So My Neighbors Think I’m “Terrifying” Part 2: The Prequel

When We moved Home Offices from the Great Souther Swamp to The Souther Country We still had the task of Selling Our Old Home Offices. This was a HUGE fucking pain in the ass because on top of the usual bullshit We were doing an Out-Of-State Sale. What that Means is that with FYB fully relocated full time We had little fucking control since We were in a completely different State than the Property Itself.

Also in Commercial Realistate You’re not really Dealing with a Buyer. Thats to say rarely especially now a Days for a Buyer to be an Individual looking to start a New or Small Business (aka Mom & Pop Shop Operations/ Family Business). The People You do Deal with in this type of Realistate Transaction are Various Investors.  Investors are Natural Born Sons of Bitches & Bastards the Whole fucking Lot of Them.

Investors all Act like They’re some kind of Forbes 500 Mega Business CEO Top 10 List Motherfucker when in Reality very few actually are (Fuck Million Dollar Listing), but They act like The Most important Motherfucker on The Planet. As if They’re a fucking Gift to Humanity from the fucking Realistate Gods on High.


Anyway One Friday Morning I got a Franticly Urgent Text from Our Realtor will call Him Tool for all intensive purposes. Tool’s Text was to inform Me that there was a serious Investor on the Line, and I MUST CONTAT HIM IMMEDIATELY ASAP AS FUCK! WE HAD TILL 5PM TO RESPOND OR THE DEAL WAS DEAD.

This again has everything to do with the fact Investor’s are Self Righteous Fuckwits. Investor’s believing Themselves to be Realtor Royalty or some shit will make an offer be it 8am or 4:430pm, and then demand an Answer by the End of the Day like the Limp Dicks They actually are.

I of course instantly got on My Cell Phone and Texted Tool Back and then sat the fuck back and waited to hear back. I didn’t. So I start Texting Him AND E-mailing Him but again He DOESN’T respond. By 2pm I’m losing My shit since the Deal Dies in 3 hours, and We need time for a quick negotiation if need be so the Clock was seriously running the fuck out fast.


I end up Texting, E-mailing, AND CALLING Tool every 15-20 minutes growing both more Stressed about losing a Possibly really Good Deal, Confused as fuck since I had NO IDEA what was going on with Tool on His end, and Anger because who the fuck sends an URGENT TEXT like that and then Disappears of the face of the fucking Planet?!!

Now lets Fast Forward to 6:00pm were I’m still pacing like a fucking Mental Patient back and forth on the Front Porch attempting to reach Our Realtor tool, and My Wife arrives Home from Work. She can already tell before She even sets foot Outside of Her Car that some insane shit is Occurring.

My Wife comes up on the porch and plops down taking a seat in one of the Rocking Chairs on the Porch. I took a minute to try and comprise Myself so as soon as I opened My Mouth it wouldn’t be “FUCK! SHIT! FUCKING SHIT! MONEY, DEAD DEAL! FUCK REALTORS!!! ARRRRRRRGH!!!” Unfortunately 3 minutes into My explanation of the Days Events come completely Unglued.


The F-Bombs started Falling as if the Military had gone Mad. I yelled at the top of My lungs questioning what kind of asshole texts someone and then Ghosts them, and Raging that the Deal was Dead so We lost a ton of Money, Time, and Effort. I was screaming My insults to the Four Corners of the Earth for all it was worth using My entire Vocabulary of Obscenities, Blasphemies, and Other Looked Down Upon Language.

As far as I was fucking concerned this Rageful Emotional Eruption was well fucking Warranted since it been building up all Day, and had yet to come to it’s Final Conclusion. Summation being: Tool was a Twat.

Now it just so happened that after Living Here for many Months Our so called Neighbors to Our Left finally came over to get Acquainted. You know all that Personal Introduction,Welcome to the Neighborhood, and If You ever need something bullshit. Well I must again remind Our Dear Reader’s that out here in the Southern Country NO ONE Raises their voice in Public more or less Yell at the Top of Their Lungs. And They DEFINITELY DO NOT CURSE OR USE ANY PROFANITY PERIOD (Being used in Public being considered the Worst Offense).


In Addition Our Neighbors are very pleasant People, but Quiet and rather Meek, They’re simply Soft Spoken Law Abiding Church Goers. With that said after Rioting like a Deranged Foul Mouthed Mental Patient for 10-12 minutes I just so happened to glance over into The Neighbor’s backyard. The first Thought to go through My Mind was “Well I think it’s Safe to Say We won’t be Talking To Them Again.”

There They were Our Rental and Kind New Neighbors standing Petrified by what They have just born witness to. The Husband is standing as rigid and Stone Faced as a fucking Buckingham Palace Guard clutching a rake tightly at His side. His Wife was Frozen with a Garbage Bag full of Lawn Debris grasped firmly in Her Left Hand, and a Gloved Hand full of Small Twigs She had been gathering up. Her face was Paralyzed Wide Eyed with Mouth Agape like a Surprised Cartoon Character.


