Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watcher (39/365)

In All due Favor Lee had literally been the Last Person He Knew to Buy a Cell Phone because in the Beginning All He had to do was Borrow a Friends or Families Members or Even just Some Stranger on the Street. Eventually Lee Realized Cell Phones had integrated Themselves so Deep into American Society They had become an Actual fucking Necessity of Modern Life.

Unfortunately for Lee once He took His First Sip of the Cell Phone Kool Aid He couldn’t Stop Drinking it to save His fucking Life. Lee couldn’t help feeling like a Struggling Drug Addict Who wants Nothing more than to Finally Get Clean, BUT Who couldn’t Stop Using No matter How hard They try. Lee felt the same way about His Cell Phone He hated it, it fucked up His Daily Life with CONSTANT Interruptions and Annoyances, Yet on the Other Hand He believed He couldn’t Survive without it.


“GODDAMN IT!”exclaimed Dizzy with intense Annoyance that was Bordering on Anger, “I threw all My fucking Change at goddamn Dancing Dave.”

Dizzy the became Rifling through His pockets with the Speed and Coordination of a  Drunken Pick Pocket. Dizzy kept Stabbing His hands haphazardly into His pockets like a Japanese Fisherman Harpooning a Whale while simultaneously going Insane. Lee watched for a while as Dizzy teetered on the Verge of Losing all Self Control before handing Him a Quarter.

“Jesus all this bullshit for a Quarter.” complained Dizzy with a great deal of contempt for the Situation. Dizzy jammed the Quarter into the Pay Phone Coin Slot like He was fucking Force Feeding it Spare Change Solely out of Spite.


As Lee’s eyes adjusted to the overbearing Gloom in the Minimal Lighting of the Slum of a Hotel He noticed the Entire Wall that the Pay Phone was Mounted on was tagged up with so much Graffiti You could see the Overlapping Layers. It appeared to Lee that the Medium of Choice for the Small Army of More Vandal then Graffiti Artists was Sharpe Markers. This seemed more of a Pastime for People Standing in the Lobby fucking around While Using the Pay Phone that was so Old the Numbers had almost been completely worn off with Countless Years of Use.

The Collection of Graffiti that Lined the Lobby Walls was Truly Exquisite not Just in Sheer Volume, but in Content as Well. There were the Standard Dirty Limericks, Crude Illustrations of Genitalia, Personal Insults, Obscene Comments, Angry Exclamations, Anti Authority Statements, Proclamations of Love and Hate, Street Artists Tags, Daily Observations, Bragging, Boasting, Shit Talking, Adult Humor, Replies written in Response to one  Person by Another, Self Promotion, Violent Imagery, and Social Statements this Wall had it All and Then Some for Sure.


Be Sure to Tune in for Next Weeks Hair Raising Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober   (12:45 am)

FYB’s Saturday Night Controversial Cinema: FREAKSHOW!

FYB is Proud to Present the CONTROVERSIAL 1932 Film FREAKS!

Freaks is a GROTESQUE Horror Movie about REVENGE Produced and Directed by Tod Browning. The Original Version of the Film with a Running Time of 90 Minutes was Considered TOO SHOCKING TO BE RELEASED!!! Several Scenes had to be Cut resulting in a Running time of 64 Minutes. The Original Version NO LONGER EXISTS!

Despite the EXTENSIVE CUTS, The Movie was NEGATIVELY RECEIVED by Audiences (recording a Loss of $164,000) and The Film Remained an Object of EXTREME CONTROVERSY! Today the Scenes that were Removed are Considered Lost.

FREAKS was considered so CONTROVERSIAL it Ended Tod Browning’s Career due to the Fact that after FREAKS Release NO ONE in Hollywood Wanted to Work For or With Him. This was Greatly in part Due to Browning’s use of REAL LIFE Circus Shade Show Performers/Acts. This was Perceived by the Film Industry and by Members of the Public as a TOO GRAPHIC, DISTASTEFUL, AND EXPLOITIVE Display of Humans with the SEVEREST PHYSICAL DISABILITIES. By 1932 Freak Shows had Lost Their Popularity among the Public and had Become Looked Down On as Low Entertainment. Also Disabled People were now Subjected to Sympathy/Pity rather than Gawking and Ridicule.


