Welcome to Todays FYB Post featuring TRIP #1 HOLLYWOOD by Shaye Saint John. Shaye Saint John is a Fictional Character and Art Project Who Appears in a Series of Surrealist, Creepy Short Films, and is Brain Child of Creator Eric Fournier. In the 90’s, Fournier was a Member of the Punk Bands The Blood Farmers and Skelegore when He began working on the First Miss Shaye St. John Video. In 2003, the Character started a Blog at LiveJournal, and a YouTube Channel Named Elastic Spastic Plastic Fantastic was created in August 2006. The YouTube Channel Uploaded all 56 of the Saint John Videos from 2006-2007, But the Official Channel was Discontinued and Cancelled in December of 2007. Unfortunately the Creator of the Shaye Saint James Character Eric Fournier Died sometime back in 2010.

Relevant Note Pertaining to Shaye Saint John:

It had been quite a long fucking Time since We had Checked in with Shaye Saint John’s Youtube Channel and when We did Obviously Recently We Noticed Some Strange Shit. What We noticed was 90% of the Videos on the Channel have been Taken Down. As of Now all but 10 Videos (all from 6 years ago) remain Posted on the channel. We found this Rather Odd since one of the First things to Consider is the Content Creator Removed them, But in this Case the Content Creator is Died in 2010 so that’s Not It. So We decided We had to find Out more Information about What the fuck was Going on Since We are Huge fucking Shaye Saint John Fans.

We came Across Another Big Fan who was Able to Shed some Light on the Subject as it were. Apparently Youtube is doing Some fucking Weird ass Thing where instead of just Straight Up Deleting the Videos in Question.  They have Opted to Slowly Dismantle it Until in the End there is No Content Left on the Channel at which Point We assume Youtube will Delete it at Last. This Strategy as Far as We are Concerned makes No Sense What so fucking Ever because What the fuck Does Youtube think the Fans/Viewers Simply Won’t Notice the Slow but Steady Deletion of Content/Videos?! And what the fuck is the Point if All Youtube is Going to do Ultimately is Shut the Channel the fuck Down Anyways so Why Not just Pull the fucking Trigger and be Done with it?!

Then Again as Youtube as Evolved Over the Many Years it has Only become More and More difficult for Content Creators, but it has become Equally Frustrating for the Users of the Platform. There is No fucking Rhyme or Reason anymore since YouTube Doesn’t even Bother Bullshitting Users with Lame fucking Excuses. At this fucking Rate Youtube is going to fucking Implode in the Future Under the Weight of its Own Growing Nonsensical Fuckery.

The Bottomline here is SO FUCKING WHAT if the Shaye Saint John Creator Eric Fournier Died? Not trying to be fucking dicks about it, but Yeah We all end Up Worm Food or a Pile of Ashes in an Urn so fucking what of it?! We fail to see ANY fucking Point or Reason for Youtube to take down Fournier’s Videos or for Youtube to  just Straight Up Delete the Entire fucking Channel! There was a Small fucking Library of Content with a Substantial Viewership, and Again so what if the Content Creator Died?! Why should that be a Reason for Youtube to Shit on and Delete Fournier’s Legacy?!!

What fucking Harm is there in Keeping a Successful Channel Up for the Viewers New and Old to Watch and Enjoy the Content?! Not to Mention YouTube Gains Both Money and Users/Viewers BECAUSE of Kick Ass Content Creator’s with Kick ass Content in the First fucking Place. Remember if No One Uploaded Videos there Wouldn’t be a fucking YouTube Period. Thus We ask once Again Why is Youtube being Disrespectful and fucking Ungrateful for the FREE fucking Content that makes Them a Shit Load of Money and Boosts Popularity of the Platform. Simply FUCK YOUTUBE it’s No Longer a Viable Platform its a Bullshit Profit Driven Business that Doesn’t Support Content Creators at All Anymore Choosing Profit over People.

