FYB Friday Mutant Monster Movie Night: Class of Nuke’em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown

FYB is Especially Excited to Bring You Tonight’s Movie from The Legendary, and Iconic Independent Film Maker Troma Picture’s  Cult Classic CLASS OF NUKE’EM HIGH 2: SUBHUMANOID MELTDOWN!!!

Class Of Nuke’em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown is a Action Horror Comedy (1991), and the FIRST SEQUAL to the 1986 Movie Class Of Nuke’em High.


Welcome to the Tromaville Institute of Technology where a Melt-Down Prone Nuclear Power Plant breeds Hideously DRONE SLAVES, DEFORMED GIANT MUTANT SQUIRRELS, and Obnoxious TALKING BELLY BUTTONS with Bad Ass Attitudes. This Incredibly Insane Adventure in Gene Splicing, Anarchy, and Sheer Terror Run Rampant on the Campus of Tromaville Tech as the Students join Forces with the SUBHUMANOIDS to do away with the Insidious and Hedonistic Corperate Scum responsible for a Wave of MALICIOUS MUTANT MELTDOWNS and MASSACRES! Can Peace and Environmental Hygiene  ever be Restored to the Once Peaceful Town of Tromaville?!

WARNING: The Following Movie Contains Content That May be DISTURBING, OFFENSIVE OR TRAUMATIC and is Intended for Mature Audiences ONLY! Viewer Discretion is Advised. Enjoy.

Hope You Enjoyed Troma’s Murderous Mutant Monster Movie CLASS OF NUKE’EM HIGH 2  as Much as We Did, Do, and Always Will.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

IRS Assholes At Work

The IRS is a fucking Scam that must have the American Forefathers rolling over in Their Graves. This fucking Country was founded on several Democratic Principals one of which was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Eventually the American Government has become so Hypocritical and Corrupt as fuck.

I have no issue paying Taxes if the MONEY GOES to what its Appropriated for like Education or Infrastructure, BUT as always in Politics the Money goes to whatever fucking bullshit the GOVERNMENT deems appropriate regardless of how the Tax Payers fell or think about it.

The IRS is the embodiment of Taxation without Representation as They were created to do one thing and one thing Only Collect Taxes like Sales Tax, Income Tax, Property Tax, and even a fucking DEATH TAX. Yes that’s right when You die the Government will attempt to help themselves to HALF of ALL Your Financial Worth at the Time of Death. One last massive Tax  to send You on Your way into the Afterlife. I only say attempt because if You don’t insulate Your investments then Yes the Government will take HALF. It’s a fucking Tax for DYING. Since when was Death Taxable seriously what the fuck?!


Now as You might Image as a Governmental Agency with One Job to Collect ALL TAXES No Matter What that over the Years (and combined with Politicians growing GREED) the IRS set Out to Collect as Much Money as They Possibly could. So with the help of the fucking Politicians the IRS as become one Serious Motherfucker since The Government can change the fucking Rules whenever They fucking want. SO one the DECADES the IRS has had added Additional Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Protocols all designed to let Them STEAL MORE AND MORE OF YOUR FUCKING MONEY.

A PRIME Example of such Legislative Rape is Something I am Personally have been Dealing with Every fucking Year for Several Years now, and will have to continue to Deal with over the up coming Years where the Scales will be Tipped farther and farther in the IRS’s fucking Corrupt Favor.

Now there is a LITTLE Good News is a Group of Legal and Financial experts at some point in Time Managed to Institute TAX FREE ACCOUNTS. I think it’s one of if not the Greatest Financial Creations in American History. I mean TAX FREE Accounts are Designed to FUCK THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF EVEN A SINGLE FUCKING DIME of Your Money. Unfortunately TAX FREE Accounts are Hard and Maintain due to the Fact the IRS Obviously LOATHS TAX FREE Accounts because of that Fact.


With the Corrupt UnAmerican IRS Inventing More and More Creative ways to get Their filthy fucking Hands on Your Money No Matter What which is what They were Designed to do. So it’s NO Surprise one of the IRS’s Key Targets was to Find a way to BLEED TAX FREE ACCOUNTS DRY in spite of the Restrictions set in place to PROTECT CITIZENS FROM FINANCIAL PREDATORS LIKE THE GODDAMN IRS.