FREAKS became the ONLY MGM FILM Ever to be PULLED FROM RELEASE Before Completing its Domestic Engagements (Which Means They Pulled it From Theaters). Because the Film was thought to be OVERLY EXPLOITIVE, FREAKS was BANNED in SEVERAL COUNTRIES, and in the United Kingdom FREAKS was BANNED FOR 30 YEARS!

Some Reviewers Went on Record Stating:

“Any One Who considers this Entertainment should be Placed in the Pathological Ward (Psych Ward) in some Hospital” -Harrison’s Reports

“There is NO EXUSE for this Picture. It took a Weak Mind to Produce and it takes a STRONG STOMACH to Look at It.” -The Kansas City Star

“(FREAKS) is an OUTRAGEOUS ONSLAUGHT upon the Feelings, the Senses, the Brains, and Stomachs of an Audience.” The Hollywood Reporter

Plot Summery: Circus Dwarves Hans and Frieda and Engaged to be Married. They Work in a Tight-Knit Community of “Freaks” that includes a “Human Torso”, a Pair of Conjoined Twins, a “Half Boy”, and Other Assorted Characters (Who were Actual Sideshow Performers Too). The Conniving Gold Digger Trapeze Artist Cleopatra a “Normal” , learns that Hans has a Large Inheritance, and She Seduces Him for His Fortune.

At the Wedding Feast after They Marry, Cleopatra is Offered Initiation into the Freak’s Community. However She Rejects the Freaks and Turns against Hans. Soon After , the Freaks learn that Cleopatra and Her Boyfriend, the Strongman Hercules, have begun POISONING Hans.

In RETALIATION for this Attempted MURDER, the Freaks ATTACK Cleopatra and Hercules in a Climactic Rainstorm Chase Scene. In The End Cleopatra and Hercules learn What Being a True Freak Really Means!

WARNING! The Following Film Contains Content That Some Viewers May Find Objectionable VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

“Gooba Gabba Gooba Gobble One Of US!” Goodnight and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

Presented by Les Sober FYB (12:26 am)


Tonight FYB puts  Our Gore Obsessed Fandom ON HOLD to Bring You One of the MOST DISTURBING SCI FI FILMS We have Ever Seen. FYB is Proud to Present TETSUO THE IRON MAN by  Japanese Director Shinya Tsukamoto !!!

Plot Summery: a METAL FETISHIST is Driven Insane by the Wriggling Maggots in the Wound He Self Inflected so He Could Insert Metal into His OWN FLESH!! In Sheer Terror He runs out into the Night and is Accidentally RUN DOWN by a Japanese Business Man andHis Girlfriend. The Couple Disposes of the CORPSE in a Hopes of Quietly Getting on with Their Lives. HOWEVER the Business Man soon finds that He is NOW PLAGUED by a VICIOUS CURSE that Transforms His FLESH INTO METAL!!!

IF YOU AREN’T FLUENT IN SPANISH YOU WILL NEED TO SWITCH THE CLOSED CAPTIONING IN SETTINGS. For those Who dislike Subtitles There is Little to No Dialog Per Say so DON’T Worry it’s NOT a Deal Breaker. I mean the Film’s Running time is 1 Hour 17 Minutes and 19 Seconds So.

Waring!!!:  The Following Film Contains Scenes That Some Viewers May Find Disturbing, Offensive, or Objectionable. VIEWER DISCRETION IS (AS ALWAYS) ADVISED!!! Enjoy.

Hope You All are Still Safe and Sane after that SCI FI SYNAPTIC STORM. Good Night and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Viewing,

Presented by Les Sober  

(12:17 AM)

Beware of The Extended Warranty Scam (And A World’s Worst Scammer Award Nominee)

There is a Saying that Goes “You know how Once in a While You come across Someone You SHOULDN’T fuck with? That Person is ME.”

