The Horrors in American History: Here Comes The White Guys

Lets face it people White People are Evil as fuck.

I can definitely say that being that I am White, so white in fact if I was any whiter I’d my skin would be translucent. I’m not kidding here I make an Irish man look like some sun bathed Life Guard from Baywatch or some shit.

Now here comes the reality behind that statement.

White Europeans spent Thousands of years Waring for Land and Power or torturing/murdering in the name of Their “God”.

Point being White Europeans were fucked, (then again if you lived through the fucking Black Plague of course your going to be fucked in the head as you watched Two Thirds of Europe die) before they started considering the possibility of Land beyond the boarders of the Oceans.

As for Mr. Christopher Columbus well to refresh our collective memory first of all WASN’T EUROPEAN (AKA WHITE) He was an immigrant from Italy which makes him Mediterranean.

Second he DIDN’T discover America because he was such a shitty explorer that he ended up in the fucking Caribbean haven grossly undershot his initial target.




Now fast forward to Between April 2nd to the 8th 1513 When THE SPANISH EXPLORER Juan Ponce de Leon first LANDED on the shores of Florida near St. Augustine and knew it wasn’t fucking India.

Alright now We head to November 11, 1620 when FINALLY WHITE EUROPEANS Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock after a 66 days Voyage to escape from Britain. 107 fucking years AFTER Ponce de Leon mind you.

The Pilgrims had Their reasons for making such a treacherous and undoubtedly dangerous as fuck journey across the Pond.

The Pilgrims primary issues were One the fucking Tyrannical and Corrupt as hell British Government who just loved taxing the shit out of Their citizens, and generally treating anyone other than Royalty like complete shit. Also the Pilgrims were being Persecuted like a motherfucker for Their Religious Beliefs.

So bottomline life in Britain sucked so goddamn bad the Pilgrims risked life, and limb to escape to the other side of the fucking Ocean for fuck’s sake.

As well all are well fucking aware the Indigenous Indians basically saved the Pilgrims lily White asses from certain death by starvation. And for the most part everyone got along pretty fucking well.

Basically as time ticked on the White Man started to require more and more land up and down the East Coast. Then once that was done They headed slowly but surly farther and fucking farther out West.

Now the ENTIRE fucking time in his pursuit of Land, Power, and Valuable Resources the White Man did everything thing he could think of to totally fuck over the Indigenous Indian Tribes every fucking day of the week and twice on fucking Sundays.

Lets fucking face it ANY, EVERY, AND ALL Deeds, Deals, Treaties or Contracts between the Indians and The White Man were egregiously disregarded, Violated, and Ignored by The White Man rendering them utterly Null and Void.

And when Corruption, Back Stabbing, Lying, Cheating, Stealing, and Two Faced Tactics didn’t work or took too damn long the White Man decided to commit NATION WIDE GENOCIDE. The White Man took to Murdering Indians without Remorse or Consequence with ongoing encouragement from THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.

One way it made mass murdering the Indigenous People was by Demonizing them, and in this case the White Man used HIS FUCKING RELIGION to justify endless killing. The White Man stated that since these Indigenous People were NOT CHRISTIANS then they were nothing more than Violent Savages, and Uncivilized Heathens something so low it was no longer even to be considered a Person. Not very fucking Christian you ask Me.

Don’t get me wrong there were a number of Indigenous People who the fucking White Man didn’t Kill either through Murder or Disease (ex. Small Pox and other European Diseases that the Native Indians had no resistance to so They became sick and subsequently died. That had to fucking suck ass).

Since these Indigenous People were still alive but defeated as fuck The White Man was fucking kind enough to move The Survivors onto what is called a Reservation.

Reservations kind of sound alright until you fucking realize it just a shitty piece of Land with FEW to NO Resources, Sucks for Farming, Sucks for Hunting and Fishing, and the Weather is Brutal with Harrowing Heat in the Sweltering Summer, and The Crippling Cold of Winter.

So basically a Reservation was, and is unwanted undesirable scrap of shitty land that White Men didn’t/don’t want so They dumped the Indigenous Indians there like a Human Landfill of Flesh.

Not to fucking mention as a side note The White Man introduced ALCOHOL to Native Americans who have an unfortunate predisposition to Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The SOLE REASON for the introduction by The White Man was to help cheat The Native Americans on fucking various Deals and Treaty’s. The saying was “Its easier to make Deals with Drunken Indians.”