I just so happen to have Money tied up in a TAX FREE Account which You think would Delight Me, and to an extent it does. The problem is the cocksucking IRS devised a way to Tax Me None the Less. The IRS Implemented MANDATORY YEARLY WITHDRAWALS which means You HAVE to take whatever Amount the fucking IRS tells EVERY YEAR. This way the IRS can TAX IT  Even thought You DON’T WANT TO WITHDRAW JACK DIDDLY SHIT.

It DOESN’T End There it gets even MORE fucking Criminal. I got a call from My Financial Money Men’s Office letting Me know its time for the Bullshit Mandatory IRS Withdrawal, AND it INCREASED BY 1/3 from Last Year. When I asked Why the amount Increased I was simply told the Following. The fucking IRS realized Not only can They FORCE You to withdraw Money so They can Tax it, BUT They can Increase the Yearly Withdrawal. That Way The can Tax You even MORE every fucking Year of Your Life Until the TAX FREE Account is Completely Drained. Now the IRS doesn’t want to put You in the Poor House since Poor People turn Only a Small Profit They just simply want You to MOVE your Money into an Account They can TAX at Will.


In The End a Country Founded on the Principle of Taxation without Representation Created the IRS who’s Existence is based on  TAX ING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU FOR AS MUCH AS FUCKING POSSIBLE EVEN WHEN YOU FUCKING DIE.

Land of the Free? FUCK THAT.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober (12:13 am)

I’m Being Held Hostage By A 6 Year Old

I live in a Tiny Town which means there far less fucking People I have to Tolerate or Deal with. Not only that but the Community that I live in is made up of 65% Vacation Homes meaning theres only a Handful of Full Time Residents living out here by The Lake. So theres PLENTY of fucking Elbow Room for Everyone which someone like Me Fully Appreciates.

As a Writer I have My own set of Practices and Rituals when it comes to Writing one of which is I prefer to Write Outside whenever possible. Since Our current Home Office has a rather Massive Front Porch, and the Weather being absolutely Perfect this time of Year makes it an Optimal Time to Write Outdoors. It’s Not to Hot and Not too cold You know all that Goldie Locks and the Three Bears bullshit.

Now unfortunately one of the Other Full Time Residents live just across the Street from of and have Kids three to be exact. While I have never seen Hide nor Hair of the Two Older Children the Youngest Montana (who is Six Years Old) is a MUCH Different fucking Story I assure You.


There several issues that contribute to My ongoing Problem which is Montana has made it a habit recently of coming over and Talking to Me while I’m on the Porch Writing or at any He sees Me as a Matter of Fact. Now Don’t get Me wrong I may be an Asshole, but I’m Not a fucking Monster. I don’t mind Waving or Saying Hello, and I don’t mind chatting  for a moment Here and There with Him time permitting.

Montana’s Parents turn Him loose Outside with No Limitations on where He can Roam, and with No Adult Supervision. They just put Him out like You would a Dog and by that I mean I don’t think an Adult is paying any Attention to what the fuck the Kid is up to They seem Oblivious. Out of Sight Out of Mind doesn’t Work for Raising a Child.

We live in such a Remote Area there aren’t a whole hell of a lot of Kids for Montana to play with. Outside of Montana and His two Siblings I can only think of One other Child living in the Neighborhood (and He’s 14 so He obviously has no fucking interest in hanging out with a little 6 year old Kid). So Montana has to Entertain Himself a majority of the Time which has to be Lonely as Children are Social Creatures, and Yes I don feel bad for the Kid in that respect. I grew up in a Neighborhood devoid of Other Kids for Years and it Seriously fucking Sucked. Imaginary Friends only go so Far.


Not to mention that I don’t know a damn thing about Kids Not a Single thing mind You. I don’t know what They like, what They don’t like, How they Develop, What They do at certain ages, Behavior shit, Their interests, Their Hobbies, Not a Single fucking Clue. This is due to the fact I’m a grown fucking Man who doesn’t have Kids (as of Yet), and while there plenty of Kids in My Family We live all over the fucking Place. I don’t have a lot of Exposure to Kids on any sort of consistent basis is My point. I don’t remember being Six Myself for fuck’s sake.