Just like Many of You out there I get My fair share of Scummy Phone Scammers calling Me for Time to Time. I’ve heard them ALL the SCAMS the IRS, Government Grant, Merriot Vacation, Tech Support, Tech Service Refund (there are Several Refund Scams), The Accidental Transferring of Money into My Bank Account that I’m told I need to “Repay”, and Now the Extended Warranty Scam.

This is by Far the Stupidest Scam conducted by The World’s Shittiest Scammer I have yet to Encounter. To say They were Amateur would be the fucking Understatement of the Century to say the Least. This Scammer was so Shitty it sounded as if this was Their First Day Scamming, and The Scam Itself was full of Holes. This wasn’t so much a Scam as it was a PATHETIC JOKE.

When this Warranty Scammer called Me I had a Free Minute and rather Bored (that combined with My UTTER CONTEMPT and HATE for Scammer Scumfucks, and Love of Several Youtube Scam Baiters) I figured why Not take a moment to fuck this Scammer’s Day Up as Much as Possible.

Here is the Conversation Virtually Verbatim Along with My Notations. Enjoy.

*My Phone Rings, I look at the Number and Realize its more likely than Not a Scam because if I know You then Your name or Company Name comes up on the Caller ID Deal. I decide to Answer Anyway.*

Les: “Hello?!”

Robo Call Automated Message: “Your Car Warranty has expired or is expiring soon. If You’re interested in the Purchase Extended Warranty Coverage Press 1, If You’re are Not Interested Press 2 to be put on Our Do Not Call List.”

*First off NEVER fall for the Do Not Call List Option as in this Case it COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Your number will simply be Recycled through Their Auto Dialing System. This message sounded like it was slapped together in a 3 Minute editing Session. The Voice was from Outdated Messages that Sounds like/Enunciates like a fucking Robot/Speak and Spell.

The Sentences were short and choppy it was obviously a compilation of sorts constructed out of Several Older Automated Messages (just like Dr. Frankenstein pieced His Monster together Haphazardly). It was Sloppy and Shady as all get Out.

Since I had the Time and needed something to Entertain Myself with I pressed 2. The Other Tip Off it was a Scam was the Interim Hold Music went Bum-De Bum- Bum on a Loop which is a CLASSIC Scammer Give Away.

Scammer: Hello?

Les: “Hello what can I do for You Today?”

*”Step into My Web” said the Spider to the Fly.*

Scammer: “Hi Yes We were calling You today because according to the Information We received You Car Warranty is Almost Expired and You will no longer have the Security a Warranty Provides. Would You like to Buy Extended Warranty coverage?”

*She never gave Me a Name Not even a Blatantly Fake one. She also Never Addressed Me by Name or as Mr. Sober, and Lastly She NEVER said WHAT COMPANY She was calling For/On behalf of. This Vagueness with Lack of ANY Pertinent Information is Also a DEAD GIVE AWAY. A lot of the Time these Sacks of Shit are simply Cold Calling People at Random, and Lack Any and All Vital Standard Details/Information.*

Les: “Warranties are useful its good to have Insurance so to Speak, Safety First is what I Say.”

Scammer” “Ok Good. We have a Few Different Options…..”

*I cut Her Off*

Les: “What do I Drive?”

*The Easiest Question I could Ask.*

Scammer:” What?”

Les: “WHAT do I DRIVE?!”

*If They in fact Knew My Warranty was Up then They would know the Basic details such as Make, Model, and Year of My Car. Obviously these Details are Needed for Verification Purposes. Without these Basic Details People could claim Any Car Old, New or Someone Else’s was the One Under Warranty thus causing the Issuing Company to Go Bankrupt faster than a Ferret Fart.*

Scammer: “I get My information from our Main Offices’s Official Head Quarters.”

