Saturday Micro Horror Cinema: THE MIME and THE MIME 2!

Welcome to Saturday Micro Horror Cinema DOUBLE FEATURE featuring THE MIME and THE MIME 2 (That came out on this past Thursday December 9th 2021) Written , Directed, and Edited By Alex Magaña. If The Mime Films Feel a Little Familiar there is a Good fucking Reason for that. Magana also Wrote and Directed the SMILING WOMAN Series, and The Mime is the Far More Unsettling Evolution of Magana’s Classic Hero Versus Villain One on One Format. Luckily for Magana it’s a Format He is quite Good at so He has that going for Him.


Plot: One Late night at a Lonely Train Station, a Commuter is Stalked by a Sinister Mime…

THE MIME CAST: Ericka Bernabe as the Commuter and Isabella Moore as the Mime.


Plot: On a late night at a Train Station, a Lone Commuter is Terrorized by a Ominous and Supernatural Mime…

Commuter – Orion Smith
Mime – Isabella Moore


Thanks For Watching,

  Presented By Les Sober

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