Shaye Saint John’s TRIP #1 HOLLYWOOD Video Deviation:

What We Particularly like about this Particular Shaye Saint John Video is it isn’t a Staged Skit in Some House or fucking Apartment. The Audience is Not what One would call a “Willing Audience” Opting to Watch a Shaye Saint John Video on Youtube. Instead in this Case They are Subjected to the Manic Absurdity of the Shaye Saint John Character as She Runs Rampant in the Real World. In this Video Shaye is Wheeled around the Streets of Hollywood by Some Random Guy Who would Blend into a Crowd (Point Being He’s a Generic Looking Average Joe Type).  There is Also  an Alternate Fellow Dressed as a Medical Doctor who also Ushers Shaye around in a Wheel Chair as Shaye has Frantic, Frenzied, and Hyper Reactions to the World Around Her. Needless to Say 95% of the Public were More Confused than Anything Else at the Sight and Behavior of Shaye though All in All the Situation was Well Received. Some of the things Shaye Poses for a Couple Pictures with People, Stops to Chat to a Spiderman Street Performer, Makes a Phone call on a fucking Pay Phone, Massages Her Legs while Sitting on the Sidewalk Singing a Song about fucking Tacos, Fawns Over the Assorted Photos of the Talent Posted in aTheater Window, Interacts with the Public, Almost Gets Sick (Vomit) on Hollywood Boulevard, and Narrowly Avoids being Murdered.


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s Halloween Post featuring RIP by the Content Creator Cyriak.  For Those Who may Not Know Cyriak is a Legendary British Animator whose Real Name is Cyriak Harris. Harris is Known as Mononymously, cyriak and His B3ta Username Mutated Monty (Harris has been a Regular Contributor to the British Website B3ta since 2004), is a British Freelance Animator and Composer. He is known for His Surreal, Creepy, and Bizarre Short Web Animations with the Frequent Use of the Droste Effect, and Features Original Dance/Electronic Music By Harris as Well.

So Grab a Bowl of Candy, Fat Sack of Weed, Crack a Beer/Take a Shot and Enjoy the Skeletal Absurdity that is RIP.


It is What it is,

Presented By Les Sober 


Today We will be Discussing Hospitals and all that it Entails. First Off We all know what the fuck a Hospital is it’s a Big fucking Building with Operating Rooms, an ER, Diagnostic Equipment out the Ass, and is Full of Doctors as well as Sick and Injured Patients. If You’ve ever had the Displeasure of having to be In or Deal with a Hospital You might remember that Hospitals are Grand Masters any Kissing Their own fucking asses. All We’re saying is Hospital Propaganda make the Nazi bullshit from WWII look like fucking Amateurs. What We are referring to are the TV Ads, Billboards, Print Ads, and the ENDLESS Posters that Line the Walls of the First Floor Your subjected to while there. What pisses Us Off the Most are the goddamn fucking Posters with Smiling Staff, Cheerful Patients, and bullshit Slogans/Claims “We care About Our Patients” or “We Love to Support Our Community” or even “Providing the Best Car in *Fill in the Blank*”. This is Of Course UTTER AND TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Hospitals DO NOT give a actual fuck about People They care about Only One fucking thing and it ain’t Healthcare it’s motherfucking MONEY. Hospitals put Profit Over People and if You fucking think that’s Not True try getting Medical Attention after Telling the Hospital that You Don’t have Insurance aka Payment. This seriously fucking pisses Us Off since Doctors take the Hippocratic which is all about Healing the Injured and Curing the Sick We mean real Biblical type shit here. What the fuck it doesn’t say is a goddamn thing about “Only if You get Paid” or “Treat Those Who have Insurance Only.” BUT THAT IS THE FUCKING REALITY nowadays. What People fucking Forget is Hospitals are FOR FUCKING PROFIT COMPANIES just like Amazon or fucking Walmart. To Hospitals All that matters is MAKING MONEY amassing an Obscene Fortune in the at the Expense of the Actual Patient They claim to Love and Provide for.

Speaking of Doctors if You want to Piss Off ANY Doctor is to ask them Why Doctor’s REFUSE to Admit the fucking Obvious Truth, and that is ONE (perhaps the main one) of the Reasons They chose to be Doctors was They Knew it make Them fucking Rich. And wanting a High Paying Job is Totally fine, BUT Bullshitting, Avoiding, and Ignoring the Question/Subject THAT’S the Issue We have. Also Doctor’s WILL readily admit that the Healthcare System, Health Insurance, and Hospital Care is a BROKEN and SEVERLY FLAWED System that Financially Rapes People until They are Broke or Crippled by Medical Bills Then They fucking Abandon Them. Doctor’s are at the fucking Center of the American Pay to Play or in this Case Pay to Live. Doctors and Hospitals KNOW People Don’t want to be sick, in pain, or Die and They fucking Exploit the Situation to Grotesque Degree to get EVERY last flicking Cent from Their Patients. Case and Point Even Lawyers who lets face it are fucking Despised (Until People Need One) for Being Greedy Bastards do Pro Bono Work. Meanwhile Virtually NO Doctors do Pro Bono Work unless They’re Doctors Without Boarders and They Don’t Help Anyone in America They deal with 3rd World Countries.

