video to a Whole New Level as well as Realm of Reality, but thats just a Suggestion. Enjoy.

Hope You enjoyed this Surreal Trip down The Goddess Bunny’s Personal Rabbit hole as much as We Did.

  Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (51/365)

The Smart Car began creeping down the Road at a Snails pace as the Driver was Teetering on the Edge of a Full Blown Panic Attack. The Driver’s Anxiety had shot up Astronomically having now Fully Realized the Consequences of the Situation He had gotten Himself Into. There was a Intoxicated Lunatic hanging onto the Back of His Car by the Rear Windshield Wiper which was both Dangerous and Illegal. Then again what could He possibly do about it in all reality? He had tried to Argue the Logic and Legalities as much as He could have, But Dizzy was Bigger, Intoxicated, and On the Verge of Becoming Who Knows How Violent?!  It didn’t make sense to Run the Risk of getting Murdered by Dizzy on the Grimy Sidewalk Considering a Possible Run in with The Police whoHe was pretty Certain, unlike Dizzy, wouldn’t Kill Him. And in that Split instant is When the Driver Instinctually Decided Risking Arrest Triumphed Over Risking Death.


“My fucking Great Grandmother’s piece of shit Hover Round Motorized Chair goes faster than this Glorified Golf Cart, and I’d like to get where I’m going BEFORE I’m fucking Dead.” exclaimed Dizzy.

“Safety First.” responded the Driver trying hard as hell to sound confident while Praying Silently to Himself that His comment didn’t unlock another Level of Lunacy in Dizzy.

“We just got Lapped by DANCING DAVE which is fucking PHENOMENAL considering Dancing Dave DOESN’T MOVE! He’s STATIONARY AS SHIT! HE’S A STATUE OF LIVING FLESH for Christ’s Sake, and God ONLY knows How He just fucking Passed Us. So THAT’S a fucking Thing Now.” continued Dizzy Thoroughly Undeterred and Continuing His One Man Riot from the Rear of the Vehicle.

“You damn all know He’s Not going to Stop so You may as well at least go as Fast as You can Stand to right fucking Now and take it from there.” said Lee Knowingly.

“Look I don’t care if He kills Himself doing this ridiculous Juvenile bullshit, BUT I don’t want to fuck My Life up by going to Jail if He Does Die because I let Him do it.” stammered the Driver Uneasily as He could actually feel Himself slowly coming Undone as His Sanity Slipped further Away from Him.


The Smart Car arrived unceremoniously at the End of the Street where the Driver came to a gruelingly Cautious, and Complete Stop before turning Right onto a Main Street. The Driver’s Blinker hadn’t even have the time to Click Itself Off  at the Completion of the Turn before the Blaring Police Lights filled the Driver’s Rear View Mirrors like the World’s Shittiest Circus You ever Saw in Your Life. The Driver breathed a Sigh of Relief because though He may be in some Legal Trouble He would soon be Free of the Madman that had Personally taken a Huge Stinking Shit on HIs Afternoon, and His basically Useless Side Kick Friend.

The Driver complied with the Police Officer and Immediately pulled over to the side of the road, pt the Car in Park, and turned off the Engine. He then proceeded to get His Documents in Order diligently collecting His License, Registration, and Proof of Insurance Ready and a Waiting for the Inevitable Police Officer’s Initial request. Thats when supposedly the Police Officer opted to Use the PA System in His Patrol Car as He barked out Orders. First He ordered Dizzy to Left go of the Wiper, get off the Skateboard, and take a Seat on the Curb. Once Dizzy was Seated the Officer Instructed The Driver to Slowly Exit the Vehicle with His Hands where He could See them. Once the Driver was out He too was Ordered to Sit on the Curb as well. Finally The Officer commanded Lee to do the same as the Driver had done. Now with all three sitting on the curb like a Group of Dejected Gargoyles the Officer finally got out of the Patrol Car.


The Officer stood stoically by His Cruiser pausing for full fucking Effect before taking His time walking over to the Guys Sitting Silently on the Curb. Once He was in front of The Driver, Dizzy, and Lee He took a few Moments to Pace Deliberately back and Forth trying to convey Authority, and Keep everyone on Edge.

“So Gentlemen Which One of You would like to Fill ME in on what Exactly is Going on Here?!” asked the Officer in a Low and Steady tone of Voice Devoid of any Emotion Whatsoever.

“Well I can.” said The Ride Driver volunteering Himself.

“No He can’t the Guy in spite of looking like a Reject from the Cats of The Big Bang Theory He’s an Absolute Idiot, The Guy doesn’t know how to Live Life Apparently.” quipped Dizzy Sarcastically while Leering Creepily at the Driver.

“Alright Enough Drama You Queens, Everyone lets see some Identification.” instructed the Officer Robotically having asked this Question countless times before that it had become Second Nature.


The Officer collected the Identifications and then Lazily flipped through them like they were Baseball Cards and He was assessing the Personal Statistics of Each of Them. The Officer then asked for the Driver’s Proof of Insurance and Registration before returning to His Patrol Car. Dizzy shifted His weight from one ass check to the Other as His ass started to go Numb from sitting on the Cement Curb. Lee tried to remain as Still as fucking Human possible for the Fear of doing Something that freaked the Officer Out resulting in Lee getting Mistakenly Shot and Killed on the Spot. The Driver sat hunched Over staring at His feet looking as Sad and Pathetic as Eeyore from Winnie-The-Pooh Children’s Books.

“What is He Doing He’s been sitting in His Patrol Car for over 11 minutes Almost already.” wondered the Driver Out Loud since He had never been pulled over before, and wasn’t sure what the fuck to Expect.

“He’s trying to figure out if He wants to Fill out the shit ton of Paperwork in the Case He does take Us into Custody Versus Simply Killing us and Disposing of Our Bodies at Some random Rural Dump Site in the Middle of No Man’s Land America.” Speculated Dizzy Snidely Deliberately trying to Agitate the Already Distraught Driver.


Stay Tuned for the Next Absurdity Based Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober