Similarity Of Father and Son

One Person I rarely talk about is My Deceased Father. While it is True that from My Teens through My Twenties We had a very Tumultuous relationship (and that’s a fucking understatement) We reconciled luckily quite a few Years before He died of Liver Cancer. What the fuck is with Cancer Nowadays in Particular? All I mean is it seems like everyone I hear about Dying Died of some fucking Form of Cancer, and now all I’m left thinking is Jesus the Entire fucking World gives You Cancer or at least has the Potential to. For now though I digress.

There was one aspect of Life that My Father and I always had in Common was a Desire to Enjoy the World Alone. What I mean is My Father always woke up at an Ungodly Hour in the Morning (Typically 4 am), and Loved it. I on the Other Hand was the Polar Opposite in I was a True Night Owl who generally was going to Bed as My Father was getting out of His.


We discovered many Years down the Line that the reason that My Father loved the earliest Hours of the Morning, and I Enjoy the Latest Hours of the Night was the EXACT SAME REASON. The Reason was that at Both Times the World was Simply Still Asleep.

It’s actually Peaceful as No One is Awake to Bother You. The Hassles of the Day  haven’t begone Their Daily Grind. You don’t have to contend with all the fucking Noise Society Creates and Generates during the Coarse of the Day/A Day. Your Cell Phone falls Silent No Texts, No Calls, No Emails, nor DMs/IMs Won’t be coming for a While at least. Held at Bay with Time hough only Temporarily.


The Cars are Quiet, and So Are the Other Machines. The Construction/Landscaping Equipment such as Industrial Mowers and Gas Powered Weed Whackers along with Power Tools, and Dump Trucks, Cranes, or Bulldozers. Road Crews  Jackhammering away at Old Asphalt Only to replace it with Scolding Hot and Pungent Fresh Asphalt.  18 Wheelers haven’t started Rambling Down Roads and Clogging Up Highways while Spewing Whisps of Foul Black Smoke. At these Times the World has Gone Silent, Dormant, Waiting for Its Return to Action.

At These Times One can Think Clearly in the Zen like Still of a Muted World. For My Father it was in Preparation for the Day at hand While I End My Day unwinding from the Day’s Trials and Tribulations.


For once the Day revives Itself it will Crank Out Oceans of Chaos Continuously until It’s next Period of Rest. The Stress and Strain of Social Constrains Cripples Consciouses, Constrains Reason, Lowers Logic, Alienates Intelligence, Ethics Eroded, Morals Mangled, Dreams Suspended, Over Powering People’s Personalities, Itemizing Identities, and Slowly Slaughtering Souls.

For Now I bide My Time until I can Be Myself without Limitations or Laws, Judgements or Persecutions. I wait for the World to Once Again Succumbe to Slumber.

Thanks for Reading,

  By Les Sober

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