My point is this ALL FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE ARE IMMIGRANTS Whose Ancestors came to America to be Free, were saved from a miserable fucking death by the Native Americans, then turned around and, Robbed, Raped, Cheated, Murdered, and EFFECTIVELY STOLE AMERICA PIECE BY PIECE FROM THE NATIVE AMERICANS THROUGH MURDER AND DOUBLE DEALINGS..

TO  all the Racist Assholes in America :

THIS ISN’T YOUR COUNTRY YOUR THE SON/DAUGHTER OF A IMMIGRANT. Columbus didn’t discover A FUCKING THING, and The Spanish got here over 100 fucking years before the first White fucking European from fucking Britain. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ENTITLED RACIST FUCKWITS.

Our PILGRIM ANCESTORS brought “the Plague of The White Man” to the Shores of America looking for shelter from a CORRUPT AND OPPRESSIVE FUCKING GOVERNMENT as well as RELIGIOUS GODDAMN PERSECUTION, BUT In The End They Became a Corrupt Government , and Religiously Persecuted the Indigenous People for being “Non Christians”.

Nazis, Klans Men, White Nationalists and other Racist Scumfucks are HYPOCRITICAL, IGNORANT, WHITE TRASH PIECES OF SHIT.

Fuck All Forms of Racism.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

The Darker Side of Social Absurdities.

Lets face it some(if not all) Social Norms and Conventions are just a ridiculous bunch of shit. Social Norms and Conventions are truly funny fucking things thats for sure.

I mean these are things We do without question. We don’t even think about it We just do almost on Instinct. And We don’t question Social Norms and Conventions because They have become Second Nature having been deeply ingrained in our minds brainwashing the shit out of Us since We were fucking Babies.

So then Society has Unwritten Rules about how Citizens of a Civilized Society should Behave (according to the Majority anyway.) Now if One stops to think about one of these Unwritten Rules One can see that more than most of Them Defy Logic in Their Absolute Absurdity.

Time for an Example. Heres one The Flyer/Poster Scenario. Now its likely to say most of Us have been in this position at least once in Our lives, and if not then you still definitely know what I’m talking about anyways.

Lets say You have a bunch of Flyer/Posters You want to put up for a Lost Pet or Selling a Car or Advertising an Event (Such as a County Fair or School/Church Event), and You want to Post some up in heavily trafficked areas like certain Business/Stores/Restaurants.

Now the Social Norm/Convention tells Us that if We are going to ask to hang up a Flyer/Poster at said Business/Store/Restaurants then You should buy something. Nothing Big just some small item or some bullshit before making Your formal request.

This is something that as even You Our Dear Reader having read the above are thinking:

“So why the hell should I give a shit about this post, everyone knows that. Its such commonplace knowledge that its fucking boring?!”

Well then Dearest Reader heres My Point this little Socially Structured Situation is actually quite Dark in Nature.

Allow Me to Explain if You will.

To start off with there is Business/Store/Restaurant Employee who is charge be They a Supervisor, Regional Manager, Owner, CEO, Manager, Assistant Manager, Manger of Managers or what fucking ever Their bullshit Title is.

Second You have The Citizen wishing to through up some Flyer/Poster for some Personal Reason Financial or Otherwise.

As dictated by Societal Unwritten Rules of Conduct The Citizen walks into the Establishment, and locates some minor purchase. Once the purchase is picked The Civilian promptly pays for it.

ONCE the monetary transaction is complete The Citizen makes Their request Directly to the Cashier (who may or may not refer The Citizen to “Management”) or  to “Management” Themselves.

THE CITIZEN is thinking that since They bought something regardless of its size or value that the Ball is in Their Court. See No One said The Citizen couldn’t buy Their weekly groceries at said establishment before asking instead of just purchasing  a Candy Bar is all I’m saying.

The Citizen perceives They have the so called advantage because that purchase is basically a fucking Bribe. Its a variation of “If You Scratch My Back I’ll Scratch Yours”, BUT in this case The Citizen has already scratched the Business’s back by buying some shit or another.

This makes the Citizen confident enough that Their request will not be denied. The Citizen figures what asshole would say no to someone who shopped at Their establishment especially if Their other Customers around, No one likes a scene and no one wants to look like the asshole.

As for The Business Representative in charge comes out and immediately sees The Citizen, AND that They have indeed made a purchase at Their Establishment.