Since then They have slowly warmed up to My Wife, but as for Me They have Never even looked in My direction again to this Day. They Literally keep Their Heads down staring at the fucking Ground, and remain Silent desperately trying to Not Be Noticed Nor Acknowledged. Like Dogs with Their Tails between Their Legs.

IN THE END: Our Realtor called at 6:30pm and explained He had fucking Jury Duty all Day so He couldn’t use His fucking Phone. The only comment I had then was Why the fuck wouldn’t He tell Me that in the Initial Message instead of Driving Me fucking up the Walls all goddamn Day?!

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Questions That Allude Answers

I have recently developed a Minor Obsession. I have always been drawn to and fanatically Interested in Weird Shit. Some of the Weird Shit I am fondest of is Unexplainable Videos that Lack ANY and ALL Context. I Viewer has to make up THEIR OWN MIND (Yes This Requires People to fucking Think for Once instead of Mindless Click Bait) as to What the Fuck the Video is about/Means.

This all Started when I was working on a Creative Writing Piece where the Dark Web played a Major Part as the Staging Area for Countless Acts of Violent Revenge. I have since Shelved said Piece due to its Content being found by Others to be “Yet Unreadable due to Highly Objectionable Content.”


I found Myself viewing increasing numbers of Dark Web Videos Pertaining to The Dark Web. I watched Tutorials on How to Access The Dark Web, Navigate the Dark Web, Protect Your Identity & Personal Info while using the Dark Web, Surfing Videos of People exploring the Dark Web, Dark Web Content, Dark Web Rumors.

For Example Red Rooms which is where The Torture and Murder of a Human Being is Streamed Live on The Dark Web. These are Pay-Per-View events allow the Wealthiest Watchers to Bid for Control of the Torturer instructing Him/Her what to do Next (i.e. Stick Hot Pokers in The Vitcim’s Eyes) To this Day no Proof of Red Rooms existing has been found.

The most Helpful, Reliable, and Trusted information were all kinds of Tips from Dark Web Users on How to Safely Navigate The Dark Web, and Find Various Content.


One thing that really caught My Attention was when Mindlessly Annoying YouTubers would do “Dark Web Mystery Boxes” which are bought Sight Unseen from Anonymous Sellers on The Dark Web for different amounts of Money (Anywhere from around $50 all the way to $10,000 or More allegedly). NOTE: THE SELLING, BUYING OR POSSESSION OF A ACTUAL DARK WEB MYSTERY BOX IS ILLEGAL AND YOU CAN/WILL BE ARRESTED AND DETAINED BY THE AUTHORITIES.

With that said I found the most interesting and reoccurring item(s) found in these Dark Web Mystery Boxes were are Zip Drives, Sim Cards, and the Laptop Computer Drive deals.

I was fascinated because You had to see if there was any content such as Photos or better yet Videos stored on the Devices, and then see whatever the fuck there was to see. Again these Videos are more than not creepy as fuck I can’t lie. The Creep Factor is already increased because the Camera, Video Camera, Flash Drive etc. came from a Box of Unknown Origin from a Faceless Entity on The Dark Web. Then the Photos or Videos (sometimes but rarely there Auto Clips as well) have NO CONTEXT.

The Viewer is left with Countless Questions that will never be able to be answered. So is the Video of a Lady walking in the Park shot by a Friend or by a Stalker or Serial Killer or was it simple Someone learning how to use a New Tech Device They have recently purchased?! Thats just it be it is it or could it be just some Boringly Normal Everyday bullshit or Some Immensely Menacing Footage.


Now Obviously Not All Seriously Insane Videos come from the Dark Web nor are They all Ominous or Creepy. Some are Simple just Mind Bendingly Strange that They linger in Your Head for Days its keeps popping into Your Mind.

To gets These “Questions That Allude Answers” Posts We will be doing from Time to Time Lets Start Slowly. Best We ease into it before We take it FAR BEYOND the Realms of Reality to see what’s Lurking in the Shadows.

I don’t know much about this particular Video as I happened to have just stumbled upon it while I was on hold during a phone call this Morning. Its fairly tame, and makes for a good Transition from Puzzling into The Grimmer Shit thats coming.


Thanks for Reading/Watching,

  By Les Sober

The Black Metal Experimental Lyrics

I have been a Fan of Black Metal for some time now, and many Readers may have noticed I use quite a Few Black Metal Pictures in Posts. Some of My Favorites are Goatwhore, Nocturnal Depression, Silencer, Immortal, Mayhem, Dying Fetus, Burzum, Bathory,  Gorgoroth, and Dark Throne to name a few.

Over Time I have Noticed Black Metal Lyrics are all about Death, Doom, Destruction, and The Devil for the most part They don’t dwell on one particular Subject per Song, But rather They tend to stick to the Bigger Picture working on broader scale.