And How can We be So fucking Sure? Well Allow US to Explain form Personal Experience. Les landed Himself in the Emergency Room in the First Week of January 2018 Literally Knocking on Death’s Door which sent the ER Staff Scrambling like a Motherfucker. Les had to be Admitted to the Hospital for Further Treatment which Included Surgery where He Spent Almost a Week. Now here’s the fucked Up Part Les’s Wife had been Paying for Insurance through Her Employer which is what it is. The fucking Problem was some Incompetent Asshole made a Mistake. Then this Ignorant Asshole instead of FIXING IT and Properly Filing it stuck it in a fucking Desk Drawer and fucking Forgot About it.

Now literally a Day or So before Landing in the Hospital His Wife became Aware of the Mistake and Immediately Addressed it with Her Employer. Since She had Payed into the Insurance Ultimately things would be Corrected and the Insurance would be Retroactive at that Point. This was Explained in fucking Full to EVERY MOTHERFUCKER Les and His Wife Dealt with Explaining the fuck Up, and that They did have Insurance it was just a dumbfuck Clerical Error and was in the Process of being Worked Out. Now on Day 3 of Les’s Hospital Stay 2 Stern and rather Grim looking Women from the fucking Hospital’s Billing Department Showed Up in His fucking Room. They talked to Les’s Wife (Though Les was the Actual Patient and Laying in Bed 4 fucking feet away) and Informed Her that We Owed Them $157,000 Plus So Far.


Les’s Wife AGAIN for the BILLIONTH Time Explained the Situation and that They DID have Insurance and what had Happened. As for the 2 Cold Cunts from Billing was Concerned Didn’t Bat a fucking Eyelash. Instead They wanted to Know if Les and His Wife could put Down a fucking Deposit for $15,000. Also to make things MORE FUCKED the Piece of Shit Parasites from Billing instantly They showed up on FRIDAY AT 4:30. The Point is that left 30 minutes Before the Banks and all that Bullshit Closed and Wouldn’t be back Until Monday. To make a Long Story Short Les has a Really Bad Temper and Absolutely Despises the ENTIRE Medical Field so Simply at that Point Les Completely Lost His Shit. Les Cursed and Berated  the Billing Department Dipshits Mercilessly Pointing Out He was Still a Patient and what fuckwit would ask for Payment before All Services were Rendered. He also called them Out on Their Ridiculously Retarded Time Frame, and then Posed the Question could THEY come the fuck up with $15,000 in 30 Minutes. After being Verbally Assaulted The Pair of Parasitic Pissants finally fucked Off.

Next Let’s Chat about the fucking Insanity of a Hospital Bill. First Off one Reason Hospital Bills are fucking Outrageous starts with the Fact Patients are Charged Between $1,000 to $1,200 a Day JUST FOR THE FUCKING ROOM. That Fee DOESN’T include a fucking thing, No Doctors, Nurses, Diagnostics, Procedures, Surgeries, or Medication it’s Only for Occupying a Room. That would make Hospitals the Most Expensive and Shittiest Hotel Anyone will Ever Stay in. Second Hospitals have what They call a “Master List” which in Reality is a MASSIVE Price List. It has EVERY fucking thing that the Hospital Charges for and How much from Cotton Swabs to fucking Brain Surgery.


The fucked Up thing is Hospitals are fucking NOTORIOUS for doing EVERYTHING in Their Power to make Sure NO ONE SEES THEM. If You ask US that’s just fucking Shady as Shit since Hospitals DO NOT send Itemized Bills so Patients Don’t Actually Know What They are Paying For or even How fucking Much the Things They are Paying for Cost. So Once Your out of the Fucking Hospital You just sit and Wait for the fucking Bill(s) to Start Rolling in. Then when the Hospital Bill comes You have NO fucking Clue if its $20 or $2000 or $20,000 until You actual Open the fucking Thing.