*This wasn’t the Question I asked. I asked what Do I Drive, NOT where do you get Your Information From. Classic Scammer Avoidance Tactic. Also The Fake Companies, Departments, Agencies sound good until You stop for a fucking Split Second, and Realize that The Name makes No Sense whatsoever since its obviously Made Up. *

Les: “So Your Boss at Head Quarters knows My Warranty is about to Expire for My Car, But Has NO IDEA what I Drive? Thats rather Odd sounding.”

Scammer:”The Information We receive is……”

*Again I cut Her off*

Les: “I’m beginning to wonder if this call is Legitimate.”

*Statement like the One above make Scammers Nervous since what They are doing is COMPLETELY ILLEGAL. The fucking Irony is How fucking Defensive these Shitfuckers get When You call them out on Their bullshit Scam. It more than likely has to do with People being made More Aware, Educated, and Conscious of/on the Different Types of Scams (which is Generally Extremely Easy To Do. Example THE IRS DOESN’T TAKE GIFT CARDS AS PAYMENT.), and with the Popularity of Scam Baiters on Youtube increases the Exposure of the Scammer’s current Scams. Its all Very Bad for Their “Business”*

Scammer: “Sir, Sir What are You Talking About? What do You Mean?”

Les: “You call Me selling Warranty Coverage for My Car, BUT you have ZERO Details and Haven’t answered My Question which is Shady as Shady Gets You ask Me.”

Scammer: “Sir You have to Understand I’m in a Call Center, sitting in My Cubical I don’t have Access to such Information.”

*Chances are in Fact these Scammers where sitting around somewhere Using Their fucking Laptops which is Far more common these Days. 95% of the Call Center or Office Background Noise You Typically hear is a Generic Recording that They Play in the Back round in an Attempt to appear more Official. Being able to Operate Outside of the Traditional Call Center reduces the Risk of Being Caught in a Police Raid as Well which is convenient if You’re a Sleazy Scammer Scumbag. I didn’t want to Scare Her off since I still had some time to Kill so I glazed over My Last Statement like I never said it to begin with.*

Les: “So which Vehicle of Mine has a Warranty thats about to Expire? I have My Car, I bought My Wife’s Car, I bought My Kids Cars when They got Their Driver’s License, and I have Several Work Trucks because I own My Own Construction Business. So Which One Do I need an to Buy Extended Coverage For because as I said Safety First so Best to have a Warranty before Your Car Breaks down, and You have to Pay out of Pocket.”

*Yes this is a Longer rephrasing of My original Question being “What DO I Drive.*

Scammer: “Your Primary Vehicle.”

*Now she meant My Car, BUT I told Her I have My Own Company so How does She know My Work Truck is in fact My Primary Vehicle (Primary Vehicle equates to The Car You Drive the Most. Also that Entire Statement is FALSE, I Bought My Car, My Wife Bought Hers, We don’t have Kids more or Less Driving Age, and No I do NOT Own My Own Construction Company.*

Les: “My Primary Vehicle You Say? Thats Strange.”

Scammer: “Sir Warranties are for a Limited Time Period after that the Coverage You have with it Expires, and You have to by Extended Warranty to sure You remain covered in case something goes wrong with Your Vehicle.”

*So She just gave Me the Definition of a Vehicle Warranty and How it Works which is Ridiculous Since She supposed to Be Selling Me Extended Coverage for an Almost Expired Warranty, BUT doesn’t seem to Think I have a fucking Clue What a Warranty is or How it Works.*

Les: “SO My Warranty is on the verge of Expiring for My Primary Vehicle and You can Sell Me Extended Coverage is that Right?”

Scammer: “Yes Sir You are Correct.”

Les: “Well That doesn’t make Sense to Me, It’s all Very Strange as Far as I’m Concerned.”

*Now She’s afraid She is going to Lose Her Scam Target, and Ramps Up the Sales Pitch.*

Scammer: “There is nothing Strange Sir, this is How Car Warranties Work You see, When Your Current Warranty runs out You need to purchase Additional Coverage, and Thats what My Company Does.”

*Again Notice She Never Identified WHAT COMPANY it is She supposedly is working for.*

Les: “Well Alright Then I just have One Question for You.”