So I decided for shits and Giggles that I’d try My hand at Writing some Black Metal Lyrics so Here It Goes Ladies & Gentlemen………


Savages Feasting on Bloody Flesh of Their Foes

Slime Covered Slores Bay at the Blood Moon

A Secret Place of Lore where Cadavers and Corpses

Copulate to Feel alive Once More

Bloody Entrails ripped from Rectums

The Defiling of The Flesh


Devils and Demons engage in an Apocalyptic Orgy

Behold The Aborter Birther of Bastards

A Cemetery worth of  Mutilated Carcasses

Rotting in the Sun, Purifying in the Sweltering Heat

Vultures gorge Themselves on the Decay


Gouging Eyes, Tearing Tongs, Deafening Ears,

Parasitic Souls Languish in Lurid Lusting

The Things that Go Bump in the Night

Adorned with the Fresh Skins of Man

Enslaved in Despair and Soaked in Sorrow

The Maggot filled Mouths of Murderers

Blasphemously Born of the Kracken’s cunt


The Ender of times licks His Lips anticipating Armageddon

Damed Deities demand Damnation of the Abyss

Broken Backs, Severed Heads, Amputated Limbs

The Brutality of Burned Bodies

Eternal Torture in the Fiery Pits of Hell

there lies the Destiny of Humanity

Suckling at The Withered Tit of The Witch

What Fresh Hell is This?!


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

So My Neighbors Think I’m “Terrifying”

As some of Our Reader’s are aware Last Week We had an Insanely Absurd 2 Day Technical Issue (Wednesday & Thursday). Since I don’t handle Stress well it turns Me into an Aggressively Neurotic 3 Ring Circus Sideshow, and am utterly unpleasant to be around in all Honesty.

Since We had spent 2 days going around and around like a bunch of Drunken Assholes trying (virtually in vain) at that point to fix said issue I took Friday Off from working on FYB. Consider it a Mental Health Day if You will. I spent Friday watching B Horror Movies, fucking around the House, and Wrestling with Our Pack of Dogs. It was very uneventful that was until Friday Evening anyways.

I was sitting on My couch scrolling through Troma Movies Filmography when My (and FYB’s) Good Friend and Awesome Artist N@P dropped Me a line. I have always been a “Talk and Walk” type of Person, and being so when I’m on the Phone I pace back and forth like a fucking caged Animal on the Front Porch while I’m on the Phone. This time was No Different.


I happily answered the Phone and headed out on to the Porch for a invigorating Conversation with N@P. While on the Phone venting about the Tech Issue I noticed the very last of my E-Liquid was almost completely depleted. Because I live in the Middle of Fuckall I order My E-Liquid via The Internet, and a week had gone by so it HAD to be here. I have NEVER had a problem of ANY SORT with My E-Fluid Site, and They Delivered in 3 days WITHOUT FAIL so They had to be in the Mailbox.

As I continued My conversation with N@P I strolled over to My Mailbox to retrieve My badly needed E-liquid Supply. I Opened the Mailbox and Low and Behold the Actual Mail (Letters, Junk, Flyers, and Bulk Mail Bullshit, BUT NO E-FLUIDS. I being already stressed went absolutely Batshit.


Not only was I out of E-Fluid, My E-Fluid apparently was MIA, and one other VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL. The previous Week a Young Man looking to be 17 or so suddenly pulled into My Driveway on His Dirt Bike (Bicycle). He slowly approached Me and sheepishly asked if I would buy Him E-Fluid. I had had a couple Beers so I wasn’t Driving period more or less to get some strange Punk Ass Kid some E-Fluid.

Not to mention I have literally NO fucking idea where the hell I could purchase E-Fluid in My remote Area of the World. I relayed both those points to the Young Man and He inevitably then fucked off as I wasn’t going to be any use to His punk ass.

Now back the The Present………

I flew into a Rage as I was convinced the Punk Kid stole My shit since He got all fucking bent because I would drop what I was doing, and go drunk driving to get Him E-Fluid. I had fucked up and divulged I order Mine from a WedSite so He literally knew They were in the Mail as it were.


I started ranting insanely that I knew the fucking little sack of shit stole My shit, He was being a pissed off little fuck, and I wanted to beat the holy fuck out of Him, but I was fully aware that attacking a Minor gets You Arrested and I don’t need the fucking Hassle of it all. N@P did a splendid Job of Talking ME Off The Ledge, Zen Returned, Reason was again trumped Emotion, and all was right with the World.

I kid You not more than 3 minutes later the Punk Ass Kid is riding His bike down My Street, and has the balls to wave at Me I thought. I figured the Little Shit would go the traditional Plausible Deniability route, and act all fucking surprised before taking My side in the “Steeling Shit is Fucked” overall argument. I didn’t let the Little Shit get a single fucking Word out when He once again pulled into the end of My Driveway.

