Politics is Full of Assholes

People kept asking me why since I am quite passionate about politics (especially now a days) why I don’t write a post about it. I don’t for a few reasons.

The first I don’t want to waste my time or be annoyed by Political Fanatics who want to endlessly argue THEIR political points, its an exercise in utter and complete futility.

Second it take I image a few YEARS for me to write, and in the end it would be a fucking big book (I wouldn’t split it up over several posts because I’m first and foremost a writer NOT a Politician), and I don’t want to turn into a Political Blog either. That gets boring fast as fuck both for readers and myself.

Lastly beside being a writer I dabble a GREAT deal of Art (Painting, Sculpting, Drawing, all that shit.) SO based on the exactly the same concept of my GG ALLIN Pictorial Posts that a picture says a 1,000 words decided to use pictures. This time the Pictures will no be just a Photo, They will be mostly Mean Motherfucking, Brutally Truthful, and to the point Memes (which combines writing and Photographic Art).

I spent several hours showering the Idiotnet looking for direct to the point, I’m not a Politician NOR am I a fucking comedian.

If for ANY reason you as a Reader feel it necessary to voice your political opinion based on this post (or any fucking thing else) do me a fucking favor. Don’t bother posting the comment instead GO EAT SHIT SANDWICHES IN HELL ASSHOLE.

And So Here We Go…….


  Traitor Turned Wannabe Dictator FUCK 45.


(The GOPieces of Shit)


<Putin Buttplug. Enough Said.


The Uneducated Cult Followers


Habitual Liar Press Sec. Sarah SLANDERS


Fake Fox News AKA GOP Propaganda


Alex “Batshit”Jones   


NRA: Domestic Terrorist Org.


The Resistance.

Post By

Les Sober 

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