So The Business Representative figures fuck it They have a couple free minutes so no harm in hearing The Citizen out anyways. Plus The said Citizen has also made a purchase so The Business has already banked some bucks. And letting Citizens post up Flyers/Posters or even having a Community Notice cork Board deal is GOOD PUBLIC RELATIONS which leads to more SALES.

In the end 90 plus percent of the fucking time The Citizen’s request will in fact be granted due sold to this Absurd Arrangement.

What I pointing out is this is NOT just a everyday pleasant Nicety its an exercise in Manipulation and Self Serving. Each Party has a set goal in The Citizen wants permission for Their Flyer/Poster, and the Business wants what Business want TO GET PAID. And to achieve Their goals each side uses a Accepted Social Practice of “Buy Before You Ask” to essential manipulate the situation in Their particular favor.

Moral of The Post: Think About Something Before You just Accept It as Is.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

System Recovery

If you had a button to press in your life where you could go back to any different point, where would you go???? Who would you be with??? Where would you be going???

I’ve thought about this one quite a bit because of a dream I had today. It was really devoid of almost all detail. It was me and 3 other people whose faces I could not see running through a field.

In the past, I would have thought that these 3 people were some of the men I’ve dated, had relationships with from my past. At other times I thought these were people from the future. But the more I think about it and realize it does not matter where they come from.
It is just a dream and the main thing behind it is the happiness, the feeling of carefree, not trying to analyze the who/what/where/whens of the situation.

I do not know where I would push this button because every person who has crossed my path, well if I thought of them they each would have their own button in my heart. The only people whose buttons would intercept would be 2 hot guys from a threesome or people whom I had only met at a concert or on vacation. The people closest to me and my soul and my being and my heart well…….

There would be no one place….there would be innumerate multiple places.

I mean sure for selfish reasons, I might choose to go back to a place where I had tons of money or I had naivety in love. These might not be satisfying to me now though because everything changes. I’m sure if I could go back to when I was 18 I probably would bitch slap myself and start screaming, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!”. That actually might be fun as long as I didn’t scar the future me that is currently writing this schlep.

Honestly though this is probably a cop out but I would go back to one of my favorite concerts of all time (there have been several) and I would bring all of my closest friends throughout the years. And they would all get along. And run across the fields in bliss. It would be just like my dream. Only with audio.

 By SpaceDog

Tech Support is a Shitty Scam

We have all been there Countless Times over the Years to say the fucking least. At the most inconvenient moment possible some piece of technology that We are using/Need takes a massive shit, and refuses to right itself.

And after tooling around with the Device like the good old “Turn it off and on Again”  and other DIY tricks of the trade. When nothing within the realm of fucking Logic doesn’t work, and your Device is still having a Tantrum like a bratty fucking child We break the fuck down, curse under Our breath, and call Tech Support.

Yeah those Less Than Helpful 9 out of 10 times with Their bullshit attitudes, and general hating of They’re Lives. Well yup you fucking guessed it some of that Trifling Tech shit happened to Me just the other fucking day.

I jumped on My trusty fucking Laptop (AKA My Partner in Crime) logged on to the site here, and it was all normal until I pulled up a Post I was in the middle of working on. Thats when I found out My Format had somehow become completely fucked rendering pretty much everything if You think about it to a grinding halt.

I spent little over a hour trying My best to remedy the situation, but to no avail. I finally had to accept the fucked up fact that I’d have to call Tech Support in for this fucker.

I spent 40 fucking minutes talking with the first Guy and LITERALLY GOT NO WHERE. Apparently He couldn’t access My screen to see what the fuck I was seeing because something on My end effectively blocked Him before He could.

Well this dumb fuck tells Me since the issue is on My end I need to shut off whatever the fuck it is thats locking Him out. So I said fine tell Me then how the fuck I do it and I will now,  BUT thats when the TECH SUPPORT GUY informs Me for some unexplainable reason He can’t.

I then told the Guy how fucking stupid and utterly fucking absurd the issue was. Here I am the Tech Noob asking Him for help only to have Him tell Me Me He CAN”T DO A DAMN THING TO HELP. Then the Tech Expert tells the Noob He needs to figure out an issue the fucking TECH FUCKING EXPERT CAN’T.

Needless to say I was transferred to a Second Guy in what I was told was the TurdPress Live department.