I unloaded and unleashed the Fury of The Nordic Gods upon this poor Young son of a bitch. The first words out of My mouth were “YOU STOLE MY SHIT! WHERE IS MY SHIT! YOU BETTER GO GET ME MY SHIT YOU STOLE!” followed by informing Him He should “Fuck right the Hell Off before I changed My fucking mind and Came the fuck down off My fucking Porch to Totally fuck up His Day.


The Kid for His part sat on His Bike and said NOTHING. My point is He didn’t defend Himself He never once said ‘No I DIdn’t Steal Your Shit” or “I have No Idea what Your talking about.” or “I’m innocent, I didn’t do it.”

If I’m accusing You of stealing My Shit whatever it may be in My mind an innocent Person would not only Defend Themselves they would hold Their ground and continue to do so. If You like this Kid say and do NOTHING I’ll take that Silence as an Admission of Guilt because obviously Your silence indicates to Me I got Your guilty ass.

Anywho I finally stop My Tirade long enough for the Kid to make a get away. As He departed the scene The Kid in Question said something over His shoulder which I couldn’t make out, BUT assumed it was some sort of insult. So this prompted Me to Yell “I know where you fucking live if I want to find You.” I of course have No fucking Idea where this Kid calls Home.


I then remembered I was on the phone currently with N@P who was finding the whole thing a combination of utterly Hilarious and Complete Confusion. He asked for verification of what had just occurred and I filled Him in. N@P laughed as He pictured the scenario in His head. After a few more minutes N@P and I hung up and that was that. Until Later That Night………

A Little after 8 pm as I crack open another Beer there is a Loud Knock on My Door. This was surprising because NO ONE Knocks on Our Door, and NO ONE has in the last 2 years. Like I said I live deep in the Woods out by a Larger Pond. I knew though what was up. At My Front Door was either Mom, Dad, Older Brother or Sister come to see about the Earlier Confrontation. As it turned out it was His Mother.


She asks aggressively if I had a run in with Her Kid to which I reply Yes in an equally aggressive tone. I then explained the E-fluid Incident to Her in full at which point She admits that the Kid was Acting Up Recently since swiping Schools, Was in Fact only 14 years Old, Father is Not in the Picture really, The Kid toys to get People to do shit like Buy Him E-Fluids. I apologized for over reacting based on an asinine presumption, and My over all shitty Unbecoming Behavior.

The Mother then tells Me that Her Son was Terrified by Me and based on what She had been told She thought I was indeed Terrifying. Then all of a sudden She calls the fucking Kid out of the Car just to make shit more awkward or whatever. I say sorry to the Kid, and He tells Me looking Dead in My eye and I quote He said “You Terrified Me I’ve never been around someone acting like that before, I had No Idea what to do.”

So Ends yet another Chapter in The Bewildering Book Of The Life and Times of Me Les Sober.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

2010s Death March

Just thought I would compile a list of all the things that have died in the past 10 years or so.

Well not all everything. Things die innumerably every second whether a person, animal, physical thing, or idea.

These a few of the more obscure.

1) possibly dead. HOW THE FUCK am i gonna know who I am about to outlive now?

2) tumblr porn- for those amphetamine fueled nights where the other 50,000 porn sites didn’t quite cut it.

3) aol IM- the last time i was on here was 8 years ago. All i remember is some black guy from the city randomly Im’d me. I used to yell at him. A lot.

4) AOL chatrooms-

These may still exist within the void of folks still using dialup. This group contains a few personal thins.

Goodbye free passwords.

Goodbye Trisha from Wyoming.

Goodbye Trishas lover

Goodbye free money.

Goodbye AOL sugar daddy.

GOODBYE my johns.

Goodbye my puddlediver.

Goodbye free religious propaganda.

Bye pencil dicks.

Goodbye you’ve got mail.

5) Goodbye Leonard Cohen, the only person i was drunk the whole time from death to funeral thanks to #6.

6) Bye Trump.

7) Bye light cigarettes. And fuck off colored cigarettes.

8) Goodbye me having to imagine obscure celebs shirtless. Holla instagram!!

9) Goodbye Sonic Boom- no one over 21 should be trying random underknown drugs. I could say no one should but teenagers don’t listen.

10) Goodbye vomiting red wine 20 feet from Sonic Boom.

11) Goodbye my insane neighbor and her banshee family.

12) Goodbye giant bags of gum

13) Later Blockbuster

14) Goodbye my 30 inch waist.

15) Goodbye fake facebook friends.

16) Goodbye being spared from 90s action movie stars. They seem to have formed a union where i must see one every week.

17) Goodbye and fuck you hurricane sandy.


goodbye some of my dishes

Goodbye my lamp

goodbye wendys coffee. Don’t do it. You’d be better off trying Krokodil.

goodbye me being a tool


Goodbye light cigarettes. Thanks for confusing me and every cashier nationwide.