Since I’m a Grown fucking Man I have nothing in common with a 6 Year Old, and absolutely No Reason to be associating with one at Length. The last fucking thing I need is Especially in a Small fucking Town is to get Labeled the Creepy Old Guy that Parents Warn Their Kids about Avoiding. I don’t work with Kids in any capacity or in The Child Care Field as a Teacher for example, Montana is not a Related to Me nor Is he the Child of Dear Family Friends, and Again Montana is just 6 years Old. Theres NO reason on God’s Green Earth for Him to be associating with an Adult Virtual Stranger. Shit like that gets People Talking  out Their asses and Spreading Rumors like Wild Fire. I’m not going to be perceived by the Local Community as some sort of potential Child Molester or fucking piece of shit Pedophile thats for fucking Sure.


Now while My wonderful and Much Friendlier/Social Wife has already gone over and introduced Herself, got to Know Montana’s Parents, and Chat with them awhile I have Not. To Be utterly Honest I haven’t even so much as Waved Hello to Either of Them which makes Me look like a REAL Dick. The funny thing about it is when My Wife met Montana’s Parents and mentioned Him They had No Idea We knew of His Existence. My Point is They had No idea Their young Child had been across the Street hanging out and talking to a Adult Stranger on a Frequent Basis.

Thus Not knowing shit about Kids, Not wanting to get Labeled a Pervert, and Not wanting to Hurt the Kids feeling since I don’t know the appropriate way to tell or get an annoying Child to Fuck Off I have been avoiding Montana like the motherfucking plague. So every fucking Day for the last week or so before I set foot outside I wonder around My house peering and leering out of Windows to see if Montana is any where near by at any given moment. If I’m set up outside and working away I will stop what i’m doing, tell Montana I have work to do, and head inside for Who Knows how long since its all dependent on Montana going the fuck away or at least Staying in His own fucking Front Yard for once.


I have No idea how the Hell this Bizarre Situation with a 6 Year Old essentially and effectively holding Me hostage in My own fucking Home is going to End I just hope and Pray it isn’t an utter fucking Shit Show. What I need to do is get some credible advice on the subject Hopefully before I lose My Shit due to growing Frustration and All fucking Hell Breaks Loose. I’m getting too Tired to be The Old Me.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober (12:23 am)

Salute To Eccentrics Peter The Canine Trainer And His Pet Raven Sam

We here at FYB have a Devout Devotion, Eternal Curiosity, and True Admiration for Odd Balls, Weirdos, and Most of All Eccentric Personalities. So Saluting Some of Our Favorite Eccentrics Just made Sense, and We decided to Start with None Other Than Peter The Dog Trainer.

We FYB could dig up as For Information pertaining to Peter The Dog Trainer/Amateur Comedian/Ventriloquist/Military Veteran, and Owner of Peter Caine Dog Training is as Follows. Peter Canine  (for short or perhaps He had his Last Name changed at some Point)  is an Actual Real Life Dog Trainer and Animal Lover from Brooklynn NY who’s Family History was raising Hunting Dogs. All Though Peter is a Real Dog Trainer His methods remain Highly Controversial. Peter is known for His Regular Criticism of Fellow Dog Trainers going as Far as to Once Say “Fuck Ceaser Milan.”


Peter hit the Internet in 2017 and has Gradually become Know as One of The Internet’s Most Eccentric Personalities to Date.  Peter is a Adimate Believer in Bigfoot and Claims He has definitive Proof Bigfoot Exists in the Rotting Remains of a Head of a Decapitated Bigfoot His Dad supposedly Shot and Killed back in 1953.

Peter’s fascination with Bigfoot doesn’t End There NOT by a Long shot as He claims to have Several Personal Face To Face Encounters with Bigfoot, and has Even Trained a Dog in the Art of Tracking/Hunting Down an Actual Bigfoot. FYB will Most Definitely be Posting Next Week Pertaining to Peter’s Bigfoot Fetish, but for Now Let’s examine another aspect of Peter’s Life His Pet Raven Sam (Yes Edgar Allen Poe is Rolling in His Grave with Obvious Jealousy).


We definitely have a Deep Fondness for Peter Canine’s Video’s pertains to His Pet Raven Sam. The Oddest thing is Peter DOESN’T Recommend ANYONE Own a Raven or Have one as a Pet. Raven are well Documented as being HIGHLY INTELLIGENT and have a Shit Ton of Requirements if Your looking to have One as a Pet.

The Intrigue We have with these Videos is How Absolutely Defeated Peter Looks in Each of His Sam The Raven Videos. It appears that Sam The Raven has worn Poor Peter down to His breaking Point, and Totally Dominates Peter’s Life. It’s almost as if Sam has Broken Peter’s Spirit making Him Totally Subservient to Him. If there is an Actual Master in Their Relationship its  definitely Sam.