After having to tell the Second joker all over again what the fuck was going on He tells Me He’s all too familiar with the issue and that He sees it several times a Month.

I then ask Him what the hell happened to which He replied an Automatic Update (I have experienced any such fucking thing, at least nothing fucked up like it in the 4 plus years I have been Paying this Provider) had a faulty Plugin that either didn’t load or it only partially loaded either way thats what clusterfucked My Beloved Format.

Now I’m feeling a bit better at least the Second Joker is familiar with the problem, and sounds like this Guy can fix it since He had NO trouble diagnosing the problem in great detail at length. Well I was Wrong.

The next fucking thing I know is this asshole is telling Me for some reason He won’t fucking tell me He can’t intact Fix the issue. I mean shit at least the First Joker had a reason for His incompetence. This Guy had DICK.

I then realized where the fuck this conversation was inevitably headed and that time I was right fucking on.

This assfuck goes on to say that if I want the problem fixed (and remember I can’t write/Post a goddamn thing without My fucking Format being fixed/working) I have to SIGN UP FOR THEIR TURDPRESS LIVE SERVICE.

Apparently They like SO many Others use TurdPress, but in this incidence the Provider Company created TURDPRESS LIVE just to handle all the fucking issues all the fucking users where having. How fucked is that shit I ask You?! A Secondary Company had to create a Tech Support Department to handle THE FIRST COMPANIES USER’S PROBLEMS.

Anyway I damn well know signing up for ANY and ALL ADDITIONAL SERVICES translates into “But You’ll have to PAY US MORE MONEY.” So I ask this fucking Guy how much, and He has the balls to tell Me its “just” a couple hundred a month.

He then lets Me know that most People sign up only for a few/couple months and then drop it like some People do with HBO and Their Game of Thrones Show as well as Other Similar Sinarios with Different Shows.

Bottomline is I’d have to buy a MONTH worth of Support to fix this one issue. I then asked this idiot what the fucking alternatives would be, and He says to surf forums asking questions (and see what the fuck happens) or scouring YouTube to see if You might find something of use. Both would require a great deal of time and effort, but still it all could come up with absolute dick as far as answers.

I was well pissed off by now as anyone would and told this clown I’d have to think about some shit and call back later or something. I sat around for a while killing time before My Wife came home form Work spitting venom.

I for one am SICK AS SHIT that I Pay all these different fucking companies and They all tell Me about the fucking spectacular Customer Service They provide for Their Customers.

Then You have an actual problem thus You call them for Help ONLY TO BE TOLD IT WILL COST YOU MORE FUCKING MONEY for Their Service that can actually fix the fucking problem/Provide the Service You want or need.

I mean where the fuck is the Customer Service Help I’m ALREADY FUCKING PAYING FOR?! How come all these phone fucks can do is charge Me more through some Upgrade orSpecific Service. Talk about Double Billing.

HERE’s The Kicker. Once My Wife got home see took a look at it and had it totally fixed in UNDER 15 Minutes FOR FUCKING FREE.

Tech Support/Customer Service can EAT SHIT SANDWICHES In Jersey.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

“Nazi Punks Fuck Off!” : No Room For Racists

Its fucking Tragic that I’m starting this post with the following Statement. The Statement is I’m glad as hell My Father Died before having to witness the resurgence of Racism in America (under The Obese Orange Fear Mongering Traitorous ASSHOLE like Fithly 45.

It has gotten to the point I throw My fucking Phone when I read about some Racist Fuckwit on Twitter or struggle like a motherfucker to not kick in My TV when I see that Racist Bullshit on the Fucking Nightly fucking News every other fucking day.

SO I’VE FUCKING HAD IT, In the immortal words of Popeye:

“I have had all I can Stands and I can Stands no more.”

Now is the Time for Me to do what I do Rant, Rave, Riot, Rebel, and Rail against these damnable Racist Twats. I’m so fucking Angry I’m on the fucking edge of giving Myself a fucking Aneurysm I swear to God.

I’m going to be making two points in this post (and possibly 2 separate parts. The First being a Commentary on the State of Affairs today pertaining to Racism, and the Second will be a brief and brutal History Lesson for all the ignorant Racist assholes.

Alright here We go Kiddies………

I would like to start by addressing the Basic Human Behavior that Spawns Racist Douche Bags. Now everyone agrees Racism stems from Hate, but thats not where the Psychology ends.

