Shits And Giggles: EAT YOUR VEGGIES!

Motherfucking Mondays I’m I right? Of course I damn well am. Thats why I’m delighted to present this demented little dish called EAT YOUR VEGGIES! This 16 seconds of sheer insanity by one of our favorite members of the theater of the absurd Oddest of the Odd. If this doesn’t make your Monday suck less you must be fucking dead.

Plot: When it comes to getting kids to eat their veggies it can be a hell all its own, but this fed up father takes the issue to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of gore soaked insanity!!!

Who Is Oddest of the Odd in Their Own Words: ” (We’re) Just some Filmmakers from Michigan Buttfucking Los Angeles!” #STAYODD

Have a fucking blast,

 Justine Sane

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