Now for Example Would You go into a Grocery Store and Have The Cashier Ring You Up only to had You c Receipt that Only Says GROCERIES $375? Fuck No You Wouldn’t. Nor would You drop Off Your Car at the fucking Mechanics only to Return to a Bill that Simply States AUTO REPAIR $750? Again fuck No You Wouldn’t. The Issue is that Hospitals damn well know if Patients/Public found Out how Bad Hospitals were Financially fucking Them Over There’d be Hell to Pay. People would Storm Hospitals and fucking full on Riot as the Mob Mentality takes Hold. Yet Another Reason that Corrupt Hospital Cunts don’t want the Public to Know what They Charge Outside of Public Rage Fueled Backlash is Patients could Shop Around instead on being TOTALLY DEPENDENT on Their Local Hospital. Itemized Bills are used to Help Prevent fucking Fraud its so You know what You’re being Charged For and How Much, BUT Hospitals will Never give You a Itemized Bill. Somewhat Good News is if You request/ask for an Itemized Bill They BY FUCKING LAW have to Provide You with One.

The Problem is good fucking Luck EVER receiving Your Itemized Bill NO MATTER How many fucking Times You request it. Les is Still Attempting to get an Itemized Bill for His Hospital Stay 4 fucking Years Later and still Not a fucking Thing. It’s the fucking bullshit Blame Game where Hospitals DON’T send You an Itemized Bill as Requested and when or If You call Back They claim They sent it and it must have “Gotten Lost in the Mail” which Provides Them with a Perfect Scape Goat. Now it gets even More fucked Up as the fucking GOVERNMENT had to Step in to Try and Sort Out this Shit Storm, and They Informed Hospitals that They HAD NO CHOICE and to make Their Price List Public. And Yup You Guessed it the Hospitals did NO such thing instead They selected Random Small shit or Elective Procedures (Example: Nose Job) in a Half Assed Effort to Conform with the Government and Still Not disclose Jack Shit about Their Prices/Charges.

Down the fucking Line the Government Circled back and found that Hospitals were Non Compliant and had Essential Ignored Them. So the Government ramped Up and Stated that Hospitals HAD TO DIVULGE EVERY FUCKING COST OR ELSE. As to the Time We Post this We aren’t aware of ANY fucking Hospital in the Entire Country that has Actually Complied, and the Scumfucks in Washington haven’t Done shit or Tried Once again to Force the Issue. So Once again the People/Patients Continue to get Financially Fucked Over again and again.

One Final Note before We fuck Off Once Again into the Abyss as it were. All Hospitals are Graded like Restaurants by the Joint Commission of Hospitals  based on Their Performance, and on an Alphabetical Scale ranging from A being the Best to F being well You Know. Anyway when We Relocated Our Home Office We Spent the First Couple Weeks getting to Know People in the Community and Shit. Now when You’re the New Kid on the Block People give You Advice and Local Tips and in this Case People Informed Us of the Closest Hospital (of 3 in the Area) that We will call Fuckardia Hospital to Avoid Any Possible Relation from Said Hospital. We were told Over and Over that and We Quote “Don’t go to Fucktardia Hospital Unless You want to Die.”, and a Few Months Later We learned Fucktardia is Referred to by Locals in the Know as “The Murder Hospital’. The fact of the Matter is Seriously Sick or Injured Patients wouldn’t Call the Ambulance since They HAVE to take You to the Closest Hospital. What They would do is DRIVE across County Lines before Dialing 911 so the Ambulance would then have to take Them to one of the other Two Hospitals in the Area. This was SO common place that a Guy started a Side Hustle where He drives You across County Lines, Calls 911 on Your Behalf, and Waits with You until the Ambulance Arrives.

Now One could Argue that Public Opinion No Matter Good or Bad is indeed Not Fact thus How could We be sure that Fucktardia was a Shitty Hospital? Les’s Wife is a Psych Nurse (RN) with over 12 Years of Experience in the Medical Field who was the One that Informed Us of the Hospital Rating System. It was Also Les’S Wife Who informed Us that Fucktardia Hospital had at the Time just Received an F. Unlike in the World of Restaurants where an F gets You shut the fuck Down and Out of fucking Business Hospitals are allowed to Continue to Operate (no Pun intended) even with a FUCKING F RATING. So Restaurants that get an F get at Least Temporarily Shut Down until Shit gets Fixed or Their fucked and put out of Business for Good. This is because the Health Department Doesn’t even want the Possibility of Someone getting Sick, BUT A FUCKING HOSPITAL who’s ONLY fucking Job is Helping to Sickest and Most Severely Injured People can Keep on Keeping On. Don’t take Our word for it GOOGLE IT and find out For Yourself We ain’t Lying or Exaggerating.

Moral of the Story Hospitals even the Best of the Best are in it to make Money Preying on the Sick/Injured and Vulnerable Patients. It’s fucking Vile and Those Involved Should BE Fired, Incarcerated, and FUCKING EXECUTED for Crimes against Humanity as far as We are fucking Concerned.