19) Bye Lena Dunham. Seeing your vagina every week was the final cement in me being gay.

20) Goodbye Blockbuster.

21) Goodbye apps that paid me 5 dollars for watching 5 minutes of videos.

22) Goodbye couch guy. I’m never adopting a couch guy again no matter his cuteness or penis. You shouldn’t either.

23) Goodbye shitty seedy cheap weed. How i dont miss my ounce of weed being a quarter ounce seeds.

24) goodbye procrastination. This blog has been in drafts for 4 months.

25) goodbye whatever else i missed.

FYB Update of Goings Ons: WordPress Live Vs. The Bluehost

Hello Dearest of Reader,

As You may be Aware We’ve been doing some Seriously Long Overdue Improvements here at FYB from Additions such as Videos ( I know I said LONG Overdue) to Software to Help Maintain FYB, and Insure that FYB runs Smoothly and Unimpeded for Our Readers.

I have decided to at least for the time being Limit the Number of Projects I’m working On/With. This way I have More Time to be Properly Committed to FYB. We have Revived Our Small devoted Crew, and We are all dedicated to The Goal of Improving FYB Any and All ways We can.

We fully realize We have some Serious Catching Up to do so Please Bare with Us just a Little longer, and You won’t be Sorry I can most Assuredly Guarantee You That.


To Help Us make up for Lost Time We decided to Enlist the Aid of WordPress Live. WordPress Live in the Computer World is rather New, and was Designed to Help Users of WordPress (which obviously We are). They are Dedicated to Improving, Expanding, and Promoting Their Sites/Blogs. So it sounded like exactly what We need right now to expedite Our Improving FYB.


With that said Here’s What the fuck is going on Currently, and I will keep the boring Tech details to an absolute minimum since they’re as boring to write as They are to read trust Me and Here We Go.

As it always seems to this shitnado started when one of the New Security Alert programs brought an issue to Our attention. The message read basically To Whom It Concerns there’s a fucking issue. The issue is Your site is being blocked from being indexed on Search Engines. Yes Like Google and EVERYONE on Earth fucking lives on fucking Google.

Well as We all know having a Blog with NO PRESENCE ON GOOGLE is a serious fucking issue to have. Without Google (and Other Search Engines) it be like opening a Retail Store without advertising We’re talking there isn’t even a Sign on the Door. I mean what’s the fucking point if NO ONE KNOWS YOUR SHOP IS EXISTS?!

First Off I say We because it was a Multi Team Player Scenario. I was on the Phone as well as SpaceDog, and Nathan McCoy all at the same time in an Insane Round Robin Style Situation. At least one if not all 3 of Us were on the fucking Phone at any given time Working Non Stop to Resolve The Issue and Solve the fucking Problem.


We first called WordPress Live (WPL) who bent over fucking backwards doing EVERYTHING They possibly could to Help Us and then some. At the end of the Conversation it looked to be a Tech issue which means its Our Hosting Service Bluehost’s Jurisdiction as I mentioned before WPL are NOT TECH Support.

We called Bluehost (BH) who once again proved to be NOTHING BUT UTTERLY FUCKING USELESS. The Guy We talked to sounded like He was literally about to fucking commit Suicide, and didn’t seem to give a shit about doing His job that’s for shit sure.

The BH Guy would mumble some sort of computer terminology, ask Me to hold REPEATEDLY as He did whatever the fuck it was He kept doing. Now He didn’t put Me on the standard Hold with shitty Elevator Music He just stopped fucking talking. So I’d sit for 20-25 minutes listen to this asshole Type while Breathing in My Ear like a fucking obscene Phone Call.


The call concluded with the BH Guy was He could do a damn thing to help Me as apparently He said “Everything Looked Fine” and ‘Check Out Normal” leaving Me with just One Option. The Option was to send a Report via e-mail to BH Administrators and wait 24 TO 36 Hours (More like 48-72 hours in Reality) for a response still fucked with the Presenting Problem mind You.

I call WPL again where a Extremely Nice Woman went above and beyond the Call of fucking Duty to Try and Assist Us. Unfortunately She couldn’t locate the Problem, BUT She wasn’t leaving Us empty handed. She went on to tell Us VERY DETAILED and EXTREMELY SPECIFIC Directions for Us to relay to BH who had been having a Problem locating the Problem as Well. The Number One Offender if You will in Her experience would be a Robots.TxT File running Amok like an asshole.


We call BH back again, and again Some Sad Sack of Shit Woman drones on about How They can’t see any issue at all. This Time We give Her the Instructions that were  given to Us by WPL. The Woman says as far as the first order again She couldn’t find fuck all wrong, and then She tells Us There is No Robot.Txt File it simply doesn’t seem to exist as far as She was Concerned.

SO fucking off We go calling WPL back.  Tis time the Wonderfully Nice Lady assisting Us located the Problematic Robot.txt file, but NOT being a Technician She couldn’t actually fix it. We told Her Our ongoing issue with BH claiming They can’t see nor find an issue in the first fucking place.