You see Dear Reader’s there as We all know 2 basic Human Emotions that ALL OTHERS are born from, and their not exactly what You think they are. I pretty fucking positive most People would simple roll Their fucking eyes, and say DUH everyone knows its LOVE AND HATE.

And They’d be WRONG. Close but NO CIGAR Guys.

You see Love is correct as it is one of the aforementioned basic Human Emotions, BUT the other isn’t Hate its FEAR. That is People Hate what They Fear hence the term “White Fear” which I will get back to later in this post.

With that said lets continue shall we.

The first point I’d like to make is the White Nationalists (or Nationalists as The Scumbags call Themselves now because White was obviously too blatantly Race Related) are the EQUIVALENT of the New Klux Klux Klan.

That’s to say They are Closet Racists who hide Their Racist Feelings/Ideology from Others, and only dare express Their Racist Beliefs behind closed doors.

Don’t get Me wrong now there are still a handful of The KKK Kunts (Yes I know I spelled cunt wrong for alliteration purposes) sprinkled around America still trying to rally the Organization back to its Heyday of the late 1800’s and Early 1900’s.

“Oh look at us dressed in fucking sheets! BOO I’M THE GHOST OF A CONFEDERATE SOLIDER.” Way to stay relevant Dipshits.

Thusly as Time Marched On The KKK for the most part has disintegrated into obscurity only to be found mostly in fucking History Books.

So like the Klan White Nationalists not only hide Their Racism They will flat out fucking deny it if Their confronted with the Question of are They Racist.

Their member demographic is similar in that the members tend to be Older Wealthy Prominent White Men who are Church going Christians who are considered “Pillars of Their Community”.

This is more than likely why these Racist Fucks hide Their despicable views from the rest of Society. They’re the Civilized Racists if you will.

On to the Proud Boys who are some of the biggest PUNK ASS BITCHES I have seen since the fucking Neo Nazi Skinheads.

For Their credit Neo Nazis had a distinct “Uniform” for one consisting of Black or Army Green Flack Jackets, Generic White T-Shirt, Jeans, and Combat Boots usually with Red or White Laces. AND MOST OF ALL the one and most important requirement to be a fuckass Neo Nazi was a SHAVED HEAD. Now its pertinent that I post out this was a time LONG before it became socially acceptable for balding Men to say fuck it and shave it. It was a time well before Shaving One’s head had become some sort of asshole trend.

Also Shitheads that They are also were decently organized having a Hierarchy, Club Houses, Compounds, and a nasty network connecting Each Neo Nazi Gang/Group with one another. This allows them to orchestrate and execute whatever fucked up shit it is They had in Their minuscular minds.

As for the fuckheads that are the Racist (and Homophobic) “Proud Boys” Group of Particular Scum. Well if You ever wondered what the fuck happens to Douchebag, Butt Chugging, Date Rapist Drunken Frat Boy Jocks after collage apparently They join The Proud Pussies.

These assholes are a very loosely run Gang that run around at random beating Minorities and Gays as They are running down the streets. They are generically dressed punk ass bitches sporting Ambercrombe and Finch T-Shirts, Kaki Cargo Shorts, and Sneakers/Birkenstocks.

The Proud Bitches have a founder/leader (who I won’t name because I don’t as to not acknowledge this prick) is a complete fucking tool if there ever was fucking one I assure You of that.

He’s looks like Your run of the Mill Lame Hipster Douche. I mean this motherfucker has the Short 1950’s type hairdo with one of those well manicured Lumber Jack meets ZZ Top fucking beards, and a pretentious Vintage Mustache thats a fucking throw back to The Wild West Days.

The thing I detest the most about both the Nazis AND Proud Bitches is this: They talk mad shit trying to shock the World into thinking Their some sort of Hardcore Hardasses who Everyone is terrified to fuck with.



My proof is this these two Groups fight in Gangs, YOU NEVER SEE ANY OF THEM SQUARE OFF ONE ON ONE.

And thats simply because They damn well fucking know one on one They’d get Their fucking faces split and asses kicked in mere Seconds. They have to fight in numbers because Their to WEAK and too much of a BUNCH OF PUNK ASS BITCHES to fight like a fucking MAN. 

Summation: Racist Cowards are Cunts.

Well Shit. Looks like as to not bore Our Readers I will if fact be posting this Post in 2 Parts.