It is What it Is,

   By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring DAY OF WRATH by Content Creator My Happiest Days. Now it has been a While Since We Dived Head First down a Dark and Ominous Rabbit Hole to Find Some Serious Weird fucking Shit. Well the Wait is Over as We went Hunting into the Ether for Truly Bizarre WTF Type Content. Then We stumbled Across the VERY SMALL Channel called My Happiest Days and Were Quite Intrigued by Content on the Channel Though there isn’t Much.


  • Subs: 3.2k
  • Joined: July 16, 2021
  • Total Views: 54,102
  • Total Number of Videos: 14
  • About Section: Blank


SHIT WE FIGURED OUT (Or At Least We Think We fucking Did):

  • The Theme of the Channel According to One of the Posted Videos is the Following: “In Late 2017 I found a Huge Cardboard Box filled with VHS Tapes My Dad made During the Late 70s and Early 80s.”
  • The Binary Code in the Video Translates  “ONE WITH THE MACHINE”
  •  The Date August 12, 1981 was the Day that the IBM Personal Computer was Released.
  • At 0:08 the White Text is a Quote from Zephaniah 1:8-18 which We Believe has something to do with the DAY OF WRATH’s Theme.
  • We Believe the Sound in the Background is in fact a Slowed and Distorted Version of Dies Irae which means “Day of Wrath”. And We also Believe that Dies Irae was a Hymn that was Sung at Funerals back in Olden Times.
  • 0:25 It Says  “You will always have the Poor among You, but You will Not Always have Me.”




It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

PUMPKIN SPICE – White Woman Season

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring PUMPKIN SPICE – WHITE WOMAN SEASON byOne of Our Favorite Animators Meatcanyon. MeatCanyon’s real name is Hunter August Hancock better know by His online user name MeatCanyon. Hancock is an American Youtuber, Animator, Voice Actor, Comedian, Writer, and Director who makes Parody Animations of Popular Characters (say Sponge Bob for instance). Some viewers of MeatCanyon’s Animations  have been Described them in just One Single Word “Horrifying”. A common on going gag in Hancock’s video’s is that Something Normal or Mundane gets You Killed or Possible Worse.


One of the Key Reasons We get a Real fucking Kick Out of this Particular MeatCanyon Cartoons is the Social Commentary. First Off Let’s all fucking Face it this Pumpkin Spice Obsession that People have is Way the Hell Out of Control at this Point. It was Annoying Enough when it was just Fucking Starbucks (or Starbucks as We refer to Them as) Pimped Their Pumpkin Spice Coffee every fucking October Relentlessly. Then every Other Motherfucker started Peddling a Pumpkin Spice Version of Their fucking Products from Coffee Creamer to Spam. Yeah that’s fucking Right fucking SPAM the Infamous Canned fucking Meat adds Pumpkin Spice to the Ears and Assholes or Whatever Meat Scrap Dog Food They Use. Again I Think We all can fucking Agree when there is a Pumpkin Spice Spam shit has Gone WAY TOO fucking Far.

Now as Far as Starbucks is Concerned its Nothing More than a Caffeine Fueled Scam. Coffee is Simply Hot Water Filtered through fucking Coffee Bean Grounds so Essentially it’s Hot Caffeinated Coffee Flavored fucking Water. And We could care the fuck Less about all the Bullshit Gimmicks (There Others then just the Pumpkin Spice Shit) like Whip Cream Topping, Sprinkle of fucking Cinnamon, Adding Caramel fucking Drizzle it’s all Horseshit. Also We Do Not Give a Flying fuck that They call Their Employees as fucking Baristas or That They sell fucking Fruit. Not to Mention the Pathetically  Lame CDs (Yeah fucking CDs believe that Shit) by People NO ONE GIVES A RAT’S ASS ABOUT which is Why Their CD is being Sold at a Pompous Over Rated Commercialized Coffee Shop Chain.

Bottomline on this Starbucks bullshit is They try WAY TOO FUCKING HARD to come off as Some Authentic High Class Italian Coffee Shop. The Reality it’s Run by Greedy Corporate Whores and is a Americanized Wannabe Classy European/Italian Bistro when it’s just a SCAM to get Gullible Gimmick Loving Lemmings to Pay $9 for Hot Coffee Flavored Water. If Your a Starbucks Fan and get all Bent about this Please Go Butt Chug a $12 DickNip-Dipshit-Half Caff Motherfucking Mocha Latte on Us  (and Don’t forget the fucking Pumpkin Spice Asshole)!!!