She immediately e-mailed Us everything We needed to know pertaining to Our current situation. Armed with a Proper Diagnosis and a Set Plan for BH to follow so They could do Their fucking job and ACTUALLY FIX SOMETHING We felt the most positive had Had in the past 5 fucking Hours dealing with Our Issue.


Back at BH the Fuckwit We talked to couldn’t Help Us, in fact once again BH couldn’t GO A GODDAMN THING TO HELP. We lost Our fucking Minds as We REPEATEDLY told the BH Assfuck WHAT the Issue WAS and WHERE IT WAS LOCATED AT.

This worked to No Avail. Apparently even with WPL Diagnosing the Problem, and Locating the Offending Robots.Txt File BH claimed They were Absolutely Oblivious. We the informed the Prick that BH’s Service SUCKS SHIT, Their Customer Service is Complete Unadulterated CRAP, and We would be Sure to NOT Renew with Bh Next Year (Also We informed Them We would be screaming about BH’s Never Ending Bullshit to The Fucking World or Internet in this particular case.)


The Day Ended with a final call to WPL were We essentially just vented in exhausted frustration in the utter lack of competence over at BH, and Most Importantly the fucking Problem had NOT be Fixed. The WPL Guy was very cool and Let us Vent before doing everything He could think of to Help Us out, but it was basically a fucking Waiting Game.

The following Day (Friday) We attended to all of Life’s Demands We had not been able to attend to the previous Day due to the ongoing, and possibly still unresolved issue. I for one spent the Day checking My fucking E-mail like a Love Sick Tween for incoming E-mail from the BH Administrator which never came.


Saturday Morning I get an e-mail from a BH Administrator simply telling Me that They got My fucking report, but right now They are experiencing a High Volume of E-mails currently so IT WILL TAKE THEM EVEN LONGER to get around to doing dick.

I then out of curiosity called Our Security Company who said They were unaware of the Situation as They hadn’t identified and Blocked any sort of Bot issue stemming from a Robots.TxT File. The Security Guy after hearing the whole fucking story suggested We contact the Software Maker’s Themselves since BH and WPL were falling short in solving the Problem. My Wife then spent a while Online researching and Learning about the Plug In Piece of Shit that had Alerted Us to begin with.

My Wife after about 20 minutes online called BH and spoke with a Woman who was the 1 in 100 that knew what the fuck She was Doing. It always seems like calling Tech Support that Your playing Russian Roulette with The Customer Service Reps. It’s as if You have to see how many it will take BEFORE YOU FIND The One Helpful Bastard in the Buch. Anywho My Wife and the BH Woman found a Viable Solution and We Simply ended up Uninstalling/Deactivating the Problematic Plug In.

Several Hours Later I fucking around Online and still a bit bent about how such a simple solution has eluded so many PAID PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER TECH SUPPORT FUCKERS as well as THE OTHER COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS involved Who look far too long to deliver actual Resolution.

I found out the Plug In Program We had had issue with had an Override Option that needed to Be SPECIFICALLY Selected TO AVOID THE VERY PROBLEM WE WERE HAVING. My Point is why didn’t the PAID COMPUTER PRO who recommend the Plug In in the first fucking place DIDN’T MENTION THAT EXTREMELY FUCKING IMPORTANT FACT, The one that keeps Your Site from being Blocked from Google by the Very Plug In that’s supposed to improve shit.


What is The Moral to This Twisted Tale You ask?!

WordPress Live are Incredibly Helpful, Positive, Encouraging, and Knowledgable. They will willingly do EVERYTHING They can to Help You NO MATTER HOW fucked up the Problem. Dealing with WPL is comforting like Dealing with an Old Friend instead of some Pion Cog in a Massive Corporate Machine. WPL is The Best Computer Service We have EVER COME ACROSS AS WELL AS USE. We simply can’t say Enough Kind Words about WPL.

and as far as Bluehost is concerned………

Bluehost fucking sucks so fucking bad it’s like nothing We have ever encountered before. From the Lackluster Clinically Depressed sounding IT Reps to Their complete inability to preform even the simplest of Their Job Functions. The Administrators are no fucking better the lazy sacks a festering shit. All fucking Bluehost does is Apologize. It’s apparently ALL They can fucking do since They can’t fix a fucking thing.

We Have Included a Video Below  By One of FYB’s Favorite Musical Oddities, and would like to Dedicate it ToThe Sad Sack Sons of Bitches over at Bluehost.

Play it Safe and Save Your Sanity BOYCOTT BLUEHOST.

Long Live WordPress Live!

Thank for Reading,

  By Les Sober

Shitfucker’s Official FYB Post

You’ve see Their Name, Posters, and Band Photos sprinkled through out Several Posts here at f-yourblog as We are BIG Fans. We’ve been meaning to Write a Official Shitfucker Post and Here it is. The following is a Video of Shitfucker Playing Live at Strongsville OH, 9th Aug 2014 along with the Lyrics Located Below. This is Our Favorite Song from These Self Proclaimed Detroit Metal Punks. Enjoy Kids.