Scammer: “Yes Sir what is the Question You want to ask Me?”

Les: “If I Bought My Car from a Private Seller, NOT a Dealership, and The Car was 8 years Old and change when I acquired it if there had been a Warranty it ran out long before I got there. So if I NEVER had a Warranty in the first fucking Place then How the Hell is it Going to Expire?! Not to mention the Vehicle is so Old at this Point NO ONE in Their right Mind would even Entertain the Idea of Offering Me an Extended Warranty. So.”

Scammer:”Sir the Information I was given…..”

*Yep I cut Her off Again.*

Les: “You know what I think?! I think this is a SCAM and Your a Shitty Scammer thing to Sell Me a FAKE Extended Warranty for My Car, and all You’d do is Disappear with My fucking Money since there OBVIOUSLY is NO ACTUAL EXTENDED WARRANTY. This is a Pathetic Bullshit Scam thats All.”

Scammer:”SIR We are Not a Scam, We are a Legitimate Company dealing with Extended Vehicle Warranty Coverage. I don’t know how or why You think this is a Scam when its Not a Scam at All.”

*This is the Classic Defensive Denial I was talking about earlier on in this Post. OF COURSE if You’re a Piece of Shit Scammer You’re Not going to Admit it I mean thats just Painfully Obvious. *

Les:” Well I’m going to Report You, and Post Your Number all Over Social Media Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter You name it. I am also going to Post Your number and the Details of this Scam in the Online Anti-Scam/Anti-Scammer Consumer Sites as well as Post it On YouTube for all the Scam Baiters out There. Then We will see if You’re a Lying sack of Scammer Shit or Not Right?!”

Scammer: !Immediately Hung Up! Again She was afraid of Being Exposed as an Illegal Fraudulent Scammer Shithead.

After I Posted and Reported this Scammers Scam it was confirmed beyond a Reason of Doubt A COMPLETE SCAM. Scammers are trying hard as Hell to Scam anyone left that They can because Public Awareness/Education combined with Advancements in Law Enforcement Technologies is making Increasingly hard for these Shit Sacks to Keep Their Scams Going.

REPORT ALL SCAM PHONE CALLS so More People will become Aware of the Scam, and Can/Will Protect Themselves from these Peckerheaded Parasitic Scammers. You can Google How to Report a Scam and Who to Report it, There is simply TOO MUCH contact Info for Me to Post Here. FUCK SCAMMERS FUCK’EM ALL.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers: Skinny Bob and “The Nightcrawler”

On This Installment of FYB’s Questions That Allude Answers We give You SKINNY BOB and THE NIGHTCRAWLERS!!!

Skinny BoB: The Backstory: This Video was First Posted by IVAN0135 (Who Remains a Mystery unto Himself) on the Same Day He Joined Youtube on April 13, 2011. Allegedly this Deep Web (Not Dark Web) Video shot in the 1940’s by The Russian Military on Behalf of the Russian Government. These TOP SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL Footage was Leaked by a KGB Agent, and show 1 of 3-4 Aliens who where reported to be Working/Collaborating  with The Russian Military. Since it was Originally Posted THOUSANDS of People have tried to DEBUNK the Skinny BoB Footage, And TO DATE NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO PROVE THE SKINY BOB FOOTAGE IS FAKE.


The Nightcrawler(s): The Original Nightcrawlers Video was Posted by Jose of Fresno California in the Mid 1990’s. Jose had been having been Robbed set up Security Cameras through out His Property. What He Recorded was Far more Frightening than a Petty Burglar. Jose recored 2 Humanoid Unidentified Creatures walking through His Backyard. The Creatures were Approximately 3-4 feet tall with Extremely Long Skinny Legs and a Head (There is NO Evidence of Arms or a Torso), and Appeared to be wearing a White Cloak or Other Garment.