Stay Tuned Kiddos For Part Two: Horrendous Horrors in American History

Thanks For Reading,

 By Les Sober

The Alienation of Alaska

Lets face it there are only 3 different types of People that reside in the Beautifully Brutal Environment of Alaska. Life even in the most populated places in Alaska (like Anchorage for example) day to day life provides a bleak existence cut off from the rest of the Civilized World.

The Weather with its prolonged Winters, Bizarre Daylight Issues, and Freezing Temperatures is only one reason that Regular People visit, but don’t move to Alaska.

The Other is the effects of the Extreme Isolation, a  virtual Plague of Loneliness and Absolute Alienation.

Living that remotely removed from Established Society can wreak havoc on a Persons Sanity causing anything from Paranoia, Aggression, Crippling Depression, Psychosis, Hallucinations (Auditory as well as Visual), and Delusional Thinking, and thats not nearly all.

Point Being Cabin Fever is VERY REAL.

So considering its Foreboding Reputation based on the Harsh Reality of Life in Alaska it truly takes a particular type of person to not just live but even exist there. For Anyone that is not just willing to, but that can also successfully endure the Alienation (and the untamed Wilderness) that is Alaska.

You might be thinking to yourself who ARE the 3 types of People be one might ask themselves, and heres the answer for those who are wondering.

Now the First Personality Type of living in Alaska is quite obviously the Inuits who are the Indigenous Native People of Alaska whose Families, and Ancestor’s have lived long  before recorded time. So it makes perfect sense why they call Alaska Home.

The Second Personality Type that inhabits the grand State of Alaska are the detrimentally Anti-Social motherfuckers.

I’m talking text fucking book Anti-Social Personality Disorder which is one of the most destructive disorders ever Diagnosed. This disorder can cause (One, Some or All)  behavioral problems such as Deceitfulness, Hostility, Aggression, Impulsivity, Irritability, Lack of Restraint, Manipulativeness, Lying, and lack of regard for Their or Others Safety.

These are simply those People who are SO FUCKED in the Head that they CAN’T and Won’t be a Part of any Society whatsoever.

The Last Personality Type One finds living in Alaska are Those People who are running from something, and that something is usually the Law. And why not Alaska is a perfect place to go if One doesn’t want to be found, it is for all intensive purposes Off The Grid.

Now not all of These People are hardened Criminals, some are running to avoid IRS Problems or are Dead Beat Asshole Dads escaping the obligation of Child Support.

Don’t get Me wrong Though there plenty of  Seriously Hardcore Criminals that came to Alaska to avoid Prosecution. Gang Members, Members of Organized Crime, Murderers, Drug Dealers, and Sex Offenders all using Alaska as a last refuge outside of a Life In Prison.

In Summation the 3 Personality Types That Dwell in Alaska are The Indigenous Natives The Inuit, Anti-Social Basket Cases, and Assorted Criminals/Criminal Elements.

So Come VISIT ALASKA because living there SUCKS BIG TIME.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober


I’m frozen here at the crossroads
Where not a moment of time doth pass
Sitting here with a vacancy sign
Yet it’s been so long
The motel doesn’t remember when it felt its final blast

Bouncing off clouds as expansive as the mind can dream
Listening to the dawn creep forth
Between the cries of the banshees
And your several last hypocrisies

Molded to the roadway
Your spirits charge around
I can feel the victory
Yet am not sure the victory will be found

Bewildered as to why this capsule
Ever travelled so darn far
Hampered by the lack of  brilliance
Why has the darkened sky taken me to the brightest fading star?

Lucid and rebellious
Cunning and mystique
Nothing is remembered
As I hibernate back to my sheath

Terror has forgotten
Malaise has taken its own path
Leaping bugs recalling
When the ground wore down their backs

This dawn has come upon us
We lost it along the way
And as he forever marches
Comes the beauty of my day

By SpaceDog 

Lollipop Chainsaw Ep. 3 : Bullets For Breakfast Cafe Serves Up Hot Lead Hotcakes

Thank God We’ve made it to the Godforsaken Peninsula.

The Wannabe Leader Guy was right there appears to be 3 other people at least they look like fucking People.

Wait what the fuck was that familiar sound?! HOLY SHIT Their fucking shooting at us the fucking Dicks!!

Thats one hell of a fucking Hello. Shit, Shit, Shit gotta find cover quick! Theres nothing decent to duck behind goddamnit.