Band: Shitfucker

Song: Go To Hell

Album: Suck Cocks In Hell


It’s Never to Hot for Leather

Unless it’s Too fucking Hot

Trapped in the Eyes of Thy Neighbor

Infernal Mother of Death

She Chokes on the Smoke of Our Unholy Tokes


Through the Hole in Her Throat

She Stares Through My Window

And Stands on My Front Lawn

You Can’t Understand Her

Because She Speaks in Daemonic Tounges

Trapped in a Plane with the Living Corpse

That Lives Next Door,




Play it Loud, Play on Ten

Play it so You Wake the Dead

I have awakened The Mother of The Reaper

Who has unleashed the Darkness Fever

Through My Brain, Down The Drain

To The Pits that Have No Name

Where the Most Rotten Pieces of Shit Finally Go Insane….GO TO HELL


(Uoy Lorthoc I, Me Lortnoc T’nod Uoy)

Thank for Reading/Listening,

  Presented By Les Sober

Silencer: A Sample of the Insanity that is Nattramn

Band: Silencer (Vocals & Lyrics by Nattramn)

Song: Sterile Nails And Thunderbowels


Vast Souls

And Inhumans,

Bitten By Infected Jaws


Abandoned Minds

And Corpses

Lurking with Moulded Eyes

Lacerated Bodies

Without Mourners

Nodding at Gallows


Crushed Skulls

Tasting The Fur

Of Dying Cats


Needles, Injecting Pain

Flammable Skin

And Deadly Thirst

Beyond Mind

Is Sleep To be Found

Leap, Leap, Leap, Leap

From Life,

Leave Yourself

Die with Me


Thanks for Reading/Listening,

   Presented By Les Sober

Nattramn The Man, The Myth, The Rumors, and The Facts

Well those who Know Me the Best Knew this was Coming, Welcome Readers to My Latest Obsession Nattramn/Silencer.

Basic Stats:

Name – Mikael Nilsson (This has NEVER Been Officially Confirmed.)

Pseudonym – Nattramn

Born – Unkown Date, Year disputed as being Either 1975 0r 1977

Place of Origin – Markaryd, Smaland, Sweden

Silencer: The Beginning

In 1995 Black Metal Guitarist/Bassist Andreas Casado started Silencer as Solo Project using the Pseudonym Leere. Sometime between 1995 and 1998 (again No One is sure of the Exact Year) Nattramn signed on to the Project as The Duo’s Vocalist/Lyricist.

Silencer is considered to be a Sub Genera of Black Metal referred to as Depressive Metal or Suicidal Metal by Some. During Their entire Career Silencer released a One 11 minute Song Demo called Death- Pierce Me in 1998 , and One Full Length 6 Song Album also Titled Death- Pierce Me in 2001.

Nattramn’s unique Vocals garnered a great deal of attention since He opted to use a  High Pitched Lamenting Wailing that has been compared to the Sound of a Wounded Animal Dying. In My opinion Nattramn’s Vocals sound like what a Banshee would Should like if it Existed and started to Sing. In Their entire 6 year Career Silencer Never Preformed a Single Live Show, and Didn’t do a Single Interview.

In Reality virtually NOTHING is known about Nattramn prior to Him joining Silencer. As stated above under Stats No One knows When Nattramn was Born or If His Name is Actual Mikeal Nilsson. Before the Rise of the Internet Nattramn had already decided to live in isolated Anonymity, and to this Day He has NO SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE OR ACCOUNTS  and Doesn’t have or Maintain a Personal Website of any sort. All of which as only lead to Wild Rumors and Exaggerated Conspiracy Theories about Nattramn’s time in Silencer as well as aspects of His Life Past or Present.

Silencer disbanded in 2001 when Nattramn was Institutionalized at Sankt Sigfrids sjukhus Mental Hospital in Vaxjo. No One knows the details surrounding Nattramn’s Admittance to the Mental Hospital. No one is sure if He went Voluntarily, was Committed by His Family, or if He was Institutionalized by The Authorities. This didn’t seem to surprise anyone as the General consensus was Nattramn was and always had been Clinically Insane.


The Majority of Fans believe Nattramn spent 5 years in Mental Hospital, and Others think that He Stayed more than 5 years. Lastly there are Fans who believe Nattramn is still living at Sigfrids sjukhus to this very Day. Again when it comes to Nattramn No One really Knows.

What most everyone DOES AGREE ON is that at one point during His stay at The Mental Hospital His Doctors gave Him a Keyboard and encouraged Him to start writing Music again as a Therapeutic Tool. This lead to Nattramn’s Darkly Ambient Solo Project titled ‘Transformation’ under the Name Diagnose: Lebensgefahr (Roughly Translated from German as Diagnosis- Mortal Danger) in 2007.