We Hope You Enjoyed Meeting Peter The Dog Trainer (and Sam) as Much as We Did, And Remember To Keep Your Mind Open For A Closed Mind Rots and Decays .

Thanks for Viewing,

 Presented By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (46/365)

“Options, Options, Options are Good to Have, So Let’s see here What are Our Options?” mused Dizzy Aloud as He began to Pace the length of the Room slowly clearing a Small Path through the Empty Cigarette Packs, Beer Cans, Long Smoked Dimebags, and the Other various Refuse that Littered the Floor.

“We could Call My Buddy Hall Ucinogen and pick up a Couple Tabs of Acid, and We could go to the New Aquarium. Then We could drop the Acid and Trip Balls for 8 hours fucking with the Fish.” Lee suggested causally in a very off the Cuff manner.

“That be fine if We were in fucking High School, come on Man that shit is so Played the fuck out. What’s Your next suggestion We smoke some Weed and go to the fucking Planetarium to catch a Later Light Show?!” responded Dizzy with a Great Deal of Disgust.


Lee sat back on the Couch to collect Himself since Dizzy’s attitude was currently Shit. Lee focused on a Massive Spider Web that encompassed an entire Corner of the Room. Lee thought what an amazing feet for such a small insect then it occurred to Him that He hadn’t actually seen the Spider, and considering the size of the Web it could be a Formidable Sized Spider. Lee started to psych Himself out as His eyes darted frantically around the Room searching for a Glimpse of the Illusive Arachnid.

“Hey We could Drive around and Pick Up Road Kill and Drop it on the Front Door of People We fucking Don’t Like Very Well.” said Dizzy with an enthusiastic tone in His Voice that communicated His excitement at this Option.

“First off We Don’t have a fucking Car so We’d have to call those Tech Nerd Ride People for a Lift. Now I have never used Their service before, BUT I can pretty much fucking Guarantee Our Driver wouldn’t dig the Idea of Us loading up His Trunk with Rotting Roadkill Carcasses. So I Don’t think that idea would fucking Pan Out.” said Lee crankily still a bit taken back by Dizzy’s response to His initial Idea.

“Ok How about We score a Case of Beer, Go down to the City Dump, Get Drunk, and Shoot Rats?” countered Dizzy taking a moment to sift through the Trash on the Floor with His foot.

“You have a Gun?” Lee asked though He didn’t find the Fact Dizzy Owning a Gun that Surprising to tell the Truth.

“Relax Scarface its just My Grandfather’s Old .22 Rifle that He used to Hunt O’possum and Armadillo for Food. He was one of those Gnarled Old Appalachian Mountain Men You Know,” answered Dizzy Happy to Reminisce about His Bad Ass Outlaw Grandpa,” He started smoking at age 8 and started Drinking Moonshine by 11. Spent His whole fucking Life breaking His fucking Back scratching Out a Meager Living do Odd Jobs and supplementing His minimum Income by Bootlegging and Trapping. He was one Hard motherfucker I’ll tell You That He could Make a Man piss Himself just by Glaring at Them.”


“While it’s Not the Worst idea of the Day I Don’t want to End up sitting on a shitty Syringe and wreaking of fucking Filth for Four or Five Days.” said Lee trying to be encouraging since being Proactive yielded far better Results than just Being Reactive.

“Alright The How about We go down to the Strip Mall, Strip buck Naked, and Run around like fucking Psycho’s like We’re on Bath Salt Bender?” suggested Dizzy after a brief and awkward pause.

“I give it a fucking A for Creativity thats for fucking Sure. The only Drawback is if We do that there’s virtually No Chance of Escape because it wouldn’t take long before Someone or Some Store Owner called the goddamn Cops. And while I love Extreme Pranks and Seriously fucking with People I don’t want to spend the Night in the Drunk Tank. That and it really Piss off My Probation Officer too.” replied Lee as He looked for a Lighter that actually worked to light His Cigarette with.


Stay Tuned for Next Weeks Enthralling Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober (12:24 am)

A Bedtime Story For Adults Only

This Little Diddy was brought to My Attention by My Brother’s Good Friend Paul a few Days ago. As I mentioned My brother was in Town and He invited a Few of His Friends Along with Him. Some of the People where a My Brother’s High School Partner in Crime Ethan and His Wife who just had Their first Baby just 4 Months prior to the Trip.