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CONSUMING and EMBRACE YOUR MADNESS by Content Swedish Creator Alex Unger Who makes Stop Motion Animations as Well as Sculptures in His Free Time. Unger Posts His Videos to His Youtube Channel called Guldies which are Almost Exclusively Tutorials in Sculpting and Animation. But there are Exceptions to/for EVERY Rule and there is a Small Handful of Surreal, Sick, and Twisted Animations. Both of the Videos Showcase a few of User’s Monstrous Mutant Sculptures, and to be Fair Our Favorite of the Two would be CONSUMING. Though We do think EMBRACE YOUR MADNESS is a way fucking cooler Title.

CONSUMING: Is a Slide Show of Two Humanoid looking Mutant Creatures Eating Babies or at Least a Baby.

EMBRACE YOUR MADNESS: Again is a Slide Show Showing the Creative Construction of an Abominable Beast that is Pure fucking Nightmare Fuel. The Creepy Creature Reminds Us of Something Straight Out of the HELLRAISER Movie Franchise and We fucking LOVE HELLRAISER.

CREATIVE NOTE: All Unger’s  of the Monstrous Monstrosities in these Videos were Constructed Using Acrylic Paint and Super Sculpey.


Description By Alex Unger The Creator of COMSUMING:

“We leave the younger generation helpless, without a chance to stop us. The unborn can’t even beg us to stop.. We eat our way to human misery.” I  



“I made a small piece of art…”


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober  


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring BACKROOMS – HOLES which is the Latest Installment from the Psychological Horror Web Series by Kane Pixels. The Backrooms  is a Creepypasta that originated from a Thread on the /X/ Board of 4Chan on May 12, 2019, where an Anonymous User asked Others to “Post Disquieting Images that just Feel ‘Off’.” There the First Photo Depicting the Backrooms was Uploaded, Presenting a Slightly Titled Image of a Sickly Yellow-Colored Hallway. Another Anonymous User Commented on the Photo with the First Story about the Backrooms, Claiming that One enters the Backrooms when They “No Clip Out of Reality in the Wrong Areas.”, which is a Video Game- Related Term Originating from the Popular Video Game DOOM for when a Player Passes Through a Physical Boundary that would Otherwise Block Their Way.

The Comment inspired an Expanded Version of the Creepypasta as well as YouTube Videos on the Topic (and of Course a Video Game). The Backrooms Creepypasta was made into a Short Horror Film and a Horror Series by 16 Year Old American Director, Visual Effects Artist, and Youtuber Kane Pixels. The ongoing Online Horror Series’s First Installment was Uploaded to Youtube on January 7th, 2022 and Then the Rest of the Series was Posted over the Course of the Last Few Months (All Previous Installments are Posted Here for Your Connivence).

This Unique Series does Something Rare Especially Now a Days which is it Simply fucking gets Better with Each Episode. The Series is also Incredible at Building the Tension of Each Installment until the fucking Anxiety of the Characters Bleeds through the fucking Screen. The Backrooms is Definitive fucking Proof You don’t Need a Shit Ton of Cash, Hollywood, Big Movie, An Orgy of CGI, Big Production Companies, Big Time Studios, Famous Actors, Film School/Degree, Jump Scares, or Even Gore to Mindfuck and Creep the Shit out the Audience. We would like to Acknowledge that this Incredible Series’s Sense of Desperation, Dread, and Isolation that Drives this Horror/Sci Fi Horror Series is Building and it’s Building Quickly. The Latest Installment BACKROOMS – HOLES really Ramps Up the Storyline from being Alienated, Alone and Trapped to HUNTED, Alone, and Trapped.

Along the Way Something Interesting Happened a Secondary Channel on BACKROOMS with IDENTICAL fucking Content as Kane Pixels Joined Youtube on November 24, 2016 where as Kane Joined Youtube on April 13, 2015. AND the Channels Name is Async Research which is the EXACT same Name of the Fictitious Organization/Company in Kane’s Backroom Series. As You may Imagine this has Raised Several Questions. You see one of the BIGGEST fucking Bitch in the BACKROOM is While Kane and Whoever the fuck Async Research is are KILLING it there is a fucking Blitzkrieg of Other Backroom Bullshit that Only Adds to the fucking Overall Chaos.