Jose has submitted His Footage to Television Stations and Later Soliceted Help from the Internet, but to NO AVAIL. Finally Jose’s Case Feature on the TV Show Fact Or Faked who Tried several Methods to Debunk the Footage. They Tried Using a Child, A Puttpet on a Pulley, a Puppet under a White Sheet on a Pulley, and Lastly a Crew Member walking a Puppet on a String Across the Backyard. The Results were the Jose’s Video is UNEXPLAINABLE!


Years Later in March 2011 an Elderly Couple living near Yosemite Park was having a Reoccurring Problem with Pesky Trespassers. So They Set up a Security System complete with Cameras, and The Trespassers They caught on Camera were Anything but Human.

Are the Nightcrawlers Paranormal Spirits?! Aliens?! Undiscovered Cryptozoological Creature?! Inter Dimensional Beingings?!

Nightcrawlers According to Native American Tribes have been on Earth for Hundreds to Thousands of Years.  They Believe Nightcrawlers as We call Them are Aliens who are on Earth to Awaken Humanity to bring around World Peace and Harmony.

Skinny BoB:

Yosemite Park and Original Fresno Nightcrawler Footage:

The Fresno Nightcrawlers:

So are Today’s Selection of Videos Real, Fake, or Just Plain Fucked Up?

You Decide.

Thanks for Reading/Viewing,

  Presented By Les Sober

The Nuclear Family is DEAD Pt.2: Family & Marriage

Provided Here in this Post are Sociological Definitions for the Terminology used Today in the Areas of BOTH Family as well as Marriage.

Family Terminology:

Traditional Nuclear Family: This Family consists of a Biological Mother who stays at Home and a Biological Father who works Outside the Home and Their Biological/Adopted Children.

Nuclear Family (Non Traditional): This Family consists of a Biological Mother and Father and Their Biological/Adopted Children.

Binuclear Family: This Family consists of TWO Households where and Household includes One Parent and Kid(s) and the Other Household includes the Other Parent and the Kid(s)

Family of Origin: A Family into which You are Born or Brought into Through Adoption.

Single Parent: A Family consisting of a Single Mother/Father and Kid(s) the Other Parent is Not Involved (Example: a Dead Beat Dad)

Blended Family: This Family consists of Individuals who Marry and Bring Children from a Previous Marriage.

Extended Family: This Family consists of TWO or MORE Generations of Close Relatives Living Together in ONE Household.

Marriage Terminology:

Marriage: In America, Marriage Historically has been Defined as a Legally Recognized Social Union between a Man and a Woman who meet the Specified Age Requirements and Who are NOT Legally Married to Another Individual. Today the Language between a Man and a Woman is NO LONGER a Valid Part of the Definition.

Same-Sex Marriage: The Union between Same Sex Couples Legally Recognized Nationwide. On June 27, 2015, The Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage Nationwide. States NO LONGER have the Option to Ban Same-Sex Marriages. The Term Same-Sex Marriage may also be OUTDATED as lets face it Marriage is Marriage Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Love is Love Plain and Simple.

Arranged Marriage: A Marriage Planned and Agreed to by the Families or Guardians of The Bride AND Groom who have Little or No say in the matter Themselves. This is NOT THE SAME AS FORCED MARRIAGE.

Forced Marriage: Is a Marriage in which One OR MORE of the Parties Involved is Married WITHOUT Their Consent OR Against Their Will.

Polygamy: Is the Practice of having MORE than 1 Marriage Partner. Polygamy is ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES, But Non the Less IT IS Still Practiced Today.

Polygyny: Is a Form of Polygamy that Involves the Practice of a Man having MULTIPLE WIVES at the Same Time.

Polyandry: Is a Another Form of Polygamy which Involves the Practice of a WOMAN having MULTIPLE HUSBANDS st the Same Time.

Common Law Marriage: Marriage by Mutual Agreement between a Cohabitating Woman and Man without a License OR Ceremony. Common Law Marriage is Currently Recognized in 10 States as a Legitimate and Legal form of Marriage.

Partner Choice Terminology:

Homogamy: The Practice of Choosing Partners LIKE Ourselves.