The thing that Truly Sucks about Your Friends having Kids is on One Hand You’re obviously Psyched as Hell for Them as becoming Parents is an Awe  Inspiring Life Changing Event. Not to mention in loo of the Anxiety of Bring a New Life into the World They’re Happy as All Get Out about experiencing the Miracle of Birth First fucking Hand.


The Flip Side of the Coin is it makes Hanging Out difficult and Rather Boring as EVERYTHING They will talk about is fucking Baby Related. There’s the Baby’s Sleep Schedule, Feeding Schedule, Baby Gear, Baby Books/Articles, Baby Development, Baby Health Issues, Baby Blogs/Vlogs, Baby Achievements (such as Rolling the fuck Over for example), and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR STORIES IS ABOUT THE GODDAMN KID.


So Everyone was mingling around on the Front Porch just Killing Time and the Talk (as it does 98% of the time when hanging with New Parents) quickly turned to Their Baby and Baby Shit in General. Thats when Paul busted this Little Bit of Sunshine to Brighten Our Day. It Served as a Small Reminder that Not Everything about Being Parents is Boasting about Their Baby. Babies are Cute but They can Drive You to the Point of Actual Madness. The Trick I’m Told is Surviving the First 3 Months which are HELL AND A HALF, but if You can Keep Enough of Your Sanity in Tact after the Initial 90 Days Your quality of Life Greatly Improves.


The following Video is the Story Go The Fuck To Sleep by Author Adam Mansbach, Illistrated by Ricardo Cortes, and Read by No Other than Mr. Samuel L. Jackson.

Warning: The Following Video Contains Strong Language and Excessive Use of the “F”  Word that Some Viewers May Find Offensive!


We Hope You Enjoyed Tonight’s Bedtime Tale as Much as We Do.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing/Listening,

 Presented by Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (45/365)

Lee exited the Bathroom Post Haste, and once He was out He could hear Dizzy Shouting like a Lunatic. Lee looked around to see where Dizzy was when He saw that one of the Windows was open. While Lee was on a Sickening Safari of the Bathroom Dizzy had slipped out the Window onto the Rusty and Way Too Rickety Fire Escape. Lee poked His head out the Window to find Dizzy in the middle of a Heated Argument with a Disheveled looking Crackhead.

“I didn’t TOUCH Your fucking Shopping Cart Crackie! It was probably fucking STOLEN by one of Your Crackhead Cohorts You fucking Whack Job!” Hollered Dizzy at the Crackhead on the Street Below.

“BULLSHIT! I Know You fucked with My Cart Cracker, Your ALWAYS giving Me shit calling Me Names and Shit. You moved it because You wanna get rid of Me cuz You don’t like Me or My Associates living in Your Neighborhood!” screamed the Crackhead back at Dizzy who was preoccupied searching for something to Throw at Him.


“You don’t live ANYWHERE You Loiter around a CRACKHOUSE and Lurk creeping through the Streets like filthy fucking Paracites. Who the fuck do You think You are talking all this shit to Me you fucking Dope Addicted Asshole!” Dizzy Yelled back still looking for a Projectile to Launch at the stubborn Crackhead.

“GIVE ME MY CART! YOU OWE ME A CART! GET MY CART NOW YOU HONKEY MOTHERFUCKER!!” Demanded the Crackhead at the Top of His Shot Out Lungs

“FUCK OFF before I call the POLICE and You can Cop Crack in Cell Block 6 You Street Trash Crack Smoking cocksucker!” declared Dizzy Triumphantly as He Threw and Empty Pint of Wild Turkey 101 directly at the Angry Crackheads Face.


The Bottle flew flawlessly through the Air like a motherfucking Missile and hit the Crackhead right across the bridge of His nose. The Bottle exploded in a Shower of Glass Shards while simultaneously Breaking the Crackheads Nose. A Fountain of Blood came Gushing out of the Crackheads Nose like Niagara fucking Falls as He Collapsed to His knees. Once the Crackheads knees hit the Asphalt He instantly Slumped forward and started Wailing like a Wounded Animal. His blood collected in a growing Pool in front of Him as He sat in the middle of the street Brow Beaten and Defeated.