Ah Ha looks like a rather large fallen Tree trunk, that shit will have to work. Logs fucking SUCK. They barely provide the needed cover, but there so fucking low to the ground that You have to basically lay flat on your back or stomach to fucking protect Yourself.

Oh come on what the fuck is with this Guy He followed me which lets fucking face it was the best move, BUT the fucker dove behind the fucking Log like We’re in some sort of fucking Action Movie. Heres a tip for Him and thats HE’S NO JASON STATHAM thats for fucking sure.

The dumb son of a bitch literally didn’t look be for He fucking Leapt, and the  stupid bastard landed squarely on Me. Goddamn Dude is heavy as hell yet he seems fit as fuck. He’s gotta be all fucking muscle with out an ounce of body fat or some shit like that. Goddamn.

Huh looks like the 3 other People have taken cover hunkered down in the crevices between the Large assortment of Boulders that run down the entire length of the fucking Peninsula.

Apparently I was wrong, They are in fact NOT shooting at us, but rather They’re being shot at as well. So WHO THE HELL IS shooting at us remains to be seen.

The Bullets aren’t coming from the Jungle behind us, and it isn’t the Other 3 People We saw, and so Whoever is Attacking Us They’re shooting at Us from the Water at Us. SO what They fuck are They some fucking Mermaid Militia?!!

The “wish I was leader” dude is about to poke his head up and see if he can see anything pertinent. Hope He doesn’t get shot in the fucking face, of the fucking top of His fucking head gets blown off leaving His brain exposed.

Alright He was successful! I can hardly fucking hear Him even though He’s laying right fucking next to Me. Whoever is firing at us seems to upgraded Their Weaponry.

We gotta do something as this fucking Log is getting Shredded like a big old piece of fucking Cheese, and I sure as fuck don’t want to get ventilated like a I was made of Swiss fucking Cheese either goddamnit.

Time to cash in on the flight or fight principle and utilize the sudden Adrenaline rush surging like Rocket fucking Fuel through My veins. I don’t know about the other Guy, but I’m going to make a B-Line to the Boulders like the Others.

I’m going to tap this Guy on the shoulder or some shit, point words the Boulders, looks at him and then the rocks several times real quick, and then I bolting out from behind whats left of this fucking Log.

Here it goes. Good got His attention and He acknowledged My plan. Nothing left but to haul ass and hope not to get fucking killed in the process.

FUUUUUUUCK!!! The fucking bullets are whistling past Me WAY TOO CLOSE for any comfort. The fucking sand is getting riddled with Bullets sending sizable geysers of sand exploding upwards as it gets pounded by the The Enemy’s Artillery.

I have to see the motherfuckers firing at Us at least if I’m going to die for fucks sake. Alright running like hell and looking left. What the fuck is going on?!! Looks to me like 6 smaller Sailing Vessels sailing like a Flock of Canadian Geese Fly. There’s The Leader out front, and the rest of the “Flock” Flying behind The Leading Goose  in a Triangle Formation.

The Boulders are only a few feet in front of me now almost there, I’m going to make it by God. THANK FUCK I’m finally holed up in a narrow space in-between a couple of the Boulders like its Trench fucking Warfare.

Where the fuck is that other Guy I was with. There He is Goddamnit still half way out on the goddamn Beach. The fucking fool must have paused before following Me, and now He’s in serious trouble.

Ok at least He’s keeping his head down trying to lower himself as far down as he can, and now He’s Zig Zagging like a Zipper with ADHA on Cocaine.

SHIT! He’s never going to make it! Oh God these unknown fuckers just broke out Their Heaviest Artillery and are unloading like theres no fucking sorrow, OH CHIRST HE GOT FUCKING SHOT!!!

Fucking hell He wasn’t so much shot as He was torn the fuck apart, obliterated  into a Confetti of Flesh. Jesus He’s in pieces, well more like bloody chunks of Meat.

I have to make contact with the Others. I wonder where Their finding around here, how close are We to each other?!

Tune In Next Time For

LollyPop Chainsaw Episode 4: Fate In The Forrest

Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober

The Tale of Two Wolves

Residing in the Soul of Every Person are Two Wolves

The White Wolf of Light Embodying All thats Good

And the Black Wolf of The Dark Evil

The Beasts War constantly waging Bloody Battles

The Scales tipping back and Forth

What is Mankind to Do

It comes down to

The One You

Feed The


Thanks for Reading,

By Les Sober