Heterogamy: The Practice of Choosing Partners that are DIFFERENT from Ourselves.

Endogamy: To Marry WITHIN One’s Own Social Group.

Exogamy: To Marry OUTSIDE of One’s Social Group.

Interracial Marriage: To Marry Someone of a Different Race.

Interclass Marriage: Marrying Someone of Another Social Class.

Interage Marriage: Marrying Someone at LEST 10 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER than Yourself.

Interreligious Marriage- To Marry Someone of Another Religion then Yours.


Thanks for Reading,

 Brought to You By Les Sober

The World Through The Eyes Of GG Allin

“GG Allin is an Entertainer with a Message to a Sick Society. He makes Us look at it for What We Really Are. The Human is just Another Animal who is Able to Speak Out Freely, to Express Himself Clearly. Make No Mistake about it, Behind what He does is a Brain.”

-John Wayne Gacy-

Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  Brought to You By Les Sober

The Nuclear Family is DEAD.

The So Called Nuclear Family is Extinct a Relic from the Past. The Nuclear Family also Referred to as The Traditional Family Consisted of a Heterosexual Husband and Wife, 2 Kids, House in the Suburbs, White Picket Fence, and a Dog Named Spot. The Husband was the Provider who went to Work Everyday while the Wife was a Housewife who stayed Home to Raise the Children and Tend to the House (aka Cleaning).

Over the Decades from the 1950’s to Today Society has Undergone Countless Changes and Restructuring. The Nuclear Family Norm is Long Gone and Almost completely Forgotten wading Fast into the Past. Some of the Characteristics of such Changes in the American Family Structure from 1960 up to 2019 are as Follows.

  1. The Median Age at the Time of Marriage in 1960 was 23 for Men and 20 for Women. Today the Median Age at Marriage is 29 for Men and 27 for Women
  2. 2.The Median Size of the Family relating to the Number of Children Fell from 4 in 1960 to 1.7 2019.
  3. More People are Choosing to Remain Single rather than to Marry.
  4. More People are Marrying at a Later Age
  5. The Increase of Cohabitation.

6. The Increase in Cohabitators with Children (44%)

7. The Increase in Childless Couples

8. Fewer Children Overall in Modern Families of Today.

9. The Increase in Same Sex Marriage

10. The Increase in Mothers with Young Children employed Outside of the Home.

11. The Increase of Stay at Home Dads.

12. The Increase in the Divorce Rate DOUBLED from 1960-1980 to 50% Decrease in the Divorce Rate Since 2000 to 40%.

13. The Increase in Single Parent AND Binuclear Households.

14. The Decrease in the Number of People Remarrying.

15. The Increase of Young Adults Living with Parents.

16. The Increase in the Number of Families Living in Poverty.

17. The Decrease in Middle Income Families.

Thats All the Sociology for Today Hope You Enjoyed the Post and Perhaps Learned Something as Well Along the Way.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Lee Jonitis: Professional People Watched (38/365)

I Apologize that I wasn’t Able to get this Posted Yesterday when it was Supposed to Be. I had one Last Fight I had to Finish Last Night, and Unfortunately it was in a Different Time Zone. Sorry for the Inconvenience.

It was then that Lee’s Attention was drawn to the Wall to His Left where there was a Window in the Wall covered with a Thick Pane of Bullet Proof Glass. The Window had the Classic Narrow Opening at the Very Bottom to allow for Money or Messages to be passed Between the Desk Clerk and The Customer. It reminded Lee exactly of the Type of Window You see at Gas Stations, Connivence Stores, and Liquor Stores in really shitty Neighborhoods. This reasserted Lee’s belief that this was Not Your Typical Holiday Inn.


“Grisly, HEY GRISLY! Where You at? Hurry Your Old Ass Up Here Guy.” Blurted Dizzy rather Rudely as apparently since walking in the Door Dizzy had become instantly Annoyed.