“Jesus Crack Smoking Christ,” exclaimed Dizzy reentered the Apartment, “Proof theres NEVER a Cop around when You need One. Thats why at the END of every Action Movie the Cops always come Charging in like the fucking Calvary AFTER THE FUCKING FACT. Mind You if I dared to take a fucking piss in an Alleyway I’d get Arrested in a fucking Heart Beat, but these Crack Smoking Sons of Bitches are allowed to Wonder wherever They want Without Issue.”


“Thats the Hypocrisy of the Police. Who exactly do They Protect? Who the fuck do They Serve? The fucking Government thats Who the Authoritarian Assholes.” replied Lee as He felt the same fucking way about it as Dizzy did.

“Well now that the Crackhead and the Case of the Missing Cart is Complete what I want to know is what the hell are We gonna do for the rest of the Day.” announced Dizzy rather Impatiently.

“The Best thing to do is consider Our Options I suppose.” answered Lee Honestly as He surveyed  the Stalagmites of Dust hanging from Dizzy’s ceiling which Lee thought looked like wads of Ghost Cum to Him.


Stay Tuned for the Next Invigorating Installment of………


(This Sunday We return to Our usual Lee Jonitis Posts)

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

The Similarity Between Serial Killers and Vigilantes

It’s No Surprise that I think of Strange shit, and Yesterday I found Myself thinking about Serial Killers. Specifically I was mentally reviewing the Behavioral Characteristics and Traits that Allow a Serial Killer to be just that  fucking Serial Killers. My Mind began to wonder (as it has a Tendency to do from Topic to Topic) I started to think about Vigilantes which isn’t such a Far Stretch in this Case since Vigilantes Reap Social Revenge/Justice  by Hunting Down Murderers such as Serial Killers and Other Criminal Scumfucks. It was when I started to think about Both Groups Simultaneously that I began to Draw certain Parallels between Them.


The Best way I can Explain this is simply by doing a Side by Side Comparison if You will. Now with that said let’s take a look at the Similarities between Serial Killers and Vigilantes. And when its Over You’ll see Just How Similar They Are I assure You. With that said I will be sticking to the Similarity aspects, I WILL NOT be doing the Classically Cliche Amateur Regurgitation of the Full Blown Psychological Profile of EITHER GROUP (No bullshit about Childhood, Parents, Friends, Schooling, Upbringing, Drug/Alcohol issues, Mental Health Issues, Role of Religion, Social Ramifications, Bullying, Physical/Mental/Emotional/Sexual Abuse, and No Nature Versus Nurture Theories ). I’m Not Saying that to be a Dick its just Not the Point I’m interested in, and You can Google the Usual Spiel so it’s Not like Your missing Anything.


Let’s Start with Serial Killers Shall We?! What permits a Serial Killer to Kill isn’t What They might Posses such as Schizophrenia for Example, but in What They Lack instead. Serial Killers can Do What They Do (Torture, Rape, Murder, Mutilate etc.) is due to the Fact to Their Lack of Key Human Emotions. Serial Killers are Void of Empathy, Sympathy, Concern, or Caring for Others They don’t see Their Victims as People, but as Objects to Indulge Their Sick Desires. They also Lack Remorse or Guilt so Killing an Entire Family and Eating Their Brains is NO DIFFERENT than Doing the Dishes it MEANS NOTHING TO THEM.


Serial Killers unlike Other Murderers (like Mass Murderers or Psychopaths) is They seem to have 2 Specific Type of Victim Profile that They adhere too. The First is Physical Attributes of the desired Victim such as Male/Female, Hair Color, Physical Likeness to Someone significant in the Serial Killer’s Life (Past or Present). The Second is the Serial Killers will Target a Demographic like the Homeless or Prostitutes due to the Serial Killer’s Personal Views on Said Group in Society. The Point is Serial Killers are Killing to Prove Their Point to the World/Society/Humanity or They’re  Slaughtering just to Satisfy Their Uncontrollable Homicidal Blood Lust.


Now as for Vigilantes there’s Obviously a HUGE fucking Difference between Vigilantes and Serial Killers in WHO They Kill. Serial Killers are Predators that Prey on the Innocent while Vigilantes Prey on the Predators. The Question would be WHY do Vigilantes Kill? What I’m saying is Most Everyone agrees that Serial Killers are Evil Motherfuckers, and it Seriously Sucks Scrotum that They Exist.