In 2011 Nattramn released His Limited Edition book titled Grishjarta (or Pig’s Heart is Swedish) which is a collection of His Poetry as well as His Artwork, and contains a small collection of Photographs of Him in which His face is fully Obscured (Hidden). There are only 200 (a Few People think its 300) copies of Grishjarta each one Hand Numbered and Signed by Nattramn.


I personally have been searching for a Copy of Grishjarta for several months to NO AVAIL. Due to its extremely limited Copies makes Grishjarta a Quite Obscure and Rather Rare Book so all the Usual Options are Out. Amazon, Barns and Nobles, Books a Million, or Any other major Chain are not an Option. I went to Ebay and even in Ebay’s long and illustrious Career as a Global Internet Auction Site has only seen One Copy of Grishjarta come up for Sale, and it sold insanely fast for a commanding $210. I’ve since been talking with Rare Book Dealers and shit but still I am no where closer to owning a Copy than when I started. I will never stop Looking so I’m in it for the Long fucking Haul.


There Three Principle Rumors Pertaining to Nattramn and His time in Silencer that have been circulating around the Internet for so fucking long They have almost become Urban Legends. I will agree all Three Now.


The First is by far the most INSANE fucking thing I have ever Heard I can’t understand how the hell anyone could believe it. The Rumor is that During Recording Nattramn CUT OFF HIS HANDS and SOWED ON PIGS FEETS TO REPLACE THEM. This is of Course Utter and Complete bullshit. This rumor stems from a series of Photographs Nattramn did for Silencer in which (as part of the costume) where His hands would be was wrapped in Bloody Bandages with Pigs Feet protruding from the Bandages in place of His Hands. So even if Someone is fucking stupid enough to think a Pig Foot Hand Replacement Surgery is or could be real You can CLEARLY SEE NATTRAM’S HANDS UNDER THE BANDAGES.


The Second Rumor is a bit more believable (especially in the Grim and Violent World of Black Metal) BUT IS STILL ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. The Rumor is During Recording Nattramn was Self Mutilating to achieve a Higher State of Pain to Enhance His Vocals. It is Rumored Nattramn cut Himself deeply and repeatedly on His Hands, Wrists, and Arms during Recording. Allegedly Nattramn used a variety of Knives, Razors, and Large Shards of Broken Glass again in an attempt to make His vocals more Extreme. Now here’s the ironic thing to simple DISPROVE THIS RUMOR all You have to do is look at the aforementioned Silencer Photo’s. You can clearly see Nattrman’s bare arms (and chest) in the Silencer Photo’s and there isn’t a single Fresh Wound, Healing Wound or Any Scaring all of which would be Blatantly Obvious in the Photos if at that time of Recording Nattramn was in fact Self Harming.

The Third and Final Rumor is that at one point while admitted to the Mental Hospital Nattramn escaped during a Psychotic Break, and attacked a 5 year Old Girl (or Girls depending on the version of the Story) with an Ax. The Rumor stated that Nattramn attacked the Girl/Girls and when the Police arrived tried to commit Suicide By Cop continuing to wield the Ax wildly screaming “KILL ME! KILL ME! KILL ME!”. The Police then allegedly distracted Nattramn with a Police Dog until an Officer could sneak up behind Him, and take Him down with a Night Stick blow to the Head. In Each Version the Little girl or Girls both Live and make full recoveries.


The Truth is it was Nattramn’s Older Brother Franklin who escaped the mental Hospital where He was being treated for Schizophrenia. After walking around and picking up an ax along the way Franklin attacked TWO Young Girls, and then started screaming “KILL ME! KILL ME!” until He was subdued. Once Franklin was back at the Mental Hospital and being properly Cared For (AKA Properly Medicated) The Guilt of what He had done, The Fact He had tried to kill a couple of Kids caused Nattramn’s Brother to commit Suicide.



There’s an extremely small handful of Photos of Nattramn, but they are all Staged so His face is ALWAYS Hidden from View. There is a Photo bouncing around the Internet of a Young Man that People claimed was the only existing picture of Nattramn where you can actually see His Face. That is WRONG. The photo is a case of mistaken Identity as The Young Man in the Picture is another Black Metal Musician from the Band Frostrike with a similar sounding Name.


There is a Website by a Anonymous Collective called Humani Animali Liberati or HAL for Short that is a Self Proclaimed “Religious Theory and Practice Movement” and Publishing Forum of Nattramn. There motto appears to be “You are at the Heart of Non Human Arts”

“HAL should be looked upon as a further expression of Nattramn, not necessarily linked to either Silencer or Diagnose: Lebensgefahr but merely the Works of Nattramn.””

Well Thats All I Have and in this case All there is. When it come to Me the Odder it is the More Appealing it is.

Thanks for Reading,

   By Les Sober