Lee stood patiently not sure what exactly was going on, but was satisfied watching it Unfold. There was a Long Prolonged Creaking straight out of a Halloween Sound Effects CD. The Creak was followed by a great deal of Shuffling, Wheezing, and the sound of Someone talking to Themselves under Their Breath. An Ancient looking Old Man finally came into view and Lee couldn’t help thinking to Himself that the Elderly Man could have been Danny Devito’s Older UnKnown Brother. This was due to the fact the Old Man stood hovering just under 5 feet tall, was quite Portly, and had Classic Male Pattern Baldness on top of it all.


“What? What do You want Now? God Almighty You’re all Pains in My wrinkled Old Ass.” griped Grisly sounding as if He was speaking with a Throat encased in Flem which gave His voice a Wet Gargling Tone.

“Listen You Old Cantankerous Coot I just want to see if I got any Mail today that’s all Don’t go Dying over it.” replied Dizzy who upon seeing Grisly had relaxed back to Normality. Dizzy seemed to be getting a Legitimate kick out of His interaction with Grumpy Old Grisly.

Grisly took His sweet as Time looking under the Counter looking for any Possible Mail that there was for Dizzy. After a excessive amount of Fumbling around Grisly stood up and announced that there was in fact No Mail for Dizzy, and then went on to Complain about being Disturbed over Nothing.


“You got a Quarter?” asked Dizzy matter of factly holding out His hand like a Panhandler.

“For What?” Lee said Questioningly as He wondered what a Quarter was even good for Now A Days.

“A fucking Phone Call, I have to Call for Our Ride remember???” replied Dizzy dumbfounded by the Question.

“Use Your fucking Cell Phone like everybody else then.” said Lee growing agitated by it all.

“I don’t have One. I refuse to buy a fucking Cell Phone, and will NEVER own one of those fuckers as Long as I live thats for Sure.” said Dizzy Emphatically, “You see when You buy a fucking Cell Phone You automatically Forfeit Your fucking Privacy. I don’t want every asshole under the fucking Sun to be able to Reach Me or at least Annoy the shit outta Me whenever They wish regardless of Where I am. And thats not all either because with goddamn Cell Phones everyday assholes can also Text You, E-mail You or Skype You in addition to just Calling You. Fuck and That I want NON of it, and Why Should I? The Last thing this World needs is another Cell Phone Dependent Zombie stumbling around Obliviously with Their heads in Their fucking Phones all damn Day.”


In Spite of how absolutely Odd and Insane Dizzy’s Anti-Cell Phone Position was Lee understood perfectly. In fact He wished He had the Balls the Throw His Cell Phone in the fucking Toilet to Drown the Damnable Thing Once and for All.

Be Sure To Tune in for Next Weeks Amazing Installment of………


Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

FYB’s Saturday Night Gorefest Film: Blood Sucking Freaks

Tonight FYB brings You the Exploitation Gore Filled Splatter Film BLOOD SUCKING FREAKS!!!! Written and Directed by Joel M. Reed

Blood Sucking Freaks was Filmed under the Title SARDU:MASTER OF THE SCREAMING VIRGINS, but it was Retitled THE INCREDIBLE TORTURE SHOW for its Original Theatrical Run. When Film Distributer Troma Entertainment Acquired the Film They Retitled it BLOOD SUCKING FREAKS (Sometimes Spelled: BLOODSUCKING FREAKS)


Various Torture Methods Depicted in BLOOD SUCKING FREAKS include, but are Not Limited to Thumb Screw, a Skull Crushed by a Vice, Amputation Using a Bone Saw, Cutting Off Of Fingers with a Meat Cleaver, Electro-Shock, Suspension, Teeth Extraction, An Electric Drill through The Skull with the Victim’s Brains Sucked Out with a Straw, the Severing of Feet with a Chainsaw, Stretching on St. Andrew’s Cross, Caning, Whipping, Brainwashing, Quartering, and Decapitation by Guillotine.



Hope You Enjoyed Tonight’s Trip Down the Rabbit Hole to Hell. Good Night and Sleep Tight.

Thanks for Viewing,

 Brought to You By Les Sober (12:o7 AM)