Sick Disease: Walking Corpse Syndrome

If there was a Web MD for The Dark Web You would find Diagnosis’s such as this one for Walking Corpse Syndrome, BUT what in Unholy Hell IS Walking Corpse Syndrome Exactly?!

The Definition of Walking Corpse Syndrome is as Follows:


Walking Corpse Syndrome is also known as Cotards Syndrome a Rare, BUT Very Real Delusional Disorder.

Walking Corpse Syndrome Patients Believe that They have in Fact DIED and are NO Longer Among The Living.

Walking Corpse Syndrome Patients also Believe They Have Lost ORGANS, BLOOD, BODY PARTS, And Even Report Feeling BUGS EATING AT THEIR FLESH, as well as SMELLING THEIR FLESH ROTTING.

This Syndrome exists in Patients with Depression, Schizophrenia, Psychotic Disorders, and Dementia.

Cotard’s is thought to be Related to Capgras’s Syndrome, both are thought to Result from a Disconnection between the Brain Areas that Recognize Faces, and the Area that Associates them with the Emotions that are Connected with that Particular Face.

Whit this Disconnect, it creates a Sense that the Face that is Seen is NOT that Person that it Purports it to be, Although it is Identical with the Face it Purports it to be, it Lacks the Familiarity it Should Have.


Documented Cases:

In 2012 a Japanese Man believed He was Dead, and Consulted Doctors to see if His Suspicion was actually True. The Doctors asked the Man if He could come into the Office for a Consultation. The Man could NOT be dissuaded from His Belief that He was for all Intents and Purposes Dead. Eventually The Man was Treated and Responded Well, BUT He Continued to Believe that He had Previously Died only to somehow be Reanimated.


In 2008 a Middle Aged Woman in New York PLEADED and BEGGED Her Family Members to take Her to The Morgue to be with Her Fellow Cadavers. The Woman was Under the Belief that Not only had She Died, BUT that Her Body had started to DECAY.

In 1996 a Young Man in Scotland suffered Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident. While He was Recovering  He came to Believe that the Accident had been Fatal, and Thus He was Dead having Died in the Accident. His Mother decided to relocate The Young Man to South Africa for some Reason. Unfortunately for Her and The Young Man this only served to Reinforce His Delusional Beliefs Believing now He was not Only Dead, BUT IN HELL (This was most likely due to The Extreme African Heat). Believing His Mother had remained in Scotland the Young Man Walked and Talked with the Local People of South Africa under the Belief He had Borrowed His Mother’s Spirit to Help guide Him through Hell.


Note: It is also Believed Walking Corpse Syndrome might be Be the cause behind Swedish Black Metal Musician Per Yngve Ohlin’s (ironically who’s Stage Name was Dead) 1991 Suicide at the Age of 22. Ohlin had a Long and Documented Bouts a Deep Depression and Suicidal Thoughts. Even Ohlin’s Suicide was Evidence of a Severely Troubled Mind as He committed Suicide by First Slitting His Wrists and Throat before Finally Shooting Himself in the Forehead with a Shotgun. Ohlin did leave a Suicide Note that Started “Excuse the Blood”.  Ohlin’s Band Mate and Fellow Member of the Black Metal Band Mayhem took a Photo of Ohlin’s Body Post Suicide. It later became the Actual Album Cover for the Mayhem Bootleg Album Titled “Dawn of the Black Hearts”


Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

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