As it Turns Out the A-Sync Research Channel which we thought was a Secondary Channel created by Kane Pixels to Advance the Plot Line and We apparently were Wrong (at least as Far as Face Value is Concerned). A Comment by whoever the fuck is Responsible for the A-Sync Channel stated that the Channel isn’t Run by Kane Pixels, but instead it is Inspired by Him. So what the fuck is this all about then? Good fucking Question and Here is Our View on it. This A-Sync Person/People are NOT Random or Fans involved in some Fan Fiction Bullshit. This Person/People are OBVIOUSLY Collaborators working Side by Side with Kane Pixels since the Video Theme, Quality, and Feel of Each others Videos Coincide with One Another. The Other thing worth Noting is the Series was Originally Titled “THE BACKROOMS” and Now has been Simplified to Just “BACKROOMS” have No Idea Why but like We said We felt it was Worth Noting.

The Channel’s Self Description is as Follows:
“The A-Sync Research Development Team (ARDT) is an organization that is dedicated to bringing the world more affordable living space and solve overpopulation around the globe. The ARDT was formed in September 1983.” and that “This channel is heavily inspired by Kane Pixels: https://www.youtube.com/KANEpixels”

With that Said this Post is a Bit Different as We will be Featuring BACKROOMS – HOLES that was Posted 11 Days Ago on the Async Research Channel. What’s Different this Time is We are Also Including I REMEMBER that was Posted on Kane Pixels Channel a Month Ago and is the ONL:Y Title in the Series so Far to NOT have Backrooms in the fucking Title. This is Our Attempt to keep the this shit Straight especially with all the Aforementioned Other Backroom Bitches Pumping Out Generic, Talentless, Boring Backroom(s) Click Bait Bullshit. So Let’s Get Started Shall We, Yes Lets. First Off Here is BACKROOMS – HOLES followed by I REMEMBER.


As We said this Series has Steadily Building Tension with Each New Installment. In this Installment there 2 Key Points that need Addressing. First Off We now Definitively Know Chris (The Camera Man) is Absolutely NOT ALONE as the Blasphemies living in the Backrooms make Their Presence Well Known. Second is Where Does Chris End Up by the End of the Video? Is it a New Level of the Backrooms or just a Continuation of the Level Chris is Currently on? Either Way You look at it Chris Life  is in Now in Serious fucking Peril that’s for fucking Sure.

BACKROOMS – HOLES Description: This is a …. continuation of the tape that -..-. was recorded by civilian Christopher E. ***** This footage was .— recorded on February 2nd, 1984.


Now Something rather fucking unusual happened when We watched I REMEMBER and that was the Comment at the Top of the List by Someone going by Kattowo Caught Our Eye. This is fucking weird because We specifically Avoid the Comment Section due to the Fact it’s usually just useless babbling bullshit. You know the shit We’re talking about its the mindless fluff like “Great Video Keep Up The Good Job.”, “What a Shitty Video” or Perhaps Something utterly Asinine like “Totally Creeped me Out” or some other Nonsense. Lets fucking Face it the Comments Section is as fucking Useless as Any and All Social Media Platforms where Every Asshole thinks They’re a fucking Genius and the World cares about Their Opinion. TO BE CLEAR as a General Rule of Thumb We DO NOT give a Shit, Flying Fuck, or a Rat’s Ass about anything anyone has written in any Comment Section. With that Said there are ALWAYS Exceptions to the Rule and Kattowo would be that Very Exception. We were Surprised by the Detailed Analysis and How Actually fucking Though Provoking it is. We decided to give Kattowo the Credit They Deserve for a Job well Done and so Here is the  Comment made by Kattowo.



“Immediate interpretation: the “sea/ocean” is meant to represent the Backrooms; Talking about a house and other things “cast down to the seabed with all the other forgotten things.” As in objects or places that were forgotten becoming a part of the Backrooms. And the person talking, the person who “remembers” could represent Async, who rediscovered that which was once forgotten. An example being the Picture seen in “Found Footage #2” and the home video. This could explain why the Backrooms is the way it is in the first place: it’s the physical manifestation of being forgotten. “Folding downwards, into themselves” “Forever tearing along the seams of the sky” Describing how the Backrooms molds these memories into something; only to tear itself and all reality apart– creating a labyrinth of twisted halls that look like they were made by humans… but could never have been due to how unreal they are.”


It is What it Is,

 Presented By Les Sober

SAMURI SLASHER or When You Forget To Samurai Slice The Like Button

Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring SAMURI SLASHER or WHEN YOU FORGET TO SAMURI SLAISH THE LIKE BUTTON by Content Creator Who goes by jeftric Who Directed, created, starred, edited by jeftric the SAMURI SLASHER. It appears jeftric is switching His Channel’s Content from Mindless Video Game Bullshit to Horror. SAMURI SLASHER is jeftric’s First Official attempt at Horror and for what it is it’s rather entertaining as First Attempt go.