So what Motivates a Vigilante to Not Only Acknowledge the Problem, But to then Take Up Arms and Launch a Personal One Person War against it? How can Vigilantes Cross the Line between Hero to Villain and Back Again? And Since Vigilantes are Criminals Themselves because They commit Homicide WHY do People/Society in General give Them a Free Pass when the Law or Judgement?


Those are Pertinent Questions and Here are the Pertinent Answers. How can a Vigilante feel No Remorse, Regret or Guilt Killing a Criminal when They Absolutely would if say They hit and Killed a Pedestrian while Driving? While Serial Killers are People Incapable of Learning to Love Vigilantes are People who ARE Capable of Learning to Hate. A Vigilante can Learn to Hate at Levels that so called Regular People couldn’t even begin to fucking Fathom. A Vigilante can Lear to Hate to the Point where They can Kill what They Hate, and if You Hate something that fucking much You Don’t feel Remorse, Regret or Guilt. And a Lack of Remorse, Regret, or Guilt is EXACTLY what enables BOTH a Serial Killer AND a Vigilante to Kill with a Conscious.


As Far as People or Society is concerned (and even Law Enforcement) Serial Killers are Demonized because They Kill the Innocent indiscriminately while Vigilantes are Exhausted because They Kill with a Nobel Purpose. Everyone knows Our Legal and Prison Systems are fucked beyond belief, and there’s an Overwhelming amount of Horrible shit in the Daily News that it makes People Clinically Depressed. So It’s reassuring to People that there ARE some of Us willing to do the Dirty Work of Cleaning Up After the Failures of an Unjust Legal System. And Let’s Face it People are Vengeful Creatures and Thus They Love Revenge which is Embodied by/in Vigilantes.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

FYB’s Wednesday Midnight Mid Week Movie: The Day

FYB is Proud to Feature The Post Apocalyptic Action Thriller  THE DAY Written by Luke Passmore and Directed by Doug Aarniokoski!!!

THE DAY is a Splendid Indi Action Thriller that Proves You Don’t Need to be a Summer Blockbuster or to Feature an Excessively Overpaid Movie Stars, or a 2 Hour CGI Orgy like Micheal fucking Bay to make an Excellent Film. All You Need in The End is a Well Written Script, Great Actors, and a Little Artistic Creativity to make a Kick Ass Movie.


The Odd Thing I find utterly fucking Fascinating fact as You will see in the Opening Credits this Suburb Indie Survival Film is Bank Rolled by WWE Studios (Yes The Wrestling People), BUT unlike They’re usual Big Budget Hollywood Movies this Movie was made on a Significantly Smaller Budget. Also Unlike the Usual WWE Movie Fare its not a Action Comedy Featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, a Shoot’em Up Action Movie Starring Stone Cold Steve Austin, or a Straight Up Horror Movie with Kane in the Lead Role. In Fact the Cats of The Day are virtual Unknowns which is Perfectly Fine by Me (I don’t care How Much Movie Studios Pay just for a Famous Face).

Plot Summery: What Happens when a Small Rag Tag Group of Survivors Navigating the Perils of a Post Apocalyptic World take in a New Member with a Dark Secret, and then find Themselves Trapped in an Isolated Farm House that’s Under Siege by a Tribe of VICIOUS BLOOD THIRSTY CANNIBALS?!


In Spite of having the Odds Stacked against Them, and Being Outnumbered The Scrappy Group of Survivors will Fight to The DEATH to Stay off The Menu. Will  Anyone Survive the SLAUGHTER and See the Light of Day? Are the Group of Survivors Destined to End Up on  The Cannibal’s Diner Plate? And What is the Dark Secret that the Newest Group Member Hiding and Why?


WE Hope You Enjoyed Tonights Tale of Survival and Slaughter as Much as We did.

Thanks for Watching,

  Presented by Les Sober

Hey Heads Up…

I didn’t want to Leave Our Readers Hanging (which Sucks I know) so I’m taking a minute to let Our Readers know what’s going on Currently. My Brother (who I see once a Year for 3 to 4 days) is in Town visiting which was a Pleasant Surprise as They Say.

Apparently My Brother and His Wife needed to get Out of The Big City and Decompress so They planned a rather Impromptu Trip Down to The Woods, and will be Here for a Whole Week. I know since He came into Town I have been Negligent on FYB’s Daily Posting for which I Apologize. I assure You once My brother returns to The Big City things will be Back on Track, and FYB Daily Posting will Return.

Thanks for Reading,


  Les Sober