Now What We got a Kick Out of was the Fact that this is an Absurd Comedy Horror. It’s fucking Obvious by the Duel Titles that it isn’t a Horror Movie meant to Scare the Holy fucking shit Out of the Audience. It reminds Us a Great fucking Deal of Tromp Team Releases that Help Independent and Rather Odd Film Makers get Their Films Made. Trim Releases is NOT to be Confused with Tromp Entreatment that Produces Their Own Unique Brand of Gore Drenched Juvenile Humor Fueled Horror Flicks.



Plot Summary:

A Teenager is at Home opting to watch New YouTube Videos instead of attending a Party. A Friend of His calls Him and Insists that He watch the News Immediately. The News Broadcaster is Informing the Public of a Psychotic Serial Killer know as “The Samurai Slasher” who is Running Amok Murdering Anyone who hasn’t Hit the like Button on a Particular Youtuber’s  (coryxkensin) New Video within the Next 24 Hours…….



It is What it Is,

 Presented by Les Sober

A Hard Fork For Humanity

Welcome to Today’s Post featuring A HARD FORK FOR HUMANITY by Content Creator Known as Umami (aka Justin Tomchuk) Who is a Canadian Artist and Content Creator who makes Surrealist Animated Videos. We can say in All and Utter Honesty is this is by FAR the Trippiest Mindfucker  of Video by Umami that We have seen to Date. Not Only that it just so Happens to Also be One of the Trippiest Mindfucker Videos We have ever seen Period.

Now We really Can’t Begin to Describe this fucking Video worth a Damn, BUT luckily for Us the Description by Umami well Simple fucking Says it All. I know it We could be Accused of just “Phoning it In”, and to Those We say Watch this Motherfucker and THEN see if You still Think So. In Our Humble Opinion to get the Most Perspective it’s Beneficial to Smoke some Weed while Watching. So with that Said without Further Ado here is A HARD FORK FOR HUMANITY…….


Description by the Creator Umami:

Aboard the SpaceX Starship heading to Mars, a sentient packet of soup mix comes alive to school Elon Musk about its future inhabitants.


It is What it Is,

  Presented By Les Sober


Welcome to Today’s FYB Post featuring CLEAN FACES by the Content Creator known as Burden. Burden Claims Their Work as “For those who are no longer human. For those who can’t relate. Videos range from unruly despair to unrecognized rage. Deprived Visions.” Who or Whom Burden is remains to be seen, but Here’s a would be Rundown of this Obscure Channel. Burden is a Small Channel that has a Collection of Strange/Unexplained/Mysterious Videos that could Possibly be an ARG, an Art Project, Gorilla Advertising, or Just the Crazy fucking shit Spewing from Someone Who forgot to take Their fucking Medication.


Burden’s Stats::

First Showed Up on October 2, 2009
Has a Total of 7.86 Subscribers
It has a Total of 469,063 Views
The Name at the End of the About Message is Signed by Deprived Visions Why and for What Reason We have Yet to Discover.
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time was Posted on September 10, 2020
Your Ride In The Foggy Tunnel Of Time has a Total of 1,673 Views
The Channel has just Over a 100 Videos in All.


Honestly Our Best Guess is it’s some Seriously Dark Social Commentary on Society and the So Called Human Experience. The Stranger Scenes that may be Unsettling to Some of a Mass of Writhing Maggots, Rotting Animal Carcass, Horde of Hornets, and What Appears to be a fucking Bizzarro Autopsy seem to Symbolize Society/Humanity as a Large Unthinking All Consuming Mass of Parasitic Creatures that Lack Personality and Individuality. Also the Use of Clips from a Popular American TV Show Only Fuel the Social Commentary Hypothesis as Morning TV Shows are Know for being Mindless Fluff Masquerading as Entertainment. Some Key Points the Show Hosts Touch on that Promote the Social Commentary Hypothesis  are the Following:

  • “…Heal the Wounds in the Country Not Exacerbate Them.”
  • The Phrase “Tumultuous Times”
  • “Lost Sight of Ourselves…”

Yet in the End it’s Up to You to Decide for Yourself What You Believe CLEAN FACES is and is About or What the fuck it is Meant to Be.

Description By Creator Burden:

Wake up and smile. To be more present and in the moment.


It is What it Is,

Presented By Les Sober